Atrium Court 50 Waterloo Street Glasgow 92 6H0 Telephone 0300 013 3365 -11 January 2019 Ross Greer The Scottish Parliament Edinburgh EH99 1SP Dear Mr Greer, \k Scottish . Thank you for your recent PQ SSW-20219: ?To ask the Scottish Government, further to written answer by ivan McKee on 26 September 2018, whether it will provide details of Scottish Enter'prise's support to Raytheon for the purposes of diversification into non-military, civilian markets, including what speci?c projects were funded, what criteria they were assessed against, and what specific products or services by Raytheon were supported by this funding.? This was referred to Scottish Enterprise as an Operational matter and I am pleased to provide you with the relevant information. The table below provides a detailed breakdown of our funding support to the company to date: Project Name Total 2007 Supply Chain Support ?11,750 2013 StrategicFev?elo?neht for Civilian Markets ?3,215 2014 Strategic Development for Civilian Markets ?26,100 2014 Market Deve_lopment- _Technology and Engineering ?1,700 2014 Mark?st Deve_lopment- Tech 6' Engine_en'ng Trade ?16,656 2017 Facilities Management Project ?91,009 2018 Consultancy Support for potential Civilian Aviation Project ?4,800 2018 Feasibility Study to Support Strategic Diversi?cation ?45,360 ?200,590 None of the above projects supported any product 0r service in munitions. Funding provided to Raytheon is subject to our standard terms and every payment made to the company is processed only on receipt of satlsfactory evidence of agreed spend. sis KW row Scottish "aiming INVESTORS ?Saks- Mums-Moe IN PEOPLE For your information. we have enclosed Scottish Enterprise's standard grant terms and conditions and a copy of our evidence. requirements required when claiming grant payments. I trust the above is helpful'to you but should you require any further information or wish to discuss in greater detail please do get in touch. Yours sincerely, a (i in It Iii-Kan - (V 'Linda Hanna Managing Director Scottish Economic Development . SIB- mm freq-1:: mar-:12; - A5 development INVESTORS 32:35:31] IN PEOPLE