was; 5 99mm mm or Rwiwsmz 7 Mr: Karin.- Joy'an am, {1,7 7 777,77, 4' rm am Em 7'7" cum, amaan I: @1me 7w m4) 3 SEE REVERSE an '1 .4 ' mr{rRq: il you rarr ro appear In oolln as you nave pm sed, you mal be arre-sted and 'f bv 6 MONTHS lN JAIL AtiD/OR A $1,000'FINE tegan$ess ol fie disposilion of the ounished briqinal chirge. (veh. Code, $ 4{F08, or Pen. Oode, $ 853.7.) ln addition, atiy person who faiE ro appear as prcvided by lt$, may be d€emed lo have deted to have a trial by written d*lamtim (in absentia) pursuant to Vehicle Cbde saciis 4o9o3{a) upon ffiy allieged intraction, ari charged bt the arr$ting/citing oftier. . JUVENILE; li you were under age courl with your parent or : : 1 I at ihe time. the citation was issued, you must appear in i 9"r1t1?_ COUFTESY NOTICE: A courtesy notice may be mailed to the address shown on youl crtalion. indicaling the required deposit ol money (bail) thal may be forfeited instead of your appearing in court. ll you do not receive such courtesy notice, you are still required to comply with the items below by the appearance date. WHAT TO DO You are reouired to aogear at court for a misdemeanor violation. For all violations. vour court date/timdplace are on ihe kont ol this notic€ lo appear. Have the citation with you when coritacting the court. In all inlraction cases, you must do one or more ol the following for each violation: . . Correct the violation (trafiic cases, when applicable). Pay the line (bai0. . . . Appear in court. . Contest the violation. Request tratfic school (traffic cases, when applicable). Request trial by written declaration (lratfic cases). lf you do not do one of the above aclions, then a'tailure to appear" charge will be filed against you (Veh. Code, S 40508(a)) and your driver license may be withheld, suspended, or revoked. ln some courts you may be charged an amount in addition to the bail amount and the case may be turned over to a collection ageacy. (Pen. Code, 5'1. lf you do NOT contesl lhe violauon: 1 21 4.1 .) a. (Pay the bail amount) Contact the court fof bail infomation. You will not have to appear in court. You will be convicted ol the violation, and it will eppear on )lour record at the Departmenl of Motor Vehicles (DMV). A point count may be clErged to your DMV record and your insurance may be adversely affected. b. Oratrc ad oot) You may be able to avoid the polnt count by completing traflic school. You must pay the bail amount as a tee and you may have to pay other fees. Contact the rurt to request tmffic shool c. (Correctable violations) lf the "Yes'box is checked on the front of your ticket, the violation is correctable. Upon correction of the violation, have a law enforcement ofticer or an authorized insptrtjonlnstallation statron agent sign below. (Veh. Code,5 a0616.) Regislration and driver license vrolalions mav also be cenified as corrected at an otfice of lhe DMV or bv anv clerk or deoutv clefi oi a court The iioration will be diffiiss€d by the court after PROOF.OF-C'ORRECTION and a pavmt oI a transaction fee are presented to the court by mail or in pemon by the appearance date. Violations of Vehicle Code Section 16028 (automobile liability insurance) will be diifissed only upon (1) your showing or mailing to the court evidence of tinancial responsibility ([l at the time this notice ro appear was issued, and (2) your payment of a transaclion fee. - cERriFrcArE- oF coRnEcrof!.(uusr BE ' seatns{s) ' Violated 2. a. Person Correction siqnature oi Ceiifying ner-g-$gro couRr) ' 't Serial et) .3", Ag€.tcy Dale b a It you contest the violation (select a or b) noR", (Court triat) Send a c€rtified or registered letter postma appearance date or come to the court by the appearance dat when an officer and any witnesses will be pres€nt You will tf,"n five days prior to the ffs'3r,"#ffi$#i::i""txt t --oBb. (Irlal by wrttten d€cbrdion (traffic infracfbne) Send a cedifi€d or regisler€d lettsr postmarked not later than live days prior to th6 app€aran@ date or como to lhe court on or betore ttle app€arance date to request a trial by Mittff d@laration. Subnit the bail arrpunt Yil will be given foms to allow you to wrile a statemenl and to submit olh€r evidence wilho{t appearing in court. An officer will also submit a statement. The judicial officer will consider th€ eviderrc{i and the case. 6de 3. Make checlvmoney order payable to Clerk of the Courl. Write your citation number and driver license number on your cheik or money order. You may pay in person, by mail, or by phone. a, ll 'Booking Required" is checked you must appear for b€okirg on a weekday prior lo your cor.rfl date at qnd bnng liE s€n€d Eofftt "s. vsifHtion to yilr between the hours c,ourl app€arance. CaS for of mre and infomation. \tbdficadon; I d€dare under penalty tif'pedury undar the tav/s of the Stats of Califomia that Defendant's mme was booked loortionlt iritormaiibn is avaiiaoti ai I {-- v-- on .. Oate OffEr Serial No. Rlverslde Coumy Sherm's Department Court Servlces Was! CITATION CORRECTION NAME Mexabj OH DATE CITATION ISSUED 3 2'5 nouoe Is a cavemen of your ongmal orlauon which oonoamed me bevow error or Incoflecl sectlon The proper semen should read, traffic wolauon to be added to your warm A deleuon of name vvolatlcn from your ongmal cllahun EE- Legrormy or other magouraoy Warp r; i u\ 5 The above noted changes are fix your information only and you are to take care 01 the original Cltauon me manner Indicated on your copy KYour ccrvectcoucfate and/orume of appearance IS 31 dayor \lfij 5.313ij Olcrrequesling, 3322;; ID a; 39:; Supvraupmving Date den adv'd' cw TICKEYVYELLOW surrouva Pamms mr nsmo>> (rm armr