(nulladrim-i??oa1mm . - :331.1M -. - . - .1- 555-: .-: - -. 15;; 115.2% - an.? .1le - 2.3-: 1 March {1 1971+ The 311111111 3111,31 Sirica .3 Em Chief'ih?ga . . 4 if; 3 3311311111. Cm for the 11311121: (211111 1151111101, 1. C. 29901 .Baax'zu?ge Eiricaz 11 113 1191115 on 11115113 the 391111111 .01 the Ju?iciary~af?1ha 111w 01.1911e3311111313 agre?d unanimauaxy'to-antboriae 111 111111 11 r15111111113 to r?qnest- that -3nu. 1313111 111 Carmitt?e 113 111111111 1e1ivera1 11 311 1111 111113 13 the $1111 Jur3. 031 11131113 1911-, the huge, 13 a. 3:11 of 1:10 to I: authqrizca and 11311111 111 CQ1111111 an the- 3111:1113 to 1n3131igate fu113 and many 3111313 w1e1her-aufficien1 grounds .exis? 111-113 House af?Renreaentam 11315 to cxerciaa its constitutional 19111 ta?impeunh.11cbard?1 1ixan,l .'1reaia?nt 11 the 311111 Etates a? Amarica." -A 'Copy a?-1h11 1111111191, 363). is enclased. In ??auflnar 111111 that an . 9111191 1111 the purpusa 11 the resnlu1ian.was to-ampower the Cammittae' 11 11111151 11.113 111 $3113 $153 the full 931311111 an? unq3a11?1e? 1investiqa1131 power .1111 the Hausa. b3 the Cons11111101. .(111311151ana1 113011 ?ange, 111:1113 5,19Th Page 3 523.} 1111 111113 the C3111 Jury ?re-seated 10-301, as Chief J??ae far the ?i-atrict Court, 11113111 of -?olumhia 1'1 ?acumentg 111.1 hriaf?_caan?. Friar 11 3:111: an 113 reaolu1iau, the Ju?iciary Committaa- 11111111, on 111 11315 of'gublie reparts and disclosurea 11 1311111111 an 111 graviaua day 1111 1111 11113111 inclu?ed 1.131?3age 313111.. ?1331 1131 311 been placaa under seal 13 the Court. Ch _111115113 11 was 111111 in open court 13 Hr. 11193111. Coun?ei 1a _111 Special Prasecu1ar, 1111.111 Grand Jur3 had requeste? 1111 111 11111111 11511115311113 ta the 19111 of Representatives, as necesaary?1dcits' 11113113'011 its 11193111111 inquiry. [Daily Transcript, 11325278, $93-31 Qua 851) Th3 Ehrah 1971 10. During th& 3313 hearing the 3333131 1133.33u131, by 11. the Gaurt, 13 light of 113 Fresident'a d11331113 13 turn aver 13_ the- I?auae Ju?iciary 003311133 311 131311313 which ha turne? 3331 13 the $333131 Prosecutor tha1 11333 -331.3r:1313 313 131 33333333113 3313331311 with 113 ?ontent af?wh31 111 61331 J113?haa 131.36 1h13 c3311 13 transw 311 1.3 113 Ebu33 Judiciary 033311133. (B3113 ?rangeriyt Page T9 1 The .131113333 3333131113,3f'113 331111133 83311 133 33113?t_3 the -033311133 3 v1.33 th3t 13 33131111111331 13333 11 33111 13 11'1113 3313rial.w3r3 13p1 1133*113-13133 31 B333333n1311133 in the 333333 at the discharga 31 11-3.1331 3133313 canstituticnal rgaponsi?_ 111113. Our 333311131133.13133&3& 1111.1311313 of 3-331 av?rwhelmingu?atianal signif1333c3 13.113 current ongning_impeachment inquiry should 13- 1331131 an 113 b3313 11 113 12331-1v3113113 33113331 the fullest 33331113 3113131311111 11 the ?3113-. ?bre the ?ou3e 13 331 11.1113. .11133313331 1333123?1111331 having had the cpgortunity to 1313 this _31331 Jury 3313r131 1313 3133311, I fear th33 anch H3133 3333:33 311, 13?1111 the 331133 3313113, 13311 experience an enormaua 1331;31- canfi?3n?3 in our 33331113113331 333-133.3f gav3rnmant. . -1131_1ng 311331111133 11 the reaults of the impeachment .13311333 Emmarial r3caivea?by the innuiry hela str-ictly in 31* 33113333 with canfi?e31131ity?procadLres 3333131 by 1h3 Ju?iciary 631311133 33 Fahruary 1.3933 at those pracadu333 13 33* .313331. The 001311131, in 31331133 th333 proceaur33 has 1313331331 1131 1133 311311 the .3trict_est 1131111133 that can be 1313333 33333n? gibhy'an materials renaivad by 113 1313133 staff, 1313131331-311h prap3r discharge of the C33311133 3 ?Dn3titution3l 1313. The 033311133 has 1333.prncaa?in3 331'3111 11111333 exyeditimusxy - - .uith.its 133313h3331 inquiry in a manner that 13133 fully into 3333331 '--113 131113313 31 in?ividuala and 113.3113r1y 1331131. of ?1h31.533333~ 131131 913333133. 0331331 13 tha 13 cur system 31 3313r313n1_,13 the 333331131 13313331 responsibilxty .2- 313 power 1-3p33a? by the Cunati?uti?n in 1h3 33113 alane. glf~*- 11.,9133 and Jenner 1333 reported to the 633111133 a? thnes?ay 313th33 it 31? ht be 13331111-13 defer the 131333h33n1 inquiry 33111 after the 133113113 9 11131 1313 you h333 331.11r the 9331111-11113133313. The Cc3mittea has 33131 33 13 331331 to 1332_ e- 1131 11 13 in.no 3313331 11331113 for the 333311113 and.th3 31133 31 333:33311311333 333 to 3333331 for any perioa of 1133 11311_pr333nt The Hanorable John J. Sirica ?3~l Harch.8, purauit of the-1r canati?ntianal resp?nsib111ty. The Range ?n?fthe Judiciary Cgmmittee are un?er a cantrallApg canstitumianal ?hligatiuu and commitmant ta ant expeditiously in carrying cut their s?lem? conw st1tut1?nal ?uty. Sincerely; i - rm H. ROBIEIG, mg: - chairman '1 Enqiea?rea - =4-1.1 'l'lu . . -. . trunnp. 5:11.11.? ,3 humm- hm; {615:2 Eli?t?a?: at: 1211111111 5151;?; m. fin-.- 441? inn-1h!!- q. 23:44316231-63193 "march 3, 1974 nice-r1112: 1-14511'16: -Ennarable Pater H. Radinoj Jr. I 13219.1 Gogmiztee an the Jh?iciary H6156-of Rgpresentatives 61 the united States 1:5. f. 3 :?iV 59:3. a i 1-1-3311?: . near Hr. Chaiiman: requ-es-ting, on behalf of the House Judiciary Gommittee-, t-hat I nrdVida the CUmmittee wi.th m-aterials delivered t0 ?ne Cdurt last Friday by the June 5, 19?2 Igrand jury of this 61strict. ii-ki #43311aware, this m1tter is currently sub 3n61?a.- I shall be pleage? to reply to your requestw on-ce a dac-is1on is reached by me in.the near-future. "t . - .- -. 5.3. - - Jc'??um' I 1 - 5-w- A: I am in receipf??f your letter 6ated M1rch 8,1976 - 'uhum'aiaz-WASHINGTON march 1974 Ju?gs Siricaa In the-event that it_is finally.?etsrmine? that the IIpo-rt If. the grand jury the materials submitted to the in connecti?n IhIIawlth shoula be mId_s avail? able II csmmittes In the Judlclazy, Suited States Henge If RIprIsentatlveI; I on behalf of -Ihs PrI51aent If the ?niIId. Statas, th? right II the ;report and other and tb s09? sImI if I any to Is relevant It In.u1? seem that this request is in IchIdanca with of fundamental faixnsas Jana II least by analogy, with the statutury requirement in 18 U. C. 3333(Ilfll. I II I ccpy of this Is.ttar to II. John Boar, ?pecial Caun$.Il far the CummittII on-the Ju?ici-Iry, United States Hausa If Fayressntat.ives, with the hope that he wi-Il a?vise Isur Honor tha-t he has I.o objection II the granting If this request. D-. St. Clair' pacia1 Counsel to the President IhI.Honorable John Sirisa Rama 2'4 128 _=Unita? States Caurthouse Thir? and Constitution Avenue N.W. washington, 3.5. as: Jahn M. Dear