eeressa 19,. sea-5 Man dies as a result ef sea with herse Yep. Teu read that cerrectly. Net enly that, the state is investigating a farm that is apparently well kneen ameng these whe enj ey bestiality. -?ew Washingten state is leele'ng inte criminalieing bestiality as it is ene efenly twelve states that de net already de se. Read mere here. It strikes me that the travesty ef a decisien that was Lawrence Testes sheuld render laws prebibiting bestiality uncenstitutie nal, precisely as Justice Scalia said. (He, this is net a slippery slepe argument} Where's the ACLU when yen need them? What abeut this persecuted min-rarity? De they net see the injustice ef discrimating against peeple because cf whefwhat they want te have sea with? PGSTED E?r' ERIAF HAGEDQRE AT e5:15:ee PM 15 scett The real shame is that yen and a let ef ether peeple [and apparently the law in Teaas befere Lawrence} fail te any difference between twe censenting adults and same sicke abusing farm animals. Is it really se hard te make the latter illegal while allewing the fermer? the big preblem here? OCT 19: eviagme PM CDT Brian Hagedern As [have argued befere, I de net think the Texas law was prudent. My peint here is net a meral enei but a legal argument. There is ne way te distinguish between these twe, at least net in eur Censtitutien. Certainly legislatures can distinguish between these [as Iweuld fer reasens ef enferceability and effectiveness], but the idea that hemesesrnal behavier is different than bestiality as a Censtitutienal matter is unjusti?able. There is ne right in eur l[lenstitutien te have sex with wheever er whatever yeu want in the privacy cf yeur heme [er That may er may net be geed pelicy: but that is a different questien. DCT 19:0y155:39 PM CDT