ZIOEDAE: JANUARY 13; zen-E- 33 Years and Thirty-three years age yesterday: the Supreme Ceurt handed den-n what nearly everylegal schelar agrees was nne cf the n?nrst and meet unjusti?able decisinns in histery?Ree v. Wade. This decisien has caused immeasurable harm te eur legal system as it cnntinues te all ei dectrines. This plank in the grand liberal agenda fer the Supreme Cnurt: hen-ever, began a that is enlyhurning mnre deeply and mere thrnughnut America. This npinien tnnl: the decisien nut cf the hands ni the demecratic prncess n?ithnut any authnrieatinn at all frem nur written Censtitutien. We are new I millinn Americans shert. That's right, human beings. Fer me, I highly resnlve again tnday that these lives shall net have died in vain. These quiet lives represent the great mnral issue ei nur time. I cnmmit myself tn centinue praying, tn cnntinue iehbying, and tn centinue tn cnnvince my that all innecent human beings deserve the right tn live. In light nf this: let me share twe tnuching stnries. Turn cf the fight, "Heather Gemrnen murmured. She thnught her husband, Steve: had returned an evening at church. When Heather peeked the eneers, she saw a strange man standing in her have tn enrrne Fen have tn heme!? she mne enguifed her as she spnhe. 'Tue been Heather had been pure?Fife since she was a gnung giri, but new her theeingg with the pain?i reaiitg nfa crime. What shnuid she dc? Read the rest here. My hiningieai ninther was pregnant when she decided tn ahnrt went tn a ciinic in Les Angeies and had a saiine ahnrtinn. A sait sniutinn is injected intn the mnther's uremia, which the baby guips. The sniutinn aisn burns the baby inside and cut. The idea was that within 24 heurs she wnuid a dead hahg. But: hy the grace nf Gad: I survived. Read the rest lzere. Let as net inrget, let us lese eur will, let eur mnuths he silent. Pnsren ev eaten: Ar en 25 cnnzaezvrs