was-assess: 3n,- ans-5 A Call tn Christians: Addressing the "Race The is a letter Iisrnte this past February during Elaclr. II-Inuth tn fellnw Christians engaged in the culture wars with me: Dear This being Black [felt enuipelled tn share seine nith all nf ynu white cnnseryatiye Republican evangelical and Cathnlic Christians. Please take these thnughts in lnye and prayerfully ennsider what I have tn say. The has laid three -meutal passinns nu my heart: 1) Prnteetiug the dignity and sanctity nf human life, a} Defending and preserving the institutinu nf marriage, and 3} Prnuinting racial reenuciliatinn in the church and culture. All nf ynu are nn bnard with 1 3: a, but few nf ynu likely feel the passinn I dn abnnt #g.1?et, I think the nf 1 E: 2 depends in large part nu nur success in Let me explain.