efile GRAPHIç pr¡flt - DO NOT PROCESS I as raled Data - Return of Organization Hxempt Ërom lncome Tax ,".*990 50f{c), 527, or 4947(a)(t} of the fnternal Revenqe Code (except private Under section 9J loundations) ) t\1nrrnlrtr of lh* f ¡e¡.rn [¡t¡¡*l llcrunuc \r¡r DLN: 93493132ø31257 ôþ18 No 1646-0047 Do not ènter socral seculty numberu on thrs forrn as tl m¿y be made publrc wj vytt !8,5".ggv/fprm990 ÖpÉn > lnformätfon about Form 990 and ;!s ìostructtons s al r.'c numbcr Ð Employer ctnclË c0 YHÉ t0 Fr¡blí( InspeÇt¡0n 47-28436õ0 Ð5 streel NÛ 2Tû 0 Âpplrtotrol ol pDvinq*! ea ¿ûc Q{ ll¡tt_METTF.:L ß009f G F r1B9 I TEK'€sêmpt$t¿(u* K FÒrm af ÒrgÂnr¿Âtrnn Pàrt Grcte recerÞìs ? 304.884 H(a) Is thrs a grouÞ return for När$ê SYLVIE TFGERE hVI{.MËTTE AVENUÊ 8OX ETO H(b) subordrnatest Üv"u M¡lo Are all sttbordrnôt€s flyes fho ncfuri êd 2 r Ü sorl"¡1 ){{¡nr.rtnÐ} Ü,¡g+r{ul(r)o, Ëc:z Mlsorl.¡1:r¡ HI ff ca{pôràtôn ln,sf tf il Â*srre,¿tr.¡r, lf ''Nô,' H(c) ah¿eh 6 kst (see rnstrucùons) Group.exempt¡on number Þ M gtüaè cf lÊqël demrole I¡/ otr,*, > I L Bflefly dêscrrbê the ûïgänt¿ähon's mlsston ör moåt stgntfrcåñt å(ltvttteg TO ÊNGAGÉ, EI'IPOIÀ1ER, SUPPORT AND EDUCATC WCI"IEN ABOUT PUBLTC POTICY I55UES O a o ü Check thrs box Þ tF thê órgåRrzatron drscontinued rts opÈråtrons or drsposed of môtè thqn 25% of tts net 3 Number of votug members oftÌ:e governrng body (Part Vl, hne 1a) . I ¡ó G/ = F o . 4 f,lumber of rndependsht votrñg members ôf the gôvërnlnq hody (pôn Vl, hné 5 Total number of ¡ndtvrdu¿{s employed rn ealendar year ?0L6 (Part V, hne 6 Total number of vol*nteers {estrmãte if ne*ess*ry} . , Ta Total unrelated busrness aevenue from Pàß V!ll. column (C), Lle b l¡et unrê}äted bu$¡ñe€s taxàble rncome from for:n 990-T, ¡rne t2 34 la) 1b) r 3 4 . . , 0 6 B la 0 7b . Prior Ye¡r qr t d aÊ u & â. l¡J I I Cont¡rbutrons and grants (Pårt VIII, hne Prùgråfll eet'vreê rêveFug (Pèrt V'II, hrìe . 465,11S 303.694 20) , 0 1 200 orfor membe¡s {Part IX, column (A). lrne 5ôlðrresr other coñpêniâtìon, emplôyeô benôfrti {Part lx, BenefÈ6 pard to 16a Professronal fundrarsrng fees {Part !X, column (A), hne b t7 la ?atnl fuftdrèì$¡hq dxÞeniet (pãtt ¡X, cslumr (D), fune à5) 4} o 0 465,1 columô {A), llnes 5.10) 1le) , 0 0 0 o 0 0 . )0 19 ReuenuE less expe¡ses Subtrãct lrne 16 from llñè 12 . 285.586 359,763 2S5,586 359,763 -54,879 ¡ 7Þ.532 ¡e9lnn¡og of Cqrânt Yeàr å 21 2:, Pårt 0 !8 . Othër expenåeË {pårt IX, côlürññ (A), ttnès 1ra-1ld, lff-2"1ô) Total expenses Add ltnes 13-17 (must êq{råi P¿rt IX, cotümn {A), !rne 25) 20 Tôtäl âÊôÈ,t6 (Pårt x" II lrné 0 Cu¡rent Year thj 10 Invertmenl rñcomÉ tPãrt VïÌI, côlurrìn (A), lrnes 3. 4, and 7d ) 11 Other revenue (Fart VlfI. column (A), tlnes 5. 6d, 8c, 9e, 10c, and lle) t? Totàl rÈvenue-ädd lnes B througli 1I (must equal Part VlIl. colum* {A), ne 12) 13 Grårr:s add slmrlär âmounts pard (Part IX, column (A), lrnÊs 1-3 ) 14 1ð 3 5 End of Yeàr ,]^79,532 l6) Toìål håhlúres {Pårt X, lrrìe ?6) , ¡let åssels o¡ fund balances suþlract Ine 21 from l1r'e ¿0 124,551 t 0 179.532 124,653 gitinðturê Blac pÉrJury, I håve knör.,iëdge ¿nd belref, rt rs true. rorì'êrh, âñd ËóñÞlÊtô any l*nowledg¿ to thê ànd rE \" mT ol whrch preparer båsed Òñ ðll has )rl1? û5"11 D.rt¿ 5¡gn Hefe fTytc àr Þnnr ftrnê åñd trtlp PtÍìtf lyp€ $repêrer's n¿r*e ItÞpérÊrs srgnatJrè ]OHN Y'f KEILÉR CÊA .lOHßi W KEILSR Êrrr¡'s n¿rne ¡ GllËSl'lwr\if CpÂS INC Frrm's Ãddresr Þ 5142 !T vEÂt1ùt'¿T sTIìEFT lNofÂNÂpoìJç, DåÞ fpr\ P0 1 -1¿961t F¡rm'É tlN Þ PhD¡e no (.ì17) 2.tl-!999 -15"14ùl)Stl tN .t(i2]4 the IRS d¡scuss lbrs returrì yrjth the preparea shovrn äbove) (see rnstruct ons) For Faperwork Redf¡ction Act l{ot¡ce/ see the depärðle instrvclions. Dvr" ilro l"1ay Cåt No 11È83Y Forrn 990 (2û16) Form 990 (2016) Page 2 Part III 1 Check lf Schedule O contarns a response or note to any ltne ¡n thts PaÉ Enefly descr¡be the organrzalrcn's mtssron Stat€ment of Program Service Accomplishments g lti TO CRËATE CIRCLES ACROSS T¡.IE NATION THAT BRING TOGETHER WOMËN LIVTNG IN THE SAMË COMIV1UNITY TO DISCUSS ANÐ LËARN FROM FACT BASED R,ESEARCH ABOUT POLICIES THAT AFFECT FREE ENTERPRISE ANÞ THI VALUES OF FREEDOM AND IIBERTY WHICIì IMPACT US AtL 1_ Сd the organtzÊtton undertake any srgntfrcant program servtçes durrng the year whtch were not hsted on ü Y." ihe prtor Ëorm 990 ar 990"EZz lf 3 "Yes," descnbe these new servrcêã on Schedule O or rnake srgnrfrcant changes rn how rt coñduçts, any Frogrëm Сd the organrzatron cease çonductrng, nY.u serytces? If 4 4å ü]n¡o M no "Yes," descrrbe these changes on Schedu¡e O the organrzatrôn's progrèm servrce accomplishmentE for eåch of rts three largest prografn servtces, å9 meåsured by expenses Sectron 50l(cX3) and 501(c)(a) organrzatrons are requrrèd to report the ¿mount of grants and allocatrons to others, the total expenses, and revenue, rf any, for each program servrce reported ÐeEcrrbe 1?4,222 rncludrng granÉ of S ) (Ëxpenses s ) (Re\¿enue g TiIE PTLICY CIRCLE DEVËLOPED A PLATFORM \.VHf RE MËf'1BËRS EAN START A CIRCLÊ, M,{NAGË THE GROITTÍI OF THËIR CifìCLË, EFFËCI]VËLY ÕRGANIZË ÉVË¡,]TS AND COÈIMUNICATE 1¡IITH CIRCLE MEMBËRS THE MOBTIË RESPONSIVË STTË ALSO ÊNABLES POSTS AND ÈVÊNTS TO BE PRESENTIDTOALl.CIRCLEMFMSERS\ry]THINASTATE,FACILITATINGCONNECTIOñIANDENCOURAGINGFNGAGEMENT CIRCLFTSC¡"iIVOLOGYISALSOUSEDTO MANAGE C}RCLE EXPANSIOI'I .ACROSS THE COUNTRY AND [.'IEî.IBER ENGAGEf.IFNT \,!TTH THg POLICY CIRCTF (Code CTRCTE TECHI,IOLOGY 4b {Code ) (Ëxpenses E 51,'J52 rncludrtìg grånts ôf S ) (R¿v¿nue $ ) CIRCLe GRÔWTH OUR FC¡CUs ]S ON ÐEVÉLOPING AI,¡D CONTINUOUSIY II{PROV]NG OUR APPROACI{ TO FOSTER GRASSROOT5 GRO\IVTH OF EIRCLES ACROSS THE NAT:OIU TI'18 CIRCLES HAVS 6ROWN FROþT 2 CIRCI-ES IN 2015 TO ABOUT 49 CIRCLËS ATTHE ÊNü OF 201É I¡J 17 $TATES OUR GROWTI-I STEMS FRTM I" EþIBËR RËFÊRRAI-S, COLLABOR,ATIONS T{ITI.{ STATË BASËD THINK TAÍ\IKS, TNfORþIAL ANO FüRMAL ORGANIZATIONS T}ìÉ POUEY CIRCLE CO-N-IOSTÊD ITS FIRST CONFFRENCR IN INDìANAPOI",IS IALLFD WOI,IEN'S TNFI,.UENCñ & LIBFRTY 4ç 1,200 ) ,286 tncludtng qrants óf S ) {ÊxpeÌ"ìses S ¡ {Reeenuû g YHËPOLICYE RCIËHAsOËVELOPEDMATËRTAISTÔET]LfCATËCIRCLËLËAÐËRSON ËDUCATIÕNON]HËPOLIEYCIRCI"ËÛISCLfSSIONFftAMËWORK&POßCY HOV/ TO FACITITATE EËFECTIVË ROUND TABLË DISCIJSSÌONS USING ÏHË IOOIS AVAILASLË ON ÏHË WEBSITË A TIBRARY OF POI-TCY BRIEFS ÊOCUSf;D ON ECONOMICIssUEsISCONTI¡¡UOUSLYBFINGDEVÉLCPËÐASTHECORNERSTONEOFCIRCLED]SCU5SION5 THEPOLÍCYCIRCLEPUBLlsHEsABI-$/EEKLY NEV/SLETTER TO TTS illEMBERS, A Bì-T"IONTHLY NEWSLETTERS, AND A QUARTER,LY ST€WARDSHIP REPORT (Code ) (txpenses (Code POLICY CONTENT & ËDI.JCATIOIç'I rncÌudlng gr"ants of g $ TIE POIICY CIÊ.CLÉ HAS ) (Revenue g ÐEVELOPED 15 NATIONAL LEVEL POLTCY 8RTEFS INCLUDIil¡G A YEAR OF CONVERSATION FRAÞ1EWORK PROVIÞII..IGCIRCIËSWITHTHçMAT.ICDIRÉCTIONFÕRTHËIRCIRCLEI.IËËT}NGg {NADDITION, INCOILASÔRATIONOËSTATËThINKTANKS,TI'iËPOIJCYC¡RctË HAS PUBLISHED FOR ITS MËMBËRS 1? BRThSS ËOR INDIANA ANÞ ITLTNÔIS ËOR 2O¡?, THIS COLT,AIIORATION !ì,ITI'{ NATIONWIDË STATË TfiTNK TANK5 Iû/ILL CONTINUË 4d Other program servrÇes (Descrrbe rn 4e ) $ 41,205 Total program serv¡ce expensec> {Expenses Includtng grants of $ 294,065 ) (Revenue $ ) Forra 990 (2016) Page Paft IV ired Yes 1 is tiir organrzåtron descrlbed rn sect¡on 501(cX3) or 4947(a)(1) (other than a prrvate foundatron)'r Schedule AeU . lf "Yes," eomplete Is the orgenl?BÈlon requrred to complele Schedule B, Schedule of Contrbutçrs (see rnstructrons)? 9l . Ðrd the organteatron engage rn drrect or ¡ndrrect polrtrcal cðmpêlgn acttvttres on bah¿lf of or ¡n opposrtron to candrdates for publrc offrce: If "Yes," camplete Schedu/e C, Part I 4 $ection 50f(c)t3) organizations. Ðtd the organrzetron engage rn lobbytnç actrvrtres, or have a sectron 501{h) electron rn effect durrng "Yes," complete Schedule C, Part IÍ 5 I No Dtd thê orEånlzättôn recelv€ or hold å conservatron eåsèrnent, rncludrng êåEernènt$ to ptelerve opên €påce, th6 envtroñment. htstortc land areË$, or hrstcnc structures? If "Yes," complete Schedule ü, Part II 7 No Þtd the organtzatron marntarn çoltectrons of works of art, hr$tor'rcal treasures, or other srmrlar aEsets? "Yes," complete Schadule Ð, Part Iï I No 9 No 10 No lla No 1lb No l1c No Ltd No 1le No 1lf No 12a No l2b No If Dtd ths orçantzatron repoÊün ãrflaunt rn Part X, lrne 21 for escrow or custod¡al accoqnt lrabrlrty, $erve as a custodlan foramor,lnts ñot l¡sted tn Part X, or ptovtde cred¡t counselrng, debt managemenl, credrt reparr, or debt negotrêtron D, Part IV 11 lf the orgenrzatron's answer to any of the followrng questrons lE "Yes," then complete Schedule D, Parts V[, VII, Vf]I, or X as apphcahle Dtd the organrzatron report an arnount for land, burldrngs. and equrpment rn Paft X,'ürne 10r If "Yes," cornplete Schedule Ð, Part VI Dtd the orçanrzatron report an amount êssets reported rn Pêrt X, lne 16r d e f 12a If for rnvestmentç-other securrt¡es rn Part X, ne 12 that rç 5o/o or more of rts totai 'Yes," camptete Schedule D, Part Vil Drd the organtaalton report an arnount for tnvestments-prograrn relEted (n Pårt X, hne t3 that rs 5dó or more of tts lotal assets reported ln Part X, lrne 162 If "Yes," complete Schedute D, PartVfIl Drd the orgaRrzatron report an arnount for other assets rn Fart X, lrne 15 that rs St/o or more of rts total assets reported rn Part X, ne 16? If "Yes," complete Schedule Ð, Part IX DrdtheorganrzatronreportanàmountforOtherlrabrlrtresrnPartX, lrne25? complateScheduleD,PartX Dld tha organr¿âbron's gepðrete 0r (onsohdåted frnancral statements for the tax year rnclude a footnote that addressen the organrzatron's lröÞrtrty for uncert¿rn tax posütons under Flltl 4ô (ASC 74O)? ff "Yes," compløte Schedu/e D, Part X Did the orçanrzatron obtatn sqpêrate¿ rndependent ardtted frnahcral stâtemenls for the tax year? "Yes," complete Schedule Þ,. Parts XI and XII If b Was the orgönlzatron rncluded rn consolrdêted, rndependent audrted frnancral statemêöt$ forthe tax year? If "Yes," and ¡f the orgânt¿ätþn ànswêred "No" to lme lla, then complettng Schedulê D, Pâtts XI and XII ts optrcnal r-3 ls tlre orgenrzatron a schoot descnbed rn sectron 170(bX1)(AXn)) If "Yes," cornplete Schedule Ë 14a Drd the organrzatron märntarn an offrce, employees, or agents outsrde of the Un¡ted States? b Drd the orgänr¿alron have aggregate revenues or expenses of more than $10,000 from grantmakrng, fundrarsrng, busrness. rnvestment, aad program servlce actrvrtles outslde lhe Un¡ted States, or aggregate forergn rnv€stments valued at $100,000 or moreT If "Yes,' complete Schedule F, Parts I and IV , , 15 1ö L7 No 6 i Ðrd the orçänrzätron. drrectly or through a related orgã.¡rzatron, hold assets rn temporarrly restncted endowments, perrnaneht endowments, or quasr-endowments? If "Yeç," complete Schedu/e Ð, Patt V , c 4 No 10 b No 3 5 servtces?.Íf "Yes," complefe Schedule a Yes Drd the orgånrzatton mê¡ntêln àny donor advrsed funds or any srmrlar funds or âccôunts for wh¡ch donors have bhe rrght to provtde adv¡ce on the dtstrrbut¡on or tnv€sÈment ol'amounts rn such funds or äccounts? If "Yes," comptete Schødule Ð, Pårt . I . I 2 Is the orgãnrzatron a sectron 501(c)(4), 501(cXs), or 501(c)(6) organrzatron that recerves membershrp dues, assessments, or srmrlar anÌounts as defrned rn Revenue Êrocedure 98-19? "Yes," comp[ete Schedule Ç, F¿rt Iil 7 Yes the rax yeàr2 If 6 No 1 2 3 If 3 les Drd the organrzatron report on Part IX, column (A), lrne 3, more than $5,000 of grants or other assrstance foreign orçanrzatron? If "Yes," complete Schedule F, Patts II and ÍV . . column (A), ttnes 6 and total of more than $f 5,00O of expenses for professronal fundrarsing serurces on Part tX, ller If "Yes," complete Schedule Gl Paft / (see rnstructtons) 18 Þld the orEånr¿åtton report more thån $15,000 tôtêl ôf fundrarsrnE event gröss trìcotne ånd contilbutrons on Part lrnes lc and 8a: If "YeE," complete Schedule G, Fart I! , 1e D¡d the orgðnrzåtron reporl rnore than $15,ô00 of gross rncome from gamrng ¿ctrvltreç on Fart VIII, f¡ne ga] complete Scàedu/e G, Part III No No 14b No 15 No 16 No t7 No 18 No 19 No to or for any Drd the organrzatron reporb on Pert IX, column (A), hne 3. more than $5,000 of aggregate grants or other assrstance to or for forergn rndrvrdualsT lf "Yes," complete Scfiedu/e F, Parts III and IV Þrd the organlzatron rcport a 13 14a Íf VlÏ[, "Yes," Form 99o (2016) Form 99o (2016) P*ge 4 Checklist of Schedules (connn Yes 2Oa b 2L Drd the orgånrzåt1on operåte one tf "Yes" Èo lrne Zta. drd or more hospttel factl¡t¡es7 If "Yes," complete Schedule the orçanrzåtron åtìâch a copy of rtå êudrted frnancral ståtements Ðrd the orçanrzatron report rnore th¿n $5,000 of Erants or other asgtstance qôvêrnment ôn Pårt IX, cofumn (A), lrne 1) If "fet " complete.Scñedu/e Drd the orEanrzatron report more than $5,000 of grants or other asslstånce . column (A), lrne 2¡ If "Yes," complete Schedule I, Parts I and 23 Ðrd the organrzatron answer "Yes" IIL 20a bo thrs return? J to ot for domestrc ¡ndrvlduals on Fart IX, Ðrd the organtzatron have a tax-exempt bond rssue wlth Drd the organtzatton act ¿s an "on behalf 1(c) (3 ), SOl(c) (4 Ðrd the orgönr2ätrôn engäg€ rñ I ), and 50 of' tssuer for bonds outstândrng at ¿ny tlme durtng the yearT I (c) (?9 ) organizations. åil €xcess benefrt trån$äctron wrth ä drsqüalifred person dunng the year? 24c . If 24d "Yes," I Ðrd the orçanrzätron report ãny amount on Part X, hne 5, 6, or 22 for recervables from or payables to any current or former offtcers, drrectors, trustees, key employeesr hrghest compensåted employees, or drsquakfred personE? If uYes,u complete Schedule L, Pärt fi , to ån officer, drrector, trusteè¿ key employee, substantrel contflbqtororemployêe thereof, å gränt select¡ôn comm.tt€ê rnernber, orto a 35q/o conlrolled entrty orfamriy member If "Yes," complete Schedule L" Part fII If An enttty of whrch a current or former offrcer, drrector, trusteef or key employee (or a famrly member thereof) was an cffrcer¡ drrector, tru,stee, or drrect or rnd¡rect owneÊ Ìf "Yes," ç,omplete Schadule L, Pdrt lV , , If M 30 Þld the organrzatron recerve contnbutronr of art, hrstor¡cal treasures, or other srm¡lar assets, or quåltfred conservatton contnbutronsT lf "Yes," côrnplefe ScheduÍe M Ðtd the orçanrzat¡on ltqutdate, termrnate. or dtssolve and cease operatrons? No 28ä No 2Bb No 2fic No "YeE," complete Schedule " z9 No 30 No N, Parl 31 No ?2 No 33 No 34 No 35ä No I II own.lû0lo of an enùty drsregarded as separate frorn the organrzatron under Regulatrons sect¡ons îOL 770L-2 and 301 77AI;3) Îf "Yes," cômplete Schedule R, Part I . Was the organtzatron reJated to any tãx-exempt or taxable entrty? ¡f "Yes," comptete Schedule R, Part Il, lII, or IV, and Сd the organtzatton 7 D¡d the orçanrzatron h¿ve a controlled entrty w,thrn the meanrng of sectron 512{bX13)) lf 'Yes'to ltne 35a, drd the orgånrzåtron rêcervÊ åny påyment from or enEåge rn ¿ny trånsact¡on wrth a conlrolfed entrty wrthtn the meèn,ng of sectron 512(b)(13)7 lf "Yes," complete Schedule R, Paft V, hne à 35b Section 50L(c)(3) organizations. Dtd the orgånrzät¡ofl make any transfers to an exempt non-chantable related lf "Yes," complete Schedule 2 36 No Dld the organtzatton conduct mo:'e than 5o/o of ¡ts ëctrvrtrës through an €ntrty that rs not a related organlzatron ¿nd that ¡s treated as a partnershrp for federal rncome tax purposes? If "Yes," complete Schedu/e R, Part VI t7 No Þld the organtzatton conrplete Schedute O ¿nd provrde explanatrons rn Schedule O for Part VI, lrnes 11b and 19? Note, All Form 990 filers are requrred to complete Schedule O 38 organrzatron) 38 If "Yes," complete Schedule Ðrd the organtzatron sell, exchange, drspose of, or transfer more than 25a/o af rts net assets? N, Part lf "Yes," complete Schedule Part V, lme 37 27 "Yes," complete Schedule L, Part Drd the orçanrzatron receÌve more than $25,000 rn non-cash contrrbutrons? 36 No Was the orgänrzêtron å pðrty to ð buãrne$$ tränsðct,on with one of the follow¡ng pêrtre$ (see 9chedule L, Part IV rnstructrons for applrcable frlrng threshotds, cond¡trons, and exceplrons) 29 b 26 Drd the orgãnrzâtron provrde s grånt or other åssrstànce tv, 354 No No "Yeç," complete Schedule L, Part b A famrly member of â current or former offtcer, drrector, trustee, or key employee? 34 24a 24b ä ,d current or fotmer offrcer, director, trustee, or key employeeT Jf "Yes." complete Schedule L, Part IV 33 No ls the organrzat¡on awEre that rt engaged rn an excess benefrt transactron wrth a dtsquahfred person In a prror year, and that the transactro¡ has not been reported on *ny of the organrzåtron's pnar Forms gg0 or g9Q-EZz 2sb of any of these personsl B2 23 No If 31 No 25a coftplëtê Sehadute L, Fart c 2?. D.td 2,Sâ Secti<¡n 50 2A No *n outstandrng prtncrpal amount of more than $100.000 as of the last day of the year, that was rssued after Þecember 3I, 20Q2¡ If "Yes," answer hnes 24b through 24d and comÞlëte schedule K lf "No," gö to î¡ne 25a . . Drd the organrzatron rnvest any proceeds of tax-exempt bonds beyond a temporary penod excephon? , d 27 21 . the organtzatton mårntãrn an escrow account other than a refundtng escrow at äny ttrne durrng the year to d€fease any tax-exernpt bonds? 7,6 No , c b No ?oh to any domestte organrzatron or domestrc to Pðrt VII, Sectron A, hne 3, 4, or 5 about compensatton of the organrzatron's current ¿nd former offrcers, drrectors, trustees, key employees, and hrghest cornpensated ernployees, If "Yes,' camplete Schedule b , I, Patts I and II . 22 24a H R, Part V, l¡ne , Yes Fö.m 9SO {2016) Form 990 {2016) Paqe gtåtemênts RôEarding OthÊ¡ IRS Fllings ¿ûd Täx Coæpliance Pört V Check rf SthedulÊ O contåtns ã res il Qr note Yes 1a b c 2ê Enter the number reported rn Box 3 of Forr,.r 1096 Enter -0- rf not app[cable 6ntör the nu¡"nber of Forms W-!G tncludêd rn [ne la Fnler -0- Þrd the organr?atton comply wrth backup wrtbholdrng rules (gambhng) w,nn!Êgs to prJze \q/rnners) , 5 rf not app[cable Ns 1) 1a 1b for reportable pryments to vendors åûd reporÈäble €âmrng Ëñter the number of employees reported on Form W,3, Trênsmittâl of Wage and Tax 5tåternents, flled for the c*Nendar year endrng y¿rth or wrthln the yeår covered by thrs retum fc 2a b If at lëêEt 3a one rs reported on ltne 2å. drd the organrzatron f¡le all ,'equtred federat employmeilt täx returns? t{ote.If thè sunr of l¡neg la ¿nd 2a rs greater than ?50, yÒu ffìay be requrred lo e-file (sea rnstruclrcns) Dld the orçanlzatton have unrelated b:Js:ness gross ¡ncome of 51,t00 or more dunng lhe yeðr? , 3a þ If "Yes, '' hðs rl irled è Form 990-T 4ã for thrs year?¡f "^/e " ta hne 3b, prawde an eltplënâtþr, l,r SchedÍ/e O . At any tìme durtng the calendar year, drd t[ìe orgånrzatron have an rñterest tn,. or a srgnature or other ðuthonty overr f¡nancral accouût tn a foretgn country (such as a bank accounÈ, secuflttes account, or sthet flnan S€e ìnsÈructrons for frtrng requtrements for FTnCEN Ëorm 1,14, Report of Forergn Bank and Flnanclal nccounts (FBAR) 5a Was the oi'gantzatton a party ta a prohtbtted tax shelter transàctton at any trme duñngthð ¡äx year? b Þtd any taxable parÌy notfy the orgåntzätron thåt rt wês or ¡s ê party c If "Yes," to lrne 5å or 5þ, drd the ûrqant¿åttqn ftle Ëorm 8886-T7 to å prohrbrted tax shelter tr¿nsa(tron? 5a No sb No 5c 6ã Does lhe organ,zatron have annu¡l groFs recerpts that are normally greaterthàn $100,000, and dtd the organrzetron 6ã No solrcrt any contilbutrô¡s thät wère nôt tãx déduct¡ble ss ch¿r¡tÀble contnbuttonsT b If "Yes," d,d thè orgånlzåtron rnclude wrth every solrcrtat¡on an exprèssstàtement thåt such côntilbrlhons orgrfts were not t¿x deduct¡ble> . 7 a b c Ðrd the orgenrzêtron r€cerve a peyment rn exceçs of 975 mede pertly as a contr¡butron and partly for goods and provrded to the payor? 7a lf"Yes,"dldthêoïgånrzðtrorlnotriythedonorofthevalueofthegoodrcrsdrvlcesprÕvtded? 7b D¡dtheorganruatronsell,exchange,orotherp.¡rsedrsposeoftångrblèpÈrsoóal ¡ndrcate the number of Forms 82ô2 frled dr.rnng the year reqilrredl 10 Drd thê sponsoring organzatlon make any taxable drst¡tbut¡ons under sechon 4966) lhe sponsónng orgånrzåhon make a d¡sQr¡butron to å'donor, donor advrsor, or rêläted person? Section 501(c)(7) organízations, Enter Inttråtron fees and caprtal coÍtnbutrons rncluded on Fart VIII, l¡le 12 Grois reçerpts, tncluded on Fofffl 990, Part VlIl, I 9b 10a l¡ne 1?, for pub[c ube of club fa¿¡1rt¡es 10b Section 50 ltc) ( 12) organlz*tion6. Ênter Grçss rnççme fron¡ member¡ or shåreholders , 11a . b Gross tñcome from other sources {Do not net amounts due or patd to other sources àgarnst amounts due or recelved from them ) 11b 12a Sectiona9aT(a)(1)non-exemptcharitabletrusts, lstheorganrzatrcnfrhngForm990¡nheuofForml04l¡ b If "Yes," 13 rg 9a . D¡d b a No 7h ä 11 No 7r Sponsorinç organizations maintaining donor advised funds. D¡d a donor advtsed fund matnta¡ned by the sponsonng organrzãtron l¡ave excess busrress holdrngs at any trme dunng tbe yearr b 7e a conìr¡buüon of c€rs, boats, arrpfanes, or other vehrcles, drd the organrzat¡on frle a Forn 1098-C) 9a P,lo benefttçoôtËð(t7 f D¡d the organrzðtron, dunng the yeèr¡ pay prernrums¡ drrectly or rndrrectly, on a personal beneflt contract? g If the or9ðnräålron re(erved a contffbutron of quaîrfrêd rntel[ectuäl propertyr dtd the organräåtrþn file Form S899 as Ë 7c Td Þidtheorganr?âtìohrecervËànyfunds,drrectlyorrndrrectìy,topêypremtun'Ìsonåpêrsônâ¡ h If the orgenlzatton recelved No propertyforwhrchrtwasrequrredtofìle Form 82822 d lf "Yes," e 6b Orgân¡zations thât may receive deductihle contr¡bkt¡öns under sectfon 17O{c), enter the èmol¡nt of tax-exempt rñterest recerved or accrued dunng the year 12a 12b Section 501(c)(29) qualified nonprofit health insurance issuerç. a Is the organrzatron kcensed to rssue quafrfred health plafls ?n .norè thân onê state)Note, See the ¡nstructions for addittonel rnformatrÒn the ôrgàllrzåhon must report on Schedule ô b Enter the ¿mourt of r¿server thÊ orgðnrzåtroil rs requrred tr matnta'n by the states rr whrch the orgäÞrzätìoil rg ìicerrsêd to rssue qualrfred heâith pläns c Enter the amount of ¡eserves on hand 14a örd the 13b 13c organrzatrôn recerve any payments for rndoor tanñrng sèrvrces duflng thÈ tax b If "Yes, " has ¡t frfed a Form 7?0 to repor¡ these t3a yeèr? . 14a . pèymentllñf "Na," prav¡de an e¡'planatþn ¡n ScàFd!/e O , No 14b Form ll90 16) Forrn 990 (2016) Page ent, ünd ÞísclosureÊor eacl¡ "/es" response to lnes 2 throuçh 7b belovr', and for a 'No" ¡esponse to 6 /mes cnbe the l.trcurnstanceç, processes, or changes tn Schedule O See rnstrucfrons Check rf Schedule 5 0 conta note tc a l¡ne rn lhrs Part VI and A. Yee la Er¡ter the number ol votrng membels of th€ governrng body at the end of the tax year No 1a If there âre màtenål drfferences rn vôtrng flghts among mernbers of the governtng body, or tf the governtrrç body delegated broad authorrty to an executrve corñrñrttéÊ ôr srmrlar commrttee, explatn rn Schedule O b Ënter the nurnber of votrng me:nberç tnctuded tn llne l¿, above. who êre tndependent 1b 2 3 DÅ any offrcer, dlrector, trustee. or key ernployee have a famrly relattonshrp or a bustness relatrönshrF vdth any other offrcer, drrector, trustee, or key emFloyee? Þrd tle organrzatron dêlêgötê control ovê!" mânågemént dutres customärrly performed by or under thê drr€ct of offrcers, drrectors or trustees, or key empfoyees to a rnanagerx'ì€nÈ compêny or other pêrson? O:*ltn:t tf 4 Did the orgàilZâtlon 5 6 Drd the organrzatlon become awåre durrng the year of a srgnrfrcant drversron of the orgênrzãtrûn? assets? 7a b TrU: "T srgnrfrcant changes to rts governrng D{d the organrzatron heve rflembers or stockholderE? .".rn.,O.,:. 3 NÖ 4 No 5 No 6 No 7a No 7b No to elect or tsppornt one or rnore Are any governànce decrsrons of the organrzatron reserved to (or sub¡ect to approvai by) memberr, stockholders, or persôns other thafl the govern¡nç body? I Did the organ,zatron contemporaneously document the rneettngs held or wntten acttons undertaken dunnç the year by the followrng a b 9 The governrns body) Eåch Ëômm¡tt€ê w¡th ä¡.¡[hônty No Form 990.was frled¡ , Drd the orgåntzatlon have members, stockholders, or other pergons who had tlre power members of the governrng body? 2 to äct on behalf of the governrng body? 8a Yes ab Yes Is there any offrcer, drrector, trustee, or key employee l¡sted rn Part VIl, Sectton A. who cannot be reached at the orgànrzãtron's marhng addressr If "Yes," prowde Section ä. Policies Th¡s Sectrcn B the names and addresses ln Scf¡edv/e'O . 9 . No the Internaí Reyenue Yes 10a Þrd the organrzêtron håv€ local chapters, branches, or àffrlratesT b 1Oa If "Yes," drd the organrzätrôn hâvê wntten Þol¡o€s änd procedr¡rês govêrnrng thê b Has the organrzàtron provrded ä çornpfete ççpy of thtr forrnr 10b Form 990 to all mernþers of rts gov€rnrng hody before frlrng the 1Îa Yes t2a Yes t2b YeE Descrrbe tn Schedule O the process. rf any, used by the organreatron to reyrew thre Form gg0 12a Þtd the organtzatton have ã wr¡tten confl¡ct of rnterest Foìtcyr ¡¡ "No,'' go to Ine 13 . , b Were offrcers, drrÊctör$, or trust€éË. and *ey ennpÏoyees requrred to drsclose annually lnterasts th¿t could çtvê rtsè tô co c No äctrvrtrêE of such chapters, affrlr*tes, and branches ìo ensure therr operatrons are €onsrstent wtth the organtzatron's exempt purposes? 1lð No nfl¡cts) Drd the organrz*tron regulerly and consrstently monrtor and enforce compka¡ce lvrth the pof rcy? Sclreduie ö how thts wae done . . ¡f "Yes," descnbe m 13 Þrd the organizatron have à wntten whrstlebloi\,er pohcyT t4 Drd the organrzatron have å wrrtten docurnent tetentron and destruclron polrcy) 15 Drd the process for determrnrng compensêtron of the followrnç persons rnclude å rêvlew ðnd approvat by rndependent pe!'sons, cornparabrlrty data, and conternporaneous s¡.¡bstanbatron ol the del¡beratron and decrsron? l2c t3 Yes No 14 No â The organrzàtron's CËô, Fx€cutrve Drrector, or top rnanagement offrclal lSa No b Other offlcers or key employees of the organrzation 15b No 16a No If "Yes" to [ße 15a or t5h, dÊscrrbe the p]'ocess rn SchêdulÊ O (sÊe rnstructronr) 16a Þrd the organrzêtron Invest tn, contrtbute assefs ta, or pafttç;pate tn ê Jotnt venture ors¡rnllår arrañgement wllfi ã tðxåble rntrty durng thq yeär7 b If ''Yes," drd the organtzatron fsllow ð wrtten poftcy or procedure requrnng the organrzatron to ev¿luate lts pêrttctpètron rn Jornt venture ãrrançementg *nder apphcahle federal tax law, and take steps to safeçuard the organrzatronk exempt status wrth respect to such arrangementsz D L7 Lrst the States 18 Sectron 6104 requrres än orgåntzatron to make rts Form 1023 (or 1O24 rf applrcable), 990, ãnd 990-T {501(c}(3}s only) avarlable for publrc rnspectron lndrcate how you rnade Èhese ava¡lable Check all thàt åpply 19 2A 1ób re yrth whtch a copy ofthrs Ëorm 990 rs requrred to be frled) IN il il ffi il upon request O*n webstte Another's website oth", (explarn rn Schedule O) Descrlbe tn Schedule O whether (and tf so, how) the orgËnreåtron måde Jts governrrlg documents, conflct of tnterest poìtcy, and frnancr¿l ståtêmentE ava¡lable to the publrc dunng the tax year 9tate the r¡èr1ì€, address, arìd telephone ñuñber of thê pergon who posselses the orgånl¿ätßan's boôks and records >IENNIFeR RICHARDSON 101 W OH¡O STREET SUITE 1350 INDIAj\APOLTS, rN 46?04 (317) 681-s046 Fnrm QOO I)OlÁì Form 990 (2016) Part VItr Page 7 Compensation of Officers, ÞirectorsrÏ¡ustees, Key Ëmployees, Highest Compensated Employees, and Independent Contractorc Check rf Schedule O contatns à resÞonse or note to anv lrne rn thrs Part VII Sect¡on A. Officers, DÌrectors, Trusteês, Key Em ployee6, and H¡ghest Compensat@d Employees n fa Complete thrs table fqr all Persons requrred to be lsted Report compensatton for thE calendåryear endrng wrth or wrthln the organraetlon's tax year a Lrst ðll of the organlzatton's current offrcers, dtrectors, trastees {whether rndrvrdualo or orqënt¿attons). regardless of amount of compensatron Ê¡ter -û- rn columns (Þ), (Ë), and (F) rf no compensatton vras pard c Lt:t all of the organrzat¡on's çurreot key employees, rf any See rnstrocttons for defrnrtron of "key employee " a Lrst the organizalton's ftve current hrghest cornpensated employees (other than an offrcer, drrector, trustee or key employee) who reçelved reportable compensatton (Box 5 of Form W-2 andlor Box 7 of Form 1099-MISC) of more than $100.000 from the organrzatron and ðny related organtzattons o Llst all of the organlzation s former off¡cers, key employees, or hrghest compensated ernployees who recelved more than $100,000 of reportable compensatron from the organrzatron and any relatad organrzatrons ¡ Llst all of the organtzat¡on's former directors or t¡ustees that recerved, t¡ the capactty as a former dlrector or trustee of the organtzatton, more than $10,000 of reportable compensatron from the organrzatron and any related orEanrzattons L¡st persôns ln the followrng order tndlvrdual trusÈees or dlrectors, rnstltuÙonal trustees, offtcers, key employees, hrghest compensated employees, and former such persons M check thrs box lf nelther the nor ë relätëd offrcer (A) Name and frtle Posrtt0n ( than ôn ê rs both an offrcer and ¿ d lrector/trustee ) * ,å r -ì t. it, 3 {' 1i. lr, 0 T,r¡ ;l ) ,t Ð .f, rt. úL (1) SYLVTE LEGEßf 40 00 X 0 0 X 0 0 X c U PRTSIDENÏ I2) KATHY HUBBARÛ 30c X {3} AIIGËLA ERALY f00 Õ SECR€TARY Form 99O (2016) Form 990 (2016) PArt Page YII and nA, (A) Name and Ïrtle {8) Averêge hours per vreek {hst âny hÖurE for rel¿ted organrzatrûns betow dotted trne) Poç¡fron (do not check more than one box, unless person rs both an offtcer and a d rector/trustee) r å -u !4; ,îå ttC ;il t-t * Ë) 7. ¿n -.{ {¡ ,r, .t 'T 1b Sub-Total c Total d 7 't 't' t, 3 c,Í -n lìT ,-, 'f' ,t' l ,f' tp) Reportable çompensãtton from the trgànrzêtron {!il?/r 09t-l4t5c) (e) (r) Repottable cofilpen$ãtron from related arganrzatrons (W* ÉstrmEted *móunt of othçr compên5åtron from the organraatton and related orgãftÌ¿atrons 2/109e-MIsC) ,:a s.:' eq fÞ ,f' ¡' È {, . from continuation sheets to Pañ VII, Spction Total H (c) ,iï A . lines tb and 0 2 Totaì nurnber of rndrvrduaNs (tncludrng but not l¡mtted to those irsted ebove) who received rnore th¿n $100,000 of reportable cornpensatlon from the organtzatron Þ 0 3 Drd the organrzatron trst any former offtcer, dtrector or trustee, key employee, lrne la? If "Yes," Çamplete Schedule ] forsuch mdtvtdudl . Yes I , , Ðrd any person lrsted on lrne 1â rêcerve or âccrue compeñsatron from any unrelated orgånrzðtion or tndrvrdual for servlces rendered to the organlzåtron?If "Yes," complete Schedule I for such pëßon , No 4 No Ë No Complete th¡s table fór your frve hrghest compënsåted rndependent conträctors that recerved more than $100,000 of compensatron endr w¡th or wrthrn the n¡zatron's tex for the calendar (Á) (B) (c) fronr the Narne and busrness ¿ddress 2 3 For åny rndrvldual lrsted on ne la, 15 the sum of reporlåblé ço mpensatron and olher compensatron from the organrzatron and related organrzat¡ons gr*ater thån 9150,G00? lf "Yes," complete Schedule J for sueh ¡ndtwdual 5 l{o or htghest compensated employee on . 4 I Est Ðesctlotron of çervrces Total number of tndependent contractors (lncludlng but not ltmrted to those llsted above) who recerved ¡nore than 9t00.000 of com tron fror'û the ånrzêtron > 0 2016 Forr 99t 12016) ffiåTfqF Stðtemênt of Revenue rf lrne ¡n thrs Pårt cêñpêrgns t9 g6 .tl .Á< Éã r-1 Ë b felåmbershrp c Fundrùrårn9 d RÈlàtêd Õrlåhrzàtrônå e a.= f .Ê? á9 I duÉs , 1b . êvênt3 . 1c 60!erDftìèrl q.¡nit (cartibqtþnç¡ Ali âtilèr sltlrb(trúrls, Si{ts¡ û(ålìtr. *lnd 9rm$ðf ímoûrts lìot tñ(ìuC*d absvê Noncash cantrbvtrqns lrclqded rn frnés :.â-lf S Ot L)c Þ L ¡, 3tr3,684 tasrness ù & 2å cðilÊAeñcc Rt6¡9't RÂilot'ì t,204 b 5 ü È a & d e f All ott er ÞrogfåtÞ sërvrce revàñ\rð 1.200 çTotàl,Add i¡ne:2ã-Zf . " 3 tnvêstffiênt rnøme (rncludrng drvldend¡. IntÉrqst, ðnd cther 6iô1rlärårñôuntE) . . > 4 lncome from rnvêstmant df tåx-êxêmpt bÕnd pmceeds > 5Royåltias. , , Þelsoñá Reäl b aese tènl¡lêY¡reffis ç ñeñtdt haúme ør (loss) d Net rEñtàl thcome or {lôs6} Secufltrês b LPEs @sl 5 llj 6 4, ,ß o > I {r} o¡ othe¡ ixgrs and â¿leg tt Vfl! exÞstgc c 6ar¡ ôr (loii¡ d Nêt çarrì or (loss) 8å Grocs ¡ncoþ€ from fuhdrèÉlng Êvents of {nol rncìudrng S contnbutlo*s æportêd on lne f(, See P¿rt lV, b Lèls lne t8 drrect êxpËÞse9 , c f,tet rncome or {losc} from 9ö Gross ¡ncEme from gðmrng åctrv¡ìrës 5Êè Pårt lV. Ûnê 19 , å b Less d¡rect r exÞênies . b . Nêt rn(omâ or {los3} frôn' gånlrlìg less b Less ! b 33 1/3olo $uppolttest-2o15. IFthe orEanrzatron drd not check ê box on hne 13 or 16a, and ltne 15 rs 33 l!3o/o or mÇre, check thrs box and stop here. The organtzatrcn quahfres as a publrcly supported organrzauon Þn L7¿ L0o/o^Íacts-and*circumstances têst-2ø16. If the organrzatron drd not check a box on hne 13, 16a, or 16b, and lrne 14 ts tr00/o or more, and tf the organtzatto¡ meets the "facts-¿nd*ctrc!mstðnces" test, check thrs box èñd stop here. Explarn ¡n Part VI how the organtzätton meets the "facts-and-ç¡rcumstances" test The organrzètron quelrftes as a publrcly supported lA 1S Pubilc support percentage 20L6 org anrzatron ¡ 1üo/o-facts-and-circumÉtåHce$ tê$t*2O1S. tf the organizatlon drd notcheck a box on ltñe 13, t6å, !6b, ot !7a, and llne 15 ts l0Vo or more, and tf the organrzatrón meets the "f¿cts'and-orcumstances" test, check thrs box and stop here. Explarn ln Part VI how the orgånrzatron rneets the ''facts'and-crrcumstances" test The organrzatlan qualrfres as a publrcly su 18 pported çigå ntzetron Private foundation. lf the drçanrzabon drd not check a box on lrne 13, 16a, 16b, l7a, or 17b, check thrs box and rnstructrons see ÞÜ >! >¡ Schedule A lForm 990 or 990-ÊZl 20Í6 Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 20:6 Fage jffitä 3 Support Schedule for Organizations Described in Section 5O9(a)(2) (C0mplete only rf you checked the þox on lrne t0 of Pärt I or rf tNre organrzatron farled to qualrfy under Pärt II, If rh 0 lat e tests þelolt cofn Pêrt on 4,. Public (a)20f2 (c) 20 la (b)2013 (elz016 (f)Total td)2015 (or fiscal year in) Þ I 2 Grfts. Erants, contrrbutions, and rnembershtp fees recetved (Þo not ¡nctude any "unusual grants ") Gross recerpts frorn admì$stons, rnerch¿ndrse sold or setvtces performed, or facriltres furnrshed ln any actrvtty that rs related to the orgån r?atron'9 3 4 S 6 7å b c I tèr-exempt purpÕEe Gross recerpts From âctrvrtres thât are not ¿n unrelated trade or bustness under sect¡on 513 Táx revenues levted for the organrzatton's benefrt and erther pard ho er expended on rts behalf The vaf ue of seryrces or facrl¡ttes furnrshed by å gôvernmental unrt to the organtzatton wtthout charge Total, Add lrnes 1 through 5 Arnounts rncluded on llnes 1, 2, and 3 recerved from drsqualrfred p€rsons Amounts rncluded on lrnes 2 and 3 recerved from other then drsqualtfred persons that exceed the greater of 55,000 or lolo of the åûìoufit on hne 13 for the year Add lrnes 7a and 7b (Subtract hne 7c Public from hne Section B. Total ort Calendar year 9 loa b c 1l 12 13 tq (a)2012 (or fiscal year beginning in) Þ Amountç Jrom line 6 Gross ¡ncome from rnterest, drvrdends. payrnents rece¡ved on secuntres loans, rents, royältre$ ånd tncome from srm¡far sources Unrelated busrnesg tsxable rncorïê (less sectron 511 taxes) from busrnesse.e aÇqurred after June 30, L975 ,{dd hnes 10ð and 10b Net tncome frorn unrelated bustness actrvrtres not rncluded rn lrne 10b, whether or not the Þusrness rs regularly carned on Other rncome Do not rncludé garn or loss from the sale of caprtal assets (Ëxplatn rn Part VI ) Total support. (Add hnes 9, 10c, 11, and 12 ) Firrt five years. If the Form 990 rs check thrs (c)20 r4 {b}ås13 orgðnr¿.atron (d)2ors ftrst, second, third, fourth, or frfth tax yeðr ÈF a sectroft 3 stop here SËction tF 16 Publrc percentage for 20t6 (1lne 8. column (f) drvrded by kne 13, column (f)) Publtc support perceiltågê from ?015 Schedule A, Pårt Section D. t? III, (f)Total (e)2016 çrgãnrzðtlon, >t 15 lrne 15 ¡6 fnvestment Income Investmént rncome pêrcentåge for 2O16 (lrne 1ûc, by ilne 13, cofumn (f)) t7 perçentaçe Investment rncome from 2015 Schedule A, Part llne III, 17 lB f8 19a 33r/:o/o support tests-2otõ. If tlìe orgânrzâtron dtd noi check the box on l¡ne 14, and lrne 15 rs more than 33 1l3o/o. ând ltne 1 rs not more thãn 33 1l3a/a, check thrs box and stôP herê. The organtzatron queltfres as a publrcly supportêd orçantzattoû >Ü b ?3 Ll3olo $uppgrt tests-2O15, !f the organtzatron drd not check a box on ttne 14 or rne 19a, and ne 16 rs more lhan 33 tr/3olô and lrne not more than 33 U30,6, check thls box and stop here. The orgèntzatron qualrftes as a publrcly suppoÉed orgänrzatron Þ il 20 FrÌvate foundation. lf lhe nt¿atron drd not chEck a box on llne 14 I or 19b check th¡s box and seê rnst.uctrons A >fl l8 rs rm 99O or 990-EZ) 2O16 Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) ?0X6 Page 4 Supporting Organizatfons (Complcie onty rf you checked e box PaÉ I, complete Sec[tonE A and lf you checked 12a of Part I, complrte Sectrons A and B If you checked 12b ol Part l, ccmplete Sectrons A, Þ, ¿nd Ê If you checked l?d of pårt I, complete C If Yes I Are ell of the or"çanreatton's, supported organrzetrons lrsted by name rn the crganrzåtron's governtng dscumËnts? If "Na," dêsçnbe n Parl V!,l1ow the supportød orgãnzattons are destgnated- If desrynatld by clais or pürposet descnbe the destgnatrcn If htstonc and conhnutng relahonsfup, explatn 2 f t{ tf e organtzatton håve êny suPloftêd ô.rgä nßetron thak does not have an IRS determrnat¡on of statuå under eecttqn Stg {aXt)or(217 If "Yes,"explamnPa¡tVlhawtheorEanzattqndetermtned rhå¿tfie supportedorgafitlaþonsrasdescrfued .Ð sëctron 505(a)(l) or (2) 3r Ðrd the organrzatton have a supported organtzatron descrrbed rn sectlon below b 501(c)(4), (5), or (6)r lf nYes,,l L 3å Ðtd lhe organlzatton conflrm that each supporled orgånr¿atron quaftfred under seçtron 501(c)(4), (5), or (6) åRd sattã,fìed the publrc sçpport test$ under sectron 509(a)(?)r If *Yes," descnþe n Part VI when and hew ine'oïganiairan made the determtnatøn e 4a b 3b 9ld the orçanlzåtrón ensure that all support to such orgånrzättons was used exclusrvely for sectron 170(cX2XB) purposes? If "Yes," explatn ¡n Part Vl what conåro/s the organzatton put ¡n p/ace to e¡.qsure sucfi'uie '. Was any supported orçanrzatlon not organrzed in the Unrted checked 72¿ or 72b n Paft I, ânswer (b) and (c) below If "Yes," descrtbe n 4b 501(c)(3) and 509(a)(1) or (2)r If"Yes," expla¡n tn Þart VI ta the foreqn supported organtzatrcn was used exclustvely c 4a þart VI how the c b 3c Drd thÉ ôrgantzåkton heve ulttmate côntrôl ênd drgcretlon rn organteatron? 5* 2 answef (b) and (c) does not have an I*S determrn¿Èron under sectrons the arganzattan used to ensure that alt support 4c If D¡d (c) "Yes,'" answer (b) and of the supported argaruzäùans added, substtfuÈed, cr removed, (tt) the reasçns for each such actton, (ttt) the authofltr/ under the organøatrcn's organÊrnE document authonztng such achon; end (rv) haw fhe aefron was eccomplæhed (such as by amendment to the organrztng document) 5a I or Type lI only. W¿s any added or substltuted supporte$crgqirgatlon pert of ê class alreedy desrgnated rn the orgånrzåíon's orgäntztnE documentT Substitutions only. Was the substttutron the result of an event beyond the organrzatron's controlT sb 5c Type 6 6 7 ln 7 I Сd the complete 9a fof make a defrned ¡n sectlon If "Yes," a Was the provde deteil tn (as defrned rn sectron 4958) not desqr¡þed tn ltne 7? 6 (other or tndrrectly at any trme durrng the tax yêar by one or rnore drsqualrfred persons as månãgers and organrzatlons desclbed rn sectlon 509(a){1) or (2})) If "Yes," 9ä b 9b c 9c lOa l0¿ þ Dtd the argantzåtron have any exçess þusrness holdrngs tn the tax ye*rr (Uoe Schedule Ç, Fprm 4720, to determtne the orga ruzatton had exce.eg .bus,ðess holdnEs ) Schedu 10b or No Page 5 Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2015 (contrnued lf a Has tl-¡E organtzatron accapted a grft or contrbut¡on b c Y¿s Nr Yes Na Yes No Yes l{o from any of the followrng Persons? A person who drrectty or rndrrectåy controls, etther alone or together wùh persons descrtbed tn (b) and {c) below, the governrng body of a supÞo*èd orgãnlzat¡on? 11ö À famrly member of a person descr¡bed in (a) above) 11b A 35o/o çontrof[ed entrty of å pÊrson descfibed rn (a) or (b] above: If "Yes" to a, b, or c, prowde deteú n Part VI 1lc the drrectors, Èrustees, or mernbershrp of ona or more supported organtzattons have the power tÞ regularfy àppolnt or eleÇt àt least a rna¡orrty of the organ rzatron's d trectors or trustees at a ll t¡m es d urrng the tax yea r? trf '.'No," descnbe ¡n Part. VI how the supported organtzahon(s) effecttvely operated, supervtsed. or controlled the organrzatrcñlg acttv¡t¡es If the arganãâtþn had mçre thân one supported arqaûEatroh descnþe how the pawe$ to appoøt and/or remove drectorï Qr trusfees werê êllocêled amang the supported orgañEêttþns ênd what condtt¡ens or restflctto¡tl, f any, appled to such Drd 1 powers dunng thè tâx yeêr I (s) that beneftt 2 2 I of I IXI Su the last day ot the ftfth month of the orgànrzatron's the pnortax year, (r) a copy of t 1 organrzatron's goyernrng of provrded? 1 2 Were any of the organrzatlon's officers, (s) oi (¡ r) servrng on the govemrng body ¡ïâtnÈÊJned ê clþse and cdtrttnuaus workng ppoÉed orgånrzatron the organzatton or organnatrcn(s) 2 the tax 3 3 gêctiôn I ltr Ë. used to *attsfy the Integral Part Test dunng the year (see Çheck the box nexl a I b ü c f] the organrzatran Ìs the parent of each of rts supporled organrzattons Complete The organrzatron supported a governmental entrty Descrrbe tn Fart Act¡v¡tles 2 instructions) The organtratron setrsfiad the A(ttvttres Test Comptete fine 2 below Test Vl line 3 below hovr you supportêd a gôvêrnment entrty (see rnstrvcttcns) Answer (a) and {b) below. Yes a Drd substantrally ¿ll of the organrzatron's ãctrvitres durtng the tax year drrectly further the ëxempt purposes of the *upported organrzatron(s) to whrch the organrzatron wãs resportslver lf "Yes. " than n Pa¡t VI tderrt¡{y those supported orgänlïet¡afts änd êxpräin llolv à/rese açtvÈtes drrectly f.trthered thetr axampt purpose9" Itow lÉ,e arçailzatþn was ¡espons¡ye fg those suppo¡tsd.orgån/¿åfroôå aöd how the argartåatrcfl determffied that the$e açf,vtttes canstttuted substantral[y all of tts acfrøbes b Drd the acttvrtres descrrbed r¡r (ä) ôonstitutè actrvrtres thåt, but for the organtratton's rnvolvement, ôn€ or ffiore of the organrzatron'ssupported organteatton(s) would have been engaged nt Íf "Yes," explaø n PartVl tåere*sons fnrfhe organzatton's postttott thàt tts svppatted organnatton(s) wauld have ehgâged n these àcfivrllês but for the organrzatton's nvolvement Pürerlt 0f Srjpported 1 filo 2a 2b Organrzatrons Answer (å) änd (b) below, a Dld the organrzatlon have the power to regularly appotnt or elect a rna¡orrty of the offtcers, dtrectors. or trustees of each of the supported orgèn,zatrons? Provde detatls m Part VI. b Þrd the orgènrzêtron exerctse a substantrãl degree of drrectton over the poltctes, progråms and acttvttres of each of rts supþorted organrzatrons? If "Yes," descr¡be tn Part VI. the role played by the argaazahøn tn tfus regard A, 3a 3b or 16 Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-E;) ?0f6 F#.f¡tF ry pe III 1n Page Noo-Functionally Integrated 509( Check here rf the ïvo e III a] (3) Supporting Organírations sattsfted the Integra,l P¿rtTest as a qualrfyrng trust on Nov 20, 1970 See instructÍons, All other ÌfìteÕfåted su ¡oortrno ôr-dånl7åtrôns comolete Sectrons A th rouoh Ë Section A - Adjusted lrlet Incorne I 2 3 4 5 6 7 I Net short.term ceprtal galn I Recover:es of prror-yeer drstrrbutlons 2 Other gross ¡ncome {see rnstructrons) Add lrnes 1 through 3 ¡t Þeprecratlon and depletton 5 Portron of operattng expens€s patd or ¡ncurred for productrcn or collectron of gross rncome or Éot management. conservatron, or malntenance of property held for productron of lncome (see rnstructlons) 6 3 Other èxpenses (see rnstructrons) 7 Adjusted Net Income (subtrêct llnes 5, 6 and 7 from lrne 4) I Sectîon B - tlinimum Asset Amount 1 Aggregate fåtr mårket value of af I non-exempt*use assets (see tnstructtons for short tåx yeår or assets hetd for part of year) iA) Pnor Year I a Average monthly value of $ecunttès 1â b Average monthly cash belances c Falr m¿rket value of other non-exempt-use assets fb lc d Total (add lrnes la, lb, and lc) e (B) Current Year (optr6nâf ) Td D¡scount clalmed for blockage ot othEr factors (expiarn tn detåtl rn PartVI) 2 Acqursrtron ¡ndebtedneçs appìrcable 3 $ubtract lrne 2 from llne ld 4 C*sh deemed held for exempt use Enter 1,-L/2þ/o of lrne 3 (for greater arnount, see rnstructrons to non-exernpt use åssets ) 2 3 4 5 Net v¿iue of ncn-exempt-use assets (subtract l:ne 4 from lrne 3) 6 Multrply Ine 5 7 Reçovenes af prJor-year dlstr¡butlo ns 7 I Minimum Asset Amount (*dd hne 7 to llne 6) I I Sectîon C - D¡str¡bst*ble Arnount Ad;usted net tncome for pnor year (from Sectton A. lrne 8, Column A) Ënter 85ô/o of llne I 1 2 4 Mrnrmum asset êmaunt for prror yaar {frorn Sectron B, lrne S, Çolumn A) Fntei greater of llne 2 or lrne 3 4 5 fncome tax rmposed tn pnor year 5 6 D¡str¡butåble Amount. Subtract lne 5 from lrne 4, uniess sub¡ect to emergency ö 2 3 by 035 temporary reduct¡on (*ee tnstructrons) 5 6 C{}rrenI Yéar 3 6 Page 7 Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2016 III Par* V Non-Functional ly Integrated o a continued Year D - Distr¡butions f e ôx€m to t0 Amounts pard to perform acttvtty that dlrectly furthers exempt purposes of supported organtzatlons. of rncome from rn excesE 3 4 toa Admrnrstratrve exem td to Arnoünts exe of aEsets IRS rfred 6 Other drstflbutrons destrrbe tn Part Vl SeE rnstructrons 6 7 Total annual distributions, Add frnes 1 Ë Þrstflbutrons to attent¡ve Êupported organrzatrons to whtch the organtzatron 9 Сstnbutable amounb for 20t6 from Sectton 1O Llne I Lrne arnount drvrded I lrne 6 amol¡nt Sect¡on E - Distr¡Þut¡on Allocations (see instructions) 1 rs respofislve (provtde 5ee tnstructtons detarlE rn Part 2 Drst¡butable amount for 2ü16 from Sectlon C, llne 6 Underd¡str¡butrons, rf any, for yeèrs prtor to 2016 3 Excess drstnbutrons ÇAUÉE (i) Ëxcess Distributians (¡ï) lJnderdi*tributions Pr*-20tG (¡¡¡) Distributable Amount for 2016 urred--see rnstruçtlqns to 2016 tfa ä b c d e From 2013 From 2014, From 2015. e f Total of lrnes 3a to underd¡stnbutrons of to 20t6 d¡stnbuteble amount h Carryoverfrom 2011 not applred (see i Remernder Subtrêct trnes 4 and 3r from 3f Dtstnbutrons for 2016 from Sectton Ð, ltne 7 a to underdrstrrbutrons b c Appl¡ed to 2016 drstnbut¿ble åmount Rema¡nder Subtråct Lnes ¡la ¿nd 4b from 4 5 6 )!ïor vears Rornarnrrìg 2016, tf øny rf amount Rematnrlg funes 39 and 4a 5ee nes 3h and 4b from ltne I see tn m Irno 2 for 2016 Subtract çreater than 7 ExÇess distributionç çärryover to 2O17- Âdd ltnes 31 and 4c ð Breakdown of tne 7 f b Excess from 2013. c d Ëxcess from 2014. e Fxcess from ?016, Excess from 2015. A (Form 990 or 99o-tz) (2016) Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZJ 2016 Page 8 Par? VI Supplemental Information. Prewde the exmanatlons requn?ed by Part 11, Jane 10; Part II, line 17a or 17h; Part lme 12; Part W, Section A, Esnes 1, 2, 3b, 4b, 4c, 53, 6,931,953; 11-3, and 11:, Part IV, SECthn B, [mes and 2; Part IV, C, Sim-:12; Part IV, Section D, lines 2 and 3; Part IV, Sactlan E, tines 2a, 2b, 3a and 3b; Part V,1tne 1; Part V, Section B, Hne 19; Part Section D, lines 5, 6, and and Part V, Sectlon E, lines 2, 5, and 6. Also complete this Bart for any tnformatlon. {See Facts And Circumstances Test m? 1n! rF.T,ffr.*,lTfiEl SCHËÞULË O (Form 990 or !90- nzl Ì)e¡ruln nnl of dre Trutrun THË POLICY Rðtum 7 $upplementäl lnformation to Forrn 990 or 990'-HU Cümpletê to prou¡de lnformation for respon*se to specific guÉgt¡orrs Form 9ÐO or 9ÐO*EZ or to provide any tdditionsl informatlon. Þ Attach to Form 990 or Ð90-82. È InformÊtlon åbout Schedule O (Form'990 or 99f¡-HZ,) and its 0I6'." t)Þen to Pu Inspce;tion c0 Exptänät0n Refarence FÖRM ggCI, PARTVI, SECTION B- LINË 11Ê THË FORM 990 IS REVIEWËD BY THÊ PRËSIüËNT ANO FOR THETR APPROVAL ANÐ THËN SHARECI THË ËNTIRË BOAftD 990 Schedul? 0, Supplemmtal Infarmatian Return Explanation Reference FORM 990. EACH DIRECTOR. OFFICER AND MEMBER OF A COMMITTEE WITH BOARD DELEGATED POWERS MUST ANNUALLY PART Vi, SEGN A CONFLICT OF INTEREST STATEMENT IN ADDITION, THE POLICY REQUIRES PERIODIC REVIEWS SECTION B, THAT INCLUDE AT A MINIMUM. AN ASSESSMENT OE COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS LINE 12C JSåûÐäU NO.dÊ är8\flrv^V äUV l$illjl. uou€uPÉx3 uollswrofilI läluôtüðlddnS 'Ö) ölnpäqâsi 06õ