Logan Schatz . . - - 61mg VICTIM IMPACT . 0f lnlin?niation Number A Saskatchewan STATEMENT olJuslice .. #h .. _1 0 San NW _Bgmni..? Policy Serra": ?clc?lOllenee Date wAmerngL/QOIlenee Location Inuuicniit-llc Number @9135 L?l 3 This form may be used to provide a description ofthc physical or emotional harm, property damage or economic loss suffered by you as the result ofthe commission ol'an offence. as well as a description oftlic impact oflhe offence on you. You may attach additional pages il?you need more space. Your statement must not include: - any statement about the offence or the offender that is not relevant to the harm or loss you suffered; . any unproven allegations: - any comments about any offence for which the offender was not convicted: - any complaint about any individuaL other than the offender. who was involved in the im?estigation or prosecution oflhc offence: or I except with the court?s approval, an opinion or recommendation about the sentence. You may present a detailed account ofthe impact the offence has had on your life. The lolloning sections are examples 0] information you may wish to include in your statement. You are not required to include all oflhis inlormation. Emotional impact Describe how the offence has affected you emotionally. for example. think of: your lifestyle and activities: your relationships with others such as your spouse, family and friends: your ability to work. attend school or study; and .. . your feelings, emotions and reactions as they relate to the offence. Sioc'lf?CMPm'L ?is, attached Physical impact Describe how the offence has affected you physically. For example, think of: . ongoing physical pain, discomfort. illness. scarring, disfigurement or physical limitations; - hospitalization or surgery you have had because of the offence: . treatment. physiotherapy or medication you have been prescribed; . the need for any further treatment or the expectation that you will receive further treatment; and . any permanent or long-term disability. Vidim Impgdeeiipiem - - c; I ?x WPi?H?em r?m?of?be Lelj?g?e?rnz/ . . .. O?EelbieL/cdhe .. fene? aver??3657?- deem aebj??cmmj E. . L4 Pf" Lee?L- rigin?w?RH" bug?? ~Ebe If) (:39 LO Cl ij ._53fbf?rl beget/e) _hQi?pR/ce L- was 1537573 yon; Io! ?Pee! +he 1,063:me Ca?) :4ch F61 mi he _em. 6.9+ ?4551.5. ..pgsimcmdees? i I no _eebaj. Dc 1L0 '1r\ m?j MErY?orj; Then h? happ?aecj. j-cz and ?H?egee I dl'C/n \?ll war??f;ei? CJO 0;in +h?3m? wars 4416-? mj_dh??F? thlna?ciew Knew beJii?chugid I @m if; 50 I k? the Guess :Cee K?owf A .b .. 195]. .Pb {To ?Ebt r" _j hfi?efg? end 3?5; . 1} kg 413 +hEm auger firms? phone. baa??t: ?heej 04f} bu Some: thef? meme; ??held +hem. Ab mach 5 (j (23? Kids QLQ 33,3: . {he mound. A5 mo+her QLL ?-909 ?3 0 1 4m 1Lkgjo31 mg?? ML . C1 upgu ?33mm fhem?ls kl Hip, 10 8+ mgi hat?gu?. 35:94:?- fi?i . CWECAJV 35+ I053 I . hqc? 613109.57; wu? - . I {The E319. LO . I4 mat?: EK Di?i?cl . 1'6 L) C1065 . I Hi I?m 5?5 .LELri?bL??ngQ sf CL [$14.Know bu+ (26:7) Lg; qh??aajbm?_ .t I 5&6" I Falct+? ?Po Loigram hew? j; FE, Logan136;- I gm 14-hex: i ind 7?0 k95_ +936? I ?rm/f: dmc_wq 75hr?- (7/0 ?hCL?f I. (3/0 100% Hwy; whammic ?515.-th51153- I deny ~H?m have had C4 *Ful I Him P?s . +he 41.9646} M3 ma 9 Of? help me Tito axe?t ??hr?op? 'fthe hon/e Cary-11o Qrcep?f thA LOSQH ?in GHQ. Mu wharx +hinj< . will nemer 599? Him acrqi?, ?Pee5m; and Haggai-? I ?Fell me {Phi he?? 1. bee .3521 +0 hock?y, would r?ever see him b? I KROW V3-6. hon/6 0C5 ?/"heSE fhooa M5. give FY16 a Fegi-__pqi_o__- TEL if). . . a . CO rn/O Cf Fed +he fix?- 4?th c1 CNQL K?ow img- BOA Q2489 mm nuj?es .. Lu hock he ngaw?bmkig Ifbo 0.3.M3 brig?) me king?Jnhofp?pqim A 1.0521175 . (El/.n19) we Camel PMS KDIJL -t . For court use only I ?i Govergment VICTIM i . A Saskatchewan Ministry STATEMENT Sc, will) . -- Victim's Name Police Sert ice Offence Dale ()I'fcuec Location jt?glgl?W_ Incidenl'l-ile Number This form may be used to provide a description ofthe physical or emotional harm. property damage or economic loss sullered by you as the result ofthe commission ofan offence. as well as a description ofthe Impact ol the ollence on you. You may attach additional pages ifyou need more space. Your statement must not include: - any statement about the offence or the offender that is not relevant to the harm or loss you suffered: . any unproven allegations: . any comments about any offence for which the offender was not convicted: . - any complaint about any individual, other than the offender, who was involved in the inxestigalion or prosecution ol the offence; or . except with the court?s approval. an opinion or recommendation about the sentence. You may present a detailed account ofthe impact the offence has had on your life. The following sections are examples of information you may wish to include in your statement. You are not required to include all ofthis inforrmnion. Emotional impact Describe how the offence has affected you emotionally. For example. think of: - your lifestyle and activities: 0 your relationships with others such as your spouse. family and friends: - your ability to work. attend school or study; and 0 your feelings, emotions and reactions as they relate to the offence. 56363 ?x Physical impact Describe how the offence has affected you physically. For example, think of: - ongoing physical pain, discomfort, illness, scarring, dis?gurement or physical limitations: hospitalization or surgery you have had because of the offence; - treatment, physiotherapy or medi ?ation you have been prescribed; . the need for any further treatment or the expectation that you will receive further treatment; and - any permanent or long-term disability. Economic impact Describe how the offence has affected you [inanerally l' or example, ol: - the value ol?any property that was lost or damaged and the cost t? repairs or replacement; 3-- any ?nancial loss due to missed time from work: the cost ol'any medical expenses. therapy or counselling: and - any costs or losses that are not covered by insurance. Please note that this is not an application For compensation or restitution. Fears for security Describe any tears you have [or your security or that of your l'amily and friends. For L?Xittl'lplil. think 01.1 - concerns with respect to contact with the ol?l'cntler; and 0 concerns with respect to contact between the ol?l'entler and members ol'your litmily or close li'ientls. rawing, poem or letter You may use this Space to draw a picture or write a poem or letter il?it will help you express the impact that the ol't'ence has had on you. El 1 would like to present my statement in court. To the best ofmy knowledge, the information contained in this statement is true. Dated this \rl day ol?_jQQ_Qg?C?tm 20_lct at 5K. Signature llyou completed statement on behalfot the please indicate the reasons why you dic so and the nature ot?your ?rclationship to the victim. Dated this day 01' 20 at Signature of deelarant Victim Statement Written by Meagan Hartley older sister of Logan Schatz On April 6th 2018, my 24th birthday, my baby brother Logan Schatz was taken from me. He was killed in this tragic accident, which I now will always be reminded of. Every time my birthday rolls around is going to be a horrible reminder that its one more year of my life he hasn?t been with me. One more year with conversations unable to be had, memories unable to be made and his contagious smile and laugh unable to be seen or heard. This and so much more was all taken away from my family. got married last September which was one of the hardest events I have ever had to prepare my self for. How could I try to smile on what was supposed to be the happiest day of my life when I still feel broken with so much heart ache. So instead of having my baby brother there with me, dancing with me, hugging me because he was so happy for me, all I had was an empty chair where he should have been sitting. A stinging reminder that he was taken from us and will continuously be missing all our big moments. Logan was the kind of guy that made a mark on your heart and life. Anyone that would have met him would agree. He was so easily able to make friends, kind, hilarious and always willing to help other. Logan lived to play hockey and was a born leader. He was a player that was able to succeed physically and mentally in the game, he was the whole package. He was going places, but now Logan and my family will never be able to see what he could have done with his skills or life. We won?t be able to see where it would have taken him because his future was so selfishly taken away from him. He was way to young to leave us, his story wasn?t finished yet. Since I received the phone call with the news my life has forever changed. Not only because I lost one of my favourite people in this world but because I am forced to look at life differently and it scares me. Almost a year later and I still replay this nightmare over and over in my head every single day. I still find myself crying while driving to and home from work every day. I am losing sleep cause my mind is always thinking about it and I?m scared to fall asleep and dream about it. lam now constantly living life in fear. I don?t want my family out of my sight, I am terrified that another one will get taken away from me. i fear every time my husband goes to work on the highway he won?t come home. When I hear about another accident on the news, start having a panic attack, I can?t think, can?t breathe, can?t stop shaking. I call my loved ones to make sure it wasn?t them, which takes me right back to the night of April The night that is so awfully burnt into my mind and life now. The night that continues to haunt me. Logan and were the closest in age of 5 kids. The five of us had a relationship not everyone has with their siblings. We didn?t fight with one another, we wanted to spend time with each other, we were all best friends. The love we have for each other is unmeasurable, which made losing Logan so much harder. Now our unbreakable bond will forever be left with this horrible hole in it. My wonderful stories made with Logan which I loved to tell people are now painful to talk about. Its everything I lost and will never get back. Sometimes you never know the true value of a memory until it becomes the only thing you are left with. How is our life suppose to go on with out him? I i films-l imam - Abate I ?1 :1 it$.33 VICTIM IMPACT ta . ?45.7? 1 7911' 't i .. STATEMENT 3?de (Wu Viclim's Name Police Service incidenlIFile Mb? Offence Date 03?- Db] Offence Location Mammy - - - - damage or economic loss suffered 4 This form ma be used to prowde a description of the or emotional ham [1.113ch 5 .1 by you as thefesult ofthc commission of an offence, as well as a description of the impact ofthe oiTence on you. You may attach additional pages if you need more space. 9' Your statemt must not include: 0 any statement about the offence or the offender that is not rel . any unproven allegations: . . any comments about any offence for which the offender was not conVIfICd; . . - any complaint about any individual, other than the offender. who ??35 involved In the mvesttg?IlO? or pr non 0f the o??enee; or . except with the court?s approval, an opinion or recommendation about the sentence. your life. The following sections are examples of You may present a detailed account of the impact the offence has had on . . information you may wish to include in your statement. You are not required to Include all ofthis information. evant to the harm or less you suffered; Emotional Impact Describe how the offence has affected you emotionally. For example, think of: . your lifestyle and activities; 0 your relationships with others such as your spouse, 1- your ability to work, attend school or study; and . your feelings, emotions and reactions as they relate to the offence- L369 A??Ao?e . family and friends:be' h?taw? the offence has affected to: physio?! For example 9939;? phygical pain, discomfort, illness, scarring, dis?gurement or physical limitations; .or surgery Yogi have. had because of the, offeiice1o" tieamtent.? physiotherapyor medication you havebe'en prescribed Wm?twf" l' 4e?; 1*?va ?7 it . . expectation that Il-recet p.95 ham-mob