United States Department of State Washington, D.C. 20520 December 7, 20 18 Case Nos. F-2017-16725 American Oversight 1030 15th Street NW, B255 Washington, DC 20005 Dear Ms. Sloan: This letter responds to your request dated November 1, 2017, regarding the release of certain Department of State ("Departme nt") records under of the Freedom of Information Act ("FOIA"), 5 U.S.C. § 552. The Department has retrieved calendar records responsive to your request. Upon reviewing these records, we have determined that information in some of the calendar entries must be withheld, as noted in the enc losed pages. Where we have made excisions, the applicable exemptions are marked on each page. All nonexempt material that is reasonably segregable from the exemp t material has been released. All released material is enclosed. An enclosure explains the FOIA exempt ions and other grounds for withholding material. The process ing of your request remains ongoing. We will keep you informed as your case progresses. If you have any questions, your attorney may contact Senior Trial Counsel James Luh at James.Luh@usdo j.gov or (202) 514-4938. Please refer to the case number, F-201716725, and the civil action number, 18-cv-00534, in all correspondence regarding this case. 2:;·~-l Susan C. Weetman Chief, Programs and Policies Division Office of Information Programs and Services Enclosures: As stated /\MER l /\I\ pVERSIGHT The Fr cl"doin of ln fonnation Act (5 USC S52) F O JA Ex emp tions (bXlj lnfom iation spec ifically cutJ1orizcd by an executive order to be kept sc.oret iri th e imcr cs l of' 1i:iti ona.l dc{cnsc or foreign policy. fa :ec ut ivc Ordc, 1352 6 include s the foll owin g cbssifi c.'ltion ca tegor ies: 1.4(a) 1.4(b) j .4(c) l A(d) I .4(e) Military plans, systems, or opcrar-ions fore ign govcmm c;nt inform atio n ln tclligcncc activi ties , source s o r method s, or cryptology Foreign relations or fore ign activities of the US, inclu.ding coofidentia l sources Scientific, technologi cal, or econ omic mat~ers relating to na(ionaJsecurity, including defense again st tra nsnational tei::rorism J .4(0 U.S. Government programs fo r safeguardin g-nuclear materials or facili .tics l.4(g) Vulnerabilities or capabili tj cs of system s, inscaltations, infrastruct.urcs.,projccts, plans, or protect ion scrv-iccs relating to US nati9nal security, including defense against trartsnational tcrroris 1u I A(h) Weapons of mass dcstructi cm (bX2) Ro!ated solely to the intcmzl perso nnel rules and practices•bf an ~ency (bX3) Specifically exempted from disclosure by statute (otJ1crthan 5 USC 552), for c>(amplc: ARMSE}..'P Anns Export Coutro.l Act, 50a USC 2411 (c) ClA PERS/ORG EXPORT CONTROL FS AC.'T Il-1A IRAN Central fotelligcnce Agency Act of 1949, 50 USC 4O3(g) Export Administration Act of 1979, 50 :USC App. Soc. 2411(.c) Forc i.r .n Service ·Act ofl9 .&0, 22tJSC 4004 Immigration and NationalityAct, 8'USC l202(f), Set. 212(f) Iran Claims SctUcmeot Ac~ Public Law 99:..99 ,, Sec . 505 (bX4) Trade secrets and confidential commerc ial -orfuumcial information (bX5) Intcragcncy or intra-a gency communications fom1ing part of the dchocratiYc process, at1orncy-c1icnt privilege, or attom~y work product (bX6) Personal privacy information (bX7) uw cnfuroement information whose .disclosure would: (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) intcrforc with enforccmenl proceedings deprive a.person-of a fair trial . coi;istilutean 'Ull.warrantcdinvasion of petsona'.Ipri,vacy disclose .confidcntia.l sources dis~tose investi gation techniques endangc. fife or physical safety of an individual (bXS) Prepared by or for a government a:gcncy regula,tfug or supervising financial institutions (bX9) Geologiaal and geoph,Ysica1information and data, in<;luding maps, concerning wells 0th.er Grounds forWithho14in,g NR AMf Mat~aLnot CAN PVERSIGHT responsive to a FO1A request excised with the agre¢ment ,oftlie~ucster UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 [RELEASE IN PART B2,B5,B6,B7(C),B7(E),NR J f-rkLay, JamJarf NR n , 2011 Time 9:00 AM -10:00 AM Subject Presentations of Credentials to the UN Secretary-General Show Time As Busy Location: Ground floor lobby, 2nd Floor & 38th Floor, UNHQ Run of Show: 9:00AM YOU give brief remarks to press in lobby A Ar r II"' A I STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000001 . . epartment of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 9:05 AM Meetin g with Peter Van Laere, UN Chief of Protocol 9:30 AM Credentials Ceremony 9:35 AM Short Meeting with Secretary-General Antonio Guterres 9:50 AM Meeting Concludes// Take Official UN photo 10:00 AM YOU depart Staff: Ambassador Sison, Kurtis Cooper, David Glaccum & Jon Lerner Time 10:05 AM ··· 10:45 AM Subject Office Time Show Time As Busy Location: NH Office Time 10A5A M ··· 11:15 AM Subject M eetin g: Jackie Roo ney Show Time As Busy Location: NH Office Staff: Jon Lerner Time 11:15 AM - 11:45 AM Subject Meetin g : Jonathan Wachtel Show Time As Busy Locati on: NH Offi ce St aff : Jon Lerner Time 11 AS AM- 12:15 PM Subject Meeting: Morgan Vina Show Time As Busy Location : NH Office Staff: Jon Lerner Ti me 12:15 PM -1 2:20 PM Subject Meetin g: Diplomati c Security Show Time As Busy Locati on: NH Offi ce St aff:! '- __ ___, I&~---~ B6 B7(C) Time 12:20 PM - 1:10 PM Subject Offic e Tim e Show Time As Busy Location: NH Office Tim e 1:15 PM - 2:45 PM Subject Lunch: UN Secretary -Genera l Antonio Guter res Show Time As Busy STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000002 UNCLASS IFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 ti/kmtjt,,;~ty H , W:r? Time All Day Subject All Day Show Time As Free Weather: 35/34; Mostly cloudy, a little snow; 64% precipitation Event FYls: 10:00 AM - SC Briefing & Consultations: Syria Political B6 AIC:~ I -~ B7(C) RON: Residence Time 8:30 .AM - 9:00 AM Subject 21/W Staff Meeting (30 min) Recurrence Occurs every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday effective 2/13/2017 until 6/15/2017 from 8:30 AM to 9 :00 AM Show Time As Busy Time 9:15 ,~M-9:3-0 AM Subject Political Section Meeting Show Time As Busy Location: 20th Floor Conference Room, USUN Time 9:15 AM - 9:45 AM Subject Briefing (30 mins) Recurrence Occurs every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday , Thursday, and Friday effective 1/31/2017 until 3/31/2017 from 9: 15 AM to 9 :45 AM Show Time As Busy Time 10;30 AM ~ 12:00 PM Subject Office Time Show Time As Busy Location: NH Office Time 12:00 PM - 12:10 PM STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000027 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Subject Call: Amb. Rycroft Show Time As Busy Call: Amb. Matthew Rycroft, PR, UK Location: NH Office Time l?.:lO PM -12:40 PM Subject Office Time Show Time As Busy Location: NH Office Time l?.:40 PM- 17.50 PM Subject Pre-Brief: PS Lunch & Ukraine FM Show Time As Busy Pre-Brief: PS Lunch & Ukrainian Foreign Minister Location: NH Office Staff: Chris Klein, David Glaccum, Stefanie Amadeo, Kristin Kiel & Kevin Lynch Time 1:05 PM,.. 1:15 PM Subject Depart USUN en route Lunch Show Time As Busy Drive Time : 10 minutes Car: NH & Elisa Yoshioka time 1:l.S PM ... 2:4S PM Subject PS Lunch Show Time As Busy PS Lunch: Hosted by-Ambassador Liu Jieyi, PR, China B6 Location: Chinese PR Residence, Press: None Attendees: S Ambassador Liu Jieyi, PR, China Ambassador Matthew Rycroft, PR, UK Ambassador Francois Delattre, PR, France Ambassador Vitaly I. Churkin, PR, Russia Staff: None B6 Contact: Lu,~-------~ Time 2:45 PM ... 2:55 PM Subject Depart Chinese mission en route Ukrainian mission Show Time As Busy STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000028 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Drive Time: 10 minutes Car: NH & Elisa Yoshioka Time 3:00 PM - 3:45 PM Subject Meeting: Pavlo Klimkin, Ukraine FM Show Time As Busy Meeting: Pavlo Klimkin, Ukraine FM Location: Ukrainian Mission, 220 East 51st Street, New York, NY Between Second and Third Avenues Press: Photo Note: This meeting will be 1:1 Contact: Volodymyr Mialkovskyi B6 ~------~ cell Time 3:45 PM ... 3:50 PM Subject Depart Ukrainian mission en route USUN Show Time As Busy Drive Time: 5 minutes Car: NH & Elisa Yoshioka Time 4 :00 PM ... 4: 10 PM Subject JL Meeting (he plans to leave at 4:30 pm) Show Time As Busy Location: NH Office Time 4: 15 PM - 4:30 PM Subject Pre-Brief: DPRK Show Time As Busy Pre-Brief: SC Consultations DPRK Location: NH Office Staff: David Glaccum, Chris Klein & David Lee T11ne 4:45 PM - 4:SS PM Subject S Call: Sec. Tillerson & Gen. Flynn Show Time As Busy S Call: Secretary Tillerson and General Flynn Location: NH Office Time 4:55 PM ... 5:00 PM Subject Depart USUN en route UN Show Time As Busy Drive Time: 5 minutes Car: NH & Elisa Yoshioka STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000029 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Time 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM Subject SCConsultations: DPRK Show Time As Busy Location: Security Council Briefer: Miroslav Jenca, A/SYG for Political Affairs Press: TBD Staff: Chris Klein & David Lee Note: Closed consultations Time 6:30 PM - 6:35 PM Subject Depart UN en route USUN Show Time As Busy Drive Time: 5 minutes Car: NH & Elisa Yoshioka Tuesday, f.ebruarv 14, 2017 Time All Day Subject FYI Show Time As Free Weather: 35/34; Mostly cloudy, a little snow; 64% precipitation Event FYls: 10:00 AM - SC Briefing & Consultations: Syria Political B6 B7(C) AIC:I ~-~ RON: Residence Time 8;30 AM~ 9:00 AM Subject 21/W Staff Meeting (30 min) Occurs every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday effective 2/13/2017 until 6/15/2017 from 8:30 AM to 9 :00 AM Show Time As Busy Recurrence Time 9 :lS AM.. 9:,is AM Subject Briefing (30 mins) Occurs every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday effective 1/31/2017 until 3/31/2017 from 9: 15 AM to 9 :45 AM Show Time As Busy Recurrence Time 9: lS .AM - 9 :45 .ll.M Subject Office Time Show Time As Busy Location: NH Office Time 9:45 AM - 10:00 AM Subject Call: Amb. Bessho Show Time As Busy Call: Amb. Karo Bessho, PR, Japan Location: NH Office STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000030 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Contact: Dana~----~ Time 10:lOAM-11:00AM Subject Office Time Show Time As Busy Location: NH Office Time 11:00AM - 11:2SAM Subject MR Section In-Brief Show Time As Busy Location: 15th Floor Conference Room, USUN Time ll.:45 ,ll.l\,~- 12:15. PM Subject Office Time Show Time As Busy Location: NH Office Time l?.:30 PIVl- 1245 PM Subject Call: B5 ~---~ Show Time As Busy ~---~ Call:~---~ Director, Cabinet Affairs Location: NH Office Note: Mr. I rill initiate the call ~-~ B6 Contact: ~---~ Time 12 :4S Plv1""2.:30 PM Subject Office Time// Lunch Show Time As Busy Location: NH Office Time 2:30 PM - 2:45 PM Subject Call: AG Jeff Sessions Show Time As Busy Call: AG Jeff Sessions Location: NH Office Note: AG Sessions will initiate the call Contact: Errical Bryant, ~---~ Time 2:45 PM - 2:55 PM Subject Pre-Brief: Canada PR Show Time As Busy Location: NH Office Staff: Ambassador Sison, David Glaccum, Chris Klein, Stefanie Amadeo Carolyn Smith & Jason Lawrence Time 3:00 PM .. 3:15 PM STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000031 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Subject Meeting: Groves & Klein Show Time As Busy Location: NH Office Time 3:/.S PM ·· 3:35 PM Subject Call: James Burnham, WH Counsel Office Show Time As Busy Call: James Burnham, White House Counsel Office Location: NH Office Contact: Blake Deplane B6 ~----~ Time 3:40 PM - 3:45 PM Subject Depart USUN en route Canadian mission Show Time As Busy Drive Time : 5 minutes Car: NH & Elisa Yoshioka Time 3:45 PM - 4:15 PM Subject Meeting: Amb. Blanchard Show Time As Busy Meeting : Amb. Marc Andre Blanchard, PR, Canada Location: Canadian mission, 885 Second Avenue, New York, NY 14th Floor, Between 47th and 48th Streets Topic: Courtesy Call Press: [Tl Photo// Social Staff: None Contact: Brenda, Time 4 :15 PM - 4 :20 PM Subject Depart Canadian mission en route USUN Show Time As Busy Drive Time: 5 minutes Car: NH & Elisa Yoshioka Time S.:00 PM - 5:45 PM Subject Office Time Show Time As Busy Location: NH Office W.:dr:bd:!ly , f .:nrnarv 15, wn Time All Day Subject FYI Show Time As Free Weather: 35/34; Mo stly cloudy, a littl e snow; 64% precipitation Event FYls: 10:00 AM- SC Briefing & Consu ltation s: Syria Political STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000032 UNCLASS IFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 AIC:I....__ B6 B7(C) _, RON: Residence Time 8:20 .AM ... 10:20 AM Subject B6 Show Time As Time S:30.AM - 9:00 AM Subject 21/W Staff Meeting (30 min) Recurrence Occurs every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday , Thursday , and Friday effective 2/13/2017 until 6/15/2017 from 8:30 AM to 9 :00 AM Show Time As Busy Time 9 :1S.AM - 9:4 SAM Subject Briefing (30 mins) Recurrence Occurs every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday , and Friday effective 1/31/2017 until 3/31/2017 from 9: 15 AM to 9 :45 AM Show Time As Busy Time 9:45 AM - 1045 AM Subject Office Time Show Time As Busy Location: NH Office Time 11:15 AM -12 :45 PM Subject Office Time// Lunch Show Time As Busy Location: NH Office Time 1:00 PM- 1:J.S PM Subject Pre-Brief: ROK PR Show Time As Busy Location: NH Office Staff: David Glaccum, Stefanie Amadeo & David Lee Time 1:3(1PM ~ 2:00 Pr\tl Subject Staff Meeting : Middle East Peace Show Time As Busy Location: NH Office Staff: Amy Tachco, Leslie Ordeman, Steve Groves & David Glaccum Time 2 :15 PM - 2:30 PM Subject Press Meeting Show Time As Busy Meeting: David Glaccum, Chaney Adams, Kurtis Cooper & John Degory Location: NH Office STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000033 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Time 2:55 PM - 3:00 PM Subject Depart USUN en route ROK mission Show Time As Busy Walk Time: 5 minutes Car: NH & Elisa Yoshioka Time 3:00 PM .. 3:30 PM Subject Meeting: Amb. Tae-yul Show Time As Busy Meeting: Amb. Cho Tae-yul, PR, ROK Location: ROK mission, 335 East 45th Street , New York , NY Between First and Second Avenues Topic: Courtesy Call Press: Photo Staff: None B6 Contact: Stacy Joo,~I----~ Time 3 :30 PM - 3:35 PM Subject Depart ROK mission en route USUN Show Time As Busy Walk Time: 5 minutes Car: NH & Elisa Yoshioka Time 3 :35 PM - 3;50 PM Subject Office Time Show Time As Busy Location: NH Office Time 4 :00 PM - 4:J.SPM Subject Meeting: Denise Nash Show Time As Busy Meeting: Denise Nash, HR Location: NH Office Time 4:15 PM ~ 4:30 PM Subject Staff Meeting Show Time As Busy Meetin g: SG, DG, KV, CA & RS Location: NH Office Time 4:SS PM - 5:00 PM Subject Birthday Photo Show Time As Busy Location: NH Office B6 Staff: STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000034 UNCLASSIF IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Photographer: Kenzi Green Time 5 :00 PM .. S:05 PM Subject Phone Call Show Time As Busy EVENT: Introduction call with Greg Baraca, TD COO TIME: 5:00PM -5:0 5PM ~---~ B6 ~ ill be connected Time 5:30 PM .. 5 :40 PM Subject S Call: Lt. Gen. Kellogg & Sec. Tillerson Show Time As Busy Secure Call: Lt. Gen. Kellogg and Secretary Tiller son Location: NH Office Contact: State Ops will initiate the call Tl:urscl«v, Febr,,arv Hi, 2017 Time All Day Subject FYI Show Time As Free Weather: 35/34; Mo st ly cloudy, a little sno w; 64% precipitation Event FYls: 10:00 AM - SC Briefin g & Consultations: Syria Political B6 B7(C) RON: Residence Time S:30 AM - 9:00 AM Subject 21/W Staff Meeting (30 min) Recurrence Occurs every Monday, Tue sday, Wednesday, Thur sday, and Friday effective 2/13/2017 until 6/15/2017 from 8:30 AM to 9 :00 AM Show Time As Busy Time 9:15 1\M - 9:20 AM Subject Private Call B6 Show Time As Busy ~--------------~ Time 9:20 .~M ··· 9 :30 ,C\M Subject S Call: Mike Pompeo Show Time As Busy Secure Call: Mike Pompeo Time 9:30 1\M - 9:SSt\ M Subject Office Tim e (25mins) STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000035 UNCLASSIF IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Show Time As Busy Time 9:40 M.ll- 9 ;45 AM Subject Call: Amb. Bessho Show Time As Busy Call: Amb. Ko ro Bessho, PR, Japan Topic: Prohibition of nuclear weapon s Contact: Yusuke,~ --- B6 ~ Time 9:SS,'\M - 1000 AM Subject Depart USUN en route UN (5 mins} Show Time As Busy Car: NH & Elisa Yoshio ka Time 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Subject SC Briefing & Consultation s: Middle East Show Time As Busy Location: Security Council Briefer : Special Coordinator Nickolay Mladenov Press: TBD Sta ff: Amb assador Sison, Chri s Klein , Amy Tachco & Leslie Ord ema n Time 12:fJOPM - 12:15 PM Subject Press Stakeout Show Time As Busy Locati on: Press Stakeo ut Area Staff: Chaney Adams, Kurtis Cooper & John Degory Time 12:15 PM - 12:20 PM Subject Depart UN en rout e USUN (5 min s) Show Time As Busy Car: NH & Elisa Yoshioka Time 12:20 PM -1 :45 PM Subject Offi ce Tim e// Lunch (lhour 10 min s} Show Time As Busy Time 2:30 PM - 2:40 PM Subject Pre-brief: Sweden PR Show Time As Busy Staff: Amb assado r Sison, David Glaccum , Ch ris Klein, M atth ew Do lbow & St ephen Knight Time 2:40 PM - 3:10 PM Subject Daily OPS M eetin g - KV Show Time As Busy Time 3:10 PM - 3:15 PM STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000036 UNCLASS IFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Subject Depart USUN en route Swedish mission (5 mins) Show Time As Busy Car: NH & Elisa Yoshioka Time :us PM ·· 3:45 PM Subject Meeting: Amb. Skoog Show Time As Busy Meeting: Amb. Olaf Skoog, PR, Sweden Location: Swedish Mission, 885 Second Avenue, 46th Floor, New York, NY Between 47th & 48th Streets Press: Photo Staff: None Contact: Angela, 86 ~----~ Time 3:45 PM - 3:50 PM Subject Depart Swedish mission en route USUN (5 mins) Show Time As Busy Car: NH & Elisa Yoshioka Time 4:30 PM - 4:45 PM Subject Office Time (15 mins) Show Time As Busy Time 4:45 PM - 5:00 PM Subject Depart en route appointment (15 mins) Show Time As Busy Car: NH Time S:00 PM - 6:00 PM Subject NH Appointment Show Time As Busy 86 ~---- ......................................................... ~---- ..................................................................................... ...................................................................................... . rrki~y, f-ehn.:art 17, 2017 Time All Day Subject All Day Show Time As Free Weather: 35/34; Mostly cloudy , a little snow; 64% precipitation Event FYls: 10:00 AM - SC Briefing & Consultations: Syria Political 86 ~-- AIC~ 87(C) RON: Residence STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000037 UNCLASS IFIE D U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Time 8:30 AM - 9:00 AM Subject 21/W Staff Meeting (30 min) Recurrence Occurs every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday effective 2/13/2017 until 6/15/2017 from 8:30 AM to 9 :00 AM Show Time As Busy .•:-:-: Time 9 :_10 Af\/1-- 9:15 Af.JI Subject Depart Residence en route USUN (5 mins) Show Time As Busy Time 9:151\M-9:45 M,t Subject Briefing (30 mins) Recurrence Occurs every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday , Thursday, and Friday effective 1/31/2017 until 3/31/2017 from 9: 15 AM to 9 :45 AM Show Time As Busy Time 9:.30AM -9:45 AM Subject S Call: Sec. Tillerson Show Time As Busy Secure Call: Sec. Tillerson Note: State Ops will initiate the call Contact: Emily Eng, (202) 647-9071 Time 10:15 AM - 10:25 /,M Subject Pre-Brief: Bolivia PR Show Time As Busy Staff: Ambassador Sison, SG, DG, Chris Klein & Elizabeth Lee Time 10:30 AM··· 10:40 AM Subject Call: Dr. Condoleezza Rice Show Time As Busy Call: Dr. Condoleezza Rice B6 Contact: Jules Thompson, ~----~ Note: We will initiate the call Time 10 :40 AM - 11: 15 Arv1 Subject Office Time (35 mins) Show Time As Busy Time 11:15AM-1 1:30AM Subject Meeting: KV, JC Show Time As Busy Time 11:30 AM - ll :45 AM Subject Pre-Brief: Budget Show Time As Busy Pre-Brief: Section Head Meeting on Budgets Staff: SG, DG, KV STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000038 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Time 11 :45 AM -12: 00 PM Subject Office Time (15 mins) Show Time As Busy Time 12:0CPM - 12:30 PM Subject Section Head In-Brief re: Budgets Show Time As Busy Staff: SG, KV, DG Attendees: Chris Klein (POL) Matthew Dolbow (ECOSOC) Col. Michael Rauhut (MSC) Chaney Adams & Jitu Sardar (Press) [Tl Maura Connelly/Brian Conroy (MR) [Tl Eileen Merritt (Host Country) Stephen Townley (Legal) Tom Gallo (Management) -Natoschia Scruggs (Res. & Ref) [Tl-Fred Murriel (IRM) B6 B7(C) Time 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Subject Office Time// Lunch (1 hour) Show Time As Busy Tltne 2:15 PM -2:45 PM Subject Deep Dive: Europe Show Time As Busy Staff: DG, Chris Klein, Steve Gee & Kevin Lynch Time 2.:SSPM ·· 3:00 PM Subject Depart USUN en route Bolivian mission (5 mins) Show Time As Busy Car: NH & Elisa Yoshioka Time 3:00 PM .. 3:30 PM Subject Meeting : Amb . Sacha Sergio Llorentty Soliz Show Time As Busy Meeting: Amb. Sacha Sergio Llorentty Soliz, PR, Bolivia Location: Bolivian mission, 801 Second Avenue , Suite 402 Between 42nd and 43rd Streets STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000039 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Topic: Courtesy Call Press: None Staff: None B6 Contact: Maira , Time 3:30 PM .. 3:35 PM Subject Depa rt Bolivian mi ssion en ro ute USUN (5 mi ns} Show Time As Busy Car: NH & Elisa Yoshioka Time 3 :35 PM - 4:JJ0 PM Subject Offi ce Time (25 mins} Show Time As Busy Time 4:00 PM - 4:30 PM Subject Meeting re: Political Prisone rs Show Time As Busy Staff: Ambassador Sison, DG, Kelly Razzouk, & Kurti s Coo per Tim e 4;45 PM ··· 6:00 PM Subject Office Time (1 hour , 15 mins} Show Time As Busy Time 5:55 PM - 7:00 PM Subject Depart Residence en route Dinner (5 min s} Show Time As Busy Car: NH Tim e 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Subject B6 Show Time As Time 9:00 PM - 9:05 PM Subject Depart Dinner en route Residence (5 min s) Show Time As Busy Car : NH S,il:Ufi:foy, Fdirn;;i,y 18, ;mu Time All Day Subject FYI Show Time As Free B6 Birthd ay: STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000040 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Mond ay, f-ebrn.ar-1zn, 2017 Time All Day Subject All Day Show Time As Free Weather: 35/34; Mo stly cloudy , a little snow; 64% precipitation Event FYls : 10:00 AM- SC Briefing & Consultation s: Syria Political B6 AIC:~ I -~ B7(C) RON: Residence Time 8:30 .AM - 9:00 AM Subject 21/W Staff Meeting (30 min) Recurrence Occurs every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday effective 2/13/2017 until 6/15/2017 from 8:30 AM to 9 :00 AM Show Time As Busy Time 9:15 AM - 9:45 AM Subject Briefing (30 mins) Recurrence Occurs every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday , Thursday, and Friday effective 1/31/2017 until 3/31/2017 from 9: 15 AM to 9 :45 AM Show Time As Busy T;,;esclay , f-ebrn.ary 21, 2017 Time All Day Subject All Day Show Time As Free Weather: 35/34; Mostly cloudy, a little snow; 64% precipitation Event FYls: 10:00 AM - SC Briefing & Consultations: Syria Political AIC:~1- ~ RON: Residence Time 8 :30 _,1.,M •·· 9 :oo ,4M Subject 21/W Staff Meeting (30 min) Recurrence Occurs every Monday , Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday , and Friday effective 2/13/2017 until 6/15/2017 from 8:30 AM to 9 :00 AM Show Time As Busy Time 9 :0SAM - 9 :2CAM Subject Office Time (15 min s) Show Time As Busy Time 9:15 AM - 9:45 AM Subject Briefin g (30 mins) Recurrence Occurs every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday , Thursday , and Friday effective 1/ 31/201 7 until 3/31/201 7 from 9: 15 AM to 9 :45 AM Show Time As Busy Time 9 :5$ AM .. 10 :00 AM Subject Depart USUN en route UN (5 mins) STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000041 UNCLASSIF IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Show Time As Busy Car: NH & Elisa Yoshioka Time 10:00 AM - 12:00 FM Subject SCOpen Debate: Maint.of Int. Peace & Security: Conflicts in Europe Show Time As Busy SCOpen Debate: Maintenance of Int. peace & security: Conflicts in Europe Location: SC Briefers: SG Antonio Guterres OSCESG Lamberto Zannier European External Action Service SG Helga Schmid Press: TBD Note: You are speaker #2 Staff: Ambassador Sison, Chris Klein, Will Wagner & Kevin Lynch rime 12:00 PM·· 12:05 PM Subject Depart UN en route USUN (5 mins} Show Time As Busy Car: NH & Elisa Yoshioka Time 12;05 9M ·· l ;15 PM Subject Office Time// Lunch (1 hour, 10 mins} Show Time As Busy Time 1:.55PM... 2:25 PM Subject Host Country Section In-Brief (30 mins} Show Time As Busy Location: 11th Floor Conference Room, USUN time 2::i; PM ... 2:40 PM Subject Pre-Brief: SG Guterres (15 mins) Show Time As Busy Staff: Ambassador Sison, SG, DG, Chris Klein Time 2:40 PM- 3:10 PM Subject Syria Deep Dive (30 mins) Show Time As Busy Staff: SG, DG, Amy Tachco & Mounir Ibrahim Time 3: 10 PM - 3:25 PM Subject Office Time (15 mins} Show Time As Busy Time 3:25 PM ...3:40 PM Subject Depart USUN en route Russian mission (15 min s} STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000042 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Show Time As Busy Car: NH & Elisa Yoshioka Time 3.:40PM - 3:S5 PM Subject Signing of Condolence Book for Ambassador Vitaly Churkin (15 mins) Show Time As Busy Location: Russian Mis sion, 136 East 67th Street, New York, NY Between Lexington & Third Avenues B6 Contact: Dmitry ~----~ Time 3 :55 PM -4 :10 PM Subject Depart Russian mission en route UN (15 mins) Show Time As Busy Car: NH & Elisa Yoshioka Tline 4:15 PM - 5:00 PM Subject Meeting: SG Guterres Show Time As Busy Meeting: SG Antonio Guterres (45 mins) Location: SG's Office, 38th Floor, UNHQ Topic: Reform Press: TBD Attendees: 4 Maria Luiza Vietti (Chef de Cabinet) Staff: Steve Groves Contact: Joan B6 Mica Time $ 00 PM - $:OSPM Subject Depart UN en route USUN (5 mins) Show Time As Busy Car: NH & Elisa Yoshioka W~rh:w,d;;iy, Fd;n.ianr 12, W17 Time All Day Subject All Day Show Time As Free Weather: 35/34; Mo stly cloudy, a little snow; 64% precipitation Event FYls: 10:00 AM - SC Briefing & Consultation s: Syria Political B6 B7(C) RON: Residence Time S·.30AM - 9:00 AM Subject 21/W Staff M eetin g (30 min) STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000043 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Recurrence Occurs every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday effective 2/13/2017 until 6/15/2017 from 8:30 AM to 9 :00 AM Show Time As Busy Time 9:15 .AM-9:4SAM Subject Briefing (30 mins) Recurrence Occurs every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday effective 1/31/2017 until 3/31/2017 from 9: 15 AM to 9 :45 AM Show Time As Busy Time 9:30 .AM···9 :SOAM Subject Briefing: UN Human Rights Council (20 mins) Show Time As Busy Staff: Ambassador Sison, SG, Stefanie Amadeo Time 9:50 AM - 1045 AM Subject Office Time (25 mins) Show Time As Busy Time 10:45 AM .. 11:00 AM Subject Depart USUN en route Russian mission (15 mins) Show Time As Busy Car: NH & Elisa Yoshioka Time 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Subject Memorial Service for Ambassador Churkin (1 hour) Location Russian Misison, 136 East 67th Street (between Lex and Third Aves.) Show Time As Busy 86 Contact:'------~ Time 12:00 PM .. 12:15 PM Subject Depart Russian mission en route USUN (15 mins) Show Time As Busy Car: NH & Elisa Yoshioka Time 12:15 PM·· 12:30 PM Subject Pre-Brief (20 mins) Show Time As Busy Pre-Brief: SAMS President, '-----(20 mins) ~ SCSyria & CT Architecture 86 Staff: Ambassador Sison, SG, DG, Amy Tachco, Mounir Ibrahim, Kristin Kiel, Gavrielle Rosenthal, Will Wagner & Jasleen Bains Time 12:30 PM-1:00 PM Subject Office Time// Lunch (30 min s) Show Time As Busy Time 1:00 PM - 1:30 PM Subject Meeting: Ahmed Tarakji, President, Syrian American Medical Society Show Time As Busy STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000044 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Meeting: Ahmed Tarakji, President, Syrian American Medical Society (30 mins) Press: Photo Attendees: John Dautzenberg, Political Director, SAMS Dr. Samer Attar, SAMS Mohamad Alahmad Staff: Ambassador Sison, SG, DG & Mounir Ibrahim Contact: Via Mounir Ibrahim (POL) Time 1:30 PM -· 2:00 PM Subject Meeting: Parents of ~---~ B6 (30 mins) Show Time As Busy Meeting: Parents of ~---- (30 mins) Press: Photo Time 2:20 PM - 2:55 PM Subject Offic e Time (35 min s) Show Time As Busy Time 2 :55 PM - 3:00 PM Subject Depart USUN en route UN (5 mins) Show Time As Busy Time 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM Subject GA Consultations: CT Architecture Show Time As Busy Location: Tru steeship Council Briefers: SG Guterres and USGJeff Feltman Note: You will go to this session first Staff: Ambassador Sison, Amy Tachco, & Jasleen Bains Time 3 :00 PM - S:00 PM STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000045 UNCLASSIF IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Subject SC Briefings and Consultations: Syria Humanitarian Show Time As Busy Location: SC Briefer : OCHA USG Stephen O'Brien Note: Per POL, after the CT Session you will go to SC where you will be in a later speaking slot Press: TBD Staff: Ambas sador Sison, Amy Tachco, Gavi Rosenthal , Mounir Ibrahim & Kristin Kiel Time 5:00 PM - 5:05 PM Subject Depart UN en route USUN (5 mins) Show Time As Busy Time S:40 PM - 6:00 PM Subject Office Time (20 mins) Show Time As Busy Thm, d$y, f-~l:m.:arv24, 1017 Time All Day Subject All Day Show Time As Free Weather: 35/34; Mostly cloudy, a little snow; 64% precipitation Event FYls: 10:00 AM - SC Briefing & Consultations: Syria Political B6 B7(C) RON: Residence Time 7 :55 ,'\M - 8:05 AM Subject Show Time As Busy ~----~ Time S:OS.AM- 3 :10 AM Subject B6 Location Show Time As Busy Time S:10AM-3:20AM Subject Show Time As Busy Car: NH Tltne S:30.AM-3:4SAM Subject 21 Senior Staff Meeting (15 min s) Show Time As Busy Time 8:30 AM ... 9 :00 ,<\M Subject 21/W Staff Meeting (30 min) Recurrence Occurs every Monday , Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday effect ive 2/13/2017 until 6/15/2017 from 8:30 AM to 9 :00 AM Show Time As Busy Time 8;55 ,~M- 9:00 AM Subject Birthday Photo Show Time As Busy --------~ B6 Time 9:00 AM - 9:30 AM Subject Senior Staff Meeting (30 mins) Show Time As Busy Time 9:15 AM - 9:45 AM Subject Briefing (30 mins) Recurrence Occurs every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday , Thur sday, and Friday effective 1/31/2017 until 3/31/2017 from 9: 15 AM to 9 :45 AM STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000047 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Show Time As Busy Time 9:30 M.ll- 9;45 AM Subject Pre-Brief: Syria CW Session (15 mins) Show Time As Busy Staff: Amba ssador Sison, SG, DG, Chris Klein, Amy Tachco & Craig Finkel stein Time 9:45 AM - 9 :S5 AM Subject Office Time (10 mins) Show Time As Busy Time 9:.SS.<\M-10:00 AM Subject Depart USUN en route UN (5 mins) Show Time As Busy Car: NH & Elisa Yoshioka Time 10:00AM - 12:00 PM Subject SCConsultations: Syria CW Show Time As Busy Location: SC Briefers: Kim Won-soo, UN Disarmament Affair s (UNODA) High Representative Virginia Gamba, Head of the Joint Investigative Mechanism (JIM) Press: TBD Staff: Ambassador Sison, Amy Tachco & Craig Finkelste in Time l?.:00 PM-12 :05 PM Subject Depart UN en route USUN (5 mins) Show Time As Busy Car: NH & Elisa Yoshioka Time 12 :15 PM··· 12:25 P!v1 Subject Cal~---~ Show Time As Busy Call: ~ I ---~ i10 mins) Note Contact: Abe, B5 (10 min s) office will initiate the call B6 '-----~ Time 12:30 ?M - 12:40 PM Subject S Call: Sec. Tillerson (10 mins) Show Time As Busy Secure Call: Sec. Tiller son (10 mins) Topic: UNHR Council Note: State Ops will initiate the call STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000048 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Show Time As Busy Time 5:00 PM - 5:05 PM Subject Depart USUN en route Residence (5 mins) Show Time As Busy Saturd;.v , f~brnmv 25, 2011 Time All Day Subject All Day Show Time As Free AIC:~I-~ S:1nday , febr :1ary 25, 2017 Time All Day Subject All Day Show Time As Free 86 AIC:I ~-~ B7(C) Mom~t;,;~n;7.7, lO:U Time All Day Subject All Day Show Time As Free Weather: 35/34; Mostly cloudy , a little snow; 64% precipitation Event FYls : 10:00 AM - SC Briefing & Consultations: Syria Political AIC:~I -~ RON: Residence Time 6:00 AM - G:30 AM Subject Depart Residence en route LGA (30 mins) Show Time As Busy Car: NH Time 7 :00 .AM - 8 :30 ,t\M Subject Depart LGA en route DCA (1 hour, 30 mins) Show Time As Busy Flight: American Airlines 2123 Confirmation: MIHDXA Seat: 22C Staff: None AICj.__ __ ___, Time 8:30 AM - 9:00 AM Subject 21/W Staff Meeting (30 min) Recurrence Occurs every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday , Thursday, and Friday effective 2/13/2017 until 6/15/2017 from 8:30 AM to 9 :00 AM Show Time As Busy Time 9 :45 .AM-.J.O 05 AM STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000049 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Subject Depart DCAEnR Main State (20 min s) Show Time As Busy Time 10:10 AM - 10:20 M v1 Subject Depart Main State EnRWhite House (10 mins) Show Time As Busy Time 10:30 AM - 11:00 ,"\M Subject Meeting: Gen.'-----' B5 Location White House (West Wing, First Floor) Show Time As Busy Meetin g: General ~------------·3 0 mins) Staff: Jon Lerner B6 Contact: Dc===J Tlin e 11:00 AM - 11:45 .AM Subject Meeting: '------~ (45 mins) Location White House Show Time As Busy Attendees :~---- ............................................ -~~-~~··· ~ B5 NH, JL ······· ·····-----········· ····· ········---·············· ·· -~~-~~· ......................... . Time 11 :45 AM - 12:30 PM Subject Hold at White House (45 mins) - WHSRSmall Show Time As Busy Time 1230 PM - 1:30 PM B5 Subject Lunch:~----~ Show Time As Busy Time 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM ~ hour, 30 mins) Location Whit e Ho use Sit Room Show Time As Busy Subject I Time 3:00 PM - 3:10 PM Subject Depart White House EnR Main State (10 mins) Show Time As Busy Time 3:10 PM .. 3:45 PM Subject Office Time (35 min s) Location USUN/ W Show Time As Busy Time 3 :45 PM - 4:15 PM Subject Offici al Phot o (30 mins) Location Main Stat e, B258 (by t he j ogger' s entranc e) Show Time As Busy Contact: Brandon, (202) 647-3695/ Mark ~ --photo grapher ~ B6 Time 4 : 15 PM - 4:45 PM Subject Briefing (30 mins) STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000050 UNCLASS IFIE D U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Location USUN/W Show Time As Busy Contact: Christian Westermann, (202) 647-6936 Time 4:45 PM ·· 5:30 PM Subject Office Time (45 mins) Location USUN/W Show Time As Busy Time 5 :30 PM .. 5:50 PM Subject Depart Main State EnR DCA (20 mins) Show Time As Busy Car: NH Time 7:10 PM - 8:40 PM Subject Depart DCA EnR LGA (1 hour, 30 mins) Show Time As Busy Flight: American Airlines 4757 Confirmation: MIHDXA Seat: 18D Staff: None B6 B7(C) Tirrte 8:40 PM·· 9:10 PM Subject Depart LGA EnR Residence (30 mins) Show Time As Busy Car: NH T;,~i~d Time 3:00 PM ·· 3:15 PM Subject Depart Capitol en route Main State -- Car: NH, LD, CA, MD (15 min s) Show Time As Busy Time 3:15 PM - 3:45 PM Subject **AIPAC Prep Time// Office Time (30 mins)** Show Time As Busy Staff: **JL and CA Time 3:45 PM - 4:00 PM Subject Depart Main State en route AIPAC Conference -- Car: NH, LD, CA (15 mins) Show Time As Busy Staff: LD, MD, JL Time 4:00 PM - 4:10 PM Subject Call: Sen. Graham (10 mins) Show Time As Busy Logistics: Dial (202) 224-9090. This is the number of schedule r Alice James who will put you through to Sen. Graham rime 6:00 PM ·· 6:30 f'M Subject Depart AIPAC Conference en route DCA -- Car: NH, LD, CA (20 min s) Show Time As Busy Time 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM Subject Depart DCA en route LGA (1.5 hours) Show Time As Busy Flight: AA 4758 Confirmation: AZWVUN Seat: TBD Time 8:30 PM - 9:00 PM Subject Depart LGA en route Residence -- Car: NH, LD, CA (30 mins) Show Time As Busy Tuesday, Marc h W, 2\117 Time All Day Subject All Day Show Time As Free Weather: 59/45, AM fog, PM cloudy w rain possible , 56% precipitation Event FYls: SC UNSOM Adoption/UNDOF Consultations STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000087 UNCLASSIF IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 B6 B7(C) Time 8:25 AM - 8:30 AM Subject Depart Residence en route USUN -- Car: NH (5 mins) Show Time As Busy Time 8:30 Mv1.. 9:00 AM Subject 21/W Staff Meeting (30 min) Recurrence Occurs every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday effective 2/13/2017 until 6/15/2017 from 8:30 AM to 9 :00 AM Show Time As Busy Time 9 :40 .AM - 9:55 AM Subject Pre-Brief: Baroness Anelay, Anthony Lake, & Yemen Special Envoy (15 mins} Show Time As Busy Note: Earlier time due to POL officers needing to be in SCat 10 am Staff: Ambassador Sison, Chris Klein, Steve Gee, Amy Tachco, Kevin Lynch, Will Wagner, Miriam Schive & Stefanie Amadeo Time l0:00 AM - 11.:00 AM Subject SC Presidency Planning (1 hour} Show Time As Busy Event: Presidency Planning Meeting Time: 10:00pm -11:00pm Date: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 Agenda: 10:00am -10:20am, with Closed Consultations vs. Open Briefings Chris Klein, Amy Tachco, Steve Gee, Mark Simonoff 10:20am -10:40am, Procedures with Chris Klein, Amy Tachco, Steve Gee, Mark Simonoff 10:40am -11:00am, Event Updates with Chris Klein, Mark Simonoff , KV,MR, YO, LD Time 11:00 AM -11:45 AM Subject Review CFRSpeech// NK Memo (25 mins} Show Time As Busy Attendees Name Attendance Haley, Nikki (USUN New York} Time 11:30 AM - 11:40 AlVl Subject Call:~--Show Time As Busy ~ Organizer B5 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000088 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Call: ~--~(Cabinet Affairs) ILogistils: Sue will Call ~-- ~ Office and Connect NH -- B5 Scheduler:~---~ Office: Email: . CFRwill send exact page link when it is built. Purpose: To announce NH's priorities as President of the Security Council, as well as other USUN foreign policy goals. The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)is an independent, nonpartisan membership organization, think tank, and publisher with locations in New York and Washington . It is one of the most influential foreign policy think tanks in the United States. Audience: Approx . 150-160 CFRMembers . With over 4,900 members and term members , CFR's roster includes top government officials, scholars, business executives, journalists, lawyers, and nonprofit professionals. Richard Haass Photo: B6 Contacts: Meeting s - Carrie Bueche,~-----~ STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000091 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 .M-1 1:30 AM Subject Depart UN en route LGA -- Car: NH & LD (30 mins) Show Time As Busy Per Carlos to leave USUN at 11:00am Time 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM Subject Depart LGA en route DCA (1 hour , 30 mins) Show Time As Busy Flight: AA Confirmation: TYRIYW Seat: 15 A Window Time 1:30 PM ·· 1:50 PM Subject Depart DCA en route White House -- Car: NH & LD (20 mins) Show Time As Busy Time 2.:00 PM - 3:00 PM B5 Subject [Jv,eeting Show Time As Busy Note: Ashley Gunn will escort NH to Women 's Panel office. Via Secure Phone from Aircraft: Secretary of State Rex Till erson Margaret Peterlin, Chief of Staff Brett McGurk, Special Presidential Envoy STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000092 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 In person: USUN - Ambassador Nikki Haley Jon Lerner, Deputy to the US Perm Rep to the UN Time 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Subject Women's Empowerment Panel (1 hour) Show Time As Busy Note: Ashley Gunn will escort NH to IT office . Event: Women's Empowerment Panel Date: Wednesday, March 29, 2017 Time: 3:00pm-4:00pm Location: East Room QUESTIONS 1) As women, we all have stories of our struggles and successes in our careers. What is the defining moment that started your career? [DEVOS,MCMAHON) 2) What is the most important decision you have made to elevate your career? [HALEY,VERMA) 3) What is the best and worst piece of advice you have received in your career? [ASK ALL PARTICIPANTS) 4) We understand how busy life is for all of us. How do you balance family life and your career? [DEVOS/HALEY] 5) What is your one top priority for the respective positions you currently hold? [ASK ALL PARTICIPANTS) PARTICIPANTS Vice President Mike Pence First Lady Melania Trump KT McFarland Panel: This will be the order in which they are introduced by Attorney General Bondi Secretary Betsy DeVos, Panelist Administrator Linda McMahon, Panelist Ambassador Nikki Haley, Panelist Administrator Seema Verma, Panelist Attorney General Pam Bondi, Moderator STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000093 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Audience: Approximately 200 women from across the country PRESSPLAN POOL SPRAYATTHE END THE BEGINNING FORVICE PRESIDENT'S COMMENTS SEQUENCEOF EVENTS 2:30 PM Panelists and Moderator meet with Office of Public Liaison in Green Room of the East Wing to review program 3:00 PM K.T. McFarland introduces the Vice President 3:02 PM Vice President Pence delivers welcome remarks and recognizes Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi 3:06 PM Attorney General Bondi introduce s panel (panelists walk from Green Room to the stage as they are introduced) Press Pool is escorted out of the event 3:10 PM Panel Begins 3:45 PM Pam Bondi introduces The President and First Lady 3:46 PM The First Lady and Pam Bondi take seats in the front row 3:46 PM The President delivers remarks from the podium 3:53 PM WHCA makes announcement for guests to stay seated while the President, First Lady and Vice-President depart 3:54 PM Pam Bondi returns to the stage to thank everyone for attending and announce the event is concluded Time 4:00 PM - 4:40 PM Subject Meeting: lvanka Trump Location 2nd Floor West Wing - lvanka's Office Show Time As Busy Note: Ashley Gunn will escort NH to lvanka's office. Time 4:45 PM ···4:55 PM Subject Depart White House en route Capitol -- Car: NH & LD (10 mins) Show Time As Busy Time S:00 l'fv1 •· 6:00 PM Subject Meeting: Senate Foreign Relations Committee Members (1 hour) Location S-116 (Capitol) Show Time As Busy Event: Meeting: Senate Foreign Relations Committee Members Date: Wednesday, March 29, 2017 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000094 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Time: 5:00pm - 6:00pm Location: S-116 (Capitol) NOTE: DS will likely get clearance and will go through Carriage entrance Staff: LD (note taker) Purpose: Senate Foreign Relations Committee members would like to meet in a "getting to know you" session. In this session, they may discuss: 1) four famines/humanitarian issues; 2) UNSC priorities; and 3) budget. B6 Meeting Contact: Hallie Williams ; Hallie_Williams@corker.senate.go~v----~ Confirmed: Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN) Sen. Ben Cardin (D-MD) Sen. Jim Risch (R-ID) Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) Sen. Christopher Coons (D-DE) Sen. Todd Young (R-IN) Sen. Tim Kaine (D-VA) Sen. Edward Markey (D-MA) Sen. Cory Gardner (R-CO) Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) Have been invited but not confirmed: Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ) Sen. Tom Udall (D-NM) Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) Time 6:00 PM - 6:25 PM Subject Depart Capitol en route DCA -- Car: NH, JL, LD (25 mins) Show Time As Busy Time 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM Subject Depart DCA en route LGA (1 hour , 30 mins) Show Time As Busy STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000095 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Flight: AA Confirmation: Seat: TBD Time 8:30 PM - 9:00 PM Subject Depart LGAen route Residence -- Car: NH & LD (30 min s) Show Time As Busy Thursday , Marth 30, 2011 Time All Day Subject All Day Show Time As Free Weather: 56/40 , Mo stly sunny, 0% precipitation B6 B7(C) Time 7:45 ,'\M - 7:50 AM Subject Depart Residence en route USUN -- Car: NH (5 mins) Show Time As Busy Time 8:00 AM - S:30 AM Subject Meetin g: Secretary Jim Mattis (1.5 hour) Location USUN Show Time As Busy Event: Meeting: Secretary Jim Mattis , U.S. Secretary of Defense Date: Thursday , March 30, 2017 Time: 8:00am-9:30am Location : Ambassador Haley' s USUN Office Location Set-up : Small plated assorted pastries with place cards delivered at 6:45am Coffee / Tea/ Water/ Juice Elevator : Independent mode Coat Rack: Downstair s lobby Photographer s: Will be positioned in office prior to arrival Escorts: Greetin g on Arrival : Colonel Mike Rauhut /Emily / Rebecca Escort into Office : Colonel Mike Rauhut /Youseline Escort Support Staff to 2nd floor : M aria Confirm ed Attend ees (9): Amb assador Nikki Haley M r. Jo n Lerner, Deputy to th e Perma nent Represe ntat ive STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000096 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Mr. David Glaccum, Deputy Chief of Staff for Policy Colonel Mike Rauhut, USUN Military Advisor Secretary Jim Mattis , U.S. Secretary of Defense Rear Admiral Craig Faller, Senior Mil. Assist Ms. Sally Donnelly, Senior Advisor to the Secretary Mr. Justin Mikolay, Advisor , Strategic Communications Mr. Mark Swayne, Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Stability and Humanitarian Affairs Purpose: Gen. Mattis would like to specifically discuss the International Criminal Court's "Preliminary Examination" into the situation in Afghanistan and it s potential ramifications for US service members.I Suggested Talking Points: B5 1. Peacekeeping reform and Fiscal Disciplinej Upcoming Peacekeeping Mandate Renewals: * DRC(MONU SCO): Mandate Renewal--March 2017; Total Budget-$1.2 billion; U.S. Assessment--$352 million * Haiti (MINUSTAH): Mandate Renewal --April 2017; Total Budget-$345 million; U.S. Assessment--$98 million (will be substantially reduced after mandate renewal reforms) * Western Sahara (MINURSO): Mandate Renewal--April 2017; Total Budget--$52.5 million; $U.S. Assessment--$15 million * Abyei (UNISFA): Mandate Renewal--May 2017; Total Budget--$286 million; U.S. Assessment--$76.6 million * Somalia (UNSOS):Mandate Renewal--May 2017; Total Budget --$574 million; U.S. Assessment- -$163 million (Afri can Union Troops operat ing under a UN mandate) * Mali (MINU SMA): Mandate Renewal--June 2017; Tota l Budget-- STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000097 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 $933.4 million; U.S. Assessment--$266 million (substantial DOD equities) Background: The FY17 U.S. budget blueprint for calls for a reduction in U.S. contributions to UN peacekeeping from 28.5% to no more than 25%, which would cut the UN peacekeeping budget by a minimum of roughly $275m per year, or 3.5%. We expect the SG's overall budget proposal for 2017/18 to be one percent higher than last year (i.e., $8 billion) j 2. Canadian Peacekeeping Ministerial: I Background: The Canadian Ministerial, set for November 2017, is an offshoot of President Oba ma's Presidential Summit on Peacekeeping (2015) and the London Mini sterial on Peacekeeping (2016). The event in Vancouver will include topic such as: pledging, innovation in training, performance and accountability, rapid deployment, and women in peacekeeping.I B5 3. British Indian Ocean Treaty:! Background: The US has an important military base on Diego Garcia, an island in the British Indian Overseas Territory (BIOT), otherwise known as the Chagos Archipelego. Mauritius asserts that the UK illegally held on to BIOT when it gave Mauritius its independence in the 1960's. Last fall, Mauritius succeeded in adding a new agenda item to the General Assembly's agenda, on a request for an advisory opinion from the International Court of Justice on the sovereignty over BIOT, with the proviso that the General Assembly could not take Iacfoa ""'" Woe.I 4. Impact of ICC's "Preliminary Examination " on US Service members : Briefed in USUN/W 5. Iran and UNSCR2231: Briefed in USUN/W 6. Yemen: To Yemen/Hudaydah: I STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000098 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 B5 7. Syria: To be covered in a classified attachment. Time 10:00 AM - W30 AM Subject 21/W Staff Meeting Show Time As Busy Time 11:30 AM - 12:00 PM Subject Pre-Brief Wire Services Show Time As Busy Time 12:0SPM- 1:00 PM Subject Lunch// Office Time (55 mins) Show Time As Busy Time 1:00 PM - 1:30 PM Subject Wire Services Previewing Presidency (30 mins) Show Time As Busy Note: Journalists were told they have been invited for an interview to discuss the Ambassador's agenda for her April Security Council Presidency Event: April Presidency Preview with the wire services Date: Thursday, March 30, 2017 Time: 1:00pm -1:20pm (20 min sit down with reporters) Location: 2nd floor USUN (Press Conference Room) Staff: Chaney and Jonathan Reporters: Edie Lederer ; AP, Michelle Nichols;Reuters, Dave Clark ;AFP, Seana Magee & Takagi Ryohe; Kyodo Purpose: Preview the April presidency highlighting thematics of peacekeeping and human rights on the Security Council. Topics: April Presidency and US policy going forward. B5 PEACEKEEPING: STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000099 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 IContact: Kimberly Sutton, Program Officer I c._ ~ ___ B6 or (212) 415-4258 Please include any dietary restriction s. Attendees Name Attendance Haley, Nikki (USUN New York) Organizer McMillan , Emily B. (USUN New York) Requi red Time l J.:15 AM - 11:30 AM Subject Depart USUN en route UN -- Car: NH & LD (15 min s) Show Time As Busy iime 1.1:30 .O.M •• 12:00 PM Subject SCConsult ation s: POW (30 min s) Show Time As Busy Note: Script in meeting binder. Time l ?.:00 PM -1 :00 PM Subject Incomin g Brief to Memb er States of POW (1 hour) Location UN, Conference Room 1 Show Time As Busy Event: April UNSC Presidency Briefing for Non-Council Member s Date: Monday, April 3, 2017 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000117 UNCLASSIF IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Time: 12:00 p.m. -1:00 p.m. Location: CRl, UN Headquarters Attendees: Open to all UN member states Time 1:00 PM - 1:10 PM Subject Depart UN en route USUN -- Car : NH & LD (10 mins) Show Time As Busy Time 1 :05 PM ·· 2:00 PM Subject Lunch (55 mins) Show Time As Busy Time 2:00 PM - 7.:.30PM Subject Pre-Brief: Security Council Presser (30 mins) Show Time As Busy Time 2:30 Pfvl- 2;45 PM Subject Office Time (15 mins) Show Time As Busy Time 2:45 PM - 3:00 PM Subject Depart USUN en route UN -- Car: NH & LD (15 mins) Show Time As Busy Time 3:00 PM .. 4:00 PM Subject President of the Security Council press conference (1 hour) Show Time As Busy Event: President of the Security Council Press Conference Date: Monday April 3, 2017 Time: 3 :00 p.m. -4:00 p .m. Location: UN press briefing room (S-237), 2nd Floor past the Spokesperson' s offices Staff: JW, JD, CA Time 4:00 PM - 4:10 PM Subject Depart UN en route USUN -- Car: NH & LD (10 mins) Show Time As Busy Time 4:10 PM - 4:20 PM Subject Sen. Graham Call Show Time As Busy STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000118 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Date: Tuesday, April 4, 2017 Time: 10:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m. Location: Security Council Chamber Attendees: Open to all UN member states; Following the briefing, Security Council members will speak, followed by the Sudanese representative Background: Joint Special Representative Jeremiah Mama bolo (South Africa) will brief on the security situation in Darfur at this quarterly update on t he African Union/UN Hybrid Operation in Darfur (UNAMID). Mamabolo was formally appointed on April 3, 2017, he had been serving in an acting capacity since the previous JSRdeparted in January. Mama bolo will likely report that the situation in Darfu r has evolved. The government and rebel groups are no longer engaged in active combat, except for in the Jebel Marra region of Central Darfur. As a result, the security and humanitarian situations have improved in most of Darfur, yet internally displaced persons (IDPs) - of which there remain 2.6 million - still face significant insecurity, mostly from government forces, but also from armed militias and criminal elements. He will report on continued unrest over land ownership , as former IDPs attempt to return home to find their properties occupied by other s, resulting in armed clashes. He will also report on prog ress towards the political process, disarmament of militias , reconciliation and accountability, and the rule of law. The government of Sudan, led by ICCindictee Omar al-Bashir, has never been a partner to the UN and has a terrible human rights record. However, Darfur today is less dangerous than it was when the Council created UNAMID with resolution 176 9 in 2007. The UN Department of Peacekeeping Operation s (DPKO) is currently workin g to fini sh a strategic review of the mission that will likely conclude that a 30 percent reduction in troop s would be acceptable. Privately, some in DPKO have told us that the mission could still carry out its core function s with greater reduction s. We should use this meeting to signal that the United States is open to restructuring the mission, but that the government of Sudan will need to show it can be a credible partner . These UNAMID meetings are usually held in a private format, so this open briefin g p resents a rare opportunity for Council members to publicly react to the situation in Darfur. Script and Statement attached in meetin g binder Time 12:00 PM - 12:40 P~ll Subject Lunch (40 mins) Show Time As Busy Time 1:00 PM - 1:25 PM Subject O 85 Read Time in Office (25 mins) Show Time As Busy STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000119 UNCLASSIF IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Attendees: DG, AT, Liz Lee Purpose: To discuss where things stand on the UN Monitoring and Verification Mission (MVM) Background: Special Representative of the Secretary-General Jean Arnault wil l brief the Council April 5 on the UN Monitoring and Verification Mission in Colombia (MVM) and progress in the implementation of the Colombia peace accord, and POL will provide deep background on where things stand today. A peace agreement last year brought an end to 52 years of conflict between the Colombian government and the FARC,a leftwing narco-trafficking terrorist organization. The MVM (a UN special political mission or SPM) has been monitoring the government-FARC ceasefire and the FARC'sdisarmament process since the beginning of the year. The Colombians will ask the UN to provide continued monitoring of element s of the agreement once disarmament is complete - which should happen thi s summer. This would mean the SPM would continue its work - with a reduced footprint - for the next 2-3 yearsl Attendees Name Attendance Haley, Nikki (USUN New York) Organizer Glaccum, David M Required Tachco, Amy N (USUN New York) Requi red Lee, Elizabeth K Required Vina, Morgan L. (USUN New York) Requi red B5 Time 2:J.5PM···2:45 PM Subject Office Time (30 mins) Show Time As Busy Time 2:45 PM Subject :tooPM Depart USUN en route UN: Car -- NH & LO (15 mins) Show Time As Busy 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Call VTC Location 7th Floor Time Subject Show Time As Busy Time 4:00 PM - S:00 PM STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000120 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Subject Office Time (1 hour) Show Time As Busy Time 4 :SOPM - 5:20 PM Subject Presidency Wrap-Up Meeting (30 mins) Show Time As Busy Time 6:20 PM - 7:00 PM Subject Depart USUNfor Lincoln Center (40 mins) Show Time As Busy Time 7:IJOPM - 8:15 PM Subject Keynote Interview: Women in the World Annual Summit (1 hour 15 mins) Location 20 Lincoln Center Plaza, New York, NY 10023 Show Time As Busy Event: Keynote Interview: Women in the World Annual Summit Date: Wednesday, April 5, 2017 Location: Lincoln Center - David H Koch Theater Program: 6:00pm -9:00pm Purpose: To discuss how you mastered the art of trailblazing, as South Carolina's first female - and Indian-American - governor and topmost issues on your agenda as Ambassador to the UN. Greeted by: Nancy Sheh ~----~ B6 NH Arrival Time: 7:00pm Interview: 7:35pm - 8:05pm (30 mins) Moderator: Greta Van Susteren Staff: CA Audience: Approx. 2500-2800 Attire: Business Attire. Note - Headset mic will be used - has a belt pack that clips to pants/skirts/belts at waist. Avoid dangling earrings/necklaces/bracelets that can interfere with headset mic and sound clarity. Itinerary: * Escorted backstage - where she wil I be brought into a private holding room (Room 6 - 616* to unlock/lock). o Hair and make-up touch ups are available next to the green room , if needed. * Will be notified when she needs to meet Greta Van Sustren in the green room. STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000121 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 * NH and Greta will be led backstage to be hooked to microphones. * A video of NH will start playing then the producer will walk Greta and NH to the stage (6 in. step up) 45 seconds before the video ends to get situated and when the video ends then Greta will immediately go into the questioning. * Immediately following the interview - the producer will direct Greta and NH to exit the opposite way they came in where they will then be taken backstage to take off their microphones. Stage Set Up: NH will enter from the left (as if you are looking at stage) and exit to the right. Note the 6 inch rise in stage. Topics to Discuss: Note these are the topic areas they would like to cover and not exact questions or the exact order. Personal: * How is the Haley family adjusting to NYC? * Time as the first female Gov. of SC(personal side of the Emanuel church shooting and removal of Confederate flag). Were you bette r prepared to deal with the situation because you are a woman? * How has your background as the daughter of Indian Immigrants shaped how you see th e world as a diplomat? * As the wife and sister of combat veterans how has that impacted your view of the world and refugee crises? * Thoughts on the rise of populism in American politics. UN: * Peacekeeping reform and budget cuts from DC * The place of human rights at the UN (focus on Syria and hospital bombing. Talking Point: * You said you are "taking names" at the UN. Who's names have you taken? B5 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000122 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 B5 * Your stance on Russia seems more hard lined than Washington, why? * North Korea nonproliferation and China's roll 6 PM: OPENING NIGHT OPENING PERFORMANCE TINA BROWN WELCOME - Tina Brown Founder and CEO, Tina Brown Live Media/Women in the World HOW TO RAISEA FEMINIST Cecile Richards, President of Planned Parenthood, and celebrated author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie discuss how to raise daughter s AND sons to challenge traditional gender roles. * Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie Writer * Cecile Richards President, Planned Parenthood Federation of America * MODERATED BY: Katie Courie Award-Winning Journalist and BestSelling Author DOCTORS ON THE FRONT LINES- Two brav e doct ors who are determined to heal the wounds of war in one of the most danger o us places on earth, Syria . * Dr. Rola Hallam CEO and Found er, CanDo *Dr.Annie Sparrow Asst. Professor Population Health Science and Policy, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai * MODERATED BY: Tina Brown Founder and CEO, Tina Brown Live Media/Women in the World TRUMP'S DIPLOMAT: NIKKI HALEY- A conversation with Nikki Haley, the U.S. Ambassador to the U.N ., to discuss her high-stakes job as one of President Trump's top diplomats . * Ambassador Nikki R. Haley U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations * INTERVIEWEDBY: Greta Van Sust eren Anchor , Fo r th e Record with Greta, MSNBC STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000123 UNCLASSIF IED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 POISONEDIN PUTIN'S RUSSIA:A WIFE'S STORY In February, for the second time in two years, Vladimir * Kara-Murza, a Russian pro-democracy activist and longtime critic of Putin, was poisoned and nearly died. His wife has decided to speak out. * Evgenia Kara-Murza Wife of Russian Opposition Leader Vladimir Kara-Murza * INTERVIEWEDBY: Bianna Golodryga Yahoo News and Finance Anchor ALTERNATIVEFACTS:JOURNALISTSUNDERSIEGE Four fearless journalists from India, Russia, Turkey and the U.S. reveal the mounting challenges to reporting, in an era when the consequences for speaking truth to power range from digital harassment to corporate intervention to-in some countries-more dire punishment. * Barkha Dutt * Masha TV Journalist, Author and Founding Editor, Mojo Med ia Gessen Journalist * Maggie Haberman White House Correspondent, The New York Times * Ece Temelkuran Author Tr.U(!,day.AprH 6, 7.017 Time 8:30 AM - 8:40 AM Subject Call: Mike Pompeo (10 mins) Show Time As Busy Time 8:30 .AM - 9:00AM Subject 21/W Staff Meeting (30 min) Recurrence Occurs every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday effective 2/13/2017 until 6/15/2017 from 8:30 AM to 9 :00 AM Show Time As Busy 'time 9:1$ AM---9:45.O.M Subject Office Time (30 mins) Show Time As Busy Time 9:4S.AM- 10:00 AM Subject Depart USUN en route UN -- Car: NH & LD (15 mins) Show Time As Busy Time 10:00AM - 12:00 FM Subject SC Briefing: MINUSMA (Mali) Show Time As Busy Event: UN Security Council Mali Briefing STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000124 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Date: Thursday, April 6, 2017 Time: 10:00am- 12:00pm Location: UNSCChamber Briefers: DPKOUSGJean-Pierre LaCroix Staff: Ambassador Sison, Chris Klein, Stephen Gee, Tom Benz Background: Meeting Context: MINUSMA was established in 2013 to help protect civilians and to support the Malian government to extend state authority to the North; and later to support implementation of a 2015 peace agreement, which has mostly sputtered and stalled. The current mandate expires on June 30, and this is a quarterly briefing mandated by Resolution 2295 (2016). USGJean-Pierre Lacroix will brief and Mali Foreign Minister Abdoulaye Diop will participate. France is the penholder for MINUSMA and will speak first. Political Developments and the Peace Agreement: Progress on the peace agreement signed by the three parties (the government, the CMA and Platform) in 2015 has two months remaining in its two year interim period, after which the commitments will need to be renewed. The Government has been slow to deliver on its commitment to establish authorities in the North that could provide services, while the armed groups often resist participation on items established in the peace agreement they feel are unfavorable. Security Situation: The security situation remains volatile in northern and central Mali. Extremist attacks against Malian, French and MINUSMA forces have become more frequent, including a January 18 attack on 600 members of the Malian armed forces, CMA and Platform training in advance of launching a joint patrol, which killed 54 people. In February, after much delay, the government adopted an integrated security plan for the central regions. MINUSMA: MINUSMA continues to struggle to implement its mandate due to the hostile environment, lack of proper equipment, and a diffuse mandate from the Security Council. MINUSMA is the UN's fourth largest peacekeeping operation, with 13000 troops and police and an approved 2016-2017 budget of $933.4M (U.S. share: $266M). Sanctions: After shelving a proposal to circulate a sanctions resolution in late January, France has indicated it plans to circulate a sanctions resolution in the next few weeks. While in principal we support sanctions against political spoilers in Mali, we have urged France to consider using other sanctions regimes, such as the ISIL/AI Qaeda regime, to target spoilers rather than creating a new sanctions mechanism. Humanitarian Situation: Of the total population of 18 million, 3.7 million people are in need of food, water, health care, and education. Fifteen schools closed since October 2016, bringing the number of closures up to 436 of 2,380 schools in the country, due to insecurity and the influence of radical extremist groups opposed to education. Since 2013, over 540,000 people who were displaced have returned, STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000125 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 with 141,000 remaining in neighboring countries. The Humanitarian Response Plan budget has decreased since the height of the crisis from $481 million to $293 million, however it is only 3 percent funded in 2017. Time 12:00 PM··· 12:15 PM Subject Depart UN en route USUN -- Car: NH & LD (15 mins) Show Time As Busy Time l?.:l5 PM - 12:30 PM Subject Call: Amb. Olof Skoog Show Time As Busy Time 12:15PM - 1:15 PM Subject Lunch (1 hour) Show Time As Busy Time 1.2:30 PM - 12:.45 PM Subject Call:Amb.Jieyiliu Show Time As Busy ------~ B6 Lu - Time 2:00 PM - 2:30 PM Subject PSConsultations (30 mins) Location 11th Floor Show Time As Busy Time 2.:30 PM - 3:00 PM Subject 0Read B5 Time (30 min) Show Time As Busy Time 3:00 PM - 4:JJOPM Subject SVTC Show Time As Busy Time 4:1$ PM - 4:30 PM Subject Depart USUN en route UN -- Car: NH & LD (15 mins) Show Time As Busy Time 4:30 PM - .6:30 PM Subject SC Briefing : UN Peacekeeping Operations Show Time As Busy Event: SC Briefing: UN Peacekeeping Operations Date: Thursday, April 6, 2017 Time: 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Briefer: UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres Location: Security Council Chamber Attendees: Open to all UN member states; Following the briefing from the Secretary-General, Security Council member s will speak. You will speak first, followed by Senegal, who chair s the Security Council's STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000126 UNCLASS IFIE D U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Peacekeeping Working Group. Background: B5 Time 7:00 PM - 7:30 PM Subject Presidency Wrap -Up Meeting (30 mins) Show Time As Busy !".~kky,A.pd/ 7, lO:l7 Time 8:30 AM - 9:00 AM Subject 21/W Staff Meeting (30 min) Recurrence Occurs every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday , Thursday , and Friday effective 2/13/2017 until 6/15/2017 from 8:30 AM to 9 :00 AM Show Time As Busy Time 8:30 .<\M-- 9: 00 AM Subject POL Meeting Show Time As Busy Time 10:45AM - l US AM Subject Meeting (30 mins) Location 11th floor conference room Show Time As Busy STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000127 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Time 11:15 AM -11:30 AM Subject Depart USUN en route UN -- Car: NH & LD (15 mins) Show Time As Busy Time 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM Subject SC Meeting: Syria (2 hours) Show Time As Busy Time 2:SS PM - 3:00 PM Subject Depart Office en route Conference Room A (5 mins) Show Time As Busy Time 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Subject NSCMeeting (1 hour) Location Conference Room A Show Time As Busy Time 4:00 PM - 4:30 PM Subject Presidency Wrap -Up Meeting Show Time As Busy Time 6:00 PM - 6:05 PM Subject Depart USUN en route Residence -- Car: NH (5 mins) Show Time As Busy Sat Llrclay, AprH 8, 2017 Time All Day Subject All Day Show Time As Free Weather: TBD Event FYls: TBD B6 Birthday: B6 B7(C) AIC: Time 2:30 PM - 4:00 PM Subject NBC/CNN Sunday show interviews Show Time As Busy Event: NBC/CNN Sunday show interviews Date: Saturday April 7, 2017 Time: * 2pm departure from the residence * 2:30pm arrival at NBC (hair and makeup touchup) * 3:00pm sit for pre-tape with Meet the Press (NBC) STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000128 UNCLASSI FIE D U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 * 3:20pm sit for pre-tape State of the Union (CNN) Each interview will run about 7-10 mins. You will be seated talking to the camera with an earpiece, you w ill do both interviews from the same location. Location: NBC, 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, NY 10112 Staff: Chaney Reporter s: Chuck Todd (NBC) and Jake Tapper (CNN) Purpose: White House request to discuss Syria. (Russia and North Korea are likely to come up as well.) Topics: Both interviews will focu s on Syria. (Russia and North Korea are both also likely to come up.) NOTE: You have the Syria Q&A that you discussed with Jon today in your Notebook. B5 Below are the rebuttal points that were created for you: STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000129 UNCLASSIF IED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 B5 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000130 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 B5 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000131 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 B5 Time 3:00 PM - 3:30 PM Subject Sit for Pre-Tape: Meet the Press (NBC) Show Time As Busy Time 3:20 PM - 3:40 PM Subject Sit for Pre-Tape: State of the Union (CNN) Show Time As Busy 5;.;nciBy,AprH 9, 201J Time All Day Subject AIC:~1 --~ B6 B7(C) Show Time As Free Time A.I!Day B6 Subject Recurrence Occurs every day effective 4/9/2017 until 4/16/2017 Show Time As Free Monc:fav, ArrHrn, 2017 Time All Day Subject Recurrence '-- ---------' Occurs every day effective 4/9/2017 until 4/16/2017 Show Time As Free Time 8:30 1\M - 9:00 AM Subject 21/W Staff Meeting (30 min) Occurs every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday effect ive 2/13/2017 until 6/15/2017 from 8:30 AM to 9 :00 AM Show Time As Busy Recurrence Time 10:10 AM - 10;30 AM Subject Office Time (20 mins) STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000132 UNCLASSIF IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Show Time As Busy Time 10:30 AM - 11:00 !,M Subject Deep Dive: Somalia (30 mins) Show Time As Busy Event: Somalia Deep Dive Date: Monday, April 10, 2017 Time: 10:30am -11 :00am Location: 21 Exec -Ambassador Haley's office Attendees: DG, MV, Steve Gee, Robert Kris, Brian Conroy , Col. Rauhut, Stephen Townley Background: * A country once synonymous with 'state collapse,' Somalia's election of President Farmaajo in February was an important step towards one-person, one-vote elections in 2020. Al Shabaab was expelled from Mogadishu in 2011 by forces of the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM), but remains a potent threat and controls swathes of the country . Several poor rainy seasons have resulted in wide spread drou ght. More than half of the country require s food assistance, and there is a risk of famine. * AMISOM,establi shed in 2007, is an AU-led mission authori zed by the Security Council that conducts counterterrori sm operations against Al Shabaab. The European Union pays the salarie s of the 22,126 AMISOM troops. With a cost of $2B to date, in 2016, the EU cut its stipend payments by 20% due to transparency concerns and to redirect its African security assistance. The AU has called for the stipend cuts to be restored , and AMISOM has signaled that it wil l begin withdrawing in October of 2018. There is not yet a viable Somali security partner to whom to hand over responsibility. * In 2009, the Council authorized the provision of a UN logistical support package to AMISOM. The UN Support Office in Somalia (UNSOSprovides non-lethal support (rations , transportation , and medi cal evacuation to AMISOM and the nascent Somali National Army) , and has a 2016-17 budget of $593M (U.S. share: $168M) . * During the Deep Dive, Robert Kris and Steve Gee will discuss the security and political situation in Somalia, an out standing reque st from the AU for UN support for an additional 4,500 AMISOM troops, which we expect the UK will propose in May, the upcomin g renewal s of UNSOSand AMISOM in May, and the UN political mission (UNSOM) in June. Attendees Name Attendance Haley, Nikki (USUN New York) Organizer Glaccum, David M Requi red Kris, Robert E (Istanbul) Requi red STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000133 UNCLASSIF IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Conroy, Brian T. (USUN New York) Required Gee, Stephen J Required Dunn, Brian P (USUN New York) Optional Vina, Morgan L. (USUN New York) Required Time 1.1:00 ,D,M.. 11:30 AM Subject Deep Dive : MINUSTAH (Haiti) (30 Mins) Show Time As Busy Event: Deep Dive: MINUSTAH (Haiti) Date: Friday, April 7, 2017 Time: 10:00am -10:20am Location: 21 Exec -Ambassador Haley's office Attendees: DG, Amy Tachco, Liz Lee, Emily Pierce, Jake Sherman Background: SRSGSandra Honore will brief the Council April 11 on the transition of MINUSTAH towards a more fit -for -purpose police -only mission focusing on rule of law, the UN Mission for Justice Support in Haiti, or MINUJUSTH. POL will provide deep background on where things stand today. Haiti is the poorest country in the Americas, and the United States is the largest bilateral donor. After a year-long delay, Haiti finally completed its Presidential elections last November . MINUSTAH has been present in Haiti since 2004. The country has stabilized a great deal since that time, and as a result MINUSTAH' s troop and police personnel levels are the lowest they have ever been - they a re currently at 2,370 and 2,601 respectively (in the police levels, there are eleven Formed Police Units [FPUs] which are quasi-military crowd control police). The new mission will remove the military component completely, and leave a reduced UN police presence to train and support the Haitian National Police. This election was a major step towards consolidating Haiti's democracy gains over the past twenty years, and much needed to provide a stable platform for the socioecono mic and inst itutional development Haiti d esperately needs. Washington has had a long -abiding intere st in Haiti, both due to its geographical proximity and concern about refugee flow s due to chronic natural disasters and political crises, our shared history (the U.S. invaded Haiti in 1915 and stayed through 1934), as well as the over 800,000 Haitians and Haitian-Americans residing in the United States. Attendees Name Attendance Haley, Nikki (USUN New York) Organizer Glaccum, David M Required STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000134 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Talking Points: B5 Attendees Name Attendance Haley, Nikki (USUN New York) Organizer Glaccum, David M Requi red Tachco, Amy N (USUN New York) Required Time 4 :15 PM - 4:30 PM Subject S Call: ~---~ Show Time As Busy Secure Call: B5 '--------' Time G:COPM - 7:00 PM STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000135 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Subject Location Meeting 11th floor conference room Show Time As Busy Event: P3 Meeting Time: [Tl 4 :30 pm - 5:30 pm Room: Conference Room 11 Attendees: 1) Amba ssador Haley 2) Ambassador Sison 3) Amy Tachco 4) Emily Pierce 5) Craig Finkelstein 6) David Glaccum 7) Ambassador Rycroft 8) Mark Power , 1st Secretary, Political (UK) 9) Ambassador Delattre 10) Anne Gueguen, political coordinator 11) Alexia Jarrot, expert 12) Margaux Bergeon-Dar s, expert Tu,%:d.ay, Aµd! 11, 2017 Time Subject 8:30 AM - 9:00 AM 21/W Staff Meeting (30 min) Occurs every Monday , Tuesday, Wedne sday, Thur sday, and Friday effective 2/13/2017 until 6/15/2017 from 8:30 AM to 9 :00 AM Show Time As Busy Recurrence rime 9:15 AM ·· 9:45 AM Subject Location Like-Minded Meeting (30 mins) 11th Floor Conference Room Show Time As Busy Event: Like-Minded Meeting Date: April 11, 2017 Time: 9:15am Attendee s: 1. Ambassador Haley 2. Ambassador Sison 3. Ambassador Rycroft - UK STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000136 UNCLASSIF IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 4. Ambassador Delattre - France 5. Ambassador Cardi - Italy 6. Ambassador Bessho -Japan 7. Ambassador Alemu - Ethiopia 8. Ambassador Aboulatta - Egypt 9. Ambassador Rosselli - Uruguay 10. Ambassador Seek - Senegal 11. Ambassador Rosselli - Ukraine 12. Ambassador Skoog - Sweden Time 9:45 AM ... 10:00 AM Subject Depart USUN en route UN -- Car: NH & LD (15 mins) Show Time As Busy time i0 :00 .l\M ·· 12:00 PM Subject SCDebate: MINUSTAH Location UNSC Show Time As Busy Event: UN Security Council Haiti Briefing Date: Tuesday, April 11, 2017 Time: 10:00am- 12:00pm Briefers: SRSGSandra Honore (pronounced "Honor-AV") Staff : Ambassador Sison, Chris Klein, Amy Tachco, Liz Lee Background: April 's Security Council debate on Haiti herald s the end of the UN Stabilization Mi ssion in Haiti (MINUSTAH), which has been in Haiti for 13 years. By week 's end, we will establish a new mission, the UN Mission for Justice Support in Haiti (MINUJUSTH), which will be operational as of October 15, 2017. UN Special Representative for the Secretary-General Sandra Honore will brief the Council in the open chamber on the political , security, humanitarian , and human rights situation in Haiti, as well as next steps for drawing down MINUSTAH over the next six months . She will focus on the need for continued international assistance to Haiti. In addition to Council members , Group of Friends of Haiti member s will also speak in the Council. You will deliver remarks in the open chamber . Haiti is the poore st country in the Americas . MINUSTAH has been present th ere since 2004. The country has stabilized a great deal since th at tim e, and as a result MINUSTAH's t roo p and po lice personnel levels are th e low est they have eve r been -th ey are currently at 2,370 and 2,601 respectiv ely, down from a peak of 8930 in 2011 (following the 2010 earthqu ake). The new mission will remove th e military STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000137 UNCLASSI FIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 component completely, and leave a reduced UN police presence to train and support the Haitian National Police. Its mandate will also focus on rule of law and human rights. The completion of the postponed presidential elections last November was a major step towards consolidating Haiti's democratic gains over the past 20 years, and much needed to provide a stable platform for the socio-economic and institutional development Haiti desperately needs. The MINUJUSTH resolution is scheduled to be adopted on Thursday , April 13. The mandate expires on April 15. Open Chamber Remarks attached in UNSC meeting binder Time 12:00 PM .. 12:15 PM Subject Depart UN en route USUN -- Car: NH & LD (15 min s) Show Time As Busy Time 12:15 PM ·· 1:.15 PM Subject Lunch (1 hour) Show Time As Busy Time 1:15 PM - L 25 Pf\/1 B5 Subject S Call: ~----~ Show Time As Busy Secure Call:'1 ____ Note:~ I ---~ ___,~ill call NH directly ~ogive us a heads up that ~-----' s calling in . Time 1:30 PM - 2:00 PM Subject Deep Dive : Mandate Renewal for UNISFA (30 mins) Show Time As Busy Event: Deep Dive: Mandate Renewal for UNISFA Date: Tuesday, April 11, 2017 Time: 1:15 pm - 1:45 pm Attendee s: Steve Gee, Bindi Patel, Mike Rauhut , Brian Conroy Purpose: To decide the way forward on the UNISFA mandate in advance of 4/26 UNSCConsultation s and the 5/15 adoption of a mandate renewal. Topic: Peacekeeping in Abyei (the Sudans) Background: UNISFA (UN Interim Security Force in Abyei) * The June 2011 establishment of the peacekeeping mission in Abyei , the contested and oil-rich area of land between Sudan and South Sudan, was spearheaded by the United States to address violence and escalating tensions between Sudan and South Sudan as South Sudan became independent from Sudan. UNISFAwas established as an interim mission and was meant to be in place as a temporary measure (for only 6 months) to re-establish security pending a final agreement on the status of Abyei. Six years later , Abyei's statu s still has not been resolved and UNISFA's mission continue s. *Weare the pen holder. On November 15, 2016, in resolution 2318 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000138 UNCLASSIF IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Staff: Chaney and Jonathan Purpose: Profile piece to introduce the Ambassador to CNN viewers Topics: It will highlight the Ambassador's entire career, family, mentors, what inspires her, and her work as the U.N. Ambassador which will include some news of day questions, Syria, Russia, North Korea and any other international issues you would like to discuss. They want her to be able to set the tone of her own narrative. Time: 2:15 PM- Crew arrives for security screening 2:30 PM- Crew begins set up in residence 3:00 PM- James arrives for makeup set up 3:30 PM- Amb. Haley sits for makeup 4:00 PM- Amb. Haley sits for interview with Jamie 4:30 PM- Interview wraps and Amb. shoots b-roll Reporter: Jamie Gangel CNN Staff: Javier De Diego- Producer; Walter Imparato- Crew; Bryan Kane- Crew Makeup: James Vincent Time 6:15 PM - 6:30 PM Subject Depart residence en route Chinese PR Residence (15 min s) Show Time As Busy Time 6:30 PM - S:30 PM Subject Dinner: H.E. Mr . Liu and Spouse Show Time As Busy Event: Dinner with His Excellency Mr . Liu and Spouse Date: Tue sday, April 11, 2017 Time: 6 :30 pm - 8: 30 pm B6 Location : Chinese PR Residence - ~--------~ Attendees (4) : Ambassador Nikki Haley Mr. Mi chael Haley Amba ssado r LIU Jieyi (L'YOH JAY-EE) Ms. ZHANG Qiyue (D-JANG CHEEWAY) STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000139 UNCLASSIF IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Purpose: Social dinner, no topic discussion Menu: Four main dishes Attire: Business Notes: * Ambassador and Mr. Haley can call Ambassador Liu's wife CHEE WAY during conversation. It's also fine to call Ambassador Liu JAY-EE. * Upon arrival, it is okay for Ambassador and Mr. Haley to shake hands with Chinese Ambassador and Spouse. * Should not leave chopsticks in rice bowls when not in use considered bad luck. Chopsticks should be placed on the side of a plate or, better, on the chopstick holder, which will be to the side of the place setting. * If you do not want to use chopsticks - utensils will be available. It is fine to use those instead - will not be considered rude. Meals are happy occasions for Chinese people. The etiquette police will not be a factor at all. Bio: Liu Jieyi (born December 1957) is a Chinese diplomat. Since 2013, he has been China's Permanent Representative to the Unit ed Nation s (UN) in New York. Liu was born in Beijing . He attended Beijing Foreign Studies University and from 1981 to 1987 wa s a language tran slator at the UN offices in Geneva . In 1987, he joined the Mini stry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China , where he worked in various capacities until 2009. From 2009 to 2013, Liu was the Vice Minister of the International Department of the Central Committee of th e Communi st Party of China . STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000140 UNCLASSI FIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 In 2013, Liu succeeded Li Baodong as China's Permanent Representative to the UN in New York. During November 2013, Liu was the President of the UN Security Council . Wedr;esday, Ap,d! 12, 2017 Time 8:30 AM - 8:40 AM B5 Subject Call: ~---Show Time As Busy Time 8:30 1\M - 9:00 M,t Subject 21/W Staff Meeting (30 min) Occurs every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday effective 2/13/2017 until 6/15/2017 from 8:30 AM to 9 :00 AM Show Time As Busy Recurrence Time 9:10 ,'\M - 9:45 AM Subject Office Time (35 mins) Show Time As Busy Time 9:45 AM- .10:00AM Subject Depart USUN en route UN (15 mins) Show Time As Busy Time 10:00 AM-12:00 PM Subject SC Briefing: Middle East Syria (2 hours) Show Time As Busy Event: UN Security Council Syria Political Briefing Date: April 12, 2017 Time: 10:00am-12:00pm Location: UNSC Briefers: UN Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura Staff: Ambassador Sison, Chris Klein, Amy Tachco, Mounir Ibrahim, Kristin Kiel Background: UN Special Envoy Staffan de Mistura will brief the UN Security Council during his monthly update on the Syrian political process. His briefing comes one week after U.S. strikes on Shayrat Airfield in response to the use of chemica I weapons by the Asad regime and one week before the next round of Astana ceasefire talks in Tehran. On Ap ril 10, he told you that he believes the U.S. strikes in Syria have created an opening and new leverage to push the political process forward . Th is Council session comes one day after Secretary Tillerson met with Russian FM Lavrov. The Council will also vote on the Syrian CW resolution after the political meeting. Diplomatic Updates: U.S. air strikes on the Syrian government's STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000141 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 military facility where chemical weapons were deployed against the town of Khan Sheikhoun in ldlib set off a chain of events and meetings on Syria. On April 11, Russia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced FM Lavrov will host talks with his counterparts from Syria and Iran this week. The meeting publicly signals Russia's commitment to its al liance with Iran and Syria, but the outcomes from Secretary Tillerson's meeting with Lavrov may impact the trilateral. On April 10, Secretary Tillerson traveled to Moscow following a G-7 meeting in Lucca, Italy. In Lucca, the G-7 Ministers agreed that there can be no peace solution for war-torn Syria with President Bashar al-Assad in power. Military Update: The Syrian regime reacted to the U.S. airstrikes with intensified campaigns against the opposition in ldlib , Hama, and the Damascus suburbs. Although there have been no credible reports of CW usage since April 4, the regime has reverted to "conventional weapons" including barrel bombs and incendiary munitions. In addition, the regime continues its sieges on hundreds of thousands of Syrian civilian s, most notably in the Damascus suburbs. B5 The Syrian opposition celebrated the airstrikes on Shayrat Airfield and urged the U.S. to become more actively involved, especially when delivering punitive responses to the Asad regime. We are carefully managing message and expectations because the opposition also runs the risk of becoming over confident and uninte rested in the political proce ss. Thi s UNSCsession is key in emphasizing that a political proce ss is available and all countrie s must influence all relevant parties to advancing this process. Remarks attached in UNSC meeting binder Time 12:CI0PM - 12:15 PM Subject Depart UN en route USUN -- Car: NH & LD (15 mins) Show Time As Busy Time 12:30 PM- 1:00 PM Subject PS Briefin g (30 min s) Location 11th Floor Conference Room Show Time As Busy Time 1:15 PM - 2:45 PM Subject SCLuncheon Location USUN 22ND Floor Show Time As Busy Event: Luncheon in honor of the Secretary -General and Security Council Members Date: Wednesday, April 12, 2017 Time : 1:00pm - 2:45pm Location Set-up: Square table set up/ navy blue linen s and skirting , STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000142 UNCLASSIF IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 ivory cloth napkins/ medium size flower arrangements/ menu cards/ 6 servers/ table mies placed in front of SG and SC members Purpose: To have an informal exchange with the SG about top issues on the Security Council agenda and to make the case for U.S. priorities and policies on those topics and any others we may want to raise. Run of Show: 1:00pm - 1:30pm Guest mingle - passed white, red, champagne, water 1:30pm Seating of guests Baby romaine, heart of palm, chick peas, cucumber, tomato, avocado, artichokes 1:50pm Salad to be cleared 1:50pm Main course to be served Black Sea bass, lemon-thyme, quinoa, radish-Avocado, roasted asparagus 2:20pm Main course cleared 2:20pm Dessert - coffee and tea served Flaky apple tart, cinnamon, caramel, ice cream 2:45pm Lunch concludes Background: * As host, you will invite the visitors to sit (because there is mingling from 1:00pm - 1:30pm) and say a few words to welcome the SG. When he concludes his presentation, you can call on Council members who want to take the floor. * At the Security Council's April lunch with the Secretary-Genera l, Guterres would like to discuss his recent trip to Iraq and the situations in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and The Gambia . * We also requested that South Sudan be added as a lunch topic ; we as well as the UK and France -are concerned about a lack of information from the UN and others on plans to advance the political process. Suggested Talking Point s: 1. SG's Trip to Iraq: Note U.S. backing for Prime Mini ster Abadi's statement of support for Security Council action on bringing ISISto STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000143 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 justice. Ask the SG how he sees the UN's role in Iraq shifting once the Mo sul battle conclude s and over the coming year. * Emphasize U.S. support for the UK proposal for an inve stigative mechanism to collect and preserve evidence of ISISatrocities in Iraq, but also highlight that this is a complex issue and any Council action needs to be taken in close consultation with the Government of Iraq. * Explain that the United States will be looking at the UNAMI mandate renewal in July [the United States holds the pen] with an eye toward ensuring UN resources are put to their best use and meet Iraq's current and future needs. Note: The United States had an opportunity to weigh in on the UK's revised draft ISISaccountability resolution, which was shared with the Iraqis last week, but other governments (including France) have not seen the modified proposal. The main change to the propo sal wa s the assurance that Iraqi s would have a say on end-u ses of collected evidence, coupled with a re-branding of the mechani sm as an "investigative assistance mission" to signal its complementary function to Iraq's own judicial processes. The UN Assistance Mission in Iraq (UNAMI) is the second-largest special political mission in the UN system, with an annual budget of $117.5 million. The United States has contributed $1.1 billion to the UN humanitarian effort in Iraq since the war against ISISbegan in 2014. 2. Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC):I B5 3. The Gambia j Not e: The Secret ary-General is concerned th at The Gambia needs an STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000144 UNCLASSIF IED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 immediate infu sion of international support in order to cement the democratic transition. In April 6 legislative elections, the United Democratic Party (UDP), one of the seven opposition parties that joined forces last fall to defeat the 22-year rule of former President Yahya Jammeh , won a majority of seats in the National Assembly (35 of 53), which will help President Barrow to enact needed reforms. 4. South Sudan: I 85 Note: We are coordinating with the P3 so that they can also send the SGa similar message at the Iunch. Confirmed Attendees: 1. Ambassador Nikki R Haley 2. H.E. Mr. Antonio Guterres 3. Bolivia: H.E. Mr. Sacha Sergio Llorentty Soliz 4. China: H.E. Mr. LiuJieyi 5. France: H.E. Mr Francois Delattre 6. Egypt: H.E. Mr. Amr Abde -latif Aboulatta 7. Ethiopia: H.E. Mr. Tekeda Alemu 8. Italy : H.E. Mr Sebastiano Cardi 9. Japan: H.E. Mr Koro Bessho 10. Kazakthstan: H.E. Mr. Kairat Umarov 11. Russia: Mr. Petr V. llichev 12. Sweden: H.E. Mr . OlofSkoog 13. Senegal: H.E. Mr. Fode Seek 14. Ukraine: H.E. Mr. Volodymyr Yelchenko 15. UK: H.E. Mr. Matthew Rycroft 16. Uruguay: H.E. Mr . Elbio Rosselli 17. UN: Ms. Maria Luiza Ribeiro Viotti, Chef de Cabinet 18. UN: Mr. Jeffrey Feltman, Under -Secretary -General for Po liti cal Affairs STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000145 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 19. UN: Jean-Pierre Lacroix, Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations 20. UN: Ms. Anne Viken, Note Taker 21. Ambassador Michele Sison 22. Mr. Chris Klein 23. Mr. David Glaccum Seating Chart Time 2:45 PM - 3:00 PM Subject Depart USUN en route UN -- Car: NH & LD (15 mins) Show Time As Busy Time 3:00 PM ·· 3:45 PM Subject SCVote: Syria CW Show Time As Busy time 3::4.Sl'M •· 4:00 f)M Subject Depart UN en route USUN -- Car: NH & LD (15mins) Show Time As Busy Time 4:40 PM - 4:50 PM Subject B5 S Call:~--~ Show Time As Busy Time 4:45 PM - 5:00 PM Subject CA Meeting (15 mins) Show Time As Busy Time 5:00 PM - 5:30 PM Subject Presidency Wrap-Up Meeting Show Time As Busy Time 7 :30 PM - 9:30 PM Subject Canadian PR Dinner B6 Location Show Time As Busy Event: Social Dinner for PRsand Spouses, hosted by Ambassador Blanchard, PR, Canada Time: 7:30pm- 9:30pm Location : Residence of Ambassador Blanchard Purpose: Dinner in NH's honor STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000146 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Contact: Ambassador Blanchard ·~---- ~ cell B6 Elizabeth Garron, Socia I Secre ta ry to the PR, '-------' Attire: Business Confirmed Attendees (21): 1. His Excellency Mr. Marc-Andre Blanchard, Permanent Representative -- Mark Ahn-DRAY -- Canada 2. Mme Monique Ryan (Spouse) -- Moh-NEEK 3. Her Excellency Mrs. Nikki Haley, Permanent Representative the United States 4. Mr. Michael Haley (Spouse) 5. His Excellency Mr. Amr Abdel Latif Aboulatta, Permanent Representative -- AH-mer -- Egypt a. Note - we have a request for a dinner hosted by Egypt . You noted you would Iike for it to be in May - EM has reached out to their office to try and get dat es after April. 6. Mr s. Faika Zaki (Spouse) -- Fa-EE-ka 7. Son Excellence M. Fran~ois Delattre, Representant permanent de la-- Fran-SWAH --France 8. Mme Sophie Delattre -- So-FEE-- (Spouse) 9. His Excellency Mr. Dian Triansyah Djani, Permanent Representative Indonesia 10. Mrs . Lista Damayanti Djani (Spouse) 11. His Excellency Mr . Karo Bessho, Permanent Representative-(pronounced as written)-- Japan a. Note - we regrett ed to a last minut e breakfa st invit ati o n fo r thi s mo rning with Ja panese PR and th eir Vice Mini st er fo r Fore ign Affa ir s. 12. Mr s. Marik o Bessho -- Mah -REE-koh -- (Spouse) STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000147 UNCLASSIF IED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 13. Her Excellency Dr. Sima Sarni Bahous, Permanent Representative the Hashemite Kingdom of -- SEE-mah --Jordan 14. Dr. Ziad Rifai, His Excellency-- Zee-ODD-- (Spouse) 15. Mr. Juan Jose Gomez-Camacho , Permanent Representative -WAHN Ho-ZAY-Mexico 16. Son Excellence Mme Valentine Rugwabiza, Representante permanente du--Val-in-TEEN-- Rwanda 17. Mr. John Sendanyoye (Spouse) 18. His Excellency Mr. Burhan Gafoor, Permanent Representative-Ber-HAHN-- Singapore a. Note - we have a meeting request for a courte sy call by Singapore PR, but you noted for the meeting to be scheduled after April. EM still to communicate with his office on available date s. 19. Mrs. Zarina Varukatty-- Zah-REE-nah --(Spouse) 20. His Excellence Mr. Syed Akb aruddin, Permanent Representative India a. Note - Mr. Akbaruddin has been trying to schedule a phone call with you regarding a demarche from New Delhi. You asked that Ambassador Sison call the PR, but the PR has told her that he has orders to speak with you directly. 21. Mrs. Padma Akbaruddin (Spouse) Talking Points: B5 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000148 UNCLASSIF IED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 B5 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000149 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 B5 Bios: Canada Mar c-Andre Blanchard: From 2010 until his April 2016 appointment, Mr. Blanchard wa s Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of McCarthy Tetrault, one of Canada's largest law firms, advising companie s on strategic and public policy issues. In 2014, he served on the boards of the Conference Board of Canada, the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada and the Institute for Research in Immunology and Cancer. Mr. Blanchard holds master's degrees in public administrati on and international relations from Columbia University in New York City and in public international law from the London School of Economics and Political Science in the United Kingdom . He also holds a bachelor's degree in law from the Univ ersite de Montreal in Canada. Born on 10 November 1965, he is married and has two children. ~----- B6 ~( Spou se) **No bio available for spouse** United States Her Excellency Mrs. Nikki Haley, Permanent Representative the Mr. Michael Haley (Spouse) Egypt Amr Abdellatif Aboulatta: From September 2013 until his September 2014 appointment, Mr . Abdellatif was Assistant Foreign Minister and Head of the Diplomatic Personnel Department of his country's Ministry of Foreign Affairs . Prior to that , he was Assistant Foreign Minister and Permanent Representative of Egypt to the League of Arab States. From September 2008 to August 2012, Mr. Abdellatif was Egypt's Ambassador to Jordan, aft er a one-year stint as Deputy Assistant for Int ernati onal Politi cal Affairs and th e Unit ed Nati ons of th e Mini ster fo r Foreign Aff airs. From 2002 to 2006, he was Egypt's Deputy Permanent Represent ativ e to th e Unit ed Nati ons in New York, STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000150 UNCLASSIF IED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 following postings as a Counsellor at the Ministry for Foreign Affair s and at the Egyptian Embassy in Washington, D.C. Mr. Abdellatif has a Masters of Arts degree from the International Institute of Public Administration in Paris. He is fluent in Arabic, French and English. Married with one daughter, he was born on 10 November 1957 in Giza. ~----~ B6 (Spouse) **No bio available for spouse** France Francois Delattre: From 2011 until his September 2014 appointment, Mr. Delattre served as Ambassador to the United States. Prior to that, he was Ambassador to Canada from 2008 to 2011. From 2004 to 2008, Mr. Delattre was Consul-General in New York, and between 2002 and 2004, he served as the French Foreign Mini ster's Deputy Chief of Staff. He was also Press and Communications Director at the French Embassy in Washington, D.C., from 1998 to 2002, and a member of the French President 's foreign policy team from 1995 to 1998. Mr. Delattre worked in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs from 1993 to 1995, fol lowing a position at the Department of Strategic Affair s and Disarmament, from 1991 to 1993. Previously, Mr . Delattre served at the French Embassy in Bonn, Germany, from 1989 to 1991. B6 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000151 UNCLASSIF IED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 B6 Indonesia Dian Triansyah Djani: From 2012 until his April 2016 appointment, Mr. Djani was the Director General for America and Europe in his country's Ministry for Foreign Affairs. Between 2009 and 2012, he served as Permanent Representative to the United Nations bodies in Geneva, including the World Trade Organization. Mr. Djani was the Director General of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)from 2005 to 2008 . He also served as Director of Intra-Regional Cooperation for AsiaPacific and Africa from 2004 to 2005, and Director for Multilateral Trade and Investment from 2002 to 2004. His overseas postings included service in Indonesia's Permanent Missions to the United Nations in Geneva, from 1997 to 2001, and in New York, from 1991 to 1994, having begun his career in the Department of Foreign Affa irs in 1985. Mr. Djani holds master's degrees in economics from the University of Indonesia and in economic development from Vanderbilt Univer sity in the United States. Born in 1962, he is married and has a son. Mrs. Lista Damayanti Djani (Spouse) **No bio available for spouse** Japan Koro Bessho: From 2012 until his June 2016 appointment , Mr . Bessho was Japan's Ambassador to the Republic of Korea. From 2010 to 2012, he was Deputy Minister for Foreign Affair s. Over fou r decades of Government service, Mr. Bessho' s assignment s included Deputy Vice-Mini ster for Foreign Policy/Dir ector -General of th e Foreign Policy Bureau (2008 2010) and Director- General of th e International Cooperati on Bureau (2006-2008). In addition, he served in his country' s Permanent Delegation to the Organisati on for Economic Co-op eration and Development (OECD)from 1998 to 2000, Japan's Embassy in the United Kingdom from 1997 to 1998, and the Embassy in th e United States from 1990 to 1993. Mr . Bessho holds a graduate diploma in law from the University of Tokyo. Born on 5 February 1953, he is married and has two child ren. ~-----~ B6 (Spouse): **No bio available for spouse** Jordan Sima Sarni Bahous: Fro m 2012 until her August 2016 appo intm ent , Ms. Bahous served as Assistant Secretary-General, Assistant Admini st rato r and Director of th e Unit ed Natio ns Development Programm e (UNDP) Regional Bureau fo r Arab States. Betw een 2008 and 2012, she w as t he Assistant STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000152 UNCLASSIF IED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Secretary-General and Head of the Social Development Sector at the League of Arab States. Previously, she served as president of the Higher Media Council from 2006 to 2008 and Adviser to King Abdullah from 2005 to 2006. Ms. Bahous held other posts, including head of the Media and Information Division at the Royal Hashemite Court from 2001 to 2005, Executive Director of the King Hussein Foundation from 2000 to 2001 and Executive Director of the Noor Al Hussein Foundation from 1997 to 2001. Prior to that, she was the development adviser at the World Health Organization in Sanaa, Yemen from 1996 to 1997, and head of Communications at the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)in Amman, Jordan from 1994 to 1995. Ms. Bahous holds a PhD in mass communications and development from Indiana University, United States, a master's degree in literature and drama from Essex University, United Kingdom, and a bachelor's degree in English literature from Jordan University. (Spouse): B6 Mexico **spouse will not attend** Juan Jose Gomez-Camacho: From 2013 until his February 2016 appointment, Mr. Gomez was his country's Ambassador to the European Union , serving concurrently as Head of Mission in Belgium and Luxembourg. Between 2009 and 2013, he wa s Mexico 's Permanent Representative to the United Nations and other organizations in Geneva, Switzerland. He served as Ambassador to Singapore, Myanmar and Brunei-Darussalam from 2006 to 2009. A career diplomat , Mr. Gomez served in a number of positions in the Foreign Ministry , including Director General for Human Rights and Democracy between 2000 and 2005 . From 1997 to 2000, he was Deputy Permanent Representative to the Organization of American States. The holder of a master's degree in international law from Georgetown University in the United States, Mr . Gomez earned his bachelor's degree in law from the Universidad lberoamericana in Mexico City.Born on 6 October 1964, he is married and has two daughters. Rwanda Valentine Rugwabiza: Ms. Rugwabiza was appointed as th e permanent rep resentativ e of STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000153 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Rwanda to the United Nations in November 2016. From 2013 to 2014, she was Chief Executive Officer of the Rwanda Development Board and Member of Cabinet. Between 2005 and 2013, Ms. Rugwabiza held the position of Deputy Director-General of the World Trade Organization (WTO). Prior to that, she was the Permanent Representative of Rwanda to the United Nations Office in Geneva and Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Switzerland. Ms. Rugwabiza holds both Bachelor and Master of Science degrees from the National University of Zaire. Born on 25 July 1963, she is married. Mr. John Sendanyoye (Spouse) **No bio available for spouse** Singapore Burhan Gafoor: From 2014 until his August 2016 appointment, Mr. Gafoor served as Singapore's High Commissioner to Australia. He also served as the country's Ambassador and Chief Negotiator for United Nations Climate Change Negotiations from 2010 to 2014. Between 2007 and 2010, he was Singapore's Ambassador to France, and from 2004 to 2007 he served as the country's Permanent Representative to the United Nations in Geneva. Having joined the Singapore Foreign Service in 1988, Mr. Gafoor has held several other positions, including that of Press Secretary to former Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong from 2002 to 2004 . He represented his country as President of the Diplomatic Conference of the World Intellectual Property Organization in 2006 and as Chairman of the Special Session of the Committee on Trade and Development , World Trade Organization, from 2006 to 2007. Mr. Gafoor holds a Bachelor of Social Science degree in Political Science from the National University of Singapore, a master' s in public administration from the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University and a degree in public administration from the Ecole nationale d'administration in Paris. Born on 20 October 1965, he is married and has two sons. Mrs . Zarina Varukatty (Spouse): **No bio available for spouse** India Syed Akbaruddin: Prior to his January 2016 appointment, Mr. Akbaruddin, career diplomat, was the Chief Coordinator of the India-Africa Forum Summit held in New Delhi in October 2015 . Between 2012 and 2015, he served as Spokesperson for the Mini stry of External Affair s. Mr. Akbaruddin also work ed as an international civil servant at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna from 2006 to STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000154 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Recurrence Occurs every Monday, Tuesday, Wedne sday, Thur sday, and Friday effective 4/3/2017 until 4/28/201 7 from 4:30 PMto 5:00 PM Show Time As Busy h idf'M Subject Depart The Brook Club en route to USUN -- Car NH & JL (15 mins) Show Time As Busy Time 3:30 PM - 4:00 PM Subject Deep Dive: Libya (UNSMIL) (30 mins) Show Time As Busy Event: Libya Deep Dive Date: Monday, April 17, 2017 Time: 10:00 am - 10:30 am Location: 21 Exec -Ambas sador Haley' s office Attendees: DG, Max Kendrick, Amy Tachco, Shane Chase, Stephen Townley, Jake Sherman, Col Rauhut, Purpose: To gain a better understanding of ongoing crisis in Libya and how the UN and United States can facilitate its resolution . Topic: Libya at the Security Council Background: UNSMIL (UN Support Mission in Libya) * The UN's special political mission in Libya began in September 2011 with the aim of shoring up Libya's transitional government. Since the renewal of conflict in 2014, UNSMIL has been forced to operate out of Tunis, due to security concerns in Tripoli. Its approved budget is $63.6 million, making it the 5th largest special political mission. UNSMIL's mandate was last renewed for nine months in Decembe r 2016, set to STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000158 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 expire September 15. Per its mandate, UNSMIL's priories are to support Libyan institutions, facilitate the expansion of essential services and humanitarian assistance, monitor human rights, help counter proliferation, and support post-conflict reconstruction. * While ISISno longer controls large stretches of contiguous terr itory around Sirte, clashes between armed groups continue across the country, including in Tripoli, while ISISfighters are believed to have dispersed among the civilian population. The UN-recognized Government of National Accord (GNA) continues to struggle to build a coherent security architecture capable of addressing this insecurity. Meanwhile General Haftar's "Libyan National Army" (LNA) continues to be viewed as a threat against stability, pending possible modification of the UN-endorsed Libyan Political Agreement (LPA) to form a more inclusive government. * Approximately 1.3 million people in Libya are in need of humanitarian assistance, including an estimated 241,000 internally displaced people (I DPs), 100,000 refugees, and nearly 200,000 migrants. Clean water, sanitation, and healthcare are inaccessible for many Libyans, and food shortages persist. UN humanitarian operations in Libya are constrained by poor funding and minimal accessto affected communities. The 2017 UN humanitarian response plan for Libya requests $151 million, of which 10 percent has been funded. Last year, the U.S. provided $6.7 million in humanitarian assistanee to Libya. * On the Council, the UK is penholder , and is constantly looking for ways to leverage Security Council and UN attention in support of a political agreement. Libya is likewise the top foreign policy priority for Italy and Egypt, given their proximity. * POLwill Attendees brief during the Deep Dive. Name Attendance Haley, Nikki (USUN New York) Organizer Glaccum, David M Required Tachco, Amy N (USUN New York) Required Kendrick, Max (USUN New York) Required Chase, Shane K (USUN New York) Required Filipetti, Carrie L Required Sison, Michele J (Port -au-Prince) Requi red Wong, Kam T (Port -au-Prince) Required STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000159 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 1\,es day, April 18, 2017 Time 8:30 AM - 9:00 AM Subject 21/W Staff Meeting (30 min) Recurrence Occurs every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday , and Friday effective 2/13/2017 until 6/15/2017 from 8:30 AM to 9 :00 AM Show Time As Busy Time 9:1S AM - 9 :30 AM Subject Depart USUN en route to Chinese Mission --- Car NH & LD (15 mins) Show Time As Busy Time 9 :30 AM - 9:45 AM Subject Meeting: Chinese PR, Liu Jieyi (15 minute s) Location Chinese Mission; 350 E 35th St, New York, NY 10016 Show Time As Busy At the Chinese PR's request and approved by NH Purpose: as a follow-up to their last conversation Time 9 :45 AM - 10 00 AM Subject Depart Chinese Mission en route to AU Mi ssion --- Car NH & LD (15 mins) Show Time As Busy Time 10:00 AM - 10:30 AM Subject Meeting: Moussa Faki (30 mins) Location 305 East 47th Street , 5th Floor Show Time As Busy Office of the Permanent Observer of the African Union to the United Nation s 305 East 4 7th Street, 5th Floor 3 Dag Hammarskjold Plaza New York, N.Y. 10017 Telephone: ~---~ B6 Telefax: e-mail: aumi ssion_ ny@Yahoo.com Event: Me etin g with the Chairper son of the African Union Commission, Moussa Faki Date : Tuesday, April 18, 2017 Time: 10:00- 10:30am Location: Permanent Observer Mi ssion of the African Union to the United Nations , Three Dag Hammarskjold Plaza, 305 East 47th St reet , 5th Floor, New York, NY 10017 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000160 UNCLASSI FIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Attend ees (TBD): Ambassador Nikki Haley Purpose: To establish a positive relationship with Chairperson of the African Union Commission Moussa Faki, who was recently sworn in to the top executive position in the African Union, overseeing the organization's eight departments and nearly 2,000 employees. Background: Faki is the former Foreign Minister of Chad, and was a reliable partner, including when Chad served on the Security Council from 2014-15. This is Faki's highe st level meeting with the new U.S. Administration . The United States was often at odds with Faki's predecessor, Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma (South Africa), and this is a good opportunity to establish an important relation ship early in Faki's tenure. The African Union leads the UN-authorized peace support operation in Somalia (AMI SOM), and it jo intly run s the peacekee ping operation in Darfur, Sudan with the UN (UNAMID). The AU also has a large political role in conflict resolution throughout Africa, including South Sudan, Sudan, DRCand CAR. Peace and Security Commissioner Smail Chergui (Algeria) will also att end th e meeting-Chergui was recently re-elected to another four year term as Commissioner for Peace and Security, and he has played an out-sized role in peace and security affairs in Africa. Political Affairs Commissioner Minata Samate Cessouma (Burkina Faso) may also join. UN-AU Relations: Express your hope that the United States, as well as the UN Security Council, will continue to deepen its already strong partnership with the African Union. B5 (If Raised) SC/AU PSCConsultations: South Sudan: Faki has prioritiz ed South Sudan peace. Under score support for the shuttle diplomacy of the AU High Representative Mr. Alpha Oumar KonarE§. The AU, the region (IGAD), and the UN need to have a coordinated approach to how to address the political issues in South Sudan. There will be no peace in South Sudan unless we combat impunity and the Hybrid Court meets the South Sudanese people's demand fo r justice. We would like to see the AU move forward with this initiative and underscore that the funds we provided for the Hybrid Court expire at the end of June, and the inability to use the funds jeopardizes future funding from other external donor s. Background: The AU High Representative for South Sudan KonarE§,a former president of Mali, is engaging in shuttle diplomacy between South Sudanese parties, but there has been little pro gress so far . While we are prepared to give his efforts more time, we don't want to see an open-ended process, and we continue to push the UN to work with th e AU and th e regio n t o devi se a plan for th e way fo rw ard to coordinat e engagement. The AU is responsible for establishing a Hybrid Co urt for South Sudan per th e 2015 peace agreement. There has bee n littl e movement on thi s since 2015, despit e a push by th e STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000161 UNCLASSIF IED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 U.S. to mandate the UN (through a resolution) to provide technical support to the AU. The U.S. has also provided $3.3 million in assistance to the AU to aid in the establishment of the Hybrid Court. The AU has not yet used this funding, and the money expires on June 30 unless the AU beings spending the funds. B5 IF RAISED: Faki could also raise issues ranging from DRC to AU financing to Western Sahara; we would be happy to provide background during a short pre-brief ahead of the meeting. B5 Western Sahara/ MINURSO:I ICAR/Cooote,LRA, Darfur/UNAMID j DRC: STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000162 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Subject Lunch: DSGAmina Mohammad (1 hour) UK Residence Location Show Time As Busy Event: Lunch with Deputy Secretary General Amina Mohammad Hosted By: H.E. Mr. Matthew Rycroft Date: April 18 Time: 1:15 pm Location: Point of Contact: Abbey-Leigh Green Social Secretary UK Mission to the UN One Dag Hammarskjold Plaza I 885 2nd Avenue I New York, NY 10017 Email:I ...-1 --~-- lI Tel:1~____ I B6 II Mobile~~-- Suggested Talking Points: B5 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000163 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 B5 Brief Bio: Amina J. Mohamm ed of Nigeria is Deputy Secretary -General. She was Minister of Environment of Nigeria from November 2015 to December 2016, and previously served as Special Adviser to Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Post-2015 Development Planning, where she was instrumental in bringing about the 2030 Agenda for Sustainabl e Development, including th e Sustainable Development Goals. Attendees: (Background on the guest list ) The luncheon is to discuss the reform of the UN Development System. The DSG is leading this process on behalf of the SG, and she will produce a report with recommendations by the end of 2017. Member States will then need to take action on the recommendations. For this reason, the UK have invited influential Member States includin g donors and from the G77, in order to try to build some consensus on the process going forward. 1. Ambassador Nikki Haley 2. UK PRAmbassador Rycroft (host) 3. DSGAmina Mohammed * She has requested a meeting with you, which we are pending until after the lun cheon to see if this can take the place of this meeting. STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000164 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Prior to her December 2016 appointment, Ms. Amina J. Mohammed was Minister of Environment of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, where she steered the country's efforts to protect the natural environment and conserve resources for sustainable development. Prior to that role, she served as Special Adviser to Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Post-2015 Development Planning, where she was instrumental in bringing about the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, including the Sustainable Development Goals. Before joining the UN, Ms. Mohammed worked for three successive administrations in Nigeria, serving as Special Advisor on the Millennium Development Goals, providing advice on issues including poverty, public sector reform and sustainable development, and coordinating poverty reduction interventions. She is also an Adjunct Professor in Development Practice at Columbia University, and serves on numerous international advisory boards and panels, including the UN Secretary-General' s High-level Panel on Post2015 Development Agenda, the Independent Expert Advisory Group on the Data Revolution for Sustainable Development, the Global Development Program of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the UN Secretary-General's Global Sustainability Panel, the African Women's Millennium Initiative, Girl Effect and the ActionAid International Right to Education Project. Born in 1961, and educated Nigeria and the UK, Ms. Mohammed is married with six children. 4. Ms. Michelle Gyles-McDonnough (Ex. Off. of the Secretary General) 5. Ms. Hadiza Elayo (Ex. Off. of the Secretary General) 6. Brazil PR Ambassador Mauro Vieira Prior to his appointment in November 2016, Mr . Vieira was Minister for Foreign Affairs of Brazil. From 2010 to 2015, he was his country's Ambassador to the United States, and from 2004 to 2010, Ambassador to Argentina. Between 1978 and 1999, he held positions at Brazil's embassies in Washington, D.C., Mexico City and Paris, and served at its Permanent Mission to the Latin American Integration Association in Montev ideo from 1982 to 1985. During his tenure at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, he was Coordinator for International Acts, Assistant to the Secretary-Genera I, Assistant to the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Chief of Staff for the Secretary-General and Chief of Staff for the Mini ster for Foreign Affairs . Mr. Vieira also served as Deputy Secretary-General for Science and Technology at the Ministry of Science and Technology and National Secretary of Ad ministration at the Institute of Social STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000165 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Security at the Ministry of Social Security and Social Assistance. He holds a bachelor's degree in law from Fluminen se Federal University and is a graduate of the Rio Branco Institute, Brazil. 7. Colombia PR TBD (possibly Charge) 8. Croatia PRAmbassador Vladimir Drobnjack Prior to his appointment in August 2013, Mr . Drobnjak was the Permanent Representative of Croatia to the European Union in Brussels, and was Head of the Mission of Croatia to the European Union from February 2012 to June 2013. He began his diplomatic career in 1992, when he became Deputy Permanent Representative of Croatia to the United Nation s in New York. Since then, his assignments have included Assistant Mini ster and Head of the Division of Multilateral Affairs in Zagreb, Member of the Negotiating Team of Croatia for the Stabilization and Association Agreement with the European Union, and Chief Negotiator for the negotiations on the accession of Croatia to the European Union. Mr. Drobnjak also worked as a United States-and United Nations-based correspondent for the Croatian daily newspapers Vjesnik and Vecernji list, and for Croatian radio and television, from 1988 and 1992. He was Editor-in-Chief of the Sunday Vjesnik between 1986 and 1988. Born on 5 March 1956 in Zagreb, Mr. Drobnjak was educated at the University of Zagreb School of Law, from which he holds a Juris Doctor degree. 9. Ecuador PR Ambassador Horacio Sevilla From 198 2 until his June 201 6 appointment, Mr. Sevilla wa s his country's Ambassador to Brazil, Germany , Peru, Argentina, Dominican Republic , Haiti and th e Slovak Republi c. Betw een 2001 and 2005, he served as International Affair s Advi ser in the Office of the Mayor of Quito, Ecuador's capital. A career diplomat , he also served as DirectorGeneral of the Foreign Service Academy , and of the Department of Europe in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs , from 1987 to 1991. Mr . Sevilla wa s educated at the Central University of Ecuador in Quito , the Institute of Higher International Studies in Switzerland, the School of Political Science at Uppsala University in Sweden, and the Centre for International Affairs of Harvard University, in the United States. Born on 25 March 1942, he is married . 10. Ethiopia PR Ambassador Tekeda Alemu (SECURITYCOUNCIL) Prio r to his appo intm e nt in January 2011, Mr. Tekeda was Mini ster of State in Ethiopia' s Mini stry fo r Fo re ign Affair s, a post he held since Octo ber 2001. Fo r 10 years pri or t o th at, he w as Vice-Mini ster in th e STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000166 UNCLASSI FIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Ministry. A career diplomat, he held several posts in the Ministry, including as Head of the African Department (1990-1991) and Acting Head of the Department of International Organizations (1988-1989). Mr. Tekeda headed the Ethiopian delegation at numerous international conferences beginning in 1986. Mr. Tekeda received a doctorate degree in political science from Claremont Graduate School in 1983 and a Master of Arts degree, also in political science, from the University of California at Los Angeles in 1976. Born on 5 May 1951, he is married with two children. 11. Ghana PRAmbassador Martha Arna Akyaa Pobee Prior to her July 2015 appointment, Ms. Pobee has been a career diplomat, serving in the Ministry for Foreign Affairs for almost 30 years, most recently as Deputy Head of Mission and Charge d'affaires at the Ghana High Commission in Pretoria since 2012. Before holding that position, she was Director of the Information and Public Affairs Bureau at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs from 2010 to 2012 and Head of Chancery at the Ghanaian Embassy in Washington, D.C., from 2006 to 2010. Ms. Pobee holds a master's degree in development studies from the Institute of Social Studies in The Hague and a bachelor's degree in English and philosophy from the University of Ghana in Legon. She also holds diplomas in public administration from the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration in Legon and in multilate ral diplomacy from the Geneva Institute for Internationa I Studies. 12. Slovakia PR Ambassador Frantisek Ruzicka Prior to his September 2012 appointment, Mr. Ruzicka, was Director General of the European Affairs Section at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Bratislava, a post he held since 2004 (except for the periods August 2011 to May 2012, when he was in charge of the United Nations Department, and May 2005 to February 2010, when he served as Ambassador to Poland). 09 He graduated from Charles University in Prague in 1991, and from the Moscow Institute for International Relations in 1989. Born .__________ __,e is married and has le______ . _, B6 13. South Africa PR Ambassador Jerry Matthew Matjila From 2011 until his July 2016 appointment, Mr. Matjila was the Acting Director -General of South Africa's Department of International Relations and Cooperation. He was previou sly Permanent Representativ e to the Unit ed Nation s in Geneva from 2010 to 2011, serving concurrently as Consul-General to the French-speaking cantons of Switzerland. STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000167 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Mr. Matjila was Deputy Director-General of the Asia and Middle East Branch in the Department of International Relations and Cooperation between 2006 and 2010. He was Ambassador to Belgium, Luxembourg and the European Community from 2001 to 200 6. He served an earlier stint as Deputy Director-General, between 1999 and 2001, and was High Commissioner to India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, the Maldives and Nepal from 1995 and 1999, having joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1994. Mr. Matjila was educated in France, Belgium, the United Kingdom, Norway and Germany. 14. Sweden PR Ambassador Olof Skoog (SECURITYCOUNCIL) Prior to his March 2015 appointment, Mr. Skoog worked with the European Union (from 2013 to 2015) as Amba ssador t o Indone sia, Brunei Darussalam and the Association of South East Asian Nation s (ASEAN).Starting in 2011, he was the first Permanent Chair of the Union's Political and Security Committee. From 2007 to 2011, he served as Sweden's Permanent Representative to the Union , sitt ing on the Political and Security Committee in his national capacity. Attaining the post of Director-General for Political Affairs in his country's Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 2004, Mr. Skoog began his diplomati c career at Sweden's embassy to Cuba in 1989. As a member of his country's delegation to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE),from 1992 to 1994, he was Chairman of that organization's Financial Committee of Experts. After serving as Chef de Cabinet in the Office of the State Secretary for Foreign Affai rs, Mr. Skoog worked with the United Nations Monitoring Verification and Inspection Commis sion in 2000 and 2001, becoming Political Adviser to that Commi ssion 's head in 200 3. Receiving his Master of Laws from Lund Univer sity, Sweden, in 1988, Mr. Skoog studied on a Raoul Wallenberg Institute for International Law scholarship for advanced studie s at the European Commis sio n of Human Rights in Stra sbourg , France. Born in 1962 in Lund, he is married and has three children . 15. Canada DPR Ambassador Michael Grant 16. India PR Ambassador Syed Akbaruddin * The Indian PR has requested a call with you regardin g a demarche we tried to get Ambassador Sison, but he specifically wants to talk with you . Prio r to his January 2016 app ointm ent, Mr. Akbaruddin, career dipl om at, was th e Chief Coor din ato r of th e India-Afri ca Fo rum Summit held in New Delhi in Octob er 2015 . Betw een 2012 and 2015, he serv ed as Spo kesperson for the Mini stry o f Ext ernal Affair s. STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000168 UNCLASSI FIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Mr. Akbaruddin also worked as an international civil servant at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna from 2006 to 2011. During that period, he headed the Agency's External Relations and Policy Coordination Unit and worked as Special Assistant to the IAEA Director-General. He has held a number of other diplomatic assignments, including Consul-General in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, from 2000 to 2004, and First Secretary at his country's Permanent Mission to the United Nations in New York, from 1995 to 1998. He has also served in Riyadh and Cairo. The holder of a master's degree in political science and international relations, Mr. Akbaruddin was born on 27 April 1960. He is married and has two children. 17. Norway DPRAmbassador May-Elin Stener 18. UK Minister Counsellor Ambassador Martin Shearman Time 2:15 PM -- 2:25 PM Subject Depart Lunch en route USUN (10 mins) Show Time As Busy Time 2:30 PM - 2:45 PM Subject Pre-Brief: Human Rights (15 mins) Show Time As Busy Time 2:45 PM - 3;00 PM Subject Depart USUN en route UN -- Car: NH & LD (15 mins) Show Time As Busy Time 3:00 PM .. 5:00 PM Subject SCDebate: Human Rights and maintenance of international peace and security Show Time As Busy Event: UN Security Council Briefing on Human Rights and International Peace and Security Date: Tuesday, April 18, 2017 Time: 3:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. Location: UNSC Briefers: Secretary General Antonio Guterres Staff: Ambassador Sison, Chris Klein, Amy Tachco, Mark Simonoff, Kristin Kiel Background: This meeting is the first time the Security Council has held a meeting dedicated to and focused exclusively on the linkage between human rights and international peace and security. Counci l members agreed to the agenda item "Maintenance of international peace and security: human rights and prevention of armed conflict," so there will not be a procedural vote on the adoption of the agenda. STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000169 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 You will deliver remarks fir st. Human Rights in the Security Council: Human rights feature prominently in the Charter of the United Nations. Promoting the respect for human rights is one of the UN's purposes and principles. For decades, human rights had been seen as largely outside the scope of the Security Council. Over time, the Security Council has become relatively more engaged in viewing human rights as an importan t factor in situations that it addresses. More than ha If of the current peacekeeping and political missions have human rights-related tasks in their mandates , and several Security Council-established sanctions regimes include serious human rights violations or abuses as a criterion for adding individuals to travel ban lists or asset freeze lists. The Council has a range of tools , such as commissions of inquiry, judicial mechanisms, visiting missions, or sanctions, to try to add ress human rights issues. However, addressing human rights in the Security Council remains extremely controve rsial for Russia and China and for some elected Council member s, particularly Egypt and Bolivia. Council member s who strongly prioritize state sovereignty (and lack of scrutiny for their governments' own human rights abuses) continually argue that discussions about human rights belong solely in the General Assembly's Third Committee and the Human Rights Council. Human Rights at the UN: Human rights issues are integrated into the work of the UN through a variety of bodies. The General Assembly's Third Committee is the human rights mechanism made up of all 193 member states, and it has adopted resolutions focused on countryspecific human right s violations (Iran, Syria, DPRK, Burma , Ukraine) as well as thematic human rights topic s (ex. rights of the child , extrajudicial killings , torture) . The Human Rights Council is the standing body of the UN created to focu s specifically on human rights issues. The Human Rights Council was created to respond, in part, to urgent human rights crisis situations through special sessions. It also create s mandates for UN Special Rapporteurs (independent experts ta sked with looking into thematic or country human right s issues) or Commission s of Inquiry, which can be dispatched to look into ur gent issues. The UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights is the office of the UN secretariat tasked with carrying out the UN's human rights prioritie s. Headed by UN High Commi ssioner fo r Human Rights Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein, OHCHR has country offices around t he world that provide technical assistance to countries. These bodies do not explicitly explore how human rights violations can cause international instability , however , since international peace and security is the mandate of the Security Council. Remarks attached in UNSC meeting binder Time 5 :00 PM - 5:15 PM Subject Depart UN en route USUN -- Car : NH & LO (15 min s) Show Time As Busy Time 5:15 PM -S :45 PM Subject Presidency Wrap-Up Meetin g (30 mins) Show Time As Busy Wi,dr.t,~;day , Apr H19, :?.01.7 Time 8:30 AM - 8:45 AM STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000170 UNCLASSIF IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Location: USUN- 21st Floor Attendees (9): Ambassador Haley Ambassador Sison Amy Tachco, Political Counselor Liz Lee, Political Advisor Leslie Dewees, Special Assistant Maria Angela Holguin, Colombia Foreign Minister Ms. Patti Londono, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Ambassador Maria Emma Mejia, Permanent Representative of Colombia to the United Nations Ambassador Carlos Arturo Morales, Deputy Permanent Representative of Colombia to the United Nations Ambassador Camilo Ruiz, Adviser Purpose: Introductory Meeting B6 Contact: Sybil/Katrin, Ambassador's Assistant Background: A peace agreement last December ended S2 years of conflict between the Colombian government and the FARC, a left-wing terrorist organization. The UN Monitoring and Verification Mission (MVM) has been monitoring the government-FARC ceasefire and the FARC's disarmament process since the beginning of the year. The Colombians will ask the UN to provide continued monitoring of elements of the agreement once disarmament is complete this summer. This would mean the UN special political mission would continue its work - with a reduced footprint - for the next 2-3 years. Holguin wants the second phase of the mission to be established through the General Assembly B5 ._______________ __,[ On April 6, Vice President Oscar Naranjo, a former general with a proven track record of negotiating with the FARC,and other senior Colombian government players brought together international representatives, including the U.S. Ambassador to Bogota, to request specific international "accompaniment" of the peace accord. Such support will include financial cooperation, technical cooperation, and monitoring . Talking Points: STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000171 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 B5 Biography: Marfa Angela Holguin, Mini ster of Foreign Affairs , Republic of Colombia (U) As a graduate in Political Science with extensive experience in Colombian foreign policy, FM Holguin spans two decades of activity in the public and private sectors. She has held high position s in the Government of Colombia , including the Office of the President of the Republic, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs , and the Office of the Inspector General of the Nation . She has ample politi cal and administrative experience . As a diplomat , Holguin has vast multilateral experience in coordinating conferences . (U) Holguin graduated from the School of Political Science of the Universidad de los Andes (1988), with a specialization in Diplomacy and Strategy from the Centre d'Etudes Diplomatiques et Strategiques - CEDS,in Paris, France (1999). She holds a Specialization in Public Administration and Administrative Institutions from Universidad de Los Andes (1992). (U) Ho lguin has held the positions of Vice-Mini ste r of Foreign Affair s of Colombia and Act ing Mini ste r (1998), Amba ssado r and Per manent STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000172 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Representative of Colombia to the United Nations (2004 - 2006), Ambassador of Colombia to Venezuela (2002- 2004), and First Secretary of the Embassy of Colombia in France (1992). She also was a key government negotiator in the Colombian peace process with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC). (U) Between 1999 and 2002, she was the Regional Director for Latin America of the Worldview International Foundation and was an Advisor to the President of the Andean Development Corporation (CAF) in 2006, and its representative in Argentina between 2008 and 2010. This was her last position before she was appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs of Colombia by President Juan Manuel Santos. Holguin has held the position of Head of the Cabinet of the Vice-President of the Republic from 2006 to 2008, as well as Coordinator of the Committee of International Affairs in the Presidential Campaign of Alvaro Uribe-Velez (2001-2002), Assistant Director of the Administrative Department of the Office of the President of t he Republic (1996), Private Secretary of the Office of the Inspector General of the Nation (1991), and Director of the Democracy Strengthening Program of the Universidad de Los Andes (1988). Time 4:00 PM · · 4:.30 PM Subject NH Meeting: Scheduling, Press, David G Show Time As Busy Time 4;4$ PM - S:00 PM ~----- B5 Subject Call: Sec Tillerson & ~----~ Show Time As Busy Call: SecTillerson an~ ~-~ Topic: DPRKand UN Way Ahead Logistics: WH will connect NH Time 5;00 PM - 530 PM Subject Presidency Wrap -Up Meeting Show Time As Busy Thursday, AvH 20, 2017 Time 8:30 AM - 9:00 AM Subject 21/W Staff Meeting (30 min) Recurrence Occurs every Monday, Tue sday, Wedne sday, Thur sday, and Friday effective 2/13/2017 until 6/15/2017 from 8:30 AM to 9 :00 AM Show Time As Busy Time S:4S AM- 9:1.5AM Subject Meeting: Mr . Nickolay Mladenov (30 mins) Location USUN -- 21 Floor Show Time As Busy Event: Meeting: Mr. Nickolay Mladenov, Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process Date: April 19 Time: 5:30 pm - 6:00 pm STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000173 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Location: USUN - 21st Floor Attendees (6): Ambassador Haley Nickolay Mladenov, UN Special Coordinator Mr. Stephane Vazelle, Senior Political Affairs Officer Ambassador Sison David Glaccum, Deputy Chief of Staff for Policy Leslie Dewees, Special Assistant Background: Nickolay Mladenov is the UN Special Coordinator for t he Middle East Peace Pro cess, an office that was establi shed in 1994 following the signing of the Oslo accord . The offi ce of the UN Special Coordinator (UNSCO) is charged with boosting UN development assistance in support of the peace process and, when the Quartet was formed in 2002 the Special Coordinator took on the role of Quartet envoy for the UN (the Quartet consists of the UN, EU, US and Russia). UNSCOis headquartered in Jerusalem and Mladenov brief s the UNSC on a monthly basis, sometimes via VTC and sometimes in person, on developments on the ground. Mladenov has touched on other issues in the region during his briefing and has indicated that he is willing to take a broader view in his briefings. Every three months he is requi red to report on implementation of UNSCR2334 , which dealt exclusively with the Israeli-Palestinian issue (settlement s, violence and incitement) . B5 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000174 UNCLASSIF IED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 B5 Brief Unclassified BIO: Mr. Nicko lay Mladenov of Bulgaria was appointed by the UN Secretary- General Ban Ki-moon as his Special Coordi nator for th e Middle East Peace Process and his Personal Representative to the Palestine Liberation Organization and the Palestinian Authority in February 2015. In this capacity, Mr. Mladenov will be the Envoy of the Secretary -General to the Quartet. Mr. Mladenov brings with him extensive experience in public service and international affairs. In his last posting , he served as Special Representative for Iraq and Head of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI). He served as Minister for Foreign Affairs of Bulgaria from 2010 to 2013 and Minister of Defense of Bulgaria from 2009 to 2010. Previously, he was a Member of the European Parliament from 2007 to 2009 and a M ember of the Parliament of Bulgaria from 2001 to 2005. Mr. Mladenov held several positions in the int ergovernmenta l and non-governmental sectors, including at the World Bank and the European Inst itut e in Sofia. STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000175 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Mr. Mladenov earned a Master of Arts in war studies at King's College London, in the United Kingdom, and both a master's and a bachelor's degree in international relations at the University of National and World Economy of Sofia, in Bulgaria. He is married with one daughter. twitter : @nmladenov Point of Contact: Patria Diaz I Middle East and West Asia Division Attendance Haley, Nikki (USUN New York) Organizer Glaccum, David M Required Gee, Stephen J Required Patel, Bindi K (USUN New York) Required Vifia, Morgan L. (USUN New York) Required Knight, Stephen B Required B5 2:20 PM- 3:00PM Subject Call :I I Show Time As Busy Asst: Abe Goldschmidt B6 Time 3:00 PM - 3 :10 PM Subject Call: Rep. Tom Rooney (10 mins) Show Time As Busy Note - NH Approved Recommendation: Staff recommends you take this short phone call. Rep. Rooney is the Vice-Chair on House State and Foreign Operations Subcommittee. Event: Phone call: Congressman Rooney Date: APRIL21, 2017 Time: 3:00 PM Purpose: At his request, Congressman Tom Rooney (R-FL-17) would like to have a 10 minute phone call to discuss his recent trip to South Sudan and in particular his meeting with President Kiir. I Logistilcs: NH to call Congressman Rooney on his cell phone .__ __ _, B6 Staff Point of Contact: Michelle Reinshuttle STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000180 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 ( michelle. reinsh uttle@maii.house.gov ) Background: Representative Rooney sits on the House Appropriations State and Foreign Operations Subcommittee as well as the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. Representative Rooney visited South Sudan on April 8. During his one-day visit to the capital , Juba, he visited a UN protection of civilians site and spoke with internally displaced persons, and he met with U.S. Embassy Juba, humanitarian organizations, and the South Sudanese First Vice President and President (in separate meetings). According to Rooney's staff, Rooney told South Sudanese leadership that they should not necessarily count on the support of the Trump administration while the government has not demonstrated any will to improve the situation in South Sudan. He reinforced that the famine in South Sudan was manmade and urged South Sudanese leaders to stop blaming other s for the present situation . We recommend you mostly be in listening mode but let Rooney know that the administration is in the process of reviewing how best to address the peace and security challenges and humanitarian situation in South Sudan. Rooney also want s you to know that he can offer his support in Congress as you move forward on South Sudan. Rooney will likely tell you that he believes there is value in deployment of the Regional Protection Force (a 4,000-person force authorized by the Council in August 2016 but not yet deployed). He may also press you on an arms embargo, and may recommend using the arms embargo as leverage to get the government to allow the Regional Protection Force. He is also likely to urge you to support keeping open the protection of civilians sites (UN-protection sites where 220,000 civilian s are sheltering) . Talking Points: B5 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000181 UNCLASSIF IED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 B5 Biography: Political Background : On November 4th 2008, Tom was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives. He represents Florida's 17th district . He sits on the House Appropriations Committee's Subcommittee's on Agriculture, Military Construction and Veterans Affairs, and State and Foreign Operations. He is a member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, and serves as Chairman of the Intelligence Subcommittee on Emerging Threats. He also serves as a Deputy Whip for the Majority. Education: Played college football at Syracuse University and Washington and Jefferson College. After receiving his BA in English Literature, Tom worked for Senator Connie Mack in Washington, DC. Attended the University of Florida where he received a Master 's Degree and the University of Miami, School of Law where he earned his J.D. Non-political career: Served over four years in the United States Army JAG Corps. Most notably he served as Special Assistant U.S. Attorney on Fort Hood, TX prosecuting all civilian crimes on post. In 2002, Tom was selected to teach Constitutional and Criminal Law at the United States Military Academy at West Point . Worked as an Assistant Attorney General. After leaving the Attorney General's office, he became CEOof "The Children's Place at Home Safe," a home for abused and neglected children. He was later appointed by Governor Bush to the Children's Services Council of Palm Beach County Board of Directors. In 2006, Tom entered private practice and joined a Stuart law firm. Personal: Married to Tara. Time 4 :00 PM - 4:30 PM Subject Deep Dive : Western Sahara (MINURSO) (30 mins) STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000182 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Show Time As Busy Event: Western Sahara Deep Dive Date: Friday, April 21, 2017 Time: 4:00 pm - 4:30 pm Location: 21 Exec- Ambassador Haley's office Staff: DG, Amy Tachco, Leslie Ordeman, Morgan Vina Purpose: To gain a better understanding of MIN URSOin advance of April 25 UNSCConsultation s and April 27 adoption of mandate renewal Topic: Peacekeeping in Western Sahara Background: MINURSO (UN Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara) * Through its "good offices" function, the UN has been seeking a settlement in Western Sahara since the withdrawal of Spain in 1975 and subsequent Moroccan invasion of the territory. In 1991, MIN URSOwas established through UN Security Council resolution 690 (1991) in accordance with settlement proposals accepted by both parties, Morocco and the Polisario. Originally established to provide a transition period and prepare for a referendum in which the people of Western Sahara would choose between independence and integration with Morocco, the mission's mandate has evolved significantly since 1991. *Weare the penholder. On April 30, 2016, in resolution 2285 (2016), the UNSCextended the mandate of MINURSO for one year in one of the most controversial mandate renewals of th e year. It was adopted with 10 votes in favor, two against (Uruguay and Venezuela), and three abstentions (Angola, New Zealand, and Russia). Those who abstained and voted no stated they did so because the resoluti on did not hold Morocco accountable for the expulsion of MINURSO civilian staff in March 2016. France, a staun ch supporter of Moro cco, prevented harder language from being included during negotiation s. * MINURSO, with an annual budget of $57 million, has 214 military observers and 27 troops charged with patrolling both sides of a 1,700 mile-long sand berm separating the two sides of the conflict. They are unarmed and supported by 71 international staff and 159 local civilian staff. * During the Deep Dive, Amy Tachco and Leslie Ordeman will discuss the Western Sahara conflict, the role of the Personal Envoy of the Secretary General to find a political solution, and the role of MINURSO in monitoring the thirty-year-old ceasefire. Attendees Name Attendance Haley, Nikki (USUN New York) Organizer Glaccum, David M Required STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000183 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Tachco, Amy N (USUN New York) Required Ordeman, Leslie T (USUN New York) Required Vina, Morgan L. (USUN New York) Requi red Time 4:30 PM·· 5:00 PM Subject Presidency Wrap-Up Meeting Recurrence Occurs every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday effective 4/3/2017 until 4/28/2017 from 4:30 PM to 5:00 PM Show Time As Busy Time 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Subject Private Appointment Show Time As Busy Sensitivity Private SaturdJ't , AµrH 22, 2017 Time All D~a~y __ ~ B6 B7(C) Subject AIC: ~--~ Show Time As Free 5,mclay, AprH 23, ;rn17 Time All Day ~---------~ Subject AIC:~---------~ Show Time As Free f,,-bn,:by, AprH 7.4,2(H7 Time All Day Subject DC DAY Show Time As Free Event: Washington, D.C. Day for the United Nations Security Council Members and Spouses Date: Monday, April 24, 2017 Location: Washington, DC Invitee s: Security Council Member and Spouses White House Contacts: Cari; Cari.G.Lutkinj L B6 Time 4:30 PM - S:00PM Subject Presidency Wrap-Up Meeting (30 min) Show Time As Busy STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000203 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Time 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM Subject Presidency Closing SCEvent: Atlanta Braves vs. New York Mets Location Citi Field, 120-01 Roosevelt Avenue, Flushing, NY 11368 Show Time As Busy Event: Atlanta Braves vs. New York Mets hosted by Ambassador Nik ki Haley and Mr. Michael Haley Date: Wednesday, April 26, 2017 Departure Time: 5:45pm (30 mins} Time: 6:30pm -10:30pm 6:30pm Suggested Guest Arrival Time 6:30pm Guest Mingle 7:00pm Remarks 7:10pm Game Starts 10:30pm Games Ends Location: Citi Field - suite of New York Mets' owner Fred Wilpon, who has extended this invitation. The suite is right behind home plate. Location Set-up: Buffet dinner and drinks . The suite has ample seating at front for watching the game; there are also sofas and a long table in the suite. Bathroom in the suite as well. Photos: YO Purpose: To build relationships with foreign counterparts, to advocate for U.S. priorities in a more informal setting, to introduce our foreign counterparts to the American pastime Invitees: The other 14 Security Council PRsand spouses. Menu/Drinks: 2 erudite, Pigs in a blanket, Shrimp Cocktail , Dim Sum, 2 Sushi Platters, Chopped Salad with grilled chicken and shrimp on the side, Shake Shack Burger, Veggie Burger, Chicken Marsala, Shrimp Scampi, Chophouse Braised Short Rib with Mashed Potatoes, Nathans Hot Dogs, Grilled Vegetables, Cookies and Brownies, Fruit Bowl, Shake Shack Milkshakes, Wine, Beer, Soda, Juices, and Water Confirmed Attendees: 1. Amb. Nikki Haley 2. Mr. Michael Haley 3. Nalin Haley 4. China: H.E. Mr. Liu Jieyi 5. China: Mrs. Qiyue Zhang 6. Egypt: H.E. Mr. Amr Abde-latif Aboulatta STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000204 UNCLASS IFIE D U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 7. Italy: H.E. Mr Sebastiano Cardi 8. Japan: H.E. Mr Karo Bessho 9. Japan: Mrs. Mariko Bessho 10. Kazakthstan: H.E. Mr. Kairat Umarov 11. Kazakthstan: Gaini Umarov (his 11-year old grandson) 12. Russia: Mr . Petr V. llichev 13. Senegal: H.E. Mr. Fode Seek 14. Senegal: Mrs. Marieme Cisse 15. UK: H.E. Mr. Matthew Rycroft 16. Uruguay: H.E. Mr . Elbio Rosselli 17. Uruguay: Mr. Kieran Manuel L Rosselli (his son) 18. Jon Lerner 19. Amb. Sison 20. Steve Groves 21. Chris Klein 22. David Glaccum 23. Youseline Obas Background: Mr. Wilpon under stand s that April is the U.S. Security Council presidency and wants to do what he can to help Amb Haley advance U.S. intere st s at the UN. Wilpon is a public-minded team owner who has initiated a number of pro grams to assist U.S. military veteran s. We have previou sly accepted such invitation s and will make sure everything is done by the book with respect to ethic s. Thm,d,P f, Apd ?7, 10:l? Time 8:30 AM - 9:00 AM Subject 21/W Staff Meeting (30 min) Recurrence Occurs every Monday , Tuesday, Wednesday , Thur sday, and Friday effective 2/13/2017 until 6/15/2017 from 8:30 AM to 9 :00 AM Show Time As Busy Time 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Subject SC Briefing : Middle East-Syria Humanitarian (2 hr) Show Time As Busy Event: UN Security Council Syr ia Humanitarian Briefin g Date : Thur sday, April 27, 2017 Tim e : 10:00am-12:00p.m. STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000205 UNCLASSIF IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Location: UNSC Briefers: Under Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs Stephen O'Brien Staff: Ambassador Sison, Chris Klein, Amy Tachco, Kylie Holmes, Kristin Kiel Background: UN Under-Secretary General (USG)for Humanitarian Affairs, Stephen O'Brien, will brief the Council in the Open Chamber on the deteriorating humanitarian situation in many parts of the country. Your remarks focus Assad's continued use of siege-andstarve tactics and refusal to grant life-saving humanitarian access to besieged areas. Humanitarian Situation: At least 13.5 million people in Syria require humanitarian assistance-two-thirds of the remaining population. This includes 6 million people in "acute" need (wholly dependent on aid) and an estimated 643,700 people living in 13 besieged areas. Accessto date in 2017 is at abysmal levels. Since January, the UN has been able to reach fewer than 13 percent of the 4.9 million people in besieged and hard-to-reach areas. This is due to the Syrian Government's repeated denials of UN requests, their artificial claims that the UN is overestimating the number of people in need, and their removal of supplies from convoys. The Syrian regime has also refused to grant the UN access to any areas that it is besieging. Medicine and medical supplies continue to be removed from convoys. Evacuation Agreements: Last month, Iran and Qatar brokered an agreement for the evacuation of the "Four Towns"-two besieged by Hizballah (Madaya and Zabadani) and two Shia-majority towns besieged by AI-Nusra Front (Foah and Kafraya). The agreement reportedly covered up to 30,000 people and would result in a nearcomplete evacuation of the four towns. (As with nearly every previous "reconciliation" agreement in Syria, the UN was cut out of negotiations and is not supervising the evacuations. These deals essentially amount to forced demographic change.) On April 15, during the second round of evacuations from the "Four Towns", a car bomb exploded at the Al Rashedeen exchange point, killing 130 people - including 67 children - and injured 275 others. No group has claimed responsibility. However, the VBIEDattack appeared to be targeting a group of people from Foah and Kafraya, besieged towns aligned with the regime. Battlefield Update: Violence across Syria remains high . Over the weekend, the Syrian military and its allies continued to push back recent opposition gains using "scorched earth" techniques that include phosphorous and incendiary bombs in civilian areas, according to opposition sources. The main Damascus suburb still held by the opposition, Eastern Ghouta, has also seen heavy fighting as the regime and its allies chip away at the opposition's territory there. The Syrian regime has targeted and shut down many smuggling tunnels into the area that had previously facilitated a flow of food and medical supplies. In the counter -lSISfight, the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) led by Syrian Kurds have made progr ess in the fight for Tabqa, a strat egic town 34 miles east of Raqqah. On April 25, Turkish military j ets struck Kurdish forces in Syria and Iraq, citing self-def ense against Kurdish terrorist activities in Turkey. Strikes in Syria targeted the YPG, STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000206 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 a Kurdish militia that plays an important role in the fight against ISIS. The Turks probably did this to send the United States a warning, discouraging cooperation with the Syrian Kurds in the counter-lSIS campaign. Political Developments: On April 19, Russia, Turkey, and Iran concluded a round of technical Astana-process talks in Iran. They are trying to finalize a monitoring and verification mechanism for the tattered ceasefire. The next round of official talks in Astana will take place in early May, before UN Special Envoy Staffan de Mistura aims to host the next round of talks in Geneva probably in mid-May. While the Syrian regime continues to stall, block, and obstruct negotiations, its brutal tactics on the ground continue. Russia and Iran's support for the Assad regime appears ironclad - regardless of regime actions. As the political process stagnates, violence on the ground continues unabated and Iran and Russia's increased support for the brutal regime has only forced the moderate opposition groups to cooperate with Al-Qaeda out of desperation. Remarks attached in UNSC meeting binder Time 12:15 PM- 12:SS PM Subject Lunch (40 mins) Show Time As Busy Time 1:15 PM-1:40 PM Subject CNN 100 Days Special with Jake Tapper Location One Time Warner Center New York, New York 10019 Show Time As Busy Event: CNN 100 Days Special with Jake Tapper Date: Thursday April 27, 2017 Time: 1:15pm - 1:40pm (each interview will be 5 mins) - 1:lSpm NH sits for hair and makeup touchups - 1:30pm NH pre-tapes with Jake Tapper (6-10 mins) Location: CNN Headquarters, One Time Warner Center New York, New York 10019 *** Studio contact: Jacqueline Rose (716)-912 -1224; Jacqueline.Rose@turner.com Purpose: Reflect on the first 100 days of the administration and highlight wins at the USUN. STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000207 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Topics: 1) Russia in general - Gen. Flynn in context of Russia -Where are the US and Russia now , where will relations be moving forward? 2) North Korea 3) Syria 4) UN Funding WHITE HOUSE 100 DAYS TALKING POINTS "Security" B5 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000208 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 B5 lime NJ0 PM ·· 2:30 PM Subject lran/JCPOA Discussion (30 min) Show Time As Busy Time 2:30 PM - 3:00 PM Subject Phone Call (30 mins) Show Time As Busy Time 3 :00 PM ··· 3: 10 PM Subject Phone Call: Sen. Tim Scott (10 min) Show Time As Busy Logistics: NH to call TS on cell phone Time 3 :30 PM - 4:00 PM Subject Meeting: DHS Secretary Kelly (30 min) Show Time As Busy Time 4:30 PM - 5:15 PM Subject JLTime (45 mins) Show Time As Busy Time 5:15 PM ··5:30 PM STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000209 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Subject Briefing (15 min s) Show Time As Busy Time 8:45 PM - 9:15 PM Subject Meeting: Amb. Rycroft and FM Johnson (30 mins) Location UK Residence Show Time As Busy Event: Meeting: UK Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson Date: Thursday, April 27, 2017 Time: 8:45pm -9:30pm Location: UK Residence Attendees: (3) Ambassador Nikki Haley UK Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson UK PR Matthew Rycroft Purpo se: The purpo se of thi s meeting is to co mpare note s with the UK Foreign Secretary prior to Friday' s briefin g on DPRKin the Security Council, his bilateral meeting with Secretary Tillerson, and the Secu rity Council mini sterial luncheon. Background: The UK is eager to work with us on pressing and controversial issues in the Security Council, including North Korea and Syria. Talking Points: B5 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000210 UNCLASSIF IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 B5 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000211 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 B5 Biography Boris Johnson UK Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs Boris Johnson, one of the UK's most recognizable politicians , has served as Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs under UK Prime Minister Theresa May since July 2016. In 2016, Johnson was the leading spokesman for the "Leave" campaign in the run-up to the UK's national referendum on whether the UK should remain a member of the European Union ("Brexit"). Johnson had been a favorite to serve as Prime Minister after UK voters narrowly voted to leave the EU, but Theresa May became Conservative Party leader and Prime Minister instead after Conservative Party infighting. His bumbling demeanor and occasionally irreverent remarks have made him a perennial favorite for the British media. In 1997, Johnson lost his first election for the House of Commons, his initial foray into UK politics. He later won a seat in 2001 as a Conservative candidate representing a district near London. He survived a number of political scandals and was reelected to his parliamentary seat in 2005. Johnson was elected Mayor of London in 2008 and reelected in 2012. In 2015, he returned to the House of Commons when the Conservative Party captured its first clear parliamentary majority since the 1990s. Johnson was born in 1964 in New York City, although he later renounced his U.S. citizenship. As a child, he lived in New York City, London, and Brussels before attending Oxford. He worked briefly in consulting and then in journalism from 1987-2005 . He has written numerous books, including a biography of Winston Churchill and a histor ical survey of the Roman Empire. ~rkhy, Apd) n, ].(HJ Time 8:30 AM - 9:00 AM STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000212 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Subject 21/W Staff Meeting (30 min) Recurrence Occurs every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday effective 2/13/2017 until 6/15/2017 from 8:30 AM to 9 :00 AM Show Time As Busy Time 9:30 AM ... 10:00 AM Subject Trilateral: ROK Foreign Minister Byung-se Yun and Japan Foreign Mini ster Furnia Kishida (20 min s) Location Consultation Room Show Time As Busy Event: Trilateral: ROK Foreign Minister Byung-se Yun and Japan Foreign Minister Furnia Kishida Date: Friday, April 28, 2017 Time: 9:20-9:40am Location: Security Council Consultation Room US Attendees : Secretary Rex Tillerson Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley Chief of Staff Margaret Peterlin Deputy Chief of Staff Christine Ciccone Acting Assistant Secretary Susan Thornton Leslie Dewees (notetaker) ROK Attendees: Foreign Minister Byung-se Yun Ambassador to the UN Tae-yul Cho Director General for North Korean Nuclear Affair s, Sang-hwa Lee Director General for North American Affair s, Koo-rae Cho Ji-hyun Lee (notetaker) Japan Attendee s: Foreign Mini ste r Furnia Kishida Ambassador to the UN Karo Bessho Director General for Asian and Oceanian Affair s, Kenji Kanasugi Executive Assistant to the FM Masashi Nakagome Director of the Northeast Asia Division, Masaaki Kanai Purpo se: I B5 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000213 UNCLASSIF IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Talking Points: BS Biographies Yun Byung-se ROK Foreign Minister Yun Byung-se was born in 1953 and is a career ROKdiplomat who graduated from Seoul National University with a bachelor 's and master's degrees in law in 1976 and 1878, respectively. He also obtained a master's d egree in 1983 fr o m the School of Advanced Int ernational Studies (SAIS)at the Johns Hopkin s University . He has been foreign mini ste r since 2013 and previously served in a num ber of STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000214 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 senior positions at the ROK Foreign Ministry, including as Deputy Minister in 2006, and in the Blue House as Senior Presidential Secretary for Foreign, Security, and Unification Policy in 2006. Yun has served in Washington, Geneva, Singapore, New York, and Sydney earlier in his career. He is married with one daughter. Furnia Kishida Japanese Foreign Minister Furnia Kishida was born in 1957 and is a Japanese politician in the House of Representatives of the Japanese Diet (parliament) as a leading member of the ruling conservative Liberal Democratic Party (LOP). He has been serving as Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's foreign minister since 2012. Kishida was born in Hiroshima into family of Japanese politicians and graduated from Waseda University in 1982. He was first elected into the lower house in 1993. He previously served in Prime Mini ster Abe' s first, short-lived cabinet (2006) and continued in the cabinet of Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda (2007-2008) , who succeeded Abe, as ministe r of state for Okinawa and northern territories affairs, science and technology policy , quality-of-life policy , and regulatory reform. He is married with three sons. Time 10:00AM ··· 12:00 PM Subject UNSC Ministerial Session on DPRK Show Time As Busy Time 12:20 PM - 1:20 PM Subject S Hosted Lunch for FMs from UNSC Members + ROK (60 mins) Show Time As Busy Event: S Hosted Lunch for FMs from UNSCMembers + ROK Time: 12:20pm - 1:20pm Location: 22nd Floor Check In: EM/RS will be positioned at check in table at lobby YO/ TBD wil I be on 22nd floor ready to greet Location Set-up : Square table set up/ navy blue linens and skirt ing, ivory cloth napkins/ medium size flower arran gements/ menu cards/ 6 servers/ table mies placed in front of SG and SCmembers (2 wirele ss microphones for interpreters) (EM) Menu cards/ table tents Menu: Salad: Roasted beet , herbed goat cheese, crushed hazelnut s and citru s shallot vin aigrette M ain: Flor ida Red snapper, to mato -ginger, green zucchini, wild rice and basmati, sprin g corn STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000215 UNCLASSI FIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Dessert: Warm chocolate scuffle cake Timing: 12:20pm Salad pre-plated 12:40pm Salad plate to be cleared/ lunch to be served 1:00pm Lunch to be cleared and dessert and coffee/tea severed Order of Events: 12:20pm -12:30pm Guests arrive/ Meet and Greet * NH arrives with S, walk together from UNSC 12:30pm - 12:35pm Amb. Haley welcoming remarks comme nt s and introduce s S 12:35pm - 12:40pm S opening remarks, opens conversation to guests at the table 12:40pm - 1:10pm Interactive conversation/dialogue 1:10pm - 1:20pm S closing remarks Purpose: The objectives of this luncheon are to 1) facilitate a mo re frank discussion with Council members , the ROK, and the SGon how to denuclearize North Korea and 2) make clear that the United States will not re-engage until North Korea stops all testing and recommits to denuclearization. B5 The Secretary, you, COSPeterlin, SGGuterres, and USGFeltman will be seat ed at the head of the table. You wil I open th e luncheon with short remarks to introduce Secretary Tillerson, who will deliver short remarks before turning to other participants. Points to Draw from for Your Opening at the Luncheo n: Confirmed Attendees: 1. Secretary Rex Tillerson 2. Ambassador Nikki Haley 3. Secretary General Antonio Guterre s 4. M s. Margaret Peterlin, Secretary Tillerson's Chief of Staff STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000216 UNCLASSIF IED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 5. Ms. Tracey Jacobson, Acting Asst Sec for 10 6. Mr. Jeffrey Feltman, Under Secretary General, Department of Political Affairs. 7. Bolivia: H.E. Mr. Sacha Sergio Llorentty Soliz 8. China: FM Wang Yi 9. China: PR H.E. Mr. Liu Jieyi 10. Egypt: H.E. Mr. Amr Abdellatif Aboulatta 11. Ethiopia: FM Workneh Gebeyehu 12. Ethiopia: H.E. Mr. Tekeda Alemu 13. France: H.E. Mr Francois Delattre 14. Italy: H.E. Mr. Benedetto Della Vedova, Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation 15. Italy: H.E. Mr. Sebastiano Cardi 16. Japan: FM Furnia Kishida 17. Japan: H.E. Mr Karo Bessho 18. Kazakhstan: FM Kairat Abdrakhmanov 19. Kazakhstan: H.E. Mr. Kairat Umarov 20. ROK: FM Yun Byung-se 21. ROK: H.E. Mr. Cho Tae-yul 22. Russia: Deputy FM Gennady Gatilov 23. Russia: DPR Mr. Vladimir Safronkov 24. Senegal: FM Mankeur Ndiaye 25. Senegal: H.E. Mr. Fode Seek 26. Sweden: Ms . Annika Soder, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Sweden 27. Sweden: Charge d'affaires, H.E. Mr . Carl Skau 28. UK: FM Boris Johnson 29. UK: H.E. Mr. Matthew Rycroft 30. Ukraine: H.E. Mr. Volodymyr Yelchenko 31. Uruguay: H.E. Mr. Elbie Rosselli Tirne US PM - 1:4S PM STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000217 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Subject Bilateral: UK Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson (20 min s) Location USUN -- 21st floor Show Time As Busy Event: Meeting: UK Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson Date: Friday, April 28, 2017 Time: 1:25 pm - 1:45 pm Location: USUN - 21st Floor Attendees: S Ambassador Haley Margaret Peterlin Christine Ciccone Leslie Dewees UK Participation: FSJohnson Ambassador Matthew Rycroft Karen Pierce (Political Director, UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office) Stephen Hickey (Po liti cal Counselor, UK Mi ssion to UN) Serena Stone (Private Secretary , Offic e of Foreign Secretary of the UK) Purpose : The purpose of this meeting is to compare note s w ith the UK Foreign Secretary prior to Friday' s briefing on DPRKin the Security Council, his bilateral meeting with Secretary Tillerson, and the Security Council ministerial luncheon. Background: The UK is eager to work with us on pressing and contro versial issues in the Security Council, including North Korea and Syria. Talking Points: B5 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000218 UNCLASSIF IED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 B5 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000219 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 B5 Attached: Letter t9 Kim Darroch ~----~ !from UK Ambassador to the U.S. Sir Biography Boris Johnson UK Secretary for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs Boris Johnson, one of the UK's most recognizable politicians, has served as Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs under UK Prime Minister Theresa May since July 2016. In 2016, Johnson was the leading spokesman for the "Leave" campaign in the run-up to the UK's national referendum on whether the UK should remain a member of the European Union ("Brexit"). Johnson had been a favorite to serve as Prime Minister after UK voters narrowly voted to leave the EU, but Theresa May became Conservative Party leader and Prime Minister instead after Conservative Party infighting. His bumbling demeanor and occasionally irreverent remarks have made him a perennial favorite for the British med ia. In 1997, Johnson lost his fir st election for the Ho use of Commons, his STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000220 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 initial foray into UK politics. He later won a seat in 2001 as a Conservative candidate representing a district near London. He survived a number of political scandals and was reelected to his parliamentary seat in 2005. Johnson was elected Mayor of London in 2008 and reelected in 2012. In 2015, he returned to the House of Commons when the Conservative Party captured its first clear parliamentary majority since the 1990s. Johnson was born in 1964 in New York City, although he later renounced his U.S. citizenship. As a child , he lived in New York City, London, and Brussels before attending Oxford. He worked briefly in consulting and then in journalism from 1987-2005 . He has written numerous books, including a biography of Winston Churchill and a historical survey of the Roman Empire. Time Subject Location 1:SOPM -· 2:10 PM Bilateral: Kazakhstan Foreign Minister Kairat Abdrakhmanov (20 mins) 21st Floor, USUN Show Time As Busy Event: Bilateral: Kazakhstan Foreign Minister Kairat Abdrakhmanov Date: Friday, April 28, 2017 Time: 1:50-2:l0pm Location: 21st Floor, USUN Attendees: (4) Secretary Rex Tiller son Ambassador Nikki Haley Kazakhstan Foreign Minister Kairat Abdrakhmanov Kazakhstan PR Kairat Umarov Purpose: The purpose of this meeting is for Secretary Tillerson to consult with Kazakhstan on, among other things, their positions on Syria and central Asia. Background: In their brief time on the Security Council to date , Kazakhstan has proven to be a reliable partner for Russia, generally supporting Russian positions and priorities. They are currently planning to lead a Security Council trip to Afghanistan , Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan in July. Talkin g Points: B5 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000221 UNCLASSIF IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 B5 Biography Kairat Abdrakhmanov Kazakhstan Foreign Minister Kairat Abdrakhmanov has served as Kazakhstan's Foreign Mini ster since December 2016. He previously served as Kazakhstan's Permanent Representative to the United Nations (2013-2016) and as their representative to the Organisation for Security and Co-o peration in Europe (OSCE).Prior to that, he served as Kazakh Ambassador to Austria, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Deputy Chief of Mission at the Kazakh Embassy in London. Abdrakhmanov was born in 1964. He studied at Kazakh State National University and speaks English and Russian. He is married and has two children . Time 2,;10 PM· · Z:20 PM Subject Meet and Greet (10 mins) Location USUN Lobby Show Time As Busy Time 2,;30PM·· 3:00 PM Subject Bilateral: Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi (30 mins) Location Consultation Room Show Time As Busy STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000222 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Event: Bilateral: Chinese Foreign Minist er Wang Yi Date: Friday, April 28, 2017 Time: 2:30-3:00pm Location: Security Council Consultation Room US Attendees: Secretary Rex Tillerson Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley Chief of Staff Margaret Peter I in Deputy Chief of Staff Chri stine Ciccone Acting Assistant Secretary Susan Thornton Leslie Dewees {notetaker) China Attendees: Foreign Minister WANG Yi Ambassador to the UN LIU Jieyi Ambassador to the US CUI Tiankai Director General for 10, LI Junhua Counselor for Department of Information Yu Dunhai Counselor Sun Lei (notetaker) Purpose: The purpose of this meeting is for Secretary Tillerson to consult with China on the DPRK, the new U.S.-China Diplomatic and Security Dialogue, and other key bilateral issues (including Sandy Phan-Gilli s). Background: This is the fir st high-level meeting with China for Secretary Tiller son since the Mar-a-La o Summit and there is much to nail down with China on how to B5 lthough the Secretary 's counterpart for the new Diplomatic ~a-n~ Se-c~urity Dialogue is Yang Jiechi, State Councilor and former Foreign Minister preceding Wang, the Foreign Ministry is the coordinatin g mini stry for the high-level dialogue. Talking Points: STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000223 UNCLASSIF IED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 B5 Biography Wang Yi Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, is a native of Beijing and was born in 1953. He, entered the work force in 1969, graduated from Beijing International Studies University with a Bachelor Degree in 1982, and holds a Master Degree in Economics. Wang Yi has been with the Mini stry of Foreign Affairs for mo st of his career. He is a di stinguished diplomat who has served in Japan, and worked for many years in the Asian Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Wang Yi was promoted to vice minister in 2001 and became ambassador to Japan in 2004. He was a member of the 17th CPCCentral Committee and director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council from 2008 to 2013. He is also currently a member of the 18th CPCCentral Committee and in 2013, became Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Time 3:05 PM- 3:35 PM Subject Bilateral: SYGGuterres Meeting (30 mins) Location UN Show Time As Busy Event: Bilateral Meeting with UN SYGGuterre s (30 mins) Date: Friday, April 28, 2017 Time: 3:05-3:35pm Location: SYGOffice, 38th floor UN Press: Camera spray at top with brief remarks US Attendees : Secretary Rex Tillerson Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley Chief of Staff Margaret Peterlin Chief of Staff Steve Groves Acting Assistant Secretary Tracey Jacobson UN Attendees: SYGGuterres + TBD Talking Points: B5 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000224 UNCLASSIF IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 B5 Time 3:50 PM - 4:00 PM Subject Photo with Political Team Location SCChamber Show Time As Busy Event: Photo Op with Political Team Date: April 28, 2017 Time: 3:50 p.m . (upon S departure from UN, adoption of MIN URSO) STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000225 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Background: It has been past tradition for Ambassador to take picture with POLteam in Security Council Chamber upon completion of presidency. Time 5 :30 PM .. 6:00 PM Subject Presidency Wrap-Up Meeting Show Time As Busy Time 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM Subject Presidency Closing Reception hosted by Ambassador Nikki Haley and Mr. Michael Haley Show Time As Busy Event: Presidency Closing Reception hosted by Ambassador Nikki Haley and Mr. Michael Haley Date: Friday, April 28, 2017 Time: 6:30PM-8:30PM Location: USUN22nd floor Location Set-up: Mu sic: Calvert Boatong Menu: PASSED * MINI LAMB BURGERS, CHIPOTLESAUCE,CRUMBLEFETA * PORTOBELLOPIZZETTA,CHIVESCREMEFRAICHE,TRUFFLESCENTED * COCONUTSHRIMP,MANGO SAUCE * POMME FRITES"THRICEFRIED"IN BAMBOO CONE, BALLYMALOE KETCHUP * MINI KOBEBEEFBURGERON BRIOCHE,CARAMELIZEDONIONS, VERMONTCHEDDAR , SECRET SAUCE * SKEWEREDHERBEDCRUSTEDLAMB LOIN PICKLEDPEARLONION, TAMARIND APRICOTSAUCE STATIONARIES HORSD'OEUVRES * COMPOSEDCHEESEBOARD * CRAFTONVERMONTCHEDDARDATEPUREE,HERBTOAST BOUCHERON(GOAT'SMILK, FRANCE) , TOASTED BAGUETTE , POMEGRANATEVINAIGRETTEFROMAGEAFFINOIS, CRUSHFIGS, TOASTEDWALNUT AGEDGOUDA 24 MONTHS, PUMPKIN BREAD, QUINCEJAM STILTONGINGERBREADTOAST, VANILLA-PEAR * TACO BAR MODERN * SHRIMPCOCKTAIL,COCKTAILSAUCE, MANGO SAUCECALIFORNIA STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000226 UNCLASSIF IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 MEX. * EMPANADA,QUESSADILLA, BEEFFAJITA. * TORTILLA,GUACAMOLE, SALSAS * ASIAN CREPESTATIONSELECTION * CHOICEOF TWO PEKINGDUCK,SHORTRIB, FIVESPICEPORKBELLY ORCRISPYMANDARIN ORANGECHICKENSERVEDON SCALLION CREPEWITH PLUM, HOISINSAUCE,SAMBALSAUCEAND CRISPASIAN VEGETABLES TRAYPASSEDSWEETSAND STATIONARIES Staff: All welcomed (LDto be on standby for photos) Photographer: Kenzi Green Confirmed Guests: %tLln-Jay,Apfi! 29, 1011 Time All D~a~y__ ~ B6 B7(C) Subject AIC~ Show Time As Free~--~ Time G:00 PM - 10:00 PM Subject Private Appointment Show Time As Busy Sensitivity Private S:.;nd.av, Arri! 30, 2017 Time All Day Subject All Day Show Time As Free Weather: TBD Event FYls:TBD B6 Birthday AIC B6 B7(C) Monci;~v.May t , 7..0:l.7 Time 5/1/201712:00 AM-5/3/201 7 12:00 AM Subject Security Council Retreat Location Greentree Estate Show Time As Free Point of Contact: Maria Zaroui Executive Office of the Secretary-General United Nations Room S-3776 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000227 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Tel ~---~ Fax: 212 963 1185 B6 Time 8·.30..\M - 9:00 AM Subject 21/W Staff Meeting (30 min) Occurs every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday , and Friday effective 2/13/2017 until 6/15/2017 from 8:30 AM to 9 :00 AM Show Time As Busy Recurrence Time 9:00 .<\!vi-- 10:00 AM Subject Location Uruguay's SC Presidency Breakfast Benjamin Hotel -- 125 E. 50th St. & Lexington Ave. Show Time As Busy Event: Uruguay Presidency Breakfast for UN Security Council Perm Reps Date: Monday, May 1, 2017 Time: 9 AM Location: Benjamin Hotel (the Corner Room, 2nd Floor - 125 E. 50th St and Lexington Ave) Attendees: Ambassador Nikki Haley Purpose: Kick-off of the Uruguay Presidency of the UN Security Council; Introduction of Program of Work for May Background: May will be Uruguay's second turn in the presidency seat during its current Security Council term . The Council will be dark during the first week of May. The Security Council retreat with the Secretary-General will take place May 1-2 on Long Island, after which the Council will depart for its mission to Colombia from May 3-6. The rest of the month will be busy, with Council meetings scheduled for all but a few working days.I B5 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000228 UNCLASSIF IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 B5 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000229 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 B5 COUNCILMEETINGS May 1-2-Security Council Retreat: The annual Security Council Retreat with the Secretary-General will be held on May 1-2 at the Greentree Estate in Manhasset, Long Island. Now in its 18th year, this retreat is designed to promote freer discussion among the Council and Secretary-General. The UN has identified two subjects that the two main sessions will focus on: "the complexity and changing nature of peace operations"; and the Council's role in "authorizing and supporting regional forces." In addition to Council PermReps and the Secretary-General, the USGsfrom DPA, DPKOand DFSwill attend. May 3-6-Security Council Mission to Colombia: Uruguay and the UK will lead this Council mission, which will focus on implementation of the peace process and the work of the special political mission (SPM) there. The SPM, established in 2016, is responsible for the monitoring and verification of the laying down of arms and - as the international component of a tripartite mechanism composed of the FARCrebel group, Government of Colombia, and unarmed UN military observers - monitoring and verifying the definitive bilateral ceasefire and cessation of hostilities agreed to by the parties. The Council will visit Bogota and a demobilization zone in a rural region in Colombia, and meet with senior UN, Government, civil society, and high-level FARC officials (we have been carefully vetting all FARCscenario s with Legal and State). STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000230 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 May 8- Libya International Criminal Court (ICC) Briefing: International Criminal Court Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda will address the Council. In this biannual briefing, she will discuss the Libya situation and need for Libya to cooperate with the ICC.She may also brief on the recent unsealing of a new arrest warrant for a Qaddafi-era figure. May 9- UN-EU Cooperation Briefing: Federica Mogherini - High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice-President of the European Commission (basically the EU's Foreign Minister) - will brief on EU conflict prevention and mediation efforts in the Balkans, Ukraine, Georgia, Cyprus, Moldova, Azerbaijan, and Armenia, and partnering with the UN in these and other conflicts of concern to the EU, including Syria, Iran, and the DPRK,and PKOsin Africa. May 11- CT Committees Briefing: This meeting consists of a joint open briefing by the three counter-terrorism committees : the 1267/1989/2253 Al-Qaeda and 1515 Sanctions Committee, the 1373 Counter-Terrorism Committee (CTC)and the 1540 Non-Proliferation Committee. The three Chairs of the committees (Kazakh PermRep Umarov for 1267/1989/2253, Bolivian PermRep Llorenty for 1540, and Egyptian PermRep Aboulatta for 1373 CT) will deliver their remarks separately. May 11- Lebanon (1559 Report) Consultations: USGfor Political Affairs Jeff Feltman will brief the Council on the twice-annual report on implementation of Resolution 1559. Feltman will highlight that key demands of the resolution remain unfulfilled - in particular, the disarmament of Hizballah. He will also talk about the status of Lebanon's parliamentary elections , which are scheduled for June. May 15-Sexual Violence in Conflict (SVC)Open Debate: This meeting , to focus on SVCas a tactic of war and terrorism , will be one of Uruguay's two signature events ; although it is not a ministerial, their Vice Foreign Minister will chair it. Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed (TBC)will brief on the effects of sexual violence in conflict and the efforts being made to address it; other briefers include Acting SRSGfor SVCAdama Dieng, and Mina Jaf, a civil society representative. Uruguay does not envision a product for the meeting. May 16 - UNMIK (UN Mission in Kosovo) Briefing: SRSGZahir Tanin will brief on the activities of UNMIK and related political developments for the period January to March 2017. Tan in likely will also discuss the potential impact of France's release of Kosovo's former Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj on April 27. Serbia had issued a controversial warrant through Interpol for the arrest of Haradinaj for alleged war crimes. A French court rejected Belgrade's extradition request on the grounds that Serbia failed to provide sufficient evidence of Haradinaj's culpability. May 16- Somalia Briefing: This meeting will take place shortly after the May 11 London Conference on Somalia, co-hosted by the UN and the Federal Government of Somalia, where the international community is planning to re-commit its support for Somalia's security, economic development, constitutional reform, and addr essing the drought. Secretary of Defense Mattis and Acting Deputy Secretary of State Shannon are expected to lead the U.S. delegation. At the May 16 briefing, Deputy SRSGRaised on Zenenga and the AU Representative STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000231 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 (TBC)will brief the Council via videoteleconference, and Council members who participated in the London Conference will re-affirm their commitments. The AMISOM/UNSOS mandates expire May 31, but the UK is likely to seek a technical rollover, given the timing of the London Conference and the long-delayed UN-AU joint review of AMISOM, due to begin in mid-May. May 16- Colombia Trip Briefing: Colombia mission co-leaders Uruguay and the UK will brief the Council on the trip. May 17 - Somalia/Eritrea "751/1907" Sanctions Consultations: Kazakh PermRep Umarov, in his capacity as Committee Chair, will brief the Council in closed consultations on the activities of the sanctions Committee, with a focus largely on Eritrea sanctions and the Somalia and Eritrea Monitoring Group's midterm report released in April. Council members will be expected to share their views and assessments on Eritrea sanctions. Following the discussion, the UK as pen holder for the regime will take stock of Council member views and develop a sanction s roadmap (expected in late May) that Erit rea would be expected to fulfill in order for the Council to consider eventually lifting sanctions. May 18-Syria Political Briefing and Consultations: Special Envoy Staffan de Mistura (TBC)will brief the Council on next steps for the resumption of intra-Syrian political talks in Geneva and on prospects for both parties to discuss governance, a constitution, elections, and counterterrorism and security. The timing of this briefing may shift because the next round of Geneva talks is not currently scheduled. De Mistura aims to reconvene the parties sometime in mid-May in Geneva after the next round of ceasefire talks between Russia, Iran, and Turkey in Astana during the first week of May . May 18- Bosnia and Herzegovina Debate: This is the semi-annual debate on Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). High Representative Valentin lnzko will update the Council on the activities of the High Representative (OHR) in BiH and implementation of the Framework Agreement in accordance with UNSCR1031; Serbia and Croatia, as guarantors of Dayton, typically participate, as does Bosnia and Herzegovina. May 22 - UNMISS (UN Mission in South Sudan) Briefing: USGfor Peacekeeping Affairs Jean-Pierre Lacroix will brief the Council on the situation in South Sudan and the Secretary-General's latest report on obstructions to UNMISS and deployment of the Regional Protection Force. The UK has requested that African Union High Representative for South Sudan and former President of Mali Alpha Oumar Konare be invited to address the Council as well. Konare has already declined to address the Council on two previous occasions this year. May 23- Middle East Briefing and Consultations: Special Envoy Nickolay Mladenov (TBC)will brief the Council. We will continue to urge that he broaden his brief beyond the Israeli-Palestinian issue, as he did in April, and encourage Council members again to avoid allowing another Israel-bashing session. May 23 - Peacekeeping Operations Briefing: The Security Council will hold it s annual bri efing with th e Heads of Military Components (HOMC) of peacekeeping operations. As in previous years, STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000232 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 peacekeeping mission Force Commanders and the USG for Peacekeeping will attend. This meeting occurs during the weeklong UN Heads of Military Component Conference (HOMCC) which brings all 16 UN Force Commanders to New York for a number of meetings and events, May 22-25. The FCsfrom UNDOF (Golan Heights), MINUSCA (Central African Republic), and UNMIL (Liberia) will brief t he Council on their missions. May 24- UNAMI (UN Assistance Mission for Iraq) Briefing: SRSGJan Kubis will brief the Council on the status of the ongoing conflict and humanitarian crisis in Iraq, likely focusing on the ongoing counter-lS IS efforts in Mosul, but also efforts to facilitate lasting political reconciliation between Iraq's sects and factions. This will mark Kubis' last briefing to the Council before we negotiate and adopt a renewed mandate for UNAMI, on which we hold the pen. May 24 - North Korea "1718" Sanctions Committee Consulations: Italian Perm Rep Sebastiano Cardi (TBC), in his capacity as 1718 Chair, will brief the Council on implementation of UN sanctions against North Korea. May 25- Healthcare in Conflict Open Debate: This meeting, at the ministerial level, will be the second signature event of Uruguay's presidency. SGGuterres (TBC)will brief on the implementation of a landmark resolution (Resolution 2286, from 2016) on protection of healthcare facilities in armed conflict, which the Council adopted one year ago. Uruguay also plans to have two civil society representatives brief the Council. No product is expected. This may be a difficult meeting; many Council members will no doubt focus on attacks against medical facilities by Bashar Al-Assad, but there will also be criticism of the Saudi-led Coalition's bombing of hospitals and clinics in Yemen. May 25 - Monthly Council Lunch with the SG: The Secretary-General's staff will inform the Council about the issues he would like to raise a few days before the lunch. With the Uruguayan Foreign Minister expected to chair the open debate that day, he probably will host the lunch. May 26 - Syria CW Briefing and Consultations: New High Representative for Disarmament Affairs Izumi Nakamitsu (TBC)will brief the Council for the first time on the OPCW Director-Genera l's monthly report regarding Syria's obligations under the Chemical Weapons Convention , the ongoing work of the OPCW Fact-Finding Mission to investigate allegations of chemical weapons use in Syria, and the Joint Investigative Mechanism's (JIM) efforts to resume full operations. Incoming head of the JIM Edmond Mulet may be present during the briefing but is not likely to speak. May 29- UN Official Holiday- Memorial Day. May 30 - Yemen Briefing and Consultations: Special Envoy Ismail Ould Cheickh Ahmed will deliver his regular 60-day briefing to the Security Council. He will provide an update on efforts to restart political talks, the current military situation on th e gro und, and Yemen's humanitarian crisis. The tenor of this briefing will depend heavily on whether an attack against the Hudaydah port has taken place. STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000233 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 May 30- Syria Humanitarian Briefing and Consultations : USGfor Humanitarian Affairs Stephen O'Brien will brief the Council on the UN's and its humanitarian partners ' efforts to deliver assistance to besieged and hard-to-reach areas. Humanitarian access so far in 2017 has been abysmal; the UN has been unable to reach any communities besieged by the regime. O'Brien will also express concern about socalled "reconciliation" agreements reached between the regime and opposition, which essentially amount to involuntary displacement of civilians and forced demographic changes. Time 10:15 AM -10 :45 AM Subject Meeting: Ambassador Bessho (30 min s) Location USUN -- 21st Floor Show Time As Busy Event: Meeting with Japanese PermRep Koro Bessho on DPRK Date: Monday , May 1, 2017 Time: 10:15-10:45am Location: USUN (21st floor) US Attendees : Ambassador Nikki Haley Chris Klein or Amy Tachco David Lee, POL (notetaker) Japan Attendee s: Perm Rep Kora Bessho Mr. Takeshi Akahori, Minister (Political Affairs) Kosuke Amiya, Counselor for DPRK I'"'pose, B5 Talkin g Points: STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000234 UNCLASSI FIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 B5 Biography: Ambassador Karo Bessho has been the Permanent Representative of Japan to the United Nations since June 22, 2016. Previously, Ambassador Bessho was Japan's Ambassador to the Republic of Korea from 2012 to 2016. From 2010 to 2012, he was Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs. Over four decades of Government service, Ambassador Bessho's assignments included Deputy Vice-Minister for Foreign Policy/Director -General of the Foreign Policy Bureau (2008-2010) and Director-General of the International Cooperation Bureau (20062008). In addition, he served in his country's Permanent Delegation to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) from 1998 to 2000, Japan's Embassy in the United Kingdom from 1997 to 1998, and the Embassy in the United States from 1990 to 1993 . Ambassador Bessho holds a graduate diploma in law from the University ofTokyo. Born on 5 February 1953, he is married and has two children. Point of Contact: Dana Office of Ambassador Karo Bessho, Japanese Mission to the United Nations B6 Time lJ.:30 AM- 11:45 AM Subject S Call Show Time As Busy~----~ Secure Call:~ --- B5 ~ STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000235 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Time 1:15 PM- 2:00 PM Subject CODELLunch (45 mins) Location United Nations HQ, Delegates Dining Rooms 1, 2, 3 Show Time As Busy Event: CODELLunch Date: May 1, 2017 Time: 1:15 pm - 2:00 pm Location: UNHQ, Delegates Dining Rooms 1, 2, 3 Purpose : To focus on UN activities to promote women and girl ri ghts Background: The United Nations Foundation (UNF) is hosting a Congressional Delegation compo sed of 10 Democratic members of Congress. The focus of their trip is women empowerment. They will have meetings with a variety of UN bodies before your lunch including with the Secretary General. You will be their last meeting of the day. UNF is a non-profit organization founded by Ted Turner in 1998 that supports the work of the UN, providing a platform for connecting people, ideas, and resources. UNF is predominantly seen as a nonpartisan, neutral convener - building partnerships, mobilizing resources - and is well-respected by both UN Member States and members of Congress from both parties. According to UNF, Senators such as Lindsey Graham have been great partners in the past. The United Nations Foundation builds public-private partnerships to addre ss the world ' s most pressing problems , and broadens support for the United Nations through advocacy and public outreach. Throu gh innovative campaign s and initiative s, the Foundation connects people, ideas, and resou rces to help the UN solve global problem s. The Foundation was created in 1998 as a U.S. public charity by entrepreneur and philanthropist Ted Turner and now is supported by philanthropic, corporate, government , and individual donors . Run of Show: The table will be one lon g table, with Amb Haley in the middle. She will speak for a few minute s. Then someone from UNF will speak (most likely Ms. Kathy Calvin, CEO and President). Next they will open the lunch to discussion/q and a. There will be no microphones . They STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000236 UNCLASSIF IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 will have table tents with names and titles. 1:10 pm Amb. Haley arrives at Private Delegates Dining Room 1-3 Rep. Lee and Rep. Demings arrive in Private Delegates Dining Room 13 Representatives Lee and Deming greet Ambassador Haley 1:15pm Co-Del arrives in Private Delegates Dining Room 1-3 CO-Del Group Photo 1:20pm Amb. Haley is seated at the head of the table between Representatives Maloney and Shelia Jackson Lee. Ambassador Haley's staff, Ms. Rebecca Schimsa, Policy Advisor and Ms. Laurie Phipps are also seated at the table unless they excuse themselves. Members will be seated at the table by seniority. Kathy Calvin, UNF President and CEO welcomes the Ambassador. Ambassador Haley provides remarks (10 minutes) 1:30pm Conversation with Ambassador Haley 1:55pm Wrap 2:00pm Hard Stop Attendees: USUN 1. Ambassador Haley 2. Laurie Phipps 3. Rebecca Schimsa STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000237 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 U.S. Congre ss 4. Rep. Barbara Lee, D-CA, 13th District 5. Ms. Mary Amanda Keifer, Legislative Assistant, Rep. Lee 6. Rep. Diana DeGette, D-CO 1st District 7. Rep. Val B. Demings, D-FL 10th District 8. Ms. Wendy Anderson, Chief of Staff, Rep. Demin gs 9. Rep. Lois Frankel, D-FL 22nd District 10. Rep. Cheri Busto s, D-IL 17th District 11. Rep. Robin Kelly, D-IL 2nd Distri ct 12. Rep. Chellie Pingree, D-ME 1st District 13. Rep. Nita Lowey, D-NY 17th District 14. Rep. Yvette Clarke, D-NY 9th District 15. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, D-TX 18th District United Nations 16. Mr. Robert Skinner, Director, United Nations Information Cente r Washington , DC United Nations Foundation 17 . Ms. Kathy Calvin, President and CEO 18. Mr. Peter Yeo, Vice President of Public Policy and Advo cacy 19. Mr . Mike Beard, Executive Directo r of Advocacy and Global Health 20. Mr. Troy Wolfe, Director of UNA Education Program s 21. Ms . Legna Perez-Cordon , Program Associate for UN Relations 22. Mr. Stuart Ramson, Photographer Anticipated CODELQ&A What is th e UN do ing t o hold Peacekeepers acco unt able for SEA? STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000238 UNCLASSIF IED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 What is the status of the UN's efforts (pledge program) fo r victims of cholera in Haiti? B5 What is the UN doin g for gender empowerment, specifically to ensure that women are included in the politi cal and development obje ctives at the UN? B5 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000239 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 How are we ensuring that women are participating at all levels in security discussions, treaty negotiations , and more women as Peacekeepers? B5 Why did the Trump Administration recently decide to not fund UNFPA and what will be the effect on women's health around the world? Background: President Trump's Presidential Memorandum in January ensured that taxpayer dollars were not fundin g coercive abortion or involuntary sterilization programs , and therefore , the Department of State made a determination to withdraw funding to UNFPA -- totalin g $32.5 million. This policy consistently changes when the White House changes: The Bush Admini str ati on withh eld fundin g fr o m UNFPAfr om 2002 t o 2008, whil e th e Obama Admini str ati on provid ed fundin g from 2009 t o 2016. STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000240 UNCLASSIF IED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 What is the UN and US doing to respond to the current humanitarian emergencie s, including Syria and the "1+3" famine s? B5 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000241 UNCLASSIF IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Why was C-Fam at CSW? What is USUN doing to promote US interests and NGOs at the UN? B5 CODELAgenda 8:30 AM - 9:15 AM Continental Breakfast Briefing by Civil Society Organiz ati o ns 9:30 AM - 10:15 AM Briefing by M s. Ninette Kelley, Director NY Office, UNHCR 10:20 AM - 11:00 AM Briefing by Mr . Babatund e Osotim ehin , Executive Director , UNFPA 11:15 AM - 11:25 AM United Nations Guided Tour Lecture and Briefin g 11:30 AM - 12:10 PM Briefin g by Ms. Lakshmi Puri, Deputy Executive Director , UN Women 12:15 PM - 1:00 PM Briefing by Secretary General Antonio Guterres and Deputy Secretary General Amina J. Mohammed 1:15 PM - 2:00 PM Workin g Lunch Bios Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA-13 Oakland): Rep. Lee w as elected in 1998 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000242 UNCLASSIF IED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 after almost a decade serving the California State House and Senate. She serves on the House Appropriations Committee and is quite active in subcommittee that funds the UN (the State and Foreign Operations Subcommittee). She is looked at as the leader on HIV/AIDS program s, helping to craft legislation authorizing PEPFARand the Global Fund. Rep. Lee has authored amendments for the SFOPSbill to fund UN Peacekeeping and other UN agencies like UNFPA. Nothing But Nets honored her for her work on malaria at a Golden State Warriors (her hometown team) game in 2014 and had our champion Steph Curry send her a condolence card when her mother passed in 2016. Rep. Carolyn B. Maloney (D-NY-12 New York): Rep. Maloney is a senior member of both the House Financial Services Committee and the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, and the Ranking House member of the Joint Economic Committee. In the House Democratic Caucus, she serves as a Regional Whip (she served as Vice-Chair of the House Democratic Steering and Policy Comm ittee in the 112th Congress). A champion for domestic and international women's issues, Maloney helped pass legislation that targets the 'demand' side of sex trafficking; provides annual mammograms for women on Medicare ; the Debbie Smith Act which increa ses funding for law enforcement to process DNA rape kits, termed 'the most important anti-rape legislation in history' . Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX-18 Houston): Rep. Jackson Lee was elected in 1995 to the House of Representatives after serving on the Houston city council. Rep. Jackson Lee currently sits on the House Budget Committee, as well as the House Judiciary and Homeland Security Committees. Rep. Jackson Lee previously served on the House Foreign Affairs Committee and was very active on issues relating to Darfur, so she may be very interested in th e response to the humanitarian cr isis going on there now. Rep. Diana DeGette (D-CO-1 Denver): Rep. DeGette is a powerful ally of Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and leader in the House of Representative. Elected in 1997, Rep. DeGette filled the seat of Rep. Pat Schroeder who chose to retire in 1996. Rep. DeGette serves as the co- chair of the Pro-Choice Caucus and has defend funding for bilateral family planning and UNFPA funding in that position. She serves as one of Leader Pelosi's chief deputy whips and on the Energy and Commerce Committee . As a member of the Democratic leadership, she played a vital role in the reauthorization of the Children's Health Insurance Program , has fought for tough food safety legislation, and was a key player in crafting a comprehensive consumer product safety bill. Rep. Yvette Clarke (D-NY-9 Brooklyn): Rep. Clarke has served in Congress since 2007 an sit s on the prestigious Energy and Commerce Committee. While not directly dealing with foreign policy on the comm itt ee, Rep. Clarke has been a leader on women's health an STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000243 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 family planning. She has been the lead sponsor of the Global Sexual and Reproductive Health Act, the most progres sive piece of legislation on SRHR.Rep. Clarke did speak at our event in 2012 at the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte that we hosted with Planned Parenthood. Rep. Chellie Pingree (D-ME-1 Portland): Rep. Pingree was sworn into office in 2009. Sh previously served in the Maine State House and was the Executive Director of Common Cause. She is a small business owner, running a bed and breakfast on an island off the coast of Maine. Rep. Pingree is serves on the House Appropriations Committee, although she does not serve on the subcommittee funding the UN and foreign assistance. She is the vice chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus. Rep. Cheri Bustos (D-IL-17 Peoria) : Rep. Bustos was sworn in 2013 and is currently the Co Chair of the Democratic Policy and Communications Committee. She serves on the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, as well as the House Agriculture Committee While not focusing extensively on foreign affairs, she has been an active advocate for electing more women into Congress. Rep. Lois Frankel (D-FL-21 West Palm Beach): Rep. Frankel was elected in 2013 after servin 14 years in the state legislature . As a vice-chair of the Congressional Women's Caucus an the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Rep. Frankel has been a leader on gende empowerment, especially related to education and economic empowerment. She i strongly pro-Israel but has never spoken out in opposition to the UN for anti-Israel actions She has been mo st vocal about protecting women' s access to family planning and healt services, especially Planned Parenthood. Rep. Robin Kelly (D-IL-2 Chicago): Rep. Kelly was elected in 2013 to fill the seat of JesseJackson Jr. From her perch on the House Foreign Affairs Committee and the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, she has made helping women and girls a priority. She is the Chair of the Congressional Black Caucus Health Braintrust, and CoChairs the Congressional Caucus on Black Women and Girls, and is focused on women entering the technology space. Serves on House Committee for Oversight and Government Reform . She is the Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Information Technology. She also serves on the Subcommittee on National Security and Foreign Affairs, the Subcommittee on Terrorism , Nonproliferation, and Trade and the Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere. Rep. Val B. Demings (D- FL-10 Orlando): Rep. Demin gs was elected in 2016 after serving as a police officer for over 25 year s. She rose to beco me th e Chief of Police of the Orlando Police Department in 2007 . STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000244 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 She currently serves on the House Homeland Security and Oversight and Government Reform Committees. on the following committees: Committee on Homeland Security, Subcommittee on Border and Maritime Security Hearing, Subcommittee on Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Protection, Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, Ranking member on Subcommittee on Intergovernmental Affairs, Subcommittee on National Security. In her free time, she enjoys riding her Harley-Davidson. UNITED NATIONS Mr. Robert Skinner, Director, United Nations Information Center Washington, DC Robert Skinner is the Director of the UN Information Center (UNIC) in Washington. Prior to joining UNIC Mr. Skinner held the position of Executive Director at the United Nation s Foundation New York Office, responsible for operations and relations. In that role, he managed the Foundation's relations with United Nations communications officials, the press corps and Permanent Missions to the United Nations. Before joining the Foundation in 2006, Mr. Skinner held several positions in the United States Department of State, including as Deputy Spokesperson at the United States Mission to the United Nations in New York, and as Public Affairs Officer for the United States Embassy in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago. UNITED NATIONSFOUNDATION Ms. Kathy Calvin, President and CEO Kathy Calvin is President and Chief Executive Officer of the United Nations Foundation. Her career has spanned work in the public , private and nonprofit sectors. She is a passionate advocate for multisector problem-solving, U.S. leadership on global issues, and the inclusion of women at all levels and in all sectors. Kathy leads one of the most innovative organizations advocating for the UN and the creation of public-private partnerships. Her leadership brings together the largest network of supporters of UN issues in the United States and a global network of corporate, civil society and media partners. The UN Foundation was created in 1998 with entrepreneur and philanthropist Ted Turner's historic $1 billion gift to support UN causes and activities. The UN Foundation advocates for the UN and connects people, ideas, and resources to help the United Nations solve global problems. As a public charity with many partne rs, the UN Foundation's work is focused on decreasing child mortality, empowering women and girls, creating a clean energy future, using mobile technology for development, and improving U.S.-UN relations . In 2011, Kathy was named one of Newsweek's "150 Women Who Rock the World," and in 2012, she was listed in Fast Company's "League of Extraordinary Women." Her innovativ e work in the philanthropy and int ernational NGO sector was featured by the New York Times in 2011. She has received numerous other awards for philanthropy and leader ship . STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000245 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Prior to joining the UN Foundation as Chief Operating Officer in 2003, Kathy served as President of the AOL Time Warner Foundation where she guided AOL Time Warner's philanthropic activities and was the chief architect of the company's corporate responsibility initiatives. She joined America Online in 1997 as Senior Vice President and Chief Communications Officer, and was responsible for the company's brand, social responsibility, and external relations. Immediately prior to joining AOL, she was a Senior Managing Director at Hill and Knowlton, a global public relations company, where she led the U.S. Media Relations practice. For 12 years before that, she served as Director of Editorial Administration for U.S. News & World Report, overseeing budget, personnel, innovation and strategy. From 1976 through 1984, Kathy served as Senator Gary Hart's press secretary in his Senate office and his 1984 Presidential campaign. She was one of the first women to hold that title in American Presidential campaigns. Mr. Peter Yeo, Vice President of Public Policy and Advocacy As President of the Better World Campaign and Vice President for Public Policy and Advocacy at the United Nations Foundation, Peter Yeo leads the Foundation's strategic engagement with Congress and the Administration to advance policy changes that support the UN's work for global progress. Under Yeo's leadership, the Foundation has helped ensure multibillion dollar payments from the U.S. government to the UN; forged a strategic alliance with the United Nations Association of the USA to create the largest network of UN supporters across the U.S.; championed U.S. law standing against child marriage with the support of Girl Up; and advanced year-over-year increases in U.S. bilateral and multilateral global health spending. Yeo joined the United Nations Foundation and the Better World Campaign in 2009 with over twenty years of legislative, analytical, and management experience, including senior roles on Capitol Hill and in the State Department. Prior to arriving at UNF, Yeo served for ten years as the Deputy Staff Director at the House Foreign Affairs Committee chaired by Rep. Tom Lantos (D-CA) and Rep. Howard Berman (D-CA). He has worked on a broad range of foreign policy and foreign aid issues. On behalf of the House Foreign Affairs Committee Democrats, he led the successful negotiations for the landmark HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria Act of 2003, commonly known as PEPFAR,as well as the successful $50 billion reauthorization of the law in 2008 . He also shepherded into law several measures dealing with China, Tibet, Burma, and East Timar. Prior to his work with the Committee, he served as a Deputy Assistant Secretary at the U.S. State Department during the second Clinton Administration , where he led the negotiations around repayment of the U.S. arrears to the United Nations and was part of the U.S. delegation to the climate negotiations in Kyoto. Yeo holds a BA in East Asian Studies from Wesleyan University as well as a MA in East Asian Studies from Harvard University. He is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, a leading independent nonpartisan foreign policy think tank, and a Board Member of the U.S. Global Leadership Coalition. Tirne 2:1S PM - 2:30 PM STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000246 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Subject Trip Planning Show Time As Busy Time :J.:00PM - 3:20 PM Subject Briefing (20 mins) Show Time As Busy Time 3:45 PM - 4:00 PM Subject Ops// Scheduling (15 mins) Show Time As Busy Time 4 :15 PM - 5:.30PM Subject Depart for SG Retreat Show Time As Busy Maria Zaroui Executive Office of the Secretary-General United Nations Room 5-3776 Tel: ~---~ Fax: 212 963 1185 StateOp s: 202-647 -1512 Time 10:00 AM - 12:45 PM Subject Amtrak Train - 2160 (2 hr, 45 min) Location Washington - Union Station Show Time As Busy Time 2:00 PM - 2:30 PM Subject Secure Call Show Time As Busy B2 B7(E) NH to dia Note: Principal will be on the line when dialed Time 2:30 PM - :tooPM STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000261 UNCLASSIF IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Subject Staff Meeting (30 min) Show Time As Busy NH Approved Meeting with Chris Klein Time 3:00 PM ·· 3:30 PM Subject Briefing (30 mins) Show Time As Busy Time 3:30 PM -4:00 PM Subject Meeting: CGE(30 mins) Show Time As Busy Event: Ambassador Haley meeting with Council on Global Equality Date: Friday, May 5, 2017 Time: 3:30 pm - 4 pm Purpose: To have an informal exchange of views with members of the Council on Global Equality at their request to discuss LGBTissues. NOTE: * Council on Global Equality (CGE) requested a meeting with you to discuss ways to address violence and discrimination facing LGBT individuals. * This meeting will be an opportunity for you to convey your support for efforts to combat violence and discrimination against all individuals regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. * It will also provide an opportunity to highlight your personal commitment to thi s issue - by pointing out your recent statements on the murders in Chechnya as well as continued U.S. support for LGBTrelated issues at the United Nation s. * CGE participants will include former U.S. Ambassador Michael Guest. Guest, a native of South Carolina, was the first Senateconfirmed openly gay U.S. ambassador. Confirmed Attendees: Ambassador Nikki R Haley Rebecca Schimsa (USUN staff) Kelly Razzouk (USUN staff) (to meet and escort the group) Ambassador Michael Guest (CGE) Mark Bromley (CGE) Jessica Stern (CGE/Outright International) Graeme Reid (CGE/Human Rights Watch) Suggested Talking Points: STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000262 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 B5 Note: In an open letter to you in January, CGE appealed to you to maintain U.S. membership in the LGBT Core Group, support the new UN Independent Expert on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity, and continue to vote positively on resolutions condemning violence and discrimination against LGBT persons. CGEConsists of 27 member organizations: Advocates for Youth; American Jewish World Service; Amnesty International; AntiDefamation League; Center for American Progress; Center for Health and Gender Equity; Fellowship Global; Freedom House; GLAAD; Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network; Gay & Lesbian Victory Institute; Global Forum on MSM & HIV; Global Justice Institute; Heartland Alliance; Human Rights Campaign; Human Rights First; Human Rights Watch; Immigration Equality; Los Angeles LGBT Community Center; National Center for Lesbian Rights; National Center for Transgender Equality; National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce; National LGBTQ Task Force; Open Society Foundations; OutRight Action International; ORAM International; Parent s, Family STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000263 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 and Friends of Lesbians & Gays; Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice & Human Rights. Biographies Michael Guest, Council on Global Equality Michael was America's first openly gay, Senate-confirmed Ambassador (to Romania, 2001-04). He is a South Carolina native. He ended his 26-year diplomatic career in December 2007 after having sought, without success, to end the State Department's discriminatory treatment of the partners of gay and lesbian Foreign Service Officers in foreign postings. Mr. Guest's career focused on European policy, with emphasis on using rule of law, individual and collective right s, and anti-corruption measures to anchor Europe's new democracies. His assignments included executive-level duties as Dean of the Leadership and Management School; Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Legislative Affairs; Deputy Chief of Mission in the Czech Republic; and Deputy Executive Secretary. Among other earlier responsibilities, he served as White House Assistant Press Secretary and as a member of U.S. delegations to bilateral arms control negotiations with the Soviet Union and to the "Two-Plus-Four" talks that led to Germany's unification. Mr. Guest's numerous awards include a Leadership Award from the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force and the State Department's Christian A. Herter Award, given to a Senior Foreign Service Officer in recognition of intellectual courage, initiative, and integrity in the context of constructive dissent. Mr. Guest holds an MA in Foreign Affairs from the University of Virginia and a BA in History and Political Science from Furman University. He and his husband, Alexander Nevarez, reside in Sonoma County, California. Mark Bromley, Council on Global Equality Mark helped launch the Council for Global Equality to encourage a clearer and stronger American voice on international lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender human rights concerns. Mr . Bromley previously worked for more than eleven years at Global Rights, whe re he served in various program management positions. During his tenure at Global Rights, he coordinated donor relations and helped open field offices in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Burundi, Morocco, Nigeria and India. In 2005, he launched an organization-wide Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and lntersex Initiative. Mr. Bromley has also regularly monitored developments within the U.N. human rights system. He conducted research on sexual violence in support of the Int erna tional Criminal Tribunal s for Rwanda and for the former Yugoslavia, and he reviewed int ernational law sta ndard s in legal bri efs filed by Global Rights, as amicus curiae, in human rights cases befo re U.S. and int ernational court s. From 2001-2002, Mr. Broml ey served as STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000264 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 a Foreign Policy Fellow in the office of U.S. Senator Russ Feingold. During that period, he staffed Senator Feingold's work on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, including the Senator's Chairmanship of the Africa Subcommittee. Mr. Bromley holds a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Virginia School of Law and a BSFSfrom the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University. He has published on human rights and international law issues, and has served as an adjunct professor for the human rights clinic at the University of Virginia School of Law and at Nova Southeastern University, Shepard Broad Law Center. He lives in Washington with his husband, David Salie, and their children , '--- B6 -' and ~ Graeme Reid, Human Rights Watch Graeme is Director of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgende r Rights Program and is an expert on LGBTrights. He has conducted research, taught and published extensively on gender, sexual ity, LGBT issues, and HIV/AIDS. Before joining Human Rights Watch in 2011, Reid was the founding director of the Gay and Lesbian Archives of South Africa, a researcher at the Wits Institute for Social and Economic Research and a lecture r in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies at Yale University. An anthropologist by training, Reid received a master's from the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg , and a PhD from the University of Amsterdam. Human Rights Watch is a member of the UN LGBTCore Group. Jessica Stern, OutRight Action International Jessica Stern, Executive Director of the Out Right Action International formerly known as the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission, specializes in gender, sexuality and human rights globally. As the first researcher on LGBT rights at Human Rights Watch and a Ralph Bunche Fellow at Amnesty International, she conducted fact-finding investigations and advocacy in relation to Iran, Kyrgyzstan, South Africa, and the United Arab Emirates. She has campaigned extensively for social and economic justice in the United States for the Center for Constitutional Rights, the National Gay & Lesbian Task Force, the Urban Justice Center and as a founding collective member of Bluestockings. A past board member of Queers for Economic Justice, she currently serves on the board of the International Bar Association's Committee on LGBTRights and the Law. Educated at the London School of Economics, she teaches at Columbia University. OutRight is a member of the UN LGBTCore Group. Time 4 :15 PM - 4:30 PM Subject Meeting: Cherith Norman (15 mins) Show Time As Busy Time 4:.30 PM ~·450 PM Subject Meeting: Edmond Mulet (20 mins) STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000265 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Location USUN -- 21st Floor Show Time As Busy Event: Meeting: Joint Investigative Mechanism (JIM) Head Edmond Mulet Date: Friday, May 5, 2017 Time: 4:30 p.m. Location: Amba ssador Haley's Offi ce Attendees: (6) Ambassador Nikki Haley Edmond Mulet (moo-LET), JIM Head Amy Tachco, USUN Political Counselor Kristin Kiel, USUN Notetaker (to meet and escort group to 21st fl oor) Gabriele Kraatz-Wad sack, Mu let Chief of Staff Shuhrat Sulaymanov, UN Office of Disarmament Affairs Purpose: To underscore strong U.S. support for the JIM to begin investigating chemical weapons cases in Syria as soon as possible and our expectations for how the JIM will condu ct its work. Background: Under its previous leadership, the JIM attributed chemical weapons use to the Svrian regime in three cases and t o ISIS in one case.[ Talking Points: B5 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000266 UNCLASSIF IED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 B5 Biography Edmond Mulet is an experien ced UN diplomat who mo st recently served as former Secretary General Ban Ki-moon's Chef de Cabinet (2015-16). Prior to that , he served as Assistant Secretary General for Peacekeeping Operations twice (2007-10, and 2011-201S). He also served as Special Representative of the Secretary Genera I and Head of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) from 2006-07 and 2010-11 . Prior to his work at the UN, he was Guatemala 's Ambassador to the EU and the United States. He was a member of Guatemala's Nat ional Congress for 12 yea rs, including one term as its President. Prior to his public service, Mulet worked for many years as a journalist and as a legal counselor in publi c instituti ons and in private sector. Mul et w as educat ed in Guatemala, Canada, th e Unit ed States, and Swit zerland. He was bo rn in 1951. STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000267 UNCLASSIF IED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Point of Contact: Mr. Shuhrat Sulaymanov ~-----~ B6 mailt~ ~------~ Time 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM Subject Private Appointment Show Time As Busy Sensitivity Private S;:ittmlay, May 6, W17 Time All Day ~----~ B6 Subject AIC:'----------' Show Time As Free B7(C) Time 5/G/2017 12:00 AM - 5/8/2017 12:00 .A.f>.i l Subject FYI: MJS Annual Leave Show Time As Free Time 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM Subject NH Private Lunch Location Residence Show Time As Busy Tlrne S:00 f>M ·· 6:00 i't-,1 B6 Subject Show Time As S"rid<1y,?-,fay7, 2017 Time All Day Subject All Day Show Time As Free Weather: TBD Event FYls:TBD Birthday: B6 B6 AIC B7(C) Time A!! Dav Subject Birthday: Show Time As Free ~ ------- B6 ~ Time 5/7/2017 12.:00AM··· 5/11/2.017 12:00 AM Subject FYI: MJS Haiti Trip Show Time As Free STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000268 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Mond ay, May 8, 2017 Time 8:30 AM - 9:00 AM Subject 21/W Staff Meeting (30 min) Recurrence Occurs every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday , Thursday , and Friday effective 2/13/2017 until 6/15/2017 from 8:30 AM to 9 :00 AM Show Time As Busy Time 9:B0AM - 10 00 AM Subject Political Staff Meeting (30 min) Show Time As Busy Time 10:10 AM - 10:40 AM Subject Briefing (30 mins) Show Time As Busy Time 12:00 PM ~·12:30 PM Subject SG Meeting (30 mins) Location 38th Floor - UN Secretariat Show Time As Busy Event: Meeting with UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterre s Date: Monday, May 8, 2017 Time: 12:00 p.m. Location: 38th Floor - UN Secretariat Attendees: Ambassador Nikki Haley Mr. Steve Groves (Chief of Staff) Mr. David Glaccum (Deputy Chief of Staff for Policy) Secretary General Antonio Guterre s M s. Amina Mohammed (Deputy Secretary-General) Ms. Maria Luiza Viotti (Chef de Cabinet) Mr. David Vennett (Executive Office of the Secretary-General) Mr. Miguel Graca (Special Assistant to the Secretary -General) Purpose : To discuss budget and contributions . Background: * The Congressional omnibus budget maintain s the 25 percent cap on U.S. peacekeepin g assessment s authorized in the 1994-1995 Foreign Relation s Authorization Act . As a result , the UN will assess the U.S. mo re than w e can pay . The omnibu s p rovide s full fundin g in FY 17 for our contribution to t he regular bud get . STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000269 UNCLASSIF IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 * On May 1, the Fifth Committee's annual session on the SecretaryGeneral's peacekeeping budget request and cross-cutting policy issues started. This includes policy on accountability for sexual exploitation and abuse. * The Secretary-General is requesting a $7.97 billion peacekeeping budget for July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018. This budget, covering 14 field missions (including UNSOS,which supports AMISOM in Somalia) and headquarters support, is a 1 percent increase ($82.7m) over the current '16/17 budget of $7.87 billion. This increase is due mainly to expansions in Mali, Somalia, and South Sudan. (The budget request is based on existing mandates as of February 2016, and does not reflect mandate changes for MONUSCO and MINUSTAH). The General Assembly will need to adjust the budgets to reflect those realities. In addition, we believe the budgets can be significantly reduced further. * The United States is the single largest contributor to the UN peacekeeping budget (by a factor of more than two) and pays more than the rest of the P-5 combined. This gives us leverage and as such, the Secretary-General and other Member States need to work with us to make these reductions a reality. Talking Points: B5 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000270 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 85 Point of Contact: Mica Polovin a 86 mailt o STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000271 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Time Subject 12 :40 Pfv1- 1 :00 PM Meeting: Amb. Liu (20 mins) Location Chinese Mission Show Time As Busy Event: Meeting: Chinese PR Date: Monday, May 8, 2017 Time: 12:40 -1:40 pm Location: Chinese Mission Attendees: Ambassador Haley Mr . Chris Klein Ms. Leslie Dewees Ambassador Liu Mr . SHEN Bo, Political Coordinator Mr. YU Peng, Second Secretary Time 1:15 PM - 2:00 PM Subject Lunch (45 mins) Show Time As Busy Time Subject 2:00 PM - 2:30 PM Military Staff Committee In-Brief (30 mins) Location 11th Floor Conference Room, USUN Show Time As Busy Time 4:45 PM- 45 0 PM Subject Photo Op: Police Unity Tour (5 min s) Show Time As Busy Event: Police Unity Tour - Israeli National Command Staff Member s Date: May 8, 2017 Time : 3 :30 pm (Emily will meet in the lobby and LD will escort NH down to lobby) Background: Referred from Jason Santiago and Jack Santos. Photograph : Don Point of Contact : Jack Santos B6 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000272 UNCLASSIF IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Time 5:05 PM - 5:25 PM Subject Meeting: Amb. Bessho (20 minutes) Show Time As Busy Attendees: Ambassador Bessho Mr. Wataru Otsuka, Counsellor (Political Affairs) Time 5 :55 PM ~ 6;10 Pr\tl Subject S Call: Sec. Tillerson (15 mins) Show Time As Busy Logistics: S to call Ambassador Haley secure line. ·r;.,~sclay,Mav ~, Wi7 Time All Day B6 Subject Birthday: ~-----~ Show Time As Free Time S:30 AM .. 9:00 AM Subject 21/W Staff Meeting (30 min) Recurrence Occurs every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday , Thursday, and Friday effective 2/13/2017 until 6/15/2017 from 8:30 AM to 9 :00 AM Show Time As Busy Time 10:00 AM -12:00 PM Subject SC Briefing: Cooperation UN-EU Cooperation (2 hr) Show Time As Busy Event: UN Security Council UN-EU Cooperation Briefing Date: Tuesday, May 9, 2017 Time: 10:00am-12:00pm Location: UNSCChamber Briefers: Federica Mogherini, EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Staff: Chris Klein, Stephen Gee, George Ward Background: European Union High Representative for Foreign Affai rs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini will brief, in what has become an annual event, on the EU's cooperation with the UN on peace and security. Mogherini likely will discuss EU engagement in flashpoints including the Balkans, Ukraine, DPRK,and Syria, and elaborate on EU efforts to manage the flow of African migrants into Europe through Libyaj B5 The EU's Global Strategy, which aims to address conflicts at an early stage and building resilience, reflects UNSG Guterres' oals for the UN to focus on conflict revention and mediation. STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000273 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 B5 Remarks attached in meeting binder. Time 12:15 PM· ·· 12:45 PM Subject Meeting: High Representative Mogherini (30 mins) Location EU Ambassador Residence Show Time As Busy B6 ~-----------~ Event: Meeting with Federica Mogherini, EU High Representative for Foreign Affair s and Security Policy Date: Mond ay, May 8, 2017 Time: 3 :45 p.m. Location: EU Ambassador's Residence Purpose: To discuss EU engagement in global crises and potential areas for greater UN-EU cooperation Background: Mogherini's annual briefing to the Security Council will take place on May 9. The EU Mission has told us that Mogherini will be interes ted in your plans for the U.S. role at the UN[ B5 Attendees: Ambassador Nikki Haley Mr. Chris Klein Mr. George Ward STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000274 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 HRVPFederica Mogherini Ambassador Joao Vale de Almeida Deputy Secretary General Jean-Christophe Belliard Cabinet member Sabrina Bellosi Cabinet member Enrico Petrocelli Talking Points: Background: Following the April 4 chemical attack in Syria, the G7 and EU declined to support new sanctions on Russia. The proposal for new sanctions was set aside until a comprehensive investigation into the attack could be carried out. B5 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000275 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Background: Secretary Tillerson on April 18 certified Iran's compliance with JCPOA,I IF RAISED/IFTIME PERMITS Background: As the former Foreign Mini ster of Italy, Mogherini championed the EU's Operation Sophia -- authorized by the Security Council -- whi ch has been vital in rescuing the vast majority of the over 180,000 migrant s who were channeled in 2016 through Libya from across Africa to migrate to Europe by sea. At least 5,100 seaborne migrants en route to Europe died in the Mediterranean in 2016. The EU has asked UNHCRand the Internati o nal Organization for Migration (IOM) to establish centers in Libya where refugee cases could be heard before asylum-seekers reach Europe and migrants could be processed for return to their home countries. Both have agreed as long as protection concerns can be met. The EU also trains and equips the Libyan Coast Guard to bol ster search and rescue capabilitie s while deterring dangerou s journeys. B5 Background: USUN work s very closely with the EU delegation, parti cularly on managem ent reform and developm ent issues (e.g., th e Quadrennial Compr ehensive Policy Review). Like-Minded DPRs (including the EU) have recently met with the DSG (and soon will meet the Cd C) on the SG's reform agenda, and should continue to delive r strong, coo rdinated m essages. Background: The EU has been one of the leadin g voices on pushing back against countries trying to close off the UN to civil society voices . The United States works closely with the EU on this , including on the recent successful webcasting resolution. Biog ra phy: Fed erica Mogh erini has served as th e High Representativ e of th e Euro pean Unio n fo r Foreign Aff airs and Security Po licy and Vice- STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000276 UNCLASSIF IED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 President of the European Commission since November 2014. She was the Italian Minister for Foreign Affairs from February to October 2014 and a Member of the Italian Parliament (Chamber of Deputies), where she was elected for the first time in 2008. In parliament, she was the Head of the Italian Delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly and Vice-President of its Political Committee (2013-2014); member of the Italian Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (2008-2013); Secretary of the Defence Committee (2008-2013) and member of the Foreign Affairs Committee. She also coordinated the Inter-Parliamentary Group for Development Cooperation. She has been in the leadership of the Democratic Party since it was founded in 2007: first as Secretary for Institutional Reforms, then as a member of the National Council, and in 2013-2014 as Secretary for European and International Affairs. Previously, she was a member of the Bureau of PES(Party of European Socialist s), Vice-President of the European Community Organisation of Socialist Youth (ECOSY), member of the Bureau of the European Youth Forum, and a member of the Secretariat of the Youth Forum of the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO). Mogherini is a member of IAI - Institute Affari lnternazionali -and a fellow of the German Marshall Fund for the United States. She is also a member of the European Leadership Network for Multilateral Nuclear Disarmament and Non-Proliferation (ELN) and of the Group of Eminent Persons (GEM) of the Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO). She was born in Rome in 1973 and graduated in Political Science at the University of Rome "La Sapienza". She speaks Italian, English, French, and some Spanish. She is married to l ~nd they have two daughters,! ~nd i=J B6 Contact: Joanne Adamson Deputy Head of Delegation Delegation of the European Union to the United Nations 666 Third Avenue, 26th floor, New York, NY 10017 Office Mobil Attendance Haley, Nikki (USUN New York) Organizer Time 3 :00 PM - 3:30 PM Subject Briefing (30 mins) Show Time As Busy Time 3:30 PM - 3:S0 PM Subject Press Meeting (20 mins) Show Time As Busy Time 4:00 PM - 4:30 PM Subject Trip Briefing (30 mins) Show Time As Busy Time 4:30 PM ... 4:,10 PM Subject DG Meeting (10 mins) Show Time As Busy Time 4:45 PM ···5:15 PM Subject JL Meeting (30 min) Show Time As Busy Time S.:lS. PM ·· 5:45' PM Subject SCA3 meeting (30 mins) Show Time As Busy Event: A3 Meeting Date: May 9, 2017 Time: 5:15 - 5:45 pm Location: USUN - 21st Floor Purpose: To urge the A3 to support Security Council action to increa se pre ssure on South Sudanese partie s. STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000281 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Attend ees USUN: Ambassador Nikki Haley David Glaccum Bindi Patel Ethiopia: Ambassador Tekeda Alemu , PR Mr. Yidnekachew Gebremeskel, Counselor Senegal: Ambas sador Fode Seek, PR Mr. Isidor Marcel Sene, First Counselor Egypt: Ambas sador Amr Aboulatta, PR Mr. Mohammad Aboulwafa, Second Secretary Talking Points: B5 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000282 UNCLASSIF IED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 B5 Wedr:e:.dJy, Mly rn, 2017 Time 5/10/201712:00 Subject AM-5/15/2017 12:00 AM Rena Visit NYC Show Time As Free Time 8:30 .I\M - 9:00 AM Subject 21/W Staff Meeting (30 min) Occurs every Monday, Tuesday, Wedne sday, Thur sday, and Friday effective 2/13/2017 until 6/15/2017 from 8:30 AM to 9 :00 AM Show Time As Busy Recurrence Time 9:lO AM - 9:2:CAM Subject Birthday Photos (10 mins) Show Time As Busy ~---------- ~ B6 Time 10:00 AM -10:4 5 AM Subject Meeting: Micha el Ratn ey (45 mins) Show Time As Busy Event: M eetin g: Michael Ratney, Actin g Deputy Assistant Secretary fo r Syria and the Levant ; U.S. Special Envoy for Syria Date: May 10, 2017 Time: 10:00am Location: Amba ssador Haley's Office Attendees: (6) Ambassador Nikki Haley Michael Ratney, A/ DASfor Syria and the Levant David Glaccum, Deputy Chief of Staff for Pol icy Amy Tachco, USUN Politi cal Co unselor STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000283 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Mounir Ibrahim, USUN Political Advisor Diana DiCarlo Purpose: To discuss next steps for the United States in Syria with Michael Ratney, one of the U.S. Government's foremost experts on Syria. Background: Russia is increasingly interested in drawing down the Syrian conflict and pushing for a quick- even if unsustainable -end to the war. l Talking Points: 85 Background: The Russian-Iranian-Turkish agreement states that "security zones" will be established along the lines of the deescalation zones and that "administration of the security zones shall be ensured bv the forces of the guaranters bv consensus.'1 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000284 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 B5 Biography Michael Ratney Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary for Syria and the Levant U.S. Special Envoy for Syria Michael Ratney began serving as Deputy Assistant Secretary in February 2017. In July 2015, Ratney was appointed as the U.S. Special Envoy for Syria. From 2012 to 2015, Ratney served as the U.S. Consul General in Jerusalem. Until 2012, he was Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Media and, prior to that , Spokesman for the State Department's Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs. Since joining the Foreign Service in 1990, Ratney served as Deputy Chief of Mission at the U.S. Embassy in Doha, Qatar, as well as tours in Mexico, Iraq, Lebanon, Morocco, Barbados, and Washington , DC. Ratney is from Massachusetts. He earned a BS from Boston University, and an MA from the George Washington University. Time 10:45 AM ... 11:1S AM Subject Briefing (30 mins) Show Time As Busy Time 11 :15 ,C\M·· lUS AM Subject Scheduling// Ops Meeting (20 mins) Show Time As Busy Time 11:45 AM - 11:SS .AM Subject Phone Call: Uruguay PR (10 mins) Show Time As Busy Thursday . May 11, 2017 Time 8:15 AM - 8:30 AM B6 Subject Location ~--------~ Show Time As Busy STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000285 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Schedule: Saudi Arabia The President's trip will begin in Saudi Arabia, home to the two holiest sites in Islam. Israel * The President will then travel to Israel with President Rivlin and Prime Minister Netanyahu, reaffirming America's bond with the Jewish state . B5 Rome * In Rome, the President will accept an audience with Pope Francis to pay his respects, and to discuss religious freedom, ways to combat religious per secution , and cooperatin g on humanitarian missions. Brussels- NATO Leaders Meetin g * The President will reaffirm America's commitm ent to th e Alliance, STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000286 UNCLASSIF IED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Sicily- G-7 meeting in Taormina The President will promote American economic leadership and address unfair trade practices. BS Monday, May 15, 2017 Time 8:00 AM - 9:22 AM Subject AA 4708 // LGAto DCA (1 hr 22 mins) Show Time As Busy Time 9 :30 .I\M - 10 :30 AM Time (1 hour) Location Main State Show Time As Busy Subject Qead Time 11:00 AM - 11:45 ,'\rv1 Subject ~-----WHSR ~-45 mins) BS Location Show Time As Busy Topic c=J Time 12:00 PM - 12:45 Ptv1 Subject ~ -----~ WHSR (45 mins) Location Show Time As Busy ~--- Topic:~--~ Time 12:45 PM-1:30 PM Subject Meeting: General Dunford (30 mins) Location WHSRExec Show Time As Busy Event: Introductory Discussion: General Joseph Dunford , Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Date: Monday, May 15, 2017 Time: 12:45pm -1:15pm Location: White House Point of Contact: Mrs. Krista Mejia, Confidential Assistant to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff B6 EDUCATION: B.A Political Science and Public Admini stration Kuwait University - Kuwait - 1989 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIEN CE: 2010 - Present Permanent Representativ e of the State of Kuwait to the United Nations- New York, NY 2007- 2010 Minister Plenipotentiary and Director of International Organization Department- MOFA 2004 - 2006 Counselor & Deputy Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of Kuwait to the United Nations - New York, NY 2001- 2003 First Secretary- Permanent Mission of Kuwait to the United Nations - New York, NY 1996 -2001 Second Secretary - Permanent Mission of Kuwait to the United Nations - New York, NY 1993-1996 Third Secretary - Permanent Mission of Kuwait to the United Nations - New York, NY 1992- 1993 Diplomatic Attache - Permanent Mission of Kuwait to the Unit ed Nati ons - New York, NY 1990-1991 Diplo matic Att ache - Embassy of Kuw ait in Riyadh Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 1989-1990 Diplo matic Att ache - Arab Wo rld Departm e nt - Mini stry of STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000321 UNCLASSI FIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Foreign Affairs, Kuwait EXPERIENCE: 2007-2010 Minister Plenipotentiary and Director of International Organization Department MOFA (Served for 2 1/2 years as the Director of the IOD) & during this time he participated in many Summits , Ministerial Meeting, High Officials Meetings & Conferences organized by organized by: The Organization of Islamic Conference OIC, Non Aligned Movement NAM, Forum for the Future BMENA & Iraq Neighboring State . 1992 -2007 (During the 15 years of being a member of the Kuwait Mission to the UN He had attended the General Assembly Sessions "since 46th session until 61st session" & repre sented Kuwait in several Committees such as: The First Committee: Disarmament - The Fourth Committee: Special Political and Decolonization - The Fifth Committee: Administrative & Budgetary 2002 Held a Position as Vice Chairman of Special Political and Decolonization Committee (Fourth Committee} 57th Session of t he United Nations General Assembly Time 1:00 PM - 1:30 PM Subject Lunch (30 mins} Show Time As Busy Time 1:30 PM - 2:00 PM Subject Briefing (30 mins} Show Time As Busy Time 2 :15 PM - 2:25 PM Subject Staff Meeting : Schimsa (10 min s} Show Time As Busy Time 3 :30 PM ...4:00 PM Subject Meeting: Amb. Liu (30 min} Show Time As Busy Event: M eet ing: Amba ssador Liu, Chinese PR Date: May 31, 2017 Time: 3:30 pm Location: USUN - 21st Floor Topic: DPRK Attendees: Ambassador Haley Josh Black STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000322 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Leslie Dewees H.E. Mr. Liu Jieyi, Permanent Representative, Mr. SHEN Bo, Minister Counsellor Mr. SUN Lei, Counsellor Mr. YU Peng, Second Secretary Background: B5 Time 4 :15 PM - 4:45 PM Subject M eetin g : Amb. Bessho (30 min) Show Time As Busy Time 5 :00 PM - 6:30 PM Subject First PR Reception (1.5 hr) Location Residence Attachment s 053117r ece pti on.do c STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000323 UNCLASSIF IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 ShowTime As Busy Event: First GA PR Reception Date: Wednesday, May 31, 2017 Time: 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm Location: Residence Purpose: The Ambassador would like the opportunity to meet with various PRs prior to UNGA-this is the first 11 reception. Set Up: Passed Hors d'oeuvres Bar- in between sitting room and dining room (next to Piano) 2 CT Tables- 2 near the two columns in center room (linens provided by PP) Flowers - EM to coordinate with PP Staff: YO - Check In EM - Greet on 37 floor RS- Greet on 37 floor CK Stefanie Amadeo - ECOSOC Cherith Norman - MR Matthew Dolbow - ECOSOC Brian Conroy - MR Menu: Belgium Endive with Honey Goat Cheese, Candied Walnuts and Dried Cranberries Pepper Seared Beef Tenderloin Medallion with Gorgonzola Cheese & Pickled Red Onions Shrimp & Scallop Ceviche, Cucumber & Fresh MangoRelish Chocolate Covered Strawberries Tiramisu Cheese Cake Squares Taking Points: B5 1. Peacekeeping Budgetj STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000324 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 B5 2. UN Interim Force in Lebanon {UNIFIL) Maritime Taskforce {if raised): Background: In current budgetary negotiations for UNIFIL we have proposed at $34m reduction in the mission's operating costs. The largest cost-driver for the mission's operations is its naval component (the Maritime Taskforce). Germany contributes one of the seven ships in this Taskforce, and they are concerned about its future . We feel that the Maritime Taskforce is ineffective, especially given its $50m price tag. Discussions on UNIFIL's budget are in the early stages, and we will continue to coordinate with Germany as we move forward. Confirmed Attendees: 1. The Honorable Nikki Haley 2. Mr. Michael Haley 3. Australia: H.E. Mrs. Gillian Bird 4. Australia: Mr. Henri Ergas 5. Germany: H.E. Mr. Harald Braun 6. Germany: Mrs. Ute Braun 7. India: H.E. Mr. Syed Akbaruddin 8. India: Mr s. Padma Akbaruddin 9. Netherland s: H.E. Mr. Karel Jan Gustaafvan Oostero m STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000325 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 also serve as an opportunity to thank them for their w ork on the ground and will kick off positive dialogue heading into the Geneva trip for Human Rights Commission Council reform. Attendees: Nine (9) total , most of whom traveled from out of town and are eager and excited to be included. Leadership of three humanitarian assistance and three human rights advocacy NGOs will be attending with a few key staff who interface most with USUN staff, which will maximize the benefit of the meeting and ensure smooth follow-up. Humanitarian Assistance NGOs: 1. International Rescue Committee (IRC): i. David Miliband, President and CEO; ii. Sarah Case, Director of Policy and Planning. 2. Mercy Corps: i. Michael Bowers, Vice President for Humanitarian Leadership and Response. 3. Catholic Relief Services (CRS): i. Bill O'Keefe, Vice President for Government Relation s and Advocacy. Human Rights Advocacy NGOs: 1. Human Rights Watch: i. Ken Roth, Executive Director ; Lou Charbonneau, UN Director. 2. Amnesty International: i. Sherine Tadros, Representative and Head of NY Office. 3. Human Rights First: i. Elissa Massimino, President /CEO; Rob Berschinski, Senior VicePresident. Staff: 1. Kylie Holmes (ECOSOC Humanitarian) 2. Kelly Razzouk (ECOSOCNGOs) 3. Becca Schimsa (Exec) Press/ Picture: No press (off-the-record meeting). Picture to be taken with possible readout or social media statement. Format: Round table sett ing (name placards will be provided). • 1 min. - NH to welcome guests and state purpose of the meeting; STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000326 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 • 5-7 min. - Guests to introdu ce themselves and a brief overview of their work; • 3-5 min. - NH to provide short summary of her reactions and experiences from the trip; • 15 mins. -Open discussion re. Syria (other topics may arise); • 1 min. - NH to close and thank groups for their work and partnership. NH Talking Points - Welcoming Statement: B5 • [NH to provide short narrativ e of her experiences.] NH Talking Points - Closing Statement : [Introduce Kelly and Becca as key points of contact.] Biographies: HUMANITARIAN ASSISTANCENGOS Int erna ti onal Rescue Committee (IRC) STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000327 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 * IRCengages in aid delivery to over 40 countries around the wo rld, including Syria and Turkey. * To date, the U.S. has provided $X in aid for Syria through IRC.IRC's programs in Syria are primarily focused on X, X, and X. * IRCis one of nine non-profits appointed to take part in the United States Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP), working to resettle refugees in the U.S. As part of this program, IRCprovides housing, food, clothing, health screenings, English language classes, and other public services, including helping the family enroll children in school. IRCalso helps refugees find employment. * IRChas been critical of the Trump administration refugee/immigration policies and applauded the recent 4th circuit of appeals' rejection of the executive order. David Miliband, President and CEO David Miliband is President and CEOof the International Rescue Committee (IRC),where he oversees the agency's humanitarian relief operations in more than 40 war-affected countries and its refugee resettlement and assistance programs in 26 United States cities. From 2007 to 2010, Miliband was the 74th Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs of the United Kingdom, driving advancements in human rights and representing the U.K. throughout the world. In 2006, as Secretary of State for the Environment , he pioneered the world's first legally binding emissions reduction requirements. He was Member of Parliament for South Shields from 2001 to 2013. Miliband graduated from Oxford University in 1987 with a first class honor s degree in philosophy, politics and economics, and received a master's degree in political science in 1989 from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, which he attended as a Kennedy Scholar. Miliband's parents fled to Britain from continental Europe during World War II and its aftermath. As the son of refugees, he brings a personal commitment to the IRC'swork. He lives in New York City with his wife, violinist Louise Shackelton, and their two sons. Sarah Case, Director of Policy and Planning No bioavailable Mercy Corps * Mercy Corps operates in around 40 countries. * Mercy Corps has one of the largest humanitarian operations inside Syria, mo stly through a cross-border program funded by the U.S. and the UK. * To dat e, the U.S. has provided SXin aid for Syria through Mercy STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000328 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Corps. The organization's programs in Syria are primarily focused on X, X, and X. * The Government of Turkey has increasingly restricted international NGOs' ability to operate within Turkey and provide assistance across the border in Syria in recent months. The Turkish government revoked the registration of Mercy Corps in February 2016, bringing the organization's assistance to 770,000 people inside Syria and another 100,000 people in Southeast Turkey to a halt. * You raised the Mercy Corps registration issue with Turkish officials, including Prime Minister Yildirim and Undersecretary for Foreign Affairs Yalcin. They indicated that there would likely be a resolution of this matter in the coming weeks, but noted that the U.S., as a donor, needs to ensure that our partners are compliant with Turkish law. * You met with Mercy Corps' Country Director for Turkey, Mike Young, at a roundtable lunch hosted by Ambassador Bass. Michael Bowers, Vice President for Humanitarian Leadership and Response. Michael is Mercy Corps' Vice President of Humanitarian Leadership and Response and oversees the strategic response and global emergencies team. In this capacity, he serves as the humanitarian voice for the agency, working in partnership with key external actors on larger humanitarian affairs affecting global programs. He is responsible for leading and supporting Mercy Corps' global emergency operations, working directly with the corporate and foundation team on private revenue strategies, enhancing their quality and accountability and ensuring that they bring the greatest benefit to people in need. Michael's role also includes the ongoing supervision of global field security and he is accountable for stewarding Humanitarian Capacity Building at Mercy Corps whi ch ensures the agency's preparedness to respond to global emergencies and crises. From 1999 to 2006, Michael served as Mercy Corps country director in Afghanistan, Albania, Croatia and Kyrgyzstan. In 2007, he served as regional program director for the agency's Central, East and South Asia region, which included China, Mongolia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, North Korea, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. He has directed the agency's activities in sub-Sahara Africa, the Balkans and Asia, managing programs in health, shelter , agriculture and economic development. Michael participates in the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC),a unique inter-agency forum established by the United Nations in 1992 for coordination, policy development and decision-making involving key UN and non-UN humanitarian partners. He received a BA in art history from the University of Iowa and an MA in international management from the School for International Training in Vermont. Catholic Relief Services (CRS) * CRSwork s in more than 100 co untrie s around the world. STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000329 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 * CRSis a large Syria cross-border assistan ce partner for the United State s. To date, the U.S. (through USAID) has provid ed more than $106 million to CRSfor food, water, sanitation , hygiene, and shelter programs in Syria. In Turkey , the U.S. has provided CRSwith nearly $14 million for refugee educational programs through State/PRM. In Jordan, CRSworks to provide Syrian refugees with basic health and psychosocial services, education, and basic emergency services . * You were originally supposed to meet with local (Syrian) staff from CRSon the final day of your trip in Turkey. However , we had to cancel the meeting due to time constraints and the rescheduled meeting with the Prime Minister. We plan to send the Syrian staff a note to express our regrets and acknowledge that they are doing importantand often dangerous-work . Bill O'Keefe, Vice President for Government Relations and Advocacy. Bill O'Keefe is Catholic Relief Services' Vice President for Government Relations and Advocacy, overseeing CRS' efforts to change U.S. foreign policy in ways that promote justice and reduce poverty overseas. Mr. O'Keefe joined CRSin 1987 as a project manager in Tanzania and chaired the sub-regional task force on HIV and AIDS. Mr. O'Keefe next became assistant desk officer for CRSin East Africa , where he evaluated and monitored the agency's emergency relief and rehabilitation projects in Ethiopia and Sudan. He subsequently served as desk officer for West and Southern Africa. In 2001, Mr . O'Keefe became CRS' director for government relations. In this capacity he led the agency's new advocacy program targeted at U.S. government officials and members of international organizations . He managed the development of CRSpolicie s on U.S. foreign assista nee and agricultural trade policy and oversaw a two-year advocacy campaign to involve Americans in policy change for Africa . He w as appointed senior dire ctor for advo cacy in 2003 and vi ce president for advo cacy in 2010. Mr. O'Keefe hold s a B.S. fro m Yale and a mast er' s in publi c policy from the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard. HUMAN RIGHTS ADVOCACY NGOS Human Rights Watch * Human Rights Watch is one of the most well respected human rights organizations internationally. They engage in advocacy efforts at the UN and also produce reports on human rights situations around th e globe, tapping into their exten sive on the ground presence. * HRW has worked to highlight the human rights situation in Syria through reportin g on detainees and chemical weapons . Satellite imagery obtained by HRW was used in their latest chemical weapons report. * HRW recently released a report on the killing of gay men in Chechnya quoting your statement. They are also very concerned about th e DRC and have called fo r ind ependent int ernati o nal investi gati on int o th e death s in th e Kasai. HRW is also one of th e NGOs continuin g to advocate for th e U.S. to remain a member o f th e Human Rights Co uncil. STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000330 UNCLASSIF IED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Ken Roth, Executive Director Kenneth Roth is the executive director of Human Rights Watch, one of the world's leading international human rights organizations, which operates in more than 90 countries. Prior to joining Human Rights Watch in 1987, Roth served as a federal prosecutor in New York and for the Iran-Contra investigation in Washington , DC. A graduate of Yale Law School and Brown University, Roth has conducted numerou s human rights investigations and missions around the world. He has written extensively on a wide range of human rights abuses, devoting special attention to issues of international justice, counterterrorism, the foreign policies of the major powers, and the work of the United Nations. Lou Charbonneau, UN Director Louis Charbonneau is the United Nations director at Human Rights Watch. Prior to joining HRW, he was a journalist for more than two decades, most recently U.N. bureau chief for Reuters. In addition to his work from the United Nations in New York, he has reported from dozens of countries in Europe, Asia and Africa and spent years doing investigative work on issues related to the Middle East and Africa. Louis was previously posted in Prague, Hong Kong, Vienna and Berlin. His first posting with Reuters was in Vienna, where he focused on the IAEA and other U.N. agencies from 2001 to 2005. He has a bachelor's degree from the University of Michigan and masters degrees from Columbia University and City University of New York- City College. Amnesty International * Amnesty Internationa l has an extensive network of NGOs around the world that it taps into for advocacy campaigns. They also serve as co-chair of the UN NGO working group on UNSCissues. * Amnesty has published num erous reports on enforced disappearance in Syria and the situation of Refugees. * Amnesty also continues to advocate for continued US Membership in the HRC. Sherine Tadros, Representative and Head of NY Office Sherine Tadros is an award-winning former Middle East correspondent for Sky News and Al Jazeera English. She covered the political turmoil in Lebanon in 2007, during which time she was based in Beruit and traveled frequently to Syria. She was one of only two foreign journalists inside Gaza during the Israeli war on the Strip in 2008-09; her work earned her several award nominations, includin g an Emmy. She w as honored with a Peabody Award in 2011 for her reporting on the Arab uprisings in Egypt, Yemen and Libya. In May 2014, she j o ined Sky New s as the Middle East cor respondent based in STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000331 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Cairo, and reported regularly from Iraq, Tunisia and Southern Turkey. Her report on the takeover by Iraqi forces in Tikrit earned her a War Correspondent of the Year nomination at the 2015 Bayeux-Calvados Awards. She joined Amnesty International in June 2016. Human Rights First * Human rights First is a non-partisan organization focused on USbased advocacy efforts. * HRF has issued several press releases praising your recent efforts (in advance of the UNSCthematic on human rights and your statement on Chechnya). * HRFalso issued a statement in advance of your trip to Syria urging you to seek a "comprehensive solution to the crisis" - including, ensuring that the U .5. government continues to fund refugee assistance programs. * HRFwas one of several NGOs who wrote letters to you, requesting that the U.S. remain a member of the Human Rights Council. Elisa Massimino, President/CEO Elisa Massimino is President and Chief Executive Officer of Human Rights First, one of the nation's leading human rights advocacy organizations. Established in 1978, Human Rights First's mission is to ensure that the United States is a global leader on human rights. The organization works in the United States and abroad to promote respect for human rights and the rule of law. Massimino leads a staff of 100 with offices in New York City, Washington, D.C., and Houston. Massimino joined Human Rights First as a staff attorney in 1991 to help establish the Washington office. From 1997 to 2008 she served as the organization's Washington Director. Previously, Massimino was a litigator in private practice at the Washington law firm of Hogan & Hartson, where she was pro bono counsel in many human rights cases. Before joining the legal profession, she taught philosophy at several colleges and universities in Michigan. Massimino holds a law degree from the University of Michigan where she was an editor of theJournal of Law Reform . She holds a Master of Arts in philosophy from Johns Hopkins University, and is a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas. Massimino serves as an adjunct professor at Georgetown University Law Center, where she teaches human rights advocacy, and has taught international human rights law at the University of Virginia and refugee law at the George Washington University School of Law. She is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the bar of the United States Supreme Court Rob Berschinski, Senior Vice-President Rob Berschinski oversees Human Rights First' s work advancing a U.S. foreign policy root ed in a strong commitment to human right s, univer sal value s, and American ideals. STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000332 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Before joining Human Rights First, Rob served in the Obama Administration as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor. In that role, he was responsible for establishing and implementing U.S. government policies with respect to fundamental freedoms and democratic governance in 65 countries across Europe, Russia, Central Asia, and South Asia. He also served under Ambassador Samantha Power as Deputy Director of the U.S. Mission to the United Nations' office in Washington, D.C.; worked as special assistant to then-Deputy Secretary of Defense Ash Carter; and spent three years as Director for Security and Human Rights Policy at the White House National Security Council. From 2008-2010 he served on the staff of the Undersecretary of Defense for Policy as a Presidential Management Fellow, and worked as a defense fellow on the professional staff of the Senate Appropriations Defense Subcommittee . He began his career as an intelligence officer in the U.S. Air Force, and is an Iraq War veteran. Rob earned his B.A. in Political Science and M.A. in International Relations from Yale University. He is a former Truman National Security Fellow and a term member of the Council on Foreign Relations. Time 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM Subject EU Luncheon (1.5 hours) Location EU Mission Show Time As Busy Event: Lunch Meeting with EU-28 Perm Reps Date: Thursday, June 1, 2017 Time: 1:00 pm preview discussion with EU PR de Almeida; 1:15 pm lunch begins Location: EU Mission Attendees: Ambassador Haley Cherith Norman, UNMR Counselor George Ward, POL Officer Purpose: To exchange views on U.S. and EU priorities at the UN and potential for collaboration Background: This Iunch continues the May 9 discussion you had with EU High Representative Mogherini on areas for potential U.S.- EU cooperation in UN organizations and programs . In the lunch meeting, the EU PRs will be eager to get a sense of U.S. commitment to its partnership with Europe and U.S. plans for our role at the UN. In working level discussions, we arrived at the following agenda: (1) DPRKsanctions (EU lead); (2) Syria outlook and humanitarian needs (U.S. lead); STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000333 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 (3) 5th Co mmitte e peacekeeping budget negotiati o ns (U.S. lead); (4) If time permits, the EU would like to raise reform of the Human Rights Council (EU lead). For each agenda item, either an EU PermRep or you will lead off the discussion, followed by a response, and then followed by an informal discussion. EU PermRep Ambassador de Almeida would like to meet with you briefly prior to the lunch to preview the event. ISSUESTO RAISE: (EU lead) DPRKSanctionsj 85 (U.S. lead) Syria:! STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000334 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 * Astana: 1 (If Raised) EU Reconstruction:! Background: De Mistura created a technical mechanism to studv legal and constitutional issues.I (U.S. Lead) Fifth Committee Negotiations on the Peacekeeping Budget:! B5 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000335 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Background: The Secretary-General requested $7.97 billion for the 2017/2018 peacekeeping budget. Following introduction of language in individual mission budgets, the total costing was released over the weekend, and it is not yet public. The U.S. reductions a re approximately $1 billion below the SG's request. The EU and Japan are close to this figure, but with some variation, including by proposing 6month budgets for some missions, such as UNAMID. I ~ The SC Chair (St. Vincent and Grenadines) is helpfully emphasizing to the G-77 and others that this is not a typical negotiation given the U.S. has even more aggressive posture, with backing. The Chair has also set a deadline to conclude negotiations of June 9. We will seek to honor that deadline with the expectations others will seriously engage and we achieve the results we want. ~----------------~ IF RAISED Paris Agreement:! B5 * The President's Executive Order on Promoting Energy Independence and Economic Growth calls for a broad review of regulations and policies by agencies to identify those that have the potential to unduly burden the economy. Agencies are in the midst of this process now. IF TIME PERMITS HRCReform! Biography: Joao Vale de Almeida is a senior European Union diplomat who was appointed as EU Ambassador to the United Nation s from 16 October 2015. STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000336 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Ambassador Vale de Almeida previously served as the first EU Ambassador to the United States of America, from 2010 to 2014. In Washington, he actively engaged in strengthening EU/U.S. relations and was critical to the launching of negotiations of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). Prior to his appointment in Washington, Ambassador Vale de Almeida served as Director General of External Relations of the European Commission, the European Union's executive body. As the most senior official under the authority of the High Representative/VicePresident, he helped formulate and execute the EU's foreign policy and played a key role in preparing for the new European External Action Service (EEAS)introduced by the Treaty of Lisbon. Between 2004 and 2009, Ambassador Vale de Almeida was the Head of Cabinet (Chief of staff and main adviser) for European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso. He accompanied President Barroso in all European Council (EU Summit) meetings and ensured coordination with the private offices of Heads of State and Government in all 28 Member States of the EU. He was also the President's Personal Representative for the negotiations on the Treaty of Lisbon. Ambassador Vale de Almeida also acted as the EU "Sherpa" for G8 and G20 Summits between 200S and 2010. In this capacity he prepared and attended annual G8 Summits in Gleneagles, UK; St Petersburg , RU; Heiligendamm, DE; Toyako-Hokkaido , JP; L'Aquila, IT; and Muskoka, CA. He accompanied President Barroso in the launching of G20 Summits in late 2008 in Washington and in subsequent meetings in London, Pittsburgh and Toronto in 2009 and 2010. He also attended Summit meetings with EU's strategic partners around the world and with the Secretary General of the United Nations. Earlier in his career in the European institutions , Joao Vale de Almeida held several senior positions in the European Commission and the Economic and Social Committee and worked closely in different capacities with and under the authority of former Commission Presidents Jacques Delors, Jacques Santer and Romano Prodi. Immediately before joining President Barroso's team in 2004, Joao Vale de Almeida held a senior position in the Directorate General for Education and Culture after serving as Deputy Chief Spokesman of the European Commission. Joao Vale de Almeida joined the European Commission in 1982 at its Delegation in Lisbon, after spending seven years as a journalist. He holds a degree in History from the University of Lisbon and has studied and received training in journalism and management in the United States, France, Japan, and the United Kingdom. Ambassador Vale de Almeida was decorated in 2011 by the President of the Republic of Portugal with the 'Gra-Cruz da Ordem do Infante D. Henrique' (Grand Cross of the Order of Prince Henry the Navigator). Joao Vale de Almeida is Portuguese; he was born in Lisbon in 1957. He is marri ed, has tw o childr en and recently became a grandfather. Point of Contact: STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000337 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Guillaume DABOUIS European Union Delegation to the United Nations Head of Political and UN Security Council affairs section B6 Office: Mobile: Time 3 :20 PM - 3:30 PM Subject Meeting: Mark Simonoff (10 mins) Show Time As Busy Time 3:30 PM·· 4:30 PM Subject Working Meeting: Mauritius/BIOT Issue (1 hour) Location USUN -- 22nd floor Show Time As Busy Event: Meeting on British Indian Ocean Territory with PermReps from NATO members, co-hosted by the UK PR Date: June 1, 2017 Time: 3:30 p.m., one hour Location: USUN - 22nd Floor Purpose: Persuade NATO countries to oppose Mauritius effort to get a GA resolution requesting that the lnternationa I Court of Justice to issue an advisory opinion on BIOT Participants: PermReps from NATO Member States, plus one. Check in: YO+ Intern in lobby EM on 22nd floor Set Up: * Square Table Set Up - one chair behind each of the chairs at the tables for experts (with 3 behind the UK expert) * Table tents * AV sound system - Wireless Microphones *Coffee/ Tea Station for after formal meeting with cups, saucers, creamer, sugar * Cookies Background: STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000338 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 You are co-hosting this meeting with the UK PR to lobby NATO member States to oppose Mauritius' effort to get a General Assembly resolution requesting an advisory opinion from the ICJon the Chagos Islands (otherwise known as the British Indian Ocean Territory.) The President of the Genera I Assembly has informed us that the vote/debate will be set for June 22nd or June 23rd, as Mauritius has refused to back down. Scenario: * You arrive on the 22nd floor where a square table is set up and where the PR's from NATO countries are seated. * You make remarks. UK Amb. Rycroft makes remarks. You ask PR's for their views. And ask whether they have any questions. (There may be maps distributed so that participants will know where Mauritius and the Chagos are located.) * You invite PR's to enjoy refreshments. You talk to PR'sand make your BIOT pitch to them on a smaller group or one on one basis. Talking Points: B5 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000339 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 85 CONFIRMED ATTENDEES: 1. Albania : H.E. Ms. Besiana Kadare 2. Belgium : Mr. Pascal Buffin , DPR 3. Bulgaria : H.E. Mr. Georgi Velikov Panayotov 4. Canada: H.E. Mr. Michael Grant , DPR 5. Croatia : Mr . Vladimir Drobnjak 6. Czech Republic: Mr. Jiri Ellinger, DPR STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000340 UNCLASSIF IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 7. Denmark: H.E. Mr. lb Petersen 8. Estonia : H.E. Mr. Sven Jurgenson 9. France: H.E. Mr. Francois Delattre 10. Greece : Mr. Dionyssios Kalamvrezo s, DPR Picture not available 11. Italy: H.E. Mr. Sebastiano Cardi 12. Latvia : H.E. Mr . Janis Mazeiks 13. Lithuania : M s. Nida Jakubon e, DPR 14. Luxembourg: H.E. Mr. Christian Braun 15. Montene gro: Ms . Ivana Pajevic, DPR 16. Netherlands: H.E. Mr . Karel Jan Gustaafvan Oosterom 17. No rw ay : Mr s. M ay -Elin Stener, DPR STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000341 UNCLASSIF IED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 18. Poland : Mr. Pawet Radomski, DPR 19. Romania : Mrs. Elisabeta Maria David, DPR 20. Slovak: Mr. Richard Galbavy, DPR Picture not available 21. Slovenia : H.E. Mr. Andrej Logar 22. U.K. : H.E. Mr. Matthew Rycroft ACTUAL ATTENDEES:Total= 52 23. Albania : H.E. Ms. Besiana Kadare 24. Belgium: Mr. Pascal Buffin, DPR 25. Bulgaria : H.E. Mr. Georgi Velikov Panayotov 26. Canada : H.E. Mr. Michael Grant 27. Czech Republic: Mr. Jiri Ellinger, DPR 28. Denmark: H.E. Mr. lb Petersen 29. Estonia: H.E. Mr. Sven Jurgenson 30. France : Ms . Anne Gueguen, DPR 31. Germany: H.E. Mr. Jurgen Schulz, DPR 32. Greece : Mr. Dionyssios Kalamvrezos, DPR 33. Hungary: H.E. Ms. Katalin Annamaria Bogyay 34. Iceland : Mr. Nikulas Hannigan, DPR 35. Italy: H.E. Mr. Sebastiano Cardi 36. Latvia : H.E. Mr. Jani s Mazeik s STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000342 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 37. Lithuania : Ms. Nida Jakubone, DPR 38. Luxembourg: H.E. Mr. Christian Braun 39. Montenegro: H.E. Ms. Ivana Pajevic, DPR 40. Netherlands: H.E. Mr. Karel Jan Gustaafvan Oosterom 41. Norway: H.E. Mrs. May-Elin Stener, DPR 42. Poland : Mr. Pawet Radomski, DPR 43. Portugal : Mrs. Cristina Maria Cerqueira Pucarinho, DPR 44. Romania : Mrs. Elisabeta Maria David, DPR 45. Slovak: Mr. Richard Galbavy, DPR 46. Slovenia : H.E. Mr. Andrej Logar 47. Turkey: H.E. Mr. Feridun Sinirlioglu 48. U.K. : H.E. Mr. Matthew Rycroft 49. U.S. : Ambassador Nikki Haley Experts: 1. Bulgaria: Ms . Lachezara Stoeva, DPR 2. Czech Republic : Ms. Kristina Hornackova 3. Croatia : Mr. Sebastian Robach 4. Denmark: Mr. Christian Karstensen 5. Estonia : Ms. Anneli Leega Piiskop 6. France : Mrs. Sheraz Gasri 7. Germany: Ms. Nathalie Sigmund 8. Greece : Dr. Anastasia Strati 9. Hungary: Mr . Zoltan Varga, DPR 10. Italy: Mr. Salvatore Zappala 11. Latvia : Ms. Anda Grinberga 12. Lithuania : Ms. Laima Birstunaite 13. Luxembourg: Mr. Jacques Flies 14. Mont enegro: Mr. Nikola lvezaj 15. Norway: Mr. Andreas Kravik STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000343 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 16. Poland : Mr. Wtadystaw Manteuffel 17. Romania : Mr. Stefan Racovita 18. Slovak: Mr. Peter Nagy 19. Spain: Ms. Marfa Palacios 20. Spain: Ms. Francisca Pedros 21. Turkey: Mrs. ipek Zeytinoglu bzkan 22. UK: H.E. Mr. Peter Wilson, DPR 23. UK: Ms. Alice Hyde 24. US: Mr. Mark Simonoff 25. US : Bindi Patel Time 5:00 PM - 5:30 PM Subject Briefing (30 mins) Show Time As Busy Time 5:30 PM - 5:45 PM Subject Call: Sec. Tillerson (15 min) Show Time As Busy Time 5:45 PM ... 6: 15 PM Subject Trip Briefing (30 min) Show Time As Busy Time 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM Subject Private Appointment Show Time As Busy Sensitivity Private f-ridav, Jur:~ 2, 2017 Time All Day ~--~ Subject AIC B6 B7(C) ~--~ Show Time As Free Time Al! Day Subject Italy's National Day Recurrence Occurs every June 2 effective 6/2/2017 until 6/2/2017 Show Time As Free Time A!! Dav Subject Weather: Mostly Sunny/ H: 78 / L: 56 (20%) Show Time As Free Time 8:30 .AM- 9:00 AM Subject 21/W Staff Meeting (30 min) Recurrence Occurs every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thur sday, and Friday effective 2/13/2017 until 6/15/2017 from 8:30 AM to 9 :00 AM STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000344 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 ShowTime As Busy Time 9 :15 M.ll- 9;45 AM Subject Meeting: Poland FM Waszczykowski (30 min) Location USUN -- 21st Floor Show Time As Busy Event: Meeting with Poland Foreign Minister Waszczykowski Date: Friday, June 2, 2017 Time: 9:15 am Location: EXEC Attendees: Poland FM H.E. Mr. Witold Waszczykowski Mr. Jan Stanistaw Parys, Director of the Political Cabinet of the Minister Mr. Zbigniew Czech, Director of the Department of United Nations and Human Rights Ms. Karolina Krywulak, expert at the Department of United Nations and Human Rights (note-taker) Ambassador Haley Mr. George Ward Mr. Chris Klein Purpose: To discuss Poland's bid for a seat on the Security Council, and seek Poland's support for U.S. priorities Background: Poland is pursuing an uncontested bid for the Eastern European seat for non -permanent members in the Security Council. Foreign Minister Waszczykowski (pronounced "Vaash-chi- KOFF-skee") is in New York to solicit support ahead of the GA election on June 2 at 10:00, immediately following your meeting with him. The Poland mission has indicated Poland's priorities in the SC likely will include supporting the SG's conflict prevention focus, Securit Council trans arenc , and refu ee concerns. 85 Poland enthusiastically supports a strong U.S. military presence in Europe and earlier this year welcomed a U.S. battalion to northeast Poland as part of NATO's enhanced Forward Presence deployment, which reassured Poland of our shared resolve against the Russia threat. Although Poland usually aligns with its EU partners in the UN, it is sometimes at odds with the EU on internal European affairs , including recent spats over rule of law matters and immigration. Largely homogenous with a historic distrust of outsiders, Poland has rebuffed calls from Brussels to host refugees - taking on zero to date despite an expectation of burden sharing among EU states. Waszczykowski, however, earlier this week signaled Poland might temporarily take on Syrians who need medical treatment. STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000345 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 ISSUESTO RAISE: 1. UNSCCandidacv: I 2. DPRKSanctions :1 Background: Poland continues to maintain diplomatic ties with DPRK, being one of several EU countries with an Embassy in Pyongyang. We are asking EU members to join us in imposing additional rounds of unilateral sanctions designations, including a new tranche under discussion for early June. The EU requirement for consensus on such designations has made this difficult, with Eastern Europe, Poland, and Sweden sometimes reluctant. 3. Syria Chemical Weapons: I B5 Background: Poland shares our views on Syria's use of chemical weapons and Russia's obstructive role. In the General Assembly, Poland was at times hesitant to take a firm stance against Iran, Syria and Russia on chemical weapons use in Syria, claiming they did not want to jeopardize their chances of joining the Council. Now , we need them to be as reliable as Ukraine is on the chemical weapons file. 4. BIOT: Explain that Mauritius is pursuing a General Assembly resolution seeking an advisory opinion from the International Court of Justice on a bilateral dispute between the UK and Mauritius on sovereignty over the Chagos Archipelago. STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000346 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 85 IF RAISED 5. Ukraine crisis:I Biography: Witold Waszczykowski, Minister of Foreign Affairs, was born in ~-----------~A diplomat with a degree in history, he holds a PhD in the humanities. 86 The chief of Polish diplomacy graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy and History at the University of Lodz (1980), and the Department of International Studies at the University of Oregon (1991) in the United States. In 1992-93, he pursued postgraduate studies in international security and arms control at the Geneva Centre for Security Policy in Switzerland. In 1993, he was awarded a PhD in the humanities (history) for his dissertation The United States and the Strategic Disarmament Negotiations in 1919-36. From 1981 to 1987, he was an assistant lecturer at the Faculty of Philosophy and History of the University of Lodz. He began his career with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the early 1990s. In 1992, he became a senior expert in the United Nations System Department and the European Institutions Department , and in 1996 he was named deputy director of the European Institutions Department, and then of the Security Policy Department. In 1997, he served as head of Poland's Liaison Office to NATO in Brussels, and went on to become deputy Permanent Representative of Poland at the newly created diplomatic mission to the North Atlantic Alliance (1997-99). From 1999 to 2002, he was posted as Poland's Ambassador to Iran. In 2003, he worked at the Department of Foreign Policy Strategy and Planning, and in 2005 became deputy director of the Department of Africa and the Middle East. In 2005-08, he was deputy foreign minister, also serving as the chief negotiator during Poland-US missile shield talks. In 2008, he was appointed deputy head of the National Security Bureau, and from 2011, served as a deputy to the 7th Sejm, representing the Law and Justice party. In parliament, he was deputy chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee, and a delegate to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly. Re-elected to the Sejm in the 2015 October general election, he received close to 33,000 votes, the best result in the Sieradz district. Mr. Jan Stanislaw Parys, Director of the Political Cabinet of the Mini ster STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000347 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Mr. Zbigniew Czech, Director of the Department of United Nations and Human Rights Point of Contact: Adam Krzywosqdzki First Secretary Head oft he Political Section Permanent Mission of the Republic of Poland to the United Nations 750 Third Avenue, 30th floor, New York, NY 10017, USA tel.: B6 www.nowyjorkonz.m sz.gov.pl Time 10:15 AM - 12:00 PM Subject GA Elections for 2018-2019 non-permanent SC Members (1.5 hr) Location UN General Assembly Hall Show Time As Busy Event: Election of the Non- Permanent Member s of th e Security Council Date: Friday, June 2, 2017 Time: 10:00-11:30 a.m. (minimum time required to vote in both elections) Location: UN General Assembly Hall Briefers: Peter Thomson , 71st President of the General Assembly Staff: Mark Simonoff, Chris Klein, Matthew Miller (Elections Officer) Ambassador Haley's Role: No speaking role, but You will be requ ired to physically write-in the names of the candid ates (per instructions) durin g two balloting period s: (1) the election fo r the WEOG candidate in the by-election ; and (2) the regular election for the five open seats. During downtime, You can mix and mingle with fellow PRs, all of whom should be in attendance. Background: Election is by secret ballot , and the General Assembly must vote in all new non-permanent Security Council by at least a two -third s majority of the UN Membe r States present and votin g even if the Member State is runnin g on a clean slate within it s regional group. For the 2018-2019 term of the Security Council, all regional groups have endorsed clean slates. The Western European and Others Group doe s not have a seat up for election during the 2018-2019 cycle; however, the General Assembly will conduct a proforma byelection to allow the Netherland s to take over from Italy for the second year of a 2017-2018 term in accordance with their agreement STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000348 UNCLASSIF IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 last year to "share " the seat. Egypt, Japan, Senegal, Ukraine, and Uruguay rotate off the Council at the end of the year. Italy will resign at the end of the year to give their seat to the Dutch, as mentioned above. The four continuing nonpermanent members (elected in 2016 for terms ending December 31, 2018) are Bolivia, Ethiopia, Kazakhstan, and Sweden. Information about the candidates' Security Council service follows: African and Asia-Pacific States, three seats (two for the African Group, one for the Asia-Pacific Group) Equatorial Guinea has never served on the Security Council. Cote d'Ivoire served two terms (1964-1965 , 1990-1991). Kuwait served one term (1978-1979). Eastern European States, one seat Poland served four and a half terms (1946-1947, 1960 (split), 19701971, 1982-1983, 1996-1997). Latin American and Caribbean States, one seat Peru served four terms (1955-1956, 1973-1974, 1984-1985, 20062007). Western European and Others States, one (vacated) seats Netherlands served five terms (1946, 1951-1952, 1965-1966, 19831984, 1999-2000). Run of Show: * 10:00 a.m. - The President of the General Assembly (PGA) open s th e meeting and review s th e election procedure s. * 10:10 a.m. - The PGA starts with the by-election for the vacated seat from WEOG and voting ensues. * 10:25 a.m. - Ballots are collected and the meeting adjourns fo r vote s tabulation. * 10:45 a.m. - The election results of the WEOG by-election are announced . * 11:00 a.m. -The PGA proceeds to the regularly scheduled election of five non-permanent members to the Security Council and reviews the elections procedures. * 11:10 a.m. - Ballot s are dist ribut ed and votin g ensues. * 11:25 a.m. - Ballots are collected and th e meetin gs adjourns for vot e t abulation. STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000349 UNCLASSIF IED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 * 12:15 p.m. -The election results are announced. * 12:20 p.m. -The PGA permits general comments. The United States will not speak. * 12:45 p.m. -The meeting adjourns. Step-by-Step Instructions: Western European and Others Group By-Election The President of the Genera I Assembly reviews election procedures (approximately 10 minutes). There will be no statements from the floor other than possible requests to make points of order. Campaigning must cease as soon as the election begins, and delegations are reque sted to remain in their seats until all ballots are collected. The voting will ensue (approximately 10-15 minutes). There will be one ballot for the WEOG by-election: Ballot A: Western European and Other States The paper ballot will be distributed by the Secretariat to the delegate seated behind the name plate at our desk. You will write the names of the preferred Member State on the paper ballots. [Note: Instructions have been received, and we will have them on hand. End note.] You will fold the paper ballot in half. When the ballot box circulates to our desk, you will place the paper ballot in the ballot box. Upon receipt of all paper ballots, the President will announce a recess of the meeting while the paper ballots are tallied. The paper ballots are then tallied by hand (approximately 20-35 minutes). [Note: Ballots with the name of a Member State from outside the regional group are considered invalid. Writing the name of more Member States than the number of seats allotted to each regional group in this election is also considered invalid . End note .] The meeting will be reconvened, and the PGA will announce the results. Regularly Scheduled Election of Five Non-Permanent Members for the UN Security Council The President of th e Genera I Assembly review s election procedur es again (approximately 10 minutes). STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000350 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 There will be no statements from the floor other than possible requests to make points of order. Campaigning must cease as soon as the election begins, and delegations are requested to remain in their seats until all ballots are collected. The voting will ensue (approximately 10-15 minutes). There will be one ballot for each slate as follows: Ballot A: African and Asia-Pacific States Ballot B: Eastern European Group Ballot C: Latin American and Caribbean States (There is no ballot for Western European and Other States as there is no vacancy this term.) The three paper ballots will be distributed together by the Secretariat to the delegate seated behind the name plate at our desk. You will write the names of the preferred Member State(s) on the paper ballots. [Note: Instructions have been received, and we w ill have them on hand. End note.] You will fold the paper ballots in half. When the ballot box circulates to our desk, you will place the paper ballots in the ballot box. Upon receipt of all paper ballots, the President will announce a recess of the meeting while the paper ballot s are tallied. The paper ballots are then tallied by hand (approximately 45-60 minutes). [Note: Ballots with the name of a Member State from outside the regional group are considered invalid. Writing the name of more Member States than the number of seats allotted to each regional group in this election is also considered invalid. End note.] The meeting will be reconvened, and the PGA will announce the results. In the event that voting is inconclusive (very unlikely this year), there will be more rounds of voting until the outcome is conclusive . [Note: The election of non-permanent members of the Security Council require s a two-thirds majority of Member States present and voting in accordance with General Assembly Rule 83. End note .] General comments are permitted at the conclusion of the election; however, the United States generally does not speak. Delegations cannot deliver an Explanation of Vote. Time 11:15 AM - 11:30 AM Subject Pull Aside Meeting: Cote d'Ivoire FM Location UN -- PS Room Show Time As Busy Event: Pull-Aside Meeting in the PS Room with Cote d'Ivoire Foreign Mini ster STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000351 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Date: Friday, June 2, 2017 Time: TBD (after Security Council ballots have been collected) Purpose: Discuss Cote d'Ivoire in the Security Council and UNOCl's Closure Attendees: Foreign Minister of Cote d' Ivoire, Marcel Amon-Ta noh Permanent Representative of Cote d'Ivoire to the UN, Claude BouahKamon Cote d'Ivoire Ambassador to the AU, Evariste Yapi Cote d'Ivoire PermRep to the UN in Geneva, Kouadio Adjoumani Counselor to the Foreign Minister, Alcide Djedje Counselor to the President, Roland Adjo Lessing Ambassador Nikki Haley Leslie Dewees POL Deputy Counselor Steve Gee POL Adviser Tom Benz Background: This pull -aside will take place during Security Council election s, after ballots have been collected, but before results are announced. POL will liaise with the Cote d'Ivoire mission in th e GA Hall to coordinate timing and will accompany you to the PS roo m for th e brief 15-minute meeting. After 13 y ears, th e UN Peacekeeping Operation in Cote d' Ivoi re (UNOCI) will complete its final liquidation this month, with a final Council briefing scheduled later on Friday. UNOCI is th e second peacekeeping mission in West Africa to shutter in the last 12 years. Recent turbulence in the country is a concern after a series of mutinies in the armed forces over unpaid bonuses led to armed protest s and some deaths, fir st in January and again in May . When the government agreed to pay mutinous soldiers in January/February, the unrest and strike s spread more widely , to other members of armed and security forces. There have been several fatalities and dozens of injuries in the most recent spate of violence . Much of the problem stems from unrealized security sector reform, as rebels who supported President Ouattara during the power stru ggle in 2011 were not properly compensated, integ rated into the army , or demobilized. Cote d'Iv oire has experienced th e impact of regional t erro r netw orks, most recently wh en thr ee gunm en opened fi re at an lvorian beach resort in Grand-Bassam in March 2016 killin g 19 people and injurin g 33 oth ers (Al-Qaeda in th e Islamic Maghr eb claimed responsibility). STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000352 UNCLASSIF IED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Since the incident the government has stepped up efforts to strengthen its borders and counter terror threat s. Finally, Cot e d'Ivoire is the world's leader in production and export of cocoa beans, though drops in global prices have leveled off years of steady economic growth and created serious challenges for farmers. Talking Points: 1. Election to the Security Council: I 2. UNOCI Closure and Aftermath:! 3. Regional Issues -The Gambia Guinea-Bissau Transnational Crime and Terr o r Threat s:! B5 Background: The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)is an important partner in West Africa, which the Security Council cooperates with actively on regional issues. 4. Svria Chemical Weaoons:I STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000353 UNCLASSIF IED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 5. BIOT: Explain that Mauritius is pursuing a General Assembly resolution seeking an advisory opinion from the International Court of Justice (ICJ)on a bilateral dispute between the UK and Mauritius on sovereignty over the Chagos Archipelago. B5 Biography: Foreign Minister of Cote d'Ivoire, Marcel Amon-Tanoh Born on ~ --------------~ arcel AmonTanoh graduated in sociology from the Univer sity of Paris VIII and the National University of Cote d'Ivoire He began his professional career as a Research Fellow at the Institute of Research, Economic and Commercial Surveys (LRSEC)in Paris before returning to Cote d'Ivoire where he served as Secretary General of the Cocody City Council before embarking on a career in the private sector. B6 Amon-Tanoh entered the national political arena in 1999 joining the leadership political party Rally of Republicans as Director of Cabinet for now-President Alassane Ouattara. Marcel Amon-Tanoh is married and has 6 children . Permanent Representative of Cote d'Ivoi re to the UN, Claude BouahKamon Cote d'Ivoire Ambassador to the AU, Evariste Yapi Cote d'Ivoire PermRep to the UN in Geneva, Kouadio Adjoumani Time 12:15 PM~ 12:45 PM Subject Lunch (30 min) Show Time As Busy Time 12 :45 PM .. 1:00 PM Subject Meetin g: Steve Groves (15 min) Location USUN -- 21st floor Show Time As Busy Time 2:00 PM - 2:30 PM Subject Briefing (30 min s) STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000354 UNCLASSIF IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Show Time As Busy Time 2:45 PM- 3:15 PM Subject Meeting: Scheduling (30 min) Show Time As Busy Time 3:.30PM ·· 4:00 PM Subject Meeting: Amb. Gomez-Camacho (30 mins) Show Time As Busy Event: Meeting: Ambassador Juan Jose Gomez-Camacho, Mexico PR Date: Friday, June 2, 2017 Time: 3:30pm Purpose: He asked to meet you about the non-binding global migration compact. Attendees: Ambassador Haley Liz Lee - Political Officer Matthew Dolbow - ECOSOCCounsellor Morgan Vina - EXEC Ambassador Juan Jose Gomez-Camacho Fernando de la Mora - Social Secretary 1. Compact Goals:[ Note: Mexico and Switzerland co-facilitate talks on the non -binding compact. Phase I runs through Nov 2017 with thematic and regional meetings. Phase II (until Jan 2018) prepares the zero draft for negotiations in Phase Ill (through July 2018). Migrant recipients (the U.S., Australia, UK, Japan, EU, etc .) want practical ideas. Countries that send migrants (especially Latin American, including Mexico) and civil society aim to expand migrant rights. As former PR in Geneva, the Ambassador was an inclusive and creative leader as Mexico chaired in 2009-2010 the Global Forum on Migration and Development , a stateled forum outside the UN. Migration is a Mexican priority. Camacho was recently in Portugal for a migration discussion. B5 2. Distinguish Migrants and Refugees: I Note: Refugees are covered in a separate compact process. While STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000355 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 refugees and migrants pose overlapping operational challenges, international law affords refugees rights that migrants do not enjoy. Some Member States and civil society want to create sub-categories of mi rants "com elled" to move e .. mi rants affected b climate. 4. Friends of Migration Group:I Note: Mexico, Sweden, Benin, and Bangladesh established this in 2016 to promote results in the Sept 2016 UN meeting on refugees and migrants. USUN has participated but is not a member. B5 5. Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty: I Note: Negotiations on a treaty text will commence June 15 in New York. Mexico is a leader of the ban movement, and is particularly active at the UN. During the Preparatory Committee meeting for the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) in May , Mexico spoke at length about the "immoral and humanitarian consequences" of nuclear weapons. IF RAISED Fourth Committee Chair Election:! Note: Mexico leads an annual UNGA Third Committee resolution on protection of migrants. While we have joined consensus on it in the past, we issue an Explanation of Position . Child Detention: Explain that migrant children in U.S. care and custod y are treated with dignity, respect, and concern for thei r vulnerabiliti es, as reflected in U.S. laws and polici es. STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000356 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Note: Mexico also detains children. NGOs and some G77 countries argue that it is "never in the child's best interests" and thus inconsistent with Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) obligations. The United States signed the CRCbut is the only Member State that has not ratified it. Others contend that child detention is grounded in laws and can ensure care and custody. Biography: Prior to his appointment, Mr. Camacho was his country 's Ambassador to the European Union, serving concurrently as Head of Mission in Belgium and Luxembourg since December 2013. Between 2009 and 2013, he was Mexico's Permanent Representative to the United Nations and other organizations in Geneva, Switzerland. He served as Ambassador to Singapore, Myanmar and BruneiDarussalam from 2006 to 2009. A career diplomat, Mr. Gomez served in a number of positions in the Foreign Ministry, including Director General for Human Rights and Democracy between 2000 and 2005. From 1997 to 2000, he was Deputy Permanent Representative to the Organization of American States. The holder of a master's degree in international law from Georgetown Univer sity in the United States, Mr. Gomez earned his bachelor' s degree in law from the Universidad lberoamericana in Mexico City. Born on 6 October 1964, he is married and has two daughter s. Point of Contact: Asia Aguilar ~-------~ailto B6 ~------~ Time 4:.30 PM - 6:00 PM Subject SC Meeting: DPRKResolution (1.5 hr) Show Time As Busy Time 6 :30 PM - 7:30 PM Subject Private Appointment Show Time As Busy Sensitivity Private Sat ur d..y, J;,;ne 3, 1011 Time Subject All Day AIC:~ I --~ B6 B7(C) Show Time As Free Time Ai! Day Subject Weather: Partly Cloudy/ H: 75 / L: 57 (10%) Show Time As Free STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000357 UNCLASSIF IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Time 10:45 AM-11:45 AM Subject Tape CBS"Face the Nation" and CNN "State of the Union" Location CNN Headquarters 10 Columbus Circle, New York, NY 10019 Show Time As Busy Event: CBS"Face the Nation" and CNN "State of the Union" Date: Saturday June 3, 2017 Time: 11:00 am and 11:20 am -10:45 am Amb. Haley arrives for hair and makeup touchups -11:00 am Amb. Haley sits for pretaped interview (7-10 mins) with CBS - 11:20 am Amb. Haley sits for pretaped interview (7-10 min s) with CNN Location: CNN Headquarters 10 Columbus Circle, New Yo rk, NY 10019 Attendees: Ambassador Nikki Haley Leslie Dewees Reporter: John Dickerson (CBS) Jake Tapper (CNN) l(CNN ray of contact: Sam Cotto Jr, '-----~ (CBSday of contact: Elizabeth HinsonJ Date/DTG: Jun 09, 2017 / 091151Z JUN 17 From: AMEMBASSY JUBA Subject: South Sudan: CODELSmith Urges President to Act on Ceasefire, Humanitarians, Terrain, Media Summary 1. (SBU) During a May 30 to June 1 visit to South Sudan, a Congressional delegation led by Representatives Chris Smith and Karen Bass pressed President Salva Kiir Mayardit to implement a ceasefire and end the conflict. Representatives Smith and Bass emphasized that the government of South Sudan must demonstrate a commitment to peace and act on U.S. priorities in order to justify U.S. foreign assistance. They expressed concern about harassment of humanitarians, including arbitrary fees; restriction s on international journalists; and failure to hold the security forces to account for the Terrain Hotel attack. President Salva made no promises of changed behavior, merely arguing that the United States must continue to support its "child." Representatives Smith and Bass also met newlyappointed SPLA Chief of Defense Forces General James Ajongo Mawut, who shared an aspirational list of positive reforms. The CODEL met with church leaders and humanitarians ; each group described a deteriorating political environment. They also met with UN MISS leadership, who expressed cautious optimism about the impact of the new leadership of the SPLA under Ajongo. The CODELalso travel led to Bentiu to meet with internally-displaced South Sudanese (septel). End Summary. 2. (SBU)I B5 ~-----------~ I End Comment. STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000371 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 President Salva and First VP Taban on Humanitarian Assistance: You Won't Abandon Us 3. (SBU)On June 1, Representatives Chris Smith and Karen Bass (Chairman and Ranking Member of the House Sub-Committee on Africa, Global Health, Global Human Rights and International Organization, respectively) and the Ambassador met with President Salva Kiir Mayardit, First Vice President Taban Deng Gai, Cabinet Minister Martin Elia Lomuro, Petroleum Minister Ezekiel Loi Gatkuoth, Justice Minister Paulino Wanawilla Unango, and Deputy Justice Minister Martinson Mathew Oturomoi. 4. (SBU) Representative Smith opened the discussion by reporting that prior to the meeting the delegation had visited Uganda (reftel A), where they spoke with South Sudanese at the Bidi Bidi refugee settlement, and the UN Protection of Civilian camp in Bentiu, where approximately 120,000 IDPs are seeking refuge (septel). He said all were unanimous in their cry for the conflict to end. Calling upon President Salva to "end this thing," Smith warned that funding is limited and cannot be guaranteed for countries who do not act as cooperative partners. Recalling that the SPLArallying cry during the struggle with Khartoum was "2 million dead, 4 million displaced," he expressed regret that under SPLAleadership 3.8 million are displaced now. Representative Bass asked the government to rescind its proposal to levy new fees on humanitarian NGOs (reftel B), explaining that such harassment of U.S. implementing partners made it difficult to argue for assistance for South Sudan at a time when foreign assistance budgets are being cut. Salva responded that "the U.S. has supported us, so you cannot dismantle that[ ...] we are America's child." Cabinet Affairs Minister Lomuro presented a slew of unverifiable statistics purporting to demonstrate that humanitar ians are given full access and support by the government in the form of tax exemptions, and blamed new NGO fees on the Transitional National Legislative Assembly. These fee s are comparable to the region, Lomuro asserted (incorrectly), but he also claimed that the government directed the Relief and Rehabilitation Commission (RRC) to reconsider the registration fee for NGOs in deference to donor concerns. (The RRCcontinues to threaten NGOs and demand payment .) First Vice President Taban inaccurately alleged that NGOs spend "85 percent on administrative costs : offices, travel , I uxuries." Salva agreed, suggesting that audits of these organizations would reveal that NGO funding does not reach people on the ground. Representative Bass responded, "That is not our understanding." On Terrain: What FBI Invitation? 5. (SBU) Repr esentative Smith recalled that during his last visit to Juba, he had been promi sed that the FBI would be invited to provid e STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000372 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 assistance to the investigation into the attack on aid workers at the Terrain Hotel compound on July 11, 2016 (reftel C). A senior government delegation that visited Washington and New York in September 2016 also committed to welcoming an FBI role. Nine months later, the government has still not extended an invitation for FBIassistance. Despite this inaction, the FBI is ready to assist and could have an agent on the ground to conduct an initial visit as early as June 3, Smith advised the President. Justice Minister Paulino said that the matter of FBI assistance "depends on what assistance is being offered." Technical assistance with regard to forensic evidence would be useful as SPLAMilitary Justice does not have these capabilities, he said. The Deputy Minister of Justice interjected that the United States and South Sudan would have to work out a Memorandum of Understanding, or perhaps even a mutual legal assistance treaty (MLAT), in order for the FBI to participate, and suggested that the Embassy write a letter detailing exactly what assistance the FBI would provide. When informed that the FBI had deposed the U.S. victims, he said such testimony could not be used in a South Sudanese court. [Note ) 5. End Note.] B5 6. (SBU) Deputy Justice Minister Oturomoi said that the government's initial investigation, which he led, has been transparent and objective. He explained that the prosecution had been handed over to the SPLA. Acknowledging that there were doubts about the government's commitment to accountability, Oturomoi reported that the SPLAheld the first hearing of its court martial on May 30, which was open to the public and media (Reftel D). [Note: That initial hearing, scheduled to take place before CODELSmith's arrival, was adjourned after an hour due to the prosecution's lack of preparation. Embassy contacts subsequently reported that the Chief Prosecutor had been fired and replaced on June 4. End Note.] Representative Smith asked how many soldiers had been arrested; Oturomoi said that 23 suspects had been detained, and 13 had been at the court martial hearing. [Note: Only 12 were present at the hearing on May 30. End Note.] Paulino said that suspects were being tried by a SPLAcourt martial rather than a civilian/military hybrid court (despite the fact the South Sudanese law calls for soldiers who commit crimes against civilians to be tried by a civilian court) because the soldiers were in uniform when they committed the crimes. On the Conflict, Dialogue, Political Prisoners, and the Churches: 7. (SBU) Representative Smith stro ngly encouraged President Salva to meet with the South Sudan Council of Churches. The President has declined repeated requ ests for meet ings with the group, whi ch asked STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000373 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 to see him after the President's office named the Council to the secretariat of the National Dialogue without consultation in December. Salva explained that he had stopped regularly attend ing church because he is offended that religious leaders are practicing "tribalism" during mass. He contended that he is "much more truthful" than church leaders. (Comment: B5 ~----~ End Comment.) Representative Smith also urged the President to fulfill his commitments to release political prisoners such as Dong Saluel Luak, Aggrey ldri, and James Gatdet Oak. Taban responded "you should ask Kenya" about Dong and Aggrey, claiming South Sudan had not role in their disappearance, and inaccurately asserted that the ICRChas been allowed access to see Gatdet. President Salva added that the ICRCshould be permitted to visit Gatdet. The Justice Minister added that Gatdet was being charged formally and would face a criminal trial soon (he has been held without charge since November 2016). 8. (SBU)Salva stressed that he had announced a unilateral ceasefire during the opening of the National Dialogue, but suggested the opposition can "break it at any time." The President described the controversial dismissal of former SPLAleader General Paul Malong Awan as "a normal change" based on a typical rotational schedule, but admitted that "General Paul did not receive it well." He said "Thank god there was no bloodshed," and asserted the government is in firm control of Malong and the new chief, General Ajongo, is in full control of the SPLA. On Media: Don't Expect Critical Voices to Get Visas 9. (SBU) Representative Smith expressed regret that journalists from the Wall Street Journal and other major publications had been denied visas to South Sudan and urged reconsideration of these refusals. Representative Bassadded that all politicians are criticized by the media but the press plays an important role. President Salva asserted the government's sovereign right to approve or deny visas. The President said that the government had granted access to western journalists "in good faith," but "biased" reporters had reported negatively on positive developments in order to secure "fundraising." The First Vice President admitted that visa denials were based on past critical coverage . ...And What About the Good Things in South Sudan? 10. (SBU) Taban criticized Ambassador Phee for organizing a visit of the CODELto the UNMISS POCcamp in Bentiu, lamenting their trip was "focusing on the negative, not the positive." He said the trip should have included a visit to the site where the Ministry of Interio r STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000374 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 is training police to replace the SPLAin Juba and other cities. He also highlighted his recent involvement in brokering a cessation of hostilities in legacy Jonglei state between the Bor Dinka and the Murie. Representative Bass informed him that she and Representative Smith had specifically directed the embassy to arrange the trip to Bentiu as the two intended to hold a hearing shortly to review the issues of famine and food insecurity. The First Vice President attempted to argue that South Sudanese who have fled to Uganda are not fleeing violence but have been driven out from fear generated by hate speech and opposition propaganda. Ezekiel added that "positive things are happening" in South Sudan but not being reported, and claimed "there is no fighting, just scrimmages" across the country. New Army Chief Ajongo Says Al I the Right Things 11. (SBU) Also on June 1, the CODELmet the newly appointed SPLA Chief of Defense Forces (CDF),General James Ajongo Mawut. Also in attendance were the Assistant CDF for Logistics LTG Gabriel Jok; Assistant CDF for Administration LTG Mangar Buong; Director for Transformation MG Rabbi Emmanuel; and the Chief of the Joint Border Verification and Monitoring Mechanism (JBVMM) MG Majier Kur. Ajongo highlighted recent moves to rest ructure the SPLA following his promotion and stated his intent to move most SPLAunits out of Juba and other towns (consistent with the peace agreement) . He agreed that the agreement's call to canton forces was outdated and expensive, and recommended as an alternative setting up assembly areas for opposition groups that renounce violence to be assimilated into the SPLA,and then further reduced as appropriate in a future Disarmament Demobilization Reintegration (DOR)process. 12. (SBU) Ajongo frankly offered his view that the government cannot be satisfied with the current situation where conflict and violence have displaced millions and so many South Sudanese have sought refuge in other countries. He acknowledged the gap between the SPLAand communities, and said he seeks to rebuild trust between the two. He said the SPLAis reaching out to opposition counterparts. Ajongo said he has instructed the SPLAto support such engagement in the field and to guarantee the safety of opposition officials , although he said both would be challenging . 13. (SBU) Representative Smith asked Ajongo if the SPLAin the field is following his orders. Ajongo replied that he would go to the field himself to explain his policies, and to also make clear that there is a standing order to allow access for humanitarian workers . Acknowledging that humanitarian organizations play a critica I role in supporting the people of South Sudan, Ajongo said that humanitarians and UN MISS should improv e communi cation with the SPLA, specifically notifying the Joint Border Verifi cation and Monitoring Mission), of SPLAobstructions and violations. (Comment: B5 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000375 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 ~------------~End Comment.) Ajongo claimed these violations are reported through international channels and the SPLAleadership in Juba does not find out about it until made public. B5 14. (SBU) The SPLAchief emphasized that the peace agreement , the National Dialogue, President SaIva's announcement of a unilateral ceasefire, and opening of channels to the opposition as examples of the government's efforts to pursue peace. He expressed appreciation for AU and IGAD support of these efforts, and opined that the international community should do the same. Ajongo also commented on Juba's bilateral relationship with Khartoum, highlighting unresolved issues such as each side's respective support for rebel groups and the lack of an agreement as to whether rebel groups should be disarmed before they are expelled. 15. (SBU) Congressman Smith expressed his concern over reports of SPLAmisconduct, particularly with respect to sexua I violence, urging a policy of zero tolerance. Ajongo demurred at fir st as he claimed thi s subject is not one that is discussed in his culture. He then collected himself and reiterated that this is one of the areas that must be addressed to narrow the gap between the SPLAand civilian population. The Ambassador asked about a recent visit by a delegation from the UN Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary General on Sexual Violence in Conflict; Ajongo responded positively that he wanted to see the draft of the UN's Action Plan so the SPLAcan make adjustments to current policy as appropriate . 16. (SBU) Ajongo raised the decision by AFRICOM not to invit e th e SPLA to a recent CHOO Confer ence and admitted that the reason wa s obvious: "the way we operate." He expressed his desire to "close the gap" so the SPLAcan become a partner for the region and the United State s, citing counterterrori sm concerns such as Al Shabaab. Huma nitaria n Partners: "Year-on-Year Degradation " 17. (SBU) In a May 30 meeting with representatives from World Food Program (WFP), Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affair s (OCHA), International Organization For Migration (IOM), Catholic Relief Services (CRS),Samaritan ' s Purse, and Mercy Corps, humanitarians told the CODELthat the government must take action to match its repeated assurances about aid wor ker safety and access. Humanitarians flagged that northern Jonglei state may soon reach famine conditions, and said the outbreak of cholera is another concern. Humanit arians agreed th at th ere has been a "year-on-year degradati o n of everythin g" with respect t o food security , th e eco no my, and po liti cal dialogu e. STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000376 UNCLASSI FIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Church Leaders: Locked Out of J1 18. (SBU) In a June 1 meeting with South Sudan Council of Churches (SSCC)General Secretary Father James Oyet Latansio and other SSCC members, Representative Smith underscored the importance offaithbased groups in promoting peace and reconciliation. Father James reported that the SSCChas repeatedly requested to meet with President Salva since being appointed to the National Dialogue Secretariat in December 2016, but said that the President has refused to meet: "the door has been locked to us." One SSCCmember expressed skepticism about the credibility of the government's prosecution of the Terrain Hotel compound attackers, opining that "accountability scares Salva and the other leaders." Another member suggested that, while there was support for the general idea of hosting a National Dialogue, the government had not taken the steps (release of prisoners, credible security guarantees) to enable it to succeed but instead had "copied and pasted" Sudan's National Dialogue initiative. Father James shared SSCCplans to travel to meet with regional stakeholders (Uganda, Sudan, Ethiopia and the African Union) in June and July. UNMISS: Optimistic about Improved Relations under Ajongo 19. (SBU) In a June 1 meeting with UN MISS Acting SRSGMoustapha Soumare, Representative Smith asked if the RPFwould arrive in full by the end of July. Soumare responded that "a big chunk" (namely the Rwandans and Ethiopians) will be deployed by that time, but reported that Kenya's battalion minus is still a question mark due to political sensitivities over how the UN handled the dismissal of the previous Kenyan Force Commander. Deputy Force Commander MG Chaoying Yang offered his opinion on the new SPLAchief, opining that Ajongo is "milder" than Malong and will not mobilize tribal fighters as Malong did. Ajongo has promised UNMISS that he will do his "utmost" t o ensure freedom of movement and reduce bureaucratic impediments, Yang said. Representative Smith urged Soumare to increase UN MISS attention to the needs of women and children . 20. (SBU) Representative Smith cleared this cable. POC: Bridget Brennan Rep. Karen Bass (CA-37) Scheduler 202-225-7084; Bridget.Brenna n@ma ii .hou se.gov STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000377 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Time 12:15 Pr111-12 :45 Pr,1 Subject Lunch (30 min} Show Time As Busy Time 12:45 PM - 1:iS PM Subject Briefing (30 mins} Show Time As Busy Time 1:15 PM - 1:30 PM Subject Meeting: DG (20 mins} Show Time As Busy Time 1:30 PM - 2:00 PM Subject Call: Amb. Rycroft (30 min} Show Time As Busy NH to call ._I ___ __,~nd Charlotte will connect B6 Time 2:00 PM - 2:30 PM Subject Call: Mali FM Diop (30 min} Show Time As Busy Event: Phone Call H.E. Mr. Abdoulaye Diop, Minister for Foreign Affairs (Mali} [ab-dool-aye dee-yahp] Date: Tuesday, June 13, 2017 Time: 2:00 PM Location: USUN, 21 Floor, EXEC,FM Diop will call 212-415-4404 and LD will connect Purpose:! Talking Points: B5 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000378 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 85 Biographical Note for Mali FM Abdoulaye Diop Diop has served as Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation since 2014 . Prior to this appointment, Diop was appointed in May 2003 by President Amadou Toumani Toure to serve as Ambassador to the United States, concurrently also accredited to Co lombia , Brazil, Argentina , Chile, Me xico, Uruguay, and Peru. From 2000 -2003, Diop wa s a diplomatic advisor to Malian Presidents Alpha Ou mar Ko nare and Amado u Toumani Toure. Dio p was Chair of th e ECOWAS(Economi c Co mmunity of West Afri can Stat es) a nd th e WAEMU (West Afri can Economi c and Mon etary Unio n). During thi s tim e, Diop also worked on monit o ring initi ativ es for th e Afri can Unio n, STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000379 UNCLASSI FIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 in which Mali played an active role in creating. In 2000 and 2001, Diop oversaw Mali's participation in the United Nations Security Council and served as a member of the Steering Committee of the Partnership for Africa's Development. From 1999-2000, Diop worked as the advisor to the Minister of Foreign Affairs in charge of political and diplomatic issues. From 1998-1999, Diop held the position of counselor at the Malian Embassy in Belgium, where he was in charge of multilateral cooperation. Diop played an active role in negotiations between the ACP (African Caribbean and Pacific States) and the European Union with regard to the Partnership Agreement for Development signed in Cotonou in 2000. Prior to that position, he spent several years at the direction of International Cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in charge of implementing and monitoring the European Development Funds financial programs in Mali. Abdoulaye Diop received a Master of Arts in International Relations from the International Institute of Public Administration in Paris, France. He also received a Master of Arts in Diplomacy and Management of International Organizations from the Paris-Sud 11 University and a Bachelor of Arts in Diplomacy from the National School of Administration in Algeria. Diop was born in married and has f~iv_e_c...,. h-il,.., d-re_n__--------~ He is B6 Approved: EXEC- DGlaccum Drafted: POL-TBenz, ext. 4-4346 and cell ~---~ Cleared: POL- SGee (ok) POL- CKlein (info} Time 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Subject Q eeting (1 hr) Location Conference Room A, USUN Show Time As Busy Date: Tuesday, June 13 B5 Time: 3:00-4:00 PM NSC invitees: State Principal only; USUN-Principal only Topic ~ Time 4:00 PM - 4 :30 PM Subject ~----Show Time As Busy Call (30 min) A State colleagues: STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000380 UNCLASS IFIE D U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Time 4 :45 PM - 5:00 PM Subject Meeting: Scheduling (20 min) Show Time As Busy Time 6 :00 PM - 7:30 PM Subject Second GA PR Reception (1.5 hr) Location Residence Show Time As Busy Event: Second GA PR Reception (African PRs) Date: Tuesday, June 13, 2017 Time: 6:00pm - 7:30pm Location: Residence Purpose : The Amba ssador would like the opportunity to meet with various PRs prior to UNGA - thi s is the second reception with African PRs Staff recs: Amb. Sison Chris Klein Steve Gee AmyTacho Stefanie Amadeo Tasha Gill Carolyn Smith Jake Sherman Katherine Veldran Youseline Obas Gracey Roskam Budget: Guest - 26 x 2 = 52 (PR+ 1) Staff - 10 62 X $45 = $2790 Flower s: $100 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000381 UNCLASSIF IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Labor (4 Servers - 130 x 3 =390 + 170): $560 2790-660 = $2130 Passed Hors d'oeuvres Seared Beef Medallion, Mountain Gorgonzola Cheese and Pickled Red Onion Individual Shrimp Cocktail Vegetable Maki Sushi Belgium Endive, Honey Black Pepper Goat Cheese, Candied Wal nuts & Dried Cranberries Dark & White Chocolate Covered Strawberries Vanilla Bean Custard in Fillo Dough with Fresh Berries Confirmed: 1. Angola: H.E. Mr . Ismael Abraao Gaspar Martins- Confirmed 2. Angola: Mrs. Luzia de Jesus Martins - Confirmed 3. Botswana: H.E. Mr. Charles Them bani Ntwaagae- Confirmed 4. Botswana: Mr s. Elizabeth Mmasello Ntwaagae- Confirmed 5. Burkina Faso: H.E. Mr. Yemdaogo Eric Tia re - Confirmed 6. Burundi: H.E. Mr. Albert Shingiro- Confirmed 7. CAR: H.E. Mrs. Ambroisine Kpongo - Confirmed 8. Cameroon: H.E. Mr . Michel Tommo Monthe -Confirmed 9. Cote d'Ivoire: H. E. Mr . Claude Stanislas Bouah-Kamon - Confirmed 10. Gambia: H. E. Mr. Mamadou Tangara- Confirmed 11. Kenya: H.E. Mr. Macharia Kamau-Confirmed 12. Mali: H. E. Mr. Issa Konfourou- Confirmed 13. Niger: H. E. Mr. Abdallah Wafy - Confirmed 14. Nigeria: H.E. Mr. Tijjani Muhammed Bande- Confirmed 15. Rwanda: H.E. Mr s. Valentine Rugwabiza-Co nfirm ed STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000382 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 16. South Sudan: H.E. Mr. Akuei Bona Malwal- Confirmed 17. Tanzania: H.E. Mr. Modest Jonathan Mero- Confirmed 18. Uganda: H.E. Mr. Adonia Aye bare- Confirmed Pending: 1. Chad: H. E. Mr. Ali Alefei Moustapha- Pending 2. Equatorial Guinea: H. E. Mr. Anatolio Ndong Mba- Pending 3. Equatorial Guinea: Mrs. Maria Teresa Chele lyanga- Pending 4. Gabon: H.E. Mr. Baudelaire Ndong Ella- Pending 5. Gabon: Mrs. Christiane Ndong Ella- Pending 6. Guinea: H.E. Mr. Mamadi Toure- Pending 7. Liberia: H.E. Mr. Lewis G. Brown- Pending 8. Liberia: Mrs. Eleanor Brown- Pending 9. Mauritania: Mr. El Hacen Eleyatt- Pending 10. Mauritania: Mrs. Ram la Jeddou - Pending 11. Sierra Leone: H.E. Mr. Adikalie Foday Sumah- Pending Regrets: 1. Democratic Republic of Congo: H.E. Mr. Ignace Gata Mavita wa Lufuta- Regret 2. Democratic Republic of Congo: Mrs. Celine Marie Laetitia Nemena Bukele- Regret 3. South Africa: H.E. Mr . Jerry Matthews Matjila - Regret 4. South Africa: Mrs . Ntsebe Florah Matjila- Regret Overarching Points B5 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000383 UNCLASSI FIE D U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 B5 Financing for the GS Force: I MINU SMA ' s Future: ! UN-AU Cooperation) Not e: Ethiop ia and Senegal requested a bri efi ng o n June 15 t o discuss STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000384 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 the reports requested in Resolution 2320, adopted unanimously in November 2016, on cooperation between the UN and African Unio n, which welcomed the AU's efforts to increase its own self-financing, and expressed willingness to consider future proposals of the AU for a new partnership with the UNSCto support AU-led peace support operations. Ethiopia and Senegal are eager for the Council to continue to incrementally move forward on a proposed new financing partnership, but Egypt, as one of the AU's largest contributors, has strongly resisted due to concerns that such an arrangement would increase its financial burden. UNAMID: I Health:! Note: Throughout the continent, health outcomes are, on average, worse than in other regions, due mainly to a lack of primary health care facilities and trained medical staff, and a very small proportion of government expenditures going towards health. Reform of UN Bodies Focused on Development I Note: As some of the top recipients of aid, many African cou ntries have been obstacles to reasonable reform of UN developme nt-related work based on a fear that any changes will decrease assistance to them. You should emphasize that we all benefit from rationalizing our work in New York, which allows us to devote our human resources to solving problems , not repeatedly discussing them. Points for Specific PRs B5 Angola PR Ismael Abraao Gaspar Martins:! Note: Angola was one of the facilitators of last year's GA peacebuilding review resolution. STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000385 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Burundi PRAlbert Shingiro: I I Note:I lln ~--------------------~ May, the UN reported that approximately 3 mill ion people in Burundi need humanitarian assistan ce, 2 million person mo re than early 2016 . Currently, we provide about $50m in development aid (FY16 ) and about $1Sm in humanitarian assistance (most Food for Peace). Burundi is on the Peacebuilding Commi ssion agenda. Central African Re ublic CAR PR Claude Stanislas Bouah-Kamon: Note: This country is on the agenda of the Peacebuilding Commission (PBC).Since 2013 , the United States has provided more than $516 mil lion for peacekeeping operations, humanitarian assistanee, disarmament , demobilization , repatriation and reintegration (DORR), security and justice sector reform, reconciliation, accountability fo r atrocities, and other activities. The UN is very worried we are returning to the levels of need and displacement CARexperienced during the height of th e humanitarian cri sis of 2014. B5 Democrati c Republic of the Congo (DRC) PR Ignace Gata Mavita wa Lufuta Note: UN experts Michael Sharp (U.S.) and Zaida Catalan (Swedish/ Chilean) were kidnapped and murdered in Mar ch 2017 in the Kasai region of eastern DRCwhile investigatin g a possible massacre and violations of the UN arms embar go. Gambia PR Mamadou Tangara :I Note: While not on Peacebuilding Commission 's formal agenda, Gambia came forward to discuss its national peacebuildin g work , which called attention to the need for Member States to support the UN's work on post-conflict stabilization, security, and sustainable growth. Ghana PR Marth a Pobee: I STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000386 UNCLASSIF IED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Note: Many African countries oppose expanding indigenous people s' UN participation because they believe national governments already represent indigenous people, but Ambassador Pobee stepped forward when the previous President of the General Assembly (PGA) was having difficulty finding a co-facilitator from the "global south" to work with the Finnish ambassador. Guinea Mamadi Toure: I Note: Guinea is on the agenda of the Peacebuild ing Commission (PBC) and is one of three West African countries striken by Ebola in 2014. Guinea received massive assistance from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC)and the international community to contain the outbreak. Kenya PR Macharia Kamau: i Note: Kenyan Ambassador Kamau is very active in SDG and peacebuilding issues and throughout the UN system. He was chair of the PBClast year and is currently a vice chair. He is considered one of the "fathers of the SDGs." Kenya offered to host the next UN Ocean B5 Liberia PR Lewis G. Brown:I Note: Liberia is on the a end a of the Peacebuildin Commission PBC . Liberia has a particularly close historical relationship with the United States. Former Liberian Ambassador Mrs. Marjan Kamara was a key advocate within the African Group for promoting women's rights, reflecting the priorities of Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf. She also was a key partner in mobilizing an international response to Ebola, as well as malaria , other infectious diseases, and maternal and child health. ~---~ Nigeria PRTijjani Muhammed Bandej Note: Dr. Babatunde, Executive Director of UNFPA, was found dead in his home last Sunday, the day before the opening of the Executive Boa rd meet ing of UNFPA. He wa s a tireless champion of the health of women and children, and as Mini ste r of Health of Nigeria prior to his appointment as head of thi s UN agency, work ed to bring down maternal mortality rate s and improve survival rate s for yo ung children STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000387 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 in Nigeria. Rwanda PRValentine Rugwabiza:I Note: Sierra Leone is on the agenda of the Peacebuilding Commission (PBC)and the UN is committed to helping them conduct peaceful, free, and fair elections presidential and parliamentary elections in 2018. Sierra Leone was one of three West African countries stricken with Ebola in 2014 and received massive assistance from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC)and the international community to contain the outbreak. South Africa PRJerry Matthews Matjila j B5 Note:I ~------~ I South Africa is one of the most active supporters of lesbian/gay/bisexual/transgender/ intersex (LGBTI)rights , and often breaks from African Group joint positions to advocate for recognition of such rights which are enshrined in the South African constitutionj Note: Uganda will host the Secretary General and Grandi for World Refugee Day on June 20 at th e Solidarity Conference in Uganda. IF RAISED! STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000388 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 85 FORYOUR AWARENESS:Of the African countries invited to Ambassador Haley's reception, it may be of note that several are in significant debt to local creditors who have sought USUN assistance: * ANGOLA-$64K owed to Diplomat Centre Condominium at 820 Second Avenue where the offices of the Permanent Mission are located. The Mission recently made a $10K payment, its first payment in 2017. The Mission was unable to give a date when more payments would be made so the condominium will go ahead with legal action. USUN/HC has requested a meeting with PRAmb. Gaspar Martins, who has just returned last Thursday from a trip to his capital which we understand, was partly to request funding. * Cote d'lvoire-$150K to Condo Assn - lawsuit filed (on HC Committee Bureau. Some payments have been made but have mostly gone to pay legal fees of the condominium association. DRC- $51K to landlord. * Guinea - $18K to the Fieldston Property Owner's Association in Fieldston, Bronx, NY, where the residence of the Permanent Representative is located. *Nigeria-owes monthly maintenance fees to several co-operative apartment buildings where its diplomats are housed. One in particular, at 2 Tudor City, has aggressively sought USUN and NYC assistance in obtaining payment of over $30K in monthly maintenance fees. The Mission owes over $SOKfor similar fees for two apartments at East 89th Street. Biographies: Angola Permanent Representative: Mr. Ismael Abraao Gaspar Martins Presentation of Credentials: 2001 Throughout Mr. Gaspar Martins' career, he has engaged intensively with commercial and development subjects, occupying positions in the private and public sectors . Prior to assuming his current office, he founded the Angola-South Africa Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and managed an international business consultancy. Mr. Gaspar Ma rt ins possessesextensive economic experience , having served as the executive director of the African Development Bank, and Angola's Minister of Trade, Finance, and Governor of Central Bank, respectively. A father of four, Mr. Gaspar Martins graduated from Lycoming College in Pennsylvania. Botswana Permanent Representative: Mr. Charles Thembani Ntwaagae Presentation of Credentials: 2008 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000389 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 An experienced diplomat, Mr. Ntwaagae ascended within Botswana's foreign service. Initially focused on local government and natural resource conservation, he later became Deputy Permanent Secretary in the Foreign Ministry, Permanent Representative at UN Geneva, and Permanent Secretary in Botswana' Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation before receiving his current post. A father of three, Mr. Ntwaagae earned his master's degree from the University of Pennsylvania. Burkina Faso Permanent Representative: Mr. Yemdaogo Eric Tiare Presentation of Credentials: 2015 Mr. Tia re has represented Burkina Faso in numerous countries. After teaching at university, he was assigned to position s in Cote d'Ivoire and South Africa. Subsequently, Mr. Tiare was Director General for Legal and Consular Affairs and Secretary General in the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Ambassador to UNESCO,and Ambassador across Europe in France, Spain, Monaco, Portugal, and the Holy See. A Father of three, he attended graduate school in Quebec. Burundi Permanent Representative: Mr. Albert Shingiro Presentation of Credentials: 2014 Mr. Shingiro rose relatively rapidly within the Burundi government, focusing on peace and security issues. Prior to this assignment, he was Permanent Secretary at the Ministry for External Relations and International Cooperation. Before entering public service, he wo rked as a newspaper correspondent in Benin and as a researcher. From 2006-2010, Mr. Shingiro served at the Permanent Mission to the UN covering the Security Council and General Assembly, and assisted in crafting the First Strategic Framework of Consolidation of Peace in Burundi. A father of three, he earned a graduate degree in Canada. Cameroon Permanent Representative: Mr. Michel Tommo Manthe Presentation of Credentials: 2008 Mr . Manthe has participated in considerable administrative and oversight work in domestic and international domains . At the UN, he has occupied senior leadership positions, including as Vice-Chairman of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions and special adviser to the President of the General Assembly. In Cameroon, he served as the Inspector General at the Ministry of External Relations, and managed the anticorruption unit. Previously, Mr. Manthe represented his country in New York as a senior member of th e permanent mission staff . A father of six, he received his Ph.Din international relation s in Cameroon. Central African Republic STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000390 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Permanent Representative: Ms. Ambroisine Kpongo Presentation of Credentials: 2014 For the majority of her career, Ms. Kpongo has specialized in international bodies within the Central African Republic (CAR)foreign ministry. Supervising CAR representation, she oversaw the UN division, ultimately becoming General Director for Pol itica I Affairs and later the Delegate Minister of Foreign Affairs. Ms. Kpongo graduated from the Free University of Brussels with a degree in political science and international relations. Chad Permanent Representative: Mr. Ali Alefei Moustapha Presentation of Credentials: 2017 With experience across an array offields, Mr. Moustapha has a diverse and comprehensive public profile. In the Chad government, he was Minister for Communication, Minister for the Environment and Fishery, and has advised on international relations and security. A journalist by training, Mr. Moustapha was editor-in-chief of the National Press Agency. Mr. Moustapha was educated in Cameroon, Tunisia, and France, and has 11 children. Cote d'Ivoire Permanent Representative: Mr. Claude Stanislas Bouah-Kamon Presentation of Credentials: 201S A career diplomat, Mr. Bouah-Kamon has served in Africa and Europe since 1976, often providing and overseeing "technical assistance." He was Ambassador to France, UN Geneva and Vienna, and the United Kingdom. Born in Cote d'Ivoire, he has three children. Democratic Republic of the Congo Permanent Representative: Mr. Ignace Gata Mavita wa Lufuta Presentation of Credentials: 2012 Professionally, Mr. Gata Mavita has concentrated primarily on domestic and regional issues to improve services and address cooperation . He served on the Tripartite Commission between Congo, Angola and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, worked in municipal development, and held positions ibn the Ministry of the Interior. Recently, he was Minister for Regional Integration and ViceMinister for Foreign Affairs. Educated in law, philosophy, and public administration , he has six children. Equatorial Guinea Permanent Representative: Mr. Anatolio Ndong Mba Presentation of Credentials: 2010 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000391 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Throughout his career, Mr. Ndong Mba has been principally involved in agricultural and resource management admini stration. Recently, he has worked extensively with the UN FAO, having served in Angola, Sao Tome and Principe, Guinea-Bissau, Djibouti, and Ghana. Additio nally, Mr. Ndong Mba represented his country at the World Bank and IMF. Within national government, he was Minister of State for Fisheries and Forestry, Deputy Prime Minister, and Minister for Finance, among others positions. Educated in agro-livestock, he is the father of a "large family." Gabon Permanent Representative: Mr. Baudelaire Ndong Ella Presentation of Credentials: 2015 A lifetime publi c servant, Mr. Ndong Ella worked predominantly in foreign affairs, specializing in internati onal organization s. Previously, he was Permanent Representative for Gabon at UN Geneva, and Deputy Permanent Representative to the African Union. Domestically, he wa s tasked with a portfolio including the UN and international cooperation responsibilities within the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. Mr. Ndong Ella studied public law and has five children. Gambia Permanent Representative: Mr. Mamadou Tangara Presentation of Credentials: 2013 Originally a profe ssor, Mr . Tangara's expertise lies in educational issues. Prior to assuming his current role, he was Minister for Higher Education, Research, Science, and Technology . In the past, he wa s Mini ster for Fisherie s, Wat er Resour ces, and National Assembly Matt ers, and Minist er for Foreign Affair s, International Cooperati on, and Gambian s Abroad. Mr. Tangara received his Ph.Din social sciences in France, and has five children. Ghana Permanent Representative: Mr s. Martha Arna Akyaa Pobee Presentation of Credentials : 2015 A career diplomat, Mrs . Pobee has represented Ghana throu ghout t he world . She has worked in offices in the United States, Israel, Russia, and, most recently , South Africa. In Ghana, Mrs . Pobee was Director of the Information and Public Affai rs Bureau at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, having served in that department since 1989. Mrs . Pobee earned a master's degree in development studies in The Hague. Guinea Permanent Representativ e: Mr. M amadi Toure Present ati on of Credentials: 2011 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000392 UNCLASSIF IED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 A seasoned UN delegate, Mr. Toure has been employed in various organization departments and capacities. Until this appointment, he was Senior Political Affairs Officer overseeing the Horn of Africa Team, Chief of Staff of UN operations in Cote d'Ivoire, and Senior Political Adviser to the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for West Africa, among numerous roles. Previously, he also contributed to operations in Ethiopia, Eritrea, Haiti, and Somalia. Educated in business from the City University of New York, Mr. Toure has three children. Kenya Permanent Representative: Mr. Macharia Kamau Presentation of Credentials: 2010 For decades, Mr. Kamau has participated in humanitarian endeavors with governments and NGOs. Immediately prior to the current appointment, he was Kenya's Permanent Representative to UN Nairobi, UNEP, and UN-Habitat. Privately, he has advised and consulted with multiple groups, including the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation global development program. Moreover, he has worked with UNAIDS, UNICEF,and UNDP in various positions. He received university instruction in Ohio and Massachusetts. Liberia Permanent Representative: Mr. Lewis G. Brown Presentation of Credentials: 2016 Mr. Brown has held several administrative positions within the Liberian government related to security and international relations. Before this appointment, he was Minister for Information, but has also served as Minister of State for Presidential Affairs and as a national security adviser. Mr. Brown earned a master's degree in management from Johns Hopkins and has eight children. Mali Permanent Representative: Mr. Issa Konfourou Presentation of Credentials: 2016 Throughout his career, Mr. Konfourou has been involved in UN operations through the Mali foreign affairs department. Prior to his appointment, Mr. Konfourou served as Technical Adviser to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Cooperation and African Integration, and was previously Diplomatic Advisor to the Prime Minister. After entering government in 1999, he was assigned to the Permanent Mission in New York from 2000-2007. Educated in jurisprudence, Mr. Konfourou has three children. Mauritania Permanent Representative: Mr. Mohamed Lemine El Haycen STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000393 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Presentation of Credentials: 2016 Mr. El Haycen has a diverse background in private and public management. Prior to this appointment, he was Mauritania's ambassador to the United States. In the past, he was Vice President of the Mauritanian Federation of Tennis, President of Mauritania Chamber of Notaries, and director of multiple fishing bodies. A lawyer, Mr. El Haycen has six children. Niger Permanent Representative: Mr. Abdallah Wafy Presentation of Credentials: 2015 Mr. Wafy's professional assignments have primarily addressed security and law enforcement operations. Before this appointment, Mr. Wafy served as Deputy Special Representative of the SecretaryGeneral for the Rule of Law and Operations of a UN mission in the DRC.In Niger, he was Senior Security Adviser to the Minister for Interior, Public Safety and Decentralization, Inspector General of Police, and Special Security Adviser to the President, among other positions. Mr. Wafy was educated in law in Togo and France. Nigeria Permanent Representative: Mr. Tijjani Muhammad Bande Presentation of Credentials: 2017 Prior to this appointment, Mr. Bande was an academic and administrator. He was Director-General of the National Institute for Policy and Strategic Studies, Nigeria's most prestigious academic and policy institution, and Vice-Chancellor of Usmanu Danfodiyo University. Mr. Bande received a master's degree from Boston University and Ph.Din political science from the University of Toronto, and has four children. Rwanda Permanent Representative: Mrs. Valentine Rugwabiza Presentation of Credentials: 2016 Mrs . Rugwabiza has worked for over 25 years on African and global development issues from both private and public sectors . Previously, she was Minister for East African Community, Chief Executive Officer of the Rwanda Development Board, Deputy Director-General of the WTO, and Permanent Representative to UN Geneva. She remains a member of the Cabinet of Government in Rwanda and Rwanda Women Entrepreneurs' Organization. Sierra Leone Permanent Representative: Mr. Adikalie Foday Sumah Presentation of Credentials: 2016 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000394 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Mr. Sumah has served in various governmental offices in the United Kingdom and Sierra Leone. Prior to this assignment, he was Sierra Leone's Ambassador to Guinea, Mali and Niger. Additionally , he has worked in the Department for Constitutional Affairs in the Asylum and Immigration Tribunal Division, and was a researcher in the Office of National Statistics in London. A lawyer trained in England, Mr. Sumah advised and represented legal groups in Africa and London, and has three children. South Africa Permanent Representative: Mr. Jerry Matthew s Matjila Presentation of Credentials: 2016 Throughout his career, Mr. Matjila has acquired comprehen sive experience with numerou s region s, including Asia, Europe, and the Middle East. Until thi s appointment, he wa s Acting Director-General of the Department of International Relations and Cooperation, and has served as Permanent Representative to UN Geneva, and ambassador to Belgium, Luxembourg, and the European Community. In addition to posts in India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, the Maldive s, and Nepal, Mr. Matjila was Deputy Director-General of the Asia and Middle East Branch in the Department of International Relations and Cooperation. Mr. Matjila was educated in Europe. South Sudan Permanent Representative: Mr . Akuei Bona Malwal Presentation of Credentials: 2016 Mr. Malwal has occupied various posts throughout Africa, including as Ambassador to Ethiopia and Djibouti. Moreov er, he was Permanent Representative to th e Afri can Union, and Director General of Protocol in the Mini stry of Foreign Affair s and International Cooperation. Mr. Malwal received his B.A. from the Univer sity of California , Santa Barbara, and M.A. from the Univer sity of Wisconsin, Madison. He has one child. Tanzania Permanent Representative : Mr. Modest Jonathan Mero Presentation of Credentials: 2017 Principally focused on economic and financial subjects , Mr . Mero has represented Tanzania in numerous capacities. Until this appointment, Mr . Mero was Permanent Representative to UN Geneva and WTO, and was previously stationed in New York as Minister Plenipotentiary and economic adviser. Additionally, he has been accredited to the International Atomic Energy Agency and United Nations Industrial Organization. Mr. Mero began his career as a trade policy expert , and was educated in fin ance in the Unit ed Kingdo m. Uganda STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000395 UNCLASSI FIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Permanent Representative: Mr. Adonia Ayebare Presentation of Credentials: 2017 Mr. Ayebare has predominantly addressed issues of peacebuilding during his career. Prior to his latest appointment, Mr. Ayebare was the Senior Adviser on Peace and Security at the African Union's Permanent Observer Mission to the UN, and has served as Director of the Africa Program at the International Peace Institute and Uganda's Principal Adviser and Special Envoy to the Burundi peace process. Originally a journalist, Mr. Ayebare was educated in the United States at Indiana, Rutgers, Long Island, and Tufts universities. He has five children. Wi'di~i'.$d;;iy,J,me 1,1,2017 Time All Day ~--- ~ Subject AIC: ~--- ~ 86 B7(C) Show Time As Free Time Ai! Day Subject Weather: Partly Cloudy/ H: 80 / L: 60 (20%) Show Time As Free Time 8:30 .AM - 9:00 AM Subject 21/W Staff Meeting (30 min) Recurrence Occurs every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday , and Friday effective 2/13/2017 until 6/15/2017 from 8:30 AM to 9 :00 AM Show Time As Busy Time 10:15 .ll.M- 11:00 .AM Subject Deep Dive: Congressional Funding (45 min) Show Time As Busy Deep Dive: Congressional Funding- Authorization versus Appropriations/Budget process (also review of Hearing Process) Date: Wednesday, June 14 Time: 10:15- 11:00 AM Attendees: MD, MV, DG, EM, RS,JL, AS, LO Topics: 1. President's Budget versus FYl 7 2. De-funding "of UNICEF/UNDP 3. Kemp Kasten and UNFPA Time 11;30 AM -~11:50 AM Subject Section Heads : 4th of July Meeting (20 min) Show Time As Busy Time 12:1.SPM -12: 45 PM Subject Lunch (30 min) Show Time As Busy STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000396 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Time 12 :45 Pfv1- 1 :30 PM Subject Briefing (45 mins) Show Time As Busy Tim e 2 :15 PM - 2:30 PM Subject Meeting: Chaney Adam s (15 min) Show Time As Busy Time 3;30 PM - 4:00 PM Subject Deep Dive : 1+3 Famines and refugees (30 min) Show Time As Busy Deep Dive : 1+3 Famines and refugees Date: Wednesday, June 14 Time: 3:30 PM - 4:00 PM Attendees: Stefanie Amadeo, Tasha Gill, MD, MV, DG, EM, RS,JL, AS Time 4 :00 PM - 4 :15 PM Subject Call: Secretary General (15 min) Show Time As Busy Jose will cal and Leslie will connect NH Joseln sua Office of the Secretary-General United Nations New York, NY, 10017 Email:I Office:'r1---------<. B6 l http://www.un.or g/Dept s/ptd STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000410 UNCLASSI FIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Time 10:30 AM -10:45 AM Subject Call:._____ __, (15 min) B5 Show Time As Busy B6 NH to call: Time 11:15 AM - 11:45 MA Subject Policy Deep Dive (30 min) Show Time As Busy Meeting: Africa Issues Overview Deep Dive Date: Friday, June 16 Time: 11:15 -11:45 am Location: USUN - 21st floor Attendees: Steve Groves Jon Lerner David Glaccum Morgan Vina Maggie Dougherty Austin Smith Rebecca Schimsa Bindi Patel Julie Jolles Topics: South Sudan, Sudan, DRC Time Subject 12:15 PM - 12:.45 PM Lunch (30 min) Show Time As Busy Time 1:00 PM ... 1:30 PM Subject Meeting: Amb. Blanchard (30 min) Show Time As Busy Event: Meeting: Amba ssador Marc -Andre Blanchard, Canada PR Date: Friday, June 16 Time: 1:00 pm - 1:30 pm Location: USUN - 21st floor Attendees: Ambassador Nikki Haley Guests: Ambassador Marc-Andre Blanchard, Canada PR Press: No press STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000411 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Purpose: To discuss UNGA 72 priorities and resolutions facilitated by the United States and Canada. Background: Canada is one of our strongest partners in the General Assembly, voting with the United States 83 percent of the time in UNGA 70 (100 percent on Israel issues, 89 percent on human rights issues, and 80 percent on disarmament issues). Talking Points: 1. Collaboration on GA lssuesJ 2. First Committee (Disarmament):! 3. Second Committee (Economic and Financial):! 4. Third Committee (Human Rights and Social Issues): I B5 Note: Last year, the U.S. engaged in extensive lobbying efforts in Washington, capitals , and New York to ensure the successful adoption of the Iran human rights resolution in support of Canada's efforts. There was significant support for the resolution and, for the first time, the resolution was supported by GCCcountries. The vote was 85 (yes), I 35 (no), 63 (abstain)! I I STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000412 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 5. Fifth Committee (Budget) on Secretary-General's Reform Agenda : Note: The Secretary-General's Reform Agenda timeline proposes a PRlevel retreat in mid-July, and then a consolidated report for Member States' consideration during the fall. 6. Briti sh Indian Ocean Territorv:I Biography: Since 2010 until his appointment, Mr. Blanchard was Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of McCarthy Tetrault, one of Canada's largest law firms , advising companies on strate gic and public policy issues. In 2014, he served on the boards of the Conferen ce Board of Canada, the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada and the Institute fo r Research in Immunology and Cancer. Mr. Blanchard holds master 's degrees in public administration and international relations from Columbia University in New York City and in public international law from the London School of Economics and Politi cal Science in th e Unit ed Kingdom. He also holds a bachelor's degree in law from th e Universite de M ontr eal in Canada. Born on 10 November 1965, he is marri ed and has tw o childr en. STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000413 UNCLASSIF IED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 B6 DRAFrED: ECOSOC,Matthew G. Miller, 4-4063, ~---~ Point of Contact: Brenda Wattie STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000429 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Time 4:00 PM - 4:30 PM Subject Meeting: Libya/ Yemen Deep Dive (30 min) Show Time As Busy 'f :.;esd.ay , Jwr:i::;w,2017 Time All Day Subject Weather: Partly Cloudy/ H: 86 / L: 68 (10%) Show Time As Free Time 9:00 1\M - 9:30 AM Subject 21/W Staff Meeting (30 min) Recurrence Occurs every Monday, Tuesday, Wedne sday, Thur sday, and Friday effective 5/30/2017 until 7/31/2017 from 9:00 AM to 9 :30 AM Show Time As Busy Time 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Subject SC Briefing & Consultations: Middle East (2 hr) Show Time As Busy Event: Security Council Monthly Briefing and Consultations on the Situation in the Middle East including the Palestinian Question Date: Tuesday, June 20, 2017 Time: 10:00 AM Location: Security Council Open Chamber Attendees: Ambassador Nikki Haley Background: Following on the three month reporting requirement of UNSCR2334 (2016) , the Secretary General' s Special Coordinator for the Middle East , Nickolay Mladenov , will brief the Council on implementation of th e resolution via video teleconference in th e open chamber . Your remark s focu s exclusively on Hamas given th e di re humanitarian situation in Gaza and your recent visit to the area . As June mark s the 50th anniver sary of the Six-Day War, the Bolivians, as pre sident of the Security Council, have asked that the entire briefing , including statement s by UNSC member s, take place in th e open chamber; they also issued a concept not e (attached in meeting binder) and have included two addition al bri efer s: * Lakhdar Brahi mi, a member of "the Elders," a group of world leader s brought together by Nelson Mandela with the goal of "working together for peace and human rights. " Brahimi served as the United Nations and Arab League Special Envoy to Syria from 2012 to 2014. He was Minister of Foreign Affairs of Algeria from 1991 to 1993. STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000430 UNCLASSIF IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 * Ahmed Aboul Gheit, an Egyptian diplomat who has been SecretaryGeneral of the Arab League since July 2016. Aboul-Gheit served as the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Egypt from 11 July 2004 to 6 March 2011 and was Egypt's PRto the United Nations for a number of years. B5 * Michael Doran, a Senior Fellow at the Hudson Institute in Washington, DC who specializes in Middle East security issues. Doran served in the George W. Bush administration as a senior director in the National Security Council, where he was responsib le for helping to devise and coordinate United States strategies on a variety of Middle East issues, including Arab-Israeli relations and U.S. efforts to contain Iran and Syria. Remarks and Bolivian Concept Note attached in meeting binder. B6 Drafted: POL- Leslie Ordeman ext: 4-4376, cell: ~---~ time .i2:i.S PM··· 12:4S 1-'M Subject Lunch (30 min) Show Time As Busy Time 1:30 PM - l :50 PM Subject Meeting: Press (20 min) Show Time As Busy Staff: JW KV KC Time 2:.30PM ·· 3:00 PM Subject Briefing (30 mins) Show Time As Busy Time 3:00 PM - 3:15 PM Subject Call: Secretary Kelly (15 min) Show Time As Busy Date: Tuesday, June 20, 2017 Time: 3:00 PM Location: Marcy with Secretary Kelly will call ~---~ will connect -Les lie B6 Topic: Conference on Prosperity and Security in Central America Background on the Conference: STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000431 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 On June 15-16, 2017, the U.S. Vice President, Secretary of State, Secretary of Homeland Security, and Secretary of Treasury co-hosted the Conference on Prosperity and Security in Central America. The meeting took place in Miami and was also hosted by the Mexican Foreign Secretary Videgaray Caso, Interior Secretary Osorio Chong, and Secretary of Finance Jose Antonio Meade Karibena. The Presidents of Guatemala and Honduras, as well as the Vice President of El Salvador, attended. Other meeting participants included U.S. and Latin American private sector leaders, senior government representatives from Belize, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, the European Union, Nicaragua, Panama, and Spain, and leaders from the Inter-American Development Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and the World Bank. Conference participants discussed policies to promote investment in the region, facilitate sustainable growth, and improve conditions for U.S. and other companies. They also discussed tangible ways to combat organized crime and promote regional security cooperation, improve citizen security, and enhance the rule of law. During this conference, the President also announced the new Cuba policy. Time 3:15 PM · · 3:25 PM Subject Farewell Photo: Tom Johnson and Jeff Salzano (15 min) Show Time As Bus -~-----------------~ B6 Jeff Salzano Time 3:3DP,1\1\ - 4:00 PM Subject Meeting: Amb. Mahmoud Saikal (30 min) Show Time As Busy Event: Meeting with Afghanistan Permanent Representative Ambassador Mahmoud Saikal ["mah-MOOD sigh-KAHL"] Date: Tuesday, June 20, 2017 Time: 3 :30 p.m., 30 Minutes (extra time built in) Location: Ambassador Haley's Office Purpose: Discuss Security Council activity on Afghanistan, U.S. support for Afghanistan, and upcoming UN elections. Attendees: USUN: Ambassador Nikki Haley Ambassador Michele Sison David Glaccum, EXEC Stephen Knight, POL Guests: Amba ssador Mahmoud Saikal, Permanent Representative of STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000432 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Afghanistan to the UN Youssof Gafoorzai, Political Counselor Past Communication: This is the first meeting with Ambassador Saikal. Background: Ambassador Saikal requested to meet with you ahead of the June 21 Security Council Debate on Afghanistan and UNAMA. We understand that Amb. Saikal is concerned about the level of United States support to Afghanistan, particularly in light of the ongoing policy review. r- I (Note: The proposed ~--------------~ Council visit to Afghanistan and Central Asia has been postponed to late 2017 or early 2018.) Talking Points: 1. Express Condolences for the May 31 Terrorist Attack in Kabul: B5 Background: A terrorist truck bomb near the Presidential Palace and diplomatic compound in Kabul killed over 150 people and wounded at least 400. This was one of the worst terrorist attacks in Kabul since the Taliban was removed from power, and terrorist incidents have risen notably in 2016 and 2017. 2. U.S. Afghanistan Policy Review: I STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000433 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Background: Ambassador Saikal recently conveyed to Ambassador Sison President Ghani's concern that the United States and the Security Council have grown more distant from the issues affecting Afghanistan. 3. Military Support:! 85 4. Regional Stakeholders and Kabul Process! Background: After the spectacular May 31 attack, and in light of the growing tensions in the region as a result of the increased violence , it was encouraging that the Kabul Process partners convened on June 6 and recommitted themselves to the pursuit of stability in Afghanistan. 5. Political Process:! Background: The Taliban has failed to meaningfully pursue a political settlement with the government of Afghanistan. This impasse must be resolved in order for sustainable progress to be made. 6. Human Rights Council Candidature:! STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000434 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 B5 Background: Afghanistan is running against Nepal, Fiji, Pakistan, Maldives, Malaysia, and Qatar, for four Asia-Pacific seats on the Councilj Biography: Ambassador Mahmoud SAIKAL Permanent Representative of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan to the United Nations Ambassador Saikal is a senior Afghan diplomat and international development specialist with over two decades of experience with governments, international organizations, private sector and civil society. In the diplomatic field, he has served as Special Representative and Senior Advisor to the Chief Executive of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (mainly international relations), Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs of Afghanistan (Economic Portfolio), Ambassador of Afghanistan to Australia and New Zealand, Honorary Consul of Afghanistan to Australia, First Secretary and later Counsellor Minister Plenipotentiary at the Embassy of Afghanistan in Tokyo. Ambassador Saikal has been instrumental in the negotiation of various agreements, including the 2014 agreement on the formation of the National Unity Government of Afghanistan, the "Afghanistan Compact" which was launched at the London International Conference on Afghanistan in 2006, as well as the 2006 AfghanistanNATO Declaration, which set out the Framework for Enduring Cooperation in Partnership. He has been deeply involved in the promotion of regional cooperation, resulting in Afghanistan's membership in South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC)and Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC),strengthening Afghanistan 's membership in Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO),and the formulation of the process of Regional Economic Cooperation STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000435 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Conferences on Afghanistan (RECCA). He has a Master's Degree in International Development from Deakin University of Melbourne, as well as two bachelor degrees from the University of Sydney and the University of Canberra. He graduated with First Class French Baccalaureate from Lycee Esteqlal of Kabul. He is fluent in English, Dari and Pashto and familiar with French and Arabic languages. Ambassador Saikal is married with a son specializing in international development and a daughter practicing law. Time 4 :00 PM - 4:10 PM Subject Meeting: Amb. Sison and SG (10 min) Show Time As Busy Time 4:15 PM·· 4:45 PM Subject Deep Dive: lran/JCPOA (30 min) Show Time As Busy Meeting: lran/JCPOA Deep Dive Date: Tuesday, June 20 Time: 4:15 pm to 4:45 Location: USUN - 21st Floor Attendees: Amb. Sison Steve Groves Jon Lerner David Glaccum Morgan Vina Maggie Dougherty Austin Smith Rebecca Schimsa Emily McMillan Amy Tachco Josh Black Time 7:00 PM - 9:30 PM Subject Private Appointment Show Time As Busy Sensitivity Private W~,k~ sda v, J;.:n~ 21, 2017 Time All Day STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000436 UNCLASS IFIE D U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 B6 Subject Birthday:~-----~ Recurrence Occurs every June 21 effective 6/21/2017 until 6/21/2017 Show Time As Free Time A!!Dav Subject Weath er (DC): Partly Cloudy/ H: 90 / L: 69 (20%) Show Time As Free Time G/ 21 i2Q17 12:00 AM -5 2.3/ 2017 12:00 AM B6 B7(C) Subject AIC ~-------' Show Time As Free Time 8:JJO.AM - 1053 AM Subject Train Show Time As Busy Amtrak Acela Train 2109 Confirmation # 2VD85BE7 Time 12.:00PM - 1:00 Pfvl Subject Lunch Location B5 (1 hr) ~-.,___,_----~~ est Wing Office Show Time As Busy Meeting '--------- --' Date: Wednesday, June 21, 2017 Time : 12:00 PM Location: ~ ! -~ .,.,.,. IWest Wing Office Time 2:30 PM - 3:00 PM Subject Meetin g:~--~ Location WHSR (30 min) Show Time As Busy Tim e 3:00 PM - 3:30 PM Subject Meetin g: Location ~----~ '------- (30 min) ~ office , West Wing, 1st Floor Show Time As Busy Meeting: ~-----~ Date: Wedne sday, June 21, 2017 Time: 3:00 PM Location: '--------' POC'-----~ office , West Win g, 1st Floor B6 •------' Time 4:QOPM - 4:45 PM Subject SFRC Coff ee (45 min) Location S-116 (Capitol) Show Time As Busy STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000437 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Event: Meeting: Senate Foreign Relations Committee Members Date: Wednesday, June 21, 2017 Time: 4:00PM-4:45PM Location: S-116 (Capitol) Staff: Leslie Dewees Maggie Dougherty Purpose: Per your request, you are briefing SFRCon your recent travels to Jordan, Turkey, Geneva and Israel. You last met with the committee for a meet and greet session on March 29th . This event is Senators only. Meeting Contact: Hallie William s; 202-228-5426 ; Hallie_William s@corker. senate.gov Attending: Senator Corker Senator Cardin Senator Menendez Senator Markey Senator Risch Senator Rubio Senator Flake Senator Young - will be a little late Senator Barrasso Senator Isakson Senator Shaheen - will try Senator Merkley - will be 10 minutes late Members of SFRC: Chairman, Bob Corker Republican - Tennessee James E. Risch Republi can - Idaho STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000438 UNCLASSIF IED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Marco Rubio Republican - Florida Ron Johnson Republican - Wisconsin Jeff Flake Republican - Arizona Cory Gardner Republican - Colorado Todd Young Republican - Indiana John Barrasso Republican - Wyoming Johnny Isakson Republican - Georgia Rob Portman Republican - Ohio Rand Paul Republican - Kentucky Ranking Member, Ben Cardin Democrat - Maryland Minority Bob Menend ez Democrat - New Jersey STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000439 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Jeanne Shaheen Democrat - New Hampshire Christopher Coons Democrat - Delaware Tom Udall Democrat - New Mexico Chris Murphy Democrat - Connecticut Tim Kaine Democrat - Virginia Edward J. Markey Democrat - MA Jeff Merkley Democrat - Oregon Cory Booker Democrat - New Jersey Time 4:4S PM - S:00 PM Subject Location Meeting: Bono (15 min) US Capitol, S-117 Show Time As Busy Event: Meeting with Bono Date: Wednesday, June 21, 2017 Time: 4:45-5:00 PM Location: US Capitol, S-117 Purpose: Bono has requested an introductory meeting to discuss how the ONE campaign can work with the UN as part of their work to end extreme poverty. POC:Jen Anderson, , Chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, U.S. House of Representatives (R-TX) 9:10 a.m. - 9:40 a.m. \\Congressional Auditorium A Conversation on Protecting the Homeland * Chairman Michael Mccaul , Chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, U.S. House of Representatives (R-TX) * The Honorable John Kelly , 9:50 a.m. -10:30 a.m. \\ Congressional Auditorium The Role of Intelligence in Today's Threat Environment * The Honorable Jane Harman , Former Congresswoman (D-CA); Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars * The Honorable Pete Hoekstra , Former * The Honorable Nicholas Rasmussen , Director, National Counterterrorism Center * Congressman Will Hurd , U.S. House of Representativ es (R-TX) 9:50 a.m. -10: 30 a.m. \\ South Congressional Meeting Room Winning the War in Cyberspace * The Honorable Michael Chertoff , Former Secretary of Homeland Security ; The Chertoff Group LLC * Congressman John Ratcliffe , U.S. House of Representatives (R-TX) * Congressman Jim Langevin , U.S. House of Representatives (D-RI) 10:40 a.m. -11:20 a.m. \\ Congressional Auditorium A Conversation on the Role of the United States in the World * Senator Chris Coons , U.S. Senate (D-DE) * The Honorable Madeleine Albright , Former Secretary of the U.S. Departm ent of State 11:30 a.m. -12:10 p.m. \\ Congressional Auditorium STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000447 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Containing Nuclear Renegades *Mr.Michael Singh , Managing Director, Washington Institute for Near East Policy *Mr.Anthony Ruggiero , Senior Fellow, Foundation for Defense of Democrats * The Honorable Tony Blinken , Former Deputy Secretary of State; University of Chicago *Mr.Jon Wolfsthal , Senior Director for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation, National Security Council 11:30 a.m. - 12:10 p.m. \\ South Congressional Meeting Room Strengthening Homeland Security * The Honorable Jeh Johnson , Former Secretary of Homeland Security; Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP *Mr.Frank Cilluffo , Director, Center for Cyber and Homeland Security, George Washington University * The Honorable Kenneth Wainstein Homeland Security Advisor to U.S. President George W. Bush; Cadwalader Wickersham and Taft LLP , * Congresswoman Kathleen Rice , U.S. House of Representatives (D-NY) 12:20 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. \\Congre ssional Auditorium U.S. International Engagement * Senator Marco Rubio , U.S. * The Honorable Nikki Haley , U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations 1:00 p.m. - 1:40 p.m. Lunch Break 1:40 p.m. - 2:20 p.m. \\ Congressional Auditorium Restoring America's Military Might * The Honorable Howard "Buck" McKeon , Former Congressman (R-CA); McKeon Group LLC * The Honorable Mi chele Flournoy , Former Under Secretary of Defense (Policy); Center for New American Security * The Honorable Eric Edelman , Former Under Secretary of Defense (Policy); Former Ambassador to Finland and Turkey 1:40 p.m. - 2:20 p.m. \\ South Congressional Meeting Room Lessons in Economic Statecraft * The Honorable Adam Szubin , Secretary of the Treasury; Sullivan & Cromwell LLP Former Acting * The Honorable Daniel Glaser , Former Assistant Secretary for Terrorist Financing, Department of the Treasury; Financial Integrity Network * Dr. Matthew Levitt , Former Deputy Assistant Secretary for Intelligence and Analysis; Department of the Treasury; Washington Institute for Near East Policy *Dr .Samantha Ravich , Former Deputy National Security Advisor to the Vice President; A2P 2:30 p.m. - 3:10 p.m. \\ Congressional Auditorium The State of U.S. Intelligence * Congressman Dutch Ruppersberger , U.S. House of Representatives (D-MD) * The Honorable John Brennan , Former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency * The Honorable Mike Leiter , Former Director of the National Counterterrorism Center; NBC Analyst *Mr.George Barnes , Deputy Director of the of the Nationa I Security Agency 3:20 p.m.- 4:00 p.m. \\ Congressional Auditorium Restoring Transatlantic Alliances * The Honorable Paula Dobriansky , Former Undersecretary of State for Democracy and Global Affairs; Harvard University STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000449 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 * The Honrable Kristen Silverberg , Former Ambassador to the EU; Institute of International Finance *Dr.Charles Kupchan , Former Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for European Affairs, National Security Council; Georgetown University 3 :20 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. \\ South Congressional Meeting Room The Role of Human Rights in U.S. Foreign Policy *Mr.Jamie Fly , Senior * The Honorable Tom Malinowski, Former Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy 4 :10 p.m. - 4 :50 p.m. \\ Congressional Auditorium U.S. Relations with China * Chairman Ed Royce , Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee; U.S. House of Representatives (R-CA) * Admira I Dennis Biair , Former Director of National Intelligence ; Former Commander, U.S. Pacific Command *Mr.Brian Hook , National Security Advisor and Director of Office of Policy Planning, U.S. Department of State * Mr. Ely Ratner , Former Deputy National Security Advisor to the Vice-President; Council on Foreign Relation s 4 :10 p.m. - 4 :50 p.m. \\ South Congressional Meeting Room The Future of the Middle East (HVC-201) * Mr. Elliott Abrams , Former Deputy Assistant to the President and Deputy National Security Advisor; Council on Foreign Relations * Ambassador Ryan Crocker , Former U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan , Iraq, and Syria; Texas A&M University *Mr . Jake Sullivan , Former Deputy Assistant to the President and National Security Advisor to the Vice President ; Yale Law School 4 :50 p.m . - 5:00 p.m. \\ Congressional Auditorium Closing Remarks Time 3:00 PM - 3:15 PM Subject Call: Amb. Manthe (15 min) STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000450 UNCLASSI FIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Show Time As Busy NH to call his cell: ~---~ B6 Topic: SC Negotiations Time 4:00 PM··· 6:46 PM Subject NY Train (2 hr, 46 min) Show Time As Busy Amtrak Acela Train 2172 Confirmation# D8547D Time 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM Subject Private Appointment Show Time As Busy Sensitivity Private f-ridav, Jwr:~23, 2011 Time All Day Subject Weather: Scattered Thunderstorms/ H: 85 / L: 74 (60%) Show Time As Free Time 6/23/20 17 12:00 AM - 6/25/2017 12:00 AM Subject AIC B6 B7(C) ~----~ Show Time As Free Time 9:00 AM - 9:30 AM Subject 21/W Staff Meeting (30 min) Recurrence Occurs every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday , Thursday , and Friday effective 5/30/2017 until 7/31/2017 from 9:00 AM to 9 :30 AM Show Time As Busy Tirne 9:4S .AM - 10:15AM Subject Meeting: Ops//Scheduling (30 mins) Show Time As Busy Time l1:15AM - 11:25J\M Subject Call: Sen. Brown (10 min) Show Time As Busy B6 NH to call Sen. Brown Cell:~---~ Event: Phone Call with Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH) Date: Friday, June 23, 2017 Time: 11:15- 11:25 AM Attendee s: Amba ssador Nikki Haley Guests: Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH) STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000451 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Purpose: Senator Sherrod Brown requested a call with you to speak about the death of Otto Warmbier and future DPRKengagement. Background :I I B6 I ~ e will be ~-----------------~ interested to hear about plans to prevent future kidnappings and actions at the United Nations in response to Otto's death. Talking Points: American Detainees/Otto Warmbier: North Korea Human Rights: B5 Sanct ions on Tourism to North Korea: STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000452 UNCLASSIF IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 IF RAISED: DPRK Policy: B5 Approach t o China : STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000453 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 DPRKEngagement: B5 Biographical Note for Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH) Senator Brown serves as the Ranking Member of the Senate Banking Committee, where he played an instrumental role in passing the histori c Wall Street reform law . He also serves on the Senate Committ ee on Finance. Brown is also the first Ohio Senator in 40 years to serve on the Senate Agriculture, Nutrition , and Forestry Committee, where he has been instrum enta l in strengthening the farm safety net and addressing childhood hunger. He served Chairman of the Subcommittee on Jobs, Rural Economic Growth and Energy Innovation. Senator Brown has fought for our veterans , service members, and their families throughout his career. He secured $15 million to build the Ohio Western Reserve Cemetery for veterans, in Medina County. From his position on the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee, Brown has advocated for veterans trainin g programs to ensure returnin g service members have access to good-paying, high-demand jobs. He is the only Ohio Senator ever to serve a full Senate term on the Veterans Affairs Committee. Prior to serving in the United States Senate, Brown served as a United States Representative for the 13th District, Ohio's Secretary of State, a member of the Ohio Genera l Assembly, and has taught in Ohio's public schoo ls and at The Ohio State University. An Eagle Scout, Brown is a native of Man sfield, Ohio, where he spent summers work ing on his family's farm. He is married to Pulitzer Prize-winning STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000454 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 columnist Connie Schultz. They reside in Cleveland, Ohio, and have three daughters, a son, a daughter-in-law, th ree sons-in-law, and five grandchildren. Time 11:3DAM -12 :00 PM Subject Briefing (30 min) Show Time As Busy Time 12:DOPM - 12:30 Pfv1 Subject Lunch (30 min) Show Time As Busy time .i.:00l'fv1•· 1.:30PM Subject Meeting: Jason Greenblatt (30 min) Show Time As Busy POC: Matt Saunders: WHO/EOP 0: B6 M: ~----~ Time 1:30 PM - 1:40 PM Subject Meeting: Amb. Sison (10 min) Show Time As Busy Time 1:45 PM ··· 2:00 PM Subject Meeting: Ameena Hassan (15 min) Show Time As Busy Biography: Ameena Saeed Hasan is a Yezidi Kurd, a minority group targeted by the extremist group ISIL.She has helped secure the release of over 100 captives. Ms. Hasan traveled to the US in the spring of 2015 to participate in and speak at the White House Summit to Counter Violent Extremism. In 2015, she was named as a Hero Acting to End Modern Slavery by the US Department of State. Ms. Hasan, previously a member of the Iraqi Council of Representatives , is a Yezidi Kurd. The Yezidi community is a religious minority that is primarily located in Northern Iraq. As the extremist group the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), often referred to as ISIS, has expanded its control over the northern part of Iraq and Southeastern Syria they have targeted the Yezidi minority. There are reports of ISIL forcing migration , executing those who refuse, and taking girls and women as sex slaves. Reports include detail s of systematic rape and sexual slavery, and various ISIL documents and videos confirm the accounts. Ms. Hasan has courageously spoken about the human rights abuses that are being perpetrated upon the Yezidi people. Her advocacy has been encouraging to other members of the Yezidi community. She STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000455 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 worked with others to try and create a regist ry of captive s and their locations. The local government has sponsored a team of local activists who have worked on freeing captives. Ms. Hasan, as a member of that team, has helped to free over 100 people from ISIL captivity since the summer of 2014. Time 2 :00 PM - 2:30 PM Subject Deep Dive : UN Management and Reform (30 min) Show Time As Busy Event: Deep Dive: UN Management and Reform Date: Friday, June 23 Time: 2:00-2:30PM Attendees: Ambassador Nikki Haley Cherith Norman Jake Sherman Maggie Dougherty Morgan Vina David Glaccum Emily McMillan Becca Schimsa Jon Lerner Austin Smith Topics: 1. U.S. Agenda 2. UN Funding and budget process Time 2:30 PM - 2:40 PM Subject Meetin g: DMG (10 min) Show Time As Busy Time :>:30PM - $:30 PM Subject Private Appointment Show Time As Busy Sensitivity Private Satmclay , J,me 2,1,2017 Time All Day Subject .__ ________ Show Time As Free B6 __, STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000456 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Time All Day Subject AIC: Show Time As Free ~----~ B6 B7(C) ~----~ Monday, Jwr:i::26, 2G17 Time All Day Subject UN Official Holiday: Eid al Fitr Show Time As Free Time A!i Dav Subject Weather (DC): Mostly Sunny/ H: 83 / L: 61 (0%) Show Time As Free Time G/26/2017 12:00 AM- 5/29/2017 12:00 AM Subject DC DAYS Show Time As Free SG will be in DC Time 6/26/2017 12:00 f\M - 5/30/201712 :00 AM Subject AIC: ~----~ Show Time As Free Tirrte 9:00 Atvl ··· 11:53 AM Subject Train Show Time As Busy Amtrak Acela Train 2151 Time 1:15Pfv1-2:1SPM Subject Lunch: Location B5 1 hr) Oval Private Dining Room Show Time As Busy Time 2:05 PM - 2:15 PM Subject Meeting: Don McGahn (10 min) Show Time As Busy Time 2:40 Piv1- 3:00 PM Subject Meetin g: Speaker Ryan (20 min) Location US Capitol, H-232 Show Time As Busy Event: Meeting with Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) Date: Monday , June 26, 2017 Time: 2 :40PM -3 :00PM Locati on: H-232 Attendees: Ambassador Nikki Haley STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000457 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Leslie Dewees Maggie Dougherty Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) Jeff Dressler, National Security Advisor Purpose: Speaker Ryan requested this meeting for a catch up before he meets with the Secretary-General later th is week. This is y our first meeting with Speaker Ryan as Ambassador. Background: Speaker Ryan requested to know your top three priorities he should raise with the SG. Additionally, he wanted to hear the latest on Venezuela, DPRKand the anti-I srael bias at the United Nations. Talking Point s: 1) Secretary-General: I B5 2)Venezuelal STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000458 UNCLASSIF IED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 B5 3) DPRK: Biography of Speaker Paul Ryan Born and raised in the comm unity of Janesville, Paul Ryan is a fifth generation Wisconsin native. Currently serving his ninth term as a member of Congress, Paul works on many important issues affecting Wisconsin residents and is an effective advocate for the First Congressional District. In October 2015, after then-House Speaker John Boehner retired from Congress, Paul was elected House Speaker . A committed conservative and public servant , Paul has spent his life advocating for real solutions that will expand opportunity for all Americans. And to the speakership, he will bring that same passion for getting results. Prior to serving as speaker of the House, Congressman Ryan served as the chairm an of the House Ways and Means Committee , where he focused on many STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000459 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 issues across the federal government, such as fixing our broken tax code, holding the IRSaccountable, strengthening Medicare and Social Security, repairing the safety net, promoting job-creating trade agreements, and developing patient-centered solutions to make health care more affordable. During the 112th & 113th Congresses, he served as chairman of the House Budget Committee, where he put forward specific plans to tackle our looming fiscal crisis, driven by the dramatic rise in entitlement spending. These plans, titled "The Path to Prosperity ," would help spur job creation, stop spending money the government doesn't have, balance the budget, and lift the crushing burden of debt. Paul is a graduate of Joseph A. Craig High School in Janesville and earned a degree in economics and political science from Miami University in Ohio. Paul and his wife Janna live in Janesville with their children, daughter Oand son~ land0 The youngest of four children, Paul is the son of Paul Sr. (deceased) and Betty Ryan. B6 Time 3:30 PM -4:00 PM Subject Meeting: Rep. Hal Rogers (30 min) Location 2406 Rayburn Show Time As Busy Event: Meeting with Rep. Hal Rogers (R-KY),Chairman of House Appropriations Subcommittee on State and Foreign Operations Date: Monday, June 26, 2017 Time: 3:30PM-3:50PM Location: 2406 Rayburn Attendees: Ambassador Nikki Haley Leslie Dewees Maggie Dougherty Chairman Hal Rogers (R-KY) David Bartnick, Professional Staff Member on HFOPS Purpose: To meet Chairman Rogers before you testify in front of his subcommittee on Tuesday. Additionally, to discuss your involvement in the budget/appropriations process. Background: As chairman of the House SFOPScommittee, Rogers will be one of the ultimate decision makers on how much funding wi ll go to the UN and other IOs. Graham has recommended you meet with him before the hearing and express willing to share with him your priorities. The final funding numbers will be decided between Rogers STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000460 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 and Graham and it is important to weigh in with both. Talking Points: 1) Congressional Hearing:! B5 21 U.S. fundine for the UN I Biography: Serving Kentucky' s 5th Congressional District since 1981, Hal Rogers is currently in his 19th term representing the peopl e of southern and eastern Kentucky, and is the longest serving Kentucky Republican ever elected to federal office . Focused on economic development , job creati on, fighting illegal drug use and preserving th e natu ral trea sures of Appalachia, Rogers has a reputati on for listening to his constitu ents and fighting for the inter ests of the region where he was raised. Born in rural Kentucky and repre senting one of the poorest Congre ssional Distri cts in the nation, Rogers' vision for a strong er region spurred some of the greatest success stories in southern and eastern Kentucky. Organizations such as PRIDE, Operation UNITE , Southeast Kentucky Economic Development (SKED) , The Center for Rural Development and Shaping Our Appalachian Region (SOAR) have brou ght local communities to gether by revitalizing the environment, providing hope in the fight against drugs, building small businesses, and creatin g jobs by increasing tourism in one of the most beautiful regions of the country. Nation ally, as Chairm an of th e powerful House App ropri ati ons Committ ee fr om 2011 to 2016, he redu ced th e size and scope of th e governm ent by reining in federal spendin g, conductin g rigorous but th oughtful oversight of federal agencies, and restoring fi scal disciplin e STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000461 UNCLASSIF IED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 and transparency to our budget process. Rogers led the Congress to reduce discretionary spending by a historic amount, cutting $126 billion in discretionary spending since 2010. Rogers also restored regular order and a culture on the Committee for serious budget oversight and transparency in process, including 2122 amendments considered to appropriations bills on the floor and 650 oversight hearings conducted during his tenure as Chairman. With more than 30-years of experience on the Appropriations Committee, he has served on eight different subcommittees , inc luding leadership roles as Chairman or Ranking Member of three. Rogers was tapped in 2003 to lead the newly established Subcommittee on Homeland Security. Through this important role, Rogers fought to ensure our first responders received the funds necessary to protect against terrorist threats; demanded tough answers from FEMA in the wake of federal responses to wildfires, hurricanes and flash floods; and insisted on enforcement of our country 's immigration laws and stronger border security. Whether Rogers is on Capitol HilI ensuring the appropriate use of taxpayer dollars, fighting to secure the homeland, scrutinizing federal government agencies, or home in southern and eastern Kentucky working to make a difference in the lives of the individuals he represents, Rogers remains committed to being a strong voice in Congress for fiscal responsibility, economic development , a strong national defense, and a prosperous future fo r America. Kelicia Rice Congressman Hal Rogers 202-225-4601 Kelicia.Rice@mail.hou se.gov Time 4 :30 PM - fi:00 PM Subject Prep Time Location USUN 21/W Show Time As Busy Per JL6/22 Tu,:rn Office: 516-605-1090 Fax: 516-605-1094 Cell: ~---~ West Point Band: Cell RSO: B6 B7(C) Personal Cell:~---~ 86 Blackberr~~---~ Nate Bauers Blackberry: ~--~ STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000478 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Event Staff: NH to approve fd,%y , .lUl\t? 3(}, Wi7 Time All Day B6 Subject Birthday~------~ Recurrence Occurs every June 30 effective 6/30/2017 until 6/30/2017 Show Time As Free Time A.i! ()a, Subject Show Time As ~F,... re- e----------------~ Time A!! Day Subject Weather: Partly Cloudy/ H: 91 / L: 73 (10%) Show Time As Free Time G/30/2017 12:00 AM--·7/2/2017 12;00 AM B6 B7(C) Subject AIC: Show Time As Free~----~ Time 9:BAM-9:JG,o,M Subject Briefing (2min) Show Time As Busy Time 9:30 .AM - J.O00 AM Subject 21/W Staff Meeting (30 min) Show Time As Busy Time 10:00 .t..M- 10:30 AM Subject P3 Meeting with Qatari FM AI-Thani (30 min) Location UN Conferen ce Room F Show Time As Busy Event: Meeting with H.E. Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman bin Jassim AI-Thani, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Qatar and the P3 *Note: Address the Foreign Minister as "Your Excellency" Date: Friday, June 30 Time: 10:00 AM Location: UN Conference Room F Attendee s: Amba ssador Nikki Haley Mr. Will Wagner, USUN Political Counselor H.E. Sheikh Mohammed AI-Thani, Qatari Minister of Foreign Affairs Ambassador Sheikha Alya al-Thani, Qatari Permanent Representative to the UN STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000479 UNCLASSI FIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Ambassador Francois Delattre, French PR Ms. Senay Bulbul, French Political Counselor Mr. Stephen Hickey, UK Charge d'Affaires Ms. Marie Philippe, UK Political Counselor Purpose: To hear Qatar's perspectives on its dispute with its neighbors and how the crisis can be resolved. Background: This meeting comes three weeks after Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Bahrain, and Egypt unexpectedly cut diplomatic, economic, and military ties with Qatar over what they described as Qatari support for extremism and its meddling in the internal affairs of other Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)countries. Last Friday, Saudi Arabia provided Kuwaiti mediators with a list of 13 demands that were subsequently shared with Qatar, indicating Qatar had ten days to comply. Many of the demands are hardline and almost impossible for Qatar to implement in full. Saudi FM Adel AI-Jubeir has said that Qatar's isolation will continue indefinitely if Qatar does not comply. Secretary Tillerson met with both the Qatari FM and the Acting Minister of Information on June 27, during which he reiterated his strong support for the Kuwaiti led mediation process, the need for all parties to work toward productive diplomatic relations, and the importance of confronting extremism. Senator Bob Corker recently put a hold on arms sales to GCCcountries to force reconciliation between Qatar and its neighbors. Talking Points: B5 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000480 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Date: Friday, June 30, 2017 Time: 10:45 AM Location: USUN - 21 Attendees: Ambassador Nikki Haley Chris Klein B6 Details! Time 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Subject Briefing (1 hr) Show Time As Busy Time 1:00 PM ·· 1:30 PM Subject Lunch (30 min) Show Time As Busy time .i.:30 l'M ·· i.:35 f)M Subject Call: Senator Ben Cardin (5 min) Show Time As Busy Event: Call with Senator Ben Cardin (D-MD) Date: June 30, 2017 Time: 1:30 PM Location: Sen. Cardin will call 212-415-4404 Background: * Kelley Currie is nominated to be Representative of the US on the Economic and Social Council oft he United Nations, with the Rank of Ambassador. * Her file is currently incomplete because her OGE report is being transmitted from OGE to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee (SFRC).Cardin's staff will not meet with her or put her on a nominations hearing agenda until her file is complete. The ask: Will your staff meet with her on July 10th ( her file will be complete by then) and have her on the Nominations hearing on July 11th with the other US UN nom Patrick Murray. Important to have her confirmed before August recess so she will be in place for UNGA in September. Additional Background: * Cardin's staff indicated that Senator Corker held Kelley's predecessor for months and that there may not be a rush to confirm because of that history. Time 1:40 PM- lAS PM Subject Call: Secretary Kelly (5 min) STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000481 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 86 87(C) T;;esd.ay. fo!y -1-,2011 Time 7/4/201712:00 AM- 7/7/201712:00 AM Subject AIC ~---~ Show Time As Free 86 87(C) Wf?Zh:f?'iday, Jd•1 5, W17 Time All Day Subject D on leave Show Time As Free 86 Time A!! Day Subject Weather: Partly Cloudy/ H: 83 / L: 67 (0%) Show Time As Free Time 7/5/2017 12:00 .AM- 7/ 19/2 017 12:00 AM Subject MH Drill Show Time As Free Time 9 :00.AM - 9:30 AM Subject 21/W Staff Meeting (30 min) Recurrence Occurs every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday effective 5/30/2017 until 7/31/2017 from 9:00 AM to 9 :30 AM Show Time As Busy Time ll:0 0 ,C\M- 11.:0S.AM Subject Call:~_~(5 Show Time As Busy min) 85 82 87(E) He will call Time 11:30 AM - 12:00 Pfvl Subject Briefing (30 mins) Show Time As Busy Time 12:30 PM - 1:00 PM Subject Lunch (30 min) Show Time As Busy Time 1:00 PM - 1:30 PM STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000482 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Subject Meeting: DMG (30 min) Show Time As Busy Time 2:45 PM - 3:00 PM Subject Meeting: Ambassador Liu Location SC President' s Offi ce Show Time As Busy Time 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM Subject SC: DPRK (2 hr) Show Time As Busy Time 6 :00 PM - 7:30 PM Subject Third GA PR Reception (1.5 hr) Location Residence Show Time As Busy Event: Third GA PR Reception (OAS State PRs) Date: Wednesday , July 5, 2017 Time: 6 :00 p.m. - 7 :30 p .m. Location: Residence Attendees: Amba ssador Nikki Haley EXEC: David Glaccum Katherine Veldran Emily McMillan Gracey Roskam ECOSOC: Stefanie Amadeo Matthew Dolbow Jason Lawrence Kyla Brook e POL: Amy Tachco Liz Lee MR: Aisha Sabar Shawn Duncan STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000483 UNCLASSIF IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Guests: Confirmed: 1. Antigua and Barbuda: H.E. Mr. Walton Alfonso Webson (*no show) 2. Argentina: H.E. Mr. Martin Garcia Moritan 3. Barbados PR 4. Chile: H.E. Mr. Cristian Barros Melet 5. Chile: Mrs. Mary Mitchell 6. Colombia: H.E. Mrs. Maria Emma Mejia Velez 7. Costa Rica: H.E. Mr. Juan Carlos Mendoza-Garcia 8. Ecuador: H.E. Mr. Horacio Sevilla Borja 9. Ecuador: Mrs. Elcira Carota Holguin Vasconez 10. Guatemala: H.E. Mr. Jorge Skinner-Klee Arenales 11. Guyana: H.E. Mr. Michael R. Ten-Pow (*no show) 12. Haiti: H.E. Mr. Denis Regis 13. Honduras: H.E. Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Flores 14. Jamaica: H.E. Mr. Courtenay Rattray (*no show) 15. Mexico: H.E. Mr. Juan Jose Gomez Camacho 16. Nicaragua: H.E. Mrs. Maria Rubiales de Chamorro 17. Panama: H.E. Mrs. Laura Elena Flores Herrera 18. Paraguay: H.E. Mr. Arriola Ramirez Julio Cesar 19. Paraguay: Mrs . Adriana Arza 20. St. Vincent and the Grenadines: H.E. Mrs . Inga Rhonda King 21. St. Kitts & Nevis: H.E. Mr. Sam Terrence Condor 22. St. Kitts & Nevis: Mrs. Eugine Condor 23. Suriname: H.E. Mr. Henry Mac-Donald (*no show) 24. Trinidad and Tobago: H.E. Mrs. Pennelope Beckles 25. Uruguay: H. E. Mr . Rosselli Elbio 26. Uruguay: Mr s. Marfa Regina Hermida STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000484 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Pending: 1. Brazil 2. Dominican Republic 3. El Salvador Regrets: 1. Bahamas 2. Belize 3. Domini ca 4. Grenada 5. Peru Budget: Guest - 29x 2 = 58 (PR + 1) Staff - 12 70 X $45 = $3150 Flowers: $100 Labor (5 Servers (130 x 4 =520 + 170 ): $690 3150 -660 = $2490 Menu: Passed Hors d'oeuvres * Seared Beef Medallion, Garlic & Herb Focaccia, Truffle Aioli * Shrimp Ceviche with Belgium Endive * Seared Scallop Chimichurri * Vegetable Maki Sushi * Amaretto Cheesecake Square with Candied Almonds * Double Chocolate Torte Purpo se: The purp ose of thi s recepti on is to discuss region al and UNrelated issues with a wid e range of Latin American Perm anent Representat ives. The PRs invit ed for thi s recepti on includ e: Argentina, STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000485 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, Barbados, Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica, Grenada, Suriname, Dominica, Antigua and Barbuda, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Bahamas, St. Kitts & Nevis, Belize, and Guyana. Talking Points: Below please find broad talking points for use with all member states, followed by talking points for several specific Ambassadors. 1. Peacekeeping Budget Outcomes/ UN Reform I B5 Background: Some Latin American countries can be a moderating force in the G-77 against hardliners, such as Singapore and Cuba, and have helped us on key issues such as fiscal discipline and SEA. Brazil, El Salvador, Paraguay, and Mexico are particularly active delegations in SC. Ecuador, as Chair of G-77 for 2017, is also key. Watch Out For: Mexican Ambassador Camacho wants to work w ith us, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, and others on the SecretaryGeneral's reform agenda. He may raise his desire to ·ointl si n a letter to Chef de Cabinet Viotti on reform principles B5 -a-n~~~-~~-~~~___,,on The group will meet next Thursday, your behalf. 2. Latin American Peacekeeping Contributions * [Uruguayj Background: As of May, Brazil ranks the 18th largest TCCwith 1,200+ personnel mainly in MINUSTAH; Uruguay is 19th, mostly in the DRCin MONUSCO; Argentina is 44th; Guatemala is 54th; Peru is 55th; El Salvador is 58th; and Paraguay is 64th. All have personnel in Haiti in MINUSTAH or have in the recent past,! B5 3. Second Colombia Mi ssion:! STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000486 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Background: We are negotiating a second political mission for Colombia; the UK has passed the draft resolution to the full Council and plans to convene negotiations on July 5. The Council is united in its strong support for a second mission to continue momentum implementing the peace agreement and continuing the reintegration of FARCmembers into Colombian society. 4. Haiti Cholera Response:! I Background: The UN's new approach to cholera in Haiti is significantly underfunded despite effort s to raise voluntary funding. The SG recently appointed American citizen and former World Food Programme Executive Director Josette Sheeran as high-level envoy to develop a comprehensive strategy to seek additional voluntary contributions from Member States. B5 Background: Several countries want a new process to accredit indig e nous institution s to parti cipate at the UN. I FOR USE WITH SPECIFIC PERMANENTREPRE SENTATIVES 6. [St. Vincent and the Grenadines] SC Chair :I 7. [El Salvador] El Salvador in SC:I Background I 8. [Argentin a, Chile, Colombi a, Cost a Rica, M exico, Panama, Peru] ~ STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000487 UNCLASSIF IED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Background: Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela, and Uruguay represent Latin America on the NGO Committee. Cuba, Nicaragua, and~--~ Venezuela block NGOs working on issues like human rights .I 9. [Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Mexico, Argentina] Humanitarian Issues: B5 Background: The reception is an opportunity to lay the groundwork for engagement on key humanitarian priorities, including humanitarian reform with emerging GRULACleaders. 10. [Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Mexico, Uruguay, Colombia] LGBTCore Group Countries: Note our appreciation for the leadershi p of these Latin American core group countries . Background: A number of Latin American countr ies, especially in the core group, have been our strong advocates and al lies in pushing for equality across the UN, including on LGBTissues. 11. [Panama] OCHA Visit: Note that Unde r Secretary General Stephen O'Brien will travel to Panama in August to visit the OCHA Regional Office, and emphasize thi s is a goo d opportunity to understand t he unique needs in Latin America and the Caribbean. 12. [Argentina] Aging: Background: Argentina will chair the Open-Ending Working Group on Aging from July 5-7 and cont inu es to press for a binding new human rights convent ion on the rights of o lder persons. We do not support a new treaty, as it would ob ligate us to take steps domestically that STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000488 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 would be expensive and politically unfeasible. Argentina Permanent Representative: Martin Garcia Moritan Presentation of Credentials: 2016 B6 Spouse:~---~ Mr. Garcia is a career diplomat who has served in Bolivia , Brazil, th e Holy See, and at Argentina 's Permanent Mission to the UN (1995-98, 2003-09). Prior to serving as Ambassador to the UN, he served as the Director of Federal and Electoral Affairs in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) and as Director of the Special Representation on Terrorism Affairs. He is married and has five children. Brazil Permanent Representative: Mauro Vieira Presentation of Credentials: 2016 Mr. Vieira previously served as Brazil's Minister for Foreign Affair s. He was Brazil's Ambassador to the United States from 2010-2015 and previously served in Washington, Mexico City, and Paris. He also worked at other federal agencies, including serving as Assistant Secretary General at the Minist ry of Science and Technology and Secretary in the Ministry of Social Security and Assistance. Chile Permanent Representative: Cristian Barros Melet Presentation of Credential s: 20 14 Mr. Barros is a career diplomat and has served for more than 40 years in Chile's Foreign Service. He has an impressive amba ssadorial resume and previou sly served as Chile's Amba ssador t o India (also covering Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, and Nepal) , Italy, Malta, Peru, th e UK, and Denmark , as well as Permanent Representative to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization. He is married and has a son. Colombia Permanent Representative: Maria Emma Mejia Velez Presentation of Credentials: 2014 Spouse: ~----------- B6 ~ Ms. Velez is a former journalist with broad international experience and previously served as Secretary-General of the Union of South American Nation s (UNASUR). She was appointed as Colombia 's Mini ster for Foreign Affair s in 1996, served as Mini ster fo r Educati on in 1995, a nd as Colo mbi a's fir st female Amba ssador t o Spain fr om 1993-95. STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000489 UNCLASSIF IED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Costa Rica Permanent Representative: Juan Carlos Mendoza Garcia Presentation of Credentials: 2014 Spouse: ._________ _, Until his appointment, Mr. Gard a was a presidential candidate in Costa Rica. He previously served in Costa Rica's legislature from 201014 as an opposition leader and later President of Congress. His legislative background covers economic issues, international affairs and commerce, and electricity. Dominican Republic Permanent Representative: Francisco Antonio Cortorreal Presentation of Credential s: 2014 Spouse: Prior to his appointment as PR, Mr. Cortorreal had served as the Dominican Republic' s Alternative Amba ssador to the UN since 2004. Before joining the Dominican Republic's Foreign Service, he began his career in New York City as Director of the Dominican Republic's Casa de la Cultura (Culture House) in 1990 and in the New York City Department of Education in 1991. Before moving to the United Stat es, he was an economist at the Central Bank of the Dominican Republic . B6 Ecuador Permanent Representative: Horacio Sevilla Borja Presentation of Credential s: 20 16 Spou se: '------------- ~ Mr. Sevilla has served as an Ecuadorian Amba ssador num erous tim es since 1982, including Brazil, Germany, Peru, Argentina, Dominican Republic, Haiti and Slovakia. Prior to that, he served as the Mayor of Quito's international affair s adviser and in other MFA positions. El Salvador Permanent Representative: Ruben Ignacio Zamora Rivas Presentation of Credentials: 2014 ____________ Spouse:.__ _, Prior to his appointment , Mr. Zamora served a one-year stint as El Salvador's Ambassador to the United States. Prior to that, he was Ambassador to India from 2010-13 and held many academic, social and po liti cal posts, includin g as a legal consult ant in Somalia for th e Governm ent of th e Unit ed Kingdom in 2003, as Fo und er and Ge neral Secretary of an El Salvadoran o ppositi o n party, and as a po liti cal science pro fessor. He is marri ed with fiv e childr en. STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000490 UNCLASSI FIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Guatemala Permanent Representative: Jorge Skinner-Klee Presentation of Credentials: 2016 Mr. Skinner-Klee is an experienced diplomat who previously served as Guatemala's Ambassador to Belgium and Luxembourg and as Chief of Mission to the EU. He also served as Guatemala's representative to the Organization of American States (OAS), at Guatemala's Embassy in Washington, and as DPRto the UN. Mr. Skinner-Klee is married and has five children. Haiti Permanent Representative: Denis Regis Presentation of Credentials: 2013 Mr. Regis is an experienced lawyer and international diplomat and mediator. Prior to his UN appointment, he served as Haiti's Coordinator for the International Criminal Court (ICC)and at Haiti's embassies in the United States and Canada. In his parallel career as a professor and researcher at the State University of Haiti, Mr. Regis taught public international law, private international law, as well as international criminal law, diplomatic and consular law. Honduras Permanent Representative: Mary Elizabeth Flores Presentation of Credentials: 2010 Ms. Flores is the daughter of former Honduran President Carlos Roberto Flores and previously served as First Vice President of the National Congress of Honduras. She is a leading figure in Honduran politics and has championed causes such as constitutional reforms, health and environmental initiatives, energy conservation, ethics, transparency, and human rights. She has spearheaded numerous social projects, including investing in microfinancing programs for female entrepreneurs. Mexico Permanent Representative: Juan Jose Gomez Camacho Presentation of Credentials: 2016 Mr. Camacho, a career diplomat, previously served as Mexico's Ambassador to the EU, Belgium, and Luxembourg . He was previously Mexico 's PR to the UN and other organizations in Geneva, as well as DPR to the OAS. Mr. Gomez also served in a number of positions in the MFA, including Director General for Human Rights and De mocracy. Nicaragua STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000491 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Permanent Representative: Marfa Rubiales de Chamorro Presentation of Credentials: 2007 Ms. Rubiales de Chamorro is a career diplomat who previously served as Nicaragua's Director-General of the Governmental Promotion Agency. Her diplomatic experience includes service as DirectorGeneral of Foreign Policy for Asia, Africa and the Non-Aligned Countries in the MFA and as Minister Counselor at Nicaragua's Mission to the UN. She has three children. Panama Permanent Representative: Laura Elena Flores Herrera Presentation of Credentials: 2014 Ms. Flores previously served as Assistant Representative to the UN Population Fund in Panama, as Director of Business and Industry at the World Wildlife Fund, and at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute. She also has held posts in the Panamanian Ministry of Trade and Industry. Paraguay Permanent Representative: Julio Cesar Arriola Ramirez Presentation of Credentials: 2017 Mr. Arriola is an experienced diplomat and previously served as Ambassador to Canada. He was Paraguay's DPRat the UN and previously held several senior positions in the MFA. He is married and has four children. Peru Permanent Representative: Gustavo Adolfo Meza-Cuadra Velasquez Presentation of Credentials: 2013 A career diplomat with 32 years in Peru's Foreign Service, Ambassador Meza-Cuadra's service overseas has included postings in the United Kingdom, France, and the United States. Peru will be joining the Security Council for two years beginning in 2018. Uruguay Permanent Representative: Elbio Rosselli Presentation of Credentials: 2015 B6 Spouse: This is Mr. Rosselli's second time serving as PR in New York; his previous t erm was 2006-08. He previously served as Uruguay's Ambassador to Canada, Belgium, and Luxembourg and as Head of Mi ssion to the European Communities. Mr. Rosselli is marri ed with three children . STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000492 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Barbados Permanent Representative: Keith Hamilton Lewellyn Marshall Presentation of Credentials: 2015 Prior to his appointment, Mr. Marshall was a member of his country 's Senate. From 1961-2010, he served in various capacities in the national and international banking and insurance sectors . Mr. Marshall has also been actively involved in his country's sporting , philanthropic and community organizations . Trinidad and Tobago Permanent Representative: Pennelope Althea Beckles Presentation of Credential s: 2016 Spouse B6 ~------------~ A practicing attorney since 1988, Ms. Beckles has held a number of ministerial posts in Trinidad and Tobago, including Mini ster for Public Utilities and the Environment ; Mini ster for Culture and Touri sm; Minister for Social Development; Minister for Community Development, Culture and Gender Affairs; and Minister for Health. She is married and has four step-children . Jamaica Permanent Representative: Courtenay Rattray Presentation of Credentials : 2013 Spouse: ~-----~ Mr. Rattray is a career diplomat and served as Jamaica's Ambassador to China from 2008-13. He also served as DCM at Jamaica's Embassy in Washingt on. He is married with four children. Grenada Permanent Representative: Keisha A. McGuire Presentation of Credentials: 2016 Ms. McGuire , an attorney , was previously an associate in the liti gation department of Hughes Hubbard & Reed LLP. She was also an associate at Hogan Lovells LLP,representin g domestic and international clients in securities, receivership, construction and aviation , among other areas. Suriname Permanent Representativ e: Henry L. M ac-Donald Presentati on of Credentials: 2016 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000493 UNCLASSIF IED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Spouse: ~ -------- ~ Mac-Donald is a legal scholar and academic with more than a decade of government service. Prior to his appointment, Mac-Donald served as the DCM at Suriname's Embassy in Washington, as well as Alternate Representative to the OAS. Mac-Donald also served in Suriname's Ministry of Justice and Police. He is married and has five children. Dominica Permanent Representative: Loreen Ruth Bannis-Roberts Presentation of Credentials: 2016 Spouse: ~----------~ Prior to her appointment, Ms. Bannis-Roberts wa s Liaison Officer with the Ministry of Employment, Trade and Diaspora Affairs, as well as a justice of the peace. A school teacher and bank supervisor prior to entering the public sector, she is married and has three children. B6 Antigua and Barbuda Permanent Representative: Walton Alfonso Webson Presentation of Credentials: 2014 Until his appointment, Mr. Webson had a long career with Perkins International, an organization serving blind students, and was previously the Executive Director of the Caribbean Council for the Blind . He has authored books on empowering persons with disabilities and academic papers on development, education, and aspects of disability. St. Vincent and the Grenadines Permanent Representative: Inga Rhonda King Presentation of Credentials: 2013 Ms. King had an extensive career in academia and publishing, as well as in business development and financial management, before her appointment as PR. She was a business owner, strategy consultant , and Editor-in-Chief of a literary journal. She taught English as a foreign language in China and designed and conducted seminars to mitigate cross-cultural sensitivities for teachers there . Ms. King is a Certified Management Accountant and Certified Financial Manager . Bahamas Permanent Representative: Elliston Rahming Presentation of Credentials: 2013 Spouse: ~--------- Fro m 2005 until his late st appointment, Mr. Rahming wa s the STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000494 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Superintendent of Her Majesty ' s Prison of the Bahamas. Prio r to that, he served as Special Assistant to the Prime Minister. He previously worked in academia and founded a technology company. St. Kitts & Nevis Permanent Representative: Sam Terence Condor Presentation of Credentials: 2015 Prior to his appointment, Mr. Condor was Deputy Prime Mini ster and at various points has also served as Minister for Foreign Affairs, Homeland Security, Labour, National Security, Social Security, and Immigration. Belize Permanent Representative: Lois Michele Young Presentation of Credentials: 2012 Prior to her UN appointment, Ms. Young chaired the Board of Directors of the Belize Social Security Chamber. She was also selfemployed in private practice as an attorney-at-law and Head of Chambers at Lois Young Barrow and Co. Ms. Young has been a member of the Bar Association of Belize since 1976. She was previously a Public Prosecutor in the Office of Public Prosecutions, a Crown Counsel in the Ministry of the Attorney General , as well as a magistrate. Guyana Permanent Representative: Rudolph Michael Ten-Pow Presentation of Credentials: 2016 Spouse: 86 Until his late st appointment, M r. Ten-Pow wa s the Special Advisor to the UN Coordinator for Multilinguali sm; Acting Director of Documentation Division at the UN; and Senior Program Manager for Conference Services at the World Bank. Mr. Ten-Pow held several other positions within the UN, including Chief of English Translat ion Service and Deputy Director of Documentation Division . He is married and has three children. Tr:tn :;day . .lu1y6, 7.0 11 Time All Day Subject Birthd ay: 86 ~------~ Recurrence Occurs every July 6 effective 7/6/2017 until 7/ 6/2017 87(C) Show Time As Free Time A!! Dav Subject Weather: Rain/ H: 81 / L: 72 (90%} Show Time As Free Time 8: lS .AM ···9 ::15AM STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000495 UNCLASSIF IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Subject Friends of the Futur e UN Breakfast (1 hr) Location B6 British Residence,~-----~ Show Time As Busy Event: Breakfast: Friends of the Future of the UN Date: Thursday, July 6, 2017 Time: 8:15 a.m. Location: British PR's residence, ~----~ Attendees: Amba ssador Nikki Haley H.E. M s. Maria Emma Mejia Velez, Colombia H.E. Mr. Vladimir Drobnjak, Croatia H.E. Mr s. Lana Zaki Nusseibeh, UAE H.E. Mr. Abdallah Yahya A. AI-Mouallimi , Saudi Arabia H.E. Ms. Inga Rhonda St. Vincent and the Grenadines H.E. Ms. Valentine Rugwabiza, Rwanda H.E. Ms. Laura Elena Flores Herrera, Panama H.E. Mr. Christian Wenaweser, Liechtenstein H.E. Mr. Co urtney Rattray, Jamaica H.E. Mr. Syed Akbaruddin, India H.E. Ms. Martha Arna Akyaa Pobee, Ghana H.E. Mr. Kai Jurgen Mkael Sauer, Finland Purpose: Ambassador Rycroft requested that you speak at the outs et of this meeting on the U.S. vision for UN reform . Co-chaired by UAE and Norway , Friends of the Future of the UN (FFUN) is a collection of member states formed several years ago that discuss issues of mutual interest . Following your remarks, FFUN members will share their views o n UN reform as w ell as on USUN engagement. Cont ext : On June 30, th e Secret ary-Ge neral re leased his fir st repo rt on UN Development System reform, with a second expected in Decembe r. He is expected to release details of his proposa ls in th e peace and security and manageme nt reform pillars in July/Au gust. Secretary-General Guterres is also planning a retr eat for all M ember Stat es on 22 July to consider the thr ee strand s of reform. Talking Point s: 1. UN Reform Agenda Overview j B5 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000496 UNCLASSIF IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Background: The Secretary-GeneraI initiated three tracks for UN reform: restructuring the peace and security architecture to make field operations more flexible and response to needs on the ground ; revitalizing the development architecture to more effectively and efficiently deliver on Agenda 2030, and, management reform to create a simple, decentralized, and flexible UN that is transparent and accountable. In light of the U.5.-backed budget cuts, it will be important to reemphasize our commitment to and active participation in reform efforts while not supporting implementation of any new and costly structures. B5 2. Peace and Security Pillarj STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000497 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 3. Development Pillar:! B5 4. M anagement Refo rm Pillar: I Backg ro und: The SG has the most auth o ri ty to make changes STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000498 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 independently of th e GA in regards to management and reform. [Questions included on the invitation] 1. Which two or three reforms do you see as paramount? 2. How do you see the three strand s of reform intersecting and complementing each other? B5 3. How can Member States proactively and visibly support the SG in his ambition for the UN to improve its performance and become more effective and efficient? STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000499 UNCLASSIF IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 85 Biographies: Ms. Maria Emma Mejia Velez, PR Colombia Ms. Velez was appointed PR in 2014. She served as Secretary General of the Union of South American nations. Prior to her appointment, she was the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mini ster of Education, and Ambassador of Colombia to Spain-the first woman to hold this position. She was elected to chair the 3rd committee of the UN in September 2016. Mr. Vladimir Drobnjak, PRCroatia Mr. Drobnnjak was appointed PR in 2013. Prior to his appointment, he was the PR to the European Union in Brussells, and served as DPRto the UN in 1992. He was also a member of the team negotiating Croatia's Stabilization and Association Agreement with the European Union. He served as chair of the Fourth Committee during the 71st session. Mr. Matthew Rycroft, PR United Kingdom (Host) Mr. Rycroft was appointed PR in 2015. Prior to his appointment he served at the UN in Geneva, and on the NATO desk in London , and also served as the Chief Operating Officer of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office of his country. He is married with three daughters. Mrs. Lana Zaki Nusseibeh, PR United Arab Emirates Ms. Nusseibeh was appointed as PR in 2013, and prior to her appointment served several posts in the UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs. She currently serves as President of the UN Women Executive Board, and received the UAE Prime Minister's Government Excellence Award in 2017. Mr . Abdallah Yahya AI-Mouallimi, PRSaudi Arabia Mr . AI-Mouallimi was appointed PR in 2011. Prior to this appointment, he was Ambassador to Belgium, Luxembourg, and the EU. He was Mayor of Jeddah from 2001-2005. He is the founder of Dubai based investment firm Dar Mouallimi Consulting Company and HBG holdings. He is the Chairman of the UNCCTAdvisory Board. Ms. lngha Rhonda King, PR Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Ms. King was appointed PR in 2013. Prior to her appointment she had an extensive career in academia, publi shing, business development, and financial managem ent . She served as Ho no rary Consul for Portugal to SVG . She also has a background in teaching foregin language and math emati cs to at ri sk children. STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000500 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Ms. Valentine Rugwabiza, PR Rwanda Ms. Rugwabiza was appointed PR in 2016. Prior to her appoi ntment has worked for more than twenty five years on African and global development issues both from corporate and public sector ; as senior Diplomat, national and international public servant and corporate manager in national , regional and multilateral organisations. She is a Cabinet Member since 2013 and is also a founding member of the Rwanda Women Entrepreneurs' Organization. Ms. Laura Elena Flores Herrerra , PR Panama Ms. Flores was appointed PR in 2014. Prior to her appointment, she served as Assistant Rep. to the United Nations Population Fund in Panama. Before that, she was Director of Business and Industry at the World Wildlife Fund in Wa shington, and Director of Corporate Marketing for the World Wildlife Fund. She has also held several posts in the Panamanian Mini stry ofTrade and Indu stry, including Vice Mini ster for Foreign Trade. Mr. Chri stian Wenawe ser, PR Liechtenstein Mr. Wenaweser was appointed PR in 2002. Prior to his appointment, he served as the Desk Officer in the Office of Foreign Affair s of Liechtenstein, and also as First Secretart at the Permanent Mission of Liechtenstein to the UN. He has also previously studied film making, French Iiterature, Greek literature, and philosophy. He was also a member of Liechtenstein's delegation to international gatherings such as the Conference on the establishement of an International Criminal Court. Mr. Courtenay Ratray, PRJamaica Mr . Ratray was appointed PR in 2013. Prior to his appointment he was the Deputy Chief of Jamaica's Embassy in Washington , the Directo r of the Bilateral Relations Dept. in the Ministry of Industry and Investment, and also served as ambassador in Beijing . Mr. Syed Akbaruddin , PR India Mr. Akbaruddin was appointed PR in 2016 . Prior to his appointment , he was a director at the Foreign Secretary 's Office of the Mi nistry. He was also the official spokesperson of the Mini stry of External Affai s of India, and headed the External Publicity and Public Diplomacy divi sion of the Ministry. He served as the chief coordinator for the India -Afri ca Summit, and is an expert on West Asia issues in India. Ms. Martha Arna Akyaa Pobee, PR Ghana Ms. Pobee was appointed PR in 2015. Ms . Pobee has been a career diplomat for almost 30 years, and prior to her PR appointment served as Deputy Head of Mission Charge d'affaires a the Ghana High Commission in Pretoria. She has also served as Director of the Information and Public Affairs Bureau at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and has also worked numerous positions at various Ghanaian embassies around the world . Mr. Kai Jurgen Mikael Sauer, PR Finland Mr. Sauer was appointed in 2014. Prior to his appointment , Mr. Sauer was Ambassado r of Finland to Indo nesia, Timor -Lest e, and th e Associati o n of So uth-East Asian Nation s. He also served as Director of th e UN Aff airs unit in Finland's Mini stry of Fo reign Aff airs, and also in th e Po liti cal Departm e nt. He served in UNMIK fr o m 2003-2005. STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000501 UNCLASSIF IED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Time Subject 9:30AM-10:00AM 21/W Staff Meeting (30 min) Show Time As Busy Time 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Subject Lunch with Dr. Kissinger Location Brook Club, 111 E 54th St, New York, NY 10022 Show Time As Busy Time: 12:00pm -1:00pm Location: Brook Club 111 E 54th St, New York, NY 10022 Attendees (4) : Ambassador Nikki Haley Jon Lerner Dr. Henry Kissinger+ Shelia Enright (note-taker) B6 Contact: Sheila Enright, Assistant, I ~---~ l B6 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000581 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Time 3:00 PM - 3:30 PM Subject Briefing (30 mins) Show Time As Busy Time 3:40 PM - 4: 10 PM Subject Meeting: USGVoronkov (30 min) Show Time As Busy Event: Meeting with Vladimir Voronkov, new UN Under-SecretaryGeneral for Counter-Terrorism Date: July 19, 2017 Time: 3:40-4:l0p.m. Attendees: Ambassador Nikki Haley Ambassador Michele Sison David Glaccum Jasleen Bains (Escort and note-taker) Guests: Vladimir lvanovich Voronkov, Under-Secretary -General (USG) of the newly created United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT) Rafiuddin Shah, Team Leader, Senior Political Affairs Officer Ignacio Ibanez, Political Affairs Officer Purpose: To offer our full support and cooperation to Voronkov in his new role, while also pressing him to give due priority to preventing violent extremism, engaging civil society, and protecting human rights while countering terrorism. Talking Points: 1. New CT Office/Position:! B5 Background: For many years the United States supported the creation of a new USG-level position to coordinate the UN's counterterrorism efforts. We believed that such a position can help de-conflict and give a strategic vision to the UN's bodies responsible for counterterrorism. Secretary-General Guterre s announced the creation of this position and the new UN Office of Counter-Terrorism in June, after the General Assembly formally endorsed his efforts to reform the UN's CT architecture. j STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000582 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 2. (SBU) Preventing Violent Extremism (PVE):I Background: A major focus of UN CT efforts is the implementation of SGBan's 2015 Plan of Action on PVE, which highlighted the need for a "whole-of-UN" approach that encompasses both security-based and systematic softer preventive counterterrorism measures to address the drivers of violent extremism. Russia has been among the greatest skeptic s of the PVEagenda, seeing it as a distraction from a more security-fo cused fight against terrori sm. Mo st UN Member State s, including our European allies and some Arab states like Jordan, believe that ISISand other terrorist groups cannot be defeated with security measures alone and that PVE- an approach that helps prevent and counter terrorist recruitment and reduce risk to communitie s posed by terrorist offenders as they return to societymust be an essentia I and complementary element of comprehensive counterterrorism strategies. 3. (SBU) Engaging Civil Society: Reaffirm that civil society, including local youth and women's organizations , academia and media, play an essentia I role as trusted local intermediaries in preventing radicalization to violence .I B5 4. Protecting Human Rights:! Biography: Vladimir lvanovich Voronkov, Under-Secr etary -General, United Nation s Offi ce of Count er-Terrori sm Mr. Voronkov brin gs to th e position m ore than 30 y ears of experience, working primarily on th e Unit ed Nati ons, as w ell as respo nsibiliti es STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000583 UNCLASSI FIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Time 2:15 PM - 3:00 PM Subject Meeting: SG and Turkish Officials (45 min) Show Time As Busy Event: Meeting with the Secretary-General and Turkish Officials on Refugees Date: Thursday, July 20, 2017 Time: 2:00-3:00 p.m. Location: SG's Office Purpose: To follow up from your trip to Turkey to discuss a "Year Seven" support strategy for Turkey, as the host country, and for Syrian refugees, including longer-term support to improve refugees ' access to education and legal work opportunities. You will also use the opportunity to discuss NGO-related concerns with Turkey. Attendees: Ambassador Nikki Haley Guests: Secretary General Antonio Guterres , with staff Turkish PR Sinirlioglu Turkish DPR, Mrs. Ba~akYal~1nand the Chief of Staff First Secretary Ms. Derle Demirel Counsellor Ceyhun Erciyes NH Staff: David Glaccum, EXEC Kylie Holmes, ECOSOC Becca Schimsa, EXEC Leslie Dewees, EXEC(notetaker) Three Flags: B5 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000584 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Talking Points: B5 Funding from the United States for Turkey (2017 Actual or estimated based on 2016 Actual): B5 Bilateral: * Humanitarianj * Defense Spending: * Nonproliferation, Antiterrorism, Demining: $2.6 million~! -~ STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000585 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 B5 US Funding to UN Organizations in Turkey in FY 2017 to date (total funding since 2012): * UNHCR:$40 million * ILO: $0 ($3 million * IOM: ($257 million since 2012) since 2012) $5 million ($16 million since 2012) * UNICEF:$25 million * UNDP: $0 ($2 million ($52 million since 2012) since 2012) * UNFPA: $2 million ($44 million since 2012) * WFP: $9.7 million ( $87 million since 2012) * WHO: $2 million ($8 million since 2012) Biography: Turkish Permanent Representative: Feridun Sinirlioglu [Pronounce: Fer-Doon Si-Neer-Li-Oh-Loo] [Informal Address: Feridun] Feridun Sinirlioglu was formerly Undersecretary of Foreign Affairs and interim Foreign Mini ster (August 2015 -November 2015) . After the June 2015 general election, Sinirlioglu was appointed as the Minister of Foreign Affairs. He is very close to Erdogan and the Turkish Government. Sinirlioglu was born in 1956 in Turkey's Black Sea Region and received his bachelor's degree from Ankara University. He received his Master's and Ph.D. in political science from Bosporus University. In 1982, Sinirlioglu began his career in Turkey's Mini stry of Foreign Affairs, and from 1985-1992 he served in Turkey's diplomatic missions in The Hague, Beirut, and Greece. In 1992, Sinirlioglu was appointed as the Undersecretary to the Permanent Mission ofTurkey to the United Nations. He also served as the Chief Foreign Policy Advisor to Turkey's former President from 1996-2000, as Minister and Deputy Director General for the Middle East and North Africa from 2000-2002 , and as the Ambassador of Turkey to Israel from 20022007. Sinirlioglu then served as Deputy Undersecretary for Bilateral Political Affairs from 2007-2009 . In 2009, he became the Undersecretary to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Sinirlioglu is married with two children and speaks fluent English and German. Drafted : ECOSOC- Kylie Holmes, ext . 4-4398, cell: ~---~ B6 Time 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM Subject SCConsultations: 1701 Report (2 hr) Show Time As Busy Event: UN Security Council Consultations on Resolution 1701 (Lebanon) STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000586 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Date: July 18, 2017 Time: 3:00-5:00 PM Location: UN Security Council Consultations Room Briefers: UN Special Coordinator for Lebanon Sigrid Kaag UN Assistant Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations EIGhassim Wane Staff: Amy Tachco Will Wagner Meeting Context: UN Special Coordinator for Lebanon Sigrid Kaag will deliver her thrice-annual briefing on the implementati on of Security Council Resoluti o n 1701 to the Security Council in closed consultations. Assistant Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations EI-Ghassim Wane will also provide a brief update on the operations of the UN Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL). The ent ire meeting will take place in closed consultations. France will speak fir st in consultations as the Lebanon penholder. No Security Council statement is planned. Background: Kaag will provide a general briefing on Lebanon's political , security, and humanitarian challenges .I B5 Assistant Secretary-General Wane will discuss UNIFIL's operatio ns.I The most significant incident UNIFIL faced recently was a " media tour " sponsored by Hizballah. On April 20, Hizballah brou ght journalists to UNIFIL's area o f operati ons, and allow ed j ournalists to take photos of Hizbal lah fi ght ers posing with illegal weapo ns. UNIFIL actu ally encount e red th e media to ur at vari o us point s, but represent ativ es of th e LAF told UNIFIL to let th e gro up pass. Even th ough th e journ alists STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000587 UNCLASSI FIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 took picture s of Hizballah fighter s holding weapon s, UNIFIL did not witness any weapons themselves j 85 86 Drafter: POL- Will Wagner , ext. 4-4114 , cell: Time 6 :00 PM - 7:30 PM Subject Fifth GA PR Reception (1.5 hr) Location Residence Show Time As Busy Date: Thursday, July 20, 2017 Time: 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm Location: Residence Purpo se: The Amba ssador would like the opportunity variou s PRs prior to UNGA. to meet with Staff: POL: 1. Steve Gee 2. Tom Benz 3. Leslie Ordeman 4. Will Wagner ECOSOC: 5. Matt Dolbow MR: 6. Jake Sherman 7. Brian Conroy EXEC: 8. David Glaccum - Floater 9. Katherine Veldran - Greeter 10. Gracey Roskam - Greeter 11. Rebecca Schimsa - Check-in stati on STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000588 UNCLASSIF IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 12. Morgan Vina - Floater Guests: Attended: 1. Benin: H.E. Mr. Jean-Claude Felix do Rego 2. Benin: Mrs. Nadeja do Rego 3. Cabo Verde: H.E. Mr. Jose Luis Rocha 4. Djibouti- Saada Hassan (Charged' Affaires) 5. Equatorial Guinea- Mr. Armando lkaka (Charge d'Affaires) 6. Ghana: H.E. Mrs. Matha Pobee 7. Guinea: HE Mr. Mamadi Toure 8. Kenya: H.E. Mr. Macharia Kamau 9. Lesotho: H.E. Mr. Kelebone Maope 10. Lesotho: Mrs. Nkhetheleng Regina Ma ope 11. Liberia: H.E. Mr. Lewis Brown 12. Libya: H.E. Mr. Elmahdi Elmajerbi (Charge d'Affaires) 13. Madagascar: HE Mr. Zina Andrianarivelo-Razafy 14. Madagascar: Mrs. Elise Bako Andrianarivelo-Razafy 15. Mauritania: Mr. El Hacen Eleyatt (Charged' Affaires) 16. Mauritius: H.E. Mr. Jagdish Koonjul 17 . Mauritius: Mrs. Manipreet Kaur Koonjul 18. Morocco: H.E. Mr. Omar Hila le+ wife 19. Namibia: H.E. Mr. Neville Melvin Gertze 20. Namibia: Mrs . Amy Gertze 21. Sao Tome and Principe: H.E. Mr. Alcinio Cravid e Silva 22. Sierra Leone: H.E. Mr. Adikalie Foday Sumah 23. South Africa: H.E. Mr. Jerry Matthews Matjila 24. South Africa: Mrs. Ntsebe Florah Matjila 25. Sudan: H.E. Mr. Omer Dahab FadI M o ham ed 26. Zambia: H.E. Mr. Lazarous Kapambwe STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000589 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 27. Zimbabwe: H.E. Mr. Frederick Shava Pending: 1. Congo- No answer 2. DRC-No answer 3. Congo- No answer 4. Guinea Bissau-No answer 5. Malawi- No answer Regrets: 1. Algeria 2. Chad 3. Comoros 4.Gabon 5. Mozambique 6. Seychelles 7. Somalia 8. Swaziland 9. Togo 10. Tunisia Menu (Nova Catering) : * CREEK STONE FILETMIGNON, CRISPYWAFFLE POTATOES, HERB FROMAGE, ROASTED BEETS * SWEETPICKLEDGULFSHRIMP, TEQUILLA-LIME COCKTAILSAUCE * CRISPYSUMMER ROLLS, SHACKCRAB, SRIRACHAMAYO * VEGETABLE MAKI SUSHI * MADAGASCARVANILLACHEESE CAKEBITE, MARASHINO CHERIES * WHITE CHOCOLATEDIPPEDSTRAWBERRY * VALRHONACHOCOLATEDIPPEDSTRAWBERRY TALKINGPOINTS: 1. Western Sahara: I 85 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000590 UNCLASSIF IED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 2. Liberia:! FOR USE WITH CHAD PR: 3. Chad and the GS Sahel: Commend Chad's contributions to FOR USE WITH DRC PR: 4. Political Situation:! FOR USE WITH EQUATORIAL GUINEA PR: 5. UNSC Seat: Congratulate Equatorial Guinea on its first ever election to the Security Council, for th e '1 8-'19 term . 85 FOR USE WITH GUINEA PR: 6. Endin g Peace buildin g Commi ssio n (PBC) Configur atio n : STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000591 UNCLASSIF IED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Note: The PBCdecided in April, with the approval of the Government of Guinea, to terminate the country configuration for Guinea, which was chaired by Luxembourg and began in 2011. Despite this, Guinea can continue to seek Commission support upon their request. The hope is that this will enable Guinea to use the PBCwith flexibility and undertake sustained advocacy to better tackle current challenges and better mobilize resources for peacebuilding activities in the country. FOR USEWITH SOMALIA PR: 7. New PR:I Note: Osman arrived in NYC on Sunday, July 16, and as of July 18 has not yet presented credentials to the SG. FOR USEWITH ZIMBABWE PR: 8. ECOSOC:I B5 IF RAISED: 9. UNAMID:I 10. Sudan Sanction sj Biographies: Benin Permanent Representative: Jean-Claude DO REGO [Pronounce: zhean-cloud doe RAY-go] [Informal Address: Jean-Claude] Presentation of Credentials: 2016 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000592 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Ambassador Rego spent much of his career working for th e Offi ce of the UN High Commi ssioner for Refugees (UNHCR)- including field posts in Kenya, Liberia, and Serbia; seven years at UNHCR headquarters in Geneva; and, before he became PR,as as Deputy Representative of UNHCR in Ethiopia. Prior to his career with UNHCR, he worked for UNDP. He holds a doctorate degree from the Sorbonne in Paris and has three children B6 Spouse: [Pronounced: Na-DEHZH-duh doe RAY-go] [Informal Address: Nadejda] Cabo Verde Permanent Representative: Jose Luis ROCHA [Pronounce: ZHO-say LOO-ees RO-sha] [Informal Address: Jose Luis] Presentation of Credentials: 2017 Ambassador Rocha is a career diplomat, and served as Ambassador to the United States for six months in 2014 prior to his current appointment. He has served as Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs , Director of National Political Affairs and Cooperation , DirectorGeneral of Foreign Policy, Representative at the Organization Internationale de la Francophonie, and Ambassador to Belgium and Luxembourg . He hold s degrees from the Catholi c University of Louvain in Belgium, and studied manage ment and devel opment finance at Pitt sburgh University. He has tw o son s and a daught er. B6 Spouse [Pronounc e: [Informal Address:r=J ] B6 Ghana Permanent Representative: Martha POBEE [Pronounce: POH-bay] [Informal Addr ess: Marth a] STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000593 UNCLASSIF IED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Presentation of Credentials: 2015 Ambassador Pobee has been a career diplomat for almost 30 years. Her most recent prior appointment was as Charged' Affaires at the Ghana High Commission in South Africa. She also served as Head of Chancery at the Ghanaian Embassy in Washington , D.C., from 2006 to 2010. She served as Deputy Head of Mission at the Ghanaian Embassy in Israel. Earlier in her career, she was posted to Ghana's Permanent Mission to the Office of the UN in Geneva and to the Embassy in Moscow. She is the first female Ghanaian Permanent Representative to the UN. According to UN Protocol, she is married. Spouse: ~--------- B6 ~ [Pronounce:~! --~ [Informal Addre ss:D B6 Guinea Permanent Representative: Mamadi TOURE [Pronounce: mah-mah-dee too-RAY] [Informal Address: Mamadi] Presentation of Credentials: 2011 Prior to his appointment , Amba ssador Toure had spent his entire career working for the UN, primarily the Department of Politi cal Affairs (DPA). He was most recently Senior Political Affair s Office r in charge of the Horn of Africa Team, and he has also served as Senior Political Affairs Officer in charge of the West Afri ca team. He has also served as Chief of Staff at the United Nations Operations in Cote d'Ivoire (UNOCI), and Head of the Regional Office at the United Nation s Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH). Amba ssador Toure holds an MBA from the City University of New York. He is married and has three children . Kenya Permanent Representative: Macharia KAMAU [Pronounce: mah-SHA-ria ku-MAH-oo] [Inform al Addr ess: Macharia] Presentati o n of Crede ntials: 2010 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000594 UNCLASSI FIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Ambassador Kamau has served as PR in New York since 2010- holding several leadership positions, including as one of SG Ban's Special Envoys on El Nino and Climate - and from 2009 to 2010 was Kenya's PR to UN organizations in Nairobi. He has spent most of his career working for the UN, including with UNICEFand UNDP; he has been UN Resident Coordinator or Acting Coordinator in South Africa, Rwanda, and Botswana, and also has held UN postings in Belgium, Barbados, Namibia, and Zambia. Born on March 3, 1958, he holds a bachelors degree from the College of Wooster (Ohio) and a masters degree from Harvard's Graduate School of Education. Spouse: Not married Lesotho Permanent Representative: Kelebone MAOPE [Pronoun ce: keh-leh-BOH-nay mah-OH-pay] [informal address: Kelebone] Presentation of Credentials: 2013 Ambassador Maope has been active in government, politic s, law, and academia in Lesotho. He has served unde r both a military junta (as Attorney General from 1987 to 1993) and in elected governments (in numerous ministerial posts from 1990 to 2001, including as Minister of Foreign Affairs from 1995 to 98). In 1994 he and three other ministers were briefly held by Army mutineers; the Deputy Prime Minister at the time was killed in the same incident. Maope served in Parliament from 1993 to 2013 and founded the Lesotho People's Congress political party in 2001. He holds a law degree and was a law professor at the National University of Lesotho before his government career began. Born on 15 September 1945, Ambassador Maope is married and has two children. Spouse 86 ~----------~ [pronunciation: ~-----------~ [Informal Address ~---~ Liberia Permanent Representative: Lewis BROWN [Informal Address: Lewis] Presentation of Credentials: 2016 Ambassador Brown was Liberia's Minister for Information between 2012 and 2016. In 2003, he was Minister for Foreign Affairs and Chief Negot iator at the Accra Peace Talks, having served as Min ister of State for President ial Affairs in 2002. Prior to that, he was Nati ona l Security Adviser and Adviser on Po liti cal and Domestic Affairs in the Ministry of STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000595 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 State for Presidential Affairs, between 1999 and 2001. Ambassador Brown holds a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Liberia, and a master's degree in management from Johns Hopkins University in the United States. Born in 1965, he is married and has eight children. Spouse: ~-----~ [Informal Addressj ~-~ Libya Charge d' Affaires: Elmahdi ELMAJERBI [Pronounce: el-mah-dee el-maj-er-be] [Informal Address: Elmahdi] Appointment: 2012 Ambassador Elmajerbi has worked in foreign affairs since the 1980s, devoting almost a decade of service to his country's Department of International Organizations (DOI). The dawn of the '90s saw him move to the Libyan Embassy in Austria (1989-1993) before returning to the DOI. In 2000, he once again left the department for a post at the Libyan Embassy in the Kingdom of Bahrain. 2005 saw him return to DOI. In 2012, he joined the team at the Permanent Mission of Libya to the United Nations. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Political Science from Cairo University (1979) and a diploma in Diplomatic Studies from the Diplomatic Studies Institute in Tripoli (1980). He is ma rried. B6 Spouse:~------~ [Informal Addressc==J Mauritania Charged' Affaires: Mr . El Hacen ELEYATT,First Counsellor [Pronounce: el ha-sen el-hi-yaht] [Informal Address: El Hacen] Mr . Eleyatt has been first counsellor of the Mauritanian Permanent Mission since 2012. He served as Chief of Protocol to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, and as general manager of the Mauritanian Archives . He graduated from the University of Nuakchott in 2005. Spouse:~-----~ [Pronounce ~---~ [Informal Address: C:=J Namibia Permanent Representative: Neville GERTZE STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000596 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 [Pronounce: Gurt-za] [Informal Address: Neville] Presentation of Credentials: 2017 Before this appointment , Ambassador Gertze was Chief of Protocol in his country's Ministry of International Relations and Cooperation. He has also served as Ambassador to Germany , the Holy See, Poland and Turkey, and as non-resident Ambassador to the Philippines and Thailand. He served as Namibia's High Commissioner to Malaysia, Commercial Counsellor to South Africa, Personal Assistant to the Minister for Foreign Affairs, and First Secretary at the Embassy of Washington , D.C. He holds degrees from institutions in South Africa. He is married and has two children. B6 Spouse:~---------~ [Pronoun ce:LJ [Informal Address:O Sierra Leone Permanent Representative: Adikalie Foday SUMAH [Pronoun ce: Ah-da-kah-lee Fo-day Su-Ma] [Informal Address: Adikalie] Presented Credentials: 2016 Ambassador Sumah is a diplomat and lawyer who previously had served, since 2009, as Ambassador to Guinea, Mali and Niger. Before joining the Sierra Leone diplomatic cop rs, he worked in th e UK as British civi l servant, researcher, and solicitor. He received his bachelors and law degrees from the University of East London. Born on May 23 1960, he is married and has three children. South Africa Permanent Representative: Jerry Matthews Matjila [Pronounce : math-JEE-lah] [Informal Address: Jerry] Presentation of Credentials: 2016 Ambassador Majila is a long-time member of the African National Congress (ANC). He went into exile in 1976 and held various posts with the ANC, including representing the ANC to various countries in Asia and Europe. After the ANC won South Africa's first post-apartheid election in 1994, he was one of the founding members of what is now the Department of Int ernat iona l Relations and Co-operat ion. His postings have includ ed High Commissioner to India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, the Maldives and Nepa l (1995-99 ), Ambassador to Belgium, Luxembourg and the EU (2001 -06), and PR to the UN in Geneva (2010- STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000597 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 11). He was the Acting Director-General of South Afri ca's Department of International Relations and Cooperation from 2011 to 2016. The Ambassador was born on July 14, 1952, and attended the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, Scotland. He has said he runs 6-8 kilometers each day. Spouse: '----------~ Sudan Permanent Representative: Omer Dahab Fadl Mohamed [Pronounce: Oh-mer dah-HAHB Fad-ul Mo-ham-ad] [Informal Address: Omer] Presentation of Credentials: 2015 Prior to his appo intment, Amba ssador Dahab was Sudan's Ambassador to the Russian Federation from 2012, part of which period he was concurrently accredited to Belarus and Kazakhstan. Before that, he served as Chair of the Committee on Justice, Reconciliation, Human Rights and Fundamental Freedom s of the Government's delegation to the Inter-Sudanese Peace Talks on Darfur. He also served at his country's Permanent Mission to the UN in Geneva from 2004. He holds a master's degree in law from the People's Friendship University of Russia and a master's degree from the International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization in Malaysia. Ambassador Dahab, who has published books and article s and presented papers on his country's foreign policy, is marri ed and has children. Spouse:.___________ B6 _, Zambia Permanent Representativ e: Lazarous Kapambwe [Pro nounce: kah-PAHM-bway] [Informal Addre ss: Lazarous] Presentation of Credentials: 2017 Prior to his latest appointment , Ambassador Kapambwe served as Special Adviser for economic affairs to the Chairperson of the Africa n Union Commission since 2012. Between 2007 and 2012, he served as the Permanent Representati v e of Zambia to the UN. Durin g that tenure, he served as President of the Economic and Social Council between 2011 and 2012 and as co-chair of an open-ended working group on the world financial crisis from 2009 to 2010 . He was Counsellor and Deputy Chief of Mission at Zambia's Embassy in Washington , D.C., from 1988 to 1993. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in law from the University of Zambia. Spo use: '-------------~ [Pronounce '---------- ~ STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000598 UNCLASSI FIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 B6 [Informal Address ~--~ The Kapambwe family keeps an active Twitter account (@TheKapambwes), and an active blog (thekapambwes.wordpress.com). Both provide advice for parenting and home life. Zimbabwe Permanent Representative: Frederick Shava [Pronounce: SHAH-vah] [Informal Address: Frederick) Presentation of Credentials: 2014 Until his appointment, Ambassador Shava had been Ambassador to China since 2007. From 2003 to 2004, he was a consultant on Zimbabwe 's Parliamentary reform. As an elected official, he was Minister of State for Political Affairs in 1987 and Minister of Labour, Manpower Planning and Development from 1981 to 1986. Mr. Shava holds a Doctor of Philosophy and a Master of Philosophy in parasitology from Royal Holloway College; a Master of Science in nematology from Imperial College; and a Bachelor of Science in biology from University of Zimbabwe. B6 Spouse: Pending Attendees: Chad Permanent Representative: Ali Alifel Mousta pha - Out of country; Charge may attend. Comoros Permanent Representative: Mohamed Soilihi Soilih- Out of country; Charge may attend. Republic of Congo Permanent Representative: Raymond Serge Bale [Pronounce: bah-LAY) [Informal Address: Raymond] Presentation of Credentials: 2008 Before coming to New York, Ambassador Bale served as Ambassador to Ethiopia and as the Permanent Representative to the African Union and to th e UN Economi c Commission for Africa. His 3S year diplomatic career has included serving as Secretary -General of the Congolese Mini stry of Foreign Affairs, Cooperation and Francophone Affair s, and as Inspector -General for Diplomati c and Consular Mi ssion s. He served STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000599 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 as a counsellor for the Permanent Mission of the Congo to the UN from 1985 to 1992, which included Congo's term on the Security Council in 1986-1987. Before beginning his career in diplomacy, Ambassador Bale worked as a teacher. He studied at St. John's University in New York, and is married with six children. Spouse: B6 ~--------~ [Pronounce: ._ ! __ _, [Informal Addressl~ __ _,ll Democratic Republic of the Congo Permanent Representative: Ignace Gata Mavita wa Lufuta [Pronounce: GAH-tah mah-VIH-tah] Presentation of Credentials: 2012 Ambassador Gata Mavita has held various positions within the DRC government. He served as Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs and Minister for Regional Integration, and held several positions in the Ministry of the Interior, Decentralization and Security. He holds a master's degree in law from the National University of Zaire, and earned a diploma in public administration from the Charleroi University Centre in Belgium. He is married and has six children. Spouse: Mrs . Celine Marie Laetitia Nemena Bukele Equatorial Guinea Permanent Representative: Anatolia Ndong Mba - Out of country; Charge may attend. Guinea-Bissau Permanent Representative: Joao Soares da Gama [Pronounce: dah GAH-mah] Presentation of Credentials: 2010 Ambassador da Gama previously served as Counsellor in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Cooperation and Communities, and as Focal Point for the Community of Portuguese-Speaking Countries (CPLP).Prior to that appointment, he was Director of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Cooperation and Communities. Between 2002 and 2004, he was Ambassador to France. He pursued studies in languages and economics, in Brasov, Romania (19731977), as well as in law, at the University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania (19771981). He speaks Portuguese, French, English and Romanian. Born on 26 December 1955 in Bafata, Guinea-Bissau, Ambassador da Gama is married and has three children . Spouse: B6 ~-------~ Madagascar STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000600 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Permanent Representative: Zina Andrianarivelo-Razafy Presentation of Credentials: 2002 From 1999 until his current appointment, Ambassador AndrianariveloRazafy served as Madagascar's Ambassador to the United States, as well as Ambassador to the World Bank and International Monetary Fund. He holds numerous degrees including a master's degree in business administration from Ball State University in Muncie, Indiana and a bachelor's degree in international trade and applied foreign languages obtained in Nantes, France. In addition to his native languages of Malagasy and French, he is also fluent in English and German. He is married with two children, and is a cousin of late former PR to the UN Blaise Rabetafika. Spouse: ~----------~ Malawi Permanent Representative: Necton D. Mhura Presentation of Credentials: 2016 From 2015 until his latest appointment, Mr. Mhura was his country's Ambassador to the United States, Canada, Mexico , Cuba, Bahamas and Puerto Rico. With a background in law and academia, Mr. Mhura served as Deputy Chief Secretary to the Government of Malawi from 2010 to 2012 and as Dean of the Faculty of Law at University of Malawi, Chancellor College, from 2004 to 2007. Having served as a Research Fellow at the University of Edinburgh from 1985 to 1988, Mr. Mhura holds a Master of Laws from the University of London and a Bachelor of Laws from the University of Malawi. Some sources list him as married, but UN Protocol states that he is not married. He has three children. Spouse: B6 ~-------~ MAURITIUS Permanent Representative: Jagdish Dharamchand Koonjul Presentation of Credentials: 2015 Ambassador Koonjul is in his second posting at the UN, having previously served as PR from 2001 to 2006, including when Mauritius was on the Security Council (2001-02)-although , according to press reports, he was at least briefly recalled to Mauritius in 2002 when he did not sufficiently convey his government's pro-U .S. stance regarding over how to disarm Iraq. Koonjul briefly served as Secretary for Foreign Affairs of Mauritius in 2015 and was Ambassador to Belgium and the EU from 2011 to 2015. He holds a bachelor's degree from the University of Bombay, India, and has four children. Spouse: ~--------~ STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000601 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 B6 Morocco Permanent Representative: Omar Hila le [Pronounce: hah-LAHL] [Informal Address: Omar] Presented Credentials: 2014 Ambassador Hila le has served for more than four decades with the Moroccan Foreign Ministry (MFA), having joined in 1974. He served from 2008 to 2014 - and from 2001 to 2005 - as PRto the UN in Geneva and was Secretary-General in the MFA from 2005 to 2008. He has been Ambassador to Indonesia, Singapore, Australia and New Zealand, and also had postings in Liberia, Ethiopia, and Algeria. Hila le received a degree in political science fr om Mohammed V University in Rabat, Morocco. Born in 1951 in Agadir, Morocco, he has three children and is married. Spouse: B6 ~--~ Sao Tome and Principe Charged' Affaires: Alcinio Cravid e Silva Mr. Cravid e Silva previously served as office director in the Mini stry of Foreign Affairs in Sao Tome and Principe. Somalia Permanent Representative: Abukar Dahir Osman [Informal Address: Saale] Ambassador Abukar Dahir Osman arrived in New York on July 16. He previously served as President Farmaajo's Chief of Staff and also worked closely with Farmaajo when he wa s Prime Minister in 2010, according to Post. As of July 19, "Saale" had not yet presented credentials to SGGuterres. Swaziland Permanent Representative: Melusi Martin Masuku Presentation of Credentials: 2017 Ambassador Masuku previously had been Chief of Protocol at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs since 2014. Prior to that position, he served in the ministry as Under-Secretary (Political) from 2013 to 2014, legal adviser from 2006 to 2013 and legal officer from 2005 to 2006. Between 2004 and 2005, he was a counsellor at the Embassy of Swaziland in Kenya from 2004 to 2005 and was First Secretary for LegaI Affairs at the Mi ssion of Swaziland to the United Nat ions from 1994 to 2004. He holds a Master of Arts in libera l studies from St. John's University in New York and a Bachelor of Laws and a Bachelor STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000602 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 of Arts in law from the University of Swaziland. He is married and has two children. B6 Spouse: Drafted: POL- Christopher Pothoven, ext. 4-4119 , cell: BB ~---~ rdd«V, Ju1y21, 2017 Time All Day Subject Birthday: ~------~ Recurrence Occurs every July 21 effective 7/21/2017 until 7/21/2017 Show Time As Free Time A.:!Day Subject Weather: Partly Cloudy/ H: 95 / L: 73 (20%) Show Time As Free Time 9:00 .AM...9 :30 AM Subject 21/W Staff Meeting (30 min) Recurrence Occurs every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday , Thursday , and Friday effective 5/30/2017 until 7/31/2017 from 9:00 AM to 9 :30 AM Show Time As Busy Time 10:15 AM -10:4 5 AM Subject Meeting: Section Heads (30 min) Show Time As Busy Event: Section Heads Meeting Date: July 21, 2017 Time: 10:15 AM Invitee s: Tom Gallo MGT Ann Gratino GSO (new Carlos) Maria Brucklacher HR Lacey Mori son Budget Fred Murriel IRM Jim Donovan HC Stefanie Amadeo ECOSOC Mark Simonoff Legal Brian Dunn Milit ary Amy Tachco Politi cal STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000603 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Jonathan Wachtel Press Brian Conroy Management Reform B6 B7(C) EXECStaff: SG, DG Time lJ.:00 AM- 11:30 AM Subject Meeting: Amb. Muhammad-Bande (30 min) Show Time As Busy Event: Meeting with Ambassador Tijjani Muhammad-Bande, Nigeria Permanent Representative to the United Nations [Pronounce: Tee-Jah-Nee Mu-ha-Med Bun-Day] Date: Friday, July 21, 2017 Time: 11:00 -11:30 a.m. Attendees: Ambassador Nikki Haley POL Deputy Counselor Stephen Gee POL Adviser for West Africa Tom Benz ECOSOCHumanitarian Adviser Tasha Gill (Escort) Guests: Ambassador Tijjani Muhammad-Bande DPRSamson Sunday Purpose: Reinforce our commitment and support to Nigeria in its effort to combat Boko Haram and its offshoot, ISIL-West Africa. Note our ongoing concern over the food insecurity crisis in northeast Nigeria as a result of the Boko Haram conflict. Commend Nigeria's recent efforts to improve the management and operation of its crisis response organs. Background: Ambassador Muhammad -Bande presented his credentials in May 2017 filling a longstanding gap in the Nigerian permanent mission's leadership. He comes with a significant background of time spent in academia and research institutions as an administrator. Nigeria has been beset by a number of challenges over the last few years, with the ongoing Boko Haram conflict and its concomitant humanitarian crisis, insurgency in the oil -rich Niger delta, falling oil prices, endemic corruption, and, most recently, the poor health of its president Muha ma du Buhari, who has spent several months in London this year receiving medical treatment. The Vice President Yemi Osinbajo has been an effective administrator and voice for the country in his absence. Osinbajo visited Buhari in the UK in early June, afterward telling the press he expected the President to return soon. Despite the exogenou s shock of reduced revenue from STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000604 UNCLASS IFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 fossil fuels and self-inflicted challenges of corruption, Nigeria possesses the continent's largest economy and wields tremendous influence in the region. Nigeria was most recently in the Security Council from 2014-2016, and along with their fellow continental power South Africa, believes they should receive a permanent seat. Nigeria was slow to address the emerging security threat of Boko Haram that began in 2009, but has stepped up efforts and is better addressing the challenge with its operations in concert with the Multi National Joint Task Force (whose force commander is Nigerian) composed of troops from Nigeria, Cameroon, Chad, Niger and Benin, functioning under the rubric of the Lake Chad Basin Commission. However, the humanitarian challenge is of a magnitude that demands greater effort and investment from the government. Talking Points: 1. President Buhari:I 85 2. Boko Haram: I 3. Humanitarian Crisis:! 4. UN Reform Agenda! 5. UNOWAS: STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000605 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 6. ECOWAS(Economic Community of West African States)! B5 IF RAISED: 7. Security Council Reform: I Biography Permanent Representative: Prof. Tijjani MUHAMMAD-BAN DE [Pronoun ce: Tee-Jah-Nee Mu-ha-Med Bun-Day] [Informal Address: Tijjani] H. E. has had a lengthy career as a scholar and administrator. Prior to his appointment as Nigeria's Permanent Representativ e to the United Nation s, Mr . Bande served as Director-G e neral of the National Institute for Policy and Strategi c Studie s in Kuru, Nigeria, fr o m 2010 to 2016. He wa s Vice-Chancellor of Usmanu Danfodiy o Univer sity in Sokoto, Nigeria, between 2004 and 2009. From 2000 until 2004, he served as Director- General of the African Training and Research Centre in Admini strati on for Developm ent, based in Tangier, Mo ro cco. Awarded Nigeria's Offi cer of the Order of the Federal Republic in 2005, Mr. Bande holds a PhD in Political Science from the Univer sity of Toronto, Canada, having previously earned a Master of Art s and a Bachelor of Science in Political Science, from Boston University, United States, and Ahmadu Bello University in Zaria, Nigeria, respectively . Muhammad-Sande has travelled to over forty countries and consulted for Institutions and Governments over a variety of governance issues, from higher education to security and international relations and organizations . He has been an Assessor for the National Merit Award and for professorial positions in universities . He has won Awards and Honors from Institutions and Governments including the US and China and is a recipient of Nigeria's Officer of the Order of the Federal Republic (OFR) in 2005. Born on 7 December 1957, he is married and has four children . Draft ed: POL-Tom Benz, ext. 4-4346, cell: ~ ---~ B6 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000606 UNCLASSIF IED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 POC: Khadija, ,--:'......:..c===== :::'.L-~ 86 -----_J ,s, JLl!y W, 2017 Time All Day Subject Weather: Partly Sunny/ H: 77 / L 68 (0%) Show Time As Free Time 9 :00 AM .. 10:00 AM Subject PSGMeeting (1 hr) Location USUN / Conference Room A Show Time As Busy S. Asia STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000630 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Time 10:00 AM -10:30 M-,1 Subject 21/W Staff Meeting (30 min) Show Time As Busy Time 10:30 AM - 10:40 MA Subject Meeting: JL &CA (10 mins) Show Time As Busy Time 11:45 f\M - 12:lS Pfv-1 Subject Briefing (30 mins) Show Time As Busy Time 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Subject Lunch: Dr. Kissinger (1 hr) Location The River Club, 447 E 52nd St Show Time As Busy Attendees: Dr. Kissinger+ notetaker Ambassador Nikki Haley Jon Lerner Reservation: Kissinger, party of 4 86 Security POC:Jeff Medley ~---~ Kissinger POC:Sheila Enright, Assistant, I ~-------~ Q: Could you comment on your reaction to US and their sanctions? A: We are not happy about that. But it was not our choice, it was the choice of the US Congress which is making damage both to President Trump and to prospects of Russian-American relations . Q: We've heard about the resolution on DPRK.Is Russiastill not happy with the draft resolution? A: The Security Council has not seen the draft resolution yet. When we see it then we'll be able to say what we think of it. Q: Today Russia has said they want US diplomats out to certain number, and is closing their compounds. Why? What was their reason to do this? A: It was a reaction which was delayed for a very considerable time, for half a year, in a hope that the current Administration will undo the damage Obama's Admini stration did. We have been robbed of our compounds here absolutely illegally and our diplomat s were sent out. In diplomacy there is reciprocity. We showed restraint , and were patient long enough. We were warning our American counte rparts that we would be obliged to do so if there is no progress on that issue. We see there is not any. Even wor se with the late st draft bill by the Congress. Time has come. We had to do it. Q: Are you optimi stic about workin g with your American counterpa rt Ambassador Haley and the Trump Admini stration? A: I will not be working with Trump Administration as such. But, of course, I will be working with Ambassador Haley and I am looking forward to meeting her soon. I presented my credentials thi s morning to the Secretary-General. Now I can officially meet my colleagues which I will do in a matter of a few days. w ~rh:w,d;;iy, A;;gLlst 1, 1017 Time All Day Subject Weather: Partly Cloudy/ H: 86 / L: 72 (20%) Show Time As Free Time 8/2/20 17 12:00 AM - 8/ 4/ 1017 12:00 AM Subject AIC ~------~ Show Time As Free B6 B7(C) Time 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM Subject Private Appointment Show Time As Busy Sensitivity Private STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000662 UNCLASSIF IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Time 9:30 AM - 10:00 AM Subject 21/W Meeting (30 min) Show Time As Busy Time 10:00 AM - 12:00 P['-/l Subject Security Council Adoption/Briefing on Preventing Terrori st s from Acquiring Weapon s (2 hr) Show Time As Busy Event: Security Council Adoption/Briefing on Preventing Terroris ts from Acquiring Weapons Date: Wednesday, August 2, 2017 Time: 10:00am-12:00pm Location: UNSCChamber Briefers: UN Office of Drugs and Crime Executive Director, Mr. Yury Fedotov (via VTC) Acting Director of the UN Office on Counterterrorism, Mr. Jehangir Khan Counterterrorism Executive Directorate Deputy Director , Mr . Weixiong Chen Special Representative of INTERPOLto the UN, Mr. Emmanuel Roux Purpose: Adopt the Security Council Resolution on Preventing Terrorists from Acquiring Weapons. Attendees: Ambassador Haley Josh Black Emerita Torre s Aaron Banks Meeting Context: As one of Egypt's signature event s during it s August Presidency, Egypt intend s for thi s meeting , chaired by Amba ssador Aboulatta, to call attenti on to illicit traffickin g in weapon s that can aid terrori sts, encourage more coordin ation among UN bodies, and underscore th e role that Security Council-mand ated arm s embargo s play to help prevent illicit arm s trading. The focu s of the meetin g is on illicit arms flows that benefit ISISand al-Qaeda. Egypt will likely also use the meeting to criticize Qatar and Turkey for supporting extremi st group s and for not fully implementing CT-related UN Security Council resolutions. Egypt plans to adopt its resolution on preventing terrorists from acquiring weapons before the briefings and Council member interventions. We expect the briefing s to be technical in nature and most Council members to focus on practical ways to ensure ISISand al-Qaeda affiliated terrorists do not get their hands on arms or the means to build Improvi sed Explosive Devices (IEDs). Background: Egypt called for this initiative in early July as one of its signature STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000663 UNCLASSIF IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 events during its August Council presidency. Egypt put its resolution under silence on Monday, July 31, and we do not expect other Council members to break. During the negotiations on the Security Council resolution, Egypt proposed unacceptable language implicitly criticizing Turkey and Qatar. When we and other Council members opposed this language, Egypt back down and removed problematic provisions. While these negotiations were contentious at times, we successfully addressed all other problematic issues in the text. Note: Remarks in separate binder. Approved: EXEC-Ambassador Sison (ok) Drafter: POL- Emerita Torres, ext . 4-4495 Cleared: POL-Amy Tachco (ok) Time 12:30 PM - 1:00 PM Subject lunch (30 min) Show Time As Busy Time :uo PM ···2:45 PM Subject S Call ~-----~ B5 (15 min) Show Time As Busy B2 B7(E) NH to call~ I --~ Time 3,:00PM - 4:00 PM Subject Meeting: Amb. Liu (30 min) Location Chinese Mission, 350 E 35th St Show Time As Busy Event: Meeting with Ambassador Jieyi Liu Date: August 2, 2017 Time: 3:00 PM location: Chinese Mission, 350 E 35th St Purpose: To discuss DPRK Attendees: Ambassador Nikki Haley David Glaccum David lee Ambassador Jieyi Liu Shen Bo, Mini ster Counsellor Yu Peng, Second Secretary Xiao Yuxin, note -taker China Permanent Representative: Liu Jieyi STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000664 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 [Pronounce: Lee-yoo Jeh-ee] [Informal Address: Jieyi] Credentials Presented: 2013 Until his appointment , Mr. Liu was Vice Minister in the International Department of the Communist Party's Central Committee since 2009, prior to which he was Assistant Minister in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs from 2007 to 2009. He was Director-General in the Department of North American and Oceanian Affairs at the Foreign Ministry from 2006 to 2007, before which he served in the same capacity in the Department of International Organizations and Conferences since 2005. From 2001 to 2005, Mr. Liu was DirectorGeneral in the Department of Arms Control, having been Deputy Director-General in the Department of International Organizations and Conferences since 1998. M r. Liu's previous service at China's Permanent Mission to the United Nations included a stint as Counsellor from 1995 to 1998, and he held the same rank in the Foreign Ministry's Department of International Organizations and Conferences from 1994 to 1995. Between 1987 and 1994, he was Third Secretary holding the rank of Deputy Division Director , and later Director, in the Department of International Organizations and Conferences. Mr. Liu also worked as an interpreter at the United Nations Office at Geneva from 1981 to 1987. Born in December 1957 and the holder of a Master's degree, Mr. Liu is married and has a son. Time 4:00 PM - 4:30 PM Subject Briefing (30 mins) Show Time As Busy Time 4:40 PM - 4:45 PM Subject Call: Sen. Paul (5 min) Show Time As Busy NH to call 202-228-1615. Drake will connect. Time 4:45 PM - 4:50 PM Subject Call: Sen. Portman (5 min) Show Time As Busy Portman to call 212-415-4404 Time 6 :00 PM ·· 7:.30 PM Subject Seventh GA PR Reception (1.5 hr) Location Residence Show Time As Busy Event: Seventh GA PR Reception Date: Wednesday, August 2 Time: 6 :00 p.m. - 7 :30 p.m. Location: Residence Purpose: The Ambassador would like the opportunity to meet with STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000665 UNCLASSIF IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 various PRs prior to UNGA. Staff: POL: 1. Stephen Knight 2. Leslie Ordeman 3. Max Kendrick ECOSOC: 4. Kylie Holmes MR: 5. Carolyn Straini c EXEC: 6. Katherine Veld ran - Greeter 7. Gracey Roskam -Greeter 8. Courtney - Check-in station 9. Emily McMillan -Check-in station 10. Morgan Vina - Floater Guests : Attended 1. Afghanistan: H.E. Mr. Mahmoud Saikal 2. Azerbaijan: H.E. Mr. Yashar Aliyev 3. Bahrain: H.E. Mr. Jamal Fares Alrowaiei 4. Bahrain: Mrs. Sara Khabar 5. Eritrea: Mr . Amanuel Giorgio (Charge d'Affaires) 6. Eritrea: Mrs . Ad ha net Tsegay 7. Kyrgyzstan: H.E. Ms. Mir gul Moldoisaeva 8. Maldives: H.E. Mr. Ali Naseer Mohamed 9. Nepal: H.E. Mr. Durga Prasad Bhattarai 10. Nepal: Mr s. Mun a Bhatt a rai 11. Pakistan: Mr. Nabeel Munir (Charg e d' Aff aires) STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000666 UNCLASSIF IED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 12. Sri Lanka: H.E. Mr. Rohan Perera 13. Tajikistan: H.E. Mr. Mahmadamin Mahmadaminov 14. Sri Lanka: Mrs. Therese Rajakumari Perera 15. Uzbekistan: H.E. Mr. Bakhtiyor lbragimov 16. Yemen: H.E. Mr. Khaled H. Alyemany Pending 1. Bhutan- Invitation resent 2. I raq-I nvitation resent 3. Tajikistan- Invitation resent Regret 1. Comoros 2. Kuwait 3. Lebanon 4. Oman Budget:$ Guest: 20 x 2 = 40 (PR + 1) Staff: 12 52 X $45 = $2340 Flowers: $100 Labor- 5 Servers: $130 x 4 =520 + 170= $690 2250 -790 = $1550 Suggested Talking Points: [Overall points for all PRs] 1. Gulf Crisis:! B5 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000667 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 2. UN Reform Agendaj B5 [For Bahrain, Iraq, Kuwait , Lebanon , Oman, Yemen] 1. Syria 1 [For Afghanistan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan , Uzbeki stan] 2. Afghani stan: [ STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000668 UNCLASSIF IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 [For Yemen] 3. Yemen Humanitarian: ! [For Lebanon] 4. Trip Readout and SYGmeeting:! [For Oman] 5. Yemen Political:! B5 [For Tajikistan] 6. Water: Thank him for co-facilitating water negotiations; observe [For Afghanistan] 7. Internal Displacement and Refugee Returns: [For Pakistan] 8. Refugee Return s to Afghani sta n: STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000669 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 [For Pakistan, Nepal] 9. Troop/Police Contributions: [For Nepal] 10. Nepal Earthquake:! B5 [For Iraq) 11. Monitoring of IDP Screening Sites: I [For Bahrain) 12. [IF RAISED]Imprisoned human rights activist: '----------' Background: On July 10, the government of Bahrain sentenced human rights activist, Nabeel Rajab, to two years in prison because of tweet s and interviews he gave criticizing the government's human right s record. The State Department issued a statement urging the Government of Bahrain to uphold respect for freedom of expression. Bios: Afghanistan Permanent Representative: Mahmoud Saikal [Pronounce: MAH-mood SAl-kuhl] [Informal Address: Mahmoud] Presentation of Credentials: 2015 A senior Afghan diplomat and international development specialist, Mr. Saikal was th e Special Re presentativ e of the Chief Executive o f Afghanistan from 2014. Since 2012, he served as Convener of th e Afghanistan Policy Group, which led a major regional "track II" diplomatic process. Ambassador Saikal has negotiated num ero us STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000670 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 agreements, including the 2014 agreement on the formation of the National Unity Government of Afghanistan, the "Afghanistan Compact" which was launched at the London International Conference on Afghanistan in 2006, and the 2006 Afghani stan-NATO Declaration. On the development side, between 2008 and 2012, Mr. Saikal was the acting Chief Executive Officer and Senior Adviser to the Japan International Coordinating Agency for Kabul New City Development. Educated in Australia , Mr. Saikal holds degrees in architecture , environmental design, and international and community development from the University of Sydney, the University of Canberra, and Deakin University. Azerbaijan Permanent Representative: Yashar Teymur oglu Aliyev [Pronounce: Yuh-SHARah-LEEV] [Informal Address: Yashar] Presentation of Credentials: 2014 A career diplomat, Mr. Aliyev served as Ambassador-at-Large for the Greater Middle East, the Non-Aligned Movement and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation in Azerbaijan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs from 2011 until his current appointment. He was previously Ambassador to the United States between 2006 and 2011. In earlier postings to New York, he served as Permanent Representative between 2002 to 2006, and as Counsellor and Charge 1992 to 2002. Mr . Aliyev holds a degree in oriental studies from Azerbaijan State University, and carried out his post-graduate work in Moscow , including in the Russian Federation's Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Born in 1955, he is married and has three children. Bahrain Permanent Representative: Jamal Fares Alrowaiei [Pronounce: jay- MAHL Alrowaiei] [Informal Address: Jamal] Presentation of Credentials: 2011 Before his appointment , Mr . Alrowaiei was the Deputy Permanent Representative since 2008. He was previously an Adviser in the Executive Office of the Minister for Foreign Affairs from 2005 to 2008, a position he also held between 1996 and 2001. From 2001 to 2005, Mr. Alrowaiei was a Political Officer in Bahrain's Embassy in Washington , D.C. He started his diplomatic career as a political analyst in th e Research and Studies Depart ment of the Mini st ry of Foreign Affairs in 1995. Mr. Alrowaiei obtained a B.A. in lit eratur e from the University ofBahrain. Born in 1971, he is unmarri ed. STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000671 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Bhutan Permanent Representative: Kunzang C. Namgyel [Pronounce: KOON-ZAN nahm-GEHL [Informal Address: Kunzang] Presentation of Credentials: 2014 A career diplomat with over a decade of experience engaging with the United Nations, Ms. Namgyel was Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations in New York from 2011 until her appointment. Prior, she served as Director of the Multilateral Department and Chief of Protocol in the Ministry of Foreign Affair s in Thimphu, Bhutan. She has also served as Mini ster Coun sellor and Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nation s in Geneva (2003-2007) . Earlier in her career, she was Director for Bhutan at the Secretariat of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) in Kathmandu, Nepal, from 1995 to 1999. M s. Namgyel has a Bachelor of Arts degree from Lady Keane College in India. She is married and has four children. Eritrea Charge D'Affaires: Amanuel Giorgio [Pronounce: ah-MAN-uel JOHR-joh] [Informal Address: Amanuel] Presentati o n of Credential s: 2016 Before his current appointment to New York, M r. Giorgio w or ked as an Economi c Offi cer in the Embassy of Eritrea to the European Union in Brussels. As an Economic Offi cer, he covered the development cooperation between the African, Caribbean, and Pacific (ACP) group of countrie s and the EU. Prior to joining the Eritrean Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Giorgio worked for an NGO called "Eir-TreeCanada" where he helped facilitate financial suppo rt from the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) fo r environmental projects in Eritrea . He also worked for the Federal Government of Nigeria on a river basin development project that improved the quality of seeds in Kano. Mr . Giorgio received a master's and bachelor's degree in Agriculture from De La Salle-Araneta University in the Philippines and a master ' s in international politics form the Universite Libre De Bruxelles. Iraq Perm anent Represent ativ e: Mr. M ohamed Ali Alh akim [Pro nounce: moh -HAH-me hd ah-LEEall-hah-KEEM] STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000672 UNCLASSI FIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 [Informal Address: Mohamed Presentation of Credentials: Since 2003, Mr. Alhakim has occupied positions throughout the Iraqi federal government. Initially a senior adviser, he has acqu ired extensive negotiation experience, representing his country at political summits and bilateral meetings with the Vice President. Mr. Alhakim has served as the Minister ofTelecommunications, Minister of Finance, and in the National Assembly on the Foreign Relations Subcommittee. Prior to his current post, he was the Iraqi Permanent Representative to UN Geneva. An engineer by training, Mr. Alhakim holds a doctorate degree. It appears that Ambassador Alhakim left New York a few days ago and no replacement has arrived yet. Spouse: N/A Kyrgyzstan Permanent Representative: Ms. Mirgul Moldoisaeva [Pronounce: MEER-ghoul mold-dai-SAY-vah] [Informal Address: Mirgul] Presentation of Credentials: 2016 Born in 1979, Ms. Moldoisaeva ascended rapidly within the Kyrgyz government. Beginning as a foreign policy desk officer, she became an expert assigned to the Office of the President with development and investment experience. Subsequently, Ms. Moldoisaeva managed t he Department of International Cooperation. While at university, she studied international and civil law. Nepal Permanent Representative: Mr. Durga Prasad Bhattarai [Pronounce: duur-GAH pruh- SAHD bah-tar-EYE] [Informal Address: Durga] Presentation of Credentials: 2013 In his professional experience, Mr . Bhattarai has concentrated on economic and commercial issues. He has served as Under-Secretary in the Department of Commerce and overseen Southeast Asia and Pacific bureaus in the Foreign Ministry. Previously, Mr. Bhattarai was DPR to th e UN in New York, Ambassador to Sri Lanka, and Per manent Secretary in the Mini stry of Foreign Affairs. A father of two, he received his MBA in Nepal. STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000673 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Maldives Permanent Representative: Dr. Ali Nasser Mohamed [Pronounce: Ah-LEE Nah-SEARMoh-HA-med] [Informal Address: Ali Naseer] Presentation of Credentials: July 2017 Mr. Mohamed also serves as the Maldives ambassador to the United States and to Canada. Prior to his most recent appointment, Mr . Mohamed served in various roles in his country's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, including Foreign Secretary since 2013, and Additional Secretary in the Policy Planning Division from 2012 to 2013. Before taking time off t o work on his PhD in Australia, he was DirectorGeneral of the Pol icy Affair s Directorate. Throughout his career he also held the positions Assistant Director-General in the Department of External Resources, Assistant Director in the Department of Foreign Relations. Mr. Mohamed earned his PhD and Master of Arts degrees in diplomatic studies from the Australian National University, and the University of Leicester in the United Kingdom, respectively. Pakistan Permanent Representative: Dr. Maleeha Lodhi [Pronounce: Ma-LEE-ha Lod-HEE] [Informal Address: Maleeha] Presentati o n of Credential s: 2015 Prior to her appointment, Dr. Lodhi was Special Adviser on International Affairs t o the Geo/Jang Group in Pakistan. Before that , she was a fellow at Harvard 's Institute of Politic s and an int e rnational scholar at the Woodrow Wilson Center in Wa shington , D.C. Dr. Lodhi has also served as her country 's High Commi ssioner to the United Kingdom and the United States. An experienced writer , she founded the newspaper The News in Pakistan after writing two books and edited one volume on Pakistan's political and foreign affairs. Ms . Lodhi, holds a doctorate in politics from the London School of Economics and Political Science and has taught politics at the London School of Economics and Politi cal Science, and has served as a member of the United Nations Secretary-General's Advisory Board on Disarmament Matters (2001-2005) . Sri Lanka Permanent Representative: Dr. Amrith Rohan Perera [Pronounce: Row -HAN Puh-RARE-ah] [Informal Addr ess: Ro han] STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000674 UNCLASSI FIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Presentation of Credentials: 2015 After retiring in 2007 after more than 30 years in the foreign service, Dr. Perera has continued to serve the Sri Lankan Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He has also served as Consultant to the Commonwealth Secretariat, a member of the International Law Commission , and, at the sixty-third session of the General Assembly, Mr. Perera was elected as General Rapporteur by the Commission. He has also chaired the United Nations Ad-hoc Committee on Measures to Eliminate Terrorism and the Eminent Persons Group constituted to advise the Secretary-General on the future wor k program of the Asian African Legal Consultative Organization. Tajikistan Permanent Representative: Mahmadamin Mahmadaminov [Pronounce: MAH-mahd-AH-meen MAH-mahd-AH-meen-nov) [Informal Address: Mahmadamin] Presentation of Credentials:2014 Until his appointment, Mr. Mahmadaminov served as Minister for Labour and Social Protection. From 2005 to 2010, he headed the State Savings Bank "AMONATBANK" in the capital. He also worked at of the JSC"ORIONBANK," where he served as the fir st deputy. Betw een 1993 and 2001, Mr. Mahmadaminov served as General Manager of the Tajikistan and Pakistan Mountain Society Project of the Aga Khan Foundation Development Support Programme . Mr . Mahmadaminov was educated at Tajikistan State University , Dushanbe and at the Johns Hopkin s Univer sity School of Advanced International Studi es. Turkmenistan Permanent Representative: Aksolta n Ataeva [Pronounce: Ack-SALT-in At-AH-ay-VAH) [Informal Address: Aksoltan) Presentation of Credentials:1994 Prior to her appointment as Tur kmenistan's Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Ms Ataeva had extensive experience in Latin America. She has served as Ambassador of Turkmenistan to Venezuela , Cuba and Brazil. She has also served her country as Mini ster of Public Health , Mini st er of Socia l Security a nd President of th e Trade Unio ns of Turkm enistan. M s. Ata eva join ed th e ruling Democrati c Party in 1992 and became a m ember of th e Peo ple's Co uncil in 1993. STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000675 UNCLASSIF IED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Uzbekistan Permanent Representative: Bakhtiyor lbragimov [Pronounce: BACH-tee-OAR EE-brah-GHEE-mov] [Informal Address: Bakhtiyor] Presentation of Credentials: 2017 Until his latest appointment, Mr. lbragimov was Deputy Chief of Mission at his country's Embassy in Seoul, Republic of Korea. Between 2009 and 2011, he was the Director of the United States and Americas Affairs Department at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, a post he has also held from 2003 to 2004. A career diplomat, Mr. lbragimov was appointed Political Counsellor and Deputy Chief of Mission at Uzbekistan's Embassy in Washington, D.C. He has also held the title of Director of the Foreign Ministry's Division on Coordination of Activity of Overseas Yemen Permanent Representative: Khaled Hussein Mohamed Alyemany [Pronounce: (K)HAAl-id AL-ye-MA-knee] [Informal Addre ss: Khaled] Presentation of Credentials: 2015 Prior to his appointment, Mr . Alyemany was Deputy Permanent Representative of Yemen to the United Nation s from July 2013 to December 2014. Mr. Alyemany began his diplomatic career in Yemen's Foreign Affairs Ministry in 1991, and through 2013, he held a wide array of positions. He has served as Director at the Foreign Minister 's Office, Political and Press Officer at Yemen's Embassy in Kuala Lumpur, Deputy Chief of Mission at Yemen's Embassy in London, and Chief Negotiator at the Permanent Mission in New York during Yemen's chairmanship of the "Group of 77" developing countries and China. He has also worked as an Expert in the Foreign Minister 's Office overseeing Yemeni-African relations . Mr . Alyemany negotiated the Outcome Document of the Millennium Development Goals Review Conference in 2010. Drafter: Laurie Phipps, phippsll@state.gov , 212-415-4204 Thni;day, Ai.igw;t 3, Wll Time All Day Subject Weather: Scattered Thunderstorms/ H: 86 / L: 73 (40%) Show Time As Free Time 9:25 AM - 9:30 AM STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000676 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Subject Birthday/Departure Photo (5 min) Show Time As~ B_ us~y-----------------~ B6 Time 9:30 .AM···.J.OOOAM Subject 21/W Meeting (30 min) Show Time As Busy Time 11:00 AM - 11:30 .AM Subject Meeting: Amb. Heusgen (30 mins) Show Time As Busy Event: Meeting with Germ any's New PRChristo ph Heusgen Date: Thursday, August 3, 2017 Time: 11:00- 11:30a.m. Attendees: Ambassador Haley PR Christoph Heusgen Purpose: Courtesy call with new German PRto exchange views and elicit support for U.S. priorities in the UN. Background: Germany is the fourth largest contributor to the UN budget after the U.S., China, and Japan, and currently provides 804 personnel to UN peacekeepin g, with its largest contin gent of troops supportin g MINUSMA. Germany also provide s substantial military suppo rt to NATO's campaign in Afghani stan, where it leads NATO's military training mission in the north. Germany is campaigning for a non permanent seat on the Council 2019-2020 (Germany last held a Security Council seat 2011-2012) and has long-argued for a permanent seat for itself. This meeting is an opportunity to establi sh a strong relation ship with an important ally. Talking Points: 1. German Peacekeepers Killed in Mali: B5 ,. Afghao;,taw I 1 3. Russia/Ukraine :! STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000677 UNCLASSIF IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Background: Germany has inve sted heavily in its leadership of the Normandy format (which includes Germany, France, Ukraine , and Russia) to oversee implementation of the Minsk Agreements and welcomed the appointment of Ambassador Kurt Volker as Special Representative for Ukrainian Negotiations. B5 4. Lebanon:! Background: Germany contribute s one vessel to UNIFIL' s Ma ritime Taskforce (MTF), whi ch is a navy with seven vessels that account s for about 10 percent of UNIFIL's annual $500 million budget. As such, Germany is very protective about trying to keep the MTF alive, even though we argue that the MTF appears to have minimal impact wit h no defined end date. IF RAISED: 5. Russia Sanctions Legislationj B5 Background: On July 25, the House passed legislation impo sing comprehen sive sancti ons against Russia, Iran and the DPRK.Updated language on coo rdinating with alli es has lessened German concerns that the bill would lead quickly t o sanction s on German compani es. Nonethele ss, Germany is still unhappy with the redu ced poli cy flexibility towards Russia. 6. DPRK: I Background : Germany wants to increase cooperation on DPRK issues and is continuin g to pre ssure the DPRKto shut down a hostel operatin g on the DPRKembassy grounds in Berlin . 7. Syria :I Background: In add it ion to over $1 bill ion in humanitarian assistance to th e region since 2011, Ge rmany's contributi o ns to th e Defeat ISIS Coaliti o n includ e th e provi sio n of leth al assistance and trainin g to Iraqi Kurds, air reco nnaissance and refu eling, and nearly 150 milit ary personnel o n th e ground in north e rn Iraq co nductin g t raining and STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000678 UNCLASSIF IED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 capacity building. 8. lran/JCPOA:I Background: At the Joint Commission meeting on July 21, Germany pushed back against Iran's assertions that the United States violated its commitments under the JCPOA.The Germans have consistently communicated that the United States should remain in the JCPOA. ,. UNSCCaadidaM Subject Meeting: Amb. Liu (30 min} Show Time As Busy Time 12:30 PM- 1:00 PM Subject Lunch (30 min} Show Time As Busy Time 1:00 PM·--1:15 PM Subject Call: Don McGahn (15 min} Show Time As Busy B6 NH to call Assistant: Reid Colema~ ~1----~ , 212-519-9612 Time 1:15 Pi\/1-:NS PM Subject Lunch: Amb. Liu (1.5 hr) B6 Location Ambassador Liu's Residence,! ~---~ Show Time As Busy Event: Lunch hosted by Amba ssador Jieyi Liu Location: Ambassador Liu's Residence,~ ! ---~ Date: Wednesday, August 9, 2017 Time: 1:15 PM Attendees (US): 1. Ambassador Nikki Haley, PR 2. Ambassador Michele Sison, DPR 3. David Glaccum - Deputy Chief of Staff for Policy 4. Amy Tachco - Mini ster Counselor 5. David Lee - Political Advi sor Attendees (China): 1. Amb. Liu Jieyi, PR 2. Amb. Wu Haitao, DPR 3. Mr. Shen Bo, Minister Counsellor 4. Mr. Yu Peng, Second Secretary STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000711 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 5. Mr. Xiao Yuxin, Attache Talking Points: 1. DPRK:[ * Urgent Threat:] * Coal:I * [If Raised] Dialogue:] B5 * [If Raised] Secondary * [If Raised] Seafood: Sanctions:] I Background j STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000712 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 2. UN Reform Agenda:I BS Background:! BIO: China: Permanent Representative: Liu Jieyi [Pronounce: Lee-yoo Jeh-ee] [Informal Address: Jieyi] Credentials Presented: 2013 Ambassador Liu is a career diplomat who also served at the Chinese Mission to the UN from 1995 to 1998 as Counsellor. He was Vice Minister in the International Department of the Communist Party's Central Committee from 2009 to 2013 and Assistant Minister in the MFA from 2007 to 2009. He has served as Director-General of the Departments of North American and Oceanian Affairs, International Organizations and Conferences, and Arms Control. Before joining the MFA in Beijing in 1987, he worked as an interpreter at the UN Office at Geneva (1981-87). Born in Beijing in December 1957, Ambassador Liu holds a master's degree and taught at the Teachers' Training School of Chaoyang District and Beijing Institute of Foreign Languages before beginning his diplomatic career. He and his wife have a son. He plays chess - possibly not very well, as he was bested by a nine-yearold New Yorker in the " Chess for Dialogue" event in 2015 - and ping pong. He speaks English. B6 Drafted: POL- David Y. Lee, ext. 4-4065, eelI Tirne 3.:iS PM- 3:4S PM STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000713 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Subject Meeting: Patrick Murray (30 min) Show Time As Busy Time 4:00 PM - 4:30 PM Subject Briefing (30 mins) Show Time As Busy Time 4:30 PM - 5:00 PM Subject Meeting: Amb. Gata Mavita wa Lufuta (30 min) Show Time As Busy Event: Meeting with DRCAmbassador Gata Mavita wa Lufuta Date: Wednesday, August 9, 2017 Time: 4:30-5:00p.m.; 30 minutes Attendees: Ambassador Nikki Haley Amy Tachco (Translator) Becca Schimsa, EXEC(Escort) Guests: Ambassador Gata Mativa wa Lufuta Victoria Liolocha, Second Counsellor Hughuette Ngung, Assistant Purpose: Discuss DRCon the HRC,the Kasais and Michael Sharp Note: Amb. Gata does not speak English fluently; Amy Tachco wi ll tran slate into French. Background: Ambassador Gata Mavita has been asking to meet with you for several months. He will likely raise concerns about your recent statements about the DRCand will attempt to convince you that President Kabila does not intend to stay in office for the long-term , but is instead advancing plans to allow for a transition of power. Amy Tachco will interpret. 1. The Humanitarian and Human Rights Situation:! B5 Background: An August UN human rights report confirmed that between 12 March and 19 June some 251 people, 62 of whom were children and 30 of whom were under the age of eight, were the victims of extrajudicial and targeted killings. Victims told the UN that local security forces and other officials actively fomented, fueled , and occasionally led, attacks on the basis of ethnicity. The UN Mission in the DRChas identified at least 80 mass graves in the Kasais. The UN STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000714 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 estimates that the crisis in the Kasais alone has resulted in 1.3 million new IDPs and 30,000 refugees to neighboring Angola. More than 3.8 million people are internally displaced countrywide and 7 million need humanitarian assistance, including some 1.9 million children suffering from severe acute malnutrition. There have been at least six prison breaks over the last few weeks, resulting in thousands escaping from jails. While no one has found the perpetrators of these mass prison breaks, many suspect the DRCgovernment could be behind the releases as part of a strategy to sow chaos. 2. DRCElections:] B5 Note: Voter registration has been completed in 13 provinces and started in 10 others, but the electoral commission has been unable to start registration in the provinces of Kasai and Kasai Central because of ongoing violence. Despite numerous requests both by the U.S. and the Security Council, the DRCgovernment has not set a date for elections. 3. DRCon the HRC:I Background: AU officials have told us their "hands are tied" and they are unable to remove the DRCas an AU approved nominee for the Human Rights Council. You are scheduled to meet with eight Africa n Ambassadors in an effort to press for another country to run against the DRC. 4. Michael Sharp:! B5 B6 Background: ._____________ B6 __, At this point, Kabila is still scheduled to come to UNGA, but he has backed out at the last minute in past years, and we are not certain he will attend . Bio: Democratic Republic of the Congo STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000715 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Permanent Representative: Ignace Gata Mavita wa Lufuta [Pronounce: IG-naas GA-ta ma-VITA waa luf-TA] [Informal Address: Ambassador Gata Mavita] Presentation of Credentials: 2012 From November 2007 until his latest appointment, Mr. Gata Mavita was Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs, prior to which he served as Minister for Regional Integration from February to November 2007. In addition to holding several positions in the Ministry of the Interior, Decentralization and Security from 2005 to 2006, including that of Deputy Chief of Staff, he worked in the Ministry 's Municipal Development Programme and it s Support Unit between 2002 and 2005. From 1997 to 2001, he was a member of the Tripartite Commission between Congo, Angola and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Mr. Gata Mavita holds master's degrees in law as well as political and administrative sciences, and a bachelor' s in philosophy and letters, all from the National University of Zaire. He earned a diploma in public administration from the Charleroi University Centre in Belgium. Born on 7 January 1949 in Popokabaka, Bandundu Province, he is married and has six children. Drafted: Julie Jolles/ POL-ext. 4-4190 and cell: B6 ~---~ Time 5 :15 PM - S:30 PM Subject Call: 15 min) ~-------~ Show Time As Busy Event: Call with Special Agent in Charge of the FBI New York Field Office B6 B7(C) Date: Wednesday,August8,2017 Time: 5:15-5:30p.m.; 15 minutes Purpose: To Receive a Briefing on the FBI investigation into Michael Sharp's Death Note: He will call NH's secure line Background: The FBI has been investi gating the death of Michael Sharp since he disappeared on March 12. The FBl's office in Nigeria worked closely with the UN and MONUSCO in the early days of the investigation to review evidence and leads. Since that time , the FBl's New York Field Office has taken over the case and has put I ion the case. B7(E) ~ --~IMcGarrity will brief you on the st atu s of the case, and you should ask for McGarrity 's thought s on how USUN can be helpful. STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000716 UNCLASSIF IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Talking Points: 1. Michael Sharp's Death: Explain that we appreciate the FBl's efforts, which we think will be helpful even if the investigation does not lead to a prosecution. * Explain that the FBl's work could be very important to informing our policies regarding the DRC and we appreciate that they remain focused on the case. * Ask whether it is possible for the FBI to share information to the State Department or Treasury that could assist in sanctions designations. Background: c=J case. Wc...,-e-a-re_u_n_s_u-re-a~b-o_u_t t~h_e_p_r~io~ri~ty-t~h-e~F=B~I h_a_s_p~la-c-ed~o-n ~ the case, and would like greater clarity on whether they may be able to share information with the State Department or Treasury that may be useful for sanctions designations. 2. FBI Investigation: I B7(E) Background:] Drafted: Julie Jolles/ POL-ext. 4-4190 and cell: ~---~ B6 Time 5:30 PM - S:40PM Subject Call: Sen. Gardner (10mins) Show Time As Busy Event: Call: U.S. Senator Cory Gardner (R-CO) Date: August 9, 2017 Time: 5:30-5:40PM Note: Sen. Gardner will call '-------' Purpo se: Sen. Gardner reque sted this phone call to discuss the latest on North Korea. You previously had a phone call with Senator Gardner on May 16th on North Korea Sanctions. Background: As a the Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on East Asia, Pacific and International Cybersecurity, Sen. Gardner is a leading critic of the North Korean regime. In July, he introduced legislation that would ban any entity that does business with North Korea or it s enablers from using the United States financial STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000717 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 system and to impose U.S. sanctions on all those participating in North Korean labor trafficking abuses. Talking Points: B5 Bio: Senator: Cory Gardner [Pronoun ce: Cor-ee Gard-NUR] [Informal: Cory] STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000718 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Senator Cory Gardner is a fifth-generation Coloradan who was born and raised in Yuma, a small town on the Eastern Plains of Colorado where his family has owned a farm implement dealership for over a century. He lives in the same house his great-grandparents lived in. Cory graduated summa cum laude from Colorado State University and received his law degree from the University of Colorado Boulder. After working at his family implement business and the National Corn Growers Association, Cory took a position as a Legislative Assistant for Senator Wayne Allard (R-CO)and quic kly advanced to his Legislative Director. He began serving in the Colorado House of Representative s in 2005 where he spent time as the Minority Whip and became known for his experti se in natural resour ce and agriculture policy. Cory wa s elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 2010. As a member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, Cory championed a true all-of-the-above energy strategy that promoted traditional resource s as well as renewable energy. In addition, Cory is a national leader on energy efficiency initiatives and founded a bipartisan energy efficiency caucus in the House. As Chairman of the Foreign Relations Subcommittee on East Asia, the Pacific, and International Cybersecurity Policy, Cory led the effort to impo se broad new sanctions against North Korea, as the regime continues to be a leading abuser of human rights and its reckless advancement of nuclear weapons threatens our national security. He lives in Yuma with his wife Jaime and their three children: [==i~-~ and ~ B6 07.28.17 Gardner Statement on North Korea Missile Test Washington, D.C. - Senator Cory Gardner (R-CO) today released th e below stat ement foll owing reports that North Korea launched anoth er balli stic mi ssile: "As North Korea' s Kim Jong Un continu es to defy international sanctions and thr eaten the United State s and our allies with anoth er ballistic missile launch, our response is clear: we will not tolerate this belligerent behavior, " said Gardner. " I have introduced biparti san legislation that imposes an economic embargo on North Korea and punishes the rouge regime's enablers. China is responsible for ninety percent of trade with North Korea and my legislation targets entities involved in these activities. I will continue to urge the Administration to fully implement a maximum pressure approach and take meanin gful steps to stop the madman in Pyongyang." As Chairman of the Subcommittee on East Asia and the Pacific, Gardner has been the leader in the Senate in deterring North Korea' s heinous regime. Gardner authored the North Korea Sanctions Policy and Enhancement Act signed into law by President Obama in February of 2016. The legislation marked the first time Congress impo sed stand-alone mandatory sancti ons on North Korea. Earlier thi s month, Gardner introdu ced biparti san legislati on th at would ban any entity th at does business with North Ko rea or its STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000719 UNCLASSI FIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 enablers from using the United States financial syst em and to impose U.S. sanctions on all those participating in North Korean labor trafficking abuses. Senator Gardner has applauded recent steps taken by the Trump Administration to ramp up pressure on North Korea, including for the first time designating a Chinese financial institutio n doing business with North Korea. Ninety percent of North Korea' s trade is conducted with China and Beijing must use its economic leverage to stop North Korea's illicit and dangerous behavior. Recent reports indicate that China's trade with North Korea has signifi cantly increased instead. 7.13.17 Gardner Introduces Legislation to Impose Economic Embargo on North Korea and Its Enablers Washington, D.C. -Senator Cory Gardner (R-CO),Chairman of the Subcommittee on East Asia, the Pacific, and International Cybersecurity, introduced bipartisan legislation that would ban any entity that does business with North Korea or its enabler s fr om using the United States financial system and to impose U.S. sancti ons on all those participating in North Korean labor trafficking abuses. The legislation, titled the North Korean Enablers Accountability Act, is cosponsored by Senators Ed Markey (D-MA), Bob Menendez (D-NJ), Marco Rubio (R-FL),and Rob Portman (R-OH). "With its latest successful test of an intercontinental ballistic missile, North Korea has demonstrated intent and capability to hit the U.S. homeland - and as President Trump said, we must never allow this to happen ," said Senator Gardner . "We must take every diplomatic and economic measure now to stop North Korea and to prevent nuclear war . My bipartisan legislation gives those that currently conduct trade with North Korea a clear choice - either do business with thi s heinous outlaw regime or do business with the world' s leading economic and military power." "There is no military solution to the threat of a nuclear North Korea," said Senator Markey, Ranking Memb er of the Subcommitte e on East Asia, the Pacific, and Internati onal Cybersecurity. "We must utilize direct negotiations with Pyongyang alongside increased economi c sanctions pressure from China to bring the Kim regime to the table and ultimately rid th e Korean Peninsula of nuclear weapons. These negotiations could offer the prospect of engaging North Korea in line with international norms by ending horrifi c human right s abuses, including labor trafficking." "North Korea's Fourth of July intercontinental ballistic missile test constitute s a new level of threat to U.S. national security and regional peace and stability that requires a firm response," said Senator Menendez . "This provocative and destabilizing act has rightly been condemned by the United States and the international community and must serve only to further isolate North Korea. In that vein, the bill we are introducing today is a bipartisan effort that represents additional measures required to get our North Korea policy right . We seek to impose real consequences for those entities who, even after Kim Jong-un's defia nee and continued flagrant violations of int ernati onal law, continu e to do business and suppor t his vicious regime. In light of Pyo ngyang's continu ed determinati o n to have a functional mi ssile capable of reaching th e Unit ed States t opped with a nuclear warhead, I will co ntinu e to work with my colleagues in a STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000720 UNCLASSI FIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 bipartisan manner to seek effective measures to curtail North Korea's dangerous and destabilizing behavior." On July 4, North Korea tested an intercontinenta I ballistic missile that demonstrated the capability of reaching the U.S. homeland. Two weeks prior to that, North Korea tested a rocket engine capable of carrying an intercontinental ballistic missile. In 2016, North Korea conducted two nuclear tests and 24 ballistic missile launches. Th is year, North Korea fired 17 missiles during 11 tests. Senator Gardner has applauded recent steps taken by the Trump Administration to ramp up pressure on North Korea, including for the first time designating a Chinese financial institution doing business with North Korea. Ninety percent of North Korea's trade is conducted with China and Beijing must use its economic leverage to stop North Korea's illicit and dangerous behavior. Recent reports indicate that China's trade with North Korea has significantly increased instead. As Chairman of the Subcommittee on East Asia and the Pacific, Gardner has been the leader in the Senate in deterring North Korea' s heinous regime. Gardner authored the North Korea Sanctions Policy and Enhancement Act signed into law by President Obama in February of 2016. The legislation marked the first time Congress imposed stand-alone mandatory sanctions on North Korea. What this legislation does: * Requires the President to block all transa ction s that are property of the North Korean government, affiliate s, or those that do significant busine ss with North Korea . * Require s the President to block any entity or financial in stitution implicated in any significant trade in goods or services with North Korea from the U.S. financial system . Entities include the top 10 Chinese importers of good s from North Korea. * Requires the President to prohibit any good s made with North Korean labor from entering the United State s and to impo se sanctions of all entitie s impli cated in North Korean labor trafficking. Drafted: EXEC- Margaret Dougherty, (202) 736-7 655 Thm,d,P f, A;;gw;l'.10, :?.Q17 Time All Day Subject Weather: Sunny/ H: 84 / L: 67 (10%) Show Time As Free Time 8/ 10/2017 12:00 AM- 8/ 13/20 17 12:00 MA Subject AIC B6 B7(C) ~----~ Show Time As Free Time 9:25 AM ... 9 :35 ,C\M Subject SG Send Off Show Time As Busy Time 9 :30 AM·· · 10:00 AM Subject 21/W Meetin g (30 min) STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000721 UNCLASSIF IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Show Time As Busy Time 10:00 AM -10: 30 !,M Subject Meeting: Vienna Trip (30 min) Show Time As Busy Event: Meeting: Vienna Trip Date: Thur sday, August 10 Time: 10:00-10:30 AM Attendees: Ambassador Nikki Haley Jon Lerner David Glaccum Carrie Filipetti Leslie Dewees Time 11:l S AM - 11:45 MA Subject Meeting: Amb. lbragimov (30 min) Show Time As Busy Event: Meeting: Uzbekistan PR Ambassador Bakhtiyor lbragimov Date: Thursday, August 10, 2017 Time: 11:15-11:4Sa.m. ; 30 minutes Purpose: Meet the Uzbek PR and encourage continued strengthening of regional cooperation among the Central Asian countries. Attendees: (3) Ambassador Nikki Haley Ambassador Bakhtiyor lbr agimov Escort: Stephen Knight (POL} Staff: Stephen Knight (POL} Emily McMillan (EXEC} Background: Ambassador Bakhtiyor requested this meeting to ask that Uzbek President Shavkat Mirziyoyev meet with POTUSon the margins of UNGA. This request was also conveyed to our ambassador , Pamela Spratlen, in Tashkent. Talkin g Points : 1. Request for POTUS meetin g: I B5 Background: Shavkat Mirziyoyev served as Karimov 's Prim e Mini ste r STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000722 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 since 2003 and became interim President after Karimov's death in 2016. President Mirziyoyev was elected in December 2016, winning an 88% electora I victory in an election that was not considered democratic and fair according to several international election monitors. Mirziyoyev has spoken of improving relations with the United States and has recently demonstrated a new willingness to cooperate regionally with the other four Central Asian States. 2. U.S. Support for Central Asia:I Background: The Secretary has agreed to a one-hour CS+l (the United States; Kazakhstan; the Kyrgyz Republic; Tajikistan; Turkmenistan; and Uzbekistan) Ministerial on the margins of UNGA to discuss the CS+l pillar s of economic connectivity, environmental challenges and security. B5 3. Nonproliferation --1 Background: Uzbekistan did not participate in the Ban Treaty meetings and abstained on the General Assembly resolution that established the negotiations. However, we need to reiterate our opposition to this treaty and ensure Uzbekistan does not sign it. Bio: Uzbekistan Permanent Representative: Bakhtiyor lbragimov [Pronounce: Bach-tee-or I bra-gee-moff] [Informal Address: Bakhtiyor] Presentation of Credentials: 2017 Until his latest appointment, Mr. lbragimov was Deputy Chief of Mission at his country's Embassy in Seoul, Republic of Korea, since 2011, holding the rank of Political Counsellor. Between 2009 and 2011, he wa s the Director, Unit ed States and Americas Affairs Department, at the Mini stry of Foreign Affairs, a post he previou sly held from 2003 to 2004. Mr. lbragimov graduated from Tashkent Eco nomic Univer sity in 1989, and completed diplomatic courses at the STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000723 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Institute of Diplomacy and International Relations in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, between 1992 and 1993. He is married and has two children. Drafted: ECOSOC:Laurie Phipps, x. 44204 , ._____ __, B6 Time 12:00 PM -12 :30 PM Subject Meeting: JL, DG, & Leslie Ordeman (30 min) Show Time As Busy Event: Prep Meeting with JL, DG, and Leslie Ordeman Date: Thursday, August 10 Time: 12:00-12:30 PM Purpose: To discuss the 3 :30 pm Arab Troika Meeting Time 1:00 PM·· 2:15 PM Subject Lunch: Amb. Heugsen and US Special Rep. Kurt Volker (30 min) Location Library, German Mi ssion , 871 UN Plaza Show Time As Busy Event: Lunch with Amb. Heugsen and Special Representative for Ukraine Negotiations Kurt Volker Date: Thursday, August 10, 2017 Time: 1:00-2:00p.m.; 60 minutes Location: German Mission to the UN, Library Attendees: Ambassador Haley Ambassador Volker PR Christoph Heusgen Purpo se: Lunch to discuss U.S. and Germany coordination on the Ukraine cri sis Background: Ambassador Kurt Volker was appointed as the United States Special Representative for Ukraine Negotiations (SRUN) on July 7. In this role, he is responsible for advancing U.S. efforts to achieve the objectives set out in the Minsk agreements. He accompanied Secretary Tillerson to Kyiv in July and holds regular meetings with Ukraine and the other member s of the Normandy Format: Russia, Germany, and Fra nee. SRUN Volker is in New York for meetin gs to coordinate U.S. renewed engagement in the Ukraine crisis.I B5 Talkin g Points: 1. U.S. suppo rt for Ukr aine:! STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000724 UNCLASSIF IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 2. Germany engagement: I Background: Germany has invested heavily in its leadership of the Normandy format (which includes Germany, France, Ukraine , and Russia) to oversee implementation of the Minsk Agreements and welcomed Ambassador Volker's appointment as a sign of renewed U.S. engagement in the Ukraine crisis. If RAISED: 3. U.S. Sanctions on Russia: I Background: The "Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions Act," signed on August 2 to enact new sanctions on Iran, North Korea, and Russia, makes clear that the United States will not tolerate interference in our democratic process, and that we remai n aligned with our allies against Russian subversion and destabilization. The final bill reflects feedback from European allies regarding energy sanctions concerns, and ensures that U.S. agencies can delay sanctions on the intelligence and defense sectors that might negatively affect U.S. companies and those of our allies. B5 4. Prospective UN Role in Ukraine:! Background: Ukraine President Poroshenko has publicly called for a UN peacekeeping mission in the separatist-controlled areas of Ukraine's Donbas region since 2015. The Ukraine mission may revive a proposal to increase UN involvement in the conflict, possibly including the establishment of a peacekeeping mission. USUN/POL assesses Russia is extremely likely to co-opt the Security Council's engagement to legitimize its own ongoing military presence in eastern Ukraine. Such a move may also reaffirm Ukraine 's loss of control over Luhansk and provide Russia justification for their occupation since 2014. Ukraine has not pushed this proposal strongly during 2017. Bios: United States Special Representative on Ukraine Negotiations: Kurt Volker [Pronounce: KERTVOLKAYR] [Informal Address: Kurt] STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000725 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Appointed: July 7, 2017 He is a career member of the U.S. Foreign Service with over 20 years of experience working on European political and security issues under four U.S. Administrations. Ambassador Volker went into the private sector in 2009, becoming an independent director at The Wall Street Fund Inc, where he worked until 2012. He was a member of the board of directors at Capital Guardian Funds Trust beginning in 2013, and an independent director at Evercore Wealth Management Macro Opportunity Fund until 2012. He served as a senior advisor at Mclarty Associates, a global consulting firm from 2010- 2011. In 2011, he joined BGR Group, a Washington-based lobbying firm and investment bank, as a managing director in the firm's international group. He served as executive director of Arizona State University's McCain Institute for International Leadership when it was launched in 2012. Previous government assignments include serving as the U.S. Permanent Representative to NATO, and Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs from 2005 until 2008. Ambassador Volker has a B.A. from Temple University and an M.A. in international relations from George Washington University. He has studied in Sweden and France and speaks Hungarian, Swedish and French. He is married and has two daughters. Germany Permanent Representative: Christoph Heusgen [Pronounce: KRIS-toff HOYSS-ghen] [Informal Address: "Chris"] Presentation of Credentials: July 26, 2017 Christoph Heusgen, born~-~ 1955 in Dusseldorf-Heerdt, is a career German diplomat, and began his appointment as German Ambassador to the UN on July 26, 2017. He studied economics in St. Gallen, Statesboro, Georgia and Paris, and obtained a doctorate in economics from the University of St. Gallen in 1980. He then joined the diplomatic service of West German . He is married and has two children. B6 Drafted: POL- George Ward, ext. 4-4086 Time 2:30 PM - :tooPM Subject Briefing (30 mins) Show Time As Busy Time 3:30 PM - 4:00 PM Subject Meeting: Arab Troika (30 min) Location 11th Floor Show Time As Busy Event: Meeting with the "Arab Troika," the Palestinian Observer Mission, Jordan, and the League of Arab States STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000726 UNCLASS IFIE D U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Date: Thursday, August 10, 2017 Time: 3 :30-4:00pm; 30 minutes Location: 11th Floor Conference Room Purpose: To discuss UNRWA Attendees: Ambassador Nikki Haley Ambassador Michele Sison Leslie Ordeman David Glaccum Guests : Ambassador Sabri Boukadoum, PR Algeria Ambassador Elmahdi S. Elmajerbi, DPR Libya Ambassador Caroline Ziade, DPR Lebanon Ambassador Amr Abdellatif Aboullata, PR Egypt Ambassador Sima Bahous, PRJordan Ambassador Riyad H. Mansour- Observer for Palestine Mr . Bakri Al Khalifa , Adviser at League of Arab States Escort: Leslie Ordeman, POL Anastasia Hayes, EXECIntern Background: The Arab League Permanent Observer offi ce requested a meeting with you on behalf of the "Arab Troika" (Note: The Troika is made up of the current, past and future Arab Group chair s, which rotate s monthly, Lebanon , Libya, and Egypt), Jordan, and the Palestinian Observer Mission. The Troika says it has reque sted the meeting to discuss the Palestinian GA resolution on UNRWA's funding, which we managed to temporarily freeze before a planned July 28vote . Talking Points: 1. The Draft UNRWA GA Resolution:! B5 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000727 UNCLASSIF IED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Background: Undersecretary Shannon told UNRWA CommissionerGeneral Pierre Krahenbuhl in June that he was ready to address this year' s funding shortfall with outreach to donor s such as Kuwait, Qatar, UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Canada. These letter s were put on ho ld in light of the GA resolution . Though the Palestinian s withdrew the resolution, the document attracted a large number of co-sponsors, including most of the G-77, any of whom could force it to a vote again at any point- though they may not all be aware of this procedural trick. 2. Anti-Israel bias: I B5 Bios: Algeria Permanent Representative : Sabri Boukadoum [Pronounce: sa-BREEBouk-ah-DOOM] [Informal Address: Sabri] Presentation of Credentials: December , 2013 Prior to his appointm ent in New Yor k Ambassador Boukadoum held th e position of Director General fo r th e Americas in th e Mini stry of Foreign Aff airs since Novemb er 2009. He was Algeria' s Ambassador t o Portugal from October 2005 to August 2009, pri o r to whi ch he served STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000728 UNCLASSIF IED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 as Chief of Protocol in the Foreign Ministry since November 2001. Between November 1996 and September 2001, he was Amba ssador to Cote d' Ivoire. Mr. Boukadoum was the Director of Political Affairs from 1993 to October 1995, having previously served as Assistant Director for Political Affairs, United Nations and Disarmament from 1992 to 1993. He was a Counsellor at the United Nations in New York between 1988 and 1992, and First Secretary in Budapest, Hungary, from 1987 to 1988. A graduate of the prestigious French Ecole Nationale d' Administration-Diplomatic Section, Mr. Boukadoum was born on 1 September 1958. He is married and has two children. Egypt Permanent Representative: Amr Abdellatif Aboulatta [Pronounce: AH-mer ah-bool-AH-tah] [Informal Addre ss: Amr] Presentation of Credentials: 2014 Ambassador Aboulatta is on his second posting in New York, having served as DPRfrom 2002 to 2006; he also has served at the Egyptian Embassy in Washington, D.C. From 2013 to 2014 he was Assistant Foreign Minister and head of the Diplomatic Personnel Departm ent of the Egyptian MFA. He also has been Permanent Representative of Egypt to the League of Arab States, Ambassador to Jordan, and Deputy Assistant for International Political Affai rs and the UN. Ambassador Aboulatta has a master's degree from the International Institute of Public Admini stration in Paris and speaks English, Arabic, and French. Born on November 10, 1957 in Giza - part of the Greater Cairo metropolis and home to the Great Pyramid, Great Sphinx, and oth er ancient monument s - he is married with one daughter. Lebanon Deputy Permanent Representative: Caroline Ziade [Pronounce: caro-leen zi-YAH-deh] [Informal Address: Caroline] Presentation of credentials : 2005 According to the Lebanese Mission's "Meet the Team" page, Ms . Ziade covers issues pertaining to Security Council Resolutions 1559 and 1701, the Special Tribunal for Lebanon, and the Fourth Committee on Special Political Issues and Decolonization. She is known for being passionate about Palestinian issues. Jordan Pe rmanent Representativ e: Sima Sarni Baho us STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000729 UNCLASSI FIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 [Pronounce: SEE-maba-HOOS] [Informal Address: Sima] Presentation of Credentials: 2016 Prior to assuming the role of Permanent Representative, Dr. Bahous served in ministerial posts in Jordan and in prominent Arab League and United Nations positions. She has a distinguished career in publ ic service, politics, media and communication, development cooperation, and multilaterism. From June 2012 till August 2016 Dr. Bahous served as the United Nations Assistant Secretary-General, Assistant Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and Director of the UNDP Regional Bureau for Arab States. Between 1986 and 2001 Dr. Bahous held various positi o ns which included Executive Direct or of the King Hussein Foundation and the Noor Al Hussein Foundation, Professor of Development and Communication at Yarmouk Univer sity and Petra University, member of the Board of Trustees of a number of academic, media and NGO organization s. She also worked in th e field s of Development and Communication with a number of UN Organizations in Jordan and other Arab countries. Dr. Bahous holds a Ph.D. in Communication and Development from Indiana University, USA; a Master of Arts in Literature and Drama from Essex University, UK; and a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature from Jordan Univer sity. She is married and has one daughte r. Libya Deputy Permanent Representative: Elmahdi Elmajerbi [Pronounce: el-MAH-dee el-MAH-jer-bee] [Informal Address: Elmahdi] Presentation of Crede ntial s: 201 2 Mr. Elmajerbi has worked in for eign affairs since the 1980s, devoting almost a decade of service to his country's Department of International Organizations (DOI). The dawn of the '90s saw him move to the Libyan Embassy in Austria (1989-1993) before returning to the DOI. In 2000, he once again left the department for a post at the Libyan Embassy in the Kingdom of Bahrain . In 2012, he joined the team at the Permanent Mission of Libya to the United Nations . Mr . Elmajerbi holds a Bachelor's degree in Political Science from Cairo University (1979) and a diploma in Diplomatic Studies from the Diplomatic Studies Institute in Tripoli (1980). He is married. Palestine Observer: Riyad M ansour [Pro no unce: ree-YAD MAN -soor] STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000730 UNCLASSIF IED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 [Informal Address: Riyad] Presentation of Credentials: 2005 Dr. Riyad H. Mansour was born to a refugee family that lived in the ~-------------~ In 1967, Ambassador Mansour started his college education in the United States. Dr. Mansour is also the non-resident Ambassador of the State of Palestine to Costa Rica and the Dominican Republic. In 1994, he joined the private sector accepting a position as Vice-President for lntram Investments, Inc. Orlando, Florida . In 2002, Dr. Mansour was also a consultant with Laventhal and Slaughter, P.A. and an adjunct Professor in the Political Science Department at the University of Central Florida. Dr. Mansour is fluent in oral and written Arabic and English. He also has published several studies and articles, particularly about the Palestinian community in the United States of America. He has lectured in many American Universities and has participated in numerous international conferences, symposia, seminars and panel debates as a Palestinian representative. 86 Drafted: MKendrick POC: Bernardita 86 ~-------------~ Time 4:00 PM - 4 :30 PM Subject Meeting: DG (30 min) Show Time As Busy Time 4:30 PM ··· 5:00 PM Subject CNN Interview (30 min) Show Time As Busy Event: CNN Interview Date: Thursday August 9, 2017 Time: 4:30 PM (30 mins) Reporter: Elise Labatt (CNN's global affairs correspondent, she also covers the State Department) Purpose: CNNhas started a digital magazine. The September issue is dedicated to foreign policy with the "cover story" being a profile of Amb. Haley. The story was moving forward regardless of the Ambassador's participation. Topic s: 1. 1. Transition: from Governor of South Carolina to USUN STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000731 UNCLASS IFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Ambassador How have you been able to apply your political skills? How have you been able to apply what you learned in South Carolina political circles at the UN? Personal - what has the transition to New York been like for you and your family? From your early days in Bamberg, SCto bringing the Confederate flag down in SCyou have been able to fight racism and prejudice. How has that helped you in a place as diverse as the United Nations? Many people were surprised you joined this administration. How have you been able to remain true to yourself and your tone in an administration that often communicates differently than you? 2. 2. Negotiating: navigating diplomacy at the UN How did you get this major resolution on North Korea passed? We would love any details or anecdotes that can make the negotiation process come alive. How do you negotiate with other countries diplomatically when it comes to the budget, peacekeeping, etc. while ensuring America's priorities are put first? Your UN colleagues point out that you are a shrewd negotiator who's willing to get your hands dirty, but that you always manage to do so with a smile. How are you making sure the UN is accountable and has value for the American people, as opposed to business as usual? We understand you have a close relationship with the SGas it relates to UN reform and negotiating the UN budget. Can you discuss that further? Israel - how have you changed anti-Israel culture at UN? How do you communicate US policy decisions to your colleagues at the UN? 3. 3. Nikki Haley: the Cabinet member How do you help President Trump and the Administration shape foreign policy? You have often been the leading voice on issues like human rights, especially when others in the Administration don't seem as supportive. What will US priories be this year at UNGA? How do you navigate an administration the frequently appears to have different views? Not only are you are a Cabinet level official, you sit on the NSCand are invited to Cabinet level meetings at the White House. Not everyone in your job has had that level of influence. What is your relation ship with STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000732 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 POTUSlike? Politics - I would expect a question or two on her immense popu larity -in the administration, Republican party and American public. If asked about your trip to Vienna: 85 Time S:30 P;'.1- - 7:00 PM Subject UN Thank you reception (1.5 hours) Location Residence Show Time As Busy Event: UN Staff Thank You Reception Date: Thursday, August 10, 2017 Time: 5:30 p.m. - 7:00p.m. Location: Residence Purpose: This reception is an opportunity for you to meet and personally thank UN staffers with whom USUN wil I regularly coordinate with in the preparations for, during, and after High-Level week for the 72nd session of the UN General Assembly. Attendees: 1. Ambassador Michelle Sison 2. Katherine Veldran, EXEC 3. David Glaccum, EXEC 4. Matthew Miller, UNGA Coordinator 5. Emily McMillan, EXEC 6. Mor gan Vina, EXECAdvisor 7. Gracey Roskam, EXEC 8. Leslie Dewess, EXEC 9. Yourseline Obas STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000733 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 10. 86 ARSO 87(C) 11. Tom Gallo, MGT 12. Maria Riofrio, GSO Officer 13. Ann Granatino, GSO 14. Fred Morgan, GSO 15. Eugenio Vargas, GSO 16. Jim Donovan , MC Host Country 17. Eileen Merritt, Host Country Confirmed: 1. Mr. Mi ck (Michael) Browne- Chief of Security 2. Ms. Wai Tak Chua- Senior Protocol Assistant 3. Marybeth Curran- Senior Protocol Assistant 4. Mr. Peter Drennan- Under-Secretary-General , Head of the Department of Safety and Security 5. Ms. Pilar Fuentes- Senior Protocol Officer 6. Mr. Gary Gardner- Coordinator of Venue/Conference Room Reservations 7. MS. Alice Grimason-Fuchs- Department of Peace-Keeping Operations 8. Mr. Hans Grohmann- Senio r Prot oco l Assistant 9. Ms. Aoife Leahy- Deputy Chief of the Meeting s Servicing Unit 10. Mr. Wann es Lint- Logistic s Coordinator for Meetings 11. Mr. Karl Anton Manalili- Staff member, Committee on Confer ences 12. Ms. Ellis Maronie - Sergeant in the Training and Development Unit 13. Mr . Tai Mekel-A ctin g Chief of the Media Accreditation and Liaison Unit 14. Ms. Mary Muturi- Coordinator of Information on Plenary Elections and Candidatures 15. Mr. Gabriel Nastasescu- Security Officer in the Executive Office of the Secretary General 16. M s. Cath erine Pollard- Under-Secret ary-General fo r Genera l Assembly and Co nference M anagement 17. M s. Marij a Ro kuiziene- Accredit ati o n Offi cer STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000734 UNCLASSIF IED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 18. Mr. Hari Sharma- UN Security 19. Mr. Matt Sullivan- Inspector Operations Security and Safety Service 20. Mr. Peter van Laere- Chief of Protocol Pending: 21. Mr. Paul Jankowsky- Lieutenant with the Pass and ID Unit 22. Mr. Christopher Walter- Special Events Coordinator Regret 23. Mr. David Bongi-Chief a.i. of the Security and Safety Service 24. Mr. Dwight Bennett- UN Security Sergeant 25. Ms. Nicole Bresson- Deputy Chief of Protocol Office of Protocol 26. Mr. Carlos Galindo- Coordinator for the Membership of Main Committees, UN Journal and List of Speakers 27. Ms. Paula Goncalves- Lieutenant with the Special Services Unit 28. Ms. Rene Holbach- Intergovernmental Affairs Officer with th e General Assembly and ECO5OCAffairs Division 29. Mr . Leroy Johnson- Lieutenant at the UN Pass and ID Unit 30. Ms. Amy Kyaw- Executive Office of the Security General 31. M s. Melinda McCorma ck- Special Events Security Offi cer 32. M s. Saada Robert s- Supervisor of Garage Admini stration in the Admini strative, Finance and Personnel Section 33 . Mr. Rukshan Perera- Conferenc e Servic es 34. Mr. Moe San Aung- Administrative Assistant at United Nations Capital Development Fund 35. Ms. Rachel Stein-Holmes- Inter governmental Affairs Officer with the General Assembly and ECOSOC Affairs Division Past Communication: Under Secretary-General Catherine Pollard who you met at the Fourth of July celebration and Chief of Protocol Peter van Laere who participated in your swearing-in with Secretary-General Guterres. Background: USUN maint ains workin g relation ship s with a variety o f int egral UN count e rparts. In th e period prio r to and during th e UN General Assembly, w e rely heavily on our coo rdinati o n with specific logisti cal STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000735 UNCLASSI FIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 offices at the UN to meet the heightened requests from the U.S. delegation. These offices include the UN Protocol and Liaison Service, UN Security, the UN Pass and ID Office, Meeting Management, and Media Relations. The U.S. delegation to the GA is typically the largest of all the delegations (as might be expected as the Host Country), and in order to accommodate the various credentialing, meeting space, media, and security requirements, we are in constant contact with these UN colleagues. These counterparts have consistently gone above and beyond to ensure that any last-minute issues are addressed. This reception is your opportunity to not only greet and personally thank these individuals, but also convey our acknowledgement that their support to the United States and other member states is crucial to a successful General Assembly High-Level Week and beyond. This would also be the first time a Permanent Representative has hosted such a gathering. USUN participants will include both Executive Office staff and a selection of mission personnel who regularly interact wit h these UN counterparts. Sequence of Events: 5:30pm NH arrives at the Residence. 6:00pm NH welcoming remarks-5 mins. 7:00pm Mingle with UN staff. Welcoming Remarks: * Express appreciation to UN staff for their year-round coordination with the U.S. Mission. * We appreciate your continued willingness to work closely with Mission staff to address our many logi stical challenges. * Mention the smaller U.S. "toe print" this year, and emphasize our intention to help ease the collective burden of a large and often fractured delegation. * NH mic drop :) Menu: PORTOBELLOPIZZETTA,CHIVESCREME FRAICHE,TRUFFLESCENTED MINI CRAB CAKE "MARYLAND SHACK" "CAPERS-REMOULADESAUCE CREEKSTONEFILET MIGNON, CRISPYWAFFLE POTATOES, HERB FROMAGE, ROASTEDBEETS CRISPYSUMMER ROLLS, SHACKCRAB, SRIRACHAMAYO VEGETABLEMAKI SUSHI FRUIT TARTS WHITE CHOCOLATEDIPPEDSTRAWBERRY STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000736 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 VALRHONA CHOCOLATE DIPPEDSTRAWBERRY Budget: Guest: 34 Staff: 18 Total Guests: 52 x $45= $2340 Flowers: $100 Linens: $175 Labor- 5 Servers: $130*4 + $170= $690 2065 -690= $1375 Bios: Ms. Catherine Pollard: UN Under Secretary-Gen eral for General Assembly and Conference Management Ms. Catherine Pollard assumed office as Under-Secretary-General for General Assembly and Conference Management on Tuesday, 1 December 2015. Previously, Ms. Pollard has served as Assistant Secretary-General for General Assembly and Co nference Manag ement since September 2014 . Before joining the Department for General Assembly and Conference Management (DGACM), she was Assistant Secretary-General for Human Resources Management since 2008 . While in that position , she repre sented the Secretary -General on human resource management issues, providing advice on wideranging strategies and policies. She has led human resources reform initiativ es and the introdu ction of new poli cies during her tenur e including as Co-Chair of th e Chief Executiv e Board/Human Resour ces Network for the United Nations common system. Prior to j oining the Office of Human Resource s Management , Ms. Pollard was Chief of Staff in the Department of Peacekeeping Operation s, and befo re that , the Director of th e Peacekeeping Finance Divi sion in the Offi ce of Programme Planning, Budget and Account s. Mr. Peter Drennan: UN Under Secretary-General for Safety and Security Mr . Drennan was appointed to this position on April 29, 2014 by United Nations Secretary-Genera I Ban Ki-moon . Prior to this appointment Mr . Drennan served as the Deputy Commissioner for National Security with the Australian Federal Police . Mr. Peter van Laere: UN Chief of Protocol Mr. van Laere w as born in Gent , Be lgium, in 1959. He assumed th e Chief of Proto col positi on in March 2015. Prior to thi s posting he wa s Director, Division of Manag ement and Admini str atio n at th e UN STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000737 UNCLASSI FIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Economic and Social Commission for Asia (UNESCAP)in Bangkok, Thailand. He has also held positions in the Executive Offi ce of the Secretary-General, the UN Office for Project Services (UN OPS), the UN Development Program (UNDP), and the UN Department of Peacekeeping Operations (UNDPKO), both in New York and abroad. Ms. Wai Tak Chua: Senior Protocol Assistant Ms. Chua directs and manages accreditation and credentialing for all UN meetings. For the General Assembly, she personally approves each badge submission, which is typically thousands of requests. She also approves and produces the VIP and Protocol Passesfor POTUS, VPOTUS, and all Cabinet Secretaries who travel to UNGA. She is the main point of contact for Maria Riofrio in GSO, and this working relationship is critical to the successful credentialing of the U.S. Delegation. Mr. Hans Grohmann: Senior Protocol Assistant Mr. Grohmann manages the UN Blue Book, the official listing of all UN Delegations and their staffs. We work closely with Mr . Grohman throughout the year, but in particular during their annual Blue Book update each spring. During the GA, Mr. Grohman will work w ith Ms. Chua on VIP and/or Protocol Passes,and will also assist with other protocol functions such as General Assembly seating and the escorting of VIPs. Ms. Pilar Fuentes: Senior Protocol Officer Ms . Fuentes performs protocol functions for multiple UN missions, and is USUN's counterpart in Ms. Bresson's absence. Mr. Tai Merkel: Acting Chief, Media Accreditation and Liaison Unit The Media Accreditation and Liaison Unit (MALU) is responsible for logisti cal support for member s of the media, including annu al accreditation to the GA. We coordinat e with this offi ce to ensur e that the traveling press for both the White House and the Secretary of State are properly credentialed. MALU assists the U.S. delegation with issues ranging from last-minut e photo sprays and press conf erences, to providing escorts to move press from designated holding areas. Mr. Gabriel Nastasescu: Deputy Chief, UN Pass and ID Office Mr . Nastasescu helps oversee and manage the UN Badge office. He is also new to this position, having come to the office in May of this year. Previously he served on the security detail fo r the UN SecretaryGeneral. Captain Paul Jankowsky: Central Support Unit, Security and Safety Service, UN Security Captain Jankowsky was until earlier this year Chief of the UN Passand ID Office, and was a key counterpart in the credential process for many years. He was recently promot ed to anoth er positi o n in UN Security. Mr. Mich ael (Mi ck) Brown e : Chief of Security STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000738 UNCLASSI FIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Chief Browne oversees UN Security operations, including the SpeciaI Services Unit and the Security Event Planning Unit. Mr. Matthew Sullivan: Inspector in Charge of Operations, UN Security Inspector Sullivan assists with general security issues during the GA. Mr. Hari Sharma: Senior Security Officer , UN Security Officer Sharma is in the Special Service Unit of UN Security, under the supervi sion of Captain Paula Goncalves. Mr. Ellis Maronie: Security Sergeant, Special Services Unit, UN Security Sgt. Maronie assists with VIP visit security logistics, under the supervision of Captain Paula Goncalves. Ms. Marija Rokuiziene: Associate Information Officer, UN Media Accreditation and Liaison Unit (MALU) Ms. Rokuiziene works with Tai Mekel on media accreditation and logistics issues. Mr. Wannes Lint: Deputy Chief, Meeting Services Unit This office manages logistics for all meeting rooms at the UN. Mr. Gary Gardner: Programming Team Leader, Meeting Services Mr . Gardner coordinate s UN meeting room reservation s. Mr. Karl Anton Manalili: Meetings Services Assistant Mr. M analili is the coordinator assigned to support U.S. meet ing room reque sts. Ms. Aoife Leahy: Meetings Services Officer [pronounced EEFA] Ms. Alice Grimason-Fuchs: Meeting s Services Officer Ms. Mary Muturi : General Assembly Affairs Officer Ms. Muturi is respon sible for tracking all General Assembly election s. She ensures that U.S. candidatures are filed and processed properly . Mr . Christopher Walter: UN Special Events Officer Mr . Walter is a main point of contact for any High-Level events the U.S. might host at the UN. He provides overall coordination and guidance fo r issues such as reconfi gurin g furniture, or othe r build-outs which often occur with POTUS-hosted or other USG-hosted events . Time 7:30 PM ··· 8:30 PM Subject Private Appointment Show Time As Busy STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000739 UNCLASSIF IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Sensitivity Private fdd«y , Augu::t 11, 2017 Time All Day Subject Birthday ~-------~ Recurrence Occurs every August 11 effective 8/11/2017 until 8/11/2017 Show Time As Free Time A!!Dav Subject Show Time As Free Time Ai! Dav Subject Weather: Partly Cloudy/ H: 81 / L: 71 (10%) Show Time As Free Time 9:25 AM - 9:30 AM Subject Birthday/Departure Photos Show Time As Busy Birthdays: B6 Time 9:30 1\M - 10:{)0Atv-1 Subject 21/W Meeting (30 min) Show Time As Busy Tltne 9 :35 .AM - 9:45 AM Subject '--------' Show Time As Busy Time 11:00 l-\M--·11:1SAM Subject Call: Michele and John Sharp (15 min) Show Time As Busy Event: Call with Michele and John Sharp Date: Friday, August 11, 2017 Time: 11:00- 11:15a.m.; 15 minute s B6 Note: NH to dial John at Purpose: '----------------~ Background: I STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000740 UNCLASSI FIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 B6 Drafted: POL:Julie Jolles/ POL-ext. 4-4190 and cell:~--~ Time 11:30 AM -1 2:15 PM Subject Africa Meeting (45 min) Location 11th Floor Conference Room Show Time As Busy Event: Africa Meeting Date: Friday, August 11, 2017 Time: 11:30- 12:lSp .m. Location: 11th Floor Boardroom Purpose: To meet with a ke candidacy to the HRC. [ rou of African leaders to discuss DRC's B5 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000741 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 B5 Attendees: Ambassador Nikki Haley Emily McMillan, EXEC Steve Gee, POL (Africa) Kelly Razzouk, ECOSOC(HRC) Leslie Dewees, EXEC Guests: 1. Angola: Mr. Joao Gimolieca, Minister Counsellor/Charge d'Affaires 2. Chad: Amb. Ali Alefei Moustapha 3. Cote d'Ivoire: Amb. Claude Bouah-Kamon 4. Ethiopia: Amb. Tekeda Alemu 5. Kenya: Amb. Macharia Kamau 6. Morocco: Amb. Abderrazzak Lassel 7. Rwanda: Amb. Valentine Rugwabiza 8. Senegal: Amb. Fode Seek 9. Uganda: Amb. Kintu Nyago, DPR Escort: Youse line Obas, PROTOCOL Anastasia Hayes, EXECIntern Background: The election to the Human Rights Council (HRC) will be held during the last week of October 2017. Currently, there is only one candidate with a significantly egregious human rights record Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)- that is running unopposed . On July 25, 2017, the United States and UK sent a joint demarche to pressure DRCto withdraw its candidacy and to request that other African states run to break DRC's clean slate . This Wednesday, August 9, 2017, NH met with DRC PR, Amb. Gata Mavita, and asked DRC to step down until they had a good story to tell; Amb. Mavita deferred to capital. Demarche Responses: B5 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000742 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 * Chad j I I * Ghana j I I * Mexico j I I * Niger -[ Talking Points: 1. Upcoming Africa Tripj Background: You will be traveling to see first-hand the impact of conflict on children ; U.S. assistance for refugees, IDPs, and those affected by famine; urgent need for political solutions and support from regional actors ; two of the UN's largest peacekeeping mission s (UN MISS and MONUSCO). B5 2. U.S. Support for Afri ca:! Background : In FY2015, the United States provided more than $8 billion of assistance to 47 countrie s in sub-Saharan Africa. Specifically for DRC, the United States has contributed more than $107 million in FY2017 to support relief and refugee response . After failing t o hold elections in 2016, the DRC is again not expected to hold elections this year . Violence is increasin g in DRC, especially in Kasais, at alarming rates with 30,000 refugees fleeing the border into Angola and 3.8 mil lion Congolese displaced. 3. DRC'sCandidacy to HRCj STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000743 UNCLASSIF IED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Background: You are trying to reform the HRC's membership , but one of the biggest obstacles is the practice of clean slates that offer member states no choice when they vote. If the DRCwithdraws, then another candidate will have to run to fill the seat. If the DRC does not withdraw, then another candidate must run to break the slate, providing an alternative to support against the DRC. Additional Information for Reference: Slate of HRC Candidates for October 2017 * Africa, 4 seats: Angola; DRC; Nigeria ; Senegal * East-Euro., 2 seats: Slovakia ; Ukraine * GRULAC,3 seats : Chile; Mexico; Peru * WEOG, 2 seats: Australia; Spain * Asia-Pacific, 4 seats: Afghanistan ; Malaysia ; Nepal ; Pakistan; Qatar - This the only competitive slate; all others are clean slates. African Regional Groups * North Region: Egypt; Libya; Tunisia; Algeria; Moro cco. * West Region: Benin; Burkina Faso; Cameroon; Cape Verde; Chad; Cote d'Ivoire; Gambia; Ghana; Guinea; Guinea-Bissau; Liberia ; Mali; Mauritania; Niger ; Nigeria ; Senegal; Sierra Leone; Togo. * Centra l Region: CAR; Congo; DRC; Equatorial Guinea; Gaba; Sao Tome and Principe. * East Region: Eritrea; Ethiopia; Somalia; Djibouti; Sudan; Uganda; Kenya; Tanzania; Rwanda; Burundi; Comoros; Mauritius; Seychelle s; Madagascar. * South Region: Angola; Botswana; Lesotho ; Malawi; Mozambique; Namibia ; South Africa; Swaziland; Zambia; Zimbabwe. Bias: Angola Minister Counsellor/ Charged' Affaires: Joao Gimolieca [Pronounce: JOW Gee-MO-Lee-Eh-Ka] [Informa l Address: Gimolieca] STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000744 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 No Photo or Bio Currently Available Chad Permanent Representative: Ali Alifei Moustapha [Pronounce: Ali Ali-fay Moose-tafa] [Informal Address: Ali] Presentation of Credentials: 2017 Before his latest appointment, Mr. Moustapha was Chad's Minister for Communications between February and August 2016. From August 2015 to February 2016, he served as Mini ster for Environment and Fishery. In addition t o his position as President of the Top Communication s Board from 2010 to 2015, Mr . Mou stapha also held other governmental posts, including that of Adviser on International Relations to the Head of State, from 2008 to 2009, Deputy Mayor of N'Djamena in 2005, Minister for Urbani sm and Habitat in 2003 and Secretary of State for National Defence in 1992. Having begun his career in 1978 as Chief of Staff at the Official Journal of the Government Secretariat, he transitioned to Editor-in-Chief of Chad's National Press Agency in 1984. The holder of a high-level diploma in journalism earned in 1977 from the International School of Journali sm in Yaounde, Cameroon, Mr. Mou stapha also trained in Tunis, Tunisia, and studied press management in Paris. Born in 1956, he is married and has 11 children. Cote d'Ivoire Permanent Representative: Claude Stani slas Bouah-Kamon [Pronounce: KLAWDstah-NEE-slas BOO-ah-KA-mone] [Informal Address: Excellency Bouah-Kamon] Presentation of Credentials : 2015 Prior to his appointment, Mr. Bouah-Kamon served as his country 's Ambassador to the United Kingdom since 2011. He was Technical Adviser to the Minister for Foreign Affair s in Abidjan from 2004 to 2010 and served as Director of Political and Humanita rian Affairs from 2002 to 2004. From 1996 to 1999, he was Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the United Nations and International Organizations in Geneva and Vienna. Prior to that position, he was Ambassador to Algeria from 1994 to 1996. A career diplomat, Mr. Bouah-Kamon has held advisory roles in the Foreign Ministry since j oinin g it in 1976, includin g as Deputy Director for Technical Assistance with France. Mr. Bouah-Kamon hold s a bachelor's degree from the University of Abidjan in Cote d'Iv oire. Born in 1949 in Abidjan, he is marri ed and has thr ee childr en. STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000745 UNCLASSI FIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Ethiopia Permanent Representative: Tekeda Alemu [Pronounce: THE-ked-ah AH-leh-moo] [Informal Address: Tekeda] Presentation of Credentials: 2011 Ambassador Tekeda, a diplomat since 1983, was Minister of State in Ethiopia's Ministry for Foreign Affairs from 2001 and 2011, and before that served for a decade as Vice-Minister in the MFA. He was head of the African Department from 1990 to 1991 and acting head of the Department of International Organizations from 1988 to 1989. He received a doctorate degree in political science from Claremont Graduate School (California) in 1983 and a master's degree, also in political science, from the University of California at Los Angeles in 1976. Born in j I on May 5, 1951, he is married and has two children. B6 Kenya Permanent Representative: Macharia Kamau [Pronounce: MAH-shah-ria ku-MAH-oo] [Informal Address: Macharia] Presentation of Credentials: 2010 Until his latest appointment, Mr. Kamau was Kenya's Permanent Representative to the United Nations Office at Nairobi, where he served concurrently as Permanent Representative to the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), and the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) from March 2009. In addition to New York, Mr. Kamau's extensive experience in the United Nations system earned him postings to Barbados, Namibia and Zambia, serving in various capacities with UNICEFand the Un ited Nations Transition Assistance Group. He joined UNICEFin 1985 as Programme Communication and Social Mobilization Consultant for the East and Southern Africa Regional Office in Nairobi . Mr. Kamau holds degrees in history, economics and education from Wooster College, Ohio, and Harvard University, Massachusetts . He was born on 3 March 1958. Morocco Deputy Permanent Representative: Abd errazzak Laassel [Pronoun ce: Ah-b-d er-AH-zuhk Laa-S-el] STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000746 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 [Informal Address: Abderrazzak] Presentation of Credentials: Unknown No Bio Currently Available Rwanda Permanent Representative: Valentine Rugwabiza [Pronounce: Valen-teen Roo-GWA-BEE-Za] [Informal Addre ss Valentine] Presentation of Credentials: 2016 Ms. Rugwabiza, who until her new appointment had served as Minister for East African Community since 2014, remains a mem ber of Cabinet of the Government of Rwanda. From 2013 to 2014, she was Chief Executive Officer of the Rwanda Development Board and Member of Cabinet. Between 2005 and 2013, Ms . Rugwabiza held the position of Deputy Director-Gene ral of the World Trade Organization (WTO). Prior to that , she was the Permanent Representative of Rwanda to the United Nation s Offi ce in Geneva and Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Switzerland. Ms. Rugwabiza holds both Bachelor and Master of Science degree s from the National University of Zaire . Born on 25 July 1963, she is married. Senegal Permanent Representative: Fode Seek [Pronounce : FOH-day SEC] [Informal Address: Fode] Presentation of Credentials: 2014 Since February 2014, Mr . Seek has served as his country 's Ambassador to the United Nations Office and other international organizations in Geneva. From November 2007 to September 2010, he was Senegal's Amb assado r to Brazil. Fro m December 2006 to Sept ember 2007, he was Charge d'affair es at th e Senegalese Embassy in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, havin g served previo usly as General Secretary of th e Governm ent in Charge. Fro m M arch 2002 to December 20006, he w as STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000747 UNCLASSIF IED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Chief Technical Adviser to the Mini ster of State and Foreign Affair s, after serving in several other posts in the Ministry since 1986. From 1981 to 1986, he was a First Counsellor at the Senegalese Embassy in Nigeria, following a stint from 1978 to 1981 in the same capacity at his country's embassy in the former Soviet Union. Mr. Seek has a Master of Arts degree in English from the University Cheikh Anta Diop in Dakar. Mr. Seek is the vice president of the Casa Sports de Ziguinchor football club, a team that plays in the top division of Senegalese soccer. Born on 1 September 1950, he is married and has six children. Uganda Deputy Permanent Representative: Kintu Nyago [Pronounce: KIN-too KNEE-ah-go] [Informal Address: Kintu] Presentation of Credentials: 2012 B6 Kintu Nyago was born in~------~ ut mainly grew up in contemporary Wakiso District. Prior H.Ethe President had appointed him Commissioner in the Office of the President in Charge of Promoting Patriotism Amongst Schooling Youths and soon after dutifully served as Deputy Principal Private Secretary to H.E the President of Uganda. He is a political scienti st who tutored undergraduate student s at Rhodes University , Grahamstown , Eastern Cape, South Africa and also lectured post graduate student s at Uganda Martyr s Univer sity, Nkozi. He is a Senior Lecturer at Uganda's National Leadership Institute, Kyankwanzi, where he has been involved in the training of national leaders, politicians, including Parliamentarians and senior public servants . He contributed to the institutionalization of Uganda's 1995 Constitution , through a civic advocacy and tr aining organization he founded , with other s, The Forum for the Promotion of Democratic Constitutionali sm. And through research and documentation in a Pan African monthly journal he founded and edited with other s, Contemporary Africa Review. He is a respected regular political columni st in the Ugandan main stream print media, this in addition to regularly providing authoritative political commentary, on Ugandan and African issues in leading Ugandan and international audio and visual media channels. He is married with children. Drafted: Rebecca Schimsa ext. 4-4032 Time 12:30 PM ....o1:00 PM Subject Lunch (30 min) Show Time As Busy Time 1: 15 PM ... 1:30 PM Subject Call: '-------' (15 min) B5 Show Time As Busy WHSR will conn ect STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000748 UNCLASSIF IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Time 1:30 PM-1:45 PM Subject Deep Dive: JCPOA(15 min) Show Time As Busy Event: Deep Dive: JCPOA Date: Friday, August 11 Time: 1:15 PM Attendees: Ambassador Haley Carrie Filipetti Leslie Dewees Time 1:45 PM··· 2:15 PM Subject Briefing (30 mins) Show Time As Busy Time 2 :30 PM-2:AS Pf\/1 Subject Meeting: JW (15 min) Show Time As Busy Time 4 :15 PM - 5:00 PM Subject Meeting: General Kelly (45 min) Location CoSRoom - Bedminster Show Time As Busy Time 5 :00 PM - 6:00 PM ,--------------c Subject Meeting: ~--------Location Bedminster, NJ ~ Haley (1 hr) B5 Show Time As Busy Event ,------~ Date: Friday, August 11 Time: 5:00 PM Location: Bedminster, NJ Attendees CoSGeneral Kelly Secretary Tillerson Ambassador Nikki Haley Margaret Peterlin, S CoS Tirne 6 :30 PM - 8:00 PM Subject Private Appointment Show Time As Busy STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000749 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06613437 Date: 12/07/2018 Sensitivity Private 5ati.ml;ay, A;;r,i~st12, zm.J Time 8/12/201712:00 AM-8/20/2017 12:00 AM 86 Subject AIC Show Time As Free~----- ~ 87(C) Time 8/12/Z0 1712: 00A M -8/20 /201712:00AM Subject Private Appointment Show Time As Free Sensitivity Private Time 12:15 PM - 1:15 PM Subject Private Appointment Show Time As Busy Sensitivity Private S:..nday, Auguf>tB, W17 Time All Day Subject Birthday ~------Recurrence Occurs every August 13 effective 8/13/2017 until 8/13/2017 Show Time As Free T,,~sday, A;;gust 15, 2017 Time 12:00 PM-12:30 PM Subject Call: General Kelly Show Time As Busy W-edn-esd,rv,k ,gust 16, 2017 Time All Day Subject Birthday Recurrence Occurs ev~e-ry-Au_ g_u-st_1_6_e~ff~e-ct-iv_e_8~/1~6/2017 until 8/16/2017 86 Show Time As Free f ddt21, W 17 Time Subject 8/21/201712:00 AM - 8/23/2017 12:00 AM DCTravel Show Time As Free Time 9:55 AM - 9:58 AM Subject Birthday/Departure Photo (3 min) Show Time As Busy Departures: B6 B7(C) Time 10:00 AM - -UU0 AM Subject 21/W Meeting (30 min) Show Time As Busy Time 1LOOAM-ll :05AM Subject Courtesy Exit Meeting: ~[--~[ (5 min) B6 Show Time As Busy Time 12,15 PM - H IOPM Subject Briefing (45 mins) Show Time As Busy Time 1:00 PM -1:30 PM Subject Lunch (30 min) Show Time As Busy Time l :30 PM - l :45 PM Subject Call: Senator Bob Dole (15 min) Show Time As Busy Event: Phone call with former Senator Bob Dole Date: Monday, August 21 Time: 1:30-1:45p.m.; 15 minutes B6 Note: Sen. Dole to call Purpose: To discuss engagement with the Kosovo Ambassador to the U.S. Vlora Citaku Attendees: Ambassador Nikki Haley Background: Former Senator Dole worked on Balkans affairs during his tenure as Senator, and the government of Kosovo is currently his client at the law firm Alston & Bird. He has recommended you meet with Kosovo Ambassador to the U.S. Vlora Citaku. I\ Classified by Director A/GIS/IPS, DoS on 07 Dec 2018 ~ Class: CONFIDENTIAL~ Reason: b(1), 1.4(d) ~ Declassify on: 06 Dec 204 PAGES MARKED b(1 ), 1.4(d) - CONFIDENTIAL: 02, 18-19, 36-40,STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000751 359-360, 399-401 . . epartment of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 1 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 1.4(0) B1 You met Kosovo's Consul General in New York, Ambassador Teuta Sahatqija, at the 6th GA PermRep reception you hosted on July 25. (Note: Since it is not a UN Member State, Kosovo's CG informally represents Kosovo in UN matters .) You are scheduled for a courtesy call with Ambassador Sahatqija on Augu st 25 . In response to Dole ' s request, one option is to invite Ambassador Citaku to join the August 25 meeting with Sahatqija. Talking Point s: 1. Meeting with Ambassador Citaku :I 1.4(0) B1 B5 2.I 1.4(0) B1 B5 If Raised: 3. Request for Help to Kosovo Join Meetings During UNGA Week: 1 1.4(0) B1 B5 Bio: Former Senator Robert Dole [Informal Addre ss: Bob] Robert Dole, (husband of Elizabeth H. Dole), a Representative and a STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000752 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 2 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Senator from Kansas; born in Russell, Kans., July 22, 1923; graduated, Washburn Municipal University, Topeka, Kans., with an undergraduate and law degree in 1952, after attending Kansas University 1941-1943 and University of Arizona 1948-1949; during the Second World War served as a combat infantry officer in Italy; was wounded twice and hospitalized for thirty-nine months; awarded two Purple Hearts and the Bronze Star with an Oak Cluster for military service; admitted to the bar and commenced the practice of law in Russell, Kans., 1952; member, State house of representatives 19511953; county attorney of Russell County 1953-1961; elected as a Republican to the Eighty-seventh Congress and to the three succeeding Congresses (January 3, 1961-January 3, 1969); elected to the United States Senate in 1968, reelected in 1974, 1980, 1986, and 1992, and served from January 3, 1969, to June 11, 1996, when he resigned to campaign for the presidency ; majority leader 1985-1987, 1995-1996; minority leader 1987-1995; chairman , Committee on Finance (Ninety-seventh through Ninety-eighth Congresses), Special Committee on Security and Cooperation in Europe (Ninety-ninth Congress); chairman, Republican National Committee 1971-1972; advisor , President's Delegation to Study the Food Crisis in India 1966; advisor , U.S. Delegation to Study the Arab Refugee Problem 1967; advisor , U.S. Delegation to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization 1965, 1968, 1974, 1975, 1977, 1979; member, U.S. National Commission for the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization 1970 and 1973; member , Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe 1977; advisor , GATT Mini sterial Trade Conference 1982; member, National Commission on Social Security Reform 1983; member, Martin Luther King, Jr., Federal Holiday Commission 1984; unsuccessful Republican candidate for Vice President of the United States in 1976; unsuccessful candidate for the Republican presidential nomination in 1988; unsuccessful Republican nominee for President of the United States in 1996; awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom on January 17, 1997; chairman, International Commission on Missing Persons in the Former Yugoslavia 1997-2001; national chairman, National World War II Memorial 1997-2004; engaged in the practice of law in Washington , D.C., 1997-. B6 Drafted: POL- George Ward, Time 2:30 PM - 3:00 PM Subject Meeting: Amb. Osman (30 min) Show Time As Busy Event: Meeting: Amb . Abukar Osman, Somalian PR Date: Monday, August 21 Time: 2:30- 3:00p .m.; 30 minutes Purpose: Introductory meeting with Somalia's new PR Attendees : Ambassador Nikki Haley George Ward Escort: George Ward Background: STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000753 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 3 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 The African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) mandate is up for renewal before August 31. Established in 2007, the mission is operated by the African Union (AU) with approval by the UN. In the ongoing negotiations , we have pressed for priorities including specificity on AMI SOM troop reductions , language that stresses a measured tran sfer of greater responsibility to the Somali government, and expediting a joint verification exercise of the capacity of the Somali security force s by year' s end. This meeting is an opportunity to welcome Ambassador Osman to his new role and reassert U.S. commitment to Somalia's security and development though both AMISOM and UN assistance. Talking Points: 1. U.S. Support for AM ISOM: I B5 Background: The mandate of the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) must be renewed before August 31. The AU-UN joint review of AMISOM recommended a reduction of AMISOM' s force levels of 22,126 by 1,500 troops, beginning later this year. A call for this reduction is in the draft resolution and aligns with our view of a gradual transfer of greater responsibility to the Somali government , without destabilizing a still-fragile environment . 2. Humanitarian Needs:I B5 3. Not signing the Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty: I B5 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000754 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 4 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 B5 Background: Somalia did not participate in the Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty meetings and did not vote on the General Assembly resolution that established the negotiations. I B5 IF RAISED: B5 4. Assessed UN Contributions for AMISOM: I Background: The UK, AU and EU continue to advocate for UN assessed contributions to pay for AMISOM troop salaries, currently jointly funded by the EU and AU, in the face of decreasing EU willingness to foot the bill. We consistently oppose an assessedcontribution arrangement on the grounds that it is an AU mission, and Congress would not support the additional funding. The United States, however, provides significant bilateral assistance and security support to Somalia. Bio: Somalia Permanent Representative: Abukar Osman [Pronounce: Ah-bu-KAR OSS-man] [Informal Address: Abukar] Presentation of Credentials: July 26, 2017 Ambassador Osman - a Somali-American who holds dual citizenshiphas had an unconventional career, including stints as a social worker in Ohio and UN employee in Albania. He previously was Chief of Staff to the President of Somalia, serving under President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud from 2014 to early 2017, and then for three months under President Farmajo. Ambassador Osman also served as Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Interior and National Security from 2012 to 2014, and was Farmajo's Chief of Staff from 2010 to 2011 when Farmajo was Prime Minister of the Transitional Federal Government. Ambassador Osman holds a bachelor's degree from Illinois State University (1986), a master's in library and information science from the University of Wisconsin (1990), and an MBA from Franklin University (2009). He and his wife, Lina Mohamed, lived in Toronto before moving to Columbus. They have four daughters - llhan, Nim a, STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000755 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 5 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Fardowsa, and Fatima. llhan was a Rhodes Scholarship recipient in 2016, was named a "White House Champion for Change" in 2012 for her work with Somalis in central Ohio, and has done work on countering violent extremism. B6 Drafted: POL- George Ward ,~-------~ Time 3;00 PM - 3:1.SPf\11 Subject Political Staff Meeting (15 min) Show Time As Busy Attendees: AmyTachco Walter Miller Elaine French David Glaccum Emily McMillan Time 4:00 Pfvl - 6;53 PM Subject DCTrain (2 hr, 53 min) Show Time As Busy T,,escl<:1y, A;;gust 12, 2017 Time 8/22/201712 :00 AM - 8/25/2017 12:00 AM Subject NH International Travel - Vienna Show Time As Free Outbound UNITEDAirlines Flight 9820 (Operated by Austrian Airlines) Departure New York JFK 1740 Aug 22, 2017 Arrival Vienna, Austria VIE 820 Aug 23, 2017 Return UNITEDAirlines 9819 (Operated by Austrian Airlines) Departure Vienna VIE 1045 Aug 25, 2017 Arrival New York JFK 1415 Aug 24, 2017 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000756 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 6 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 B6 HOTEL: Time 8:00 AM - 10:53 AM Subject NY Train (2 hr, 50 min) Show Time As Busy WAS-> NYP Train : Acela Train 2104 Departure time: 8:00 AM Arrival time: 10:50 AM Time 1U O AM .. 12'.10 PM Subject Saudi Meeting: Amb . AI-Mouallimi, Dr. Al Rabeeah, Stephen O' Brien (45 min) Show Time As Busy Event : Saudi Meeting: Amb. AI-Mouallimi , Dr. Al Rabeeah, Stephen O'Brien Date : Tuesday, August 22, 2017 Time: 11 :30 a.m. -12:15 p.m.; 45 minutes Purpose: To follow up on a bilateral meeting between Ambassador Haley and Ambassador Mouallimi on the $150 million Saudi Arabia has pledged for famine relief in Yemen, along with requests to deploy cranes to the Hudaydah port and re-open Sana'a airport. Attendees : USUN: Ambassador Nikki Haley Ambassador Kelley Currie David Glaccum Kylie Holmes, ECOSOC Will Wagner, POL Guests: Stephen O'Brien, Under Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs HE Ambassador Abdallah Y. AI-Mouallimi - Permanent Representative Mr. Aqeel Al Ghamdi-A ssistant for Planning & development- King Salman Humanitarian Aid & Relief Center Mr . Rashed Al Rashed- Chef de Cabinet Ms. Manal Radwan- Political Coordinator- Saudi Arabian Mission STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000757 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 7 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Escort: Kylie Holmes Background: B5 Note that on August 21, Dr. Rabeeah spoke at two events: a Security Council Arria-formula meeting on Yemen humanitarian issues, and an Ambassador-level luncheon to discuss building peace in Yemen (Amb Sison attended both). Dr. Rabeeah made clear at both events that the Saudis would not accept any additional cranes for Hudaydah until there is a broader agreement that removes the port from Houthi control (which is unlikely to happen). Dr. Rabeeah also said that Saudi Arabia would not re-open Sana'a airport to commercial flights unless there is an agreement to put the UN in charge of airport security.□ ~-------------------~ nt e Arria event, Ambassador Sison laid out clearly our humanitarian concerns, and emphasized that Saudi Arabia should consider deploying cranes to Hudaydah now and should allow for civilians to seek medical care abroad via Sana'a airport. Ambassador Sison also thanked Dr. Rabeeah for engaging directly with the Council, and said that we looked to Saudi Arabia to lead humanitarian relief efforts in Yemen. B5 Talking Points: 1. $150 million pledge: ! STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000758 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 8 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Background: In April, Saudi Arabia pledged to donate $150 million in famine relief to Yemen. Months later, in June, they made a separate, $66.7 million pledge for cholera. Funding and assistance from Saudi Arabia is channeled through the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KS Relief), a government institution that Dr. Rabeeah oversees as Supervisor General. The U.S. Government has a staff member from USAID based at KS Relief to help with capacity building. After making the famine pledge, we understand that KS Relief subsequently received a transfer of $150 million from the King; however, KSRelief has yet to provide any of this money to UN agencies or other partners on the ground in Yemen. KS Relief has already selected partners for the cholera money and carries out other limited, bilateral aid deliveries to areas the Coalition controls (southern Yemen). Unfortunately, as Stephen O'Brien noted in the Security Council last week, most of the needs in Yemen are in the north. I B5 j{Reporting the money as "spent" also discourages relief organizations to aggressively go after the money, believing there is no ~---~ I ,ongecmooeya,ailable.)I 1 In meetings on August 21, Dr. Rabeeah said that Saudi Arabia has spent in excess of $8 billion between 2015-2017 on Yemen-related relief activities. That figure is not verifiable. We expect that Dr. Rabeeah will parry any attempts to pin him down on spending the $150 million via the UN's appeal. 2. U.S. Funded Cranes to Hudaydah: Ask Ambassador Mouallimi for an update on the cranes.I STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000759 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 9 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 B5 Background: Hudaydah port was severely damaged as a result of airstrikes by the Saudi-led Coalition in August 2015. All five fixed (gantry) cranes were damaged. In addition, five of the 10 mobile cranes at Hudaydah were damaged . In August 2016, USAID provided $3.9 million in funding to the UN World Food Program (WFP) to procure four new truck-mounted mobile cranes for Yemen. WFP has MO Us in place with port authorities that govern their use; two of the four cranes are specifically designated for WFP (humanitarian) use. The mobile cranes originally received Coalition clearance to travel to Yemen; however, on January 21, 2017, the Saudis cancelled the clearance and turned away the ship. After waiting offshore for two weeks, WFP took the cranes back to Dubai, where they await future clearance. 3. UN and Humanitarian Flights:! B5 Background: Saudi Arabia has sometimes grounded UNHAS flights, disputing the right of certain passengers to board and fly on UN planes. Most recently, journalists and human rights personnel were prevented from flying to Yemen on UN HAS, even though they had valid visas. During the first year of the conflict, the Saudis allowed passenger aircraft to fly into Sana'a after stopping in Saudi Arabia for an inspection. I I B5 I Bio: Supervisor General of KS Relief: Dr. Abdullah bin Abdulaziz AI-Rabbeah [Pronunciation: Aub-Doo-La Bin Abdul-a-zeez AI-Rabbeah] [Informal Address: Dr. Rabeeah] Inaugurated: May 13, 2015 Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Rabeeah concurrently holds the position of Advisor to the Royal Court. Headquartered in Riyadh, its purpose is to serve as Saudi Arabia's provider of humanitarian aid worldwide. However, over half of KS Relief's work to date has been in Yemen. As Supervisor General, Dr. Al Rabeeah has communicated that his role is STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000760 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 10 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 "to steer international efforts to provide impartial, objective aid outside of Saudi Arabia to those in need." In its two years of existence, Dr. Al Rabeeah has seen the organization grow from 50 to nearly 200 employees. Previously, Dr. Rabeeah served as Saudi Arabia's Mini ster of Health from February 2009 to April 2014. He is a pediatric surgeon by training and specialized in separations of conjoined twins . He has performed numerous successful operations of the kind, earning him notoriety in Saudi Arabia . He has also authored books on the subject. He obtained ~-----------------~ his bachelor of medicine and bachelor of surgery degrees from King Saud University in 1979. He completed his internship at King Khalid University in 1980. He received an MA in pediatric surgery from the University of Alberta in 1985, and completed his residency in general and pediatric surgery at Dalhousie University in 1987. AI-Rabeeah was named as the world's 45th most influential Arab in 2010 by Arabian Business. B6 Drafted : ECOSOC : Kylie Holmes, x. 44398 , cell ~----~ POC: Rania:! WAS Train: Acela Train 2109 Departure time: 8:00 AM Arrival time: 10:53 AM Time 12:00 PM- 1:00 PM B5 Subject Lunch:~----~ (1 hr) Location White House Ward Room Show Time As Busy Event: Lunch with ~-----~ and ~---~ Date: Monday, August 28 Time: 12:00-1:00PM Location: White House Ward Room Attendees: Ambassador Haley Jon Lerner Time 1:30 PM - 2:00 PM Subject ~----Show Time As Busy ~ 30 min) Iran Time 2:00 PM ~-2:.30PM Subject Meeting Location ~---- I B5 (30 min) ' West Wing STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000772 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 22 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Show Time As Busy Event: Meet with Date: Monday, August 28 Time: 2:00-2:30pm Location: ~-~ Office B5 Attendees: Ambassador Haley Jon Lerner Time 2:30 PM - 3.·00 PM Subject Meeting :! ~nd (30 min) B5 ~---~ Show Time As Busy Time 4:00 PM - 5;28 PM Subject NY Flight (1.5 hr) Show Time As Busy DCA-> LGA Flight : American Airlines flight 4453 Wheel s up DCA: 4:00pm Wheels down LGA: 5:38pm Time 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM Subject Private Appointment Show Time As Busy Sensitivity Private T:;esd:ay, A;.,gust 2eJ,2017 Time All D~ay~----~ I~----~ B6 B7(C) Subject AIC: Show Time As Free Time A!! D;,y Subject Weather : Scattered Shower s / H: 70 / L: 60 (40%) Show Time As Free Time 9:30 .AM - 10:.00 AM Subject 21/W Meeting (30 min) Show Time As Busy Time 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Subject SCOpen Debate: Peacekeeping Operations (2 hr) Location UNSC Show Time As Busy STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000773 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 23 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Event: UN Security Council Open Debate on Peacekeeping Operations - Sustaining Peace Date: August 29, 2017 Time: 10:00-12:00p .m.; 2 hours Location: UNSC Briefers: Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohamed Ambassador Gert Rosenthal, Former Permanent Representative of Guatemala and Chair of the Advisory Group of Experts on the 2015 Review of the UN Peacebuilding Architecture Dr. Youssef Mahmoud, Senior Adviser at the International Peace Institute and Former Member of the UN Secretary-General High Level Panel on Peace Operations Staff: Ambassador Nikki Haley Ambassador Michele Sison Elaine French Jacob Chriqui Background: The focus of Egypt's fourth and final signature event for the month is on the potential contribution of peacekeeping mandates to the overarching goal of sustaining peace and making sure there is a clear exit strategy for peacekeeping missions. There is no outcome document envisioned for the debate but it is intended to launch follow-up regional consultations in Africa. The sustaining peace initiative is the result of years of debate about how the international system should approach peacebuilding and broader conflict issues. Member states established the Peacebuilding Commission (PBC)in 2005 to create an inter-governmental advisory body to assist countries emerging from conflict and who request UN assistance in their efforts to marshal the necessary resources for recovery projects; to bring together the various parts of the UN system that can provide assistance for these countries ; and to help governments develop national peacebuilding and development strategies. The PBCis composed of members of the UNSC,UNGA, and ECOSOCand therefore has a unique position of bringing the viewpoints of all three pillars to the peacebuilding agenda. In addition, the UN's Peacebuilding Support Office (PBSO),which is an independent office led by an Assistant-Secretary-General, supports the PBCand the Secretary-General with strategic advice and policy guidance on peacebuilding efforts. The PBSOalso administers the Peacebuilding Fund (PBF), which has an annual budget of USO70 million . Most studies of the UN peacebuilding architecture conclude that it has not been nearly as effective as envisioned . While different conclusions could be drawn as to the reasons for this, there is general STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000774 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 24 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 agreement among those involved with peacebuilding that the PBChas not carved an effective niche for itself or a productive working relationship with the UNSC.However, the PBChas had some notable successes. Most recently, the PBCis taking a leading role in coordinating the UN's peacebuilding work in Liberia as the UN peacekeeping mission there winds down and as Liberia begins to transition off the UNSC'sagenda. Remarks: Attached in UNSCmeeting binder. Bias: Amina Mohammed, Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nation s [Pronounce: Uh-meen-a Muh-Hahm-Ed] [Informal Address: Amina] Ms. Amina Mohammed is the current Deputy Secretary-General of the UN and a former Minister of Environment of Nigeria. She previously served as Special Adviser to Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Post201S Development Planning, where she was important in the development of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, including the Sustainable Development Goals. She is also an Adjunct Professor in Development Practice at Columbia University. Ambassador Gert Rosenthal, former Permanent Representative of Guatemala to the United Nations and Chair of the Advisory Group of Experts on the 2015 Review of the United Nations Peacebuilding Architecture [Pronounce: Gurt Roh-zen-Thal] [Informal Address: Gurt] Ambassador Rosenthal served as Guatemala's Permanent Representative to the United Nation s from 1998-2006, when he was appointed Foreign Minister of Guatemala. He served as Foreign Minister until 2008, when he was re-appointed Permanent Representative. From 1988 to 1997, he was Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean. Mr. Rosenthal was born ~------~ and came to Guatemala at the age of three. After secondary education in Guatemala, he received a BA and an MA in economics from the University of California at Berkeley. He is married and has four daughters. B6 Dr. Youssef Mahmoud, Senior Adviser at the International Peace Institute and Former Member of the UN Secretary-General High Level Panel on Peace Operations [Pronounce: YOU-Sif Ma-MOOD] [Informal Address: Yousseh] STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000775 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 25 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Dr. Youssef Mahmoud is Senior Adviser at the International Peace Institute (IPI) supporting the Africa, Middle East, and peace operations programs and serving as focal point on mediation and prevention policies and practices . Before retiring from the United Nations in January 2011, he was the Secretary-General's Special Representative and Head of the UN Peacekeeping Mission in the Central African Republic and Chad. He also recently served as member of the UN Secretary-General High Level Panel on Peace Operations (HIPPO) and the High Level Advisory Group for the Global Study on Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security. Dr. Mahmoud has a PhD in Linguistics from Georgetown University , Washington, D.C. Drafted: POL- ChriquiJ, ext. 4-1234 Time 12:15 PM~ 12:30 PM Subject S Call: Sec. Tillerson (15 min) Show Time As Busy Swill cal Ii~--~ Idirectly . B6 Time l:00 PM -1'. 30 PM Subject Lunch (30 min) Show Time As Busy Time 2:00 PM - 2:10 PM Subject S Call: Director Pompeo (10 min) Show Time As Busy NH to call MP directly: B6 ~I --~ Time 2:10 PM -2 :40P M Subject Briefing (30 mins) Show Time As Busy Time 3:00 PM - 3:20 PM Subject Meeting ! B5 ~20 min) Show Time As Busy Event: Meeting with I Directorate Date : Tuesday, August 29 Time: 3:00pm - 3:20pm; 20 minutes Purpose: Courtesy call with I Ithe head ofth d~-----------~ Attendees: Ambassador Haley Ambassador Sison Ambassador Currie STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000776 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 26 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 David Glaccum Austin Smith B5 Guests: I Escort: Matthew Wigler , Political Background: I Talking Point s: 1. UN General Assembly High-Level Week: I Background: I B5 2. Human Rights and other oriorities: I STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000777 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 27 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 B5 Background: I 3. Senior UN Appointments ! Bias: B5 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000778 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 28 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 85 B6 Drafted: POL: Matthew Wigler, ext. 4-44469 cell: ~----~ Time 4:45 PM - 6:00 PM Subject SC: Emergency DPRKConsultations Show Time As Busy Time Subject 6:.30PM ~-8:.30 PM Private Appointment Show Time As Busy Sensitivity Private Wi~drii~. -;d i y, A;;r,usct30, J.(H J Time All Day ~---~ 86 Subject AIC:~---~ Show Time As Free 87(C) Time Ai!Day Subject Weather: Mostly Sunny/ H: 80 / L: 68 (10%) Show Time As Free Time 9:00 AM .. 9:30 A M Subject Kelley Currie Town Hall (30 min) Location USUN - 22nd Floor Show Time As Busy Date: Wednesday, August 30, 2017 Time: 9:00-9:30 a.m. Location: USUN, 22nd Floor STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000779 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 29 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Speakers: Ambassador Nikki Haley Ambassador Kelley Currie Sequence of Events: I. NH - Welcoming Remarks and Introduction of Kelley Currie a. I hope everyone took advantage of resting up and taking a vacation before a busy fall. b. I would like to kick-off this morning by than king Stefanie Amadeo for single-handedly leading ECOSOCthe se past several months-she has a great team of officers behind her, but it was a tough job filling in multiple roles. [Applause for Amadeo .] c. Looking ahead to High-Level Week and UNGA, I can think of no greater addition to Team USUN than our ECOSOCAmbassador, Kelley Currie. d. She comes with expertise and experience in human right s and development wor k and will help us push UN Reform and HRCreform across the finish line. e. She join s us in New York from D.C. with her husband and two small children-please help me welcome, Ambassador Currie . [Applause for Currie.] II. KC- Introductory Comments a. I am so excited to join USUN-the ECOSOCofficers I have met are brilliant and dedicated expert s and negotiator s, and I loo k forwarding to working with them on a daily basis. b. I also look forward to working with the other sections where our issues connect, whether its POL, MR, Press, or Legal. c. Specifically, the issues I will work most closely on are [X, Y, and Z]. d. [Add additional personal background as desired.] Ill. NH -Open t o USUN for Q&A for either NH or KC a. Now, we'll open it up to the room for any questions for Kelley or myself. STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000780 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 30 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 IV. NH-Adjourn. Time 9:30 .AM··· 10:00 AM Subject 21/W Meeting (30 min) Show Time As Busy Time .1.0 :00 .4.M -10 :10 AM Subject Meeting: Africa Trip Planning (10 min) Show Time As Busy Attendees: DG, AS, LD, KV, GR Time 10:1.5AM ... HB O AM t10min) Subject S Call:I B5 Show Time As Busy NH to callc=J B2 B7(E) secure line: ~-~ Time 10:30 AM ... lOAO AM Subject Meeting: AU Financing Initiative (10 min) Show Time As Busy Attendees: DG, AS, EM Time 11:30AM - 12:00 PM Subject Briefing (30 mins) Show Time As Busy Time 1;15 PM .. 2:30 PM Subject Luncheon hb Amb. Tae-yul (75 min) Location Korean Mission, 355 E 45th St Show Time As Busy Event: Luncheon hosted by Amb. Cho Tae-yul Date: Wednesday, August 30, 2017 Time: 1:15pm - 2:30pm; 75 minutes Location: Korean Mission , 355 E 45th St Purpose: Social one-on-one lunch (topic will likely focus o re=] B5 Attendees: Ambassador Nikki Haley Talking Points : 1. DPRK: I B5 1 -------------~ I a._N_o_r-th_K_o_r-ea_n_P_r_o_vo_c_a-ti-on_s_ : ~ 1 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000781 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 31 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 B5 B5 b. Russian Initiative: ! Background: North Korea launched three short-range ballistic missiles in response to our military exercises. However, it is very likely North Korea will conduct additional intermediate and intercontinental-range launches over the next few weeks/month sj B5 IF RAISED: 1. U.S.-Hosted High-Level Week Reform Event: I B5 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000782 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 32 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 IBackgcouad,I B5 Bio: Republic of Korea Permanent Representative: Cho Tae-yul [Pronounce: CHO tae-YEOL] [Informal Address: Tae-yul] Presentation of Credentials: 2016 Before his appointment, Mr. Cho was Second Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs, having previously served as Ambassador for International Relations of Gyeonggi Province from 2012 to 2013, and Ambassador for Development Coordination from 2011 to 2012. Mr. Cho's served as Ambassador to Spain from 2008 and 2011, Deputy Minister for Trade from 2006 to 2008 and Permanent Representative to the United Nations Office and other international organizations in Geneva from 2005 to 2006. In 2003, he served as Director General of the Bilateral Trade Bureau and Special Commissioner of the Presidential Transition Committee. In 2002, he was Deputy DirectorGeneral for North American and European Trade in his country 's Multilateral Trade Bureau and Deputy Director-General for Trade Policy Planning in that Bureau. Mr . Cho holds a bachelor ' s degree in law from Seoul National University. Born on 10 November 1951, he is married and has two children. Drafted: POL- David Y. Lee, ext . 4-4065 or cell: B6 ~----~ Time 3;30 PM .. 4:30 PM Subject SC: UNIFIL Renewal (1 hr) Show Time As Busy Time 4: 15 PM .. 4:45 PM Subject Location Meeting : Amb . Bessho (30 min) UN : PS Room Show Time As Busy Event: Meeting with Japanese PermRep Kora BESSHO Date : Wednesday, August 30, 2017 Time: 4:15pm - 4:45pm; 30 minutes Location: UN PS Room Purpose: Discussion on DPRKway forward. Attendees : USUN: STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000783 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 33 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Ambassador Nikki Haley David Glaccum, Deputy Chiefof Staff David Lee, POL Guests : Ambassador Koro Bessho Takeshi Akahori, PC & Minister (Political Affairs) Kosuke Amiya, Counselor for DPRK Escort: David Lee Talking Point s: 1. DPRK:I a. North Korean Provocations: ! B5 b. Russian Initiative: ! STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000784 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 34 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Background: North Korea launched three short-range ballistic missiles in response to our military exercises. However, it is very likely North Korea will conduct additional intermediate and intercontinental-range launches over the next few weeks/months. I exercises. IF RAISED: B5 1. U.S.-Hosted High-Level Week Reform Event: I Background: Along with 13 other countries, Japan was invited to be a co-host for the POTUS-hosted UN Reform event during UNGA. They have expressed positive interest, but so far have not committed to cohosting. At the expert level, Japan has indicated interest in including Security Council reform as part of the event's declaration. Bio: Japan Permanent Representative: Kora Bessho [Pronounce: koh-roh beh-sho] [Informal Address: Kora] Presentation of Credentials: 2016 Ambassador Bessho most recently served as Japan's Ambassador to the Republic of Korea from 2012 to 2016, and from 2010 to 2012, he was Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs. During more than four decades of government service, has has been Deputy Vice-Minister for Foreign Policy/Director-General of the Foreign Policy Bureau (2008-2010) and Director-General of the International Cooperation Bureau (2006-2008). He also has served in Japan's missions to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (19982000), the UK (1997-98), and the United States (1990-93). He holds a graduate diploma in law from the University of Tokyo. Born on February 5, 1953, he is married and has two children . STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000785 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 35 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 B6 Drafted: POL-David Y. Lee, ext . 4-4065 or~---POC: Dana: Time 5:00 PM .. 5:30 PM Subject Meeting : Amb . Nebenzia (30 min) Location UN: PS Room Show Time As Busy Event: Meeting with Amb . Nebenzia Date: Wednesday, August 30, 2017 Time: 5:00-5:30p.m . Location : UN: PS Room Purpose: ! 1.4(0) B1 B5 Attendees: USUN: Ambassador Nikki Haley Ambassador Michele Sison David Glaccum, Deputy Chief of Staff Amy Tachco, POL Minister Counselor Guests: Vassily Nebenzia, Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation Petr V. lliichev- First Deputy Permanent Representative Vladimir K. Safronkov- Deputy Permanent Representative Vadim Y. Sergeev - Counsellor Background: You requested this meeting to discuss substantive issues with Ambassador Nebenzia, who now has been at the job for a month . Your last bilateral meeting with him occurred on August 1 when he came to USUN for a courte sy call. POL, ECOSOC,and MRhave suggested several issues for you to raise. Talking Points: 1. September 28 UNSCCounterterrorism briefing and PRST/Possible STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000786 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 36 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Linkage to JIM Renewal UNSCR:I 1.4(0) B1 B5 2. UN Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK): I 1.4(0) B1 B5 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000787 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 37 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 1.4(0) B1 B5 Background :I 1.4(0) B1 B5 3. North Korea 1.4(0) B1 I B5 4. Third Committee Resolution on Elections: ! 1.4(0) B1 B5 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000788 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 38 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Background: The resolution runs every two years and was historically adopted by consensus; however, the last time it was run, Russia called a vote for reasons they never made clear . In 2015, the vote count was 150 (yes), 0 (no), 15 (abstain) . The Russians abstained . 5. Syria /OCHA Visa lssue:1 1.4(0) B1 B5 IF RAISED: 6. Coalition Base in Al Tanf, Syria:I 1.4(0) B1 B5 Background: Appro ximately 50,000 IDPs are stranded on Syrian side of the Jordan border in or around Rukban camp. Rukban is in the recognized demilitarization zone around Al Tanf, where the Coalition runs a training camp for anti-lSIS allie s. 7. U.S.-Hosted High-Level Week Reform Event: President Trump will be hosting an event with other delegations on UN reform on September 18. Secretary-General Guterres will serve as the guest speaker. B5 1.4(0) B1 B5 1.4(0) B1 Background :I B5 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000789 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 39 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 1.4(0) B1 B5 Bio: Russia: Permanent Representative: Vassily Alekseevich Nebenzia [Pronounce : vah-SEE-lee nih-BYEN-zyah] [Informal Address : Vassily] Presentation of Credentials: July 28, 2017 B6 Drafted : POL-Chri stopher Pothoven, cell ~---~ BB~I--~ B6 ~ Time 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM Subject Reception: Egypt End of Presidency Location Egyptian Mission, 304 E 44th St, 2nd Floor Show Time As Busy Event : Reception in honor of the end of Egypt's Security Council Presidency Date : Wedne sday, August 30 Time : 6:30pm Location: Egyptian Mission, 304 E 44th St, 2nd Floor Time 7:30 PM - 9;00 PM Subject Dinner hb Amb. Maria Emma Mejia iho Peter Thomson Location Colombian Residence, ~---~ Show Time As Busy Event : Dinner in Honor of President of the General Assembly Peter Thomson STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000790 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 40 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Date: Wednesday, August 30, 2017 Time: 7 :30-9:00 p.m.; 75 minutes Location: Colombian Residence; B6 ~-------~ Purpose: To attend a dinner in honor of the outgoing President of the General Assembly, Peter Thomson (Fiji), and welcome the incoming PGA Miroslav Lajcak (Slovakia) . Host: Colombian Ambassador Maria Emma Mejia Confirmed Attendees: 1. Ambassador Maria Emma Mejia Velez (Colombia) - Host 2. President of the General Assembly Peter Thomson (Fiji) 3. Ms. Marijcke Thomson 4. Incoming President of the General Assembly Miroslav Lajcak (Slovakia) S. Ms . Jarmila Lajcakova-Hargasova 6. Chef de Cabinet Maria Luiza Ribeiro Viotti (Brazil) 7. Ambassador Nikki Haley (United States) 8. Mr. Michael Haley 9. Ambassador Mauro Viera (Brazil) 10. Ambassador Marc-Andre Blanchard (Canada) 11. Ambassador Martha Pobee (Ghana) 12. Ambassador Syed Akbaruddin (India) 13. Ambassador Sebastiano Cardi (Italy) 14. Ambassador Laura Elena Flores (Panama) 15. Ambassador Gustavo Meza-Cuadra (Peru) 16. Ambassador Frantisek Ruzicka (Slovakia) 17. Ambassador Matthew Rycroft (UK) Talking Points : 1. Thank Thomson for his leadership on oceans: I B5 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000791 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 41 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 * Oceans are Thomson's pet project-he is from an island state (Fiji); he is well known as a champion for ocean sustainment, fisheries protection, and marine pollution control; and he was behind the UN Oceans Conference in June 2017. Background: Thomson rang the NASDAQ bell in August 2017, and his comments focused on saving the oceans and reversing the cycle of pollution and other harmful manmade effects. With regard to the Oceans Conference outcome document: We joined consensus but provided an EOPdue to bad trade language that interfered with the WTO; however, we were able to reach a compromise on acceptable climate change language to comply with our position on the Paris Agreement . 2. Look forward to UN Reform under Lajcak's presidency: ! 85 Background: Other U.S. priorities during UNGA include (1) North Korea; (2) Syria; (3) Counterterrorism; (4) UN Reform, including HRC reform; and (5) Humanitarian and Host-Country Refugee Support. 3. Reiterate the importance of civil society participation: I * Note - The NGO Committee is not part of the General Assembly and therefore not under the PGA's purview. The NGO Committee is a subsidiary of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). Background: In May 2017, you sent a joint letter with Australia, Canada, and EU to PGAThomson to ask his rationale for excluding twelve NGOs from this year's global compact process. We never received a response letter. Mentioning Thomson's open door to hearing our requests is a nod to him but also a flag for Lajcak, letting him know that this is one our priorities that will keep our attention. We want to ensure that there is a predictable and transparent process STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000792 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 42 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 for determining NGO participation , and the PGA can effect that change. IF RAISED: 1. Paris Agreement and Climate Change: B5 Bios Colombia Permanent Representative: Marfa Emma Mejia Velez [Pronounce: mah -REE-ah ehm-MAH MEH-hia VEH-lehz] [Informal Address: Maria] Presentation of Credentials: 2014 Since 2011 until her appointment, Ms. Mejia served as Secretary General of the Union of South American Nation s (UNASUR), based in Quito, Ecuador. From 2003 until 2011 , she was Chief Executive Officer of the Barefoot Foundation, created by Colombian singer Shakira, and served on its Board of Directors until 2014. Ms. Mejia was a member of the Government of Colombia's Advisory Committee on Foreign Affairs since 1999. From 1993 to 1995, she was Colombia's Ambas sador to Spain, the first woman ever to hold that position . Between 1990 and 1993, she was a Presidential Adviser to President Cesar Gaviria . A journali st and diplomat with broad international experience, Ms. Mejia wa s educated at the Universidad del Valle and the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000793 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 43 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Fiji 71st General Assembly President Permanent Representative: Peter THOMSON [Pronounce: Peter Thomson] [Informal Address: Peter] Presentation of Credentials: 2016 Mr. Thomson of Fiji was elected to be President of the General Assembly's seventy-first session, which runs from September 2016 to September 2017. He has served as Fiji's Permanent Representative to the United Nations since 2010 as well as Ambassador to Cuba simultaneously until his recent appointment. Mr . Thomson has held the positions of President of the Executive Board of UNDP/UNFPA/UNOPS from 2014 to 2015. In 2013, he chaired the UN's largest negotiating bloc, the Group 77, and China. From 2011 to 2012, Mr. Thomson served as the Vice-President of the UN General Assembly and was elected President of the Assembly of the International Seabed Authority. He attended the International Centre at Sevenoaks School in the United Kingdom. He is a graduate in political studies at Auckland University and development studies at Cambridge University. He is married with a son and a daughter, and three granddaughters. Spouse: Ma rijcke Thomson [Pronounce: Marie - ka Tomson] B6 Marijcke l 72nd General Assembly President Miroslav LAJCAK [Pronounce: Me-roh-SLAV LIE-chahk] [Informal Address: Miroslav] Presentation of Credentials: 2017 The General Assembly recently elected Mr. Lajcak, Slovakia's Minister for Foreign and European Affairs, as President of its seventy-second session. He is a career diplomat who has spent his whole professional life working in diplomatic service. With respect to UN affairs, Mr. Lajcak served as High Representative of the International Community and EU, helping to facilitate the Stabilization and Association Agreement with the EU and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Also, he oversaw STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000794 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 44 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 the 2006 referendum on Montenegro's independence. Mr. Lajcak speaks English, Bosnian-Croatian-Serbian, Bulgarian, French, German and Russian. He received a J.D. degree from the Comenius University in Bratislava Faculty of Law, a Master's degree in international relations from the Moscow State Institute of International Relations, and a degree at the European Center for Security Studies in G. Marshall Garmisch-Partenkirchen. He is married and has 2 daughters. B6 Spouse: ~---------~ UN Chef de Cabinet Maria Luiza Ribeiro Viotti [Pronounce: Maria Loo-iza Rib-ee-ero Vee-ot-ee] [Informal Address: Maria] Ms. Maria Luiza Ribeiro Viotti was Under-Secretary for Asia and the Pacific in the Government of Brazil from 30 September to December 2016, where she also had special responsibility for the BRICS.A career diplomat since 1976, she served most recently as Ambassador to Germany from 2013 to 2016 and as the Permanent Representative of Brazil to the United Nations from 2007 to 2013. Prior to those roles, Ms. Viotti was posted in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Brasilia, where she served as Advisor to the Minister (1990-1993), Head of the South America Division I (1996-99), Director-General for Human Rights and Social Issues (2004-06) and Director-General for International Organizations (2006-07), among other positions. Born in 1954, in Belo Horizonte, Ms. Viotti is married and has one son. She attended the Rio Branco Institute, the Brazilian diplomatic academy, and holds a bachelor's degree in economics. Brazil Permanent Representative: Mauro Vieira [Pronounce: m-OW-roh vee-AIR-ah] [Informal Address: Mauro] Presentation of Credentials: 2016 Prior to his appointment, Mr. Vieira was Minister for Foreign Affairs of Brazil from January 2015. From 2010 to 2015, he was his country's Ambassador to the United States, and from 2004 to 2010, Ambassador to Argentina. Between 1978 and 1999, he held positions at Brazil's embassies in Washington, D.C., Mexico City and Paris, and STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000795 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 45 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 served at its Permanent Mission to the Latin American Integration Association in Montevideo from 1982 to 1985. During his tenure at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, he was Coordinator for International Acts, Assistant to the Secretary-General, Assistant to the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Chief of Staff for the Secretary-General and Chief of Staff for the Minister for Foreign Affairs . Mr. Vieira also served as Deputy Secretary-General for Science and Technology at the Ministry of Science and Technology and National Secretary of Administration at the Institute of Social Security at the Ministry of Social Security and Social Assistance. He holds a bachelor's degree in law from Fluminense Federal University and is a graduate of the Rio Branco Institute, Brazil. Canada Permanent Representative: Marc-Andre Blanchard [Pronunciation: MARK ahn-DREYblahn-SHARD] [Informal Address: Marc-Andre] Presentation of Credentials: 2016 Prior to Mr. Blacnahrd's appointment, from 2010-2016, he was Chairman and CEOof McCarthy Tetrault, one of the largest Canadian law firms, and also advised companies on strategic issues and public policy issues. From 2003 to 2010, he was the Quebec Managing Partner for McCarthy Tetrault while practicing as a litigator. He has been involved in some of Canada's landmark cases and transactions. During his tenure as President and CEOof the firm , he made significant changes, including by implementing a growth agenda focused on industry groups and client teams and by providing an innovative service delivery model. Canadian Business identified Mr. Blanchard amongst Canada's top 50 most powerful business leaders for 2016. Mr. Blanchard holds a Bachelor of Law (LL.B),from the Universite de Montreal, a Master (LL.M) in Public International Law, from the London School of Economics and Political Science, a Master of Public Administration (MPA) and a Master of International Affairs (MIA), from the School of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University. Mr. Blanchard is married to l ~nd they have two children ------~ B6 Ghana Permanent Representative: Martha Pobee [Pronounce: mar-THUH POH-bay] [Informal Address: Martha] Presentation of Credentials: 2015 Prior to her appointment, Ms. Pobee was a career diplomat, serving in the Ministry for Foreign Affairs for almost 30 years, most recently as STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000796 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 46 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Deputy Head of Mission and Charge d'affaires at the Ghana High Commission in Pretoria since 2012. Before holding that position, she was Director of the Information and Public Affairs Bureau at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs from 2010 to 2012 and Head of Chancery at the Ghanaian Embassy in Washington, D.C., from 2006 to 2010. Ms. Pobee holds a master's degree in development studies from the Institute of Social Studies in The Hague and a bachelor's degree in English and philosophy from the University of Ghana in Legon. She also holds diplomas in public administration from the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration in Legon and in multilateral diplomacy from the Geneva Institute for International Studies. She is married. India Permanent Representative: Syed Akbaruddin [Pronounce: Say-ed Auk-baroo-din] [Informal Address: Syed] Presentation of Credentials: 2016 Prior to his appointment, Mr. Akbaruddin, career diplomat, was the Chief Coordinator of the India-Africa Forum Summit held in New Delhi in October 2015. Between 2012 and 2015, he served as Spokesperson for the Ministry of External Affairs. Mr. Akbaruddin also worked as an international civil servant at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna from 2006 to 2011. During that period, he headed the Agency's External Relations and Policy Coordination Unit and worked as Special Assistant to the IAEA Director-General. He has held a number of other diplomatic assignments, including Consul-General in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, from 2000 to 2004, and First Secretary at his country's Permanent Mission to the United Nations in New York, from 1995 to 1998. He has also served in Riyadh and Cairo. The holder of a master's degree in political science and international relations, Mr. Akbaruddin was born on 27 April 1960. He is married and has two children. Italy Permanent Representative: Sebastiano Cardi [Pronounce: say-BAH-stee-ah-no card-EE] [Informal Address: Sebastiano] Presentation of Credentials: 2013 Ambassador Cardi, who began his diplomatic career in 1981, previously served as a Special Envoy of the Foreign Minister for reform of the UN Security Council in 2006 and as counsellor at Italy's Permanent Mission to the UN in New York from 1994 to 1998. He was Deputy Secretary-General in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Rome STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000797 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 47 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 from 2010 to 2013 and DCM at the Italian Embassy in Washington, D.C., from 2007 to 2010. He also has been Minister Plenipotentiary at the General Directorate for Multilateral Political Affairs and Human Rights (2004), Diplomatic Adviser to the President of the Senate (2001-04), and Deputy Head of the Foreign Ministry's Press and Information Department (2000-01) . He also has held postings in Paris and Beijing. Ambassador Cardi holds a degree in political science from the University of Rome. Born in Rome in 19S6, he is widowed and has two children. Panama Permanent Representative: Laura Elena Flores [Pronounce: LORE-ah FLOOR-es] [Informal Address: Laura] Presentation of Credentials: 2014 Until her appointment, Ms . Flores served as Assistant Representative to the United Nations Population Fund in Panama, beginning in 2006. Prior to that, she was Director of Business and Industry at the World Wildlife Fund in Washington, D.C., from 2005 to 2006. She also served as Director of Corporate Marketing for the World Wildlife Fund, from 2002 to 2005 . From 1999 to 2002, Ms. Flores served as Executive Director of the Business Initiatives Office of the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute. Previously, she held posts in the Panamanian Ministry of Trade and Industry, including Vice Minister for Foreign Trade, from 1998 to 1999, and Vice Minister for Trade and Industry, in 1998. Between 1995 and 1997, Ms. Flores was Promotion Manager at the lnteroceanic Region Authority in Panama, and from 1990 to 1993 was Program Associate with the Academy for Educational Development in Washington, D.C. Ms. Flores holds a Master of Business Administration from the University of California at Berkeley, and a Bachelor of Arts in Economic and International Relations from Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island, both in the United States. Ms. Flores was born in 1968. Peru Permanent Representative: Gustavo Meza-Cuadra [Pronounce: goo-STA-vo MEH-zah-kwa-DRA] [Informal Address: Gustavo] Presentation of Credentials: 2013 Until his appointment, Mr . Meza-Cuadra was the Adviser to the Minister of Foreign Affairs for Law of the Sea Affairs since 2009, holding the rank of Ambassador . A career diplomat with 30 years in STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000798 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 48 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Peru's foreign service, he also held various positions in the Foreign Ministry, including National Director of Sovereignty and Boundaries from June 2008 to July 2009, with the rank of Minister; and Director of World Trade Organization Affairs and Head of the Peruvian delegation in the negotiations for an Association Agreement with the European Union from 2007 to 2008, with the same rank. Mr. Meza-Cuadra's service overseas included postings as Charge d'Affaires, ad interim in London from 2004 to 2005 and again in 2007; Permanent Representative to the International Maritime Organization from 2006 to 2007; and Deputy Chief of Mission in the United Kingdom between 2002 and 2004. Slovakia Permanent Representative: Michal Mlynar [Pronounce: MEE-hal mw-LEE-nahr] [Informal Address: Michal] Presentation of Credentials: 2017 Prior to his appointment, Mr. Mlynar was Slovakia's Director-General for International Organizations, Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid between 2015 and 2017. From 2012 to 2015, he was Ambassador to Kenya and to the United Nations agencies in Nairobi. Mr. Mlynar held several positions from 2010 until 2011, including Head of the Project Team for Security Sector Reform, Deputy Chef de Cabinet in the Office of the Minister, and Head of the Unit for Coordination of Candidatures and Cross-Cutting United Nations activities. Between 2004 and 2009, Mr. Mlynar was Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations in New York, and his delegation's political coordinator on the Security Council from 2006 to 2007. He was also Deputy Chef de Cabinet and Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister between 2002 and 2004. Mr . Mlynar holds a master's degree in teaching and a Ph.Din the theory of teaching foreign languages from Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Permanent Representative: Matthew Rycroft [Pronounce: m-AH-thew RYE-croft] [Informal Address: Matthew] Presentation of Credentials: 2015 Mr. Rycroft was Chief Operating Officer of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO)from 2011 to 2014. He was the Office's Europe Director from 2008 to 2011, and Ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina from 2005 to 2008. From 2002 to 2004, he was Private Secretary for Foreign Affairs to the Prime Minister. He joined the FCO in 1989 and has served at the UK embassies in the United States and STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000799 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 49 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 France. He studied mathematics and philosophy at Merton College, Oxford. Born on June 16, 1968 in Southampton, he is married with three daughters . Thmsci<-l'{,A l.if,LlSt 31, 2017 Time All Day Subject MJS in DC Show Time As Free Time Aii Day Subject UN Holiday: Eid al-Adha Show Time As Free Time A.ii Day Subject Weather: Sunny/ H: 84 / L: 56 (20%) Show Time As Free Time 8/31/20 17 f2:00 Alv1- 9/3/20 1712;00AM Subject AIC: Show Time As Free~-----~ B6 B7(C) moo Time AM- 10:30 AM Subject 21/W Meeting (30 min) Show Time As Busy Time 11:30 .!\M - 12:00 PM Subject Briefing (30 mins) Show Time As Busy Time 12:00 PM~ 12 30 Pfv1 Subject Lunch (30 min) Show Time As Busy Time 1:00 PM - L30 PM Subject UNGA Meeting (30 mins) Show Time As Busy Time 1:45 PM - 2:15 PM Subject Video Recordings (30 mins) Show Time As Busy Event: Video Recordings Date : Thursday, August 31, 2017 Time: 1:45-2:lSp.m .; 30 minutes Location: 2nd Floor, USUN Purpose: Ambassador Haley will film videos to send to events she cannot attend. Staff: Don and Chaney Background : STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000800 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 50 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Video 1: Dawn Staley will be awarded the Ambassador of the Year Award by the Columbia Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber has requested a few remarks via video about Dawn and her impact on the community. You won this award in 2015. Video 2: The Israeli mission is preparing a video of Ambassadors for Rosh Hashana, Jewish New Year. They have requested a short 10-20 second video of Ambassador Haley wishing a Happy New Year to those celebrating across the world to be included in the video. Video 3: Kay Maxwell reached out to see if you would film a video for the Bamberg Community Crusade. A three day nondenominational event hosted by 28 local churches to bring all sectors of the community together to effect change in the county through unity and the Holy Spirit. Talking Points: Dawn Staley Award - There isn't a person more deserving of the Chamber's Ambassador of the Year Award than Coach Staley. - We all know Coach Staley is a Hall of Farner and all around total rock star on the basketball court. - We watched in awe as she lead the Lady Gamecocks to a National Championship and we can't wait to cheer her on as she leads the USA National Team to gold in 2020. - But, more important than her endless accomplishments on the court is her amazing leadership off the court. - Whether she's mentoring her players, lifting up children in need across South Carolina with her non-profit, or through her quiet acts of service never made public-she's always influential and she's always fighting to make a difference. - Dawn, I'm sorry I couldn't be there tonight, but I could not be more honored or proud to call you a friend. - You continue to be a source of strength and inspiration not just for South Carolina but for the country and the world. Congratulations, you deserve it! Rosh Hashana STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000801 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 51 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 - To all our friends celebrating the New Year in the United States, Israel, and across the globe, sha-NA TOV-ah. - We wish you peace, health, and happiness. - May this year be the best one yet. Bamberg Community Crusade -A s a proud South Carolinian I am honored to join you for the Bamberg Community Crusade. -As children growing up in Bamberg my parents always taught me, my brothers and my sister to treat other s the way we wanted to be treated. - We were blessed to live in a community that believed in faith , prayer and neighbors helping neighbors to get through both the good days and the bad. - Today, I proudly bring the lessons we learned growing up in Bamberg to the United Nations-- as we fight to promote peace among nations, to encourage religiou s tolerance across the globe, and to protect the most vulnerable among us. - Let's pray for compassion toward each other, let's count our blessings, and most importantly let's remember that we are one people, more alike than we are different. -Thank you-God Bless you, God Bless South Carolina, and God Bless the United States of America. Time 2:30 PM - 2:45 PM Subject Call: Press (15 mins) Show Time As Busy B6 Phone number: (Chaney to connect from NH's office) Ashley Parker Glamour Magazine follow up questions STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000802 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 52 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Time 2:50 PM - 2:55 PM Subject Birthday Photo with (5 min) Show Time As Busy Event: 86 Time: 2:50pm Time 3:30 PM ·· 4: 15 PM Subject Private Appointment Show Time As Busy Sensitivity Private rime 5:00 PM .. 6:00 PM Subject Private Appointment Show Time As Busy Sensitivity Private frkfay, SeµternbN 1, 1tl17 Time All Day Subject NH Leave Show Time As Free Time A.U Day Subject Weather: Partly Cloudy/ H: 72 / L: 57 (0%) Show Time As Free Time 6:30 PM - 8:30 P!\11 Subject Private Appointment Show Time As Busy Sensitivity Private Saturday, Septem b~r 2, 2011 Time All Day Subject Weather : Cloudy/ H: 70 / L: 63 (20%) Show Time As Free Time 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM Subject Private Appointment Show Time As Busy Sensitivity Private $;;t1i:bv.. %p t,mib\, 3, HllJ Time All D~a~y _____ ~ 86 Subject AIC:~-----~ 87(C) Show Time As Free Time At! Day Subject Weather: Rain/ H: 79 / L: 64 (90%) Show Time As Free Time 12:15 PM ,.,, 1:45 PM Subject Press Event (90 minutes) Show Time As Busy STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000803 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 53 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Event: TIME Magazine Cover Shoot Date : Sunday, September 3, 2017 Time: 12:15PM -1:45PM Location: UN Rose Garden (in the case of rain the Qatari Lounge or the Ambassador's residence will be the alternative locations.) Purpose: Ambassador Haley will shoot a cover for TIME Magazine Staff : Katherine Veldran KV will be at the Residence at 12:15pm to meet make-up artist to bring her up to NH. Contact: UN Contact: Lana Buhamdeh ,.,.._____ DCA Flight: American Airlines flight 2153 Wheels up LGA: 7:00pm Wheels down DCA: 8:28pm Hotel: B6 Confirmation Number: 218291614 Address : T;;esday, S:el)tember S, 2G17 Time All Day Subject Birthday: B6 ~-----~ Recurrence Occurs every September 5 effective 9/5/2017 until 9/5/2017 Show Time As Free Time A.!iDav Subject Weather DC: Sunny/ H: 88 / L: 69 (10%) STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000805 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 55 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Show Time As Free Time 10;00 AM - l (UO AM Subject c=J B5 30 mins) Show Time As Busy Time 11:00A M-~ 12:00 PM Subject AEI Speech (1 hr) Location American Enterprise Institute, 1789 Massachusetts Avenue, Washington, DC 20036 Show Time As Busy Event:AEISpeech Date: Tuesday, September 5, 2017 Time: 11:00AM Location: American Enterprise Institute , 1789 Massachusetts Avenue, Washington , DC 20036 Enter off P St NW Arrival Time: 10:50AM Event Time: 11:00AM Attendees : Ambassador Nikki Haley Jon Lerner John Degory Jessica Gavora Leslie Dewees Greeter: Katie Earle (C) B6 Seating Capacity : 200 Sequence of Events: 10:50AM Arrival Time through P St entrance . Katie Earle, AEI Senior Program Manager for Foreign and Defense Policy will greet NH upon arrival and escort to green room . 10 :S0AM-10:58AM Hold in AEI green room with Arthur Brooks, AEI President and Danielle "Dany" Pletka, AEI Senior Vice President, Foreign and Defense Policy. NH will be mic'ed in the greenroom ahead of the event . The mic will be muted during your remarks , and then turned on when you sit down for the moderated Q&A with DP. Katie will let you know when the audience has taken their seats and it's time to enter auditorium. 10 :58Am Dany and NH walk to the auditorium . NH takes a seat in the STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000806 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 56 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 front row in her reserved seat while DP introduces NH from the podium on stage. 11:00AM-11 :30AM NH delivers speech 11:30AM-11:S0AM Dany Pletka joins NH on stage for a heavily moderated Q&A Session 11:50AM Event concludes 11:55AM NH departs out of P Street door POC: Katie Earle,I I B6 Bio: Deputy Secretary of State: John Sullivan [Informal Address : John] STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000807 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 57 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Took office: May 31, 2017 Prior to assuming office, Mr. Sullivan was a partner in Mayer Brown LLP,and co-chair of the law firm's national security practice. From 2010 to 2016, he was the Chairman of the U.S.-lraq Business Dialogue, a governmental advisory committee on United States economic relations with Iraq. In addition to his decades of experience in private law practice, Mr. Sullivan has served in two prior administrations in senior positions at the Justice, Defense, and Commerce Departments. In 2004, Donald Rumsfeld appointed Sullivan as Deputy General Counsel of the United States Department of Defense. A native of Boston, Massachusetts, Mr. Sullivan received his bachelor's degree from Brown University and his law degree from the Columbia University School of Law, where he was a Harlan Fiske Stone Scholar and Book Reviews Editor of the Columbia Law Review. Mr. Sullivan was a law clerk for Associate Justice David H. Souter of the Supreme Court of the United States, and for Judge John Minor Wisdom of the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit . Sullivan and his wife, Grace Rodriguez, have three children. Time 2:4S PM- 3:JJOPM Subject Call: Sen. Gardner (15 minutes) Show Time As Busy Note: At 2:45, Senator Gardner will call NH State Office: 202-7367557. B6 POC: Amy Barrera, office: 202-224-6509 and cell Time 4:00 PM - 6:46 PM Subject Train (2 hrs 46 mins) Show Time As Busy WAS (Washington) - NYP (New York Penn Station) Train: 2172 Acela Express Wheels up Washington: 4:00p.m. Wheels down NY Penn Station: 6:46p.m. Wi~d~,i~-;d-Ei y, S<2: pt<2: mb ~ir 6, W V Time All Day ------~ Subject AIC:~-----~ B6 B7(C) Show Time As Free Time AliDay Subject ~----Recurrence Occurs every September 6 effective 9/6/2017 until 9/6/2017 B6 Show Time As Free Time Aii Dav Subject~------~ Show Time As Free STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000808 UNCLASSI FIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 58 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Time All Day Subject Weather: Thunderstorm/ H: 74 / L: 63 (80%) Show Time As Free Time 8 :25 .A M - 9:3 0 AM Subject Office Time Show Time As Busy Time 9 :30 .AM - 10:.00 A M Subject 21/W Meeting (30 min) Show Time As Busy Time 10:30 AM - 10:45AM Subject Meeting: Political Section Heads (15 min) Show Time As Busy Time 1.1:30 AM - 12:00 PM Subject Meeting: JL & DG (30 mins) Show Time As Busy Time 12:00 PM ~ 12:30 PM Subject Meeting: Amb. Yelchenko (30 min) Show Time As Busy Event: Meeting with Ambassador Yelchenko, Ukraine Perm Rep Date: Wednesday, September 6, 2017 Time: 12:00-12:30p.m . Purpose: To discuss Russia's proposed resolution for a UN Mission in Ukraine Attendees : Ambassador Nikki Haley David Glaccum, Deputy Chief of Staff George Ward, POL Background: On September 5, Russia presented a draft UNSC resolution to establish a UN mission in support of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE)Special Monitoring Mission in Ukraine. The resolution calls for the UN mission to provide protection for OSCEobservers monitoring the disengagement of forces and removal of equipment along the "line of contact" -an internal demarcation between separatist factions supported by Russia and Ukrainian troops in the separatist-controlled areas of the Don bas region in Eastern Ukraine. While Russia's proposed resolution could lead to an opening, in its current form there are too many problematic areas to support it .~ B5 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000809 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 59 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Talking Points : 1. UN Mission for Ukraine: ! B5 2. Dealing with Russia: Ask what plans the Ukraine mission has for responding to the Russia proposal. I Bio: Ukraine Permanent Representative: Volodymyr Yelchenko [Pronounce: voh-loh-Dl-meer YEHL-chehn-koh] [Informal Address: Volodymyr] Presentation of Credentials: 2016 Mr. Yelchenko is serving his second stint as Ukraine's PR, having previously held the post from 1997 to 2000. Prior to his current appointment, he was Ambassador to the Russian Federation from 2010 to 2016 . He was PR to the UN Office at Vienna (UNOV) from 2005 to 2010, concurrently serving as Ambassador to Austria from 2005 to 2008 . He has been First Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs (2005), Chairman of the National Commission of Ukraine for UNESCO (2004-05), Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs (2003), and Deputy Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs (2001-03), and Director of the STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000810 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 60 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Foreign Ministry (1995-97) . Ambassador Yelchenko graduated from Kyiv State University with a master's in international relations and international law . Born on June 27, 1959, he is married and has one daughter. B6 Drafted : POL- George Ward ,~-------~ Cleared: POL: ATachco (ok) POL: EFrench (ok) MRC: WMcKibban (ok) USUN/W: MDougherty (ok) Time 1:15 PM ~-2.·4 5 PM Subject PS Luncheon (90 minutes) Location Residence Show Time As Busy Event: PS Luncheon Date : Wednesday, September 6, 2017 USUN Departure Time : 1:00PM Start Time: 1:15PM - 2:45PM Attendees: Ambassador Nikki Haley Ambassador Wu Haitao , DPR, China Ambassador Matthew Rycroft, PR, UK Ambassador Francois Delattre , PR, France Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia, PR, Russia Purpose:! Background: You requested this lunch to discuss North Korea with the PS. Russia is currently PS Coordinator . B5 Talking Points: 1. North Korea: I STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000811 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 61 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 * Oil:I * Textiles/Workers/Joint * Maritime Ventures ! Interdiction: ! B5 * Dialogue: ! * Full Council :! IF RAISED: 2. Russian-Ethiopian Proposed 9/28 UNSC CT Briefing and PRST: Background :I STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000812 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 62 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 3. Russian Proposal for a UN Mission in Ukraine: I B5 Background: Russia circulated on September 5 a draft resolution calling for the establishment of a UN mission to protect OSCESpecial Monitoring Mission observers in the conflict areas in Eastern Ukraine .I ~---------------~ ~-------------~I Ministry announced later it would peacekeeper s on the international Ukraine, which would first require troops" and the return to Ukraine The Ukrainian Foreign only accept deployment of border between Russia and the withdrawal of all " occupying of control over its border. Seating Arrangement : Head - Ambassador Nikki Haley R - Ambassador Wu Haitao , DPR, China R - Ambassador Francois Delattre, PR, France L -Amba ssador Vassily Nebenzia, PR, Russia L -Ambassador Matthew Rycroft , PR, UK Menu: 1st cour se: Pear and Bibb Lettuce Salad with Belgium Endive, Fig Balsamic Glaze and Roquefort Cheese stuffed Dates 2nd Course: Pan Seared Halibut over Pureed Fennel with Lemon Sauteed Spinach, Pomme Frites and Crispy Capers. STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000813 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 63 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 3rd Course: Vanilla Bean Panna Cotta Topped with Fresh Berry Coulis Place Cards: Yes Menu Cards: Yes Budget: $70 x 5 = $350 $300 = food and beverage $50 = flowers $130 = 1 server *State approved Bios: United Kingdom Permanent Representative: Matthew Rycroft [Informal Address: Matthew] Presentation of Credentials: 2015 Ambassador Rycroft was Chief Operating Officer of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) from 2011 to 2014. He was the Office's Europe Director from 2008 to 2011, and Ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina from 2005 to 2008. From 2002 to 2004, he was Private Secretary for Foreign Affairs to the Prime Minister. He joined the FCO in 1989 and has served the UK embassies in the United States and France. He studied mathematics and philosophy at Merton College, Oxford. Born on June 16, 1968 in Southampton, he is married to Alison Rycroft and has three daughters. France Permanent Representative: Franc;:oisDelattre [Pronounce: France-WAH duh-LAH-trah] [Informal Address: Franc;:ois] Presentation of Credentials: 2014 Ambassador Delattre is serving his second tour in New York, having been France's Consul General from 2004 to 2008. A career diplomat, STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000814 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 64 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 he was Ambassador to the United States from 2011 to 2014 and Ambassador to Canada from 2008 to 2011. He also has been the French Foreign Minister's Deputy Chief of Staff (2002-04), Press and Communications Director at the French Embassy in Washington, D.C. (1998-2002), and a member of French President Chirac's foreign policy team (1995-98). He served at the French Embassy in Bonn, Germany early in his career. He attended the lnstitut d'Etudes Politiques (aka Scienes Po), received a law degree from the Sorbonne University in 1985, and did postgraduate work at the Ecole nationale d'administration (ENA). Bornl I he is married t9 land has two children. His hobbies include tennis and skiing. I B6 I Russia Permanent Representative: Vassily Alekseevich Nebenzia [Pronounce: vah-SEE-lee nih-BYEN-zyah] [Informal Address: Vassily] Presentation of Credentials: July 28, 2017 Ambassador Nebenzia - a career diplomat with a strong background in international organizations - served as one of 8- 10 deputy ministers in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) from 2013 until his current appointment; he primarily oversaw economic issues and also worked on regional organizations. He is on his second tour in New York; from 1996 to 2000, he held the position of "Senior Counselor" at the Russian Mission and it appears he spent at least part of that time working on ECOSOCissues. Ambassador Nebenzia joined the MFA in 1983 after graduating from the Moscow State Institute of International Relations in what was then the Soviet Union. He served in Thailand from 1988 to 1990, then returned to Moscow to join the MFA's Department of International Organizations. He worked in that department from 1990 to 1996 and from 2000 to 2006, rising through the ranks to eventually become deputy director from 2003 to 2006. He was Russia's DPRto the UN Office and other international organizations in Geneva from 2006 to 2012, and was Director of the MFA's Department for Humanitarian Cooperation and Human Rights from 2012 to 2013. He is a recipient of the medal of the order For Service to the Fatherland (2nd Class), the highest civilian decoration of the Russian Federation. According to his CV, Ambassador Nebenzia is fluent in English and Spanish. Born on February 26, 1962, in Volgograd he is married to l B6 land has an adult son,~-----~ China Deputy Permanent Representative: Wu Haitao [Pronounce: woo high-TOW (like "ow")] [Informal Address: Haitao] Appointment: 2016 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000815 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 65 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Ambassador Wu has spent most of his career on multilateral assignments, including a previous posting in New York as First Secretary at the Chinese Mission from 1999 to 2004. He has served three assignments at China's Mission to the UN Office at Geneva and other international organization s in Switzerland , including as DPRand Ambassador for Disarmament Affairs (2011-14), Minister Counselor (2010-11), and Second Secretary (1995-97); and one assignment at China's Mission to the UN Office in Vienna, as Third Secretary (198993). Before his current posting, he was Coordinator for Cyber Affairs in the MFA (2015-16) and a Director-General level official (2014-15); he also spent more than a decade (1997-2010) in the Department of Arms Control , including as Deputy Director -General (2004-10). Ambassador Wu joined the MFA in 1985. He was born in October 1962. He is married to l ~nd, according to a 2011 CV, has a son. B6 Approved: POL-ATachco (OK) Drafted: POL-Chri stopher Pothoven, cell~---~ ~ , BBi ~.-~ B6 Cleared: POL- EFrench (OK) EXEC- EMcMillan (OK) EXEC- Mdougherty (OK) Time 3:00 PM - 3:15 PM Subject Call :I ~15 minutes) Show Time As Busy Call~-----~ B5 lnstructions j ~ ill call the SitRoom. SitRoom will call your direct secure line to connect you. Time 3:30 PM .. 4:00 PM Subject Briefing (30 mins) Show Time As Busy Time 4:1S PM-4:2 SP M Subject Call: Priti Patel (10 mins) Show Time As Busy Event : Call: Priti Patel, UK Secretary of State for International Development Date: Wedne sday, September 6, 2017 Time: 4:15PM - 4:25PM Call Instructions : Patel will call your office line. B6 Patel's number: ~------~ STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000816 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 66 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 POC: Charlotte Fenton, B6 ~I ---~ Purpose: Patel wishes to discuss UN reform and exchange views on how to maximize US and UK led reform events during UNGA. Note: We received on Friday, 9/8 a concept note for a UK hosted UN development reform HLW event . If asked we are considering US participation. Concept note enclosed with brief . Talking Points : 1. Welcome: ! Background: The US and UK, through DflD and USAID and our respective Missions, work closely on common priorities, including all aspects of UN reform. Patel had a courtesy call with Mark Green on August 11. They discussed areas of shared interest including the scale of humanitarian need, reform, global health security and preventing violent extremism. 2. UN Reform Agenda:! B5 * If Raised 7 Background: Since taking office, Patel has placed emphasis on development system reform and introduced some bold but controversial proposals, including linking 30% of the UK's core funding contributions to results-driven collective action. The US shares the UK's overall goals and objectives and focus on results ) B5 3. U.5.-Hosted Reform Event: I STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000817 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 67 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Background: The UK also intends to host an event, chaired by Patel, focused on development system reform (see tab 2 - UK Reform Event). This will be an opportunity to give Patel an overview of our planned event and hear her views on how their development-focused event can be best complement our effort. On Tuesday, the UK requested (and EXEChas agreed) that Patel would attend our reform event together with their Foreign Secretary. I 4. lfRalsed- SEA, B5 Background: The UK Mission has indicated that Patel may raise efforts to ensure the UN does more to prevent and respond to sexual exploitation and abuse by UN civilian personnel. The UK has been a close partner on efforts to address SEAin peacekeeping operations over a number of years, and shares our position with respect to the UN's compact on Exploitation and Abuse. We expect a new draft of the compact soon, and we expect the UK will sign on, assuming the draft is in line with the version previewed by the Secretariat. Bio: United Kingdom Priti Patel, Secretary of State for International Development [Pronunciation: Pree-tee Pah-tell] [Informal Address: Priti] Appointed: July 14, 2017 She was elected Conservative Member of Parliament (MP) for Witham in May 2010. Previously, Patel served as Minister of State for Employment from May 2015 until July 2016. She was Exchequer Secretary to the Treasury from July 2014 to May 2015. In November 2013, the Prime Minister appointed Priti as the first ever UK Indian STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000818 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 68 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Diaspora Champion . Before becoming a MP, she worked in consultancy and worked internationally. Priti attended a comprehensive school in Watford before studying economics at Keele University. She completed her postgraduate studies at the University of Essex. Approved : ECOSOC- KCurrie (ok) Drafted: ECOSOC- Courtney Blake, ext. 4-4166 and cell: B6 Cleared: ECOSOC- S Amadeo ECOSOC-Jkimmel (ok) MR- BConroy (ok) EXEC- MVina (info) EXEC- RSchimsa (info) Thursday, Sept ember 7, 2017 Time All D~ay~---~ Subject AIC: B6 B7(C) ~----~ Show Time As Free Time Aii Dav B6 Subject Show Time As ~F-r-ee------~ Time Mi Dav Subject Weather: Partly Cloudy/ H: 76 / L: 60 (10%) Show Time As Free Time lC:15 AM ~ 10:20 AM Subject Call :~-----~ Show Time As Busy B5 (10 min) NH to call into to WHSR ~I ----~ ~t 10:15 B6 Time 11:00 AM ~ 11:30 AM Subject Meeting : Amb. Rycroft (30 minutes) Show Time As Busy Event: Meeting: Ambassador Rycroft Date: Thursday September 7, 2017 Time: 11:00AM -11:30AM Purpose: To discuss how the UK and the US can collaborate more effectively to address Iran's illicit behavior and "nonnuclear" violations of Resolution 2231, and strengthen JCPOA enforcement Attendee: Ambassador Nikki Haley Ambassador Matthew Rycroft STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000819 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 69 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Note: One-on-one meeting Escort: Jasleen Bains-will 10:50AM POC:Charlotte Fenton meet Amb. Rycroft in the USUN lobby at B6 ~----~ Background: Coming on the heels of your speech at the American Enterprise Institute, we expect he will want to discuss next steps on the JCPO~ Talking Points: 1. Addressing the broader threat from Iran, including through improved implementation of UNSCR2231 : Background: The Security Council will meet in "UNSCR2231 Format" on Friday September 8 for an expert-level discussion of Iran's recent launch of the Simorgh space launch vehicle. We have an opportunity to provide information about Iran's violations to the UN Secretariat team working on the Secretary-General's next six-month report on UNSCR2231 implementation. B5 2. JCPOA/2231:I Background: An interagency team traveled to London in early August for discussions with the UK on: 1) how to ensure strict implementation of the JCPOA,2) planning for the so-called "out years" when some of the JCPOA'srestrictions terminate, and 3) options to respond more aggressively to Iran's bad behavior that is not covered under the JCPOA(i.e., actions in Syria, arms smuggling, ballistic missile launches), ! There will be a Quad meeting in Paris on September 8 to continue STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000820 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 70 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 discussions on these three points. There may be a ministerial meeting of the JCPOAJoint Commission (P-5, Germany, Iran, EU) during UNGA. Bios: United Kingdom Permanent Representative: Matthew Rycroft [Informal Address : Matthew] Presentation of Credential s: 2015 Ambassador Rycroft was Chief Operating Officer of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) from 2011 to 2014 . He was the Office' s Europe Director from 2008 to 2011, and Ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina from 2005 to 2008. From 2002 to 2004, he was Private Secretary for Foreign Affairs to the Prime Minister. He joined the FCO in 1989 and has served the UK embassies in the United States and France. He studied mathematics and philosophy at Merton College, Oxford . Born on June 16, 1968 in Southampton, he is married to Alison Rycroft and has three daughters. Drafted : POL- Shane Chase, ext . 4-1234 Cleared: EXEC:DGlaccum OK POL: ATachco OK POL: JBlack OK POL: WMiller OK USUN/W: CFilipetti OK Time 1L4 5 AM··· 12: 15 PM Subject Briefing (30 mins) Show Time As Busy Time 12:15 PM ... 12:45 PM Subject Lunch (30 min) Show Time As Busy Time Subject 1:00 PM - 1;40 PM Private Appointment Show Time As Busy Sensitivity Private Time 1:45 PM - 2,00 PM Subject Meeting: Amb . Wu Haitao (15 min) Show Time As Busy Event: Meeting: Amb . Wu Haitao, Chinese DPR STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000821 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 71 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Date: Thursday September 7, 2017 Time: 1:45pm Attendees: Ambassador Nikki Haley David Glaccum David Lee Guests: Ambassador Wu Haitao Shen Bo, Political Counselor Yu Peng, Second Secretary Escort: Matt Wigler Bio: China Deputy Permanent Representative : Wu Haitao [Pronounce: woo high-TOW (like "ow")] [Informal Address: Haitao] Appointment : 2016 Ambassador Wu has spent most of his career on multilateral assignments , including a previous posting in New York as First Secretary at the Chinese Mission from 1999 to 2004. He has served three assignments at China's Mission to the UN Office at Geneva and other international organizations in Switzerland , including as DPRand Ambassador for Disarmament Affairs (2011-14), Minister Counselor (2010-11), and Second Secretary (1995-97); and one assignment at China' s Mission to the UN Office in Vienna , as Third Secretary (198993). Before his current posting, he was Coordinator for Cyber Affairs in the MFA (2015-16) and a Director-General level official (2014-15); he also spent more than a decade (1997-2010) in the Department of Arms Control , including as Deputy Director-General (2004-10). Ambassador Wu joined the MFA in 1985. He was born in October 1962. He is married to~--~and, according to a 2011 CV, has a son. POC: Liming Li, B6 ~---~ Time 2:00 PM~ 2;30 PM Subject Read Time (30 mins) Show Time As Busy Time 4:00 PM - 6A 6 PM Subject DC Travel (2 hrs 46 mins) Show Time As Busy STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000822 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 72 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Acela Travel: 2165 Ace la Express NYP (New York Penn Station)- WAS (Washington , DC Union Station) Depart NY Penn Station: 4:00PM Arrive DC Union Station: 6:53PM ~-- Hotel :I B6 Phone: Confirmation# : 988291614 Reservation name: Note: Upon checking out please make sure to get a copy of your receipt (to be turned into Sue). Time 8:00 PM -- 9:30 PM Subject Private Appointment Show Time As Busy Sensitivity Private f-rid,n/, September a,2011 Time All Day Subject Weather: Mostly Sunny/ H: 76 / L: 56 (0%) Show Time As Free Time 9/8/ 2017 12:00 AM·-· 9/10/20 17 12:00 AM B6 Subject AIC: ~----~ B7(C) Show Time As Free Time 9:30 AM -- 10:00 AM Subject Read Time (30 min) Location WHSR Show Time As Busy Time 10:00 AM ··· 11:00 AM Subject [] 1 hr) Location WHSR Show Time As Busy B5 Topic:O Location: WHSR Time 11:35 /.\M- 11;45A M Subject Call: Sec. Zinke (10 min) Show Time As Busy Secretary Zinke will call NH mission cell. Time 11:45 AM ~ 12:00 PM Subject Call: SG (15 min) STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000823 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 73 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Show Time As Busy Event: Call with the SG Date: Friday, September 8, 2017 Time: 11:45am Details : The SG will call NH's mission blackberry directly. POC:Jose lnsua -~----~---~ Time mailto ~---~ B6 1:0n PM - 3;46 PM Subject NY Travel (2 hrs 46 mins) Show Time As Busy Acela Travel: 2166 Ace la Express WAS (Washington, DC Union Station) - NYP (New York Penn Station) Depart DC Union Station : 1:00PM Arrive NY Penn Station: 3:46PM Time 4 :30 PM - 5:00 PM Subject Meeting : Amb . Liu (30 min) Show Time As Busy Meeting: Amb. Jeyi Liu Date: Friday, September 9, 2017 Time : 4 :30pm Attendees : Ambassador Nikki Haley David Glaccum David Lee Josh Black Guests: Ambassador Jeyi Liu Shen Bo, Political Coordinator Yu Peng, Second Secretary Xiao Yuxin, note-taker Escort: Matthew Wigler, 4-4469 Background : Given our negotiations on the DPRK UNSCR,Chinese Perm Rep Liu was instructed to return early from the Security Council's mission to Africa. His flight lands in New York on Friday morning . We gave the Chinese a revised draft UNSCRon Thur sday evening that included some significant concessions but retained significant provision s on oil, foreign worker s and maritime interdiction . Talking Point s: STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000824 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 74 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 1.0il: I Background :I 2. UNSCRpriorities: ! B5 Background: The Chinese (and Russians) have said repeatedly that they cannot accept an UNSCRthat authorizes the use of force in any circumstance, including the limited provi sion we propo sed authorizing force to conduct non-consensual inspections of Committeedesignated vessels. Drafted: POL: David Lee, ext . 4-44065 Cleared: POL: JBlack (ok) POL: ATachco (ok) EXEC:DGlaccum (ok) POC: Lu~C_u_'.J i, l_______ --------~I , and the forthcoming Realism and Democracy: American Foreign Policy After the Arab Spring. He is the editor of three more, Close Calls: Intervention, Terrorism, Missile Defense and "Just War" Today; Honor Among Nations: Intangible Interests and Foreign Policy; and The Influence of Faith: Religious Groups and U.S. Foreign Policy. He is fluent in French and Spanish. Time ~dO PM .. 5:40 PM Subject Meeting: AS/MV (10 min) Show Time As Busy Time 6:15 PM- 7:00 PM Subject Meeting: Sec. Zinke (45 min) Location Residence Show Time As Busy Event: Meeting: Secretary Zinke Date: Tuesday, September 12, 2017 Time: 6:lSPM-7:00PM Location: Residence Attendees: Ambassador Nikki Haley Michael Haley Guests: Secretary Ryan Zinke Mrs. Lola Zinke I POC: Rusty Roddy, DOI Director of Scheduling, ~-------~ drwsd,iy,September B, 1G17 Time All Day Subject Weather: Mostly Cloudy/ H: 81 / L: 70 (20%) Show Time As Free Time 9:00.AM ~9: 30 AM Subject 21/W Meeting (30 min) Show Time As Busy Time 9:15 AM - 9:45 AM Subject 21/W Staff Meeting (30 min) Recurrence Occurs every Monday , Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday effective 9/11/2017 until 10/31/2017 from 9:15 AM to 9:45 AM Show Time As Busy STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000846 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 96 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Time 9:.30AM-10 :0 0AM Subject Meeting: UNGA Small Group (30 mins) Show Time As Busy Event: Meeting: UNGA Small Group Date : Thursday, September 14, 2017 Time: 10:00AM-10 :30AM Attendees: Ambassador Nikki Haley David Glaccum Katherine Veldran Matthew Miller Chaney Adams Leslie Dewees Gracey Roskam Purpose: To prep NH ahead of the WH UNGA & Operations Briefing at 4PM. Time 11:15 AM - 11:45 AM Subject Meeting : Burma Deep-Dive (30 min) Show Time As Busy Event: Meeting: Burma Deep-Dive Date: Wednesday, September 13, 2017 Time: 11:15AM-11:45AM Attendees : Ambassador Nikki Haley Ambassador Currie Jitu Sardar Mounir Ibrahim David Glaccum Chaney Adams Emily McMillan Becca Schimsa Time 12 :00 PM - 1:00 PM Subject SCAOB: Burma (1 hr) Location UNSCConsultation Room Show Time As Busy STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000847 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 97 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Event: UN Security Council Any Other Business (AOB)- Burma Date: Wednesday, September 13, 2017 Time: After UNSOM Consultations(~ 12-lpm) Location: UNSCConsultation Room Briefers: UN DPA ASGJenca (TBC) Staff: Amy Tachco Walter Miller Mounir Ibrahim Jitu Sardar Background: This marks the second time the UNSChas met to discuss the situation in northern Rakhine in the past month. The UK and Sweden requested the AOB in response to the Secreta ry General's letter to the Council urging it to do more about the crisis. Egypt also strongly supported the call for a Council to send a strong message about the crisis. UN ASGJenca (TBC)will brief the Council and we expect OCHA to be present in the room to answer questions. Humanitarian Update: The UN reports that at least 370,000 people have fled Burma because of government security operations in response to the August 25 attacks by the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (ARSA).This is more than one-third of the Rohingya population of Northern Rakhine State, according to USAID. The UN estimates that tens of thousands of others are displaced within Rakhine State, although lack of access has made these figures impossible to confirm. Despite commitments from the government, humanitarian assistance to displaced Rohingya populations in northern Rakhine State remains minimal. Most humanitarian assistance provided by UN and INGOs-critical for ensuring a principled response at scale in this context-is suspended throughout Rakhine State. Political and Security Update: In Burma, the three townships of Northern Rakhine State have been designated a Military Operations area subject to martial law. On September 9, the ARSAdeclared a ceasefire and called on the government to reciprocate the pause. On September 10, Burma rejected the proposed ceasefire and claimed it will not "negotiate with terrorists." Yanghee Lee, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Human Rights for Myanmar, reported at least 1,000 deaths but said that figure is "very likely an underestimate." The government claims the death toll is less than 500 and "mostly militants." Burmese State Counselor Aung San Su Kyi (ASSK)maintains that media reports are exaggerated and that "fake news" is fueling propaganda. Embassy Rangoon has commented that at a minimum Burmese security forces have failed to uphold their responsibility of protecting innocent STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000848 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 98 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 civilians. Other countries , notably Bangladesh, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia, have been vocal about the situation in Rakhine. Turkish President Erdogan and Bangladesh's foreign minister have accused Burma of committing genocide . NGOs have also reported that the Burmese military is planting anti-personnel landmines along the Bangladeshi border to discourage returns . The UK, as penholder, has already raised the prospect of press elements with China and says it received a "positive response." Even if we manage to agree on press elements, we do not expect China to dramatically alter its position that the situation in Rakhine is a "dome stic issue" and the international community should respect Rangoon's sovereignty . It is unclear if China will allow useful press elements to proceed . Time 1: 30 PM - 2:00 PM Subject Lunch (30 min) Show Time As Busy Time 2:.25PM ... 2:.35 PM Subject Call: General Dunford (10 minutes) Show Time As Busy Event: Call: General Dunford 85 Topic:~1-~ Time: 2:2SPM-2:3SPM POC: Mrs. Krista Mejia, Confidential Assistant to the Chairman, I LGA Flight: American Airlines flight 4453 Wheel s up DCA: 4 :00pm Wheel s down LGA: 5 :28pm Time 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM Subject Private Appointment Show Time As Busy Sensitivity Private S;11t.uday,Sq,tim~h~i, %, WJ.J Time All D~a~y____ ~ B6 Subject A1c l~----~ Show Time As Free B7(C) Time Al, Dav Subject Birthday: ~--------------~ Recurrence Occurs every September 16 effect ive 9/16/ 2017 until 9/16/2017 B6 Show Time As Free Time A.::Day Subject Weather : Partly Cloudy/ H: 82 / L: 68 (20%) Show Time As Free Time ll::3DAM - 12:30 PM Subject Sunday Show Taping Location CNN Headquarter s 10 Columbus Circle, New York , NY 10019 Show Time As Busy Event : CNN Tapin g I State of the Union I Jake Tapper Date: Saturday , September 16, 2017 Time: 11:30AM Location : CNN Headquarter s 10 Columbu s Circle, New York , NY 10019 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000901 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 151 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 B6 CNN POC: Kanneth Polson, >", ~---~ ~--------~ Time 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM Subject Private Appointment Show Time As Busy Sensitivity Private Sunrhy, Septemb0r 17, 2fl11 Time Subject 9/17/201712:00 AM-9/24/2017 12:00 AM B6 B7(C) AIC: ~----~ Show Time As Free Time 4:00 PM ...4:30 PM Subject S: UNHCR Grandi Bilat Show Time As Busy Categories Embassy Jerusalem Monci,rv, 5qlt,imb ~:, Time Subject Location rn. 2f.l17 8:40 AM -10:15 AM Reforming the UN: Management, Security and Development UN, ECOSOCChamber Show Time As Busy Event: Reforming the UN: Management, Security and Development Date: Monday, September 18, 2017 Location: UN, ECOSOCChamber POC: Morgan Vina, USUN EXEC,vinaml@state.gov ~---~ Nicole Bresson-Ondieki , UN Deputy Chief of Protocol , I ~----~ B6 Pre-Event Timeline: 8:40AM-9:45AM NH Depart Residence: 8:40AM David Glaccum and Leslie Dewees will meet you at the residence to ride over to the UN with you . NH Arrival Time: 8:45AM, UN Conference Room 8 8:45AM-9:15AM Hold 9:10AM Depart for White Tent 9:15AM Hold at White Tent for POTUSarrival POTUSArrival Time: 9:30AM NH to greet POTUSupon arrival 9:30AM Meet & Greet with UN Chief of Protocol Peter van Laere (pronunciation: Leary) at curb 9:35AM Move to Conference Room 8 for NSCPrep Time STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000902 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 152 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 9:42AM Move to ECOSOCChamber Event Time: 9:45AM-10:45AM Sequence of Events: 9:45-10:lSAM Family Photo, ECOSOCChamber (**NH will not be in the photo**). NH will stand at the front next to the dais during the photo. NH escorts POTUSto dais. 10:15-10:17AM NH delivers opening remarks and introduces POTUS 10:17-10:27AM POTUSRemarks 10:27-10:28AM NH introduces SG 10:28-10:38AM Secretary-General Remarks 10:38-10:45AM NH delivers closing remarks 10:45-11:00AM Hold in Conference Room 8 during POTUSfreeze Attendees: POTUS Ambassador Nikki Haley Dina Powell, Deputy National Security Advisor Howie Wachtel, Director for UN and Multilateral Affairs, NSC USUN: David Glaccum Morgan Vina (event lead) Leslie Dewees Photographer: Don Conahan Press Staff: Chaney Adams Elizabeth Tomaselli Purpose: The event will build a coalition of Member States to support the Secretary-General's reform agenda in areas of peace and security, management, and development. Format: POTUSserves as host NH serves as MC/moderator SG Guterres serves as the special guest Heads of Delegation serve as co-hosts or guests as determined Seating Chart: STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000903 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 153 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Political Declaration for UN Reform High Level Event: We thank Secretary-General Guterres for acting on his commitments to develop a robust reform agenda in areas of peace and security, development, and management. We, representing the undersigned Member States of the United Nations, hereby declare our commitment to the principles outlined herein to support the Secretary-General's leadership and transparency to initiate effective, meaningful reform to make the United Nations fit for purpose. First, we declare our confidence in the Secretary-General's reform initiatives and encourage him to lead organizational reform. Second, we commit to strengthening partnership and trust between and among Member States and the Secretariat to support reform efforts for a more effective and efficient Organization. Third, we commit to supporting the Secretary-General to advance stronger collaboration across the United Nations system for improved mandate delivery. Fourth, we encourage the Secretary-General to pursue impactful and field-centric management reforms. Fifth, we commit to supporting the Secretary-General's progress in strengthening the United Nations system's accountability framework through enhancing transparency, strengthening oversight, and aligning authority with responsibility. Sixth, we commit to reducing mandate duplication, redundancy, and overlap, including among the main organs of the United Nations. Seventh, we commit to supporting the Secretary-General in developing human resources management policies that enable the Organization to continue to attract, develop, and retain highperforming staff members, and to promote gender parity and geographic diversity. Eighth, we support the Secretary-General in strengthening the Organization's planning and budget functions to provide greater transparency and predictability on required resources. Ninth, we support the Secretary-General in making concrete changes in the United Nations system to better align its work on humanitarian response, development, and sustaining peace initiatives. Tenth, we recognize that each country has primary responsibility for its own economic and social development, and we further recognize the role of the United Nations in providing a platform for partnership to enable global sustainable development. Categories This Declaration is not legally binding and does not affect the signatories' existing obligations under applicable international and domestic law. Rather, the signatures below reflect the high-level political commitments of the Member States represented. Red Category STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000904 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 154 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Time 9 :15 Afl,1 - 9:45 AM Subject 21/W Staff Meeting (30 min) Occurs every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday effective 9/11/2017 until 10/31/2017 from 9:15 AM to 9:45 AM Show Time As Busy Recurrence Time Subject Location 10:25 AM ··· 10:40 AM Pull Aside: Japanese FM Taro Kono (15 min) UN Conference Room 8 Show Time As Busy Japan: Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Kono Address as: Minister Kono [Cone-Oh] Assumed office: 8/3/17 Bio: Taro Kono is a Japanese politician belonging the Liberal Democratic Party, and a member of the House of Representatives. A graduate of Georgetown University , he was elected for the first time in 1996. In 2009, he campaigned to be made President of the LDP. His father is Yohei Kono, the first President of the Liberal Democratic Party who did not go on to become Prime Minister of Japan. Described as a "maverick" on various policies, Kono was named as Foreign Minister on 3 August 2017 following a Cabinet re-shuffle by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. B6 On-site POC: Yutaka Sekito, Categories Time Subject Note : Amb . Bessho will be with FM Kono and will be in the pull-aside in CR8. Red Category 11:00 AM - 11:1S AM l1s min) B5 Secure call :I Show Time As Busy Categories Red Category Time 11:45AM - lU S PM Subject S: Trilat: India+ Japan Show Time As Busy Categories fime Subject Location Embassy Jerusalem 12 3(J PM ·· 2:00 PM UK-Hosted Burma Working Lunch British Consul-General's Residence: B6 Show Time As Busy Event: UK-Hosted Burma Working Lunch Date: Monday, September 18, 2017 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000905 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 155 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Time: 12:30PM-2:00PM B6 Location: British Consul-General's Residence Host: UK FM Boris Johnson Attire: Business Gift: None B6 POC: Emily Hollins, UK UNGA Coordinator, Purpose: In response to the growing crisis in Rakhine state, UK Foreign Minister Johnson is hosting a closed-press ministerial-level luncheon to discuss a path forward in resolving the situation. The UK invited the Burmese National Security Advisor to attend in an effort to be constructive and persuade Burma to cooperate. The UK wants to use this meeting as an opportunity to discuss practical solutions to address the conflict, and potentially use this meeting as a counterpoint to the OIC-hosted event (anticipated to be more critical of the government's intervention in Rakhine). We can use this opportunity to: • Emphasize deep concern, acknowledge diplomatic efforts by Indonesia and Bangladesh for continuing to accept refugees, and the UK (specifically FM Johnson) for its leadership in convening this meeting. • Encourage an international full-court press on the Burmese military while emphasizing our interest in supporting the civilian democratic government. Press: UK official photographer spray at the top. No other delegations' press or media teams will be permitted access. Attendees: US: Ambassador Nikki Haley US: Ambassador Kelley Currie UK: FM Boris Johnson UK: DPRJonahtan Allen Australia: FM Julie Bishop Burma: National Security Advisor U Thaung Tun [you-Tung-Tune] Bangladesh: FM Abul Hassan Mahmood Ali [A-bool Has-on Mah-Mood Ali] Canada: Minister of International Development Marie-Claude Bibeau [Beeb-OJ Denmark: FM Anders Samuelsen France: Director-General, Laurent Bili STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000906 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 156 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Indonesia: FM Retno Marsudi [Ret-No Mar-Soo-di] Italy : Director General, Massimo Gaiani Malaysia: PR Dato' Muhammad Shahrul lkram Yaakob Russia: DPRPiotr 111 ichev Sweden: FM Margot Wallstrom Turkey: FM Mevlut ~avu~oglu [Mev-Loot Cava-Sko-Loo] UN: Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs Jeff Feltman Pending: Malaysia: FM Dato' Sri Anifah Aman Run of show: * UK FM Johnson provides opening remarks * UN USGfor Political Affairs Feltman provides briefing * Burmese representative delivers statement * Participants give remarks (3 min max) * UK FM Johnson provides closing remarks. Menu: Roasted pan Chilean sea bass with a lemon & avocado butter sauce, chocolate mousse Background: Humanitarian and Security Update: The situation in Rakhine remains catastrophic. Over 40 percent of Rakhine State's Rohingya population is displaced, and the number of Rohingya who have fled Bangladesh is estimated to be over 400,000. Due to access restrictions maintained by the Burmese military, data is hard to come by. Indonesia's diplomatic interventions last week produced some easing of humanitarian access, as the government agreed to Indonesian aid to enter Rakhine and be distributed by the ICRCand Burmese Red Cross (which historically is tied to the military and is unlikely to distribute aid in a neutral fashion). And more importantly, the UN and most international NGOs are still being restricted in reality. Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh are living in extraordinarily difficult conditions. While the UN continues to provide support and the Government of Bangladesh is providing access, UN agencies have pointed out more assistance will be needed if the refugee population grows. It is also unreasonable to ask Bangladesh to host an additional half million Rohingya refugees on top of the long term population they have been caring for since the 80's. Political and Security Update: International pressure against the government is mounting. PM Trudeau of Canada, PresidentJokowi of Indonesia, FM Johnson, and STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000907 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 157 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 the Secretary General have all spoken to Aung San Suu Kyi (ASSK),and have all privately expressed disappointment with her refusal to acknowledge the military's behavior during this operation. Secretary Tillerson has requested a call with ASSK(we are awaiting a readout) and General Dunford is slated to speak with Commander in Chief Min Aung Hlaing this weekend. Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno's visit to Burma last week produced minimal results of access for Indonesian aid to Rakhine, and she expressed frustration about the resistance of senior Burmese officials to end security operations and acknowledge international criticism . Observers have expressed concern that the current climate could be a breeding ground for radicalization of Rohingya and lead to foreign terrorist fighters traveling from Indonesia and Malaysia to Burma. Politically, ASSK'srole is still tenuous, and she remains worried about how the crisis will affect her political support, given the strong anti-Rohingya sentiment and the military's efforts to hype up its role as protecting Burma from Rohingya militants. Congressional interest continues, as Senator McConnell spoke with ASSKyesterday and indicated publicly she has agreed to open up humanitarian access in Rakhine (it is unclear how solid this commitment is given the military's actual control on the ground). The government on September 15 announced that a visiting official from the State Department (Deputy Assistant Secretary) was being barred entry to Northern Rakhine State. Talking Points: B5 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000908 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 158 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 B6 Bios: UK (Host): Foreign Minister Boris Johnson News: Recently wrote an op-ed setting his strong and positive vision for a post-Brexit Britain. Met with Sec. Tiller son last week, Sept. 14th. Traveled to survey Hurricane Irma damage in Anguilla and British Virgin Islands. Career: Politician and former Journalist-Served as Mayor of London (2008-2016), overseeing 2012 London Olympics. Earlier worked as a journali st and editor for Spectator magazine before running for office. About: Member of the Conservative Party; Born in New York City; Resides in London; Married to Marina Wheeler with four children. PR: Ambassador Michael Rycroft UK: DPRJonathan Allen PR: Ambassador Michael Rycroft Burma: National Security Advisor, U Thuang Tun Pronunciation : [you-Tung- Tune] STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000909 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 159 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Career History: U Thaung Tun was appointed to the post "in order to advise the President and the Union Government on internal and external threats. U Thaung Tun is a former Burma ambassador who served in various posts including Washington, D.C., Brussels and Geneva before his retirement in 2010 . His has also been an adviser for Shell Burma . PR: Mr. Hau Do SUAN Ambassador Suan attended the Fourth UNGA PR reception on 7/12/2017; you also met him at a lunch hosted by Philippine PR Locsin on 7/25/17. Australia : Foreign Minister Julie Bishop Career History: Julie Bishop is the Minister for Foreign Affairs in Australia's Federal Coalition Government. She is also the Deputy Leader of the Liberal Party and has served as the Member for Curtin in the House of Representatives since 1998. PR: Ms. Gillian Bird You have met Ambassador Bird on many occasions, including a 5/18/2017 meeting with FM Bishop. Bangladesh: Foreign Minister Abul Hassan Mahmud Ali [A-bool Has-on Mah-Mood Ali] Career History: Abul Hassan Mahmud Ali is a Bangladeshi politician and diplomat who has served as the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bangladesh since 2013. He previously served as Minister of Disaster Management and Relief from 2012 to 2013. PR: Mr. Masud bin MOM EN You met Ambassador Momen at the Fourth of July reception, and also at a dinner hosted by Dutch PR Karel van Oosterom on 6/28/2017. Denmark: Foreign Minister Anders Samuelsen Career History: Anders Samuelsen s a Danish politician and former Member of the European Parliament sitting on the European Parliament's Committee on Budgets. He left this party in 2007, and was elected to the Danish parliament for Liberal Alliance in the 2007 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000910 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 160 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 election . PR: Mr. lb Petersen You have met Ambassador Petersen on several occasions, including at a lunch meeting with Nordic PRson 6/29/2017, and at a dinner hosted by Dutch PR Karel van Oosterom on 6/28/2017. Indonesia: Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi Pronunciation: [Ret-No Mar-Soo-di] Career History: Retno Marsudi is an Indonesian diplomat and the Minister for Foreign Affairs in the Working Cabinet. She is the first female minister appointed to the post. She was previously the Indonesian Ambassador to the Netherlands from 2012 to 2014, as well as Ambassador to Iceland and Norway from 2005 to 2008. PR: Mr. Dian Triansyah DJANI You met Ambassador Djani at the Fourth UNGA PR reception on 7/12/2017, and at a lunch hosted by Philippine PR Locsin on 7/25/17 . Sweden: Foreign Minister, Margot Wallstrom Career History: Margot Wallstrom is a Swedish Social Democratic politician and has served as the country's Minister for Foreign Affairs and Deputy Prime Minister since 3 October 2014. Wallstrom previously served as European Commissioner for the Environment from 1999 to 2004 and as European Commissioner for Institutional Relations and Communication Strategy from 2004 to 2009. PR: Mr. Olaf Skoog Turkey: Foreign Minister Mevlut <;:avu~oglu Pronunciation: [Mev-Loot Cava-Ska-Loo] Career History: Mevlut <;:avu~ogluis a Turkish politician who has been Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkey since 24 November 2015; previously he was Minister of Foreign Affairs from August 2014 to August 2015. He is a founding member of the AKP - the justice and development party-which is led by President Erdogan. PR: Mr. Feridun Hadi Sinirlioglu You most recently saw Ambassador Sinirlioglu at a dinner he hosted for you on 9/12/2017. STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000911 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 161 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Canada: Minister of International Development Marie-Claude Bibeau Pronunciation: [Beeb-OJ Career History: Marie-Claude Bibeau is a Canadian Liberal politician, who was elected to represent the riding of Compton-Stanstead in the House of Commons of Canada in the 2015 federal election. On November 4, 2015 she was sworn in as Minister of International Development. PR: Mr . Marc-Andre Blanchard You most recently saw Ambassador Blanchard at the dinner hosted by Turkey on 9/12/2017. France: Director General Lauren Bili Career History: Laurent Bili was the former French Ambassador to Thailand and is now the Foreign Ministry's Director General. PR: Mr. Franc;oisDelattre UN: UN Under-Secretary-General for Political Affair s, Jeff Feltman Career History: Before joining the United Nation s, Mr. Feltman served for nearly thirty years in the United States Foreign Service, focused especially on the Middle East and North Africa. His last position was as Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs, from which he retired at the rank of Career Minister. Categories Green Category Time .1.:00PM~ 2:00 PM Subject FYI POTUS: Bilat Israel Location Palace Hotel Show Time As Busy Attendees: POTUS s Mnuchin McM Kushner Dina Powell STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000912 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 162 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Jason Greenblatt Categories Yellow Category Time 2:30 PM - 3:00 PM Subject Briefing Show Time As Busy Categories Green Category time 2.:4Si' M ·· 3:1.S f)M Subject FYIPOTUS: Bilat France Location Palace Hotel Show Time As Busy POTUS s McM Gary Cohn Fiona Hill Categories Yellow Category Time 3:45 PM - 4:15 PM Subject NH Bi lat: Uganda President Yoweri Museveni Location Uganda Mission, 336 East 45th Street, 3rd Floor, Board Room Show Time As Busy Event: Meeting the President of Uganda Yoweri Museveni Date: Monday, September 18, 2017 Time: 3:45PM - 4:15PM Location: Uganda Mission , 336 East 45th Street , 3rd Floor, Board Room Purpose: Enlist Museveni ' s assistance addressing the conflict in South Sudan. POC: Adonia Ayebare, PR,I B6 Attendees : Ambassador Nikki Haley Jon Lerner, Deputy to the PR David Glaccum, Chief of Staff Austin Smith, Deputy Director, USUN/W Bindi Patel, Adviser Leslie Dewees, Notetaker Photographer: Don Conahan STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000913 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 163 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Uganda Participants: Yoweri Museveni, President Sam Kutesa, Foreign Minister Adonia Ayebare, PR Mull Ssebujja Katende, Uganda Ambassador to the U.S. Molly Kamukama, President's Chief of Staff Interpretation: None needed Background: President Museveni is also meeting with the State Department Undersecretary for Political Affairs Thomas Shannon while in New York. He is also scheduled to attend the President's lunch with African leaders on September 20. Since he will hear the broad set of our Africa policy messages at the President's lunch we think your time with him will be best used focusing on the conflict in South Sudan. (Note. President Museveni's wife, who will also be in New York for UNGA, doubles as the Education Minister of Uganda and will participate in a meeting on education for refugees where Administrator Mark Green will also be present.) Talking Points 1. Refugees: I B5 Background: Uganda hosts more than 1.3 million refugees-the largest refugee population on the continent. The country is responding to an ongoing influx of 500-600 South Sudanese new arrivals per day, a drop from previous rates of 2,000 refugees each day (the decreased rate is largely attributed to the rainy season complicating population movements). Simultaneously, refugees from Burundi and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)continue to seek refuge in Uganda. Uganda is known for its highly-regarded refugee policies which allow refugees freedom of movement, access to land, work, and education. This model is frequently cited as an example for other refugee-hosting countries around the world. Our fiscal year 2017 refugee assistance to Uganda to date is $187.4 million. One of the largest U.S. resettlement programs is also in Uganda and we have resettled over 10,000 refugees (mostly Congolese) from Uganda in the STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000914 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 164 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 last three yea rs. 2. South Sudan Political Process: I B5 Background: Uganda is a member of the Intergovernmental Authority on Develo pment (IGAD) the regional bloc tasked with mediating South Sudan' s conflict. The 2015 IGAD-brokered peace agreement is not being implemented as intended and IGAD plans to hold a forum to resuscitate the peace agreement and is currently in the preparatory phases. This forum, meant to be held by the end of October is likely to slip into the coming month s. We continue to encourage IGAD to pursue thi s forum expeditiously. In the meantime, there are several other parallel initiatives under way to restore peace, including an initiative Museveni has been pursuing to reunite South Sudan's ruling party . It is not clear how all the various separate initiatives fit together ; we would prefer the focus to be on the IGAD forum as an important step, assuming that South Sudan's leaders actually commit to engaging in it. (Note. Museveni has a long history with South Sudan's liberation struggle, dating back to his friendship with South Sudanese liberation leader John Garang when they were university students together. When the civil war broke out in 2013, Museveni sent troop s to Juba to help stabilize South Sudan' s capital city.) 3. South Sudan Sanctions:! B5 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000915 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 165 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 B5 Background: The situation in South Sudan continues to deteriorate, with President Kiir's government is impeding the delivery of humanitarian assistance and expanding military offensives. The Treasury Department on September 7 sanctioned three South Sudanese military officials and three companies complicit in widening the violence in South Sudan, and issued a Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN)advisory to U.S. banks warning of the potential movement of corrupt South Sudanese assets. The Security Council sanctioned six South Sudanese individuals in July 2015. IF RAISED: B5 4. Burundi:! Background: There has been an ongoing political and security crisis in Burundi since the Spring of 2015 when Burundian President Nkurunziza announced he was running for an third term in office. The Burundian government has engaged in a brutal crackdown against anyone it judges is opposed to the ruling party. The Burundian government has engaged in gross violations of human rights. At the same time, Burundi has rejected numerous Security Council resolutions and regionally-led talks with the political opposition. Museveni is the titular head of these talks and could play an important role in convincing the region to increase pressure on Nkurunziza. 5. DRC: I B5 Bias: Uganda: President : Yoweri Kaguta Museveni STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000916 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 166 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 [Pronunciation: Yo-WEH-ree Moo-SEV-en-nie] [Informal Address: President Moo-SEV-en-nie] President Since: 1986 Important Facts: Came through power after his National Resistance Army overthrew the previous regime; one of the first Ugandans to take up arms against ldi Amin in the 1970s and instituted a "no party" system based on individual merit rather than party affiliation; elected president in 1996 and re-elected in 2001, 2006, 2011, and 2016; in 2005 endorsed a transition from Uganda's movement system to multiparty politics in return for the abolition of presidential term limits; to be eligible for election in 2021, Museveni would need to amend Uganda's constitution to remove a 75-year age limit for presidential candidates, which he is expected to do . Family: Married with 4 children and ten grandchildren. About: The first son was until recently the head of the military's Special Forces Command and is now a senior advisor in the President's office. Museveni was born in August 1944 and is an avid cattle rancher. Educated by missionaries, Museveni later studied political science and economics at the University of East Africa in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Note: You will see President Museveni at the POTUS-hosted African leaders lunch on Wednesday. Foreign Minister: Sam Kutesa [Pronunciation: Saah-mm COO-Tess-AH] [Informal Address: Foreign Minister Kutesa] Appointed: January 2005 Important Facts: He was the President of the UN General Assembly during its 69th session in 2014-2015. He holds a Law degree from Makerere University. He served as Member of Parliament (MP) for Mbarara North Constituency from 1980 to 1985 and as Attorney General from 1985 to 1986. Between 1994 and 1995, he served as a delegate to the Constituent Assembly that drafted the 1995 Ugandan Constitution. He was Minister of State for Investment from 2001 to 2005. He is a member of the ruling National Resistance Movement political party. In 2011, Kutesa was accused in a parliamentary investigation of receiving bribes as kickbacks from Irish oil firm Tullow Oil. Despite calls for him to resign along with the others accused, a lawyer, Severino Twinobusingye, managed to successfully sue the Attorney General and halt the proceedings and to block the calls for resignation. Family: Married with 4 children. STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000917 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 167 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Permanent Representative: Adonia Ayebare [Pronounce: Ah-do-knee-a Eye-eh-bar-eh] [Informal Address: Adonia] Presentation of Credentials: 2017 Important Facts: Prior to his latest appointment, Mr. Aye bare was the Senior Adviser on Peace and Security at the African Union's Permanent Observer Mission to the United Nations in New York from 2013 until 2017. Mr. Aye bare had previously been Deputy Permanent Representative and Charge d'affaires in New York from 2010 to 2012, and from 2005 to 2008. Between those postings, he served as Director of the Africa Program at the International Peace Institute in New York between 2009 and 2011. From 2001 to 2008, he was Uganda's Principal Adviser and Special Envoy to the Burundi peace process, having served as Ambassador and Head of Mission to Rwanda and Burundi from 2002 to 2005. As a journalist, Mr. Ayebare was a staff reporter with The East African weekly newspaper, based in Kampala, Uganda, from 1996 to 1998. Between 1998 and 2000, he was an information officer with the Integrated Regional Information Network. Other Holding two doctorates, from Indiana University and Rutgers University in the United States, Mr. Aye bare also has two master's degrees, from Long Island University and Tufts University's Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, also in the United States. Additionally, he earned a certificate in international security from Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government, and Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communications from Makerere University, Kampala, in 1993. Family: Married with 5 children. Ambassador to the U.S.: Mull Katende [Pronounce: Mool Kah-ten-day] [Informal Address: Ambassador Katende] Note:* Could not find public source material. You will have a bio on your desk. President's Chief of Staff: Molly Kamukama [Pronounce: Ma-lee KAH-Moo-Kah-Ma] [Informal Address: Ms. Kamukama] Important Facts: Molly serves as the Principal Private Secretary to the President. She is the overall coordinator and manager of staff and operations. STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000918 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 168 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Categories Green Category Time 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM Subject FYI S: Syria Ministerial Discussion Show Time As Busy * U.S. Participants: Secretary Tillerson, COS Peterlin, S/P Hook, Ms. Nauert, A A/S Satterfield, S/E McGurk Categories * Attendees: (P + 1) FMs of UK, France, Germany, Italy, Jordan, Turkey , Qatar , KSA, UAE, Egypt, Canada, Netherlands, Denmark, Norway , Sweden , EU High Rep of Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Federica Mogherini. +1 for each attendee on backbench. Embassy Jerusalem Time 5 :15 PM ~ S:45 PM Subject Location NH Bi lat: Yemen President Abdrabuh Mansour Hadi The Palace, 48th Floor Show Time As Busy Event: Bilateral Meeting: Yemen President Abdrabuh Mansour Hadi Date : Monday , September 18, 2017 Time: 5:15PM-5:45PM Note: after this bilat concludes, NH move s to POTUShold room on the 35th floor Location: Palace, Presidential Suite, 48th Floor Use South Tower Elevators for access Attendees : Ambassador Nikki Haley Jon Lerner, Deputy to the PR David Glaccum, Chief of Staff Carrie Filipetti , Adviser Leslie Ordeman, Adviser Leslie Dewees, Note-taker Guests: President Abdrabuh Mansour Hadi Abulmalik Al Mikhlafi , Minister of Foreign Affairs Abullah Al Alimi Bawazir, Director of the Office of the Presidency Ahmed Bin Mu bark, Yemini Amba ssador to the U.S. Khaled Alyemany, PR POC: Abubaker Ba Abbad , Special Assistant to Yemini PR, ~I --~ B6 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000919 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 169 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 On-site POC:Ambassador Khaled Alyemany, B6 ~----~ Note: The Yemen Mission reached out to say they did not receive an invitation to the POTUSHead of Delegation Reception. We have since followed up and have confirmed that they did receive the invitation. Translator: PRAmbassador Khaled Alymany will serve as the tran slator as President Hadi does not speak English. Context: 1. Counterterrorism/lran: I B5 2. Political Solution : I • Under score that a trul 3. Humanitarian Needs: effective national uni I overnment I 4. Coalition Unity: B5 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000920 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 170 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Bias: Yemen: President : Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi [Pronunciation: ABO-rub-huh man-SOOR HAD-ee] [Address: President Hadi] President of Yemen since 27 February 2012 Interactions: September 18, 2017 meeting will be first with Ambassador Haley. Career History: Hadi was born in 1945 in Thukain, Abyan, a southern Yemeni governorate. He served as Vice President from 1994 to 2012. Hadi (the sole candidate) was elected president for a two-year transitional period on February 21, 2012, which was extended for another year in 2014. However, he remained in power after his term's expiration. On 22 January 2015, Hadi was forced to resign by the Houthis. He escaped to his hometown of Aden, rescinded his resignation, and denounced the Houthi takeover as an unconstitutional coup d'etat. On 25 March 2015, Hadi reportedly fled Yemen in a boat as Houthi forces advanced on Aden. He arrived in Riyadh the next day, as Saudi Arabia began a bombing campaign in support of his government. Interesting Fact: In 1966 he graduated after receiving a military scholarship to study in Britain, but does not speak English. He is staunchly against AQAP. Family: At least two sons. Minister of Foreign Affairs (and Deputy Prime Minister): Abulmalik Al Mikhlafi [Pronunciation: ABD-al-MAL-ek Al MIK-la-fi] [Address: Minister Al Mikhlafi] Appointed 2015 Interactions: September 18, 2017 meeting will be first with Ambassador Haley. Career History: Al Mikhlafi has been a member of the Yemeni Shura Council and a Member of the National Dialogue Conference. He served as an adviser to Hadi in 2014 immediately prior to being chosen as his deputy and Minister of Foreign Affairs. Interesting Fact: In 2012 Al Mikhlafi served as Secretary General of the Arab National Conference (OIC). Family: Unknown Ambassador to Washington DC: Dr. Ahmed Awad Bin Mubarak [Pronunciation: AH-mad A-wad Bin-MU-bar-ak] [Address: Ambassador Bin-MU-bar-ak] STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000921 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 171 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Appointed August, 2015. Interactions: September 18, 2017 meeting will be first with Ambassador Haley. Career History: Formerly, Ambassador Mubarak was the Director of the Presidential Office and Chief of Staff. Prior to taking up his appointment as the Director of the President's office, Dr. Bin Mubarak was appointed on January 2013 Secretary General of Yemen's National Dialogue Conference (NDC). Ambassador Mubarak holds a PhD in Business Administration and an MBA from the University of Baghdad. Interesting Fact: Bin-Mubarak was kidnapped by the Houthis for ten days in 2015 before being released and fleeing to Saudi Arabia. Family: Unknown Permanent Representative: Khaled Hussein Alyemany [Pronunciation: KHA-lid HU-sane al-ye-MAN-ee) [Informal Address: Khalid] Appointed January 20, 2015 Interactions: Attended two receptions held at Ambassador Haley's residence: the first on 8/2/2017 and the second 9/13/2017. These were receptions for members of the general assembly prior to UNGA. Career History: Mr. Alyemany was born in 1960. Prior to his appointment, Mr. Alyemany was Deputy Permanent Representative of Yemen to the United Nations. Mr. Alyemany began his diplomatic career in Yemen's Foreign Affairs Ministry in 1991, and through 2013, he held several positions, including overseas. He served as Director at the Foreign Minister's Office from January to June 2013, and Deputy Director from 2011 to 2012 and earlier in 2009. The Ambassador has served previously in London from 2005 to 2009, and in the Foreign Minister's Office from 2003 to 2005. Prior to that, he was a Political and Press Officer at Yemen's Embassy in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and as an Expert in the Foreign Minister's Office overseeing Yemeni African relations. Ha has also worked in the Department of Press and Information at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and was an Editor of the Ministry's private publications. Interesting Fact: Mr Alyemany holds a master's degree from the University of Havana, Cuba. He is also the author of a number of publications, including Diaries of a Diplomat in New York, published in Yemen in 2012. Family: Mr . Alyemany is married with three sons. Director of the Office of the Presidency: Abullah AIAlimi Bawazir *No photo or public bio found. STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000922 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 172 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Approved: EXEC- MSison Drafted: POL- LOrdeman, ext . 4-4376 and cell ~---~ B6 Cleared: POL-WMiller POL-WWagner USUN/W: CFilipetti Categories ECOSOC:KHolmes Green Category Time 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Subject POTUS Dinner: Latin American Leaders Palace Hotel, Spellman Room (5th floor) Location Show Time As Busy Event: Dinner: Latin American Leaders Date : Monday, September 18, 2017 Pre-Event Timeline: 5:50PM Move to 35th floor for NSC Prep. POTUS is tracking to be holding on 35 after his France bi lat conclude s at 3:15PM. 6:25PM NH Move to Reid Salon, 2nd Floor 6 :30PM POTUSarrive Reid Salon Event Time: 6:30PM-8:00PM Location: Palace Hotel Reid Salon, 2nd Floor POC: Anna Kopperud, ! B6 Asel Roberts rr ertsak@state.gov , I Topic: Venezuela US Attendees: POTUS VPOTUS Ambassador Nikki Haley Secretary Rex Tillerson General John Kelly LTG H.R. McMaster Juan Cruz, Senior Director for Western Hemisphere Affairs, NSC STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000923 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 173 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Latin American Leaders: Pictures and bias will be inserted tomorrow. Argentina : Gabriela Michetti, Vice President Jorge Faurie, Ambassador, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship Mr . Fulvio Pompeo, Secretary of Strategic Affairs, Office of the Chief of Cabinet Mr. Jose Ortiz Amaya, Director General of International Affairs, Senate Brazil: Michel Temer, President Aloysia Nunes Ferreira, Mini ster of Foreign Affairs Claudio Frederico de Matos Arruda, Special Adviser to the President Sergio Amaral, Amba ssador to the United States Colombia : Juan Manuel Santos, President Maria Angela Holguin, Mini ster of Foreign Relation s Camilo Reyes, Ambassador of the Republic of Colombia Panama: Juan Carlos Varela Rodriguez, President Isabel Saint Malo, Vice President and Minister of Foreign Affairs Dulcidio De La Guardia, Mini ster of Economy and Finance Luis Miguel Hincapie, Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Press: Open press with a pool spray at the top Interpretation: Simultaneou s interpretation (Spanish and Portuge se) NH Talking Points: Note: NH does not have a formal speaking role at this event. The talking points below are if raised only. B5 Seating Chart: STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000924 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 174 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Menu: Appetizer: Carrot Ginger Soup Wine: Sauvignon Blanc/ Honig/ Napa/ California Entree: Colorado Rack of Lamb (no pistachio crust) Celery Root Ragout/ spinach and feta crepe/ pickled mustard seeds **Silent Vegetarian Alterative Barley Risotto, Goat Cheese Fritter, Swiss Chard, Pickled Stems, Mushroom, Pickled Mustard Seeds Wine: Cabernet Sauvignon / Stag's Leap/ Hands of Time/ Napa Valley / California Dessert: White Chocolate Lemon Chiffon/ Macerated Berries; Selection of Petit Fours Bias: Argentina: Vice President, Gabriela Michetti [Pronunciation: gah-BREE-elle-LA mee-KET-tee] [Informal Address: Gabriela] Career History: Gabriela Michetti is the current Vice President of Argentina, a role in which she has served since December 10, 2015. She is only the second woman to serve in this role in Argentina. Prior to this, she served as a National Senator of Argentina (Argentina's upper house, 2013-2015), National Deputy (Argentina's lower house, 2009-2013), and Deputy mayor of the City of Buenos Aires (20072009). Michetti was injured in a car accident in 1994, after which she became a wheelchair user. Family: She has one son. PR: Martin Garcia Moritan You met Ambassador Moritan at the Third UNGA PR Reception 7/5/2017 . Minister of Foreign Affairs, Jorge Faurie [Pronunciation: HOR-hay FAH-oo-REE-ay] [Informal Address: Jorge] Career History: Jorge Faurie is currently the Minister of Foreign Affairs for Argetina, a post he has held since June 12, 2017, when the previous Foreign Minister Susana Malcorra resigned due to "personal STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000925 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 175 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 reasons." Jorge was previously the Argentine Ambassador to France, the Ambassador to Portugal, and Director of Protocol under President Menem. Secretary of Strategic Affairs, Office of the Chief of Cabinet, Fulvio Pompeo [Pronunciation: FOOL-vee-oh POM-pay-OH] [Informal Address: Fulvio] Career History: Fulvio Pompeo is the Secretary of Strategic Affairs for Argentina, a role in which he advises and supports the President of Argentina and the Chief of Cabinet Ministers in the creation of their international strategic agenda. Prior to this, Fulvio served in a number of political advisory roles, including as Head of Advisors to the Committee on Foreign Relations and Worship within the Chamber of Deputies, and Ambassador and Undersecretary of Institutional Relations to the Minister of Foreign Affairs. Director General of International Affairs, Senate, Jose Ortiz Amaya [Pronunciation: Ho-ZAYor-TEEZAh-MAI-ya] [Informal Address: Jose] Career History: Jose Ortiz Amaya is the current Director General of International Affairs in the Argentine Senate. Formerly, he served in a number of different governmental roles within the Ministry of the Economy, the Ministry of Labor, and the Ministry of Industry and Commerce. He also served as the Argentine Minister Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to France. Brazil: President, Mihel Te mer [Pronunciation: mee-SHELLTEH-mer] [Informal Address: Michael] Career History: Mihel Temer is the 37th President of Brazil, an office he has held since August 31, 2016 following the impeachment and removal of his predecessor Dilma Rousseff. In August of this year, Mihel was the cleared of charges that he received illegal campaign funds in a 2014 election. Prior to his role as President, Mihel was the Vice President of Brazil (2011-2016), the President of the Chamber of Deputies (2009-2010), the President of the Democratic Movement Party (2001-2016), and a Federal Deputy from Sao Pauolo (1987-1991, 1994-2010). PR: Mr. Mauro Viera You met Ambassador Viera at the dinner in STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000926 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 176 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 honor of PGA Peter Thomson hosted by Colombian PR Marfa Emma Mejia on 8/30/2017 . Minister of Foreign Affair s, Aloysio Nunes Ferreira [Pronunciation: ah-low-00-zee-oh NOON-yez feh-HERR-rah] [Informal Address: Aloysio] Career History: Aloysio assumed the office of the Minister of Foreign Affairs in March 2017. Prior to this role, Aloysio served as a Senator from Sao Paolo (2011-2017) , a Minister of Justice (2001-2002) , and the Vice Governor of Sao Paulo (1991-1995 ). Special Advisor to the President, Claudio Frederico de Matos Arruda [Pronunciation: Cloud-ee-oh Fred-ER-eek-OH de Mah-TOZ Are-00Dah] [Informal Address: Claudio] * Note: Public bio not available. Ambassador to the United States, Sergio Amaral [Pronunciation: ser-GEE-oh ah-MAH-rail [Informal Address: Sergio] Career History: Sergio is a career diplomat who has served in Paris, Bonn, Geneva, and Washington. He wa s the Amba ssador of Brazil to both the United Kingdom and France. He served as a debt negotiator for Brazil as well as an alternate Governor to the IMF and World Bank. STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000927 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 177 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Sergio has also served at numerous high level positions in the Brazilian government, including Vice Minister for the Environment, Secretary of Social Communication, and Spokesman for President Fernando Henrique Cardoso. He has also served as Minister of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade, and Chairman of the Foreign Trade Council of Ministers. Colombia: President: Juan Manuel Santos (Calderon) [Pronunciation: hu-WAN ma-NWEL san-TOES(KAL-de-RON)] [Informal Address: Juan] Elected 2010 Career History: Born August 10, 1951, Santos is an economist by profession and a journalist by trade. A graduate of the University of Kansas and the Harvard Kennedy School of Government, Santos was also a Fulbright fellow at the Fletcher School at Tufts University. He was appointed as Colombia's first Minister of Foreign Trade in 1991. In 2000, he was appointed the Minister of Finance and Public Credit. In 2005, he co-founded and led the Social Party of National Unity, a liberal-conservative party coalition that backed the policies of President Uribe. In 2006, Santos was appointed as Minister of National Defense. Santos was the sole recipient of the 2016 Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts negotiating a peace treaty with the FARCguerilla in the country. PR: Ms. Marfa Emma Mejfa You have met Ambassador Mejfa many times, most recently at the dinner she hosted for PGA Peter Thomson on 8/30/2017. Minister of Foreign Relations: Marfa Angela Holgufn (Cuellar) [Pronunciation: ma-REE-yaAN-hell-la hol-goo-EEN (KUE-yar)] [Informal Address: Maria] Appointed 2010 Interactions: You last met Holguin in New York in July 2017. Career History: Born~-----Holguin is the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Colombia. She has also served as the 25th Permanent Representative of Colombia to the United Nations, and as Ambassador of Colombia to Venezuela. B6 Colombian Ambassador to the United States: Camilo Reyes Rodrfguez [Pronunciation: ka-MEE-oh RAY-es(rod-REE-guh-ez)] [Informal Address: Camilo] Appointed 2017 Career History: A 35-year career diplomat and former foreign minister who has headed the Colombo-American Chamber of Commerce since 2010, Camilo Reyes has also served as deputy minister of foreign affairs, ambassador to the United Nations, and ambassador to Prague. STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000928 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 178 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Panama: President : Juan Carlos Varela Rodriguez [Pronunciation: hu-WAN CAR-los vah-RAY-la rod-REE-guez] [Informal Address: Juan] Appointed 2014 Career History: Born December 12, 1963, Juan Carlos Varela Rodriguez was formerly Vice-President of Panama and Minister of Foreign Relations. He has been President of the Panamefiistas, the thirdlargest political party in Panama, since 2006. PR: Laura Elena FLORESHerrera You have met Ambassador Flores several times, most recently at the dinner in honor of PGA Peter Thomson hosted by Colombian PR Marfa Emma Mejia on 8/30/2017 . Vice President and Minister of Foreign Affairs: Isabel Saint Malo [Pronunciation: EE-sah-bell Sain MAH-low] [Informal Address: Isabel] Appointed 2014 Career History: Born June 27, 1968, Isabel Cecilia de Saint Malo (Garcia de Alvarado) ran with elected President Juan Carlos Varela on the ticket made up of the Panamefiista and Popular Parties' alliance "El Pueblo Primero." She is the first woman in Panama's history elected for this post. Minister of Economy and Finance: Dulcidio De La Guardia [Pronunciation: dull-SEE-dee-oh day la GUARD-ee-yah] [Informal Address: Dulcidio] Appointed 2014 Career History: Dulcidio Jose de la Guardia previously served as a Development Manager in Bolsa de Panama, Finance Director of Grupo Morgan & Morgan, and Vice-Minister for Finance of Panama. From 2006-2008, he served as Director for Corporate and Market Banking of HSBCand Director for Equity Management of MMG Bank. Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs: Luis Miguel Hincapie [Pronunciation: Loo-ees Mee-guh-el Hee-in-kah-PAY] [Informal Address: Luis] STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000929 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 179 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Appointed 2014 Categories Career History: Hincapie is a partner (on leave) of Morgan & Morgan, which he joined in 2003 . In 2010 , he was appointed as the Vice Minister of Government . In 2011, he became Vice Minister of Labor. Red Category Time 10:30 PM -11:00 PM B5 Subject Show Time As Busy Categories Yellow Category T" escl«v, September 1§, 2017 Time Subject At 8:45 AM NH: Arrive UN Show Time As Busy Categories Red Category Time 9:15 AM - 9;45 AM Subject 21/W Staff Meeting (30 min) Occurs every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thur sday, and Friday effective 9/11/2017 until 10/31/2017 from 9 :15 AM to 9 :45 AM Show Time As Busy Recurrence Time At9:30 AM Subject POTUS: Arrive UN Show Time As Busy Categories Red Category Time l0:30 AM - 11:lS AM POTUS:GA Speech Subject Location UN General Assembly Hall Show Time As Busy Event: POTUSGA Speech Date : Tuesday, September 19, 2017 Speech Time : 10:30AM Run of Show: 8:45AM NH Arrive UN 8:45AM-9:15AM Hold in UN Conference Room 8 9:15AM Depart for White Tent 9 :15AM Hold at White Tent for POTUSarrival 9:30AM POTUSArrive UN. POTUSgreeted on curb by UN Chief of Protocol Peter van Laere; Deputy SG Amina Mohammed at top of escalator. Press Spray. STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000930 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 180 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 9:32AM Move to GA200 with POTUS,S, Gen. McMaster , Dina Powell, and Stephen Miller (POTUSAide) 9:35-10:2SAM Hold in GA200 with POTUS 10:25AM NH escorted to US Section with S, Gen . McMaster by UN Protocol Event Time: 10:30AM-11:15AM Location: UN General Assembly Hall I WH POC,Bea M;lllec, WH Ad,aoce Lead, B6 UN POC: Nicole Bresson-Ondieki . UN Deputy Chief of Protocol. I Seated in US Section (6): NH Secretary of State Rex Tillerson Secretary of Treasury Steven Mnuchin General John Kelly, WH CoS LTG H.R. McMaster, NSA Dina Powell, DNSA (tbc) Press: Open Note : President of Guinea (next speaker) will briefly see POTUS in hold DELEGATIONSEATING Total Allotted Access to Delegation Seating No. First Name Last Name Ticket Type 1 Nikki Haley Delegation Seating 2 Rex Tillerson Delegation Seating 3 Steven Mnuchin Delegation Seating 4 John Kelly Delegation Seating 5 HR McMaster Delegation Seating 6 Michele Sison Delegation Seating Categories Red Category Time 1:00 PM -1 :10 PM Subject POTUS: Bi lat Secretary-General Location UN GA200B Show Time As Busy Event: POTUS: Bilat Secretary-General Date : Tuesday , September 19, 2017 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000931 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 181 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Time: 1:00PM-1:lOPM Location: UN GA200B Attendees: POTUS Ambassador Nikki Haley Secretary Rex Tillerson Dina Powell, Deputy National Security Advisor Howie Wachtel , Director for UN and Multilateral Affairs , NSC B6 POC: David Vennett. I Note: POTUSwill sign the guest book Photo: Official Photo in front of flags Press:Closed press NH Talking Points: B5 Bio: UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres [Pronunciation: Antonio Goo-tear-ez] Elected 2017 Career History: Served as the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (2005-2015) , over seeing cri ses in Syria, Iraq, South Sudan, CAR, and Yemen. Also served as Prime Minister of Portugal (1995-2002) , particularly known for resolving the crisis in East Timar . Earlier served STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000932 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 182 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 in Portugal's Parliament for 17 years, among other roles in the European Council. Family: Married to Catarina de Almeida Vaz Pinto (the Deputy Mayor for Culture of Lisbon) and has 2 children, a stepson, and 3 grandchildren . Categories Red Category Time 1:15 PM - 2:45 PM Subject SG Hosted Luncheon Location UN North Delegates Lounge Show Time As Busy Event: SG Hosted Luncheon Date : Tuesday, September 19, 2017 Time : 1:15PM-2 :45PM Location: UN North Delegates Lounge Attendees : POTUS Ambassador Nikki Haley Secretary of State RexTillerson Press: Pool for opening remark s then depart Note: POTUStoast at lectern following SG NH Table Seating Chart: 1. Comoros HoS: Azali Assoumali 2. Iraq : Haider Al Abadi 3. UN ASG: Jeff Feltman 4. Gambia: HoS Adama Barrow 5. Togo: HoG Selom Kami Klassou 6. Bosnia & Herzegovina : HoS Mladen lvanic 7. Australia: FM Julie Bishop 8. European Council: President : Donald Tusk Bias: Comoros: STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000933 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 183 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 President: Azali Assoumani Pronounce: a-za-LEEa-sue-MANI Informal Address: Azali Interactions: Career History: Azali Assoumani first came to power through a coup in1999 before winning the presidential election three years later. He left power in 2006, but was reelected in 2016. Assoumani's most recent election was partially re-run due to violence and irregularities. He is married. Iraq: Prime Minister: Haider Al Abadi Pronunciation: HIGH-duhr ahl uh-BAH-dee Informal Address: Haider Interactions: Career History: Haider Al Abadi is an Iraqi politician who has been Prime Minister of Iraq since 2014. He was Minister of Communication from 2003 to 2004, in the first government after Saddam Hussein. He was in voluntary exile in the UK from the 1980s until 2003. He is married and has three children. UN: USGfor Political Affairs:Jeffrey Feltman Informal Address: Jeff Interactions: Career History: Jeffrey Feltman of the United States assumed the post of USG for Political Affairs in July 2012, appointed by then-SecretaryGeneral Ban Ki-moon. He previously served for nearly three decades in the U.S. Foreign Service, where his positions included Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs and Ambassador to Lebanon. He also served in Baghdad, Erbii, Jerusalem, Tunis, Tel Aviv, Budapest, and Port-au-Prince. He is married. Gambia: President: Ada ma Barrow Pronunciation: ah-DAH-mah BAHR-oh Informal Address: Adama STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000934 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 184 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Interacti ans: Career History: Adama Barrow became President in 2017 after defeating long-time incumbent Yayha Jammeh, who had seized power in a bloodless coup in 1994. After Jammeh refused to accept the results of the 2016 presidential election, Barrow was forced to flee to Senegal and was inaugurated there before returning to the Gambia on January 26, 2017-assisted by the mediation efforts of ECOWAS (backed by the UN Security Council). He previously was founder and CEOof a Gambian real estate company. Barrow isl who has two wives and four living children l~----"------- ~-~I B6 He speaks English. EU: President of the European Council: Donald Tusk Pronounce: Donald Tusk (same as tusk in English) Informal Address: Donald Interactions: None. Career History: Donald Tusk has been President of the European Council since 2014 and is in his second 2.5-year mandate. He previously was Prime Minister of Poland from 2007 to 2014 - the longest-serving Prime Minister in democratic Poland and the first to be re-elected -and head (and a founder) of the centrist Civic Platform party. He was active in the 'Solidari 'movement in the 1980s and had to go into hiding at one point. B6 Australia: Foreign Minister: Julie Bishop Informal Address: Julie Interactions: You met FM Bishop on May 18, in the company of PR Gillian Bird. You also saw FM Bishop at the UK-Hosted Burma lunch on Monday. Career History: Julie Bishop is the Minister for Foreign Affairs in Australia's Federal Coalition Government. She is also the Deputy Leader of the Liberal Party and has served as the Member for Curtin in the House of Representatives since 1998. She is divorced but as of 2016 was dating a Melbourne businessman. Bosnia and Herzegovnia: STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000935 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 185 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Member of Presidency: Mia den lvanic Pronounce: MLAH-den ee-VAHN-ich Informal Address: Mladen Interactions: None. Career History: Mladen lvanic is a Bosnian Serb politician who has been a member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina since 2014. His political career began in 1988, when he became a member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina during Yugoslav Socialist times. He is a founding member of the center-right Bosnian Serb Party of Democratic Progress (PDP) and was its President from 1999 to 2015. In October 2014, he was elected as the Serb member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina. His victory marked the first time since the Dayton Agreement that the Serb member of the Presidency received the highest number of votes in the country, out of the three elected members. (Note: The Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina is the three-member body which collectively serves as head of state of Bosnia and Herzegovina -- one Bosniak and one Croat elected from the Federation and one Serb elected from the Republic of Srpska. Together, they serve one four-year term, with the chairmanship rotating every eight months to ensure equality). lvanic is married and has two children. He speaks English. Togo: Prime Minister: Komi Selom Klassou Pronounce: KOE-me KLASS-oo Informal Address: Komi Interactions: Career History: Komi Klassou was First Vice President ofTogo's National Assembly before being named Prime Minister after the reelection of Togo's President in 2015. He has also served as Minister for Primary and Secondary Education and well as Minister Culture, Youth and Sport. Categories Red Category Time 3:00 PM - 3;10 Pfvl Subject POTUS:Bilat PGA President Miroslav Lajcak Location UN GA0202 Show Time As Busy Event: POTUS: Bilat PGA President Miroslav Lajcak Date: Tuesday, September 19, 2017 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000936 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 186 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Time: 3:00PM-3:lOPM Location: UN GA0202 Attendees: POTUS Ambassador Nikki Haley Secretary Rex Tillerson LTG H.R. McMaster, NSA Howie Wachtel, NSC Photo : Official Photo Press: Closed press NH Talking Points: B5 Bio: 72nd General Assembly President: Miroslav LAJCAK [Pronounce: Me-rah-SLAV LIE-chahk] [Informal Address: Miroslav] Presentation of Credentials: 2017 Categories Time Subject The General Assembly recently elected Mr. Lajcak, Slovakia's Minister for Foreign and European Affairs, as President of its seventy-second session. He is a career diplomat who has spent his whole professional life working in diplomatic service . With respect to UN affairs, Mr. Lajcak served as High Representative of the International Community and EU, helpin g to facilitate the Stabilization and Association Agreement with the EU and Bosnia and Herzegovina . Also, he oversaw the 2006 referendum on Montenegro's independence . Mr. Lajcak speaks English, Bosnian-Croatian-Serbian, Bulgarian, French, German and Russian. He received a J.D. degree from the Comenius University in Bratislava Faculty of Law, a Master ' s degree in international relations from the Moscow State Institute of International Relations, and a degree at the European Center for Security Studies in G. Marshall Garmisch-Partenkirchen. He is married and has 2 daughters. Red Category 3 :25 PM - 3:30 PM Huddle with Johnson/Koender s STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000937 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 187 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Location Interpreter's Hallway into Conference Room 5 Show Time As Busy Event: NH Huddle with Boris Johnson (UK) and Bert Koenders (Netherlands) Date: Tuesday, September 19, 2017 Time: 3:25PM-3:30PM Location: Interpreter's Hallway into Conference Room 5 US: Ambassador Nikki Haley UK: Boris Johnson, FM Netherlands: Bert Koenders, FM Press:Closed press Note: After the huddle, the group will walk into CRStogether to take their seats. Bios: Netherlands: Minister of Foreign Affairs Bert Koenders [Pronunciation: Bert KOON-ders] Informal Address: Bert Appointment: 2014 by King Willem-Alexander News: Recently in the news following Hurricane Irma, appealing to the UN and EU to help St. Martin (French and Dutch sides). He will attend Monday's High-Level Event on Hurricane Irma (Amb. Sison will represent U.S.). Career: Diplomat-Served as Under-Secretary-General and head of MINUSMA in Mali. Earlier served as the SYG'sSpecial Representative and head of the UN Operation in Cote d'Ivoire. Previously negotiated economics and development in South Korea. Began his career in the House of Representatives Labour Party (PvdA). About: Member of the Labour Party (center-left); Resides in Amsterdam; Single. PR: Ambassador Karel van Oosterom UK: Foreign Minister Boris Johnson [Pronunciation: Boris Johnson] STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000938 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 188 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Informal Address: Boris Appointment: 2016 by Prime Minister Theresa May News : Recently wrote an op-ed setting his strong and positive vision for a post-Brexit Britain. Met with Sec. Tillerson last week, Sept. 14th. Traveled to survey Hurricane Irma damage in Anguilla and British Virgin Islands. Career: Politician and former Journalist-Served as Mayor of London (2008-2016). Earlier worked as a journalist and editor for Spectator magazine before running for office. About: Member of the Conservative Party; Born in New York City; Resides in London; Married to Marina Wheeler with four children. Categories PR: Ambassador Michael Rycroft Green Category Time 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM Subject Meeting: HRC Reform Event Location UN Conference Room 5 Show Time As Busy Event : Meeting: HRCReform Event Date : Tuesday, September 19, 2017 Time: 3:30-4:15 p.m. (prepared to stay until 4:30 p.m .) Location: UN Conference Room 5 POC: Becca Schimsa (event lead), schimsar@state.gov , ~----~ B5 Photographer : Don Conahan Press Staff: Chaney Adams Elizabeth Tomaselli Co-Hosts: 1. United States Ambassador Nikki Haley on behalf of Vice-President Mike Pence 2. Kingdom of the Netherlands Foreign Minister Bret Koenders [KOON-ders] 3. United Kingdom Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson Purpose: To showcase support for reforming the Human Rights Council and convene a leadership group to initiate reform efforts in Geneva and in New York to take action this year. STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000939 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 189 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Press: Photo spray at the top only. Some of NH's remarks may be made while press is still in the room, but the rest of the statements will be closed. Head Table: Haley (center); Koenders (Haley's right); Johnson (Haley's left) Scene Setter: In a UN conference room, the U.S., UK, and Netherlands will co-host 40 other countries and the EU to give statements on HRC reform. Following the co-hosts' remarks, three heads of state/government and eight ministers will make statements-all statements will be in a closed room. There will be no open discussion or Q&A, only prepared remarks . The tone should be candid and serious about the level and type of reforms needed but also positive and optimistic about getting to work and achieving results this year. Huddle: Five minutes before the event, NH will join Koenders/Johnson in a private huddle in the interpreters' hallway to briefly meet and prepare to enter the event room. Amb. Currie will be POCto help gather. As soon as guests are seated and the press is ready, NH will lead Koenders/Johnson into the room to be seated. Format: NH will kick off the event by giving welcoming remarks and then will serve as emcee, introducing Koenders, Johnson, and the remaining speakers. Only Member States represented at the ministerial level or higher will give statements. An agenda with the speaking order will be placed on each desk. Run of Show: * 3:30 p.m. - Event begins: Once all guests are seated, the door opens, and NH walks into room with co-hosts during a photo spray. After taking seats, the photographers exit the room. * End of Event-The last speaker is Georgia. NH should briefly thank the participants and conclude the meeting. * If the event runs beyond 4:15 p.m.: NH stays in chair. Koenders and Johnson will exit the room to get to another event, and their deputies will move into the Dutch and UK chairs. * If the event runs past4:30 p.m.: NH exits the room. Amb. Currie will take the U.S. chair. List of Countries requesting to Speak: (NH will introduce each) * "President of Macedonia" * "Minister for Foreign Affairs of Australia" * "Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary" * "Minister of Foreign Affairs of Latvia" * "Minister of Foreign Affairs of Norway, who will speak on behalf of the Nordic Countries" * "Minister of Foreign Affairs of Canada" STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000940 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 190 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 * "Representative on behalf of the Prime Minister of Georgia" * "Government Representative of Japan" Seating Chart: The seating chart of Member States is included after all of the bias. Attendees (speaking): 1. Ambassador Nikki Haley (United States)- 5 mins. 2. Foreign Minister Bert Koenders (Netherlands)- 5 mins. 3. Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson (United Kingdom)- 5 mins. 4. President Zoran Zaev (Macedonia)-1-2 mins. 5. Minister for Foreign Affairs Julie Bishop (Australia)-1-2 mins. 6. Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Peter Szijjarto (Hungary)- 1-2 mins. 7. Foreign Minister Edgars Rinkevics (Latvia)- 1-2 mins. 8. Foreign Minister B¢rge Brende (Norway)- 1-2 mins. 9. Minister of Foreign Affairs Chrystia Freeland (Canada)- 1-2 mins. 10. Ambassador Yasufumi Okamura, Human Rights (Japan)- 1-2 mins. 11. First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, H.E. David Zalakaliani (Georgia)- 1-2 mins. Attendees (not speaking): 12. Foreign Minister Anders Samuelsen (Denmark) 13. Foreign Minister Sven Mikser (Estonia) 14. Minister for the Diaspora and International Development Ciaran Cannon (Ireland) 15. Minister of Foreign Affairs Gilles Tonelli (Monaco) 16. Minister of Justice Pavlo Petrenko (Ukraine) 17. Counsellor Armand Shandro, Albanian Mission (Albania) 18. Ambassador Andreas Riecken, International Organizations (Austria) 19. Director Werner Bauwens, United Nations (Belgium) 20. Mr. Fernando Guzman, Human Rights Expert, UN Mission (Chile) 21. Assistant Minister Amir Muharemi, Global and Multilateral Affairs (Croatia) STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000941 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 191 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 22. Ambassador Komelios Korneliou (Cyprus) 23. Deputy Foreign Minister Iva Sramek, Security and Multilateral Issues (Czech Republic) 24. Ambassador Nazhat Shameem Khan, Permanent Representative, Geneva (Fiji) 25. Director General Jukka Salovaara, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Political Department (Finland) 26. Director M. Alexis Lamek, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, UN Affairs and Francophonie (France) 27. Ambassador Juergen Shulz, Deputy Permanent Representative (Germany) 28. Ambassador Dionyssios Kalamvrezos, Deputy Permanent Representative (Greece) 29. Ambassador Einer Gunnarsson, Permanent Representative (Iceland) 30. Director Francesca Tardioli, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, UN Affairs (Italy) 31. Ambassador Christian Wenaweser, Permanent Representative (Lichtenstein) 32. Director Ms. Asta Skaisgiryte, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Political Director (Lithuania) 33. Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade Promotion Carmelo Abela (Malta) 34. Ambassador Juan Sandoval, Deputy Permanent Representative (Mexico) 35. Mr. Gerardo Talavera, Second Secretary, UN Mission (Peru) 36. Director-General Ms. Sabina Stadler Repnik, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Multilateral Affairs, Development Cooperation and International Law (Slovenia) 37. Director General for the UN Francisco Javier Sanabria Valderrama (Spain) 38. Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs Annika Soder (Sweden) 39. Deputy Director Mrs. Natalie Kohli, United Nations and International Organizations (Switzerland) 40. Managing Director Ms. Lotte Knudsen, European Union, External Relations Action Service (European Union) 41. Montenegro - last-minute RSVP STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000942 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 192 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 42. Bulgaria - last-minute RSVP 43. Minister of Foreign Affairs Eladia Loizaga (Paraguay)- RSVP'dbut did not show 44. First Deputy Foreign Minister Ivan Korcok (Slovakia)- RSVP'd but did not show Invitees: All 48 co-signers of the Dutch-led Joint Statement in June were invited along with New Zealand, Hungary, Greece, Slovakia, and Portugal. Therefore, this event includes 40 of the 50 invitees. Total, the event includes 43 member states and the European Union. Bias: ***Note: Only bias for speakers are included. Bias for the participants are not included. Kingdom of the Netherlands: Minister of Foreign Affairs Bert Koenders [Pronunciation: Bert KOON-ders] Informal Address: Bert Appointment: 2014 by King Willem-Alexander Interactions: None. News: Recently in the news following Hurricane Irma, appealing to the UN and EU to help St. Martin (French and Dutch sides). He will attend Monday's High-Level Event on Hurricane Irma (Amb. Sison will represent U.S.). Career: Diplomat-Served as Under-Secretary-General and head of MINUSMA in Mali. Earlier served as the SYG'sSpecial Representative and head of the UN Operation in Cote d'Ivoire. Previously negotiated economics and development in South Korea. Began his career in the House of Representatives Labour Party (PvdA). About: Member of the Labour Party (center-left); Resides in Amsterdam; Single. PR: Ambassador Karel van Oosterom UK: Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs Boris Johnson [Pronunciation: Boris Johnson] Informal Address: Boris Appointment: 2016 by Prime Minister Theresa May STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000943 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 193 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Interactions: Met at USUN with Sec. Tillerson and Amb. Rycroft followed by a meeting at Rycroft's residence on 4/28/2017. News: Recently wrote an op-ed setting his strong and positive vision for a post-Brexit Britain. Met with Sec. Tillerson last week, Sept. 14th. Traveled to survey Hurricane Irma damage in Anguilla and British Virgin Islands. Career: Politician and former Journalist-Served as Mayor of London (2008-2016). Earlier worked as a journalist and editor for Spectator magazine before running for office. About: Member of the Conservative Party; Born in New York City; Resides in London; Married to Marina Wheeler with four children. PR: Ambassador Matthew Rycroft Macedonia (known at the UN as the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia): Prime Minister Zoran Zaev [Pronunciation: ZOAR-an ZAH-ev] Informal Address: n/a Appointment: Elected May 2017 Career: Leader of the Social Democratic Union party since 2006. About: Visited Israel 3 months after taking office to watch a World Cup soccer match between Macedonia and Israel. PR: Ambassador Vasile Andonoski Georgia: Prime Minister Giorgi Kvirikashvili [Pronunciation: ghee-OHR-ghee k'VEER-ee-kash-VEEL-ee] Informal Address: n/a Appointment: Elected in December 2015 Interactions: None -Visited the White House in May 2017, met with POTUSand VPOTUS. Career: Previously served as Vice Prime Minister and Foreign Minister. Won election after previous PM resigned. STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000944 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 194 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 About: Master's degree in finance from University of Illinois. PR: Ambassador Kaha lmnadze Malta : Prime Minister Joseph Muscat [Pronunciation: n/a ] Informal Address: n/a Appointment: Elected 2013 and re-elected June 2017; appointed by the President of Malta, Marie Louise Coleiro Preca Career: Entered politics at age 21. Leader of the Partit Laburista since 2008. About: Married with twin daughters. PR: Ambassador Oscar de Rojas Australia: Minister for Foreign Affairs Julie Bishop [Pronunciation: Julie Bishop] Informal Address: Julie Appointment: 2013 by Prime Minister Tony Abbott of the Liberal Party Career: Has been a member of Parliament since 1998 and is Deputy Leader of the Liberal Party. Previously served terms as minister for ageing, education and women's affairs. About: Is Australia's first female foreign minister. Attended Harvard Business School in 1996. PR: Ambassador Gillian Bird Canada: Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland [Pronunciation: Chris-tee-yah Freeland] Informal Address: Chrystia Appointment: 2017 by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau News: She has written two books on the Russian Revolution and STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000945 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 195 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 another focused on global income inequality. Career: Ms. Freeland was first elected as a Member of Parliament in 2013 and then re-elected in 2015. She previously served as Canada's Minister of International Trade. A journalist and author, she received her undergraduate degree from Harvard University . She initiated her journalism career as a Ukraine-based stringer for the Financial Times, The Washington Post, and The Economist . She was previously U.S. managing editor of the Financial Times. About: Ms. Freeland is married and has three children. PR: Ambassador Marc-Andre Blanchard Denmark: Foreign Minister Anders Samuelsen [Pronunciation: Anders Samuelsen] Informal Address: Anders Appointment: 2016 by Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen Career: Minister Samuelsen is a former member of the European parliament. As member of the European Parliament, he was a substitute for the Committee on Foreign Affairs, a member of the delegation for relations with Iran and a substitute for the Delegation for relations with the People's Republic of China. He is one of the three founding members of the Liberal Alliance. PR: Ambassador lb Petersen Estonia: Foreign Minister Sven Mikser [Pronunciation: Seh-ven Mee-k-sehr] Informal Address: Sven Appointment: 2016 by Prime Minister Juri Ratas News: Foreign Minister Mikser met Chairman of the United States House of Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs Edward Royce on August 8, 2017. They discussed the strengthening of EU-U.5. relations, especially with regard to the fight against terrorism and cyber defense and transatlantic trade. Minister Mikser said that international trade is not a zero-sum game where the winners are on one side and the losers are on the other and that everyone gains from a free trade agreement. Career: Minister Mikser has been a member of the Social Democratic Party since 2005. Prior to his current appointment, he served as STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000946 UNCLASS IFIE D U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 196 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Chairman of Estonia's Foreign Affairs Committee. He was also previously Minister of Defense. PR: Ambassador Sven Jurgenson Hungary : Minister of Foreign Affair s and Trade Peter Szijjarto [Pronunciation: pee-tehr sij-a-rto] Informal Addre ss: Peter Appointment: 2014 by Prime Minister Viktor Orban News: Mini ster Szijjarto addressed the contemporary European migration crisis, describing it as the greatest challenge that the EU has had to face since its foundation and condemning European leaders for the misguided policie s their political correctness engendered. Career: An economist , Minister Szijarto previously served as Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade. He began his political career in 1998, when he was elected as the youngest member of the Municipal Assembly . He has also served as a member of the municipal government and as Government Commissioner for Hungarian-Russian Relation s and Hungarian Chinese Bilateral Relation s. PR: Ambassador Katalin Bogyay Ireland: Minister for the Diaspora and International Development Ciaran Cannon [Pronunciation: KEER-inCannon] Informal Address: Ciaran Appointment: Jun 20, 2017 Career: He previously served as Minister of State for Training and Skills from March 2011 to July 2014. Cannon also served as a Senator from 2007 to 2011. Before entering politics , he was CEO(2002-06) and secretary (2000-02) of IHCPT-The Irish Pilgrimage Trust. PR: Ambassador Geraldine Byrne Nason Latvia: STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000947 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 197 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Foreign Minister Edgars Rinkevics [Pronunciation: ED-gars REEN-kevich] Informal Address: Edgars Appointment: October 25, 2011 Career: Served (1995-1996) at the Ministry of Defense. In May 1997 he became Deputy State Secretary for Defense Policy. About: A Latvian politician and official. He is a member of the Unity party . Rinkevics became the first openly gay high-ranking politician in the Baltic states . PR: Ambassador Janis Mazeiks Norway: Foreign Minister B¢rge Brende Pronunciation: [BEHRG-ayBREN-da] Informal Address: B¢rge Appointment: October 16, 2013 Career: Served as Mini ster of the Environment (2001-2004), as Minister of Trade and Industry (2004-2005), and as a member of the Starting (supreme legislature of Norway) (1997-2009) . In January 2016 , Brende was appointed by United Nation s SecretaryGeneral Ban Ki-moon to the High-level Advisory Group for Every Wo man Every Child. About: Norwegian politician from the Conservative Party. Brende is married and has two sons. PR: Ambassador Tore Hattrem Paraguay: Mini ster of Foreign Affair s Eladia Loizaga Pronunciation: [EL-adio LOY-zaga] Informal Addre ss: Eladia Appointment : August 15, 2013 in the cabinet of President Horacio Cartes STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000948 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 198 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Career: Served (1989-1992) as Cabinet Head of Staff for President Andres Rodriguez Pedotti. He also served as legislator and Paraguayan Representative to the United Nations and WTO. About: Paraguayan lawyer and diplomat. Categories PR: Ambassador Julio Cesar Arriola Ramirez Green Category Time 4;00 PM - 4":4:$PfVl Subject FYIPOTUS: Bilat Qatar (45 mins) Location Palace Hotel Show Time As Busy POTUS s Mnuchin McMaster Kishner Dina Categories Mike Bell Yellow Category Time $:00 PM - 6 :00 PM Subject S Bilat: Russia Location The Palace, Floor 41, Room 4108 Show Time As Busy Event: S Bilat: Russia Date: Tuesday, September 19, 2017 Time: 5:00PM-6:00PM Location: The Palace Floor 41, Room 4108 Attendees: Secretary Rex Tiller son Ambassador Nikki Haley Under secretary Tom Shannon Margaret Peterlin, CoS Brian Hook, S Staff Mr. Hammond, S Staff Acting Assistant Secretary Millard Russian Participants: STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000949 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 199 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 FM Sergey Lavrov Deputy MFA Gennadiy Gatilov Ambassador Anatoly Antonov PRVassily Nebenzia Head of MGA Secretariat S. Butin Official MFA Rep Maria Zakharova Director of Political Planning Department 0. Stepanov Deputy Director of the Department of North American Prozhogin K. Kirpichenko from the Department of North America NH Talking Points: NOTE: for the Russian Anstana UNSCR,the US submitted comments to the Russians yesterday (Monday), coordinated with NSCand State. Further, U/S Shannon had a political coordinator meeting with the PS yesterday (Monday) at which they agreed that the resolution should be discu ssed next week in NY at the PR level. B5 NOTE:I ~ In fact, the U.S. has told the Russians that we ~~be~!l~1e-ve~th-,e~1r_p_r-op_o_s ~al is worth exploring, and that we continue to carefully review and consider their concept for a UN mi ssion in Ukraine. Bios: Russia: Foreign Minister: Sergey Lavrov [Pronounce: SAIR-gay lah-VROFF] Informal Addre ss: Sergey Interactions : None. Career History: Foreign Minister Lavrov is a career diplomat who has held his current post since 2004. He previously was the Russian PR to STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000950 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 200 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 the UN from 1994 to 2004 (current PR Nebenzia served at the Mission from 1996 to 2000) and also worked at then Soviet Mission from 1981 to 1988. He started his career in 1972 at the Soviet Embassy in Sri Lanka. He was born on March 21, 1950 in Moscow. Interesting Fact: Like many Russian diplomats - and diplomats from former Soviet states - FM Lavrov graduated from the Moscow State Institute of International Relations. His hobbies include playing the guitar and writing songs and poetry, according to a 2007 press profile, and also a sportsman who has said happiness is "going white-water rafting with friends ." As of 2007 he was a smoker - in fact, in 2003 he made headlines for condemning a ban at the UN as a violation of diplomatic rights. He speaks English, French, and Sinhalese. Family: He is married to ~~~-~ and has one daughter, ~--~~ graduate of Columbia University . B6 Permanent Representative: Vassily Nebenzia [Pronounce: vah-SEE-lee nih-BYEN-zyah] [Informal Address: Vassily] Interactions: Multiple, Security Council Career History: PRsince July 28, 2017, Ambassador Nebenzia was one of 8-10 deputy ministers in the MFA from 2013 until his current appointment. He is on his second tour in New York; from 1996 to 2000, he held the position of "Senior Counselor" at the Russian Mission and it appears he spent at least part of that time working on ECOSOCissues. He also has been Director of the MFA's Department for Humanitarian Cooperation and Human Rights (2012-13) and Russia's DPRto the UN Office and other international organizations in Geneva (2006-12). He joined the MFA in 1983 and also served in Thailand (1988-90) and in MFA's Department of International Organizations (1990-96 and 2000-06). He was born on February 26, 1962 in Volgograd. B6 Interesting Fact: Ambassador Nebenzia graduated from the Moscow State Institute of International Relations. He is a recipient of the medal of the order For Service to the Fatherland (2nd Class), the highest civilian decoration of the Russian Federation. Family: He is married to ~I--~ D ~nd has an adult son, ~---~ Deputy Foreign Minister Gennadiy Gatilov [Pronounce: ghen-ADD-ee gah-TEE-luhf] Appointed January 2011 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000951 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 201 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Interactions: None Career History: As Deputy Foreign Minister, Gatilov has been responsible for a broad range of multilateral diplomatic matters related to Russia's participation in the UN, its specialized agencies for international economic, environmental, and humanitarian cooperation, and human rights, UNESCO-related issues, interstate cooperation in sport, tourism and culture. He graduated from the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO) under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1972 and, since then, has held various diplomatic posts in Moscow, at the Russia Mission to the UN, and abroad. He is fluent in English and Arabic. Family: He is married, with one daughter. Ambassador to the U.S. Anatoly Antonov Pronunciation: ahn-ah-TOH-lee ahn-TOH-nuhf Credentials presented September 2017 Interactions: None Career History: Anatoly Antonov is a Russian politician, military officer and diplomat who is currently the Russian Ambassador to the United States, formally replacing Sergey Kislyak on 21 August 2017 by presidential decree. Antonov began his diplomatic career in 1978. He has a reputation as a hardliner and tough negotiator. He was formerly Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Deputy Minister of Defense. Since 2015, he has been under sanctions of the European Union and Canada, in response to Russia's military intervention in Ukraine. Antonov was born on 15 May 1955 in Omsk, USSR.He graduated from Moscow State Institute of International Relations in 1983. Interesting Fact: In 2012, he earned his doctorate of political science from the Institute of World Economy and International Relations in Moscow. His doctoral dissertation was entitled Controlling nuclear weapons as a factor in ensuring national and international security. He is fluent in English and Burmese. Maria Zakharova, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson [Pronounce: Maria Zah-KAH-Row-VAH] [Informal Address: Maria] Appointed 2015 Career History: Maria Zakharova was born in Beijing in 1975 and grew up in China, starting her foreign policy career as an intern at the STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000952 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 202 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Russian embassy in Beijing. She served at the Russian Mission to the UN for three years, from 200S to 2008, as its Press Secretary. Since then , she has become the face of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, delivering regular press briefings for the agency that have made her Russia' s most public-facing diplomat. She has recently come under controversy in the United States for suggesting that the 2016 election was the result of a Jewish con spiracy and calling CNN "fake news" during a briefing. Interesting Fact: Zakharova is the fir st women in Russia's history to hold the position of Information and Press Department Director at the Ministry of Foreign Affair s. Family: Zakharova was married to her husband ~----~ Russian Consulate in New York City. They have one daughter , at the B6 Note : The following bias were not found via public source : Head of MGA Secretariat S. Butin Director of Political Planning Department 0. Stepanov Deputy Director of the Department of North American Prozhogin Categories K. Kirpichenko from the Department of North America Green Category Time 530 PM ~-6:00 PM Subject FYIVPOTUS: Pakistan Bilat Location Conference Room C Show Time As Busy Categories Orange Category Time 6:40 PM - 8:40 PM Subject POTUS:Head of Delegation Reception (2 hours) Location Palace Hotel, Villard Room, 2nd Floor Show Time As Busy Event : POTUS-hosted Head of Delegation Reception Date: Tuesday, September 19, 2017 NH Arrival Time: 6:40pm NH Departure Time: 8:40pm Location: Palace Hotel VVIP Reception: Madison Room, 2nd floor Main Reception : Villard Ballroom, 2nd floor VVIP Reception Attendees: POTUS FLOTUS STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000953 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 203 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 VPOTUS Mrs. Karen Pence Ambassador Nikki Haley Mr. Michael Haley Secretary of State Rex Tillerson Attire: Business Background: POTUS hosts an annual Head of Delegation reception. There is a VVIP reception with Heads of State only in the Monroe Room from 6:30-7:00PM . The White House has asked VPOTUS,NH, and S to mix and mingle with guests in the VVIP reception. Other Heads of Delegation (Foreign Minister level and below), Members of Congress, and WH senior staff will be escorted to the main reception in the Villard Room. Run of Show: 6:40pm NH and MH move to Madison Room to host VVIP HoS reception 6:40-7:SSpm NH/ MH mingle with Heads of State while they wait for their POTUSpicture 7:00-7:S0pm POTUS/FLOTUSmove to Gold Room and begin photo line (~100 clicks) POTUS- Canadian pull-aside ~7:40pm SG arrives Palace 7:58pm NH/ MH move to Villard Ballroom 8:00pm POTUS/FLOTUSmove to Villard Ballroom 8:05-8:lSpm POTUSdeliver s remarks 8:15pm POTUS Remarks conclude and POTUSdeparts for Trump Tower 8:40pm NH/ MH depart Categories Red Category nme 1030 PM~ 11:00 PM 85 Subject ~--------~ Show Time As Busy Categories Yellow Category W Event Lead 2 Katherine Veld ran veldrank@state.gov Event Lead 3 Courtney Fatigato FatigatoC@state.gov 4 Gracey Roskam RoskamG@state.gov 5 Emily McMillan McMillanEB@state.gov 6 Elizabeth Tomaselli TomaselliE@state.gov 7 Carolyn Smith SmithCAR@state.gov 8 Sita McGuire McGuireS2@state.gov STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-000963 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 213 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 POC: Mar -Kate Fisher FLOTUSAdvance Team) ~ (cell / I) B6 Benjamin Weiser (White House Advance Team) I I 's intelligence chief Abdullah al-Senussi; and WikiLeaks editor-in-chief Julian Assange. She has also contributed to the Global Summit to End Sexual Violence in Conflict initiative. She is married to the actor George Clooney, a B6 Nadia Murad Informal Address: Nadia Nadia Murad is the United Nations Goodwill Ambassador for the Dignity of Survivors of Human Trafficking. Murad, a Yezidi Iraqi from Sinjar, was taken prisoner by ISISat age 19 in 2014. She was held as a slave in Mosul, where she was beaten and raped before she was able to escape. She briefed the Security Council in 2015, the first time the Council has ever been briefed on human trafficking . Amal Clooney is representing Murad in legal action against ISIScommanders. She has STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001008 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 258 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 started her own organization, Nadia's Initiative, to provide advocacy and assistance to victims of genocide. Categories Green Category Time 10:30 AM -11 :00 AM Subject POTUS:Bilat Ukraine Location Palace Hotel, Hubbard 2 (5th floor) Show Time As Busy Event: POTUS: Bilat Ukraine Date: Thursday, September 21, 2017 Time: 10:30AM-11:00AM Location: Palace Hotel, Hubbard 2 (5th floor) Attendees: POTUS Ambassador Nikki Haley Secretary Rex Tillerson LTG H.R. McMaster Dr. Fiona Hill, Deputy Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Europe and Russia, NSC Benedict Wolf, Director for Western Europe and Baltic Affairs, NSC (Note-taker) Ukraine Attendees: President Petro Poroshenko lhor Rainin, Head of the Presidential Administration of Ukraine Pavlo Klimkin, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Kostiantyn Yelisieiev, Chief Foreign Policy Adviser to the President of Ukraine Valeriy Chaly, Ambassador of Ukraine to the USA Volodymyr Yelchenko, Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the UN Viktor Muzhenko, Chief of the General Staff - Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Press: Pool spray at the top with short remarks NH Talking Points: B5 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001009 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 259 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Ukraine: President Petro Poroshenko [Pronunciation: PET-tro poor-oh-SHEN-koh) Elected 2014 Career History: Poroshenko was born in the Odesa region of Ukraine on September 26, 1965, and has lived in the country for his entire life, remaining in the country particularly often since the nation's independence. He has extensive experience working with the banking sector through his previous work on Ukraine's National Bank Council. Previous positions: CEOof Ukprominvest, Deputy Head and later Head of the National Bank Council of Ukraine, Secretary of National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, Head of the Verkhovna Radha Committee on Finance and Banking Activity, MFA of Ukraine, Minister of Economic Development and Trade, Member of the Coordination Council on the Functioning of the Security Market in Ukraine, People's Deputy of Ukraine at the 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 7th Convocation. Interesting Facts: Poroshenko has received distinguished rewards in economics, including being named the Honored Economist of Ukraine. He is a holder of the Grand Cross Order of Merit for the Kingdom of Spain. Family: ~--~ (spouse)j 'daughter), andj !(son), I Ison), ~-~ I (daughter) B6 Head of Presidential Administration lhor Rainin [Pronunciation: EE-hor RAIN-in] Appointed 2016 Career History: Born on August 6, 1973, Rainin has served for over a decade, working as the regional council deputy of his home of Karkhiv during both the 6th and 7th convocations. Previous positions: Member of the National Security and Defense Council, Member of the National Council of Reforms. Interesting Facts: In addition to earning a PhD in public administration, Rainin also studied spacecraft engines at the Zhukovsky Aviation Institute of Karkiv. Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin [Pronunciation: PAH-vlo KLIM-kin] Appointed 2014 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001010 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 260 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Career History: Born on December 25, 1967, Klimkin has a career in foreign affairs dating back over 20 years, working to represent Ukraine to Western Europe. Previous posts include: Attache, Third, and Second Secretary of the Directorate-General for Arms Control and Disarmament of Ukraine, Third, and Second Secretary of the Ukrainian Embassy to Germany, First Secretary and Counsellor for the Department of Economic Cooperation, MFA of Ukraine, Head of Division for Economic and Sectoral Cooperation with the EU, MinisterCounsellor of the Ukrainian Embassy to the UK, Director of Ukraine's EU Department, Deputy Minister, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Germany. Interesting Facts: Klimkin has a Master's Degree in physics and math, and is fluent in English and German, and has basic knowledge of Spanish and French. Ambassador Valeriy Chaly [Pronunciation: va-LAIR-ee CHA-ly] Appointed 2015 Career History: Chaly, born on 1 July, 1970, has had a long career representing Ukrainian interests abroad, through both the civil service and through several NGOs. Chaly served as the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs under Viktor Yanukovych, but resigned out of protest in April 2010, returning to the civil service following his role as a foreign policy adviser to Poroshenko's presidential campaign. Previous positions: Deputy Director General of the Razumkov Center (a Ukrainian think-tank specializing in foreign affairs and economics issues), Deputy Head of the Administration of the President, Assistant to the Deputy Secretary of Ukraine's National Security and Defense Council. Interesting Facts: In addition to serving the Ukrainian Ambassador to the US, Chaly also serves as the Ambassador to Antigua and Barbuda, and to the Republic ofTrinidad and Tobago. He also acts as a Permanent Observer to the Organizations of American States. PR:Volodymyr Yelchenko [Pronou nee: voh-loh-Dl-mee r yeh I-CHEN-koh] [Informal Address: Volodymyr] Presentation of Credentials: 2016 Career History: Mr. Yelchenko is serving his second stint as Ukraine's PR, having previously held the post from 1997 to 2000. Prior to his current appointment, he was Ambassador to the Russian Federation from 2010 to 2016. He was PR to the UN Office at Vienna (UNOV) from 2005 to 2010, concurrently serving as Ambassador to Austria from 2005 to 2008. He has been First Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs (2005), Chairman of the National Commission of Ukraine for STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001011 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 261 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 UNESCO(2004-05), Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs (2003), and Deputy Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs (2001-03), and Director of the Foreign Ministry (1995-97). Ambassador Yelchenko graduated from Kyiv State University with a master's in international relations and international law. Born on June 27, 1959, he is married and has one daughter. Chief of General Staff and Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces Viktor Muzhenko [Pronunciation: VICK-tor mu-SHEN-ko] Appointed 2014 Career History: Born on 10 October, 1961, Muzhenko has served in either the Soviet or Ukrainian military for over 30 years, rising from a platoon commander in the Caucus region to serve as the Commander in Chief of Ukraine's armed forces. Previous positions: Officer of Combat Training (Tank Army HQ), COSof tank regiment, Tank Regiment Commander, Mechanized Regiment Commander, COSof tank division, COSof mechanized brigade (Ukrainian contingent in Iraq), Army Corps Commander, Deputy Chief of the General Staff. Categories Interesting Facts: Muzhenko began his military education at the Leningrad Army Academy in 1983, later studying at the National Defense Academy of Ukraine. During his time serving in the USSR's military, he was posted in regions such as the Caucus and Germany. Yellow Category Time 11:30 AM - 12:00 PM Subject POTUS:Bilat ROK Location Palace Hotel, Hubbard 2 (5th floor) Show Time As Busy Event: POTUS: Bilat ROK Date: Thursday, September 21, 2017 Time: 11:30AM-12:00PM Location: Palace Hotel, Hubbard 2 (5th floor) Attendees: POTUS VPOTUS Ambassador Nikki Haley Secretary Rex Tillerson LTG H.R. McMaster Matthew Pottinger, Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for East Asian Affairs, NSC(note-taker) STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001012 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 262 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 ROKAttendees: Moon Jae-in, President Kang Kyung-wha, Minister of Foreign Affairs Chung Euiyong, Director of National Security Jang Ha Sung, Chief of Staff for Policy to the President Park Soo-hyun, Presidential Spokesperson Hong Jang Pyo, Senior Secretary to the President for Economic Affairs Nam Gwan-pyo, Second Deputy Director of National Security Press: Pool spray at the top with short remarks NH Talking Points: B5 Bias: Republic of Korea [President: Moon Jae-in] [Informal Address: Jae-in] Elected 2017 Interaction s: None. Career History: Moon began his career of political activism when he was arrested for leading a protest against the authoritarian government in 1972. He served his mandatory time in the army , after which he and his friend Roh Moo-hyun- another future president opened a law firm which focu sed on human and civil right s issues. Moon and Roh became leading figures in the pro-democracy movement which led to South Korea's fir st democratic election in 1987. Moon stayed in law for 15 years, but became one of Roh' s top aides when he was elected president in 2003. Roh committed suicide in 2009 over a corruption inquiry , and Moon then decided to enter politics so he could continue Roh's work. --he ran for president and lost in 2012, but was elected to Parliament, where he served until STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001013 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 263 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 2016. Interesting Fact: He is the son of two North Korean refugees who fled during the Korean War. Family: He is married to Kim Jung-Sook, a classical singer, and they have two children. Minister of Foreign Affairs: Kang Kyung-wha [Pronunciation: Kaeng] [Informal Address: Kyung-wha] Appointed 2017 Interactions: None. Career History: Prior to her appointment in June 2017, Kang spent four months serving as a special policy adviser to SGGuterres. She had previously been the assistant secretary-general for humanitarian affairs and deputy emergency relief coordinator, and prior to that the UN deputy high commissioner for human rights. She spent the seven years prior at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, serving as an aide to the foreign minister, translator for the President, and director-general of international organization. Interesting Facts: She is the first female South Korean foreign minister. When she joined the foreign ministry, she was not required to take the state-run exam-reportedly due to her sophisticated simultaneous translation for a call between President Bill Clinton and the then-President of South Korea. Family: She is married to ~---~ a son. They have two daughters and B6 Director of National Security: Chung Eui-yong [Pronunciation: Chung ooi-UNG] [Informal Address: Eui-yong] Appointed 2017 Interactions: none. Career History: Chung joined the South Korean Foreign Service in 1971. Prior to becoming head of the National Security Office, he served as Secretary-General for the International Conference on Asian Political Parties (ICAPP)for ten years. In 2004, Chung was elected to the National Assembly, where he chaired the foreign relations committee. Previously, Chung had served as South Korea's ambassador to the UN Geneva, Deputy Minister for Trade, STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001014 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 264 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Ambassador to Israel, and Minister for Economic Affairs in Washington and Brussels. Interesting Fact: In May, he wrote a Wall Street Journal op-ed criticizing an editorial that questioned President Moon's commitment to denuclearization . Family: no information available. Chief of Staff for Policy to the President : Jang Ha-sung [Informal Address: Ha-Sung] Appointed 2017 Interaction s: none. Career History: Most of Jang's career has been spent as a professor of Business Administration and Dean of Korea University Business School, and as chairman of the Korea Finance Association. His areas of research are economic inequality and the governance structure s of conglomerates. He served as head of the economic democracy committee for the People's Solidarity for Participatory Democracy, the nation's largest civic group . Interesting Fact: In the past, Jang has turned down numerous offers for government positions-this is the first he has accepted, in spite of the fact that he worked on the campai gn of one of President Moon's main opponents. He holds a PhD in Economics from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. Family: no information available. Presidential Spokesperson: Park Soo-hyun Informal Address: Soo-hyun Appointed 2017 Interactions : none. Career History : Park served one term as a lawmaker in the National Assembly, before becoming a frequent spokesperson for the Democratic Party. He worked as spokesman for a candidate who lost to President Moon in the Democratic primary . After his candidate' s defeat, Park worked as a spokesman for the party and its presidential nominee Moon. Categories Red Category Time 12:15 PM - 1:15 PM Subject POTUS:Trilat Lunch: ROKand Japan Location Palace Hotel, Spellman Room (5th floor) Show Time As Busy Event : POTUS: Trilat Lunch: ROKand Japan STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001015 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 265 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Date : Thursday, September 21, 2017 Time: 12:lSPM-1:lSPM Location: Palace Hotel, Spellman Room, 5th Floor Attendees: POTUS VPOTUS Ambassador Nikki Haley Secretary Rex Tillerson LTG H.R. McMaster Matthew Pottinger, Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for East Asian Affairs, NSC(note-taker) ROK Attendees: President of the Republic of Korea Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Strategy and Finance Kang Kyung-wha, Minister of Foreign Affairs Chung Euiyong, Director of National Security Jang Ha Sung, Chief of Staff for Policy to the President Cho Tae-yul, Permanent Representative to the United Nations Nam Gwan-pyo, Second Deputy Director of National Security Shin Chae-hyun, Secretary to the President for Foreign Policy Japan Attendees: Shinzo Abe, Prime Minister of Japan Taro Kono, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Japan Yasutoshi Nishimura, Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary of Japan Shotaro Yachi, Secretary General of National Security Secretariat Kenichiro Sasae, Ambassador of Japan to the United States Takaya Imai, Executive Secretary to the PM Takeo Akiba, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs Kenji Kanasugik, Director-General, Asia-Pacific Affairs Bureau NH Talking Points : STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 266 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 B5 Press: Pool spray at the top with short remarks Seating Chart: Menu : Appetizer: Sweet Shallot Tart and Braised Fennel/ Pecarina/ Bresaola/ Balsamic Reduction Wine : Chardonnay/ Clos du Val/ Estate/ Carneros / California Entree: Grilled Filet Mignon/ Crushed Fingerling Potatoes/ Asparagus /Chimichurri **Silent Vegetarian Alterative:Barley Risotto, Goat Cheese Fritter, Swiss Chard, Pickled Stems, Mushroom, Pickled Mustard Seeds Wine : Pinot Nair/ Boedecker Cellars/ Willamette Valley/ Oregon Dessert: Molten Chocolate Cake/ Vanilla Bean Gelato / Selection of Petit Fours Categories Red Category Time 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM Subject POTUSBilat: Japan Location Palace Hotel, Hubbard 2 (5th floor) Show Time As Busy Event: POTUS:Bilat Japan Date: Thursday, September 21, 2017 Time : 1:30PM-2 :30PM Location: Palace Hotel, Hubbard 2 Attendees : POTUS VPOTUS Ambassador Nikki Haley Secretary Rex Til lerson LTG H.R. McMaster Matthew Pottinger, Special Assistant to the President and Senior STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001017 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 267 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Director for East Asian Affairs, NSC(note-taker) Japan: Shinzo Abe, Prime Minister Taro Kono, Minister of Foreign Affairs Yasutoshi Nishimura, Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary Shotaro Yachi, National Security Adviser to the Prime Minister Kenichi Sasae, Ambassador of Japan to the U.S. Takaya Imai, Executive Secretary to the PM Takeo Akiba, Deputy Mini ster for Foreign Affairs Takeo Mori, Director-General, North American Affairs Bureau Press: Pool spray at the top with short remarks Talking Points: B5 Bios: Japan: Foreign Minister: Taro Kono Informal Address: Taro Appointed August 2017 Career History: Taro Kono was first elected to the House of Representative s in 1996, when he wa s 33, and has been re-elected without fail since. He has served as Parliamentary Secretary for Public Management, as Senior Vice Minister of Justice, as Assistant Secretary-General of the Liberal Democratic Party, and as Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee. Intere sting Facts: Kono is on the board of several major sports organizations in Japan, including the Japan Race Horse Association . While a student at the Georgetown School of Foreign Service, he worked on several political campaigns in the United States. STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001018 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 268 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Family life: Kono is married to Kaori, a returnee from Australia. They have one so ~-----~ The couple enjoys scuba diving . B6 Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary: Yasutoshi Nishimura Informal Address: Yasutoshi Career History: Nishimura was first elected into the House of Representatives in 2003, and has been re-elected ever since. He began serving in ministerial positions in 2008, when he became Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs. While the Liberal Democratic Party was out of power, he served as shadow minister of Economy, Trade, and Industry, and then as Shadow Minister of Finance. He served as Senior Vice-Minister of Cabinet Office before assuming his current role. National Security Adviser: Shotaro Yachi Informal Address: Shotaro Appointed 2013 Career History: Yachi is a career diplomat. He joined the Foreign Ministry in 1968, and over nearly forty years there, served in the Affairs Bureau, the Treaties Bureau, the North American Affairs Bureau, and the Japanese delegations to the Philippines , the European Community , and the United States . He served as Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs from 2005 to 2008, and as a special adviser in Shinzo Abe's cabinet. He was appointed the first head of the National Security Council upon its creation in December 2013. Interesting Fact: Yachi spent two years at Harvard as a fellow at the Center for International Affairs . Family: no information available. Ambassador to the United States: Kenichiro Sasae Pronunciation: Sah-Sah-Eh Informal Address: Kenichiro STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001019 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 269 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Appointed 2012 Career History: A career diplomat, Sasasejoined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1974. His early career included postings in Washington and London, and at the Permanent Mission of Japan to Geneva. When he returned to Tokyo, he worked in the Asian Affairs Bureau, Foreign Policy Bureau, Economic Affairs Bureau, and Asian and Oceanian Affairs Bureau. He became Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs in 2008, and Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs in 2010. Interesting Fact: Sasae spent three years living in Hiroshima during high school, where he lived with a couple who had survived the atomic blast. Categories Family: His wife, Nobuko Sasae, is a professional translator specializing in simultaneous translation. The couple has two children. Red Category Time 3:00 PM - 3:30 PM Subject POTUS Bilat: Turkey Location Palace Hotel, Hubbard 2 (5th floor) Show Time As Busy Event: POTUS: Bilat Turkey Date : Thursday, September 21, 2017 Time: 3:00PM-3:30PM Location: Palace Hotel, Hubbard 2, 5th floor Attendees: POTUS VPOTUS Ambassador Nikki Haley Secretary of State Rex Tillerson LTG H.R. McMaster, NSA Dr. Fiona Hill, Deputy Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Europe and Russia, NSC Alton Buland, Director for Turkey, Cyprus, and Greece, NSC (notetaker) Turkey Attendees: President Recep Tayyip Erdogan Chief of Defense General Hulusi Akar FM Mevlut <;:avu~oglu Minister of Energy Berat Albayrak STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001020 UNCLASSI FIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 270 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Undersecretary of the National Intelligence Organization Mr. Hakan Fidan UN PR Feridun Hadi Sinirlioglu Press: Pool spray at the top with short remarks NH Talking Points: B5 Bios: Turkey : President of Turkey : Recep Tayyip Erdogan [Pronunciation: Ray-JEPTai-EEPAir-doe-WAN] Informal Address: Uncertain Career History: The first Islamist to be elected mayor of Istanbul, he reduced pollution and improved the city's infrastructure, but was imprisoned on charges of inciting religious hatred. Erdogan later served three terms as prime minister, during which time he markedly improved Turkey's economic standing, but drew criticism for perceived power grabs. He was voted the country's president in 2014, and survived an attempted military coup in July 2016. Interesting Fact: In his youth , Erdogan played semi-professional soccer. Family: Married with four children Chief of General Staff: Hulusi Akar [Pronunciation: Who-Lo-Su A-Car] Informal Address: Uncertain Career History: General Akar is four-star general and the Current Chief of General Staff, a position roughly equivalent to Chairman of the Joint Chiefs. He is the highest-ranking military officer in the Turkish STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001021 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 271 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Armed Forces. Prior to this position, he served as the Deputy Chief of the Turkish General Staff, and as Commander of the Turkish Land Forces. He served as brigade commander in several NATO engagements including in Operation Deliberate Force during the Bosnian War and the Kosovo Force during the Kosovo War. Interesting Fact: He graduated from the U.S. Armed Forces Staff College in 1987. Family: He is married to ~I--~I with whom he has two children. B6 Foreign Minister: Mevlut <;:avu§oglu [Pronunciation: Mev-loot Cava-Ska-Lou] Informal Address: Uncertain Career History: Mr. <;:avu§ogluis a founding member of the AKP, the current ruling party. He served three terms as a member of parliament, and was Vice Chairman of the AKP in charge of Foreign Affairs from January to December 2013. He has been the member of the Central Decision Making and Administrative Committee of the AKP since September 2012. He also served as Minister for EU Affairs and Chief Negotiator of the Republic of Turkey. He served for 11 years in the Turkish Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. Interesting Fact: he holds a Master's degree in Economics from Long Island University in New York, and he speaks English, German and Japanese. Family: He is married and has one child. Minister of Energy: Berat Albayrak [Pronunciation: Beh-RAHT Al-bai-RAHK] Informal Address: Uncertain Career History: Albayrak is a Turkish businessman and politician. He is the former CEOof Calik Holding, a Turkish company that through subsidiaries operates in energy, construction, mining, textile, finance and telecom sectors. He began his career with the company in 1999, and became CEO in 2007. He was elected to parliament in June 2015, and was appointed Minister for Energy in Natural Resources in November 2015. Emails released by WikiLeaks allegedly show that Albayrak played a role in the sale of oil by the ISIL, which has led to calls for his prosecution in the United States. Interesting Fact: He is the son-in-law-of President Erdogan. He received his MBA from Pace University in New York City. Family: He is married to Erdogan's daughter Ersa, and they have three young children ages 2, 8, and 11. STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001022 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 272 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Undersecretary of the National Intelligence Organization: Hakan Fidan [Pronunciation: Ha-KAHN Fee-DUHN] Informal Address: Uncertain Career History: Fidan is the chief of the National Intelligence Organization . He served from 2010 to February 2015, when he resigned to run for the Turkish Grand National Assembly as a member of the AKP (Erdogan's political party). When he withdrew his candidacy a month later, he was immediately reappointed to this position. He was also previously head of the Turkish Development and Cooperation Agency, and served as a non-commissioned officer in the Turkish Army for 15 years. Interesting Fact: He did his undergraduate work at the University of Maryland, Germany campus. He received Bureaucrat of the Year awards in 2005 and 2006. Family: Mr . Fidan has two children and is married. Categories Red Category Time 4:00 PM ... 4:30 PM Subject Press Briefing with WH Press Corps Location Hilton Midtown, 1335 6th Ave Show Time As Busy Event: Press Briefing with WH Press Corps Time: 4:00PM-4:30PM Location: Hilton Midtown, 1335 6th Ave Holding Room (starting 4pm): Morgan Room, 2nd floor Briefing Room (starting 4:30pm): Rhinelander Gallery South USUN Press Staff: Chaney Adams, John Degory and Elizabeth Tomaselli WH POC: Deputy Press Secretary Lindsay Walters, B6 Talking Points: White House Press Briefing Talkers B5 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001023 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 273 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 B5 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001024 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 274 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 B5 Qand A B5 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001025 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 275 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 B5 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001026 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 276 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 B5 Categories Green Category Time 7:00 PM- 8:30 PM Subject FYI S: Hosts EU Allies Dinner Show Time As Busy Categories Embassy Jerusalem rime ?:30 i'M ·-9:00 PM Subject NSC Dinner Location Residence Show Time As Busy Event: Dinner: General McMaster and Dina Powell Date: Thursday, September 21, 2017 Time: 7 :30PM Location: Residence Attendees: NH MH General McMaster Dina Powell Dave McCormick Purpose: Social dinner Genera I McMaster POe:I B6 Dina Powell POCj Bios: General H.R. McMaster: National Security Advisor STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001027 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 277 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Born in Philadelphia, McMaster graduated from the United States Military Academy in 1984, and later earned Ph.D. in American history from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. His Ph.D. thesis was critical of American strategy and military leadership during the Vietnam War and served as the basis for his book, Dereliction of Duty, which was widely read in the United States military. During the Gulf War, McMaster served as a captain in the 2nd Cavalry Regiment, taking part in the Battle of 73 Easting. After the Gulf War, McMaster served as a military history professor at the United States Military Academy and held a series of staff positions in the United States Central Command. In 2004, he took command of the 3rd Cavalry Regiment and fought the Iraqi insurgency in Tai Afar. He became a top counter-insurgency adviser to General David Petraeus before serving as the Director of the Army Capabilities Integration Center. He also served as the Deputy to the Commander for Planning of the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan and, in 2012, he became Deputy Commanding General of the Army Training and Doctrine Command. In February 2017, McMaster succeeded Michael Flynn as President Trump's National Security Adviser. He remains on active duty as a Lieutenant General of the United States Army. Family: Married to ~----~ B6 SPOUSENOT ATTENDING Dina Powell: Deputy National Security Advisor Dina Powell gained foreign policy experience at the State Department under Condoleezza Rice, where she worked as Assistant Secretary of State for Educational and Cultural Affairs and Deputy Undersecretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs during the Bush administration. She also served as chief of the personnel office in the Bush White House, the youngest person ever to run a president's personnel office. After working in the White House, Powell went to Goldman Sachs where she became a partner, looked after global investment, and served as president of the company foundation. She is currently Deputy National Security Advisor for Strategy in the Trump White House, working to coordinate various US security-related agencies and advisers, as well as Senior Counselor of Economic Initiatives, working on projects with lvanka Trump and Jared Kushner. She was born in Cairo and is fluent in Arabic. She attended the University ofTexas at Austin. Family: Partner is Dave McCormick Dave McCormick: Mr. McCormick is President and a member of the Management Committee for Bridgewater Associates, a global macro investment firm with the world's largest hedge fund. He is the former US Treasury Under-Secretary for International Affairs and Deputy National Security Advisor for International Economic Policy and Under Secretary of Commerce for Export Ad ministration, serving during the Bush Administration. Before working in government, McCormick worked STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001028 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 278 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Categories Time for two publicly traded software companies, serving as CEOof Freemarkets and President of Ariba. Prior to that, he was a consultant at McKinsey & Company . He graduated from US Military Academy at West Point and has a Ph.D. from the Woodrow Wil son School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University. McCormick is a former Army officer and veteran of the first Gulf War . Green Category 10:30 Prv1 - 1 l :00 Pf;.~ B5 Subject ~-------~ Show Time As Busy Categories Yellow Category F,id,nt,Sq-:ih\rnb,~r2."2,J..O:l.J Time Subject 9/22/201712:00 AM - 9/25/2017 12:00 AM Private Appointment Show Time As Free Sensitivity Time Subject Private 9:1 5 .AM - 9:45AM 21/W Staff Meeting (30 min) Occurs every Monday , Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday effective 9/11/2017 until 10/31/2017 from 9:15 AM to 9:45 AM Show Time As Busy Recurrence S,il:Uday , Sq, i:ii~~h~i, 1J, J.017 Time Subject All Day CLEMSONvs Boston College (3:30pm) Show Time As Free ?iloricay, September 25, 2iH7 Time Subject All D~a~y-----~ AIC: B6 ~-----~ B7(C) Show Time As Free Time 9:15 .<\fv1"" 9:45 AM 21/W Staff Meeting (30 min) Subject Occurs every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thur sday, and Friday effective 9/11/2017 until 10/31/2017 from 9:15 AM to 9:45 AM Show Time As Busy Recurrence Time 6:00 PM ·· 7:30 PM Subject Location SC Farewell Reception for Amb. Liu (1.5 hr) Residence Show Time As Busy Event: Reception: Amb. Liu Farewell Date: Monday , September 25, 2017 Time: 6:00PM-7:30PM Purpose: Bid farewell to Amb . Jieyi Liu Highlighted= actually attended STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001029 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 279 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Confirmation: 1. US: The Honorable Nikki Haley 2. US: Mr. Michael Haley 3. China - H.E. Mr . Jieyi Liu 4. Ethiopia - H.E. Mr. Tekeda Ale mu S. Egypt- H.E. Mr. Amr Abde-latif 6. Egypt - Mr s. Faika Kama led in Zaki 7. Italy -H.E. Mr . Sebastiano Cardi 8. Japan - H.E. Mr . Koro Bessho 9. Kazakhstan - H.E. Mr. Kairat Umarov 10. Russia - H.E. Mr . Nebenzia Vassily 11. Senegal - H.E. Mr. Fode Seek 12. Senegal - Mrs. Marieme Cisse 13. UK- H.E. Mr. Matthew Rycroft 14. Ukraine - H.E. Mr . Volodymyr Yelchen ko 15. Uruguay- H.E. Mr. Elbio Rosselli Pending: 1. Sweden- No response Regret : 1. France- Prior commitment 2. Bolivia- Out of the country until 9/31 Staff: 1. Amba ssador Michele Sison - Floater 2. David Glaccum - Floater 3. Morgan Vina - Floater 4. Emily M cMillan - Upstair s Greeter 5. Youseline Obas- Downstairs Check-in Greeter 6. Rebecca Schimsa - Downstairs Check-in Greeter Budget:$ STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001030 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 280 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Guest : 15 x 2 = 30 (PR + 1) Staff: 6 Total Guests: 36x $45 = $1620 Flowers: $100 Labor- 4 Servers: $130 x 3 =390 + 170= $560 Total: $1620-$660=$960 Talking Points : B5 Background: Ambassador Liu's last day is Friday, September 29. We do not have any information about his next steps - a Hong Kong newspaper reported rumors that he could become the new director of the State Council Taiwan Affairs Office, the post FM Wang previously held , or perhaps assume another job that positions him to succeed Wang eventually. Note: FM Wang is expected to ascend to the Party's powerful State Council (in charge of administering the Chinese Government) in mid-October at the 19th Party Congress to replace YangJiechi as State Councilor covering international affairs. 2. Syria: I B5 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001031 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 281 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 B5 Background: The UK proposed that the Russian resolution should be discussed in New York among the PS Perm Reps during the week of September 25. POL is working with EXECto assessyour willingness to call the meeting. 3. UN Mission in Ukraine: ! B5 Background: Russia's draft resolution for a UN mission in Ukraine as written is unacceptable, as it would likely institutionalize divisions in eastern Ukraine . After two rounds of consultations, we are awaiting a response from Moscow to our concerns about their proposed text. Comment: The ultimate objective of a UN mission in Ukraine should be to protect Ukrainian citizens, implement a lasting ceasefire, and restore respect for Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders. Bias: China Permanent Representative: Liu Jieyi [Pronounce: LEE-YOOjeh-ee] [Informal Address: Jieyi] Career History: Ambassador Liu, who has been PR since 2013, is a career diplomat who also served at the Chinese Mission to the UN from 1995 to 1998 as Counsellor. He was Vice Minister in the International Department of the Communist Party's Central Committee from 2009 to 2013 and Assistant Minister in the MFA from 2007 to 2009. He has served as Director-General of the Departments of North American and Oceanian Affairs, International Organizations and Conferences, and Arms Control. Before joining the MFA in Beijing in 1987, he worked as an interpreter at the UN Office at Geneva STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001032 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 282 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 (1981-87). He was born in Beijing in December 1957. Interesting Fact: Ambassador Liu holds a master's degree and taught at the Teachers' Training School of Chaoyang District and Beijing Institute of Foreign Languages before beginning his diplomatic career. He plays chess - possibly not very well, as he was bested by a nineyear-old New Yorker in the "Chess for Dialogue" event in 2015 - and ping pong. Family: He and his wife, Consul General of China in New York Zhang Qiyue, have a son. Spouse: Ambassador Zhang Qiyue [Pronounce: JAHNG Chee-you-ey] [Informal Address: Qiyue] Ambassador Zhang, who started her diplomatic career in 1982, has been Consul General of China in New York since December, 2014; before that, she was Director General of the Department for Diplomatic Missions Abroad from 2012 to 2014. She is a former Ambassador to Belgium and Indonesia. She also has worked at the Chinese Mission to the UN and at the UN Secretariat in New York, and has served as Spokeswoman of the Chinese Foreign Ministry. Ambassador Zhang Qiyue graduated from Beijing Foreign Studies University and has one son with her husband. Egypt Permanent Representative: Amr Abdellatif Aboulatta [Pronounce: AH-mer ah-bool-AH-tah] [Informal Address: Amr] Career History: Ambassador Aboulatta, PRsince 2014, is on his second posting in New York, having served as DPRfrom 2002 to 2006. He also has served at the Egyptian Embassy in Washington, D.C. From 2013 to 2014 he was Assistant Foreign Minister and head of the Diplomatic Personnel Department of the Egyptian MFA. He also has been PR of Egypt to the League of Arab States, Ambassador to Jordan, and Deputy Assistant for International Political Affairs and the UN. He was born on November 10, 1957 in Giza. Interesting Fact: Ambassador Aboulatta has a master's degree from the International Institute of Public Administration in Paris and speaks English, Arabic, and French. His home city of Giza is part of the Greater Cairo metropolis and home to the Great Pyramid, Great Sphinx, and other ancient monuments. Family: He is married to l ~--~ ~nd has one daughter. B6 Spouse: ~----~ STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001033 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 283 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 [Pronounce: FAY-qaZAH-key] [Informal Address: Faika] The Egyptian Mission has not responded to our requests for a bio. B6 Ethiopia Permanent Representative: Tekeda Ale mu [Pronounce: teh-KUH-dah] [Informal Address: Tekeda] Career History: Ambassador Tekeda has been PRsince 2011. A diplomat since 1983, he previously was Minister of State in Ethiopia 's Ministry for Foreign Affairs from 2001 and 2011, and before that served for a decade as Vice-Mini ster in the MFA. He was head of the African Department from 1990 to 1991 and acting head of the Department of International Organizations from 1988 to 1989. He was born in ~--------- B6 Intere sting Fact: He received a doctorate degree in political science from Claremont Graduate School (California) in 1983 and a master ' s degree, also in political science, from the University of California at Los Angeles in 1976. Family: He is married to and has two children. Spouse: ~---------~ [Informal Address: I ~-~ Italy STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001034 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 284 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Permanent Representative: Sebastiano Cardi [Pronounce: seh-bahs-TEEAH-noh KAHR-dee] [Informal Address: Sebastiano] Career History: Ambassador Cardi, PR since 2013, previously served as a Special Envoy of the Foreign Minister for reform of the UN Security Council in 2006 and as counsellor at Italy's Permanent Mission to the UN in New York from 1994 to 1998. He was Deputy Secretary-General in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Rome from 2010 to 2013 and DCM at the Italian Embassy in Washington, D.C., from 2007 to 2010. He also has been Minister Plenipotentiary at the General Directorate for Multilateral Political Affairs and Human Rights (2004), Diplomatic Adviser to the President of the Senate (2001-04), and Deputy Head of the Foreign Ministry's Press and Information Department (2000-01). He began his diplomatic career in 1981 and also has held postings in Paris and Beijing. He was born in Rome in 1956. Interesting Fact: Ambassador Cardi holds a degree in political science from the University of Rome. His Twitter handle is @sebastianocardi. Family: He is widowed and has two children. Spouse: Widowed. Japan Permanent Representative: Karo Bessho [Pronounce: koh-roh beh-shoh] [Informal Address: Karo] Career History: Ambassador Bessho has been PR since 2016. He previously was Japan's Ambassador to the Republic of Korea from 2012 to 2016, and from 2010 to 2012, he was Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs. During more than four decades of government service, he has been Deputy Vice-Minister for Foreign Policy/DirectorGeneral of the Foreign Policy Bureau (2008-2010) and DirectorGeneral of the International Cooperation Bureau (2006-2008). He also has served in Japan's missions to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (1998-2000), the UK (1997-98), and the United States (1990-93). He was born on February 5, 1953. B6 Interesting Fact: He holds a graduate diploma in law from the University ofTokyo. According to an on line biography, he lived in New Zealand as an elementary and junior high school student. Family: Ambassador Bessho is married to c=::} children. nd has two Spouse ~----~ STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001035 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 285 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 [Informal Address !~--~ B6 Kazakhstan Permanent Representative: Kairat Umarov [Pronounce: KIE-raht oo-MAH-rufh] [Informal Address: Kairat] Career History: Ambassador Umarov, PR since January 2017 and a career diplomat, was Ambassador to the United States from 2013 to 2017. From 2009 to 2012, he served as Deputy Foreign Minister overseeing international organizations, including the UN, as well as bilateral relations with the United States and the Western Hemisphere. He was Ambassador to India from 2004 to 2008, and nonresident Ambassador to Sri Lanka in 2008. He was also First Secretary and Counsellor (1994-1996), and later DCM (1998-2003) in previous service at his country's Embassy in Washington, D.C. Ambassador Umarov has worked at the Centre for Foreign Policy in Kazakhstan's Presidential Administration and before his government career worked as an editor and teacher. He was born on B6 Interesting Fact: He graduated from the Almaty Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages, and speaks English and French. Family: Ambassador Umarov is widowed and has a son. Spouse: Widowed. Russia Permanent Representative: Vassily Nebenzia [Pronounce: vah-SEE-lee nih-BYEN-zyah] [Informal Address: Vassily] Career History: PR since July 28, 2017, Ambassador Nebenzia was one of 8-10 deputy ministers in the MFA from 2013 until his current appointment. He is on his second tour in New York; from 1996 to STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001036 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 286 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 2000, he held the position of "Senior Counselor" at the Russian Mission (while FM Lavrov was serving as PR)and it appears he spent at least part of that time working on ECOSOCissues. He also has been Director of the MFA' s Department for Humanitarian Cooperation and Human Rights (2012-13) and Russia's DPRto the UN Office and other international organizations in Geneva (2006-12) . He joined the MFA in 1983 and also served in Thailand (1988-90) and in MFA's Department of International Organizations (1990-96 and 2000-06). He was born on February 26, 1962 in Volgograd. Interesting Fact: Ambassador Nebenzia graduated from the Moscow State Institute of International Relations. He is a recipient of the medal of the order For Service to the Fatherland (2nd Class), the highest civilian decoration of the Russian Federation. I Famiiy He is married to ~_~ and has an adult son, ~---~ B6 Spouse:~---------~ Informal Addre ss: not available Senegal Permanent Representative: Fode Seek [Pronounce: foh-day sehk] [Informal Address: Fode] Career History: Ambassador Seek, PR since 2014, previously was Senegal's PRto the UN Office and other international organization s in Geneva. From 2007 to 2010, he was Senegal's Ambassador to Brazil, and from 2006 to 2007, he was Charge d'affaires at the Senegalese Embassy in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. He also has served in Nigeria and what was then the Soviet Union . He was born on ~-----~ Interesting Fact: Ambassador Seek has a Master of Arts degree in English from the University Cheikh Anta Diop in Dakar. Family: He is married and has six children. B6 Spouse: [Informal Address:! ~-- ~ * The Senegalese Mi ssion has not responded to our requests for a bio or photo . STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001037 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 287 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Sweden Permanent Representative: OlofSkoog [Pronounce: oh-LOFF skoog] [Informal Address: Olof] Career History: Ambassador Skoog has been PR since 2015. He served with the EU from 2013 to 2015 as the EU Ambassador to Indonesia, Brunei Darussalam and the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN). He was the first Permanent Chair of the EU' s Political and Security Committee from 2011 to 2013, and was Sweden's PR to the EU from 2007 to 2011. Having begun his diplomatic career at Sweden's embassy to Cuba in 1989, he rose to become DirectorGeneral for Political Affairs in Sweden's Ministry of Foreign Affairs from 2004 to 2007. He worked with the UN Monitoring Verification and Inspection Commission in 2000 and 2001, becoming Political Adviser to that Commission's head in 2003 . He was born in 1962 in Lund. B6 Interesting Fact: Ambassador Skoog received his Master of Laws from Lund University, Sweden, in 1988. He is active on Twitter as @OlofBSkoog. Famil : He is married t They have three adult children. Spouse: [Informal Address: I ~-~ . She and her husband have three adult children. Ukraine Permanent Representative: Volodymyr Yelchenko [Pronounce: voh-loh-DEE-meer YEHL-chehn-koh] [Informal Address: Volodymyr] Career History: Ambassador Yelchenko is serving his second stint as Ukraine's PR (since 2016), having previously held the post from 1997 to 2000. Prior to his current appointment, he was Ambassador to the Russian Federation from 2010 to 2016 . He was PR to the UN Office at STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001038 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 288 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Vienna (UNOV) from 2005 to 2010, concurrently serving as Ambassador to Austria from 2005 to 2008. He has been First Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs (2005), Chairman of the National Commission of Ukraine for UNESCO(2004-05), Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs (2003), and Deputy Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs (2001-03), and Director of the Foreign Ministry (1995-97). He was born on June 27, 1959. Interesting Fact: Ambassador Yelchenko graduated from Kyiv State University with a master's in international relations and international law. He is very active on Twitter (@YelchenkoUN), tweeting not only about foreign affairs but also about classic rocket and animals (especially cats). Following the Council visit to Washington, DC, in April, he tweeted a photo of President Trump's signature on a page of Trump: How To Get Rich that included Yelchenko's 1999 criticism of construction of the Trump building in Turtle Bay. Family: He is married to O and has one daughter~ ~---~ B6 Spouse:~-----~ [Informal Address: lryna] Uruguay Permanent Representative: Elbio Rosselli [Pronounce: EHL-beeoh roh-SEH-lee] [Informal Address: Elbio] Career History: Ambassador Rosselli is another second-time PR in New York, also having served here from 2006 to 2008; his current stint began in 2015. From 2010 to 2015 he was Uruguay's Ambassador to Canada. He also held several positions in Uruguay's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, including Advisor to the Minister for Foreign Affairs (2010), Director-General for Political Affairs (2008-10), and DirectorGeneral of International Economic Affairs for Southern Common Market (MERCOSUR)and Integration (2008). He has been Ambassador to Belgium and Luxembourg and Head of Mission to the European Communities (2003-06) and PR to the Latin American Integration Association (2000-03). From 1998 to 2003, he held the position of Director-General for MERCOSURAffairs and National Coordinator for the Common Market Group. He was born on ~----~ B6 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001039 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 289 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Interesting Fact: Ambassador Rosselli earned a Doctor of Diplomacy degree in 1970 from the School of Law and Social Sciences at the University of Uruguay in Montevideo. A Fulbright scholar, he received a master's in 1971 from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University. Family: He is married td~----~ ~nd has three children. B6 Spouse:~------------~ [Informal Address: ~---- United Kingdom Permanent Representative: Matthew Rycroft [Informal Address: Matthew] Career History: PRsince 2015, Ambassador Rycroft was Chief Operating Officer of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) from 2011 to 2014. He was the Office's Europe Director from 2008 to 2011, and Ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina from 2005 to 2008. From 2002 to 2004, he was Private Secretary for Foreign Affairs to the Prime Minister. In the 1990s he held brief secondments to the U.S. State Department and U.S. Congress, and from 1998 to 2002 he was posted to the British Embassy in Washington, following U.S. domestic politics. He joined the FCOin 1989 and also has served at the British Embassy in Paris. He was born on June 16, 1968 in Southampton. B6 Interesting Fact: Ambassador Rycroft has a degree in mathematics and philosophy from Merton College, Oxford. According to an online biography, he speaks French and Bosnian, plays the double bass, and enjoys soccer and other sports. His Twitter handle is @MatthewRycroftl. Family: He is married to Alison Rycroft and has three daughters, born in 1 I Spouse: Mrs. Alison Rycroft [Informal Address: Alison] STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001040 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 290 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 The UK Mission has not responded to our requests for a bio. Alison B6 and her husband have three daughters, born in ~------~ T;;/!!ld,~v, 5q it,imb, (202) 647-6959 Time 12:00 PM -1 2;30 PM Subject Lunch (30 min) Recurrence Occurs every Monday , Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday , and Friday effective 7/3/2017 until 10/31/2017 from 12 :00 PM to 12:30 PM STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001102 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 352 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Show Time As Busy Time 12:30 PM~· 1:00 PM Subject Briefing (30 mins) Show Time As Busy Time 2:15 PM ~-2:45 PM Subject Meeting : Gov. Eddie Baza Calvo (30 min) Show Time As Busy Event: Meeting: Governor Eddie Baza Calvo (Guam) Date: Wednesday,October4, 2017 Time: 2:1SPM-2:4SPM Attendees : Ambassador Nikki Haley David Glaccum, Chief of Staff Anny Vu, Political Advisor Guests: Governor Eddie Baza Calvo Amanda Blas, Amanda France! Blas, Executive Director , Guam Commission on Decolonization James Quenga, Executive Secretary to Governor Calvo POC: Amanda Blas, Executive Director, Guam Commission on Decolonization j I B6 Purpose: To discuss Guam's political status and right to selfdeterm i nation . Photo: Don Conahan is confirmed. Escort: Anny Vu, Political Advisor , ext. 4-4363 Background: Guam Governor Baza Calvo will address the UN Fourth Committee Special Committee on Decolonization (C-24) on October 3. He would like to speak to you about Guam's political status and provide background on the island's efforts -- working with the U.S. government --towards greater self determination. Calvo may also raise recent lawsuits filed by the federal government against Guam related to race-based discrimination . Guam is a Non-Self Governing Territory (NSGT)administered by the United States. As an unincorporated organized U.S. territory, Guam is administered by the U.S. Department of the Interior Office of Insular Affair s. Guam has a population of 159,358 people and a land area of 208 square miles. Guam is situated about 3,728 mile s south-we st of Hawaii and 1,367 miles south ofTokyo. STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001103 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 353 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Talking Points: 1. DPRKNuclear Thread Background: In August, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un threatened to fire potentially nuclear-tipped missiles at Guam. At the time, Governor Calvo's office stated that there was no change in the island's threat level as Guam has long been a target of North Korean saberrattling; Pyongyang threatened the island in 2013 after U.S.-ROKjoint exercises. Guam is the closest U.S. territory to North Korea and hosts two important U.S. military installations. 2. Special Committee on Decolonization (C-24): I B5 Background: Governor Calvo will address the Special Committee on Decolonization (C-24) on October 3 about Guam's self-determination. The territory is one of 17 territories around the world that have been designated by the UN as "non-self-governing" under Article 73 of the UN Charter. We expect Calvo to dismiss media reports that Guam is pursuing independence; he will likely explain that the island seeks to work with the United States government towards greater selfdetermination . (Note: International law on self-determination permits the people of a non-self-governing territory to choose the territory's political status vis-a-vis the administering state, including 1) independence; 2) integration (e.g., U.S. statehood like Hawaii, or commonwealth status like Puerto Rico); or 3) any other status freely chosen by the people. The U.S. position is that the people of Guam have yet to make a final self-determination decision. Guam has made repeated efforts to organize a self-determination plebiscite but the most recent attempt was enjoined by a federal court (Davis v. Guam, 2017 U.S. Dist. LEXIS34240, March 8, 2017) because they unconstitutionally exclude otherwise voting-eligible Guam residents on impermissible race-based grounds. End Note .) 3. UN Eogagemeotc j B5 1 Background: Guam has been working directly with the UN and specifically the Special Committee on Decolonization (C-24), to potentially restart the discussion on its self-determination. USUN takes the lead on engaging with the UN as a member state. WATCH OUT FOR/IF RAISED: B5 1. Referendum on Guam's Political Status: STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001104 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 354 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Background: Governor Calvo intended to include a referendum on Guam's political status during the island's November 2016 elections but it was delayed. 2. Soecial Committee on Decolonization Visit to Guam: I B5 Background: Guam has requested the Special Committee on Decolonization (C-24) visit to re-engage on the discussion on selfdetermination and learn more about the UN process. Guam did not provide specific dates in the request. The last visit to Guam by the Special Committee on Decolonization was in 1979. The United States does not view the C-24, or its mandate, as a legitimate UN subcommittee and we have historically viewed it as a political platform to launch political attacks against "administering powers" -- the U.S., UK, France, and New Zealand -- which we tend to ignore. Venezuela, together with Cuba, has revitalized anti-U.5. efforts vis-a-vis the Committee, and this role will be amplified by its chairmanship. 3. Recent Lawsuits: I I B5 Background: The U.S. government recently sued Guam and the Chamorro Land Trust Commission for allegedly violating the Fair Housing Act. The Chamorro Land Trust maintains and leases properties for the benefit of Guam's indigenous inhabitants, the Chamorros. The plebiscite lawsuit, filed by Arnold "Dave" Davis, alleges race-based discrimination because the rules of Guam's nonbinding vote on decolonization would have restricted the plebiscite to those who can trace their roots back to those residents living on the island at the time of the passage of the Organic Act in 1950 and their descendants -- a limitation which would, in effect, confine the voting population mainly to those who have Chamorro ancestry. While the U.S. District Court for the District of Guam ruled the law as unconstitutional because it impermissibly imposes race-based restrictions on the voting rights of non-Native inhabitants of Guam, Guam's Attorney General said the island would fight the ruling. Bio: STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001105 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 355 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Guam Governor: Eddie Baza Calvo [Pronounce : ed-DEE BAH-zah cal-VOE] [Informal Address: Eddie] Elected 2011 * Interactions: You last met with Governor Baza Calvo in 2016 in your capacity as Governor of South Carolina . * Career History: Elected in 2011, he is on his second and final term as Governor of the U.S. territory of Guam . A member of the Republican Party, Calvo was a five-term Senator within the unicameral Legislature of Guam. He is the son of Paul McDonald Calvo, who served as Governor of Guam from 1979-1983. * Interesting Fact: He worked as the general manager of the Pacific Construction Company and the Vice President and general manager of Pepsi in Guam before entering politics. * Family: He is married with six children. Drafted: POL-Anny Vu, ext. 4-4363 Cleared: POL: Amy Tachco (ok) POL: Leslie Ordeman (ok) POL: David Lee (ok) L: Emily Pierce (ok) L/EAP: Jamie Briggs (ok) L/HRR: James Bischoff (ok) H: William Killion (ok) DOI: Doug Domenech (ok) Time 3:00 PM .. 5:00 PM Subject SCConsultations: Middle East (Syria) [cw] (2 hours) Location UNHQ Show Time As Busy Event: Security Council Consultations : Middle East (Syria) [cw] Date: Wedne sday,October4, 2017 Time: 3:00-5:00 p.m. STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001106 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 356 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Location: UNHQ Attendees: David Glaccum Leslie Dewees Note: Full briefer is an SBU high-side document . It has been slipped into your remarks binder. IF RAISED: B5 3. Russia and China's resolution to extend the JIM to Iraq B5 4. White Phosphorous Use in Raqqa B5 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001107 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 357 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 B5 5. UN Report/Syria: Coalition Responsible for "Staggering" Number of Civilian Casualties B5 Bio: STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001108 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 358 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 UN High Representative for Disarmament Affairs: Izumi Nakamitsu [Pronounce : ee-ZOO-me nah-kah-MEET-soo] [Informal Address: Izumi] Interactions : Career History : Nakamitsu, appointed to her current position earlier this year, previously was Assistant Administrator of the Crisis Response Unit at the UN Development Program (2014-17) and also served as Special Adviser Ad Interim on Follow-up to the Summit on Addressing Large Movements of Refugees and Migrant s (2016-17) . She also has been Director of the Asia and the Middle East Division of DPKO (2012-14) and Director of the DPKO's Division of Policy, Evaluation and Training (2008-12). Intere sting Fact: Nakamit su was Professor of International Relations at Hitotsubashi University in Tokyo from 2005 to 2008. She holds a Master's degree in foreign service from Georgetown University. Family: She is married with two daughter s. Time Subject Location 5:00 PM - 5 :30 PM Meeting: Amb. Nebenzia (30 min) UN Delegates Lounge Show Time As Busy Event : Meeting: Amb. Nebenzia Date : Wednesday,October4 , 2017 Time: ~s:00PM (immediately following SCconsultation s) Location: UN Delegates Lounge Attendees : Ambassador Nikki Haley Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia Requested by: Ambassador Nikki Haley POC: Anna, PRAssistant, I B6 Talking Points: 1. JIM Renewal UNSCR:1 1.4(0) B1 B5 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001109 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 359 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 1.4(0) B1 B5 2. UN Mission in Kosovo IUNMIKl: I 1.4(0) B1 B5 * Background :I 1.4(0) B1 B5 3. Lowcock OCHA Visa Issue: I 1.4(0) B1 B5 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001110 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 360 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Bio: Russia Permanent Representative: Vasily Alekseevich Nebenzya [Pronunciation: Vah-SEE-lee Nih-BYEN-zyah] [Informal Address: Vasily (Alekseevich)] Appointed 2017 Career History : B6 Family: * He is married Time to ~I--~l and has an adult son, ~-----~ B6 7:30 PM - 9: 30 PM Subject Dinner: Hosted by Ambassador Syed Akbaruddin (2 hours) Location Ambassador's Residence: ~-------------~ Show Time As Busy Event: Dinner: Hosted by Ambas sador Syed Akbaruddin Date: Wednesday, October 4, 2017 Time : 7 :30PM-9 :30PM B6 Location: Indian Ambassador's Residence: Hosts: Indian Ambassador Syed Akbaruddin and his wife, Mrs. Padma Akbaruddin Attire : Business STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001111 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 361 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Gift: Goat box POC: Uma Paneri, Assistant to the PR, I B5 Purpose: To attend a social dinner as the Guests of Honor, attended by other PRsand additional guests from the medical industry who are friends with the hosts. Format: Cocktails while all guests arrive; then seated dinner in the dining room. Ambassador Akbaruddin will give welcoming remarks, but formal remarks are not expected. Confirmed Attendees: 1. U.S. -Ambassador Nikki R. Haley *Guest of Honor 2. U.S. - Mr . Michael Haley *Guest of Honor 3. India -Ambassador Syed Akbaruddin 4. India - Mrs. Padma Akbaruddin S. Japan - Ambassador Kora Bessho 6. Japan - Mrs. Mariko Bessho 7. Brazil -Ambassador Mauro Vieira 8. Germany-Ambassador Christoph Heusgen 9. Germany- Mrs. Ina Friederike Heusgen 10. Indian Embassy in D.C. -Ambassador Navtej Sarna 11. Indian Embassy in D.C. - Dr. Avina Sarna 12. Canada -Ambassador Marc-Andre Blanchard 13. South Africa - Ambassador Jerry Mathews Matjila 14. South Africa - Mrs. Ntsebe Florah Matjila 15. Columbia University/Dept. Clinical Services- Director: Dr. Robert Walther 16. Mount Sinai/Assistant Prof. - Mrs. Virginia Walther 17. Pedersen Associates Inc. - Mr. Enok Pedersen 18. The Colony Club/Chair - Mrs. Lilie Pedersen Regrets: 1. Israel Ambassador Danny Danon - First day of Jewish holiday of Sukkot Important Note on Attendees: STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001112 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 362 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Because guests from the medical industry are attending-it is important to note that the countries attending the dinner fall on two opposite sides of the global debate on access to medicine: * U.S., Japan and Germany: Advocate protecting intellectual property rights and patent protection for "big PhARMA." * India, Brazil and South Africa: Advocate for low prices on medicines to provide an advantage to their large generic drug manufacturing industries. Seating Chart: Background: 1. Information on U.S. Global Health Policy: * The United States will continue to be a leader in funding and supporting global public health: o We will lead in responding to health emergencies (e.g. Ebola), strengthening primary health care systems in developing countries, collaborating with other countries on protecting against threats to global health security, and combatting HIV/AIDS, TB, malaria, polio and other diseases. o The U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator, Dr. Deborah Birx, announced during high level week the new PEPFARstrategy of concentrating efforts on 13 high burden countries, while continuing work in 50 countries to prevent and treat HIV/AIDS. No dollar amount was mentioned. * The United States is a leader in health emergencies, largely due to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)in Atlanta. o CDC's new director, Dr. Brenda Fitzgerald, was appointed in July 2017. Previously, she was public health commissioner in Georgia, an Air Force major, and an OB/GYN. 2. Information on Health at the UN: * The next big UN health-related event at the UN will be a High-Level meeting on tuberculosis (TB) at a date still TBD in 2018, led by the South African Health Minister. In November, a U.S. delegation will participate in a ministerial meeting in Moscow as part of the run-up to this event. Talking Points for Group Remarks: B5 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001113 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 363 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 2. Thank the other guests for joining the occasion . 3. Express your desire to continue working together on reform . WATCH OUT FOR/IF RAISED: 1. India's desire for a ermanent seat on the UN Securit Council: B5 * Background: Indian Minister of External Affairs Sushma Swaraj referred to UN Security Council Reform in her UNGA address. * Note on Congres s: In September, U.S. Congressmen Ami Bera (D-CA) and Frank Pallone (D-NJ) introduced a resolution to support India ' s permanent membership on the Security Council, recognizing India' s role increasing global prosperity. 2. Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism: I B5 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001114 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 364 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 B5 o Background: A short-term goal of Akbaruddin is the successful negotiation on the Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism (CCIT).India proposed the Convention in 1996, and FM Swaraj noted "yet twenty years later, the UN has not been able to agree on a definition of terrorism." The CCITnegotiation in the Sixth Committee has been frozen for the past decade over the definition of terrorism - in particular, the scope of the exclusion clause. The United States and like-minded countries (including Israel) have: (1) opposed having the CCITcover acts committed by national military forces (such as the IDF), but (2) supported having the CCITcover acts even when those who engage in them are engaged in an armed conflict, including a fight against "foreign occupation" or for "self-determination" (i.e., to cover groups such as Hamas). In contrast, the Organization of Islamic Countries (OIC) and some other countries take the opposite view on both issues, seeking to cover "state terrorism" (read include IDF) but exclude actions taken during armed conflict from the scope of the convention (read exclude Hamas). Akbaruddin believes the United States has toughened its position, making it more difficult to achieve a consensus. Bias: India Permanent Representative: Syed Akbaruddin [Pronunciation: [SIGH-yed Ahk-bahr-OOD-thin] [Informal Address: Syed] Appointed 2016 * Interactions: Dinner in honor of PGA Peter Thomson hosted by Colombian PRon 8/30/17; Friends of the Future breakfast hosted by UK on 7/6/17; July 4th Reception on 6/29/17; Courtesy Call at Indian Mission on 4/26/17. * Career History: Prior to his appointment, Mr. Akbaruddin, career diplomat, was the Chief Coordinator of the India-Africa Forum Summit held in New Delhi in October 2015. Between 2012 and 2015, he served as Spokesperson for the Ministry of External Affairs. He has held a number of other diplomatic assignments, including ConsulGeneral in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, from 2000 to 2004, and First Secretary at his country's Permanent Mission to the United Nations in New York, from 1995 to 1998. * Family: Married with two children. STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001115 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 365 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 B6 Spouse: ~-----~ [Informal Addressc=] Brazil Permanent Representative: Mauro Vieira [Pronunciation: Moor-o Vee-air-ah] [Informal Address: Mauro] * Interactions: Dinner in honor of PGA Peter Thomson hosted by Colombia PR on 8/30/17 . * Career History: At the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Relations, Ambassador Vieira has held several positions, including chief of staff to the secretary-general (1999-2000), and chief of staff to the minister of external relations (2003-2004) . From January 2003 to May 2006, he was the representative of the Brazilian Ministry of External Relations to the board of directors of Itaipu Binacional hydroelectric power plant. * Family: Not married. Canada Permanent Representative: Marc-Andre Blanchard [Pronunciation: MARK ahn-DREYblahn-SHARD] [Informal Address: Marc-Andre] Appointed 2016 * Interactions: Dinner to honor outgoing PGA Peter Thompson hosted by Colombia PR on 8/30/2017; July 4th Reception on 6/29/2017; Social Dinner hosted by him for PRsand Spouses on 4/12/2017; VIP Reception for "Come from Away" on 3/15/2017. * Career History: Served as Chairman/CEO of McCarthy Tetrault, one of Canada' s largest law firms, advising companies on strategy and public policy, which led his firm to be named Canada's most innovative and North America's 2nd most innovate law firm. * Interesting Fact: Named one of Canada's most powerful business leaders for 2016. * Family: Married to with two children and B6 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001116 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 366 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Germany Permanent Representative: Christoph Heusgen [Pronunciation: Kris-tawf Hoys-gun] [Informal Address: Christoph] Appointed 2017 * Interactions: Lunch on 8/10/17; Meeting on 8/3/17. * Career History: Ambassador Heusgen was the foreign policy and security adviser to his country's Federal Chancellor and Director General. He served as director and head of the policy unit for High Representative Javier Solana in the General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union from 1999 to 2005. Heusgen joined the German Foreign Service in 1980, and has served as deputy head of the EU policy unit where the Maastricht Treaty was among his responsibilities, deputy head for EU affairs and undersecretary for European affairs. * Education: He studied economics in St. Gallen , Statesboro, Georgia and Paris, and obtained a doctorate in economics from the University of St. Gallen in 1980. * Family: Married with four children. B6 Spouse: Japan Permanent Representative: Koro Bessho [Pronunciation: Koh-roh Beh-shoh] [Informal Address: Korol * Interactions: Security Council, et al. * Career History: Ambassador Bessho has been PRsince 2016. Previously he was Japan's Ambassador to the Republic of Korea from 2012 to 2016, and from 2010 to 2012, he was Deputy Minister for STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001117 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 367 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Foreign Affairs. During more than four decades of government service, he has been Deputy Vice-Minister for Foreign Policy/DirectorGeneral of the Foreign Policy Bureau (2008-2010) and DirectorGeneral of the International Cooperation Bureau (2006-2008). He has also served in Japan's missions to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (1998-2000), the UK (1997-98), and the United States (1990-93). He was born February 5, 1953. B6 * Education: Bessho holds a graduate diploma in law from the University ofTokyo. According to an on line biography, he lived in New Zealand as an elementary and junior high school student. * Family: Married with two children. Spouse ~----~ [Informal Address:~!--~ South Africa Permanent Representative: Jerry Mathews Matjila [Pronunciation: Jeh-ree Maeth-yooz Maet-geela] [Informal Address: Jerry] * Interactions: Fifth PR Reception at Haley Residence hosted for African States on 7/20/17. * Career History: Ambassador Matjila was the Acting Director-General of South Africa's Department of International Relations and Cooperation. He was previously Permanent Representative to the United Nations in Geneva from 2010 to 2011, serving concurrently as Consul-General to the French-speaking cantons of Switzerland. He also served as High Commissioner to India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, the Maldives and Nepal from 1995 and 1999. * Interesting Fact: He is committed to fitness and an avid reader. * Family: Married . B6 Spouse:~------~ [Pronunciation: UNKNOWN] STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001118 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 368 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Indian Embassy to the US Permanent Representative: Navtej Sarna [Pronunciation: Nav-tej Sar-nah] [Informal Address: Navtej] * Career History: Ambassador Sarna joined the Indian Foreign Service Officer in 1980. Before he held his post as the Indian Ambassador to the United Nations, he served as joint secretary in the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) since October 2002. He has also served as Ambassador to Israel and as the High Commissioner of India to the United Kingdom. * Interesting Fact: Sarna has authored many fiction and non-fiction books, with the most recent being Second Thoughts: On Books, Authors and the Writerly Life. * Family: Married. B6 Spouse~----~ Columbia University (Medical Center) Director/ Department of Clinical Services: Dr. Robert Walther * Career History: A dermatologist-For the past 40 years, Dr. Walther has been Vice Chair for Clinical Activities, Director of Resident Clinic and Teaching Program, and Interim Chair of the Department of Dermatology. He is the past president of the New York State society of dermatology and dermatologic surgery and presently sits on the New York State board for medicine. * Interesting Fact: Dr. Walther received his medical degree from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine and has been in practice for more than 20 years. Mount Sinai Assistant Professor: Virginia Walther * Career History: Virginia Walther is an assistant professor in the STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001119 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 369 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 departments of preventive medicine; obstetrics, gynecology and reproductive science; and pediatrics. She is an associate director of the department of social work services with over 30 years of clinical experience providing clinical social work services to women and children as well as managing a staff of over 35 pediatric social workers who specialize in provision of population based, comprehensive psychosocial services to children, and familie s. * Interesting Fact: She writes and oversee s numerous clinical service grants which enhance psychosocial services to children and their family members. Pedersen Associates Inc. Enok Pedersen * About: Enok Pedersen has a business in real estate, and is the owner of Pedersen Associate s Inc. Note: Photo not publicly available. The Colony Club Chairperson/International Visitors: Lilie Pedersen * About : Lilie Pedersen is the Chairper son for International Visitor at the "The Colony Club" ; which is a women-only private social club in New York City. Founded in 1903 by Florence Jaffray Harriman, wife of J. Borden Harriman, as the first social club established in New York City by and for women, it was modeled on similar clubs for men. Today, men are admitted as guests. Note: Photo not publicly available. Approved: ECOSOC:Stefanie Amadeo Drafted : ECOSOC: Marji Christian and Alexcia Revell, ext. 4-4125 Cleared: POL: Elaine French INFO Area Advisor/SCA: Don Camp OK LEGAL:Emily Pierce OK POL/SCA: Stephen Knight OK SCA/I (India Desk): Khulood Kandil OK 1O/UNP: Scott Duncan INFO Tl:W'SclJy,Or.:tober5, 2017 Time All Day Subject Recurrence Birthday: B6 ~---------~ Occurs every October 5 effective 10/5/2017 until 10/5/2017 Show Time As Free Time Ai! Day Subject DC DAY STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001120 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 370 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Show Time As Free Time Ai!Day Subject DC Weather: Partly Cloudy/ H: 85 / L: 63 Show Time As Free Time 10/5/2017 12 :00 AM ~- 10/7/2017 12 GOAM B6 B7(C) Subject AIC:~----~ Show Time As Free Time 8:00 AM - 10:53 AM Subject DC Travel (2hrs 53 min) Show Time As Busy Acela Travel: 2109 Ace la Express NYP (New York Penn Station)- WAS (Washington, DC Union Station) Depart NY Penn Station: 8:00AM Arrive DC Union Station: 10:53AM Accompanying Staff: Leslie Dewees rime 9:1.5AM ·· 9:45 AM Subject 21/W Staff Meeting (30 min) Recurrence Occurs every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday effective 9/11/2017 until 10/31/2017 from 9:15 AM to 9:45 AM Show Time As Busy Time 11:30 AM -12:00 PM Subject Meeting: Sen. Rubio (30 min) Location Russell SOB 227 Show Time As Busy Event: Meeting: Senator Marco Rubio Date: Thursday, October 5, 2017 Time: 11:30AM-12:00PM Location: Russell Senate Office Building, Room 227. Jon and Maggie will meet you at Sen. Rubia's office. Requested by: Ambassador Haley POC: Bridget Spurlock, Scheduler J B6 Parti ci pants: USUN: Ambassador Nikki Haley Jon Lerner Leslie Dewees STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001121 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 371 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Maggie Dougherty Sen. Rubio: Senator Marco Rubio Clint Reed, CoS Bobby Zarate, Senior Foreign Policy Advisor Note : The brief is an SBU high-side document. It has been slipped into your book behind the calendar. Bio Florida U.S. Senator Marco Rubio [Informal addres s: Marco] Elected 2010 Interactions: * You recently participated in Sen. Rubia's Security Forum on June 22 in DC. Career History : * Mr . Rubio is an American politician and attorney, and the junior United States Senator from Florida. He previously served as House Majority Leader and then subsequently Speaker of the Florida House of Representative s. He started a new law firm, and also began teaching at Florida International University , where he continues as an adjunct professor . Interesting Fact: * Mr. Rubio is a Cuban American from Miami , with degrees from the University of Florida and the University of Miami School of Law. Family: * He is married to Jeanette , a former bank teller , and together they have four children. Time 12:00 PM- 1:00 PM Subject Lunch (60 min) Show Time As Busy Event: Lunch: The Smith Date : Thursday October 5, 2017 Time: 12:00PM STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001122 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 372 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Location: The Smith, 901 F St NW Tel: 202-868-4900 Res info : Gracey Roskam, party of 8 Time 1:00 PM - 1-:45Pf\11 Subject Meeting: Mark Green (45 min) Location 1300 Pennsylvania Ave NW (enter off 14th St) Show Time As Busy Event: Meeting: Mark Green Date: Thursday, October 5, 2017 Time : 1:00PM-1 :450 PM Location: Ronald Reagan Building, 1300 Pennsylvania Ave NW (enter off 14th St) POC: Shamika William s, Deputy Director of Scheduling, shamwilliams@usaid.gov , 202712-1976 Greeted by: Shamika Williams in the lobby Purpose: To discuss Ambassador Haley's upcoming Africa trip and increased USUN/USAID collaboration. USUN: Ambassador Nikki Haley Austin Smith , EXEC Leslie Dewees, EXEC USAID: Mark Green, USAIDAdministrator Bill Steigler, CoS Brandon Pichanick, Special Assistant Background: Ambassador Haley spoke with Mark Green via phone on August 9 to congratulate him on his confirmation as USAID Admini strator and begin dialogue about how USUN and USAID can further collaborate. This initial in-person meeting should continue this discussion and provide Ambassador Haley additional information for her upcoming Africa trip. Talking Points : B5 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001123 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 373 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 B5 Background: Administrator Green visited Ethiopia, South Sudan, and Sudan in late August/early September and had some difficult conversations with leaders in the region, including South Sudan President Salva Kiir. 2. Note that USUN is especially focused right now on the crises in Burma, South Sudan, Syria, and Yemen. B5 Background: Administrator Green has signaled that humanitarian assistance is a key priority for USAID and for him personally. USAID has a disaster assistance response team (DART) in South Sudan and a DART in Turkey and Jordan for Syria. USAID also has staff in Jordan covering Yemen and regional staff in Asia closely monitoring the situation in Burma and Bangladesh. In FY 2017, USAID provided approximately $672 million for the Syria response, $598 million for the Yemen response, $466 million for the South Sudan response, and $28 million for humanitarian assistance in Burma. (Note: Separately, the Department of State's Bureau for Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM) has provided additional funding in each of these countries.) B5 Background: During his confirmation hearing, Administrator Green noted that he would "pursue ideas for reforming USAID's offices and procedures, STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001124 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 374 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 rethinking its structure and changing the way it engages with the many players in the development space to better tap into new financial flows , catalyze mutually beneficial investment , and remove unnecessary bureaucratic obstacles to private sector participation." Bio: USAID Admini strator Mark Green [Informal Address: Mark] (Note: USUN PR outranks USAID Admin.} Appointed August 2017 * Interactions: Congratulatory call on August 9, 2017, after his appointment on August 3. Note you may have run into him during UNGA High-Level Week at the POTUSUN Reform Event and at POTUS General Assembly speech. * Career: Prior U.S. Ambassador to Tanzania (2007-2009) where he led significant development efforts. Previously served as president of the International Republican Institute, a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing democracy and human liberty around the world. * Interesting Fact: Served four terms in the U.S. House (R-WI}, serving as Assistant Majority Whip and helping craft the Millennium Challenge Act and President George W. Bush's history-making AIDS program . Drafted : ECOSOC- Alisha McMichael, ext. 4-4197 Cleared: USUN/W: Austin Smith (ok} EXEC:Rebecca Schimsa (ok with edits} ECOSOC : Kelley Currie (ok with edits} ECOSOC : Courtney Blake (ok} Time 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM Subject Meeting: Africa Trip Planning (60 min} Location USUN/W Show Time As Busy Event: Meeting: Africa Trip Planning Date : Thursday, October 5, 2017 Time: 2:00-3:00PM Location: USUN/W STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001125 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 375 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Attendees: Ambassador Nikki Haley Jon Lerner Austin Smith Leslie Dewees Via SVTS:David Glaccum Chaney Adams Time 4:00 PM ... S:00 PM Subject c=J6 0 min) B5 Location WHSR Show Time As Busy NPR rime 5:00 i'M ·- 5:30 PM Subject Meeting: General Mattis (30 min) Location WHSR Breakout Room Show Time As Busy Event: Meeting: General Jim Mattis Date: Thursday, October 5, 2017 Time: 5:00-5:30PM Location: WHSR Breakout Room Requested by: NH to discuss GS Sahel Attendees: General Mattis Commander Ryan Stoddard, Military Assistant Ambassador Nikki Haley Jon Lerner Leslie Dewees B6 Note: Austin Smith to provide points. Bio: SecDef U.S. Secretary of Defense: James "Jim" Mattis Career History: STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001126 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 376 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 * Mr. Mattis is a retired Marine Corps general and previous Commander of U.S. Central Command during Obama' s presidency . He was responsible for American military operations in the Middle East, Northeast Africa, and Central Asia. Before President Obama appointed him, Mattis had previou sly commanded United States Joint Forces Command, served as NATO's Supreme Allied Commander Transformation, as well as commanded 1st Marine Division during the Iraq War. He was born on September 8, 1950, in Pullman, Washington . Interesting Fact: *Mr.Mattis has been known for his interest in the study of military history and world history, with a personal library that once included over 7,000 volumes, and a penchant for publishing required reading lists for Marines under his command. This week, he said that the United States should consider staying in the Iran nuclear deal unless it were proven that Tehran was not abiding by the agreement or that it was not in the U.S. national interest to do so. Family: * Mr. Mattis has no children or wife. time 7:00 l' M .. 8:29. PM Subject NY Travel (1 hr 30 min) Show Time As Busy Flight : American Airlines 4758 Wheel s up DGA: 7:00PM Wheels down LGA: 8:29PM frkfav, Od:nb~ir 6, J.(U.7 Time All Day B6 Subject Birthday ~-------~ Recurrence Occurs every October 6 effective 10/6/2017 until 10/6/2017 Show Time As Free Time Ai! Day Subject Private Appointment Show Time As Free Sensitivity Private 5atunhy , Oct ob Eir J, 2nn Time All D~a_y___ ~ B6 B7(C) Subject Ale !~----~ Show Time As Free Time Al! Day Subject Birthday ~------~ Recurrence Occurs every October 7 effective 10/7/2017 until 10/7/2017 B6 Show Time As Free Time 10/7/ 2017 12:00 Atv1~ 10/10/20 17 12:00 A!'-,1 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001127 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 377 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Subject Private Appointment Show Time As Free Sensitivity Private Time 7:00 PM ·- 9:00 PM Subject Private Appointment Show Time As Busy Sensitivity Private S,md:? Purpose: An introductory meeting with three leading Christian organizations that work on UN issues. Photo: Yes. Don Conahan has been confirmed. He will arrive at 1:50PM. Escort: Sita McGuire Attendees: Ambassador Nikki Haley Ambassador Kelley Currie STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001144 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 394 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 David Glaccum, EXEC Becca Schimsa, EXEC Guests: Benjamin Bull, ADF International, Senior Fellow Elyssa Koren, ADF International, Director of UN Advocacy Kelsey Zorzi, ADF International, UN Counsel Timothy Goeglein, Focus on the Family, VP External Relations Andrew Walther, Knights of Columbus, VP Communications and Strategic Planning Background: ADF International is the only Christian legal organization with a fulltime presence in both Geneva and New York to follow UN issues. Focus on the Family is a global Christian ministry organization. The Knights of Columbus the world's largest Catholic fraternal organizations that advocates for international religious freedom. * NGO Accreditation at the UN: o ADF International has had status since 2010. (They often provide expert counsel to the Holy See.) o Focus on the Family failed to submit required reports and no longer has status as of July 2017. o Knights of Columbus has never applied for status. Talking Points: B5 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001145 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 395 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 (NOTE: ADF International has offices in Geneva and in NY.) B5 Bios: * Note on Previous Interactions: It is our understanding that you have not met any of the representatives before. Becca met with this group on NH's behalf earlier this spring, including Benjamin Bull, Elyssa Koren, and Kelsey Zorzi. Since then, this group has publicly criticized our Administration, specifically our views on family and LGBTrights. However, this group has praised our Administration for where we align, specifically our views on religious freedom and free speech. ADF International, Senior Fellow: Benjamin Bull, ADF International, Senior Fellow [Pronunciation: Ben-jah-men Bull] [Informal address: Benjamin] Career History: * Benjamin W. Bull serves as senior fellow with ADF International. As an ambassador for the alliance-building human rights organization, Bull advises its CEOon long-term legal advocacy strategies. In this role, he develops strategic partners and alliances, guides high-value special projects, and engages in public speaking and training on international issues. Additionally, Bull promotes ADF International initiatives through scholarly commentary. Bull has more than 40 years of experience successfully practicing constitutional and human rights law. Interesting Fact: * Bull obtained his Juris Doctor from the University of South Carolina School of Law and his B.A. in philosophy, with honors, from Old Dominion University. He has continued his education at Stanford and Harvard. STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001146 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 396 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 ADF International, Director of UN Advocacy: Elyssa Koren [Pronunciation: EL-issaCOR-en] [Informal address: Elyssa] Career History: * Elyssa Koren serves as United Nations counsel and director of UN advocacy for ADF International. Koren provides UN member state representatives with invaluable legal resources to shape UN documents to protect and affirm the innate dignity of every person. Koren participates annually in the work of the Second and Third committees of the General Assembly, the Commission for Social Development, the Commission on the Status of Women, the Commission on Population and Development . Interesting Fact: * Koren obtained a J.D. and a M.A. in international relations at the University ofToronto in 2011. She also earned a B.A. in political science with a minor in history and international development studies at McGill University in 2008. ADF International, UN Counsel: Kelsey Zorzi [Pronunciation: Kel-SEEZOR-zee] [Informal address: Kelsey] Career History: * Kelsey Zorzi serves as U.N. counsel with ADF International where she oversees efforts to stop the genocide of Christians and other religious minorities in the Middle East, and to bring the perpetrators to justice. Zorzi represents ADF International at the United Nations by providing U.N. Member State representatives with key legal resources and language amendments that promote religious freedom and the inherent value and dignity of every person. In 2017, she was elected acting president of the United Nations' NGO Committee on Freedom of Religion or Belief. Interesting Fact: * She earned her J.D. in 2013 at George Washington University Law School, where she participated in the GW-Oxford International Human Rights Law Program and won first place in the 2013 National Religious Freedom Moot Court Competition. Focus on the Family, VP External Relations: Timothy Goeglein STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001147 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 397 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 [Pronunciation: TIM-ethy GEG-line] [Informal address: Timothy] Career History: * Timothy Goeglein was Special Assistant to U. S. President George W . Bush and Deputy Director of the White House Office of Public Liaison from 2001 to 2008. In January 2009, Goeglein became the Vice President of External Relations for the Christian Organization Focus on the Family. Interesting Fact: * He resigned from the Bush administration following the discovery of plagiarism in more than 20 opinion pieces he wrote for a newspaper in his home town. Knights of Columbus, VP Communications and Strategic Planning: Andrew Walther [Pronunciation: Ann-DREW Wall-THER] [Informal address: Andrew] Career History: * Andrew Walther is Vice President of Communications and Strategic Planning for the Knights of Columbus, who have been staunch advocates and substantial supporters of the persecuted religious minority communities in the Middle East. Last year, a report by the Knights in conjunction with In Defense of Christians helped secure the declaration of genocide from the Secretary of State. Interesting Fact: * He has visited Iraq twice since the Knights launched its Christian Refugee Relief Fund in 2014. Drafted: [USUN/W] - Maggie Dougherty contact info: ext. 202-7367655 Time 3:00 PM - 3;15 PM Subject Meeting: Ops//Scheduling (15 min) Show Time As Busy Time 3:30 PfVl- 4:00 Pfvl Subject Meeting: Press (30 min) Show Time As Busy Andrea Stanford Time 4:00 PM - 430 PM STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001148 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 398 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Subject Meeting: Amb. Rycroft (30 min) Show Time As Busy Event: Meeting: Ambassador Matthew Rycroft Date : Tuesday, October 10, 2017 Time: 4 :00PM-4:30PM Location: USUN Requested by: Ambassador Rycroft POC: Charlotte Fenton, Assistant to the PR, B6 Purpose: Ambassador Rycroft reque sted this meeting to discuss Iran and the DPRK. Escort: Site McGuire Attendees: Ambassador Nikki Haley David Glaccum, EXEC Guests: Ambassador Matthew Rycroft Talking Points : 1. Iran Nuclear Deal and the JCPOA:I 1.4(0) B1 B5 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001149 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 399 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 1.4(0) B1 B5 1.4(0) B1 B5 3. DPRKI I Dialogue with North Korea 1.4(0) B1 B5 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001150 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 400 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 1.4(0) B1 B5 Background: j 1.4(0) B1 B5 Bias: United Kingdom Permanent Representative: Matthew Rycroft [Informal Address: Matthew] Appointed 2015 Career History: * Ambassador Rycroft was Chief Operating Officer of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO)from 2011 to 2014. He was the Office ' s Europe Director from 2008 to 2011, and Ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina from 2005 to 2008. From 2002 to 2004, he was Private Secretary for Foreign Affairs to the Prime Minister. In the 1990s he held brief secondments to the U.S. State Department and U.S. Congress, and from 1998 to 2002 he was posted to the Briti sh Embassy in Washington, following U.S. domestic politics. He joined the FCOin 1989 and also has served at the Briti sh Embassy in Paris. He was born on June 16, 1968 in Southampton. STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001151 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 401 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Interesting Fact: * Ambassador Rycroft has a degree in mathematics and philosophy from Merton College, Oxford. According to an online biography, he speaks French and Bosnian, plays the double bass, and enjoys soccer and other sports . His Twitter handle is @MatthewRycroftl ; he occasionally does Q&A sessions ta gged #AskRycroft . Family: * He is married to Alison Rycroft and has three daughters, born in B6 Drafted: USUN/W- Carrie Filipetti, 646-715-5695, ext. 7-8999 Cleared: USUN/W-Austin Smith EXEC- David Glaccum Time 4:30 PM .. 5 ;00 PM Subject Briefing (30 min) Show Time As Busy time 6:30 PM .. 8:30 PM Subject Private Appointment Show Time As Busy Sensitivity Private W~:dr.i,,;,fay, Otr.d ,N' l:J., W 1.J Time All D~a~y_____ Subject AIC _ B6 B7(C) ~-----~ Show Time As Free Time Subject ,'\!!Day B6 ~----~ Show Time As Free Time M! DJV Subject Weather : Scattered Showers/ H: 75 / L: 58 (50%) Show Time As Free Time 8:55 .AM- 8:58 AM Subject Birthday Photo (3 min) Show Time As Busy Event : Birthday Photo Date: Wedne sday, October 11, 2017 Time: 8:55AM-8 :58AM B6 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001152 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 402 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 B6 Time 9:15 AM - 9;45 ,11\ M Subject 21/W Staff Meeting (30 min) Recurrence Occurs every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday effective 9/11/2017 until 10/31/2017 from 9:15 AM to 9:45 AM Show Time As Busy Time 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Subject SC Briefing/Consultations: MONUSCO Location UN Security Council Chamber and Consultations Room Show Time As Busy Event: SC Briefing/Consultations: MONUSCO Date : Wednesday, October 11, 2017 Time: 10:00 AM-12:00PM Location: UN Security Council Chamber and Consultations Room Briefer: MONUSCO SRSGMa man Sidikou Staff: David Glaccum, EXEC Elaine French, POL JulieJolles, POL Overview: The Security Council will meet on October 11 for a quarterly briefing on the DRC.The Security Council mandated MONUSCO strategic review was released on September 30. Council members will use this meeting to discuss the strategic review and the political and security situation. We should use this meeting to accomplish the following : * Welcome the SG' s report on the Strategic Review and commend the UN for offering an honest assessment of the situation in the DRCand MONUSCO's limitations in addressing those challenges . * Preview your trip to the DRC,highlighting that President Trump 's decision to send you to the DRCunderscores our commitment to preventing an escalation of violence in the DRC. * Highlight the importance of Council engagement on the DRCand the need for the Council to take action to prevent a looming crisis. Background : The Secretary-General recently delivered his report on the Strategic Review of MONUSCO, as required by the March MONUSCO mandate renewal. The Strategic Review is not groundbreaking and does not STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001153 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 403 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 offer new insight into how to improve MONUSCO, but it is honest about the challenges the mission faces. The review offers an accurate and straightforward assessment of MONUSCO's limitations, such as its limitations in protection of civilians if outstanding political issues are not rapidly addressed. The review highlights MONUSCO's s progress in transforming itself into a more mobile and flexible force, improved performance on troop contributing countries (TCCs)due to UN pressure, and its quick response to the evolving situation in the Kasais. We judge this assessment is accurate and the mission has improved its performance over the last few months. For example, during fighting on October 26-27 in South Kivu, the DRCmilitary abandoned their positions and fled during fighting with armed groups. In response a Pakistani contingent of MONUSCO troops advanced to fill the gap and repulsed the militants. Such a proactive response was unlikely, particularly by the Pakistanis, until recently. The review notes that MONUSCO's ability to effectively deliver on its protection of civilians mandate "in a country roughly the size of Western Europe" is limited. In an attempt to address capability gaps, the strategic review explains that MONUSCO's strategy is shifting from "protection by presence" to "protection through projection" to make the mission more responsive. The mission appears to understand that their engagement on political issues is as critical, if not more critical, than their attempts to protect civilians through military means. This shift in perspective is an important step forward in helping the UN to understand that throwing money and resources at a problem does not solve the problem. The review also notes the importance of protection by monitoring, investigating and reporting on human rights abuses, which has been a key priority of ours. Bio: Special Representative for the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Head of MONUSCO: Maman Sidikou [Pronunciation: MAH-mahn See-deek-oo] [Informal address: Mr. Sidikou] Appointed 2015 Interactions: He briefed the UNSCon MONUSCOJuly 2017, but you have not met with him directly. Career History: Mr. Sidikou has served in various senior capacities in Niger's domestic and foreign services before his current appointment, most recently as Ambassador to the United States. He has also served as Chief of Staff to the President of the Republic and Minister for Foreign Affairs and African Integration . Furthermore, Mr. Sidikou has worked for the World Bank in Washington, D.C., for the United Nations Children's Fund in Nigeria, Afghanistan, Iraq and Jordan, as well as for Save the Children-UK in Rwanda and the Democratic STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001154 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 404 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Republic of the Congo. Interesting Fact: Mr . Sidikou holds a PhD in education from Florida State University. Family: He is married and has two children. Approved: EXEC-Ambassador Sison Drafted : POL-Julie Jolles, ext . 4-4190 Cleared: EXEC- DGlaccum (ok) EXEC- EMcMillian (ok) POL- EFrench (ok) USUN/W - Asmith (ok) Time 12:15 PM ... 12:45 P!v1 Subject Lunch (30 min) Show Time As Busy time i?.:4S PM··· 1:30 PM Subject Briefing (45 mins) Show Time As Busy Time 1:30 PM - 2'.fJOPM Subject Meeting: NSA Thaung Tun (30 min) Show Time As Busy Event : Meeting with Burme se National Security Advisor Thaung Tun Date: Wednesday, October 11, 2017 Time: 1:30PM-2:00PM Purpose: Discuss the situation in Rakhine State Attendee s: Ambassador Nikki Haley Ambassador Michele Sison Ambassador Kelley Currie David Glaccum AmyTachco Anny Vu, Notetaker Guests: Thaung Tun, National Security Advisor Perm Rep Hau Do Suan Ye Min Thein, Minister Counselor Myo Pa Pa Tu, Director , State Counselor's Office and NSA's Office STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001155 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 405 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 POC: Anny Vu from POL scheduled the meeting . Background: Burmese NSA Thaung Tun requested to meet with you to discuss the situation in Burma. Talking Points : 1. Misinformation Not Helpful: I B5 2. Humanitarian Access Insufficient: I B5 3. International Access Necessary for Accountabilitv: I B5 4. Need a Firmer Commitment on Refugee Returns: I I B5 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001156 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 406 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 5. Humanitarian Crisis Could Become a Security Crisis! B5 6. Under-Secretary Feltman's Upcoming Visit to Burma: ! Burma National Security Advisor: Thaung Tun [Pronounce: TAHNG-toon] [Informal Address: "Thaung Tun") Appointed January 10, 2017 Prior Communication: * You met him at the UK-hosted Burma working lunch at the British Consul-General's residence on September 18. He attended the Security Council open briefing on Burma on September 28. Career History: * Burma's President Htin Kyaw appointed Thaung Tun as the country's first National Security Advisor, stating that the NSA's role is "to advise the President and the Union Government on internal and external threats by assessing situations from a strategic point of view." The new position was likely created to counter conflict in Rakhine, Shan, and Kachin states, and carries the same status as minister. Prior to his appointment, Thaung Tun was a long-time career diplomat (19722010), serving as Ambassador to Belgium, the Netherlands, European Union, the Philippines, with think tank experience. He also served as the Director-General for Political Affairs in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) and Leader of the Burmese delegation to the ASEAN Senior Officials Meetings. After retiring from MOFA, Thaung Tun was a Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies in Singapore. Interesting Fact: * He holds a Bachelor of Science degree from the Rangoon Arts and STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001157 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 407 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Science University; a Diploma in French from the Institute of Foreign Languages, Rangoon; and a Master of International Public Policy from John Hopkins' SAIS. Permanent Representative: Hau Do Suan [Pronounce: HOW-doe-SWAN] [Informal Address: prefers "U Hau Do Suan" or "Hau Do Suan"] (U (ooh)= Mr.) Presentation of Credentials 2016 Prior Communication: * He attended your Fourth UNGA PR reception on July 12; you also met him at a lunch hosted by Philippine PR Teodoro Lopez Locsin, Jr. on 7/25/17. He attended the Security Council open briefing on Burma on September 28. Career History: * Ambassador Hau Do Suan is a life-long career diplomat with extensive experience on regional issues from East Asia to the Middle East, as well as UN operations. Prior to his appointment, Hau Do Suan served as Ambassador to Canada, Director-General of the Political Department in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA), Deputy Director-General of the Political Department in MOFA, and Director of the Middle East and Africa Division of the Political Department in MOFA. Hau DoSuan also served as Consul General in Myanmar's Consulate in Kunming, China and Minister Counselor and Counselor at Myanmar's Embassy in China. Hau Do Suan holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in history and a Master of Arts in public policy from the National University of Singapore. Family: * Born in November 1954, Suan is married and has two children. Minister Counselor: Ye Minn Thein [Pronounce: Yeh-Min-Theh-een] [Informal Address: prefers "Ye Minn Thein"] Prior Communication: * None. Career History: * Minister Counsellor Ye Minn Thein is a career diplomat with a diverse range of international experience. He grew up in the United Kingdom, where his father was posted as a military attache, and was STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001158 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 408 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 influenced by his father's advice to serve his country with honesty and passion to pursue a career in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA). Prior to his appointment as Minister Counsellor in 2015, Mr. Ye Minn Thein served as a consular officer at Myanmar' s Embassy in Bangladesh (2000-2005), an economic officer at Myanmar's Embassy in India (2010-2013) , and Deputy Director of International Organization s and Economic Department in the MOFA (2013-2015) . Currently, Mr. Ye Minn Thein's portfolio includes the Third Committee (UN Human Rights Council, UN High Commissioner for Refugees), the Sixth Committee (legality of UN operations, implementation of treaties), and the International Seabed Authority (ISA) (regulates mining of sea mineral s). Family: * Mr. Ye Minn Thein holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in International Relation s from the University of Yangon in Myanmar and a Master in Public Management from the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy in Singapore, with a semester at Harvard Kennedy School. He also served as a UN Disarmament Fellow in 1998. Director, Ministry of the Office of the State Counselor/NSA's Office: Myo Pa Pa Htun [Pronounce: Myo-pa-pa-toon] [Informal Address: prefers "Myo Pa Pa Htun"] No picture or information found online. Cleared: EXEC:MSison (ok) EXEC:KCurrie (ok) EXEC:DGlaccum (ok) USUN/W: ASmith (info) POL: ATachco (ok) POL: LOrdeman (info) ECOSOC : CBlake (info) EAP/FO: Patrick Murphy (ok) EAP/MLS: Paul Colombini (ok) IO/HRH: Mike Dozier (ok) Time 2:30 PM- 2:40 PM Subject UNGA 72 Group Photo (10 min) Location 22nd Floor Show Time As Busy Event : UNGA 72 Family Photo STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001159 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 409 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Date : Wednesday, October 11, 2017 Time: 2:30PM - 2:40PM Location: 22nd Floor Purpose: A family photo of the UNGA 72 staff to extend our appreciation for their hard work during High Level Week. Sequence of Events : 2:15PM UNGA staff meets on 22nd floor for set up 2:30PM NH Arrives 22nd Floor 2:35PM Photo is taken Invited Attendees: 1. Ambassador Sison 2. Ambassador Currie 3. David Glaccum, EXEC 4. Katherine Veld ran, EXEC 5. Gracey Roskam, EXEC 6. Leslie Dewees, EXEC 7. Emily McMillan, EXEC 8. Morgan Vina, EXEC 9. Rebecca Schimsa, EXEC 10. Jasleen Bains, EXEC 11. Sita McGuire, EXEC 12. Matthew Miller, UNGA Coordinator 13. Courtney Fatigato, UNGA Assistant Coordinator 14. Chaney Adams , PRESS 15. Elizabeth Tomaselli, PRESS 16. John Degory, PRESS 17. Don Conahan, PRESS 18. Mackenzie Green, PRESS 19. Julie Jolles, Control Officer STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001160 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 410 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 20. Jacob Chriqui, Control Officer 21. Carolyn Strainic, Control Officer 22. Kelly Razzouk, Control Officer 23. Bindi Patel, Control Officer 24. Leslie Ordeman, Control Officer 25. Kylie Holmes, Control Officer 26. Max Kendrick, Control Officer 27. Emerita Torres , Control Officer 28. Courtney Blake, Control Officer 29. Will Wagner , Control Officer 30. Emily Pierce, Control Officer 31. Shane Chase, Control Officer 32. Jay Kimmel, Control Officer 33. Youseline Obas, PROTO 34. Ann Granatino, GSO 35. Lacey Mori son , GSO 36. Eugenio Vargas, GSO 37. Maria Riofrio, GSO 38. Ted Lipiccolo, GSA 39. Mary Alderete , HR 40. Maria Brucklacher, HR 41. Jessie Echevarria, HR 42. Fred Murriel, IRM 43. Dan Fern, IRM 44. Jim Donovan, Host Country 45. Eileen Merritt , Host Country 46. Ngoyi Ngoyi, OMS 47. Abigail Eineman, OMS 48. Paige Oliver, OMS STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001161 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 411 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 49. Alexcia Revell, OMS 50. Emily Green, Reporting Officer B6 B7(C) time 2.:45 l' M .. ) :'.)5 PM Subject Meeting : Show Time As Busy B6 B7(C) (10 min) ~----~ Event : Meeting: Date : Wednesday, October 11, 2017 Time: 2:45-2:SSPM Attendees: Ambassador Nikki Haley Katherine Veldran B6 B7(C) Time 3:30 PM - 4:00 PM Subject Private Appointment Show Time As Busy Sensitivity Private Time 4:30 PM - s·,ooPM Subject Budget Meeting (30 min) Show Time As Busy Event: Budget Meeting Date: Wednesday, October 11, 2017 Time: 4:00-4:30PM Attendees : Amb . Sison Amb. Currie STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001162 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 412 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Cherith Norman David Glaccum Morgan Vifia Time 5;00 PM - S·:10 Pf\11 Subject Meeting: AS/MV (10 min) Show Time As Busy Time &:ooPM - no PM Subject Security Council Reception (90 min) Location Residence Show Time As Busy Event : Reception: Current+ Incoming Security Council Members Date: Wednesday, October 11, 2017 Time: 6:00-7:30PM Location: Residence Host : Amb. Haley Attire: Business Purpose: To gather the incoming and outgoing SC members together for a social reception. USUN: 1. Ambassador Nikki Haley 2. Ambassador Michele Sison 3. Ambassador Kelly Currie 4. David Glaccum 5. Katherine Veld ran 6. Gracey Roskam 7. Matthew Miller 8. Morgan Vifia Confirmed: 1. China - H.E. Mr. Wu Haitao, Charged' Affaires 2. Egypt - H.E. Mr . Amr Aboulatta 3. Egypt - Mr s. Faika Zaki 4. Equatorial Guinea - H.E. Mr. Anatolia Ndong Mba STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001163 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 413 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 5. France - H.E. Mr. Francois Delattre 6. Italy- H.E. Mr . Inigo Lambertini, Charge d'Affaires 7. Italy - Mrs. Maria Grazia Gragnano Lambertini 8. Japan - H.E. Mr. Koro Bessho 9. Japan - Mrs . Mariko Bessho 10. Kazakhstan - H.E. Mr. Kairat Umarov 11. Kuwait- H.E. Mr. Man sour Ayyad SH A Alotaibi 12. Netherlands - H.E. Mr . Karel Van Oosterom 13. Netherlands - Mr s. Anna Van Oosterom 14. Peru - H.E. Mr. Gustavo Meza-Cuadra Velasquez 15. Peru - Mrs. Sonia Balcazar de Meza-Cuadra 16. Poland - H.E. Mr . Boguslaw Winid 17. Russia - H.E. Mr. Vassily A. Nebenzia 18. Senegal - H.E. Mr. Gorgui Ciss, Charge d'Affaires 19. Ukraine - H.E. Mr . Volodymyr Yelchen ko 20. Ukraine - Mrs. lryna Yelchenko 21. UK - H.E. Mr. Matthew Rycroft 22. Uruguay - H.E. Mr . Elbio Rosselli 23. Uruguay - Mr s. Maria Regina Hermida Confirmed, but did not attend 1. Cote d'Ivoire - H.E. Mr. Bernard Tanoh-Boutchoue Pending: 1. Sweden Regret : 1. Bolivia- Out of town 2. Ethiopia - Out of town Menu : King Crab and Avocado Sushi, Vegetable Sushi STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001164 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 414 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Cornmeal Fried Oysters with Tomato Jalapefio Jam House Cured Salmon Gravelox with Belgium Endive, Dill Cream Cheese and Crispy Capers Porcini Mushroom Crusted BeefTenderloin with Horseradish Creme Fraiche and Fried Beets Italian Truffle Pecorino, Black Berry and Honey Comb Crisps White Chocolate & Pistachio Cheesecake Lemon Mousse in Phyllo with Candied Lemon Peel Budget:$ Guest: 24 x 2 = 48 (PR + 1) Staff: 10 Total Guests: 58x $45 = $2610 Flowers: $100 Labor- 5 Servers: $130 x 4 =520 + 170= $690 Total: $2610-$690=$1820 Talking Points: 1. Incoming UNSC Members: Welcome the incoming members of the B5 Background: This will be the third Council stint for Cote d'Ivoire, the second for Kuwait, the sixth for the Netherlands, the fifth for Peru, and the sixth for Poland. The Netherlands will only serve for one year; after several rounds of deadlocked elections in 2016 for one of the WEOG seats, they and Italy decided to split the 2017-18 term, with Italy taking 2017 and the Netherlands 2018. 2. Role of the Security Council in conflict prevention and resolution: B5 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001165 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 415 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 security crisis since World War II. 3. Human Rights and the Security Council:! 4. UNGA First Committee Resolution on Compliance With Arms Control Agreements: I 85 Background: Egypt and Russia abstained on our resolution when we last put it forward in 2014. We need them to support our resolution this time around. Equatorial Guinea did not register a vote, but we should urge them t o vote in favor. Bolivia, China, Cote d' Ivoire, Ethiopia, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, and Peru supported our resolution, but did not co-sponsor in 2014. We need them to vote in favor again and to co-sponso r the te xt this year. 5. FORPOLAND:I B5 Background :I 85 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001166 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 416 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 6. FORPERU:I B5 Background: The Netherlands lobbied hard to chair the CTC, but Russia objected strenuously, due to disagreements over the shooting down of MH17. The Netherlands will instead chair the Security Council's Iran and DPRKcommittees. We see Peru as a good compromi se choice for the CTC, and one willing to wor k with us on CT prioritie s. Bias: Cote d'Ivoire Permanent Representative Bernard Tanoh-Boutchoue [Pronunciation: b ur-N AH RD TAH-noh-boo- CHWAY] [Informal Address: Bernard] Appointed September 12, 2017 Prior Communications : * None (he didn ' t arrive until 9/12). Career History: STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001167 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 417 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 * Ambassador Tanoh-Boutchoue also served at the Cote d'Ivoire Mission from 1996 to 2003. He has been Ambassador to Russia and Egypt and nonresident Ambassador to numerous former Soviet states, and is a former head of the MFA's UN and 10 Department. He was born on July 17, 1950. B6 Interesting Fact: * Ambassador Tanoh-Boutchoue holds a law degree from the University of Abidjan-Cocody, a Bachelor of Arts in modern literature from the University of Abidjan and a Baccalaureat in literature from the Lycee Classique de Bingerville, Cote d'Ivoire. Note that you look forward to Cote d'Ivoire joining the Security Council on January 1, 2018, and ask about his priorities for their two-year term. Family: * He is married I to l •f-------------,---~I Kuwait Permanent Representative: Mansour AI-Otaibi [Pronounce: man-SOORahl-oh-TAY-bee] [Informal Address: Mansour] Appointed 2010 Prior Communications: * You last met Ambassador Otaibi at a dinner hosted by Turkish PR Sinirlioglu on September 12. Career History: * Ambassador Otaibi, who joined the Foreign Ministry (MFA) in 1989, served at the Kuwaiti Mission from 1992 to 2006, eventually as DPR (2004-06). He has been Director of International Organizations at the MFA and also served in Saudi Arabia. He was born on December 9, 1966. Interesting Fact: * Ambassador Otaibi received a B.A. in political science and public administration from Kuwait University in 1989. He has written two books, The Question of Kuwait in the General Assembly (1990-2001) and The Security Council in the Face of the Iraqi Aggression on the State of Kuwait and its Repercussions (1990-2008), both of which address Kuwait's relationship with the UN. He speaks English and Arabic. Family: STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001168 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 418 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 * Ambassador Otaibi is married to l land has three children - a daughter in high school, and a daughter and son attending colleges in New York. B6 Netherlands Permanent Representative: Karel van Oosterom [Pronounce: CARE-ulfahn OH-stehr-uhm] [Informal Address: Karel] Appointed 2013 Prior Communications: * You met with him, Italy, and Germany on Libya sanctions on August 9. Career History: * A career diplomat, Ambassador van Oosterom has been DirectorGeneral for Political Affairs in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Policy and Defense Advisor to the Prime Minister. He has served in Bejing, Damascus, and Ottawa. He was born in Utrecht in January 1958. Interesting Fact: * Ambassador van Oosterom holds a degree in contemporary history from Utrecht University. He was a platoon commander (rank lieutenant) in the Royal Netherlands Army in the Grenadiers Guards Regiment from 1982 to 1984. A soccer fan, Ambassador van Oosterom also collects the work of Dutch cartoonist and graphic designer Joost Swarte (whose work has appeared on the cover of The New Yorker) and enjoys listening to new wave, alternative and indie music. He is on Twitter as @KvanOosterom, with more than 17,000 followers. o NOTE:After a deadlock in elections for one of the WEOG seats for the 2017-18 term, Italy and the Netherlands agreed to split the term. Family: * He is married to Anna S. van Oosterom-Niessen and has one son, I I B6 * Spouse: Anna S. van Oosterom-Niessen [pronunciation AH-nuh fahn OH-stehr-uhm NEES-sen]. * About: Ms. Van Oosterom l STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001169 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 419 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Peru Permanent Representative: Gustavo Meza-Cuadra [Pronunciation: goo-STAH-voh MAY-zah KWAY-drah] [Informal Address: Gustavo] Appointed 2013 Prior Communications: * You last met Ambassador Meza-Cuadra at a Colombia-hosted dinner for the PGAon 8/30/2017; he also attended our Independence Day celebration on 6/29/2017. Career History: * A career diplomat, Ambassador Meza-Cuadra has held several senior posts at the Peruvian Foreign Ministry and served in London, Washington, D.C. (1994-99), and Paris. He was born in Lima on March B6 17, 1959. Interesting Fact: * He holds a master's degree in international public policy from Johns Hopkins University in Washington, D.C.; an M.A. from the University of Paris XI and a diploma from the International Institute of Public Administration in Paris; and a B.A. in international relations from the Diplomatic Academy of Peru (1982). Family: * He is married to ~---------~ children. and has two * Spouse:! ~--------~ 1- Poland Permanent Representative: Bogustaw Win id [Pronunciation: BO-gu-swav VEE-nyd] STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001170 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 420 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 [Informal Address: Bogustaw] Appointed 2014 Prior Communications : * You last met Ambassador Winid at a Dutch-hosted dinner on 6/28/2017; he also attended our Independence Day celebration on 6/29/2017. You also will see him at the V4 luncheon on October 12. Career History: * Twice posted to the Polish Embassy in Washington , D.C. (1992-97 and, as DCM, 2001-06), Ambassador Winid was previously Undersecretary of State with responsibilities including North America and also has been PRto NATO. He was born in Warsaw on November 3, 1960. Interesting Fact: * Ambassador Win id earned a doctorate in history from Warsaw University in Poland, writing his doctoral thesis on Polish-American relations between 1919 and 1939, and also studied at Indiana University Bloomington (1988-89) and Stanford University's Hoover Institution (1991). He tweets at @mszwinid. B5 Family: * He is married to ~I---~ Fnd has two sons: ~~--~ B6 * Thurnd;:iy,OdobH 12, 2 (ffl Time All Day Subject AIC:-----~ B6 B7(C) Show Time As Free rime A!!Diiy B6 Subject Birthdays: I I Show Time As Free Time Ai! DiiV Subject Weather: Cloudy/ H: 65 / L: 56 Show Time As Free Time 9:15 .AM - 9:45.il.M Subject 21/W Staff Meeting (30 min) STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001171 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 421 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Recurrence Occurs every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday effective 9/11/2017 until 10/31/2017 from 9:15 AM to 9:45 AM Show Time As Busy Time lC :00 AM - 10:30 AM Subject Meeting: Mr. Ban Ki-Moon (30 min) Show Time As Busy Event : Meeting : Mr. Ban Ki-Moon Date: Thursday, October 12, 2017 Time: 10:00AM-10:30 AM Requested by: ROK Mission POC: Stacy Joo, Assistant to the PR, I B6 Purpose : This is a courtesy meeting with no specific agenda, but DPRK/UNreform may come up. Photo : Yes Escort: Sita McGuire Attendees: Ambassador Nikki Haley David Glaccum, EXEC Morgan Vifia Guests: Ban Ki-Moon , former UN Secretary-General Chang Wook-Jin (Mr .), Counsellor Background: This meeting comes at the request of the former Secretary-General. We understand that UN reform and DPRKmay come up. Talking Points: 1. UN Reform: I B5 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001172 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 422 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 B5 Background: While Ban was by all appearances reform-minded and launched several initiatives, his reform record as SG is mixed. His successes include the creation of the Office of Disarmament Affairs, the Department of Field Support, the launching of the Enterprise Resource Planning System (Umoja), human resources management reform and revamping of UN Information Technology. He further supported public disclosure of audits and an enhanced whistle blower policy although implementation appeared weak under his tenure and was seriously cast in doubt in the Anders Kompass/CAR SEAdebacle. The HIPPO report is considered a mixed success, as many of the recommendations remain unimplemented. His less than successful efforts include: the change management strategy, the public-private partnership facilities, mobility strategy, and attracting national, specialized civilian capacities to peace operations. 2. DPRK: B5 Background: While Ban ran as a conservative candidate before withdrawing in the early stages of the ROKpresidential race due to unpopularity and scandals involving bribery, he may support Guterres' and Moon's push for greater engagement with North Korea (his unfulfilled dream when he was SGthat likely haunts him today). He will likely also support the delivery of humanitarian aid and establishing basic contact with North Korea regardless of current conditions. While he lacks broad political influence and respect in Seoul today following his embarrassing and short-lived presidential campaign, he will likely still gain access to ROK political leaders to convey your views and messages. It would, thus, be useful to send the following key messages to the ROKthrough Ban: 1) pressure now, engagement later; 2) greater trilateral military cooperation and exercises are vitally needed; and 3) humanitarian aid and re-opening of the Kaesong Industrial Complex must be deferred. * Pressure vs. Military Options B5 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001173 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 423 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 * Dialogue with North Korea B5 Bios: South Korea Former UN Secretary-General: Ban Ki-moon [Pronunciation: BAHN Key-Moon] [Informal Address: Mr. Ban] Appointed 2007-2016 Interactions : None. STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001174 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 424 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Career History: Mr. Ban is a South Korean diplomat who was the eighth Secretary-General of the United Nations from January 2007 to December 2016. Before becoming Secretary-General, Ban was a career diplomat in South Korea's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and in the United Nations, including serving as South Korea's Foreign Minister from 2004-2006. As Secretary-General, Ban moved forward with reforms on job requirements at the UN, requiring that all positions be considered five-year appointments, all receive strict annual performance reviews, and all financial disclosures be made public. In 2008, following his proposals, the General Assembly adopted a resolution on improved human resources management in the organization, including by streamlining the complicated contracting system, enhancing its transparency and improving career paths for existing UN staff. Interesting Fact: He entered diplomatic service the year he graduated from university, accepting his first post in New Delhi, India. Family: Mr. Ban is married and has two adult daughters and son. Counsellor, South Korean Mission to the UN: Chang Wook-jin [Pronunciation: CHANG Oak-JIN] [Informal Address: Mr. Chang] Interactions: None. Career History: Mr. Chang is a diplomat of the South Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He currently serves as Counselor at the Korean Mission. Wook-jin served as Ban Ki-Moon's personal assistant when he was Secretary-General from 2014-2016. Approved: Ambassador Sison (OK) Drafted: MR- Brian Conroy/Paige Oliver, 4-4257, Cell ~----~ B6 Cleared: MR-CNorman (OK) EXEC- MVifia (OK) USUN/W - MDougherty (OK) USUN/W - ASmith (Info) POL-ATachco (OK) POL- EFrench (Info) POL- Dlee (OK) Time .1.0:45AM -11.:00 AM Subject Meeting: Chaney/JL (15 min) Show Time As Busy STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001175 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 425 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Time 11:30 AM-12:00 PM Subject Meeting: Amb . Ignace Gata Mavita wa Lufuta (30 min) Location Breakout Room Show Time As Busy Event: Meeting: Amb . Ignace Gata Mavita wa Lufuta Date : Thursday, October 12, 2017 Time: 11:30AM-12 :00PM Requested by: DRC Mission POC:Therese Mpinga, Assistant to the PR,I B6 Purpose: Discuss issues before your trip to the DRC. Photo : No Escort: Sita McGuire, EXECIntern Attendees: Ambassador Nikki Haley David Glaccum, EXEC Amy Tacho, Interpreter JulieJolles, Notetaker Leslie Dewees Guests: Ignace Gata Mavita, Ambassador DRC Leonard She Okitundu, Vice-Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration Paul Empole, First Counsellor Background: Ambassador Mavita requested this meeting saying it was urgent and concerned the situation in the DRC.We expect that this meeting is not necessarily urgent, but it is important in advance of your trip to the DRC. Talking Points: B5 Background : Despite messaging to the DRCgovernment in in Washington and Kinshasa, President Kabila' s office has not yet confirmed a meeting or set a time for his meeting with you. Officials STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001176 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 426 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 confirm Kabila is looking forward to the meeting, but U.S. Embassy officials stress that Kabila frequently does not confirm meetings until the day before or the day of. You should use this meeting as an opportunity to reiterate that you are being sent by President Trump. B5 Background: The government is denying October 11 reports in both local and international press that the head of CENIsaid elections would not be held until April 2019. It remains unclear if the government intentionally misspoke. We have heard officials previously say that the date could slip until 2019. The DRCForeign Minister's remarks in the Security Council on October 11 were particularly concerning in that he suggested bureaucratic, not just logistical, hurdles could further delay elections. While there have been advances in voter registration, the DRCappears to be setting the stage to suggest that political disagreements, government bureaucracy, and security concerns will further delay elections. FLAG: 1. As a matter of longstanding legal policy, the United States does not disclose how we vote, either before or after the election. Therefore, no commitment or indication of how we plan to vote should be given. Background: The election for the Human Rights Council is on Monday, October 16th at the General Assembly in New York. You will be in D.C., so Amb. Currie will cast the U.S. ballot. Recall that you asked him to withdraw DRC'scandidacy, but they refused, citing that serving on the Council would better help them improve their human rights. You then met with a group of African PRs,and no one has stepped forward to pressure the DRCto withdraw or to declare their own candidacy to break the slate. The election is this coming Monday, and the Africa Group still has a clean slate, meaning that the DRCshould prevail. Bio: Democratic Republic of the Congo Permanent Representative: Ignace Gata Mavita wa Lufuta [Pronunciation: IG-naas GA-ta Ma-VITA waa Luf-TA] [Informal Address: Mr. Gata Mavita] Appointed 2012 Interactions: * NH met Mr. Ignace Gata Mavita wa Lufuta on 8/9/17. NH noted the STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001177 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 427 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 United States' concerns about the reports of child soldiers and human rights violations coming out of the DRC,especially from the Kasai region. NH and Amb . Gata Mavita discussed that it was important to end the cycle of violence and hold perpetrators of these crimes to account . They also discussed the status of the DRC's national elections, which remain pending , and Ambassador Haley underscored the need for the DRCto set a date for elections as soon as possible . Career History: *Mr.Gata Mavita has served as Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs and Minister for Regional Integration from February to November 2007. He has also held several positions in the Ministry of the Interior, Decentralization and Security. He was born on January 7, 1949 in Popokabaka, Bandundu Province. Interesting Fact: * Mr. Gata Mavita holds master's degrees in law as well as political and administrative sciences, and a bachelor's in philosophy and letters, all from the National University of Zaire. He earned a diploma in public administration from the Charleroi University Centre in Belgium . Family: * He is married and has six children. Vice-Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration of the Democratic Republic of the Congo: Leonard She Okitundu [Pronunciation: UNKNOWN] [Informal address: Mr. She Okitundu] Appointed 2016 Interactions: None Career History : She Okitundu has been Minister of Human Rights, International Cooperation and Foreign Affairs. He also served as Ambassador-at-Large in 2003 and then Chief of Staff to President Joseph Kabila. He was appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs in December 2016. Interesting Fact: In regards to an international independent investigation over the deaths of UN investigators in the Kasai region, She Okitundu in March had rejected any such investigation and accused unnamed U.N. Security Council members of trying to discredit the Congolese justice system. Family: UNKNOWN Tirne 12:00 PM -12:3 0 PM Subject Briefing (30 mins} STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001178 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 428 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Show Time As Busy Time 1:15 PM - 2.:30 PM Subject Luncheon: USA+V4 Ambassadorial Lu~n_ch _ e_o_n___ ~ Location Hungarian Ambassador's Residence: Show Time As Busy ~----~ Event: Luncheon: USA+V4 Ambassadorial Luncheon Date : Thursday, October 12, 2017 Time: 1:15PM-2:30PM Location: Hungarian Ambassador's Residence:~----~ B6 Host : Ambassador Katalin Bogyay (Hungary) Attire: Business Gift : Goat Box POC: Alexandra Dobias, Social Secretary to the Ambassador, B6 Attendees and Spouses: 1. Hungary - Ambassador and PRto the UN Katalin Bogyay [KOT-ahleen BOHD-yah-ee], "Katalin." 2. Czech Republic - Ambassador and PRto the UN Marie Chatardova [MAH-ri-ye shuh-TAHRD-oh-vuh], " Marie." 3. Poland - Ambassador and PRto the UN Bogustaw Win id [BO-guswav VEE-nyd], " Boguslaw." 4. Slovak Republic -Ambassador and PR to the UN Michal Mlynar [MEE-hahl MLEE-nahr], "Michal." 5. Notetaker, Hungarian Mission to the UN Talking Point s for Group Remarks: 1. Visegrad 4 (V4):I B5 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001179 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 429 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 B5 Background: Hungary and Poland - and Slovakia, to a lesser extent have shown some signs of democratic backsliding. In Hungary, the Fidesz party has systematically consolidated power and marginalized the opposition, civil society and free media since it won parliamentary elections in 2010; in Poland the ruling Law and Justice party has sought to control the Constitutional Tribunal and other courts and propo sed legislation affecting private media . While less worri some, Slovakia has issues with judicial independence and corruption. 2. UN Reform: I B5 Background: Slovakia co-hosted the UN reform event with us and 11 other delegations, and Hungary, Czech Republic and Poland all signed onto the declarati on -Ambassador Bogyay even tweeted a photo from USUN - and attended the event. 3. Fair Treatment of Israel at the UN :I B5 4. UNGA First Committee Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) Resoluti on: 1 I B5 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001180 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 430 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 B5 Background: Poland holds the pen on the annual First Committee CWC resolution, which the V4 supported. Last year's resolution strongly condemned Syria's chemical weapons use and garnered 160 votes in favor. Another strong, overwhelmingly supported resolution this year would send the message that the majority of the international community is united against Syria's continued use of chemical weapons. Poland, however, has been reluctant to include our proposed changes to its CWC resolution condemning the Syrian regime and supporting the JIM, citing a desire to be a "responsible sponsor" in putting forward a "balanced text." During POL's meeting with the Polish experts on October 9, the Poles seemed most taken aback when we mentioned your interest in the resolution and the consequences of their position for Poland's forthcoming Council membership. After the meeting, the Polish expert asked again if you were was really tracking this resolution, which we affirmed. 5. UNGA First Committee Resolution on Com liance With Arms Control Agreements: B5 Background: The last time we ran our resolution in 2014, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia voted "Yes" and co-sponsored our resolution. We want them to do so again. 6. Preventative Diplomacy: ! B5 7. Fight against terrorism/extremism: ! B5 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001181 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 431 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 B5 8. Modern-Day Slavery:! B5 9. Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment: ! B5 10. Global Compacts on Migration and Refugees: i B5 B5 Background: Hungary continues to push for a UN organization on water and continuation of water dialogues at the UN. The United States agrees that water is an important issue, but we are part of a diver se group of Member States that oppo ses the creation of a new body and continued dialogue on this at the UN. Bias: Hungary Permanent Representative Katalin Bogyay (Host) [Pronunciation: KOT-ah-leen BOHD-yah-ee] STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001182 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 432 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 [Informal Address: Katalin] Appointed 2015 Prior Communications: * You met with Ambassador Bogyay on 7/21 at USUN. You then cohosted the UNGA Opening Prayer Breakfast with her on 9/12. Conversation Starters: * Congratulate Ambassador Bogyay on being part of the Steering Committee of Women in International Leadership and Development (WILD) initiative, and ask her for more details. o NOTE: Belgium launched this initiative in late September; it appears to be directed at both member states and the UN organization itself. Career History: * Formerly PR to UNESCO(2009-14), Ambassador Bogyay was the Founding Director (1999-2006) of the Hungarian Cultural Centre in London and had a lengthy career as a TV journalist, film producer, and writer in Hungary and the UK. She was born on ~-----~ Interesting Fact: * Ambassador Bogyay holds a master's in economics from Corvinus University (Budapest) and an M.A. in international communication from the University of Westminster, UK. She hosted the Hungarian program "Katalin Bogyay and Her Guests" and has written numerous books and publications. She is active on Twitter as @KatalinBogyay. Family: * She is married to Hungarian their son, B6 Czech Republic Permanent Representative: Marie Chatardova [Pronunciation: MAH-ri-ye shuh-TAHRD-oh-vuh] [Informal Address: Marie] Appointed 2016 Prior Communications: * You last met Amb. Chatardova at a dinner hosted by Dutch PR Karel van Oosterom on 6/28/2017; she also attended our Independence Day celebration on 6/29/2017. STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001183 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 433 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Conversation Starters: * Ask Ambassador Chatardova about her plans as the seventy-third President of ECOSOC- particularly her plans to address the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)and inequality. o NOTE: Only the third woman to be ECOSOCPresident, Chatardova has said publicly that her key priority will be making progress on the SDGsand intends to convene an ECOSOCspecial meeting to address the challenges of rising inequalities in most countries. Career History: * Born March 6, 1963, she most recently was Ambassador to France and Monaco (2010-16); she also has been Ambassador to Sweden (2002-07) and director of the Diplomatic Protocol and Communications Strategies departments. She was born on March 6, 1963 in the town of l I B6 Interesting Fact: * Ambassador Chatardova holds a doctorate of law from Masaryk University in Brno. She practiced business law in the early 1990s and, before that, worked in the Czech Trademarks Office. Family: * She is married I l l and l tq 1-andhasthreechildren: I I ~-- l c=J B6 Poland Permanent Representative: Bogustaw Win id [Pronunciation: BO-gu-swav VEE-nyd] [Informal Address: Bogustaw] Appointed 2014 Prior Communications: * You last met Ambassador Winid at a dinner hosted by Dutch PR Karel van Oosterom on 6/28/2017; he also attended our Independence Day celebration on 6/29/2017. Conversation Starters: * Note that you look forward to Poland joining the Security Council on January 1, 2018, and ask about Poland's priorities for their two-year term. o NOTE: Ambassador Winid may be on his way out. In late September, the Polish FM told a radio station that he would be recalling Winid, STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001184 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 434 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 implying that the PR was not up to the job of representing Poland on the Council. Neither Post nor the Desk has any additional details. Career History: * Twice posted to the Polish Embassy in Washington, D.C. (1992-97 and, as DCM, 2001-06), Ambassador Winid was previously Undersecretary of State with responsibilities including North America and also has been PR to NATO. He was born in Warsaw on November 3, 1960. Interesting Fact: * Ambassador Win id earned a doctorate in history from Warsaw University in Poland, writing his doctoral thesis on Polish-American relations between 1919 and 1939, and also studied at Indiana University Bloomington (1988-89) and Stanford University's Hoover Institution (1991). He tweets at @mszwinid. Slovakia Permanent Representative Michal Mlynar [Pronunciation: MEE-hahl MLEE-nahr] [Informal Address: Michal] Appointed 2017 Prior Communications: * Ambassador Mlynar attended the GA reception for new PRsyou hosted on 9/13/2017; he also attended a dinner with you in honor of PGA President Peter Thomson, hosted by the Colombian PR,on 8/30/2017 Conversation Starters: * Acknowledge his chairmanship of the Governing Board for the Geneva-based International Security Sector Advisory Team (ISSAT), and ask about his top priorities in security sector reform (SSR). o NOTE: Ambassador Mlynar has chaired the ISSATboard since 2011 and was in Geneva in early October for the annual board meeting. ISSATis a forum for bilateral donors, multilateral and regional organizations to discuss and coordinate operational activities related to SSR. Career History: * DPRfrom 2004 to 2009, Ambassador Mlynar was Slovakia's Director-General for International Organizations, Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid (2015-17) and is a former Ambassador to Kenya and to the UN agencies in Nairobi. He was born on B6 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001185 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 435 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Interesting Fact: * Fluent in English and Russian, Ambassador Mlynar holds a master's degree in teaching and a Ph.D in the theory of teaching foreign languages from Comenius University in Bratislava. He worked as an interpreter , tran slator, and teacher early in his career, and wa s a visiting profe ssor at Los Angeles Harbor College in 1998-99 as a participant in the Teacher Exchange Program of the J. W. Fulbright Commission. He tweets from @MichalMlynar . Family: * He is married to ~-----~ they have two children . Approved : Ambassador Sison (OK) Drafted: POL-Christopher Pothoven, cell~---~ Be~--~ B6 Cleared: POL-ATachco (OK) POL- LOrdeman (OK) POL- EFrench (OK) POL- JBlack (OK) MR - CNorma n (OK) ECOSOC- SAmadeo (OK) EXEC- RSchimsa (OK) USUN/W - MDaugherty (OK) Time 3:00 PM- 5:00 PM Subject SC Briefing : Famine Show Time As Busy Event: Meeting: Security Council Briefing on Famine Date: Thursday, October 12, 2017 Time: 3:00PM - 5 :00PM Location: Security Council Chamber POC: Will Wagner, POL, 212-415-4114, wagnerW@state.gov Purpose: The Secretary-General will deliver a briefing on preventing famine, as requested by the UNSCin a PRST on famine adopted in early August. Press: Open press (on the record) Attendees : Ambassador Nikki Haley STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001186 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 436 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 David Glaccum, Chief of Staff Will Wagner, POL Amy Tachco, POL Kylie Holmes, ECOSOC Sharmel Genthon, ECOSOC Briefer: Secretary-General Antonio Guterres Background: In August, the Security Council adopted its first ever product devoted to famine. This Presidential Statement (PRST)focused on the four countries at greatest risk of famine: Yemen, South Sudan, northeast Nigeria, and Somalia. The PRSTspecifically tasked the SecretaryGeneral to deliver a briefing to the Council on how to overcome impediments to humanitarian access and improve famine response in these four countries. Our hope is that this briefing from the SecretaryGeneral will lead to sustained engagement from the Security Council on the issue of famine prevention. Historically, Russia and China have prevented the Council from taking up the issue of famine-arguing that famine is not an issue of international peace and security, despite the suffering it causes. Brief background on the situation in each of the four countries follows: South Sudan In South Sudan, more than half the current population-6 million people-is facing life-threatening hunger this year, making it the most food insecure year in South Sudan's history. Reports that famine conditions have subsided in some areas does not end the suffering of the South Sudanese people. Sustaining a robust humanitarian response across the country is critical to saving lives and preventing the return of famine. Total USAIDand State assistance for South Sudan in FY2017 was $975,165,200. Nigeria/Lake Chad Basin An estimated 5.2 million people face severe food insecurity in northeast Nigeria. Thousands may have already experienced famine, and some communities remain at risk as ongoing insecurity prevents humanitarian assistance from reaching people in need. In August 2017, the UN recorded nearly 30 incidents of violence against civilians in the Lake Chad Basin in August, representing the highest monthly figure reported since January 2016. Total USAIDand State assistance for Nigeria in FY2017 was $402,652,596. Somalia/Horn of Africa STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001187 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 437 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 In Somalia, an estimated 3.1 million people will likely face dire levels of acute food insecurity through December. The risk of food insecurity turning into a famine will likely persist for the remainder of this year, in particular for certain vulnerable populations in the worst-affected areas of the country. Total USAIDand State assistance for Somalia in FY 2017 was $462,386,291. Yemen In Yemen, an estimated 17 million people- 60 per cent of the total population - are food insecure with 7 out of 22 governorates experiencing emergency level food insecurity (one level below outright famine) . The people of Yemen are simultaneously facing the world ' s worst cholera outbreak and the world's largest food security emergency. Total USAIDand State assistance for Yemen in FY 2017 was $635,750,345. Bio: The briefer's bio is not included since you meet and talk with the SG regularly. Drafted: POL-Will Wagner, x4-4114 and ECOSOC-KylieHolmes and Sharmel Genthon Cleared: POL: Amy Tachco Time 5:00 PM - 5:10 PM Subject Meeting: AS/MV (10 min) Show Time As Busy Time 5:45 PM - 6:45 PM Subject Private Appointment Show Time As Busy Sensitivity Private fd d~y, Ocl:nb0r 15, 2ll11 Time Subject All Day Birthday: Show Time As Free B6 ~------~ Time M!Dav Subject DC Weather: Cloudy/ H: 69 / L: 63 (20%) Show Time As Free Time 10/ 13/ 2017 12:00 AM - 10/1 S/2017 12..00 AM Subject B6 B7(C) AIC: ~-----~ Show Time As Free Time 8:00.AM ~ 10:.53 .A. M Subject DCTravel (2 hrs 53 min) Show Time As Busy STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001188 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 438 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Acela Travel: 2109 Ace la Express NYP (New York Penn Station)-->WAS (Washington, DC Union Station) Depart NY Penn Station: 8:00AM Arrive DC Union Station: 10 :53AM Accompanying Staff: Leslie Dewees Chaney Adams Time 11:10 A M ··· 11:20 AM Subject Call: SG (10 min) Show Time As Busy Event: Call: Secretary-General Guterres Date : Friday, October 13, 2017 Time : 11:10AM-11 :20AM Call instructions: Jose lnsua will dial NH's mission blackberry to connect the call. POC:Jose lnsua, Special Asst to the SG,] B5 Purpose: The purpo se of this call is to explain the President's decision to decline to certify Iranian compliance with the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act. Background: During this call, you will be sharing the Administration's decision on the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act (INARA) with the Secretary General for the first time. The decision will be announced approximately 90 minutes following your call with the SG. Talking Points : B5 * Provide back2round on todav 's announcement : I B5 * New Strategy: I B5 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001189 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 439 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 B5 B5 * INARA Certification: I IF RAISED: B5 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001190 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 440 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 B5 Time 11:30 AM~ 12:30 PM Subject WH Lunch (60 min) Location WH Show Time As Busy B5 Event: Lunch:~---~ Date: Friday, October 13, 2017 Time: 11:30AM-12:30PM Location: ~--------~ Menu : Verde Salmon POC:I B6 Greeter: Millicent Hennessey Note: Leslie to call Millicent when they are 10 min out. Time 2.:30PM - 3:00 PM Subject Meeting . 30 min) .--------:"-'========;-~· Location WH,I pffice Show Time As Busy Event: Meeting: B5 ~----~ Date: Friday, October 13, 2017 Time: 2:30PM-3:00PM Location: White House office Attendees: USUN: Ambassador Nikki Haley STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001191 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 441 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Jon Lerner POC:I B6 B5 Notes : You wanted to discuss two potential trips with ~I--~ 1.~-----~ 2. ~--------~ Time Subject 4:00 PM - 528 PM NY Travel (1 hr 30 min) Show Time As Busy Flight: DCA-->LGA, American Airlines 4758 Wheels up DCA: 4:00PM Wheels down LGA: 5:28PM Backup Train: 2172 Acela Express, WAS (Washington, DC Union Station)--> NYP (New York Penn Station) Depart DC Union Station: 4:00PM Arrive NY Penn Station : 6:46PM Time 7:30 PM ... 9:00 PM Subject Private Appointment Show Time As Busy Sensitivity Private 5at unfay , Octob~~r 1.4, 7.01J Time All Day Subject Weather: Scattered Showers/ H: 73 / L: 67 (50%) Show Time As Free Time iC::15 AM - 10:45 AM Subject Call: Sunday Show Prep (30 min) Show Time As Busy Event: Call: Sunday Show Prep Date: Saturday, October 14, 2017 Time : 10 :15AM-10 :45AM Parti ci pants: B5 ~------~ Secretary Rex Tillerson Ambassador Nikki Haley STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001192 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 442 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Call Instructions: Call WHSRat ~---~ call. This call is non-secure. B6 and they will connect the c------------~~-----~ Note : Talking Points, Q&A and a Fact Sheet on the Iran Strategy are included in your book . §;;ndw,-< , O,:tnb0r 1.S, 2:(HJ Time All Day ~---~ B6 B7(C) Subject AIC: ~---~ Show Time As Free Time 7:4:i .AM - 9:15 AM Subject Sunday Shows: Meet The Press "NBC" and This Week "ABC" Location BC News NYC,47 West 66th Street New York, NY {Studio on the 3rd Floor} Show Time As Busy Event: Meet The Press "NBC" and This Week "ABC" Date: Sunday, October 15, 2017 Time : 7:45am-9:15am Location: ABC News NYC,47 West 66th Street {Studio on the 3rd Floor} ABC News POC: Mae Joo DCA,AA fli ght 4708 Wheels up LGA: 8 :00AM Wheel s down DCA: 9:30AM B6 Hotel ~-------------~ Reservation name Time l L00 AM - 12:30 PM Subject Cabinet Meeting (1.5 hr} Location White House, Cabinet Room Show Time As Busy Event : Cabinet Meeting Date: Monday , October 16, 2017 Time: 11:00AM-12:30PM Location : White House, Cabinet Room STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001197 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 447 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Pod B6 Note: Topics will be immigration and tax reform . Paper will not be provided in advance, but you will be provided a book during the meeting. Time 1:00 PM - 1:30 PM Subject Lunch (30 min) Show Time As Busy Founding Farmer s Time 2 :00 PM - 2:10 PM Subject Call: Senator Chris Coons (10 min) Show Time As Busy Event: Call: Senator Chris Coons (D-DE) Date : Monday, October 16, 2017 Time: 2:00PM - 2:10PM Requested by: Senator Coons Call Instructions: Senator Coons will call Kate Fox at (202-736-7655). Kate will connect the call. POC: Megan O'Neil, Senator Coons Scheduler, 202-224-5042, B6 Purpose: The purpose of this call is for Senator Coons to touch base with you before your trip to Africa. Background: After the SFRCCoffee in June, Sen. Coons mentioned his interest on working with you on Africa issues, particularly South Sudan. He traveled with Senator Corker to South Sudan in April . Talking Points: * Note: Ask Senator Coons about his April trip to South Sudan. B5 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001198 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 448 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 B5 IF RAISED: 1. US Decision to leave UNESCO. j B5 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001199 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 449 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 B5 Background: Sen. Coons is supportive of UNESCOand has advocated for the President to issue the waiver in order to continuing funding UNESCO. Bio: Delaware Senate Foreign Relations Committee: Senator Chris Coons (D-DE) Interactions : * You last met him at the SFRCCoffee on 6/21/17 . Career: * A member of the Foreign Relations Subcommittee on Africa and Global Health Policy, Sen. Coons has emerged as an important voice on the continent's security challenges and economic opportunities. He is focused on building partnerships throughout Africa and ensuring that health programs, food aid, economic development, and security assistance effectively reach those who need it most. Chris has worked to improve access to electricity in sub-Saharan Africa; engage businesses in expanded trade and investment opportunities; end preventable maternal and child deaths; protect wildlife from trafficking; and promote peace, democracy, and human rights across the continent . Interesting Fact: * Every fall, Senator Coons brings business and nonprofit leaders from around the world to Wilmington as part of his annual "Opportunity: Africa" conference, which seeks to promote trade and investment between the U.S. and Africa. Chris' commitment to the continent stems from his interest in African affairs that began long before he became a U.S. Senator. In college, Chris spent a semester studying at the University of Nairobi in Kenya. He returned to the continent in the late 1980s to work with the South African Council of Churches in the anti-apartheid movement. STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001200 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 450 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Time Subject Location 2:30 PM-3:30 PM Pre-Trip Briefing (60 min) USUN/W Show Time As Busy Time 4 :00 PM ~ 4 :30 PM Subject Location Office Time USUN/W Show Time As Busy Time 6:15 PM - 9:00 PM Subject Private Appointment Show Time As Busy Sensitivity Private i ;.;es,h y, Orto b0r 17, 2G17 Time Subject All Day DC Weather: Sunny/ H: 63 / L: 44 (0%) Show Time As Free Time 10:00 /.\M - l U }0 AM Subject Location Meeting: Tina Kaidanow USUN/W Show Time As Busy Event : Meeting: Tina Kaidanow Date : Tuesday, October 17, 2017 Time: 10:00AM-11:00AM Location: USUN/W Attendees: Ambassdaor Nikki Haley Jon Lerner Tina Kaidanow POC: Jessica Steffens, Special Assistant, SteffensJL@state.gov , 202-647-8534 Acting Assistant Secretary of State for Pol itica I-Military Affairs: Tina Kaidanow [Pronunciation: Tee-nah KADE-ah-now] [Informal address: Tina] Interactions: * None. Career History: STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001201 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 451 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 * Kaidanow is a career member of the United States Foreign Service. In 2006, Kaidanow became the Charge d'Affaires for the U.S. Office in Pristina . In 2008 , the Republic of Kosovo declared independence from Serbia, and was subsequently recognized by the United States. The new U.S. embassy in Pristina opened, with Kaidanow as the first United States Ambassador to Kosovo . She has also worked for the National Security Council as Director for Southeast European Affairs and served as the Coordinator for Counterterrorism. Interesting Fact: * Kaidanow earned Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts degrees from the University of Pennsylvania and a Master of Philosophy degree in political science from Columbia University in New York. Family: * Unknown . Time 11:30 AM .. 12:30 PM Subject Read Time (60 min) Location USUN/W Show Time As Busy Time 3:05 Pfvl - 3:30 PM Subject Diwali Ceremonial Lighting of the Diya (25 min) Location White House, Oval Office Show Time As Busy Event: Diwali Ceremonial Lighting of the Diya Date : Tuesday, October 17, 2017 Time: 3:0S-3:30PM Location: White House, Oval Office Participants: POTUS Ambassador Nikki Haley Chairman of the US Federal Communications Commission Ajit Pai Administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Seema Verma Audience: 20 South Asian members of the Administration Hindu community leaders. and 10 B6 POC: Melissa Fwu, I Purpose: To celebrate Diwali (officially on October 19, 2017 ), the Hindu Festival of Lights, with the Hindu community in the United States and around the world . The White House celebration has traditionally received both domestic and internal coverage. STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001202 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 452 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Press: Closed press, WH photographer Background: Diwali is one of the most important celebrations in the Hindu religion, symbolizing the victory of light over darkness and good over evil. It is celebrated 2.1 million Hindus in the United States and 1.1 billion Hindus worldwide (Pew Research Center). The Bush '43 Administration became the first to celebrate Diwali at the White House in 2003, with the Obama Administration continuing the tradition. One of the most symbolic parts of the celebration is the lighting of the Diya (lamps), which is done at home with family on Diwali night. Format: Audience will be standing in groups, one on each side of the diya which will be placed on a small table . Participants (NH) will stand directly behind the diya. Sequence of Events: 3:05 PM - 3:15 PM NH & Diya Pre-staged in Oval Office 3:15 PM - 3:17 PM POTUSenters 3:18 PM - 3:21 PM POTUSgives brief remarks 3:22 PM - 3:23 PM POTUSlights Diya 3:24 PM - 3:25 PM Hindu Trump Appointee lights Diya 3:26 PM - 3:27 PM Hindu Community Partner lights Diya 3:28 PM - 3:29 PM Hold for Photos 3:29 PM - 3:30 PM Guests escorted out Bios: Chairman of the US Federal Communications Commission Ajit Pai [Pronunciation: Ah-jeet Pie] [Informal Address: Ajit] Interactions: * NH met him when she was Governor of South Carolina. He was a strong advocate for FCCreform to allow state prison facilities to use technology to jam cellphones in prisons-this is a big problem in SC (and other states). He chaired an FCCfield hearing in Columbia, SC and then Gov. Haley participated as a panelist. Career: * Ajit Pai is the Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission. He was designated Chairman by President Donald J. Trump in January 2017. He had previously served as Commissioner at the FCC, appointed by then-President Barack Obama and confirmed unanimously by the United States Senate in May 2012. STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001203 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 453 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Interesting Fact: * Chairman Pai graduated with honors from Harvard University in 1994 and from the University of Chicago Law School in 1997, where he was an editor of the University of Chicago Law Review and won the Thomas R. Mulroy Prize. In 2010, Pai was one of 55 individuals nationwide chosen for the 2011 Marshall Memorial Fellowship, a leadership development initiative of the German Marshall Fund of the United States. The son of immigrants from India, Chairman Pai grew up in Parsons, Kansas. Family: * He now lives in Arlington, Virginia, with his wife, Janine; son, ~--~ B6 and daughter, ~--~ Administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services: Seema Verma [Pronunciation: SEE-meVER-ma] [Informal Address: Seema] Interactions: * She was on a Women's Empowerment Panel with NH on 3/29/17. Career: * Ms. Seema Verma was sworn in as the 15th Administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services on March 14, 2017. As the architect of the historic Healthy Indiana Plan, she helped create and implement the Nation's first consumer-directed Medicaid program. Previously she was the President, CEO,and founder of SVC, Inc., a national health policy consulting company. Interesting Fact: * Administrator Verma completed a Master's degree in Public Health with a concentration in health policy and management from Johns Hopkins University and a Bachelor's degree in Life Sciences from the University of Maryland Family: * Verma's husband, Sanjay, is a child psychiatrist who runs a medical practice rrougl the Indiana Health Group. The couple has two children and ~ B6 Time 4:15 PM ~ 4:45 PM Subject Meeting: US-India Friendship Council (30 min) Location Capitol Visitors Center: Senate Visitors Center Room 201-00 Show Time As Busy Event: Roundtable: US-India Friendship Council Date: Tuesday, October 17, 2017 Time: 4:15-4:45PM (note: the event is scheduled until 6:30pm, but NH STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001204 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 454 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 will depart after her remarks) Location: Capitol Visitors Center: Senate Visitor s Center Room 201-00 Host: US-India Friendship Council Attire: Business Greeted by: Armeane Choski & Swadesh Chatterjee POC: Swadesh Chatterjee, Chair, US-India Friendship Council, B6 Security POC: Saundra, US Capitol Police - Special Events, specia I_events@uscp.gov , 202224-8891 Staff: Chaney Adams Leslie Dewees Purpose: The U.5.-lndia Friendship Council, is an independent, bipartisan, non-profit entity dedicated to education on the importance of the U.5.-lndia relationship and the positive role of Indian Americans in American life. The purpose of the round table is to have a positive impact in building support for relations among the world's largest two democracies. Press: Open press Format: The format of this event is a roundtable discussion with an audience of 75-80 people. NH will deliver remarks . Later in the program, Senators Tim Kaine (D-VA), John Cornyn (R-TX), Joe Donnelly (D-IN), and Mark Warner (D-VA) are confirmed to give remarks . Remarks: Jessica is working on remarks . Seating Chart: NH will be seated at the head table: 1. Swadesh Chatterjee 2. Ray Vickery 3. NH 4. Senator Tim Kaine (D-VA) 5. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) Sequence of Events: 4:10pm NH arrives at the Capitol and is greeted by Swadesh Chatterjee, Chair of US-India Friendship Council. 4:15-4:20pm Ray Vickery delivers welcome remarks. 4:20-4:25pm Swadesh Chatterjee delivers the welcome and STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001205 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 455 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 introduces NH. 4:25-4:35pm NH remarks. 4:35-4:45pm Swadesh facilitates Q&A. 4:45pm NH departs . Attendees: Swapnil Agarwal Meenak shi Ahamed Sambhu Banik Bharat Bara i Nisha Biswal Mark Brunner Swadesh Chatterjee Armeane Choksi Tom Cutler Sadanand Dhume Gary Ford Aziz Haniffa Amy Hariani Ingrid Belton Henick Lalit K. Jha Lalita Kaul Prashant Kothari Priya Kothari K.V. Kumar Daniel Lebold Adam Lovinger Cole T. Lyle Anuj Mittal Shekar Nara simhan Debapriya Nayak Prajesh Patel Yashwant Raj Nissim B. Reuben Michael Riccobene Amb.Tim Roemer Richard Rossow Ravish Sachar Sudhakar Shenoy Suresh V. Shenoy Har Swarup Singh Kannan Sriniva san Atman Trivedi Abeezar Tyebji George Varghese Christine Vick Raymond E. Vickery , Jr. Nishi Vinod Nathan Wolf Bias: STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001206 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 456 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 President and CEOof Swadesh Chatterjee and Associaties: Swadesh Chatterjee [Pronunciation: Swah-desh Chat-ter-jee] [Informal Address: Mr. Chatterjee] Career: * In 1998, Chatterjee was elected as the President of the Indian American Forum for Political Education (IAFPE),a nationwide organization whose goals are to boost political participation by members of the Indian American Community and to improve the relationship between the United States and India. Under his leadership, IAFPEplayed a key role in President Clinton ' s March 2000 visit to India. He was part of the Indian American delegation that accompanied the president during the visit. He is also credited with transforming Senator Jesse Helms, then Chairman of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee, from an India-basher to a friend and an ally. It is believed that this transformation laid the foundation of future successes in improving the U.S.-lndia relationship. Interesting Fact: *Along-time North Carolina resident, Chatterjee is a successful businessman and entrepreneur. He is President and CEOof Swadesh Chatterjee and Associates, and was earlier president of Brandt Instruments Former U.S. Assistant Secretary of Commerce, Trade Development: Raymond E. Vickery, Jr. [Pronunciation: Ray-mond Vick-eree] [Informal Address: Ray] Career: *Mr.Vickery is a leading author and advisor on US-India relations and a former U.S. Assistant Secretary of Commerce, Trade Development during Clinton's administration. His work on US-India economic engagement has resulted in a book on the subject. This book was followed by a study on India's struggle for energy sufficient to sustain its aspirations as a major power. Vickery took a leading role in lifting nuclear sanctions against India and passage of the U.S.-lndia civil nuclear legislation. Interesting Fact: * His decades of experience with India began as a Fulbright Scholar between Duke and Harvard. Virginia U.S. Senator: Tim Kaine [Pronunciation: Tim Cay-ne] [Informal address: Senator Kaine] STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001207 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 457 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Appointed 2012 Interactions: * He was at the Senate Foreign Relations Committee meeting on 3/29/17. Career History: * Senator Kaine is an American attorney and polit ician who is the junior United States Senator from Virginia. A Democrat, Kaine was elected to the Senate in 2012 and was the nominee of his party for Vice President of the United States in the 2016 election . He was elected Mayor of Richmond in 1998, and was in that position until being elected Lieutenant Governor of Virginia in 2001. Kaine was elected Governor of Virginia in 2005 and was in that office from 2006 to 2010. He was chairman of the Democratic National Committee from 2009 to 2011. Intere sting Fact: * He has said he is running for re-election in the Senate for 2018 and that he will not run for vice-president or president in the future. He has played the harmonica for over twenty years, and often travel s with several. Family: * He is married to Anne Bright Holton, and they have three children together. Texas U.S. Senato r: John Cornyn [Pronunciation: John Corn-en] [Informal address: Senator Cornyn] Appointed 2014 Interactions : * None. Career History: * Senator Cornyn is a member of the Republican Party and the current Senate Majority Whip for the 115th Congress. Cornyn previou sly served as Chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee from 2007 to 2011. In 1998, Cornyn was elected Attorney General of Texas, serving one term until winning a seat in the U.S. Senate in 2002. Interesting Fact: STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001208 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 458 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 * Born in Houston, Senator Cornyn is a graduate from Trinity University and St. Mary's University School of Law, receiving his LL.M. from the University of Virginia School of Law. Family: * He and his wife, Sandy Hansen, have two daughters. President of Banik and Associates: Dr. Sambhu N. Banik [Pronunciation: Sam-boo Bhan-ek] [Informal Address: Dr. Banik] Career: * A professor of Psychology and Counseling of Bowie State University for 42 years and president of Banik and Associates, a Family Diagnostic and Therapeutic Center in Washington D.C, Dr. Sambhu N. Banik most notably served as the chief of the Community Mental Health Center in Washington D.C. for 16 years and was appointed by then-President Ronald Reagan in 1987 as a member of the President's National Advisory Council on Drug Abuse. He was also appointed as a member of the President's Committee for People with Intellectual Disabilities by then-President George W. Bush. He left India in 1960, finished his PhD from University of Bristol, England and moved to the U.S. in 1964. Interesting Fact: * In 2004, he became the first NRI (non-resident Indian) to be elected as a delegate from Maryland to the GOP Convention in New York. In the immediate aftermath of the Bhopal poison gas disaster at a Union Carbide facility in December 1984, Banik, risking his own personal health, rushed to this city to tend to and counsel the victims of what is still considered the world's worst industrial disaster . He later received the Pravasi NRI Samman Award as well as the Mayor of D.C.'s Award for his work there. Former Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs: Nisha Biswal [Pronunciation: Nee-sha Bis-wall] [Informal Address: Nisha] Appointed 2014-2017 Career: * Ms. Biswal was Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs in the United States Department of State from 2014 to 2017. She was previously Assistant Administrator for Asia at USAID. Currently Ms. Biswal is a senior advisor for Albright Stonebridge Group, a global business strategy firm. At ASG, she works with the India & South Asia practice. Interesting Fact: * Biswal immigrated to the U.S. from India with her parents. STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001209 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 459 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Former Senior Advisor to Senator Mark Warner of Virginia: Mark Brunner [Pronunciation: Mark Broon-er] [Informal Address: Mark] Career: * Mr. Brunner was Senior Advisor to Senator Mark Warner of Virginia from 2009 to 2015. He also served as the Director of the Senate India Caucus during Senator Warner's tenure as the Caucus Co-Chair. During this time, Mr. Brunner worked on refocusing the Caucus's efforts to address issues of importance for US-India foreign policy and business-to-business relationships. He created a partnership between the National Basketball Association (NBA) and the India Caucus to bring basketball to India, and facilitated a landmark agreement between the Indian government, American community colleges, and private sector foundations to construct new schools in India for vocational skills training. He currently is the Vice President at The Cohen Group. Interesting Fact: * Before Mr. Brunner worked for Senator Warner, he had a 20-year career in the United States Navy where he served as a Navy pilot and concurrently as a Defense Policy Advisor at the US Mission to the European Union. First President of the Republican Indian Commitee: Armeane Choksi [Pronunciation: Ar-mee-ahn Choke-see] [Informal Address: Mr. Choksi] Interactions: * He has met Ambassador Haley previously in his role as President of the RIC and RIC'sefforts to help the Ambassador win the governor's seat: www.ricpac.org/uploads/Haley.RIC.DC.09.24.10.pdf Career: * Mumbai-born and raised, Mr . Choksi, was appointed as the first national President to the Republican Indian Committee in the U.S. Mr. Choksi was with the World Bank from 1974 to 1996, rising to vice president. In 1996, he quit the World Bank to found and serve as chairman and president of two investment companies: Rubicon Capital Investments, which invested in Latin America, and Hudson Fairfax Group, which invested in India. Interesting Fact: * Along with the likes of Swadesh Chatterjee, Choksi was one of the community protagonists who was at the forefront working assiduously to see the US-India nuclear deal through in both the House and the Senate. STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001210 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 460 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 National NRAACo-Chairman: K.V. Kumar [Pronunciation: K.V. Koo-mar] [Informal Address: K.V.] Career: *Mr.Kumar is the National NRAA (National Republican Asian Assembly) Co-Chairman , a close confidant to Presidents Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush, renowned political leader, and international business consultant . Interesting Fact: * and arrived in the United States in 1968. B6 Former White House NSCanalyst: Adam Lovinger [Pronunciation: Adam Lov-en-ger] [Informal Address: Adam] Career: * Previously , he wa s a 12-year strategic affair s analyst with the Pentagon's Office of Net Assessment (ONA). Mr. Lovinger was a White House National Security Council analyst who was sidelined from the job after the Pentagon suspended his security clearance on May 1st, and it appears, according to news outlets, that the Pentagon is moving forward with revoking his security clearance altogether. Lovinger was picked for the NSC post by then-National Security Adviser Michael T. Flynn and claim s that he was targeted as a result of political retaliation against him by bureaucrats oppo sed to President Trump . Intere sting Fact: B6 r but the visit apparently was not ~c-o -or-d~in-a-te- d~ w-it~h-a_n_y _W ~h-i~te House National Security Council officials. Co-chair of the Democratic National Committee's Inda-American Council: Shekar Narasimhan [Pronunciation: Shake-ar Nah-ra-sim-hahn] [Informal Address: Mr. Narasimhan] Career : *Mr.Narasimhan is the Co-chair of the Democratic National Committee's Inda-American Council. He has been Managing Partner at Beekman Advisors since 2003 and Chairman of Papillon Capital since 2012. Previously, Mr. Narasimhan was the Managing Director at Prudential Mortgage Capital Company and the Chairman and CEOof The WMF Group, Ltd. He is noted for participating in many political campaigns, and supported Jim Webb's election to the Senate. STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001211 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 461 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Interesting Fact: * As the father of S.R.Sidarthhe participated in the outcry over the controversial "Macaca" comment made regarding Sidarth, a 20-yearold Webb campaign volunteer, by former Virgina Governor George Allen. Board Member of the Indian American Republican Organization: Prajesh Patel [Pronunciation: Pra-jay-sh Pat-el] [Informal Address: Mr. Patel] Interactions: Career: *Mr.Patel is a board member of the Indian American Republican Organization . He has been a banker since 1998, starting with BMO Harris Bank. Interesting Fact: * Prajesh Patel has a bachelors' in Finance & Marketing from University of Illinois at Chicago U.S. Correspondent for Hindustan Times: Yashwant Raj [Pronunciation: Yash-want Raj] [Informal Address: Yash] Career: * Yashwant Raj has been with Hindustan Times for almost 17 years, during which he has played several key senior editorial roles. In his new role, Raj reports and writes for the newspaper and its online edition, and also plays a business development role for HT Media in the U.S. Former U.S. Ambassador to India : Tim Roemer [Pronunciation: Tim Ro-mer] [Informal Address: Ambassador Roemer] Appointed 2009-2011 Career: * Ambassador Roemer served in the U.S. House of Representatives from 1991 to 2003 as a Democrat from Indiana's 3rd congressional district. Subsequently, he was the president of the Center for National Policy (CNP), a Washington, D.C-based national security think tank. He served as U.S. Ambassador to India from 2009 to 2011. Roemer currently serves on the advisory board of Washington, D.C. based non-profit, America Abroad Media. STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001212 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 462 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Interesting Fact: * Ambassador Roemer travelled throughout India during his two years, visiting 17 states. He was the first Ambassador in over 10 years to visit Jammu and Kashmir, including a September 20, 2010 visit to the city of Leh to bring relief supplies to 400 rural families affected by a recent flash flood. Family: * A press release from the U.S. embassy in India stated ambassador Roemer leaving by June citing family reasons. He is married to Sally Johnston, and they have four children. Senior Adviser and Wadhwani Chair in U.S.-lndia Policy Studies: Richard Rossow [Pronunciation: Rich-ard Ross-oh] [Informal Address: Richard] Career: *Mr.Rossow is a senior adviser and holds the Wadhwani Chair in U.S.-lndia Policy Studies at CSIS.He joined CSISin 2014, having spent the last 16 years working in a variety of capacities to strengthen the partnership between the United States and India. From 1998 to 2008, Mr. Rossow served as deputy director of the U.S.-lndia Business Council. Interesting Fact: *Mr.Rossow Michigan. received his B.A. from Grand Valley State University in Former Chief of Staff and Special Adviser in the State Department's Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation: Atman Trivedi [Pronunciation: Aht-men Triv-edee] [Informal Address: Mr. Trivedi] Career: *Mr.Trivedi previously served as Senior Director for Policy in Global Markets at the U.S. Commerce Department. In his previous work as Chief of Staff and Special Adviser for State Dept's ISN, Mr. Trivedi oversaw policy development, public outreach, scheduling and travel, human resources, and financial management for ISN Assistant Secretary Tom Countryman, and was a part of the team that eliminated Syria's declared chemical weapons stockpile. He previously worked as Counsel on matters relating to East Asian and Pacific Affairs and parts of South Asia, including India, for the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Interesting Fact: * He was an Asia Society Asia 21 Fellow and was a part of the IndiaPakistan Regional Young Leaders Initiative, and a term member of the STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001213 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 463 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Council on Foreign Relations. Family: * He lives in Washington, DC with his wife son and daughter . ~---~ B6 and their Suggested Answers to Possible Questions: 1. Q: What is the Administration ' s strategy for seeing that India becomes a permanent member of the U.N. Security and how can the Congress support that strategy? A: B5 2. Q: At the summit between PresidentTrump and Prime Minister Modi, the Admini stration endor sed the Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism to criminalize terrorist conduct. How can the Congress help make this convention a reality? B5 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001214 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 464 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 3. Q: Swadesh will open it to the other participants to ask a couple of questions. NH might get a question about cooperation on terrorism, especially since Secretary Tillerson seems headed for India and Pakistan next week . B5 4. Q: India has a very cozy relationship with Iran (because about 1/3 of the about 150 m Muslims in India are Shia), so there may be questions on what is the US' s position on that close relationship today . Folks may ask about how the US -India relationship would be affected if India does not follow new sanctions on Iran, if impo sed. B5 Time 7:00 PM - 8:28 PM Subject NYTravel (1 hr 30 min) Show Time As Busy Flight: DCA-->LGA, AA flight 4758 Wheels up DCA: 7:00PM Wheels down LGA: 8:28PM w~,dr:~,,;ifav , Od:HhH rn, 201.1 Time All Day B6 Subject Birthday s: Recurrence Occurseve~ry _ O_ct_o_b_e_r _18 - ef-fe_ct _ i_v_ e ~10/18/2017 until 10/18/2017 Show Time As Free Time Ai: Day Subject Weather: Sunny/ H: 73 / L: 56 Show Time As Free Time 10/18/2017 12 :00 AM~ 10/ 21/2 017 12:00 AM Subject AIC: ~---~ B6 Show Time As Free B7(C) Time 9:15 AM - 9:45 AM Subject 21/W Staff Meeting (30 min) STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001215 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 465 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Occurs every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday effective 9/11/2017 until 10/31/2017 from 9:15 AM to 9:45 AM Show Time As Busy Recurrence Time 10:0C AM -12 :00 PM Subject SCOpen Debate: Middle East (2 hrs) Show Time As Busy Event : SCOpen Debate : Middle East Date: Wednesday, October 18, 2017 Time: 10:00 AM-1:00PM Location: UN Security Council Chamber (OPEN) Briefer: Assistant Secretary-General for Political Affairs Miroslav Jenca Staff: Max Kendrick, POL Walter Miller , POL Shane Chase, POL Ambassador Sison David Glaccum, EXEC Background: Assistant Secretary General for Politica I Affairs Miroslav Jenca wil I address the Council at this month's open debate , the first on the Middle East since July. Jenca's briefing will likely focus on the recent October 12, Egypt-facilitated reconciliation agreement between Fatah and Hamas, the full ramifications of which are still being measured by our government (though Israel has been quick to voice its concern). Thus far, the United States has welcomed the effort to create the conditions for the Palestinian Authority to fully assume its responsibilities in Gaza, but given the lack of clarity on important security question s as well as uncertainty over whether Hamas will accept the Quartet Principles (non-violence , recognition of the state of Israel, acceptance of all previous agreements between the parties , and a commitment to peaceful negotiations) , the United States has not welcomed the agreement itself. Due to this uncertainty over how the agreement will play out - including as to whether it might empower a more hard line position within the Palestinian Authority or, conversely, consolidate Abbas' influence and empower him to reach a peace agreement - USUN has told Egypt that it will not support a Security Council product on the matter at thi s time . Your remarks focus on Iran's destabilizing actions and violations of Council resolutions in the context of President Trump's decision to decline to certify that the suspension of sanctions in accordance with the JCPOAis "appropriate and proportionate" to measures taken by Iran to terminate its nuclear program. You should also be aware that STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001216 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 466 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 November 2 will mark the 100th anniversary of the Balfour Declaration, the landmark statement of British support "for the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people" that paved the way for the creation of the State of Israel. Ambassador Rycroft's remarks will highlight this important event , which will doubtless draw criticism from Arab member states and the Palestinian delegation . You may wish to expre ss your support and appreciation to the UK on the margins of the meeting. Bio: United Nations Assistant Secretary-General for Political Affairs: Miroslav Jenca [Pronunciation : MEER-oh-slahv YEHN-chah] [Informal Address: Miroslav] Appointed 2015 Interaction s: * He briefed the Council for the AOB on Burma 9/13/17 . Career History: * Born in 1965, ASGJenca previously was SRSGand Head of the UN Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia (UNRCCA). He held several senior-level position s in the Foreign Ministry of his native Slovakia, including postings to Uzbekistan, the EU, and Mexico. Interesting Fact: * ASGJenca hold s a doctor of law degree from Comenius University in Bratislava. He also studied at the University of Economics in Bratislava, Moscow State Institute of International Relations, and Stanford University. Family: * He is married and has two children. Time 3;00 PM - 3:10 PM Subject Meeting: Scheduling Process (10 min) Show Time As Busy Time 3:40 Pfv1·· 3:50 PM Subject Call: India Travel (10 min) Show Time As Busy Event: Call: lvanka Date: Wednesday, October 18, 2017 Time : 3 :40PM-3 :50PM Requested by: lvanka B6 POC: Rachael Baitel, STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001217 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 467 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 B6 Topic: India Trip Call Instructions: lvanka will call Leslie at front desk. Leslie will answer and inform you. Time 4;00 PM - 43 0 Pf\11 Subject Strategy Meeting (30 min) Show Time As Busy Event: Meeting: Syria CW Strategy Date: Wednesday, October 18, 2017 Time : 4:00-4 :30PM Attendees: Ambassador Nikki Haley Ambassador Michele Sison David Glaccum Emily McMillan Walter Miller Josh Black Craig Finkelstein Time 4:30 PM ... 5:00 PM Subject Briefing (30 mins) Show Time As Busy Time 4:.55 PM - 5·15 PM Subject Meeting: JD and CA (15 min) Show Time As Busy Time 6:00 PM - 6;40 PM Subject Meeting : Canadian FM Chrystia Freeland (45 min) Location Park Hyatt , 153 W 57th St Show Time As Busy Event : Meeting: Canadian FM Chrystia Freeland Date: Wednesday, October 18, 2017 Time : 6 :00-6 :40PM Location: The Park Hyatt, 153 W 57th Street, The Living Room Bar Greeted by : Lauren Hurst will greet NH in the lobby Requested by: Canadian Mission Res name : Permanent Mis sion of Canada to the UN POC: Lauren Hurst, Canadian Mi ssion, STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001218 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 468 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 B6 Press:Closed Press Attendees: Ambassador Nikki Haley Michael Haley Minister Chrystia Freeland Graham Bowley Ambassador Marc Andre Blanchard will drop by the front end of the meeting . Bios: Canada Minister of Foreign Affairs: Chrystia Freeland [Chris-tee-yuh Free-land] Interactions : * NH had a meeting with her on 7/18/17 and she also spoke at our high-level event on HRCReform on 9/19/17. Career: * Appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in January 2017. Previously served a member of the Canadian Parliament in the liberal party . Worked as a journalist and editor, including for the Financial Times, Washington Post, The Economist , The Globe and Mail, and Thomson Reuters. Graduated from Harvard University and was a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford University. Interesting Facts: * Speaks Russian and lived in Moscow as a journalist. Grew up in the rural frontier of Alberta on a farm. Authored two books: "Plutocrats: The Rise of the New Global Super-Rich and the Fall of Everyone Else," a New York Times bestseller about the hollowing of the middle class (2012) ; and "Sale of the Century," about Russia's journey from STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001219 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 469 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 communism to capitalism (2000). Family: I * Married to Graham Bowley (British native; New York Times reporter on arts and culture) with three kids : I ~---~ Note: * Recently reported as saying she had been working well with Sec. Tillerson on the threat of North Korea. Also reported to be in ongoing NAFTA negotiations with U.S. and Mexico . B6 New York Times Reporter : Graham Bowley [Pronunciation: Grah-am BO-lee] [Informal Address: Mr. Bowley] Interactions: None found . Career : * Mr . Bowley is currently an inve stigative reporter on the Culture desk of The New York Times covering the darker but also the lighter side of the arts, culture and cultural organizations. He reported for The Times from Afghani stan in 2012 , and has also lived and worked as a journalist inj jHe is the author of the book "No Way Down: Life and Death on K2." B6 Interesting Fact: * Ms. Chrystia Freeland met fellow reporter Mr. Bowley Time 6 :4D PM - 10:00 PM Subject Reception : Montreal Symphony Concert and Reception Location Carnegie Hall, 881 7th Ave Show Time As Busy Event: Reception: Montreal Symphony Concert and Reception Date: Wednesday, October 18, 2017 Time : 6 :40PM-10:00PM Location: Carnegie Hall, 881 7th Avenue (Entrance: Weill Recital Hall & Classic Event Spaces located next to 154 W 57th St) Attendees: Ambassador Nikki Haley Michael Haley Hosts: Canadian Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland and husband, Mr. Graham Bowley Canadian Ambassador Marc-Andre Blanchard and wife, Mrs. Monique STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001220 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 470 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Ryan Attire: Business POC: Lauren Hurst, Canadian Mission, B6 Security POC:Tony Strano, Carnegie Hall Director of Security, Purpose: To join fellow PRs and their spouses for an evening social event hosted by the Canadian PRfor a concert that feature s a prominent Canadian composer. Run of Show: 6:00PM Reception begins 6:40PM NH and MH arrive Carnegie Hall with Minister Freeland and Mr. Bowley 6:40-7:00PM Mix and mingle with concert attendees 7:00PM Welcome remark s 7:45PM Guest s are seated for concert 8 :00PM Concert begins 9:00PM Intermission (If NH & MH would like to leave at this point, GR has confirmed with the Canadian Mission that this is ok) 10:00PM Concert ends and NH Departs Seating: For the concert, NH/MH will be seated in between Ambassador Marc-Andre Blanchard and Minister Freeland. Program: The Montreal Symphony Orchestra will perform three pieces : (1) "A Globe Itself lnfolding for Organ and Orchestra" composed by Samy Moussa (Canadian), which is approx. 11 minutes. The conductor is world-renowned Maestro Kent Nagano (American), and the lead violini st is world famous Maxim Vengerov (Israeli born in Soviet Union). Moussa composed the piece in 2014 and was named Quebec's "Compo ser of the Year" in 2015 at only 31 years of age. (2) Bartok, Concerto for orchestra. STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001221 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 471 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 (3) Brahms, Concerto for violin. Attendees: ~100 guests (PRs,DPRs,spouses, or other guests) Host Bios: Canada Minister of Foreign Affair s: Chrystia Freeland [Chris-tee-yuh Free-land] Interaction: * NH had a meeting with her on 7/18/17 and she also spoke at our high-level event on HRCReform on 9/19/17. Career: * Appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs by Prime Mini ster Justin Trudeau in January 2017. Previously served a member of the Canadian Parliament in the liberal party . Worked as a journalist and editor , including for the Financial Times, Washington Post , The Economist , The Globe and Mail, and Thomson Reuters. Graduated from Harvard University and was a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford University. Interesting Facts: * Speaks Russian and lived in Moscow as a journalist. Grew up in the rural frontier of Alberta on a farm. Authored two books: "Plutocrats: The Rise of the New Global Super-Rich and the Fall of Everyone Else," a New York Times bestseller about the hollowing of the middle class (2012); and "Sale of the Century," about Russia's journey from communism to capitalism (2000). Family: * Married to Graham Bowley (British native ; New York Times reporter on arts and culture) with three kids: ~---------~ B6 * Spouse: New York Times reporter: Graham Bowley [Pronunciation: Grah-am BO-lee] [Informal Address: Mr. Bowley] Interactions : * None found. Career : * Mr . Bowley is currently an investigative reporter on the Culture desk of The New York Times covering the darker but also the lighter side of the arts, culture and cultural organizations. He reported for The Times STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001222 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 472 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 from Afghanistan in 2012, and has also lived and worked as a journalist in ~------~ He is the author of the book "No Way Down: Life and Death on K2." B6 Permanent Representative: Marc-Andre Blanchard [MARK Ahn-DREYBlahn-SHARD] [Informal Address: Marc-Andre] Appointed 2010 Interactions : * He attended Amb. Syed Akbaruddin ' s dinner on 10/4/17. Career: *Mr . Blanchard was Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Mc Carthy Tetrault, one of Canada's largest law firms, advising companies on strategic and public policy issues. In 2014, he served on the boards of the Conference Board of Canada, the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada and the Institute for Research in Immunology and Cancer. Mr . Blanchard hold s master 's degrees in public administration and international relations from Columbia University in New York City and in public international law from the London School of Economics and Political Science in the United Kingdom. He also hold s a bachelor's degree in law from the Universite de Montreal in Canada. Family: * Born on 10 November 1965, he is married and has two children. * Spouse: B6 No Bio Available Permanent Representative to the UN in Geneva: Rosemary Mccarney [Rose-mayr-ee Mick-Carn-ee] [Informal Address: Rosemary] Appointed 2015 Interaction s: * None found . Career : * Ms. Mccarney was the first Executive Director of the Canada-US Law Institute and taught law at multiple universities in Canada. She's also STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001223 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 473 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 been the president and CEOof Plan International Canada Inc., one of the oldest and largest charities in Canada, and was most recently the chair of both the Humanitarian Coalition and the Canadian Network on Maternal, Newborn and Child Health. Interesting Fact: *Ms . McCamey has also written a series of children's books on social and rights issues affecting children around the world, including in Canada; the first book, Every Day is Mala la Day. Family: * She and her husband have three children. * Spouse:! I B6 Deputy Permanent Representative: Louise Blais [Loo-eese B-lah (sis silent)] [Informal Address: Louise] Appointed 2017 Interactions: * None found. Career: *Ms.Blais most recently was the Consul General of Canada in Atlanta, Georgia. She began her professional career at Interpol and the National Archives of Canada before joining the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade in 1996. She has served abroad as Counsellor at the Embassy in Washington and Tokyo and as MinisterCounsellor for Political Affairs at the Embassy in Paris. Interesting Fact: *Ms.Blais' new role comes with special responsibility for Agenda 2030 and Development. That agenda "is a plan of action for people, planet and prosperity." Family: * She and her husband have two children. STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001224 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 474 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 * Spouse: B6 * No bio available for spouse Thmsci<-lV, Or.tober rn,1017 Time All Day Subject UN Floating Holiday: Diwali Show Time As Free Time 10/ 19/2 017 12:00 AM - 10/2 4/2 017 12:00 AM Subject FYISCSahel Trip Show Time As Free Time 8:.30AM- 10:10A.M Subject Panel: George W. Bush lnstitute's Human Freedom Initiative Location Jazzat Lincoln Center's Frederick P. Rose Hall (Broadway at West 60th St) Show Time As Busy Event: Panel: George W. Bush lnstitute's Human Freedom Initiative: The Spirit of Liberty in the World: American Interests, American Leadership Date: Thursday, October 19, 2017 Residence Departure Time: 8:10AM Arrival Time : 8:30AM Time: 8:30AM -10:lOAM Location: Jazz at Lincoln Center's Frederick P. Rose Hall (Broadway at West 60th St) Attire: Business Greeted by: Gracey Roskam will be greeting NH and MH at the stage door entrance POC: Kate Wetzel, G. W. Bush Presidential Center Event Manager, B6 Purpose: The goal of this session is to name the threats to freedom today-both old and new-and affirm the imperative of American leadership to respond from a position of value s and strategic interest s. Press: This is open to the press and will be livest reamed on Facebook live . Confirmed media (as of 10/18/17) : AP, CNN, CSPAN,Fox News, New York Times, National Review, Reuters, Newsweek, Politico, Wishengrad Pictures, CBS,Jewish Insider Attendees : Ambassador Nikki Haley Michael Haley (seated front row right) STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001225 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 475 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Staff: Note: will be seated in the back of the theater Jon Lerner David Glaccum Katherine Veld ran Becca Schimsa Emily McMillan Maggie Dougherty Chaney Adams Gracey Roskam Leslie Dewees Audience: ~300 people Format: No Q&A. Lavaliere mic. On stage there will be 4 chairs with tables in between (water will be provided). Panel conversation with NH, Dr. Condolezza Rice, and Secretary Madeleine Albright . Moderated by Amanda Schnetzer, the George W. Bush Institute, Director of Global Initiatives (bio below). Note: Actual stage below. There will be only 4 chairs on the stage. Background: In the Bush Center's Call to Action paper being released in conjunction with this event, they address four particular areas where our society and government can take action to strengthen democracy and revive the faith of Americans in it: the vulnerability of our democracy to hostile regimes, a loss of confidence in our capacity to lead in the global arena, a weakening of our commitments to core principles of American self-government, and a loss of trust in the key public and private institutions that compose our society. The half-day forum in New York is expected to attract approximately 300 attendees and is part of a larger Bush Institute effort to use the unique platform, spotlight, and convening power of President and Mrs. Bush and the Institute to catalyze research, policy, and action initiatives that help inspire others and achieve meaningful results. In May 2017, President and Mrs . Bush hosted Secretary Albright, former Secretary of Commerce Carlos Gutierrez, and a bipartisan group of leaders from the public and private sectors for a kickoff roundtable. The group discussed opportunities to reaffirm core values of freedom and free markets and helped inform a research agenda and a call-to-action paper by our two research fellows, Pete Wehner STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001226 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 476 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 (a Republican) and Tom Melia (a Democrat). A second gathering of experts occurred in June 2017 in Washington, DC. The forum on October 19 is the first public event to discuss these issues. Sequence of Events: 8:30AM NH and MH arrive Lincoln Center and enter via stage door off 60th street 8:30AM - 8:45AM NH either waits in her hold room (Dressing Room 2), or moves to the Noble Room to wait for the Bush meet & greet. 8:45AM - 8:50AM Speaker meet & greet and photo with President & Mrs. Bush in the Noble Room. In the room will be 6 "Freedom Advocates" from different countries (briefbios below), and Secretary Albright and Dr. Rice will also likely drop in. 8:50AM Enisha Williams (Bush Staffer) and GR will escorts NH to VOM room to be lav'd. Sec. Albright and Dr. Rice will also be getting lav'd at the same time. Bush staffer will escort MH to his seat- he will be positioned in the front row (NH's right) 8:55AM Panelists are escorted to their seats. NH will sit in front center row with The Bushes, Sec. Albright, and Dr. Rice. 9:03AM -9:17AM Ken Hersch, President & CEO,of the George W . Bush Presidential Center delivers welcome remarks and introduces Mrs. Laura Bush 9:07AM - 9:17AM Remarks by Mrs. Laura Bush 9:17AM-9:20AM Scene Setter: Personal Testimony on U.S. Leadership in the World Speaker: Grace Jo, Vice President, NK in USA (Grace is a DPRKrefugee and Bush center scholarship recipient) 9:20AM Voice of God will call Amanda Schnetzer to the stage. Amanda will then introduce Sec. Albright, NH, and Dr. Rice. 9:21AM NH moves to stage with Sec. Albright and Dr. Rice. Seating (L-R): Sec. Albright, NH, Dr. Rice, Amanda Schnetzer (moderator) 9:20AM - 10:10AM Panel: The Spirit of Liberty in the World: American Interests, American Leadership Moderator: Amanda Schnetzer, Director, Global Initiatives, George W. Bush Institute Speakers: 1. Madeleine Albright, 64th United States Secretary of State STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001227 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 477 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 2. Nikki Haley, United States Permanent Representative to the United Nations 3. Condoleezza Rice, 66th United States Secretary of State *Note: Amanda Schnetzer flagged for GR that the first question would be directed to NH: "We live in a world of many dangers-North Korea and Iran; 1515and the threat of terrorism; instability and mass refugee flows from Syria, Burma and elsewhere; Russian aggression in Europe and elsewhere; and others. How should the United States prioritize these traditional threats? And what should American leadership look like to address them?" (talking points from Jon are behind this brief)* 10:10AM Panel concludes and NH departs stage right. Note: the remaining panelists will return to their seats for the remainder of the program. NH will move back into the VOM (off stage right) to have the microphone removed and will meet MH in Dressing Room 2. Moderator: Amanda Schnetzer Director, Global Initiatives, George Bush Institute Interactions: * None. Career: * In her current role, she is responsible for developing innovative research, programmatic, and policy efforts to advance societies rooted in political and economic freedom and to empower women to lead in their communities and countries. Previously she served as the Bush lnstitute's founding director of the Human Freedom Initiative. Amanda has twenty years of experience in the international arena and a background in public policy research and analysis, public affairs, and management of diverse, high-level stakeholders. As senior fellow and director of studies at Freedom House in New York, Amanda guided research for the organization's definitive studies of freedom. She began her career at the American Enterprise Institute in Washington, DC, supporting research on U.S. foreign policy and international politics. Interesting Fact: * Amanda is a published writer and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. She holds degrees from Georgetown University and Southern Methodist University, where she graduated Phi Beta Kappa. NOTE: THESEARETHESTUDENTSTHAT WILL BE IN THE MEET & GREET WITH NH AND 43. Freedom Advocate Bias: STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001228 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 478 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Afghanistan: Onaba Payab Background: * Fulbright scholar pursuing a master ' s degree in International Policy and Development at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey. * In 2014, she graduated as valedictorian of the American University of Afghanistan (AUAF). * In 2015, she moderated a panel featuring Mrs. Obama and Mr s. Bush and 2014 presented Mrs Bush with an honorary degree from AUAF. China: Bob Fu Interactions : * Maggie Dougherty met with Bob on 10/5/17. Background: * President China AID * Chinese house church pastor and freedom advocate * Renmin University, China DPRK: Joseph Kim Background: * Student, Bard College (Political Philosophy) * North Korean refugee and recipient of a Bush Center North Korea Freedom Scholarship. DPRK: Seongmin Lee Background: STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001229 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 479 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 * Student, Columbia University (political science) * North Korean refugee who resettled in South Korea before coming to the United States; unsuccessful applicant for a Bush Center North Korea Freedom Scholarship DPRK: Susie Seo Photo not available Background: * Student, Rose-HuIman Institute ofTechnology in Terre Haute, Indiana (engineering) * North Korean refugee and recipient of a Bush Center North Korea Freedom Scholarship. * Single * Settled with her mother in Lousiville, Kentucky . Venezuela : Rodrigo Diamanti Background : * Research Fellow, Harvard University * Venezuelan freedom advocate who founded the website Un Mundo sin Mordaza (A World Without Censorship) * Andres Bello Catholic University of Caracas (BA), Complutense University in Madrid (MA) rime 103(J AM ·-·l.1:00 AM Subject 21/W Staff Meeting (30 min) Show Time As Busy Time 12:00 PM -1 2:30 PM Subject Meeting: Africa Trip Planning (30 min) Show Time As Busy Event : Meeting : Africa Trip Planning Date: Thursday, October 19, 2017 Time : 12:30PM-1:00PM Attendees: Ambassador Nikki Haley Jon Lerner STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001230 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 480 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 David Glaccum Austin Smith Chaney Adams Leslie Dewees Time 12:30 PM - 1:00 PM Subject Briefing (30 mins) Show Time As Busy Time 1:15 PM - 2:45 PM Subject Luncheon: Welcoming African Leaders (1.5 hr) Location Residence Show Time As Busy Event: Luncheon: Welcoming African Leaders Date : Thursday, October 19, 2017 NH Arrival Time: 1:10PM Time: 1:15PM - 2:45PM Location: Residence Host: Ambassador Nikki Haley Purpose: The purpo se is to gather key African UN delegations prior to NH's Africa trip . Staff: 1. Austin Smith 2. Leslie Dewees, Notetaker 3. Matthew Miller, Greeter 4. Katherine Veld ran, Greeter 5. Youseline Obas, Downstairs Greeter Confirmed Attendees: 1. Chad - H.E. Mr . Ali Alifei Moustapha 2. Cote d'Ivoire - H.E. Mr. Bernard Tanoh-Boutchoue 3. Ghana - Mr. Daniel Okaiteye, Charge d' Affaires 4. Guinea - Mr. Fran~ois Soumah, Charge d'Affaires 5. Nigeria - H.E. Mr . Tijjani Muhammad Bande 6. Rwanda - H.E. Mrs . Valentine Rugwabiza 7. Senegal - H.E. Mr . Fode Seek STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001231 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 481 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 8. South Africa - H.E. Mr . Jerry Matthews Matjila 9. Uganda - H.E. Mr. Adonia Ayebare Regret: 1. Angola - H.E. Mr . Ismael Abraao Gaspar Martins- Out of town 2. Ethiopia - H.E. Mr. Tekeda Ale mu- Out of town Gifts: Each attendee will receive a handmade Palmetto mugs with seagrass coasters All gift bags will be positioned on right side entry table MM will give a gift bag to each guest as they depart Format: Guests to mingle (passed beverages) prior to all guests' arrival. MM will give signal to NH once all guests have arrived; NH to invite them to be seated. Seating Chart: Note: seating is in order of precedence Menu Cards: BIOS: CONFIRMED Chad Permanent Representative: Ali Alifei Moustapha [Pronunciation: Alee Alee-FAY Mus-TAH-FA] [Informal Address: Ali] Appointed 2017 Interactions: * NH met him at the African PR meeting on 8/11/17; he also attended the American Independence Day reception on 6/29/17. Career: * Born in 1956, Mr. Moustapha previously served Chad's Minister for Communications, as well as Minister for Environment and Fisher and Secretary of State for National Defence. Prior posts include Chief of Staff at the Official Journal of the Government Secretariat and Editorin-Chief of Chad's National Press Agency. STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001232 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 482 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Family: * He is married and has 11 children. Cote d'Ivoire Permanent Representative: Bernard Tanoh-Boutchoue [Pronounciation: BER-nard tan-0 BOOT-choo-A] [Informal Address: Bernard] Appointed 2017 Interactions: * New Member to Security Council. No updates in tracker. Career: * This is Bernard Tanoh-Boutchoue's second stint in New York, having previously served as Counsellor at the Cote d'Ivoire Mission from 1996 to 2003. He will be leading the Mission as Cote d'Ivoire joins the Security Council for 2018-19, its third time on the Council (Cote d'lvoire's previous terms were 1964-65 and 1990-91). TanohBoutchoue was Ambassador to Russiafrom 2011 to 2017 with accreditation to numerous other former Soviet states during much of that time, including Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Tajikistan, and Ukraine. Interesting Fact: * Ambassador Tanoh-Boutchoue holds a law degree from the University of Abidjan-Cocody, a Bachelor of Arts in modern literature from the University of Abidjan and a Baccalaureat in literature from the Lycee Classique de Bingerville, Cote d'Ivoire. Family: He is married and has three children. Ghana Charge d'Affaires: Daniel Okaiteye [Pronunciation: Daniel Oh-Ki-Ti] [Informal Address: Daniel] Interactions: *None.However, you met the PR, Martha Pobee, at the dinner in Honor of PGA Peter Thomson on 8/30/17 .. Career: Mission will send us bio as soon as possible. Nothing found online. STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001233 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 483 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Interesting Fact: Family: Guinea Charged ' Affaires: Fran~ois Soumah [Pronunciation: Fran-swA Su-Ma] [Informal Address: Fran~ois] Interactions: * None but the PR,Mr . Mamadi Toure, attended your GA PR reception on 7/20/17. Career: * Mr . Soumah is a career diplomat who has served as a Minister Counsellor at Guinea' s mission to the UN since July 2015. He previou sly served as an economic advisor in Guinea' s Embassy in Paris, as well as assignments in Guinea's Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Intere sting Fact: * He studied Foreign Languages at the University of Poitier s in France, receiving the equivalent of an Associate's Degree. Family: * Married with two children Nigeria Permanent Representative: Tijjani Bande [Pronunciation: Tee-jan-nee Ban-day] [Informal Address: Tijjani] Appointed 2017 Interactions : * NH had a courtesy call with him 7/21/17 . He has RSVPedto the Montreal Symphony Concert and Reception 10/18/17. Career: * Prior to his appointment, Mr. Bande served as Director-General of the National Institute for Policy and Strategic Studies in Kuru, Nigeria, from 2010 to 2016. He was Vice-Chancellor of Usmanu Danfodiyo Univer sity in Sokoto , Nigeria, between 2004 and 2009. He was born on 7 December 1957. STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001234 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 484 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Interesting Fact: * Mr . Bande hold s a PhD in Political Science from the University of Toronto, Canada, having previously earned a Master of Art s and a Bachelor of Science in Political Science, from Boston University, and Ahmadu Bello University in Zaria, Nigeria, respectively . Family: * He is married and has four children . Rwanda Permanent Representative: Valentine Rugwabiza [Pronunciation: Val-en-TEEN Rug-wah-BEE-zah] [Informal Address: Valentine] Appo inted 2016 Interactions: * NH met her at the African PRsmeeting on 8/11/17 . Career: * Ms. Rugwabiza, who until her new appointment had served as Minister for East African Community since 2014, remain s a member of Cabinet of the Government of Rwanda. From 2013 to 2014, she was Chief Executive Officer of the Rwanda Development Board and Member of Cabinet. Between 2005 and 2013, M s. Rugwabiza held the position of Deputy Director-General of the World Trade Organization (WTO). Prior to that, she was the Permanent Representative of Rwanda to the United Nations Office in Geneva and Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Switzerland. Intere sting Fact: * Ms. Rugwabiza holds both Bachelor and Master of Science degrees from the National University of Zaire. Family: * She is married . * Spouse: John Sendanyoye South Africa Permanent Representative: Jerry Matthews Matjila [Pronunciation: JER-ee Math-YOUS Math-JEE-lah] [Informal Address: Jerry] STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001235 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 485 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Appointed 2016 Interactions: * NH met him at the Indian PR-hosted social dinner 10/4/17 . Career: * From 2011 until his latest appointment , Mr. Matjila was the Acting Director-General of South Africa's Department of International Relations and Cooperation. He was previously Permanent Representative to the United Nation s in Geneva from 2010 to 2011, serving concurrently as Consul-General to the French-speaking cantons of Switzerland. Mr. Matjila was Deputy Director-General of the Asia and Middle East Branch in the Department of International Relations and Cooperation between 2006 and 2010. He was Ambassador to Belgium, Luxembourg and the European Community from 2001 to 2006. Intere sting Fact: * Mr. Matjila was educated in France, Belgium, the United Kingdom, Norway and Germany. Family: * He is married. Uganda Permanent Representative: Adonia Ayebare [Pronunciation: Ah-do-knee-a Eye-eh-bar-eh] [Informal Address: Adonia] Appointed 2017 Interaction s: * He was at the bilat meeting with President Museveni during UNGA 9/18/17. Career: * Prior to his latest appointment , Mr. Ayebare was the Senior Advi ser on Peace and Security at the African Union's Permanent Observer Mission to the United Nations in New York from 2013 until 2017. Mr. Aye bare had previously been Deputy Permanent Representative and Charge d'affaire s in New York from 2010 to 2012, and from 2005 to 2008. Between those postings, he served as Director of the Africa Program at the International Peace Institute in New York between 2009 and 2011. STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001236 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 486 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Interesting Fact: * Holding two doctorates, from Indiana University and Rutgers University, Mr. Ayebare also has two master's degrees, from Long Island University and Tufts University's Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. Family: *Mr.Aye bare is married and has five children. B6 * Spouse: ~--------~ REGRET Ethiopia Angola Permanent Representative: Ismael Abraao Gaspar Martins [Pronunciation: ISH-ma-elle Gaa-SPARMAR-ten] [Informal Address: Ismael] Appointed 2001 Interactions: * He was at the Second GA PR reception (African states) on 6/13/17. While the PR did not attend the African PR meeting on 8/11/17 (to which this lunch is a follow-up), the Angolan charge d'affaires, Mr. Joao Gimolieca, DID attend . Career: * Born in Luanda on 12 January 1940, Mr. Gaspar Martins served from 1996 as founding member and Co-President of the Angola-South Africa Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Among other positions, from 1989 to 1995, Mr. Gaspar Martins was the Executive Director of the African Development Bank in Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire, Minister of External Trade, and Minister of Finance. He has also held UN positions, including with the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). Interesting Fact: * Mr. Gaspar Martins went to Lycoming College in Pennsylvania, United States. Family: * Mr. Gaspar Martins is married with four children. Talking Points : 1. Trip Point: STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001237 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 487 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 * Note that this visit will give you an opportunity to address some of the continents biggest political and security crises as well as review two of the UN's largest peacekeeping operations. * South Sudan:I * DRc:I B5 ,. * Ethiooia: I Background/South Sudan: The UNMISS mandate will come up for renewal in December and therefore your visit to review the mission is timely from that perspective. African PRsencouraged you to travel to the African Union when you visited Africa, however Chairperson Faki and most of the AU's top leadership will be at a retreat in Chad the week you are traveling in Africa. USAU confirmed that you will meet with former UN Assistant-Secretary General for Peacekeeping Operations and now Faki's Chief of Staff EI-Ghassim Wane, likely along with an AU Commissioner. 2. GS Sahel:I B5 Background: Despite the S-G's continued calls for UN Security Council authorization for the GS Joint Force, his October 16 GS report included four options of potential avenues to provide greater or more STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001238 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 488 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 streamlined support to the GS forces (or only the Malian forces within the GS), but not Chapter VII. The first two options include support packages with material support and logistics, along the lines of the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM), paid for through assessed contributions. The second two focus on MIN USMA as a conduit to assisting the GS with logistics, training, and operational support. 3. Central African Republic: I I B5 4. UN-AU Partnership: ! B5 5. Somalia: I B5 6. Lake Chad Basin:I B5 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001239 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 489 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 B5 Time 4:00 PM- 5:30 Pf.., 1 Subject DC Travel (1 hr 30 min) Show Time As Busy Flight : LGA-->DCA,AA flight 4755 Wheels up LGA: 4:00PM Wheels down DCA: 5:30PM B6 Hotel: Reservation name: Time 7:15PM - 8:30PM Subject Dinner : Kuwait-hosted UNHCR Dinner honoring First Lady Melania Trump Location Ambassador's Residence~------------~ B6 Show Time As Busy Event: Dinner: Kuwait-hosted UNHCR Dinner honoring First Lady Melania Trump Date: Thursday, October 19, 2017 Time: 6:00PM - 8:30PM Cocktail Reception: 6:00PM ***Guests must arrive no later than 7:00PM Dinner begins promptly at 7:30PM Location: Ambassador ' s Residence, Host: Ambassador of the State of Kuwait and Mrs. Salem Al-Sabah Attire: Black Tie POC: Fay Mclaren, Office of the Ambassador, B6 Purpose: UNHCRwill honor Melania Trump as their Humanitarian Award recipient . Press: There were be press members attending the dinner off-therecord, but no press spray. STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001240 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 490 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Format: FLOTUSwill be the Guest of Honor and Humanitarian Award Recipient, Secretary Tillerson will deliver Special Remarks, and SG Guterres will deliver Thank You remarks. Menu: Not available Run of Show: 6:00PM - 7:15PM Cocktail Reception 7:15PM - 7:30PM Guests are seated for dinner (MH seated at Table lOand NHseatedatTable 11) 7:30PM Dinner is served and program begins 8:45PM Event concludes and NH and MH departs Seating Chart: * NH Table (#11): 1. H.E. Sheikh Salem Al-Sa bah, Ambassador of the State of Kuwait [Seated next to NH] 2. First Lady Melania Trump, Guest of Honor and Humanitarian Award Recipient 3. H.E. Anas Al-Saleh, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, State of Kuwait 4. Honorable Steven Mnuchin, Secretary of the Treasury 5. Mr. Charles Holliday, Chairman, Royal Dutch Shell 6. Mr. Andrew Liveris, Chairman and CEO, The Dow Chemical Company 7. Honorable Wilbur Ross, Secretary of Commerce 8. Mr. Marc Allen, President, Boeing International 9. H.R.H. Prince Khaled bin Salman Al-Saud, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 10. Mr. Lamar McKay, Deputy Group Chief Executive, BP pie [Seated next to NH] 11. Honorable Nikki Haley, U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations * MH Table (#10): 1. H.H. Princess Lalla Joumala Alaoui, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Morocco STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001241 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 491 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 2. Honorable Tom Bossert, Assistant to the President for Homeland Security & Cybersecurity 3. Mr. Kevin Kolevar, Vice President, Government Affairs and Public Policy, The Dow Chemical Company 4-~-----~ Spouse of Mr . Brian Malnak, Shell 5 ~ -------~ toMH] B6 Spouse of the Ambassador of Italy [Sit next 6. Mr. Michael Haley, Spouse of Honorable Nikki Haley 7.~ -----~ next to MH] Spouse of Mr. Tony Tamer, H.I.G. Capital [Sit 8. Mr. David Vennett, Senior Advisor of the United Nations Secretary General 9. Honorable Reed Cardish, Assistant to the President for lntragovernmental & Technological Initiatives 10. ~------~ Arab Emirates Spouse of the Ambassador of the United 11. Dr. Michael Bell, Senior Director for the Near East, National Security Council 12. Honorable Marlene Malek, Spouse of ~------~ Confirmed VIPs: 1. POTUS 2. FLOTUSMelania Trump 3. Jared Kushner & lvanka Trump 4. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson 5. Secretary-General Guterres 6. Secretary Steve Mnuchin 7. Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross 8. Secretary ofTran sportation, Elaine Chao 9. NSA H.R. McMaster 10. OBM Director Mick Mulvaney 11. National Economic Council Director Gary Cohn 12. Presidential Advisor Kellyanne Conway 13. Homeland Security Advisor Tom Bossert STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001242 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 492 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 14. FLOTUSCoS Lindsay Reynolds 15. David Vennett, Advisor to the SG 16. Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Press Secretary 17. U.S. Senator Roy Blunt (R-MO) 18. U.S. Representative Darrell Issa (R-CA) 19. U.S. Representative Debbie Dingell (D-MI) Note: VPOTUS is not attending Background: 1. About U.S. Support of UNHCR: * The U.S. government has given $1.4 billion to UNHCR in 2017 to date. The next highest donor, the EU, has given $427 million this year. 2. About the Kuwait-America Foundation: * The Kuwait-America Foundation (KAF) is a charitable organization founded in 1991. Its core mission, inspired by Kuwait's liberation by Allied Coalition forces in the Gulf War, is to express gratitude for American sacrifice during the Gulf War, and to strengthen ties between the peoples of the United States and Kuwait. * The event is not a fund raiser, but the event is designed to raise awareness in the hopes for future donations. Past awardees include ABC Correspondent Bob Woodward, actresses Catherine Zeta-Jones, Nicole Kidman, and Angelina Jolie, First Lady Laura Bush, and former Secretaries of State Hillary Clinton, Condoleezza Rice, and Colin Powell. * Through its gala dinners, KAF partners with different organizations annually to raise awareness and generate support for various causes, including refugees, education, healthcare, and poverty reduction. Although the organization is technically independent from the government, the Amir of Kuwait, Sabah Al-Ahmed Al-Jaber AI-Sabah, is the Honorary Chairman of KAF. 3. About U.S. Relations with Kuwait: *Kuwaitis an essential strategic partner for the U.S. in the region, hosting thousands of U.S. troops, supporting us on key regional priorities, including the defeat of 1515,and generously providing assistance to mitigate the regional impact of conflicts in Iraq and Syria. * On September 7, the Amir of Kuwait met President Trump at the White House. The following day, September 8, the U.S. held the second U.5.-Kuwait Strategic Dialogue at the State Department. Kuwait will join the UN Security Council in January 2018. (Kuwait is already in observer status in anticipation of their full membership next year .) * Kuwait will be joining the Security Council in 2018 . Based on STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001243 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 493 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 conversations between Kuwaiti PR al-Otaibi and USUN, Kuwait (1) Will not sign or ratify the Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty; (2) Supports our Compliance Resolution; (3) Supports Syria language in the CWC resolution; (3) Supports the Syria, Burman, and DPRK resolutions; (3) Will abstain on Crimea and Iran. * In addition, Kuwait is concerned about Iranian interference in the region, and has reduced the size of its Iranian mission in Kuwait due to Iranian espionage. Kuwait is a strong partner on our DPRKinitiatives, and has been the lead mediator on the Gulf Dispute. They are supportive of a US role in mediation (note that Secretary Tillerson will be in Riyadh and Doha shortly to discuss this issue). 4. About Kuwaiti Humanitarian Efforts: * In recent years, Kuwait has provided billions in humanitarian support, including in Syria, Iraq, Jordan, and Lebanon. The Government of Kuwait hosted and co-hosted multiple humanitarian pledging conferences for the Syria crisis. Kuwait and the European Union are co-hosting a pledging conference for Rohingya refugees in Geneva next week on October 23. Kuwait has also offered to host a donors' conference in 2018 to assist Iraq in recovery and reconstruction following the defeat of 1515. * To date in 2017, Kuwait has provided an estimated $41 million in humanitarian assistance worldwide, including nearly $7.6 million to UNHCR. (In previous years, Kuwait has contributed as much as $433 million in humanitarian assistance.) The Government of Kuwait is consistently UNHCR's largest donor in the Middle East. Private citizens and organizations in Kuwait also contribute significantly to UNHCR, giving nearly $590,000 to date in 2017. WATCH OUT FOR: 1. If SG Raises: Whistleblower Protection: B5 Background: USG for the Department of Jan Beagle notified USUN earlier this week the SG will expand the scope of the UN's whistle blower protection to 1.) Include protection of consultants and individual contractors, 2.) Codify the periodic review of the WB policy, STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001244 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 494 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 and 3.) Establish a mechanism to transfer the retaliator. The fourth element they considered was the creation of an "independent ethicist. " We believes this needs to be studied more . * lfSG Raises: Henrietta Fore: On Saturday, the SG will be attending a dinner for the International Crisis Group that Henrietta Fore, the United States UNICEFCandidate , will also be attending . Henrietta Fore is a board member of the International Crisis Group . Talking Points: 1. Saudi Ambassador to US: B5 Bias: NH Table: Kuwait Ambassador to the United States: Salem Abdullah Al-Jaber AI-Sabah [Pronunciation: SA-lem ab-DULL-ah al-JA-ber al-Sa-BAH] [Informal Address: Salem] Appointed 2001 Interaction s: * None. Career: * Ambassador AI-Sabah served at Kuwait ' s Mission to the UN in the 1990s. He has been Ambassador to South Korea and a diplomatic attache for the Office of the Minister of State for Foreign Affairs . Intere sting Fact: * A member of the ruling Sabah family, Ambassador AI-Sabah earned his bachelor ' s and master's degrees in political science from the American University of Beirut, where he met his wife. The Washington Post has described them as "the power couple who have dominated the invitation-you-can't-refuse dinner party circuit ." Family: * He is married tq from approximate~!~~--~ land has four sons, ranging in age B6 ~ * Spouse~-----------~ * About :1 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001245 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 495 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 B6 *****NOTE: SHE IS NOT AT NH's TABLE BUT SHE IS ATTENDINGTHE EVENT.***** Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance: Anas Al-Saleh [Pronunciation: Ah-nas Al-Saleh] [Informal Address: Anas] Appointed 2014 Interactions : * None . Career: * Mr.Al-Saleh has been serving as Deputy Prime Minister since January 2015, Minister of Finance since January 2014, and Acting Oil Minister since November 2015. He also served as Minister of Commerce and Industry from February 2012 to January 2014. Interesting Fact: * He received a bachelor' s degree in business administration from Portland State University, Oregon in 1997. Family: B6 * He is married tq ~-----------------~ land they have four teenager s. United States United States Secretary of the Treasury Secretary: Steve Mnuchin [Pronunciation: Steve Mah-noo-shin] [Informal Address: Steve] Appointed 2017 Career: * Prior to Mr. Mnuchin's appointment, he joined Trump's presidential campaign in 2016, and was named national finance chairman for the campaign. Mnuchin had worked for Goldman Sachs for 17 years, eventually becoming its Chief Information Officer. After he left STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001246 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 496 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Goldman Sachs in 2002, he worked for and founded several hedge funds. Interesting Fact: * In 2004, he founded RatPac-Dune Entertainment as a side business, which was the financier of a number of notable films, including the XMen film franchise and Avatar. Family: * He is married to Louise Linton and has three children from his previous marriage. Royal Dutch Shell Chairman, Royal Dutch Shell: Charles Holliday [Pronunciation: Charles Holl-eh-day] [Informal Address: Chad] Appointed 2015 Interactions : * None. Career: * Mr.Holliday is the former chairman of Bank of America and former chairman/former CEOof E. I. du Pont de Nemour s and Company (DuPont). Under Holliday's leadership , DuPont established a goal of achieving sustainable growth - increasing shareholder and societal value while simultaneously decreasing DuPont' s environmental footprint. Holliday is also a founding member of the International Business Council and serves on the board of advisors of the Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solution s. Interesting Fact: * He grew up in Nashville, Tennessee and there met his future wife, c=J in high school. B6 Family: * He and his wife, D have two sons. The Dow Chemical Company Chairman and CEO,The Dow Chemical Company: Andrew Liveris [Pronunciation: An-drew Liv-er-es] [Informal Address: Andrew] STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001247 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 497 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Appointed 2004 Interactions: * None. Career: * Mr. Liveris is Executive Chairman of DowDuPont and CEOand Chairman ofThe Dow Chemical Company, a global specialty chemical, advanced materials, agrosciences and plastics company based in Midland, Michigan . He has been appointed to lead advisory group s to the White House under both the Obama administration and Trump administration. In December 2016, POTUSnamed him to lead his American Manufacturing Council. Interesting Fact: 86 * He was born in Darwin, Australia . He is proud of being the grandson of a Greek immigrant and identifies strongly with his Greek heritage. Family: * Mr . Liveris and his wife ,c=] reside in Midland, Michigan. have three adult children. The couple United States United States Secretary of Commerce: Wilbur Ross [Pronunciation: Wil-bur Ross] [Informal Address: Wilbur] Appointed 2017 Boeing International President, Boeing International : Marc Allen [Pronunciation: Marc Al-en] [Informal Address: Marc] Appointed 2015 Interactions: * None. Career: STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001248 UNCLASSIFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 498 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 * Mr. Allen previously held multiple senior positions in Boeing, such as vice president of Boeing International and president of Boeing China. Before Boeing, Allen practiced law in Washington, D.C., litigating complex commercial cases for domestic and international clients. Previous government service includes an appointment as U.S. Supreme CourtJustice Anthony M. Kennedy's law clerk, plus he has prior business experience in strategy consulting and start-up leadership. Interesting Fact: * He sits on the boards of numerous global trade organizations, including the U.S.-lndia Business Council, the U.S.-UAE Business Council and the U.S.-Saudi Arabia Business Council. Family: * He is married and has four children. Saudi Arabia Ambassador of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: Prince Khaled bin Salman Al-Saud [Pronunciation: Kha-LEADBin Saal-AH-Mun] [Informal Address: Ambassador Khaled bin Salman] Appointed 2017 Interactions: * You last had a bilateral meeting with him 9/14/17. Career: * After graduating from the King Faisal Air Academy, Prince Khalid joined the Royal Saudi Air Force. Prince Khalid has also trained extensively with the American Armed Forces both in the United States and in Saudi Arabia, including his training at Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada. A back injury prohibited Prince Khalid from flying, and he worked as an officer at the office of the Minister of Defense. Upon completion of his military career, he was appointed as a Senior Civilian Advisor at the Ministry of Defense and by late 2016, Prince Khalid moved to the United States where he worked as an Advisor at the Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Washington before becoming Ambassador. Interesting Fact: * He has accumulated nearly 1,000 flying hours and carried out air missions against ISISwithin the International Coalition's efforts. Family: * He is the son of King Salman of Saudi Arabia, and a younger brother STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001249 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 499 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 of the Crown Prince, Mohammad bin Salman. BP pie Deputy Group Chief Executive, BP pie: Lamar McKay [Pronunciation: Lah-mar Mic-kay] [Informal Address: Marc] Appointed 2016 Interactions : * None. Career: *Mr . McKay Lamar started his career in 1980 with Amoco and wor ked on the BP-Amoco. He's held various senior position s at the company, most recently, serving as its Chief Executive of Upstream Business and as Executive Vice President of BP Zambia pie. He is a Board Member of US-Russia Business Council and was Member of Russian Federation Foreign Investor s Advisory Council . Intere sting Fact: * He earned a degree in Petroleum Engineering (magna cum laude) from Mi ssissippi State University. Family: * He is married and he and his wife, c=J are based in Houston. B6 MH Table : Morocco Ambassador of the Kingdom of Morocco: H.H. Princess Lalla Joumala Alaoui [Pronunciation: LAW-la Joo-OW-mah -law AAL-ou-ee] [Informal Address: Lalla Joumala] Appointed 2016 Interactions: * None . Career: * Princess Lalla Joumala has been serving as Ambassador to the US STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001250 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 500 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 since October 2016. She was previously appointed as Ambassador of the Kingdom of Morocco to the United Kingdom (2009-2016). In February 2003, she founded the Moroccan-British Society (MBS), which she continues to preside over. The MBS is aimed at creating opportunitie s for social, cultural, educational, business and charitable activities and strengthening the 800 year s old relation between Morocco and the UK. Previously, her Highness also held an Executive position at Bank Al Maghrib, Morocco' s central bank. Intere sting Fact: * She obtained a degree in Politics and History from the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS)in London . She is fluent in Arabic, English, French and Spanish. Family: * She is married and has one child. United States Assistant to the President for Homeland Security & Cybersecurity : Honorable Tom Bossert [Pronunciation: Tom BOSS-ert] [Informal Address: Tom] Appointed 2016 The Dow Chemical Company Vice President, Government Affairs and Public Policy, The Dow Chemical Company: Mr. Kevin Kolevar [Pronunciation: KE-vin KOL-e-var] [Informal Address: Kevin] Appointed 2009 Interactions : * None. Career: * He joined Dow Chemical in 2009 after serving as the Assistant Secretary for Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability in the US Department of Energy. Before that, Kolevar served as chief of staff to the Deputy Secretary of Energy Kyle McSlarrow. Before that, Kolevar was chief of staff to the Deputy Secretary of Energy; a senior policy advisor to the Secretary of Energy; and spent over ten years serving as US Senate staff. STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001251 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 501 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Interesting Fact: * He is a graduate of the University of Michigan. Family: * He is married and has a son. Shell B6 Spouse of Mr . Brian Malnak, Shell: ~-----~ [Pronunciation: ~-----~ NO PHOTOAVAILABLE Interacti ans: * None. Career: * No information on l Icareer. Her husband is a board member Intere sting Fact: Family: * She is married tq~---~I no information on children. Italy Spouse of the Ambassador of Italy: Interactions : * None. Career: I I * No information on career . Her husband is the Italian Ambassador to the United States. On March 2, 2016 Armando Varricchio presented his credentials as Ambassador of Italy to 1B6 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001252 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 502 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Washington , where he had previously served as Head of the Economic, Trade and Scientific Affairs Section, from 2002-2006. Prior to this , he held many high-ranking position s both within the Italian government and abroad specializing in European and trans-Atlantic affair s. Intere sting Fact: B6 Family: * She is married to Armando Varricchio, and they have two sons. H.I.G. Capital Spouse of Mr . Tony Tamer , H.I.G. Capital: ~---~ B6 [Informal Address: ~ Interactions: * None. Career: Intere sting Fact: Family: * She and Tony, a business executive and the Founder and Co-CEOof H.I.G. Capital (a leading global private equity and alternative assets investment firm) have four daughter s together. SG Staff Principal Advi sor to Secretary-General Guterres: David Vennett [Pronunciation : Dave-ed Ven-ett] [Informal Address: David] Appointed 2017 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001253 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 503 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Interactions: * He last met with NH on 10/3/17. Career: * He was the Vice President of Corporate Engagement at Goldman Sachs from 2011 to 2013 and served as Senior Advisor to the U.S. Ambassador to the Netherlands previously. He's held various roles in Washington D.C., including Deputy White House Liaison at the State Dept. during Bush's administration and serving as Deputy Director of Cabinet Affairs for the U.S. Presidential Transition in 2000-2001 and Head of Cabinet Affairs for the U.S. Presidential Transition in 20162017. Interesting Fact: * He graduated from Southern Methodist University in 1997. Family: * Unknown. Cardish Assistant to the President for lntragovernmental & Technological Initiatives: Reed Cardish [Pronunciation: Reed KOR-dish] [Informal Address: Reed] Appointed 2017 Interactions: * None. Career: * Mr. Cardish is a real estate investor and developer, serving previously as a principal and a partner of The Cardish Companies, an international real estate development and entertainment company. Furthermore, he is a former professional tennis player, playing for almost two years after collegiate tennis at Princeton University and qualifying to play on the Association of Tennis Professionals World Tour. Interesting Fact: * He is married to B6 Family: STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001254 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 504 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 B6 * In 2010, he married ~--------------~ ~---~ They have two children. United Arab Emirates B6 Spouse of the Ambassador of the United Arab Emiratesj~--~ [Informal Address!~-~ Appointed 2017 Interactions : * None. Career: Interesting Fact: Family: * She and her husband, ~!-~ daughter c=J !have one son,D and one B6 United States Senior Director for the Near East, National Security Council: Michael Bell [Pronunciation: Mike-al Bell] [Informal Address: Michael] Appointed 2017 Career: STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001255 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 505 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 * Prior to joining the Trump administration, Bell was chancellor of the College of International Security Affairs at the National Defense University. During his Army career, Bell served in the Middle East, Europe and on the Pentagon's Joint Staff. He is a 1983 graduate of West Point. Intere sting Fact: * His awards and decoration s include the Distinguished Service Medal, Defense Superior Service Medal with oak leaf cluster, the Bronze Star, the combat action badge, and the Joint Staff identification badge. Family: * Family detail s - marriage and children, are unknown. Friends of Cancer Research Spouse of Honorable Fred Malek, I B6 [Informal Address:~!--~ Interaction s: * None. Career: OTHERCONFIRMEDVIPS: STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001256 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 506 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Missouri U.S. Senator: Roy Blunt [Pronunciation: Roy Bl-unt] [Informal Addre ss: Roy] Appointed 2011 Prior Communications : * You met him during a small group meeting Sen. Graham hosted in April 2017. Career: * Senator Blunt sits on the Senate State and Foreign Operations Subcommittee and is vice-chairman of the Senate Republican Conference. He served as House majority whip, from 2003 to 2007, and was acting House majority leader , from September 2005 to February 2006. Interesting Fact: * He earned a B.A. degree in history in 1970 from Southwe st Baptist University. Family: * Senator Blunt has been married twice. From his fir st marriage he has three children , including Matt Blunt , the former governor of Missouri. B6 * Spouse: Abigail Perlman [Ab-eh-gail Perl-man] U.S. Representative for California's 49th congressional district: Darrell Issa [Pronunciation: Dar-ell ls-sah] [Informal Address: Darrell] Appointed 2003 Prior Communications : * Mr.Issa attended the House Republican Conference "Meet the Cabinet" series on 6/22/17 in DC. Career: STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001257 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 507 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 * Mr. Issa is the Republican U.S. Representative for California's 49th congressional district, which covers the northern coastal areas of San Diego County. From January 2011 to January 2015, he served as Chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. He served as CEOof Directed Electronics, which he cofounded in 1982. Interesting Fact: * Issa has been named numerous times as the wealthiest currently serving member of Congress. In 2006, he was one of four ArabAmerican members of Congress (his father is Lebanese American). Family: * He and his wife, Kathy Stanton, have one son, ~-~ B6 Note: * He traveled to Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon in April 2017 and met with UNHCR.Ambassador Haley could compare notes from her travel to Jordan/Lebanon. U.S. Representative for Michigan's 12th congressional district: Debbie Dingell [Pronunciation: Deb-ee Ding-ell] [Informal Address: Debbie] Appointed 2015 Prior Communications: * You have not met Ms. Dingell. Career: * Ms. Dingell is the Democratic U.S. Representative for Michigan's 12th congressional district, which stretches from Detroit's western suburbs to Ann Arbor. She succeeded her husband, John Dingell, in Congress. She was a super-delegate for the 2012 Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, North Carolina. Interesting Fact: * She had grown up as a Republican, but became a Democrat soon after marrying Dingell. She is the first non-widowed woman to immediately succeed her husband in Congress. Family: * She is married to John Dingell, who became the longest-serving member of the United States House of Representatives in 2013. She took over his seat. They have no children together, ~----~ B6 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001258 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 508 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 B6 Note: * She is a vocal supporter of UNHCR. United States Secretary of Transportation : Elaine Chao [Pronunciation: Eel-ayne Chow] [Informal Address: Elaine] Appointed 2017 U.S. Director of the Office of Management and Budget: Mick Mulvaney [Pronunciation: Mik Mool-vayn-ee] [Informal Address: Mick] Appointed 2017 U.S. Counselor to the President: Kellyanne Conway [Pronunciation: Kell-ee-ann Con-way] [Informal Address: Kellyanne] Appointed 2017 U.S. FLOTUSChief of Staff: Lindsay Reynolds [Pronunciation : Lind-say Reh-nulds] [Informal Address: Lindsay] Appointed 2017 U.S. White House Press Secretary: Sarah Huckabee Sanders [Pronunciation: Sar-ah Huck-a-bee San-durs] [Informal Address: Sarah] Appointed 2017 f-ridNYP 2172 Acela Express Depart DC Union Station: 4:00PM Arrive NY Penn Station : 6 :46PM Accompanying travelers: Michael Haley Leslie Dewees S<-1tmr.fay, Ottd.)~t 21, 2017 Time All Day ~----~ B6 B7(C) Subject AIC:~----~ Show Time As Free rime Al: (Jay Subject Birthday B6 ~-------~ Recurrence Occurs every October 21 effective 10/21/2017 until 10/21/2017 Show Time As Free Time 7:.28 PM··· 8:49 PM Subject DC Travel Show Time As Busy Flight: LGA-->IAD, United flight 6261 Wheels up LGA: 7:28PM Wheels down IAD: 8:49PM B6 Hotel: Reservation name: S,.mday, October 22, 2011 Time All Day Subject Birthday: Recurrence Occurs ev~e_ry_ O _c _t_o-be_r_2_2_e_ff_e_ct_iv_e_l_0_/2_2_/_20 ~ 17 until 10/22/2017 B6 Show Time As Free Time 10/22/201 71 2:00 AM -10/2 9/2017 i:2-.00 A.M Subject NH International Travel: Africa Trip STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001264 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 514 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Show Time As Free rd,J.:;%Octob~?r 27, WU Time All Day Subject Birthday: B6 ~------- Recurrence Occurs every October 27 effective 10/27/2017 until 10/27/2017 Show Time As Free SJlmdav, OttnhN 28, :W17 Time All Day Subject CLEMSONvs. Georgia Tech Show Time As Free Vkm,j;iy, O<:tobiir 30 , :rnn Time All Day Subject Weather : Showers/ H: 59 / L: 48 Show Time As Free Time 10/30/201712:00 AM -11/1/2017 12:00 AM Subject AIC: B6 B7(C) ~----~ Show Time As Free Time 9:15 .AM - 9:4SAM Subject 21/W Staff Meeting (30 min) Recurrence Occurs every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday effective 9/11/2017 until 10/31/2017 from 9:15 AM to 9:45 AM Show Time As Busy Time 9:30 AM - 9:35 AM Subject Briefing (5 min) Show Time As Busy Time 9:35 AM - 9:45 AM Subject Meeting : AS/MV (10 min) Show Time As Busy Time 9:55 .AM - 10:00 AM Subject Meeting: French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian (5 min) Location Security Council Presidency Office Show Time As Busy Event : Meeting: French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian Date: Monday, October 30, 2017 Time: 09:SSAM -10:00AM Location: Security Council Presidency Office Purpose: To emphasize that the United States will support the GS Joint Force, is supportive of their counterterror effort in the Sahel, but does not believe increasing UN ownership of the force is acceptable. Attendees: Ambassador Nikki Haley Ambassador Michele Sison STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001265 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 515 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 EXEC,David Glaccum Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian Ambassador Francoi s Delattre Luis Vassy, Minister's COS POC: Alexis Berthier, French Mission Political Officer , o:I ~:I WAS2019 Acela Express Depart NY Penn Station: 8:00AM Arrive DC Union Station 10:53AM Accompanying travelers: B6 ~---~ Leslie Dewees Hotel : Reservation name: nme 12:00 PM- .12:.15P M Subject S Calli 1(15 min) B5 Show Time As Busy Event: c=J: all Date: Tuesday, October 31, 2017 Time: 12:00PM-12:15PM POC:I B6 , (202) 647-5174 STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001283 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 533 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Time 'J :.30 PM- 4 :10 PM Subject Meeting: ~ Location WH -"'----'= -----==='--''--------, (30 min) ~-------~ Show Time As Busy Event: Meeting: Date: Tuesday, October 31, 2017 Time: 3:30PM-4:00PM 85 Location: WH,~--------~ Attendees: Ambassador Nikki Haley Jon Lerner Note: GR sent in JL and LOWaves forms to NSC Time 4:4 5 PM - 5 ;00 PM 85 Subject Meeting: !~-~ Location WH Show Time As Busy Time S:.30 PM -- 6:00 PM Subject Meeting : Richard Mills (60 min) Show Time As Busy Event: Meeting: Richard Mills Date: Tuesday, October 31, 2017 Time: 4:30PM-S:30PM Location: USUN/W Attendees: Ambassador Nikki Haley Jon Lerner Guests: Richard Mills POC: Richard Mills, MillsRM@state.gov , 37410494200 Time 7:00 PM - 8:15 PM Subject Indian American Friendship Council 20th Annual Gala (1.25 hr) Location Rayburn House Office Building, Foyer Room Show Time As Busy Event: Dinner: Indian American Friendship Council 20th Annual Gala Date: Tuesday, October 31, 2017 Time: 7:00PM-8 :lSPM Location: Rayburn House Office Building, Foyer Room STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001284 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 534 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 Host: Indian American Friendship Council Attire: Business Greeted by: Dr. Prasad Thotakura, President, IAFCwill greet NH at Rayburn Horseshoe entrance POC: Dr. Prasad Thotakura President IAFC M B6 Attendees: Ambassador Nikki Haley Michael Haley Leslie Dewees Chaney Adams Jon Lerner Purpose: The annual conference provides an opportunity to build bridges between Indian Americans and their elected representatives . Press: Open press Format: The speech topic is open, but will primarily focus on lndo-US relations and how we can prosper together by working together. No Q&A. Attendees: NlS0 attendees Seating Chart: NH and MH will be seated at the head table with Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA) and Rep. Frank Pallone (D-NJ). The head table is a rectangular table at the top of the room. Staff will be seated at a roundtable titled "Ambassador Nikki Haley table" Sequence of Events: 7:00PM NH arrives. Dr. Thotakura greets NH at the Rayburn horseshoe entrance. 7:00PM NH takes photo with IFAC Board of Directors in the Rayburn Foyer. 7:05PM Dr. Thotakura escorts NH to her seat. 7:15PM -7:40PM Program begins * Indian and US National Anthems are performed * India Caucus Co-Founder Rep. Frank Pallone (D-NJ) delivers welcome remarks * HFACChairman Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA) delivers remarks and introduces Founding Chairman Krishna Reddy STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001285 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 535 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 * Founding Chairman Krishna Reddy delivers welcome remarks *Dr.Prem Reddy presents POTUS Special Greetings * Adish Agarwal presents Special Greetings from PM Modi * Recognition of Indian American Friendship Council Advi sory Board 1. Rep. Frank Pallone (D-NJ) 2. Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA) 7:40PM -7:42PM Dr. Prasad Thotakura , President, IAFC delivers welcome remar ks+ introduces NH 7:42PM - 7:42PM Dr. Thotakura calls NH to podium 7:43PM - 7:58PM NH delivers keynote remarks from podium 7:5 8PM -8:02PM Dr . Thotakura joins NH at podium, acknowledges her message and presents her with a plaque and a flower garland as a token of appreciation. A photo will be taken as the plaque is presented 8:02PM NH depart s (as dinner is served). The IAFC Council is aware NH has to depart after remark s. Attendees: IAFC 2017 Board: Founder/Chairman: Dr. Krishna Reddy President : Dr. Prasad Thotakura Vice President : Amarnath Gowda Secretary: Subbarao Kolla Treasurer: Tanvir Arfi Board Members: Mr. K.V. Kumar Mr. Murali Vennam Mr. Satish Reddy Dr. Haranath Policherla Mr. Ravi Bore Gowda STATE-USUN-17-0503-A-001286 UNCLASS IFIED U.S . Department of State Case No. F-2017-16725 Doc No. C06647344 Date: 12/07/2018 536