Public Notice U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Tulsa District Reply To: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers ATTN: Regulatory Office 2488 East 81St Street Tulsa, Oklahoma 74137-4290 SWT-2017-00214 Public Notice No. July 23, 2018 Public Notice Date August 22, 2018 Expiration Date PURPOSE The purpose of this public notice is to inform you of a proposal for work in which you might be interested and to solicit your comments and information to better enable us to make a reasonable decision on factors affecting the public interest. SECTION 10 The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is directed by Congress through Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 (33 U.S.C. 403) to regulate all work or structures in or affecting the course, condition, or capacity of navigable waters of the United States. The intent of this law is to protect the navigable capacity of waters important to interstate commerce. SECTION 404 The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is directed by Congress through Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1344) to regulate the discharges of dredged and fill material into all waters of the United States. These waters include lakes, rivers, streams, mudflats, sandflats, sloughs, wet meadows, natural ponds, and wetlands adjacent to other waters. The intent of the law is to protect these waters from the indiscriminate discharge of material capable of causing pollution and to restore and maintain their chemical, physical, and biological integrity. NOTICE TO PUBLISHERS This public notice has been provided as a public service and may be reprinted at your discretion. However, any cost incurred as a result of reprinting or further distribution shall not be a basis for claim against the Government. DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS, TULSA DISTRICT 2488 EAST 81ST STREET TULSA, OKLAHOMA 74137-4290 Application No. SWT-2017-00214 JOINT PUBLIC NOTICE U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS AND OKLAHOMA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY (ODEQ) (30-DAY COMMENT PERIOD) Interested parties are hereby notified that the District Engineer (DE) has received an application for a Department of the Army (DA) permit and water quality certification pursuant to Sections 404 and 401 of the Clean Water Act (CWA). The ODEQ hereby incorporates this public notice and procedure as its own public notice and procedure by reference thereto. Applicant: Mr. Ed Fite Grand River Dam Authority (GRDA) PO Box 292 Tahlequah, OK 74465-0292 Agent: Mr. Clint Porter Blackbird Environmental, LLC PO Box 720100 Norman, OK 73070 Location: The proposed project is in the northwest 1/4 of Section 17, Township 19 North, Range 26 East near Watts, Adair County, Oklahoma. The project site can be found on the Siloam Springs, Arkansas - Oklahoma 7.5 Minute USGS Quadrangle map at north latitude 36.130246 and west longitude -94.564426. Project Description: The application is for the placement of fill material in waters of the United States, for the proposed construction of the Lake Frances Whitewater Park. Approximately 2 acres of temporary fill and 1 acre of permanent fill would occur in the Illinois River and approximately 1.633 acres of permanent fill would occur in adjacent Palustrine areas, in order to accommodate the proposed project. Purpose: The basic purpose of this work is to construct a whitewater park. The project is not a water dependent activity. The overall project purpose is the construction of a whitewater park that would mitigate the known hazard surrounding the existing Lake Frances Dam, while providing recreational opportunity and promoting economic development in northeastern Oklahoma, and maintaining the water surface elevation required for the operation of the City of Siloam Springs sole water intake facility/pump station located approximately 1,000 feet upstream of the Lake Frances Dam. Summary Table of Impacts: Proposal Number or Location Illinois River, PRB1-1, PRB1-2 PEM1-1, PSS1-1, PFO1-1 Impact Activity Fill Fill Type of Water Open Water Wetlands Type of Fill Qty of Material Footprint (ac) Material cys below OHWM Riprap, Rock, Boulders, Grout, Concrete Riprap, Rock, Boulders, Grout, Concrete See plans, attached 3.388 See plans, attached 1.245 Total 4.633 cubic yards (cys), ordinary high water mark (OHWM), acre (ac), linear feet (lf) Description of Work: The proposed work involves a 1,200-foot bypass channel with an alignment that follows a low area in the overbank. Dam hazard mitigation consists of building grouted boulder steps downstream of the dam crest. These steps would eliminate the formation of overly retentive hydraulics and decrease the drowning hazards at the dam. The proposed dam mitigation would also provide several benefits to the existing diversion and dam: a. The stepped spillway would provide additional structural support to the existing dam as the mass would counteract hydrostatic pressures, sliding, overturning, etc. b. The stepped spillway would greatly reduce the continuing erosion and degradation of the concrete dam/spillway. c. Filling and armoring the two arch-structures (and possibly the abandoned wet well) would reduce the risk of failure of these features - potentially compromising the functionality of the City’s intake. d. The existing abutment north of the dam would be armored and raised thereby reducing uncontrolled flow and erosion of the area behind the north dam abutment. e. The proposed whitewater channel would serve as a way to route water around the dam, providing easier access to the dam for inspection and maintenance. 2 The whitewater course would create a navigable bypass around the existing dam along with a venue with high-quality whitewater features of national caliber. Proposed amenities include site parking, a bathhouse, and takeout points adjacent to the river. Because of the dam hazard mitigation, users will be able to make use of flatwater activities on the upstream and downstream ends of the course. Avoidance and Minimization Information: The applicant provided the following statement with regard to how avoidance and minimization of impacts to aquatic resources was incorporated into the project plan: Best management practices would be used in the construction and implementation of the coffer dams and dewatering. These would include (but not limited to): 1. 2. 3. 4. Development of a Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) Settlement basins for the pumped discharge from dewatering efforts Use of granular materials in construction of the cofferdams Sediment and Erosion Control BMPs related to site and construction access such as: Slope Stabilization Sediment Barriers Flow Velocity Controls Sedimentation Basins Silt Fences Check Dams All clearing and grubbing activities within the mature forest would occur between the beginning of November and end of March. No tree removal would occur April through October. In addition, all work within the Illinois River, not including the whitewater course, would occur between the beginning of November and end of March. Boating activities would be focused on kayaking, surfing, stand-up paddle boarding and rafting. No motorized pumps will be required to operate any facilities in and/or immediately around the proposed course. No lights will be constructed and/or installed around the course and/or immediately adjacent to the Illinois River. The only proposed lighting will be constructed around the parking area north of the proposed course. Mitigation: Furthermore, the applicant proposes the following as compensatory mitigation for the unavoidable impacts to aquatic resources expected from the proposed project: The preferred action would result in the placement of fill material into the Illinois River to mitigate a dangerous, overly-retentive hydraulic forming downstream of the existing dam. The preferred action involves an approximate 1,200-foot bypass channel with an alignment that follows a low area in the overbank. Dam hazard mitigation consists of building grouted boulder steps downstream of the dam crest. 3 These steps would eliminate the formation of overly retentive hydraulics and decrease the drowning hazards at the dam. The proposed dam mitigation would also provide several benefits to the existing diversion and dam: 1. The stepped spillway would provide additional structural support to the existing dam as the mass would counteract hydrostatic pressures, sliding, overturning, etc. 2. The stepped spillway would greatly reduce the continuing erosion and degradation of the concrete dam/spillway. 3. Filling and armoring the two arch-structures (and possibly the abandoned wet well) would reduce the risk of failure of these features - potentially compromising the functionality of the City’s intake. 4. The existing abutment north of the dam would be armored and raised thereby reducing uncontrolled flow and erosion of the area behind the north dam abutment. 5. The proposed whitewater channel would serve as a way to route water around the dam, providing easier access to the dam for inspection and maintenance. The excavation of the bypass channel would result in the placement and redistribution of fill material into adjacent emergent, forested and scrub shrub wetlands developed along the formerly scoured rock. The 1,200-foot bypass channel created within the existing, parent material would return ecological functions to the Illinois River. The bypass channel would allow for migration of aquatic vertebrates and invertebrates upstream. The course is not designed specifically as a fish migration structure; however, fish migration is likely. This migration would potentially allow for expansion of the endangered Neosho Mucket and/or threatened Rabbitsfoot Mussel. The additional linear feet of stream would support lotic ecosystem functions beyond potential vertebrate and invertebrate migration and create a diversity of stream morphology and flow structure. Periodic flooding would deposit sediments around the bypass channel and natural succession would result in additional wetland development along and around the proposed course. The applicant does not believe additional mitigation is required. This mitigation plan is the applicant’s proposal. The Corps has made no determination at this time with regard to the adequacy of the proposed mitigation relative to the federal mitigation rules and guidance, including Tulsa District’s Mitigation and Monitoring Guidelines. Compensatory Mitigation for unavoidable impacts may be required to ensure that this activity requiring a Section 404 permit, if issued, complies with the Section 404 (b)(1) Guidelines. The Corps bears the final decision on the need for and extent of mitigation required if the project proposed herein is authorized. 4 Project Setting: The project is located within the Dissected Springfield Plateau - Elk River Hills ecoregion of the Ozark Highlands. The Illinois River is an Outstanding Resource Water in the state of Oklahoma. The project site is located at the Lake Frances Dam. Existing Condition: The Lake Frances Dam design consists of two concrete abutments and a 150-foot long flat “ogee” crest. Existing access to the site is limited to an unmaintained dirt path. The Lake Frances Dam is a known hazard and has resulted in several deaths by drowning. Its geometry is typical of existing dams and often results in a dangerous, overly-retentive hydraulic forming downstream, commonly known as a “keeper” or a “reverse-roller”. Due to the hazardous condition of the dam, users are highly discouraged from recreating near the dam. Cultural Resources: The DE is responsible to ensure compliance with the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (NHPA) (Public Law 89-665), as amended, and other cultural resources laws and Executive Orders. A preliminary review has been completed of the state’s records for the presence of sites included in, or eligible for, inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places, as well as the Oklahoma Landmark Inventory Database. Based on the preliminary information, there are known historic properties, as defined by the NHPA, in or within the vicinity of the proposed permit area. The Corps will comply with the NHPA to resolve any potential effects. This notice has been provided to the Oklahoma State Historic Preservation Office, Oklahoma Archaeological Survey, Native American Tribal governments, and other interested parties. If you have information pertaining to these or other cultural resources within the permit area, please notify the Corps project manager identified within this notice to assist in a complete evaluation of potential effects. The DE will evaluate any input received and may require further investigations within the permit area, if warranted. Threatened and Endangered Species: The following federally listed species are known to occur in the vicinity or are listed for the county in which the proposed action is located: Gray Bat (Myotis grisescens), Indiana Bat (Myotis sodalist), Northern Longeared Bat (Myotis septentrionalis), Ozark Big-eared Bat (Corynorhinus (=Plecotus) townsendii ingens), Least Tern (Sterna antillarum), Piping Plover (Charadrius melodus), Red Knot (Calidris canutus rufa), Neosho Mucket (Lampsilis rafinesqueana), Rabbitsfoot (Quadrula cylindrica cylindrical), and American Burying Beetle (Nicrophorus americanus). A copy of this notice is being furnished to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and appropriate state agencies. We are currently assessing the potential effects of the proposed action on these species and will comply with the Endangered Species Act with regard to any effect of our decision on this permit application. 5 Evaluation Factors: The decision whether to issue a permit will be based on an evaluation of the probable impacts, including cumulative impacts of the proposed activity and its intended use on the public interest. That decision will reflect the national concern for both protection and utilization of important resources. The benefit which reasonably may be expected to accrue from the proposal must be balanced against its reasonably foreseeable detriments. All factors which may be relevant to the proposal will be considered, including the cumulative effects thereof: conservation, economics, aesthetics, general environmental concerns, wetlands, historic properties, fish and wildlife values, flood hazards, floodplain values, land use, navigation, shoreline erosion and accretion, recreation, water supply and conservation, water quality, energy needs, safety, food and fiber production, mineral needs, considerations of property ownerships, and, in general, the needs and welfare of the people. A permit will be denied if the discharge does not comply with the Environmental Protection Agency's 404(b)(1) Guidelines. Subject to the 404(b)(1) Guidelines and any other applicable guidelines or criteria, a permit will be granted unless the DE determines that it would be contrary to the public interest. Plans and Data: Plans showing the location of the proposed activity and other data are enclosed with this notice. If additional information is desired, it may be obtained from Mr. David Carraway, Tulsa District Corps of Engineers, ATTN: Regulatory Office, 2488 East 81st Street, Tulsa, OK 74137; or telephone 918-669-7400. Comments: In order to consider and evaluate the impacts of this proposed activity the Corps is soliciting comments from the public, federal, state, and local agencies and officials, floodplain administrators, state historic preservation officers, Indian tribes, and other interested parties. Comments concerning the issuance of this permit should be received by the DE no later than the expiration date of this public notice. You may submit comments to mailing address Tulsa District Corps of Engineers, ATTN: Regulatory Office, 2488 East 81st Street, Tulsa, OK 74137; or email, please include the public notice number SWT-2017-00214 in the subject line of the message. Comments concerning water quality impacts will be forwarded to ODEQ for consideration in issuing a Section 401 Water Quality Certification for the proposed project. Work may not commence until decisions have been made on both Sections 401 and 404. Andrew R. Commer Chief, Regulatory Office Enclosures 6 0 50 100 Feet [Approximate Ordinary High Water Mark of Illinois River Existing Delineated Wetlands LAKE FRANCES WHITEWATER PARK Existing Wetland Delineation* n Foundation Lake Frances \GIS\20 17-1 PEM1-1 PF01-1 PRB1-1 PRB1-2 PSS1-1 *Based on assessment by Blackbird Environmental, LLC See preliminary jurisdictional determination for additional information MWDG Active Job Wetland Type Acres PEM1-1 0.706 PSS1-1 0.386 PF01-1 0.153 PRB1-1 0.244 PRB1-2 0.144 el Laughlin Whitewater daS1,111 nrOUP A DIVISION OF MERRICK Pa COMPANY EXHIBIT 1 DRAFT: 12/6/2017 SWT-2017-00214 GRDA, Proposed Lake Frances Whitewater Park Illinois River Adair County, OK Enclosure 1 of 31 LAKE FRANCES WHITEWATER PARK PRELIMINARY DESIGN OCTOBER 2016 LEGEND Ek1571,12 OSNIWZ 114.CR ,WWW WA LTO N FA M LY SHEET LIST TABLE FOUNDATION SHEET NUMBER EX197716 COVICER 17NCR C-2 SITE PLAN 04817R MEE C-3 PLAN & PROFILE 0217716 e19:10=K C-4 PLAN E PROFILE STA. 3.5010 STA. 7.00 C-5 PLAN & PROFILE STA. 7.00 TO STA. 13.00 0057N2 eOL C-6 ENIRANCE GATES PLAN C-7 ENIRANCE GATES secnons EVS77116 R199A/0 C-8 TYPICAL FEATURE - WAVE PLAN C-9 TYPICAL FEATURE - WAVE SECTIONS C-10 TYPICAL FEATLRE - HIGH PMFORMANCE PLAN TYPICAL FEA11.112E - 1-11G7-1 PERFORMANCE bet...IONS ligigrnielSO IP. OP ME ZWAK C-I2 TYPICAL FEATURE - TUBING PLAN MOIT:613, 00\Cqe7E (PLAN) C-IS TYPICAL FEATI_RE - TUBING SECTIONS 1.70:M89, GOV:METE afECTZTO C-I4 LEM' DETAILS C-IS DAM HAZARD MITIGATION! PLAN C-16 DAM HAZARD MITIGATION TYPICAL SECTION PleereeED G.0207112 =LLCM IPLAA0 PR:POSED GRAMM DOLCS,Z5 (ZIELTIOV Mief*CeED CA4VVV3. ARPIO,2110 elefriOSEO =APIs, czNazt-ir 04An0 mweempaCLI-P7132 SEESSEESA (SEG77OV FICKFIDBER eOL R11,241. I STA. 0.00 TO STA. 3.50 Detarhsu FIWPOSEP COVIIale neem gggj SI-Itt I DESCRIPTION COVER SI-EET Pla:POSSI, COVITZIO t14JOR 1 SHEET TITLE Man.C6ED 4113eURFACE RPRA,. 1100.C8SO N47UnO4L .9/cNEP48/ AAnO P70,PGelE0 RI.R.4P GROWS" Dal.r64 oLCPE LAE aanower GrOCUTED 677:1C7ZRE assrurECF TKP GIHAILE LAIWR GUISE, LAY .11CRA L06.9 VICINITY MAP NTS C-17 PUT-IN PLAN E SECTION C-I8 TAKE-CUT PLAN E SECTION C-IS WEST Ar.r2=gs ROAD PLAN E PROFILE C-20 EAST ACCESS ROAD PLAN E PROFILE C-2I C-Z2 TYPICAL ROCK DETAILS MISC. DETAILS C-23 C-24 L-I L-2 CONSTRUCTION CEINATERING E ACCESS PLAN CONSTRUCTION DEWATERING K AfX, RS PLAN LANDSCAPE SITE PLAN LANDSCAPE FLAN LANDSCAPE - SITEWORK DETAILS LANDSCAPE - SITEWORK DETAILS CHANGING & TOILET BUILDING E TOILET BUILDING L-ao L-3I A-I A-2 PHASE I PHASE II S-1EET KEY PLAN E SECTIONS ELEVATIONS PREPARED BY: Laughlin Whitewater Know what's below. Call before you dig. MERRICK PROJ. NO.6541893301 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION SWT-2017-00214 GRDA, Proposed Lake Frances Whitewater Park Illinois River Adair County, OK Enclosure 2 of 31 C-1 7 /- °Et •••,_ { ity,Yet..m EIVENIAACE 6•47E ( KN\ LEST AG.1390 ROAP SEE LAG GIS \ SO 0 100 I Itch • 00 Demt IF SAZET SIZE IS NOT ANSI D 60341 GRAIRI-AC SCALE MUST DE USED PARRAG 407; SEE LA LUGO tErIAGRARY L.1.71R.CTISM STAGING AREA APO PEASSAAVE LEASSI SELD \\N N NN • „1, \N% VEW1,6 AREAS I V4664717( SEE LA LUELL EIROMIRCUV, f.0% in kilr- C MS? fly , Iiel rr ..., OP 7 , 41 Will* il i On ma*/ ',rim aifir .7., ENBEZA.Alf£ Cod= IRE-Si SEE G-17 asE ...Gi A -44, '' A : HARVESTED RECK AIAG4ffiED DiSL -71,0( CMG C-47 CLOYS 04.1H4TARO Ft/MAT/ay Mr LUG. Gs ODDRNO D: srfucTunc , --' ./ 004 '-• ...-er#41-670,40r liAlliF.,I I -T oo --- • 1 ----./ 4.----„_. ... 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Osscrinort 12+00 , 13+00 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Ry 00 THE WALTON FAMILY FOUNDATION LAKE FRANCES WHITE WATER PARK PRELIMINARY DESIGN PLAN & PROFILE STA. MOTO STA. 13+00 9 PROJECT NUMBER DPriZ U4 1,'.g.n,"?!", ?"!?' I ;,',Z=1; ° „,,,,„„.. ,,,, , ., ...:,. I ...,,:::.:'- gw. ggioe. zo,5 "."'"''' Drawing Nurnbec SWT-2017-00214 GRDA, Proposed Lake Frances Whitewater Park Illinois River Adair County, OK Enclosure 6 of 31 05 / L._ ) nttgrg "" 4'7 1 LEGEND 950 E.0577a =MCI. 1.34.10R II:037Na CCNTali PINVR Ed377,0 MEE 0037Na BEDROCK Mat + -1- 00217740 IEXP7N2 ILEITAI,C0 ERSTA0 RI,24" -- S50 — PIGV/ACEE0 CCINTOJe P1.442¢ PRCP10550 CLAIWOR HA/CIR — — — — FRCR05E0 rce cre 7rE 1. 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NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION THE WALTON FAMILY FOUNDATION LAKE FRANCES WHITEWATER PARK PRELIMINARY DESIGN ENTRANCE GATES PLAN 0001111 hltowo lot 1 DESIGN: REM DETAIL: EPA CHECK: BAN ONCE: OCTOBER 2010 Drowlop Number: PROJECT NUMBER SWT-2017-00214 GRDA, Proposed Lake Frances Whitewater Park Illinois River Adair County, OK Enclosure 7 of 31 C-6 ORCWEG PR", o,=l2 EW GUE4 C-4 GEE I EIRCPCOEDER4DE NOT OACEIsP 920 &UMW L,SP, ME GEE; AM Gal 920 A 915 915 I .r— MMIIMMMIAMI --'61 910 .4' =MI ma r 905 r r . 'II ii—l atailara - „Jr 900 44/041 . " 910 Imo'iol ' AINIMINEMINIMEMINIMMINIMMINir—II N ells is iN. _La is o_Ndo lateminum e*MN 11141. 1111111111111101 ,r,.. 905 _ m fir 4NAORT1P1',0~119,1401WM..1VIV4111 .1414VArreV.TreVIVIWI/11401/INVIOZPOPR,Tkl, a if' 1 i Ii 900 1 t=11 EOM, 910 . MP OF ... — . ..- ...... o 895 0+00 atecurra CORE ROCK .SEE GET .2 rxta. Cal . 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Oncription Fs.', 7, . 1 ' 7‘ r17" ,:•".."7 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION oo We THE WALTON FAMILY LAKE FRANCES WHITE WATER PARK ENTRANCE GATES FOUNDATION PRELIMINARY DESIGN SECTIONS Laughlin Whitewaterl.: grz: ITA DAM OCTOBER PROJECT NUMBER 21316 C Drawing Numbwl """"' SWT-2017-00214 GRDA, Proposed Lake Frances Whitewater Park Illinois River Adair County, OK Enclosure 8 of 31 C-7 SLID 9TP / PLAN LEGEND ero 1§4-341-0; :tASM Nurn4•• EROTACT 1071ANC45 L I RROROSEC 0OCRETE OECTTOO 19RORTEED ECL RETZAP PRCPCOED ....evamdcr RPRAR EXERT*, CONCUR 114.CR CREME WIWI. PYRORMEJ CRCUTEO BOICEFO 04AM EXISTM CCRICER HAM PEOPOLIEO OORCLR PROTNCEED GROOS, OCI.L.C8RE EXISTING 1REE FRCFCEECT =MUIR ININCR IRRVECEEC CR4114EL ARINCRNO EVETAG ErECROOR FRORCEEC 7CR CR ICE CF OR1C DOTING SOL fiRdORXEC CONCRETE ORLON Rermien DnerAHNA Date THE WALTON FAMILY FOUNDATION 1 MRCROSED SOLP7ED CCNCRETECAP MIAIND Flaceceero MUMS, COVCRETE CAP OLZRONa LAKE FRANCES WHITE WATER PARK PRELIMINARY DESIGN Know wiles below. FRCEVAEP NOURAL. MOW PAW IRLAR TYPICAL FEATURE - WAVE PLAN /1412/4"4444, f8/414841PCRaa:84/73, BOLLER &ONE LAE DCLINCRIRr CR CRCUTE0 671R.CEIRE SE 7114TE CC 7r2.411RE1441.E 40730 646511, OVECRING1.006 winiow , I Call before you dig. -— NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DESIGEM N: R DETAIL 11PA CHEM: BAN DATE: OCTOBER ZD16 Drawing Number PROJECT NUMBER 8541893301 SWT-2017-00214 GRDA, Proposed Lake Frances Whitewater Park Illinois River Adair County, OK Enclosure 9 of 31 C-8 60.%111.0 O1011110 RAIgi PAN 915 915 RP/EPP PM: PI Gia‘M 512E 910 905 l.fICFCME? GRAZE CE1 Lisa C.d ;.• • 11.• .2b....ob••••••••••:-Ir•'• • : e; If IIMINIIIMINIMMIMINIMMIMI07., 0+00 rnmffl illm F p frumnisign -,- Irareila m.irdardiriirmili; 900 910 r=r= alit-wfter*Orosmintlimormimmumemeeopoinimr01, ii-41-11 irionsifiromtior ' GRaffE0 FCC< 4SEE GEn L& CKI AT CRFST •- ,_ 905 0144W ',AMR OALED La V 1.5 R LOGO 900 1+23 1+00 10951111C BEDROCK SECTION 0+00 "WPM= darkSRAGE Glit2/18, criRE F.CK GTEE LET 2 La 0.71 SECTION 10 Know what's below. Call before you dig. winnewr llosbn Onweriplian NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION THE WALTON FAMILY FOUNDATION LAKE FRANCES WHITEWATER PARK PRELIMINARY DESIGN TYPICAL FEATURE - WAVE SECTIONS LOughlIn Whftewolor DESIGN: REM DETAIL: MPA CHECK: BAN DATE OCTOBER 2016 Drawing Number: PPoJEGT NUMBED esaieri000 t C-9 SWT-2017-00214 GRDA, Proposed Lake Frances Whitewater Park Illinois River Adair County, OK Enclosure 10 of 31 FLAN LEGEND 950 — EX157/40 COVII:UVUICR 'W,MQ DORM OSIVTOIR MISR RRCRCeED 7C4'.' CR TCE. Cr SANK DORM MEE FA:PC919J 0:70,02ETE (FLAY ICRINTO DEOROCK )9199CFROCEIC, CCOCAZETE" 054.79.0 ERS71,16 1.1greiCe,CO GRCIXEr, LCUto5R5 OR.R0 111111111111111. ERISTIO gE7LAted r o'g'8,g;g,c,1 -Q- ROCRCCEL, /14/SR 81FM1313 mearces, SOL RFRAP "910:44194ED OU99,19/5.10ERPR4PT FR549C6E0 WIRRAL .97CnE PAM 51,490 maa.vezo GFCIPEC LICr.LCER5 IsEcrero FACPC116, C6LIAIEL ARICRAG ER1977Yri RRR4P FROPoSEEJ 5al-F7S9 CC4',CFMTE CAP (3SCrIC.0 flaC.RXED CCNICUR IINCR -T,TV`V,W. PRCRGefED ',MAP CR GRafrED C.CELLVe ALCRE CM' CC‘PCIART CRCVIZEC, 81791C1IPEE Earrum CF TOP CF SWALE 04)510 5145w O4SALd RRORC69, 0ell-P9T/ED CCNRETE CR. OR_RO Know what's below. Call before you dig. Hos. Descript. NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION tly Dote THE WALTON FAMILY FOUNDATION LAKE FRANCES WHITEWATER PARK PRELIMINARY DESIGN TYPICAL FEATURE - HIGH PERFORMANCE PLAN Lough! DESIGN: REM DETAIL: IVA PROJECT NUMBER CHECK: BAN 65410933" DATE: OCTOBER 2051 Drawing Number: C-10 SWT-2017-00214 GRDA, Proposed Lake Frances Whitewater Park Illinois River Adair County, OK Enclosure 11 of 31 n:r Mer...41.4773, SOK 915 EASING IACONO 015 r211411e P.477.1 RMER P.413/ _ so 910 910 I aCti./.3:, =AC 6SE Der, .1 cif& c-R 19,r19:637 4.24CE REX 021G 905 I 1**6).,, -1_ 900 (97A38-5., T.98/5efi OGRISG LLG.5 900 *.----:i'-ritifititijklkiitripriuuno..orqiiigirijivr'r 995 0+00 905 rrou cr no.0. 'FT `.-035,1Ma 895 1. r 1111•111111.1 111111.111111 . 1.111111.111 — I I— R004,SED 011541841:6 0 1 111 111 11 1 0 11 1 01 10 11 10 1 .0 4111 111 1+00 1+18 CAMM3, 0,,ZE RCCK 6EE CET 2 05 C-11 &Tama SECTION 915 915 [MIMIC 0110.0 910 910 =>. I2Ett 122,C sew awe 905 905 001714IE LP rel.CP ZWILE L4YER ISNMD -dErla,r2 Oda. 900 900 CALIVEC ARYTFenn GEE LET. 4 rtarl G77 .7„ .,11 895 / 995 '--.. 1390 Dolma KDROCR 0+00 Cohlag227 OGRE AT BOAT OH roF ROCK S1 2 890 0+50 ALC OA SECTION © r • ir Know whars below. Call before you dig. OMClipt NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Delo THE WALTON FAMILY FOUNDATION LAKE FRANCES WHITEWATER PARK PRELIMINARY DESIGN TYPICAL FEATURE - HIGH PERFORMANCE SECTIONS Loughlin Wt.:Row:31er ..... DESIGN: REM DETAIL CPA CHECK: BAN DATE: OCTOBER 2010 DrawIng Number PROJECT NUMBER 5341°33" SWT-2017-00214 GRDA, Proposed Lake Frances Whitewater Park Illinois River Adair County, OK Enclosure 12 of 31 C-11 . . . . ..' ... . •. ..... . . . •••• \ • .. ...... .... . . . ...... .. . . . • . • .............. ... '' ''' • . \ • • • " • Ii . • .. . • . . • • ............... .. .. . ' • . * ' ............ • ' ' • ' * '' .... ..... . .. ... •••• .. . ... .... .. * ' 47. '''''''''''' 1.• • • • r , '' ''' * ''' '' '' ' ' 10 0121X34 EE USW . . ....... ........ ................. • ... ...... ximbeh13111111Malullinekm""mlime, ..... ... .. ...... ."^"'` ... fi .......... ..... .. ID • . . . .............. . .............. .. ... . ............ f .. . • • • • • .... • .. • .. . . .. .... .. .. • PLAN LEGEND EXI9r0ra 0:,01,C101 /11 , LCK0 /9,004,05, ICH,GPO roe' cF Eadhl< EXIVAG cc0arclpe /17.410 PIRCP.:CED CC14:720-7E P.L.0 frecfraosr, 0,N:20E7E oscrrso PO/0G 0ZEE flik.747ll EXI5IT6 BEGRLCK :WM1 ENT577G SOL + [g, c5—A, cA 11411111111, 111•0•Ion Onerlytlen /1.41,0 1010r14:018, C0:617Z2F1 It/seR By Dote MCIrifelED 4102073, Bal.P3051155C17,00 1,004:01ED 10P1411/0 ale GRG07110 ORLCIFIR &COW LAE OVIADARY 4,10 CIRC0713, 075.C71.110E EIS77147E 712. CI0 SALE lAYER ,11146912 GI V 0:40.N2 LC224 /91,V0OSED 86LPIED CCNME7E C4 00L4,0 EarOrl‘G RPM,. Pi0000,69, 0,010:LF0 Number f110CPoSED 610CLITIED BaLC15105 rf_a41 Fla:POSED 411110110MCE PZPRIP PIROP05137 Nougat DIME PAT,/ 0.1.400 19.20039, 0:44AINEL ARP t;f00.1a 1.11010:G 0E241409 Know what's below. Gall before you dig. 31i4810 PRIC1.0,55r, eaLFTEO CireSCRE'rE C.41,5 (5ECTC00 1.100.041•371 dOL Ri0,04p THE WALTON FAMILY LAKE FRANCES WHITEWATER PARK FOUNDATION PRELIMINARY DESIGN NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION TYPICAL FEATURE - TUBING PLAN Lavgh110 WhIlewolorl= nr0 nnn nr r 010.00 OES1GN: REM DETAIL: CPA CHECK: BAN DATE: OCTOBER 2015 Drawing Number: PROJECT NUMBER '541823'.°1 SWT-2017-00214 GRDA, Proposed Lake Frances Whitewater Park Illinois River Adair County, OK Enclosure 13 of 31 C-12 gls 915 910 910 2.22K R114521.41t1 905 rien432/444121 905 622141752 000 .8 000 goo 2,422.417, cF 7220 el/i4LE LAYER EIASED CN /52/21VC LOGS _022SC.21f142 CAME - - —3goo 0151110 01:0XOCK 895 895 890 890 6/221182 CORE ROCK GEE 2 CU& C41 0+00 AT Pla?4,211/32 filiSC/X4CE T 1+28 1+00 SECTION 915 915 ABANDOXTD 0/411 aviiAdUlie =XING WOUND 910 910 ( 905 905 > !FLOW /.1117.1•11. 0elv TY.= .elv amcwreo_ie-a4Dieg —..- _ eneecen z • CN GCS/2 21.005 2042 CANE 900 900 ands& 4,14AFEL .401rRING. BEEGET, 4 ctiC. c-22 895 OSSTNE 01,01113C1( 890 0+00 117 - -ET- •)_ 890 0+40 CO2C/773, CC/2E ROCK 4CE LEI:U RIC. C21 PFZCI.Ceep ealf-CPACE AT BOAT CFUID=C1 JNF SECTIONr E-3- Know whes below. NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Call before you dig. umber Dote THE WALTON FAMILY FOUNDATION LAKE FRANCES WHITEWATER PARK PRELIMINARY DESIGN TYPICAL FEATURE - TUBING SECTIONS Laughlin Whitewolor DESIGN: REM DETAIL URA CHECK: BAN DATE: OCTOBER 201B PROJECT NUMBER DrowIng Number. C-13 SWT-2017-00214 GRDA, Proposed Lake Frances Whitewater Park Illinois River Adair County, OK Enclosure 14 of 31 lECZNE BaLLEPZI ME LEK t GM G.71 PRORMED GRAgE eal-PIED CrS"C. ±.1 ea' cEr =la C4/ DIMINO proaorx TYPICAL JETTY PROFILE ® L CORE fd0= dEE GEE 174a C.41 IKUPTEC, Case. BEE Vet 4 PIQVP03/30 COVICE — 7= 117A GRains2 COW RCXX GET ZUG C-01 51.13-0.4CE \—cmsnxo oconOCX TCEIC4—C2E_JZITC_AIBLY1533.61115 SECTION 0 Know nhars below. Call before you dig. JETTY PLAN - TYPICAL TYPICAL JETTY ISLAND secmoN SECTION ® NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION e• i•••• Won OnerlptIo THE WALTON FAMILY FOUNDATION LAKE FRANCES WHITEWATER PARK PRELIMINARY DESIGN JETTY DETAILS DESIGN: REM. FWD DETAIL: FVD CHECK: BAN DAM OCTOBER 2010 Drawing Number: PROJECT NUMBER SWT-2017-00214 GRDA, Proposed Lake Frances Whitewater Park Illinois River Adair County, OK Enclosure 15 of 31 C-14 Pja Wi .BWIZe t gt /0 L141314591130 GERM PET: ‘41.1 'STISZATSZVEZT&"...:Z•2?4,C211.Z., :i-47'.Zr=315,—.Z... 1= -'"t111 .rCi.n: at4. at "70 15 /fff .1;01717::15::::::°;' 0 NORTH ,0 I With • 10 ro. SI-EST SIZE IS wr ANSI D C27S341 THEIGRAF54C SCALE MUST EE LEM n r j="-. - CRISTNG DAM 57,, <:152a1 ILLINOIS RIVER i \\\\17/ / GM21715, muces z26. , — EK173,42— Armour. rrE rzo OfOifOLGK 400 ggigi 00:gEg Know what's below. Call before you dig. Humble PeectiptIon rThIOT'FOR CONSTRUCTION Lir Oat. THE WALTON FAMILY FOUNDATION LAKE FRANCES WHITE WATER PARK PRELIMINARY DESIGN DAM HAZARD MITIGATION PLAN bughlin hIt pier DESIGN: REM. BAN PROJECT NUMBER DETAIL: MPA CHECK. BAN DATe OCTOBER 2018 8541013301 Orowln, Num.: SWT-2017-00214 GRDA, Proposed Lake Frances Whitewater Park Illinois River Adair County, OK Enclosure 16 of 31 C-15 920 920 915 -wenieninv VA" A • "' A! AV.;32.. p•-• ..inil Air ✓ Al'"": 4,Ann1INIrwen1 MEM % -.A.- A5MINIIIIMINNUMNIwwwwn,.nw,ni r ✓ ✓ e I;" ✓ ✓ p07V e % r .....s......tri....6....i., um in im • Ns iii., ........... ''-.7.171 wValettintallITA2=Mroumm"— — ''''Am. .namanimi. ..mammmer is•.• ......•.s..•......s....1.......••••••••.s..••.•...5•.••••..,---.., leminam Rim pm. AV AT"Arr...2. .. ...L. . "2...6561 1.....-='..'"10119.010111111WEIrnWEEMEM ;5" ./VA"/ , , ... Z,,,,,.. .....Namish...W.(malwrima NMENI 11 .2Var111Ma r7.dia. .......1 ie ir. on mil jr "..........•...wo..... -..1111MINIIIIMIIMI .... ..N. .4' ..'r '''i.... "."51..,..----iimiss.11•Fiamismilmrst A y 22 " AZ .er AA A, dr AW4r4"407 AOM~ AV A' AV OMM=MEMMOW ,..., mnigin.wm.manewninn•minninninnew ..... mn.wniGnin...w...-4.uom.. -imri.. -gN.-.-;aomr,dmumgoew ....nnug mum mimmilm i nin nownonmenuenwonwoneneinewnoweenninwnennionweeneennonsennenennewwen, , imammommlilagimommiomimiGnimowimiommimimmtwagiimamiRmililailationeimm. -.N.,,,-..... --,..,1. --..wimew ; m .enninonwww.wwwweenwenwwwwnewenwwwwwwinsw.......inMwm........•...........n.nimimumporgiew Simi NommommliimmisommemBmimmomemilmom imiiimommnymma mil omP timegnvier...i. .. , An new.ennerw .erwwinnennerwmwmwwennerw wen.. n wennennin nwnnweiwwennemmiwwwwwwnwenwwerww•Tinsimgog mom mum gegi "......i......"°............."...i."i"......i"...faimininsinner ribin.. 1111MEN A3.12.3.11 053.S.-.S.i.-..^...."-......"0".........".....52.1"Wfi T.P12.1.3-...8.1511191=1.11=1.91=1. =UMW. ..1..1MM Ie. • ."........2.2....M7r. 1.... :21•11nriiiiMr-11Nr••111.11Talnramill //tZeatialiMardifgraiiMaff ioW r. 7...TA.3.7. 11'1, Gt. .. _.„.. ‘.37V-57.4 n .. ner --inoc..nn /11/1/1//1=110// " 61/MIIII■111111 1111 . 11111.1.011MOng a WOE= MINIUM lotb. ifill111111.11111MMIIIIMMIIIIMIEMI 111.11M711.11111MT....1 ini 111111111111111.1 11111111.1=1111170.1 .1111111. I , irMliniiii i MalmillaimillErimiliairmai liMmiliMmi II'—' 11.1 IOW in gig go WM NM OM MIMI I . 011•7;11'afilLn. -:1=anawleif="11=ii.V1 1+23 0+00 APPP0411 172= E SECTION C-) . q,bv£ ALL SOL TO PRISR pr-wcoilKircr cnneE RC.< curagmmoccuixemx NWOMMUSOLE GWROCK AwrIvFlumetaaw Am9ealloiazx Know what's below. Call before you dig. rtimmon 0.scription NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION THE WALTON FAMILY FOUNDATION LAKE FRANCES WHITEWATER PARK PRELIMINARY DESIGN DAM HAZARD MITIGATION TYPICAL SECTION LoughlInWhItomvilerl;" ' • • ' • • ..... 114 DESIGN: REM. BAN DETAIL: FVD. MI, CHECK. BAN DATE OCTOBER KM PROJECT NUMBER 554100301 C-16 SWT-2017-00214 GRDA, Proposed Lake Frances Whitewater Park Illinois River Adair County, OK Enclosure 17 of 31 0 NORTH AO I trek, • 2 rest r SHEET SIZE IS NOT ANSI 0 1220341 TI-EN GRAPHIC SCALE MUST 97 .580 COSMO 01.0 920 NCI SOIL 915 — =u=ormi=u=11=11=r1.-ekti=l=------ T1PICAL WALL SECTION, AT TLRNAROLW SECTION Know what's below. NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Call before you dig, Osscrlyllen THE WALTON FAMILY FOUNDATION LAKE FRANCES WHITEWATER PARK PRELIMINARY DESIGN PUT-IN PLAN & SECTION DESIGN: REM DETAIL: SPA CHEM. BAN 00108 OCTOBER 2006 Drowle, Num., PROJECT NuLIBER 8541093301 SWT-2017-00214 GRDA, Proposed Lake Frances Whitewater Park Illinois River Adair County, OK Enclosure 18 of 31 MING ND —,tp,INC• Minh MIIM/0111 11=11,1112M111 =. 11•11 1- , IMPNM IMP En1111M__4=-247.,= TYPICAL WALL SECTION AT TLRNAROLND GRGLIED eaLCER5 65771/9.ED diEE re,: I 1::= G.71 SECTION Know what s below. NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Call before you dig. RANAlon DescrIPINA THE WALTON FAMILY FOUNDATION LAKE FRANCES WHITEWATER PARK PRELIMINARY DESIGN TAKE-OUT PLAN & SECTION Laugol WhItewolor I ;';',Zra IAV4Zn DESIGN: REM DETAIL MPA CHECK: NAN 001S: OCTOBER 0016 Drawing NumbAn PROJECT NUMBER 6541093301 C-18 SWT-2017-00214 GRDA, Proposed Lake Frances Whitewater Park Illinois River Adair County, OK Enclosure 19 of 31 (1, 06372ERN Raz, cr Ras,. ,,,LanG Ex1R1s6 Ra4O ALCRPENT 712 Ce R 51: A "Er 2 45 RECLRELL N CZ A W CEr 4 179G. 0427 FCR nr. ACIC556 ROA,:, GEL-TICK i 11' I t NORTII .. . •>.•,`• ..,... ,>,‘ \ \ \ \ 1 ‘ '' 'N 'S „ ‘‘ ‘ 0 Do 120 I lrch • 60 fweet. r S-EET SIZE IS MDT 6.14SID =341 TI-EN GRAPHIC SCALE MUST ee USED c ... .,„ ;.... -.... -41, 4- , I Ilia .., t .-5- PM FA. 344690 14V1 MeV. ..090 if. 3L11 LK. 71:400 925 41 n- 0 4 1: 0 920 915 . 910 I \ 10+00 -1----1— 1+00 12+00 I— —1.---,. 13+00 I----, 15+98 14+00 13+0 PLAN 4: co. ti d !. 33 AU •A A 0 PM STA.. 15+03.52 PM ELEA 926.50 It 31.17 .2.1 a2c PM STA: 13+04.12 PM OEM 921.57 0 30.16 LVF 03.00 PM STA: 4+02.40 PM ELEV: 020.24 0 35.73 50.0C1 PM STA: 2+29.00 PM WE 915.25 10 30.02 LVD 90 00 930 0+ - . • :11 ri 45 A SS g4 Vi : . I A4 ss Sg 1 ' i g 03 Ple,476ED a/94MA 930 gg 925 0 — _____„7.... _,__________-,------ ---..5,, ,..____, _,_ ___,._, ..._ „........„ ,--, , ,-, c _____ 920 915 48,13r44 ........),<( 910 7 905 2., 900 0+00 905 900 1+00 2+00 3+00 4+00 5+00 6+00 7+00 8+00 9+00 10+00 11+00 12+00 13+00 14+00 15+00 15+98 PROFILE 8 11 --- —.7" • Kt. what's below. Call before you dig. Molter Reetelon DescrIptIon '"'" 7 — --`, --' — Th, —1 —,, —= NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION IlDote THE WALTON FAMILY FOUNDATION LAKE FRANCES WHITEWATER PARK PRELIMINARY DESIGN WEST ACCESS ROAD PLAN & PROFILE; ggz. t1,4 LOugh5n Wh11owalor1 .011..: or D.0 • • toupee f ' cH.,. s. DAM OCTOEIER 2016 70:J007 1;11:1,0 0. 1. 7 DrowIng Number: C-19 SWT-2017-00214 GRDA, Proposed Lake Frances Whitewater Park Illinois River Adair County, OK Enclosure 20 of 31 — ,p-, --"-* ___.--:•... *.-- L ' — • 1-: / . --.-.--v. m----"-- I. ' / 8 \ / \ \J / ( 4 -7 •i, 1 Ot ,,_ No. 0 1400Tli Ao 60 ...------- . • 1P 5141,8T SEZTIS .1.0T ‘°A14S r l Da272.43 ,,,,,, .,a4 sc.. mus L.. _ ... 0riT"' —I ---- 11+00 .--.'-"-'''' ri AVM (11 ilESTERY WU/ LF MEE, ..., ALOY, 00517k2 MUD ALGSFENT 11,9E REM,V152 AS RECIAREI2 NY, , 12u — . 00 116 e/WLET: .4 CUM C.22 - li,Ii In! AGGIESGI PKVID / , ......- -,-- —1---1 MA STk. 4+69.16 PM 81-515 031.20 10 noes LVC 150.00 /19311 PT. STA: 5+41.54 HIGH PT 6120K931.14 P14 STk 0+23.4.3 P14 ELEV: 915.00 K: 33.5 L0C 35.03 g 8 ga 930 11114 80+ +19.20 .480 1 0.00 S .' .- PLAN 00 3+00 93.5S CP 5+00 5+00 1.16 ST/: 7+89.77 PN ELEY: 930.96 Kt 31.28 LVQ 80.00 74 g .I A' A• ft 1 t .00, -f. 0: k I . g '1.1/ `-.e. dl '-. gg PM STA: 9+1 .63 P41 DEM 927.75 K: 31.96 .n 5004 gg P:A STA: 11+22.00 PM ELEV: 920.50 K: 35.79 1_1/0 PM STk. 15+56.40 P41 ELEV. 924.50 K: 33.28 LVQ 75.00 g 935 gg-'1-- 1 925 ; /I ...."''' MST. .1 8/1 1 ......---.-- 920 a 915 Q6,,,Ilt --- 915 910 910 0+00 1+00 2+00 3+00 4+00 5+00 6+00 7+00 8+00 9+00 10+00 11+00 12+00 13+00 14+00 15+00 PROFILE v.. i..7 8i1 • , NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Know what's below. Call before you dig. NumAwl 3.1.00 06140000 16+83 16+00 01 00. THE WALTON FAMILY FOUNDATION LAKE FRANCES WHITE WATER PARK PRELIMINARY DESIGN EAST ACCESS ROAD PLAN & PROFILE tooehlinwhlt,..1.1.4t.= „,,,,, . ,,,..,0,,,,,,,,,,,i!',.:,,::,,, sat gm- r... 1111:2 PROJECT NUMBER 2000 8""""1 I 1 Drawing Number: t C-20 I SWT-2017-00214 GRDA, Proposed Lake Frances Whitewater Park Illinois River Adair County, OK Enclosure 21 of 31 i asEREAFFNIaimor TIE EAGIEER FE472RE EaLLER$ MAY FROIFIPE ASCIE PE507! GRACE& 040 MATURE OCUPER I1JS7 E715g2CEP araair A NNW> Cr P7 1121VERTPAL PPENSCAL RLACE SCLECER5 airw4L4r107 e4.354aE AWN, aLCRE .10 011:7071., RahrED ELVES 1470,747110 CR577PE4lt Trr.. EFFACE P:11.1:1301 Tt4PCFSLIQ54:X.444LCER5 Sall PE 8.111,W .4.01E Re, 23ELC81 OMEN GRACE WEIS PREC11572 ET E10A133e C690,4 GRACE eaRFACE PPACERG 72, CF DUZFACE Bal-P1325 Cl3.71110 GRCII7 TO EE I PT 013C8.1 PEDEN GRACE 0,1E56 07743HIEPEAPRR01,97 Or 77E PASIZIER sock BE 111714s, 11.ASCIE TC7 EEL= CESON GRACE CHEW PR1=7732 EAGN392 EA07 &WALE EACUPER 117155SCCEP MV 00217 A AINPLI 1 CF 44LF CF 113 VER7r -4L ortssaew CR O; 1040EVER GREATER LAGI598 OTAERIEE' 0RECTS2 TIE 8,01E8,2 CE APMEUALLY PLACE0 A5 IPLE59 0110300E ?0C.410/ All 81030/ DCULZEIRS PRECIS:, 15Y 77rE 00P00 2 00CRE GRCl/77,12 ctsav ALL PfzrAno 114150I404 Ri0/ 1 ROCK 7104700W 0014347" 71E GRC2/750:11801,01,m ▪ fif-ACE GRCUT AlACTICI V AL-MGM W01453415 10 ROE 001 TO 17E 5PECEEP GRCUT VERN 0.540 70008 G.= FRCAf ALL 040010 ‘037,44153. • EiC1LCER MAGEEAl 6,141J-DE 50143470 AFFIR01432 Sr 170 &GAZER PR0R 70 0007 0.40300 • ERFRXED ERRE RAWL DE 778:817140 ASO FARMED 10 70I070145181.177: 484501 CIERNALL 70/170 30/400 • 11E CCAllRAL1CR 5/4411 LOWREY GIRSEIr AIAD 0.403/5N7 FRGGE/ARLO 70 ACNEYE tHE GAWPED THIPPE50 AAP GRACE CF 11E C 1' lAnge Z PLUMY 1.0aCER 1E0.77C4A1 EAGSECE0 as, A 045E Sr CAW 34855 11.0,1 Aff9,700,A. Sr 1545100 A cavnucroR au. 05 0000 7 0 WE 712.7RLE OCUPER LATER 40070109/ avascaAn (1010 71040 DuO flaAPER LAT Al CAE PIACEM.11: S. 000< 410 OLEGRACE (057 30 ISLAAKE7E0 .4142 AE4170 CCLP (16477ER CCACRE75 04500/47 0300700 EV87 REMT 7 0 75E01071CM= 0S4 /WM AAP OGRE ROCK Sail 15E Tr.dnir RAC= 150 1104700 000 ED S0/40/ 50L 3470 AM21177-6AE GRC717 15 LASS MAWR:SR CF ME 7727AL KVA E CELC11111E GROUP LAE OR PE ENTIVE G/W:UtE12 MAILER MASI L PL4CE Gla72) T ORWEED lO Ath ALL 1.001 CESk5+1 GRACE AAP 7CP Cr aRCUI: NERS4 10 RAW APRCOIGN OLGPE 0001132 CORE WC' CR E1377.0 ason, Aro ara=msa 00ACEP25 AR APPROVE,Br 77E 0.048137R I.LACE GRCCIT A5 8113:17170 70 FEL. ALE VOCE1. EXISTING BEDROCK PREPARED AS STATED IN THE SPECIFICATIONS. 12 MIN amains= LGIRE NOCK OR E+857116 0.54.472 .470 0301713,150LLET8 48 APMQC100 ST PE EYGIV3ER EXISTING BEDROCK PREPARED AS STARED IN THE SPECIFICATIONS. 00/QFR NfRES, (Wit2/7"FO 10,161INc DIAMION GROUTED BOLLD70 PLACEMENT FLLL D0011-1 GROUT PRCF05E0 ARCOT F110 GROUTED BOULDER PLACBMBIT RECESSED GROUT DETAIL CCUM PqraliARE =CR 144RPEER 71441.2. PE APPLE," TO ALL ORCIJT CtRFAC155. /REFER 70 OF= dECTIPV 01180, PH:MEW COYERACE RE218,7551514721 DETAIL c) r 51.17,54CE 182LCER5 r- ENSIIND 6.1.6 MANS VARIES 0/30501140/ CO M.4710 APACE? PEPRCCK PS:WM GRACE MN CIS! ELSTACEB GleCtIT LAE OUL PERM GRC117 64:61.0 =INC LA. PFrvorx 01271 11 pi Lc. DETAIL 17ELD AT- 100G00 J4G .I5 ELOS 1147 ROW eGILFIEJ ROCK. 7CP LIGGTACE 07:72,FIED ROCK OE 10114,1 4 . CF GWEN GRACE COSTING BEDROCK OR 1155 GRCLIT LAE 04 •2 0c. AS . CLR FRCAI CEOEW OWFACE AAP 7174 FRCP! CCRE PaLDER &WAGE CE8GN GRACE r-7 .4 =Lax 714. ElEY GRClIT LIE RCR CCRE 1:004* ICS 0040 7000 FELD RT 10 EXTEA12 7'.-MOIR:CR OF Gwen' RP= HAM 0487 dECCAD ROCK 11E12=0,905. IQESSZIELMN DETAIL © vARE2I 000/ 4340/ a-o WE% 017032151E A42/1110 le TEO 11 le 00 ;3 4007 1417 (7713C55822 GRCCIT 3. MIN CLR TYR ALL 1050035 870 F0720,C 111 2 08 NCRRE RP O. QC, EF EXISDNG BEDROCK USE 500/7 itAI5RE C6.11.1 S LOO 77040 NI LEAVE GRC717 802154CE RP-EAL GROXED OCRE RSCK CON7E07ICN CCXEL-612M COL RLACEPENT tur 00t0 TO ALEN USED 1,005 11?00.714)7E4. PRECIWN PRIM 70 GRCUTAG, 70P LENT LEP 7544LL coEDRco6oY0Vd0ROS4CE 515358.10f/E 41:000 AAP PEA., cFesvr 44III4715 15E R155AR 50E,71732 7011,1RD711:0114517WAIS SCLUEOBD.2205. COMECTION AGVNI REGAN ill 8ClI.P113:, ROCK GEE CE7: 4 000. 02/ .114:1* iikvatoor YR*. BEDROCK gm\ CORE CRLL 45 P:920 TO AfHPLA1-•=0 .EPOECA101T OF OIL LEG IWO 215GRUCK LIR AO OPEC'S, lgY 6.10AEBQ -570 (410< A Cal, 5C &2M' 0.0 AL7037047743 VERT/AAGiED 047000 000 PITO oirrn.44.c apacur. DETAIL CA2M 1.072105 0004/241111470 57 500370101444225 0001I5177E40 Km, what's below. Call before you dig. N Non Oescriptle eeoc f cosTNc BILD.R4SY.ANCId=2 Icr.._QQttECILON. DETAIL ,-oro FMK re. OD TEEN NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION tly ate FAMILY FOUNDATION THE WALTON LAKE FRANCES WHITEWATER PARK PRELIMINARY DESIGN TYPICAL ROCK DETAILS lougnlin DESIGN: REM LORRAng Number DETAIL NPA PROJECT NUMBER CHECK: BAN B341893301 DATE OCTOBER 2016 C-21 SWT-2017-00214 GRDA, Proposed Lake Frances Whitewater Park Illinois River Adair County, OK Enclosure 22 of 31 910 905 / .•-- 91 ::17;ZEGLP CIN 9:441 :L4/1 905 e....1.."'... ,111 . ., 900 — 895 890 . 900 - 4 4. 895 AMYL .1'. —I 71ZIMEMIL.711=...!!71,--.6=7. Y1f7' 890 TYPICAL POO- SECTION AVM AU AM 96 Ginn< DIIENSIC961 A90 A.212791,623-1,96.64,1n. 236. 91119n966,19[X, Ala ram., recce:, RA. 0 LILO". WA, 9240.992 AND an= 16102XAJ 7V APOMS DETAIL r • 93r TLNING BLOCK - PLAN DET A I L 0 ALL GCCEL 1.226 710 PONT DCUMI77,454,1 77M. IIIRE.4099 L6166 AArsere r•sR PF0 TIP. 901I4 SIMS AZELCHT154.treed 11921227 EA. GVAILIC TUNING BLOCK PARALIE1 TO FLOIN SECTION 9" 7,9n< aNDTCNEM REARLIRCED 111101 6)1 6"X 29 az tisf, 9' A'5'1.42996N hi aleallED121,22.69 DETAIL VARIES, SEE RAN 66990IED ‘92.1.12929 SE2 I 021 9" TACK 8/40R:RE7E fivvagraas, arm ..")r X 29 9L 9195/1 MT. SMALL IMOR017 9 •X 9,A171262( 6162990 19SISAR rive, 65121412D In. ' Cr 6,14I-E LA1729,1169612 ,1191:2690 L/26,1 cam TypicA C'14.6.NNP Nagal.S0_,EMS. DETAIL DXD PATTERN 015512 hfl 116 . naninn< cp DETAIL Know whasbefOW. Call before you dlg. Nen [Heel, t NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION THE WALTON FAMILY FOUNDATION LAKE FRANCES WHITEWATER PARK PRELIMINARY DESIGN MISC. DETAILS DESIGN: REM RH, DETAIL MPA CHECK: BAN DATE: OCTOBER 0015 Drawing Number: PROJECT NUMBER 5541993101 C-22 SWT-2017-00214 GRDA, Proposed Lake Frances Whitewater Park Illinois River Adair County, OK Enclosure 23 of 31 \\ r — DlotrAFT 0 .5TROOF/0 0-6pet,a'' — A \ONSTRUCTION DEWATERING E ACCESS PLAN PHASE I \ Ul D VV IT VVATEIOURSE • 2. SURFACE WATER CONTROL WITH COFFER DAMS \ ,3. SEEPAGE/GROUNDWATER DEVVATER VVITH P1 IMPS N PARKJ,O, LOT rc l° \ vl I ° 1,, N\ 775N.VCRAMTY GICh.In.CTICTV BrAC,00.G. AREA ,0n0 FISOVIAIENT 1.6014 FIELD .. .L----, \.,., COFFER /-/ #/ --- -----7'__/ -2,-\ ETTLEMENT ASIN F ,4TERIN Ft11-7F C7;!---- -- 1 R/I/E_R 5ETTLEMENT 13.4,51N FOR 17E1.1,47-EIN PUMPING. (71,50/-/ARr•:-,F BACK INTO RIVER ).../ N' T* 1.10,E2073, RCP< GERI •. 4 4011111111 %Alf, ‘1 \tk GUI OCOr0 (17. Q1S 04,4,4,00,v ald^.06 ett,P0 SURFACE DEWATERING ROUTE RR. IVE / _ 6°‘,, • • CON7P-4CTOR Know what's below. Call before you dig. Number NevIelen DavcrIptIon STAGING AREA. LEACH FIELD. AND BUOYS N, ‘\ FINAL 0E111A irfra,/6 PLAN TO L3E PROvC,Ep 5,7" .2) ESC PLAN AND RE-477EO a1-IP5 TO BE 057ERI111V150 N FINAL L7E5N 7E77ROR4RT" 5TOCKPLING MAT' OCaJR ON-5/T5 ILRERE IT f:055 NOT CONFLICT (11177-1 ILIE7LAN28 OR mok NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION ExCESSILE 7REE R-57-10v,4L ny L.RB Dom FOUNDATION THE WALTON FAMILY LAKE FRANCES WHITE WATER PARK PRELIMINARY DESIGN CONSTRUCTION DEWATERING & ACCESS PLAN PHASE I DESIGN REM. BAN DETAIL. MC, CHECK. BAN DATE OCTOBER 201L DrewIng NurnboN PROJECT NUMBER sAiegssoi SWT-2017-00214 GRDA, Proposed Lake Frances Whitewater Park Illinois River Adair County, OK Enclosure 24 of 31 C-23 - - _ —DRAFT CbINSTIRUCTION DEWATERING ACCESS PLAN - \.. /2 //7 ---„,..,„ `• . CONSTRUCTION ACCESS F'1I4SE /I (ACROSS US 59 43R106 ENTE72 ON sating SIDE OF ILLIIVOIS RIVER) -- ----__':-------,,:----9--s' --- ----------_______ ---------_- ----- --- -N,,_ . N-..„ ,„ 1-1T E.-IN-ATER COURSE PHASE I) FOR SURFACE WATER ROUTE c2. USE ROCK BERM. OPTIONAL - ADD ---:- ----- -_,_,::-----... TEMPORAL MATERIAL TO RAISE HEIGHT FOR ,-----T s ADDITIONAL SURFACE WATER CONTROL ,.. N••.,_ 3. SEEPAGE/GROUNDWATER DEVVATERING '-\.,, WITH PUMPS -.----: 4. CONSTRUCTION ACCESS FROM SOUTH. ,— VERIFY 0 NERSHIP PERMISSION ; / ' ° 1H142¢.4.41. GGN$TRUCTI:IV 67:4410 ARISd AMP 1.19•MAAENT1134C., 1,130 L " \\,ZA-tonint ,, . ' ) /545 Sti/LEMENT rE3ASIN FOR DEVATERING PUMPING DISCI-/46E SACK INTO RIVER r. iAc - SURFACE DE- 1114713WIER GORGE PUMAS CISCIAR BMNGLIO CFEN GWOLE 6<4 SW WALLS SETUEDY IMAM SAW IJEXAN uwau 246S4 v OFEN 6456 60 araw et, OLOOLNE eIRP DETUEEN RAINS A a UV SW AW EhT. ORYISALL CLOSURE OEMEEN TOLET Nor- 67:415 .-- erPLIT FACE Oil ii1A11.5 Wm/ FFEC,157 CC.0 ACCENT 1341,.9 a 011 NIERZN F•ARTITOnat EA STALL S . SPLIT FACE Oil WALLS WIN FRECAOT canC AOCSNT COW SLAM ON tr# SCORE i'/FT TO BLOGL PERrEIER COW SLAB ON GRACE SLOPE 64761 10 DOOR FRENCH 6043, FNISH ciAPAcE i . ................... 40FirAVOTY;g7:°007. iwilan47. .4nAiZiV7lltiat: SECTION A-A 0 Vs-757°N c-cPRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION SECTION B-B 401,1 PPM,' if 5 5.}B Know what's below. 64 troll • ((00 Call before you dig. 1.erlplIon THE WALTON FAMILY FOUNDATION LAKE FRANCES WHITE WATER PARK PRELIMINARY DESIGN CHANGING & TOILET BUILDING PLAN, SECTIONS DESIGN: JA Loughlin WhIlewnlot l'f2.1314; DETAIL: JA p .....„.„.,..„......A. CHEM REM DATE! 0010sr 2016 PROJECT NUMBER 6341893301 Mewing Numbrri A-1 SWT-2017-00214 GRDA, Proposed Lake Frances Whitewater Park Illinois River Adair County, OK Enclosure 30 of 31 rw:FE van" orA‹ GEDAR 61417003511149t PAT/.4 STAMM OTANED l41W 444504 045 TA. RATE 50).ir 7)404 70)4 WALLS UN PRECAST COW ACCENT 5.03 maw GRACE LIE GF E57N2 GRACE LIE 04 CUE TORN Caltl OXY eCtOrY3R Ar FLOOR LEYEL PIP. SOUTH ELEVATION (NORTI-1 EL SIM.) DOG TROT CABIN Xl:PE V134r1111.0‹ YEFECAL GRIN comma', E47704 11.001, 5on4. re:P RATE CPREV PIRISSIED141- ar SPLIT 7)404 70)4 WALLA U.014 4OTGcpC AccENT er'amir Foca au with 140114 PRECAST Gae AGGENT &WE CEENLIFEEZDAY 1 7)4445 454007 MEN GRACE EL 52‘.3eA IJ,E OF ExETTG GRACE L00770 6A445 mrev paLN MOSTA* GRACE LIE 70&Aeo memDOW WAVY SHINGLES-STAINED WEST ELEVATION EAST ELEVATION 11.1. • 0.. 4 04 Izt, I toot PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Know what's below. Call before you dig. limber Oncriplion By Date THE WALTON FAMILY FOUNDATION LAKE FRANCES WHITEWATER PARK PRELIMINARY DESIGN CHANGING & TOILET BUILDING ELEVATIONS loughlIntRhIlewolte DESIGN, JA DETAIL JA CHEM REM DATE! October 2016 Drawing Numbo. PROJECT HUMBER 50•169530i A-2 SWT-2017-00214 GRDA, Proposed Lake Frances Whitewater Park Illinois River Adair County, OK Enclosure 31 of 31