MDKDATE: DECEMBER. 2-5: see-5 Sexual Assault ef Animals Here is an interesting stery aheut a man whe was arrested fer sexually assaulting a deg. A few questiens eeme te mind: Sheuld this man he preseeuted heeause sex Twith degs is wreng, heeause sea Twith the deg was [at least as far as we can tell: but the deg isn't geie te testify te this end}, because assaulting animals is eerrelated with later assault ef hulnaes, er setne ether reasen? Is semeene 1whe sexually assaults a deg a sex effender in the same way a ehild melester is a sex effender, i.e.?sheuld theyhaye te register as sex effenders? i-?Ir?hat if the deg liked it and frequently initiated it? Sheuldn't the ACLU eeme te the reseue ef the man fer haying sex in the priyaey ef his ewn heme [er here: his ewe degheuse)? Deesn't the idietie attempt at reasening: er mere preperly. the sweeping, grandiese, unsupperted generalizatiens aheut "liberty" that was Lawrence Texas eeyer precisely this sert ef thing? PGSTED ET ERIAF HAGEDDRE AT 11.3'selfaeej e3:41:ee PM I ECOZIEIENTS [fl-*1