Saul: Tuesday. April 15, 2017 8'59 PM Subject Open Records/Proposal Question Maryellen and Lindsay, Good seeing you hoth today and I appreciate all that you guys do for the If you don't care. just keep me up to date on these open records requests. I noticed that Russell Counly was on that: and if Iberc is anything on my end I need to do. just let me know. I'm sure olher board mambcr's cuunlies were on there and they would probably feel the same. Bui anything I need to do with regards to Russell County, I'm more than happy to help. Also, the Secretary briefly mentioned the Cyberscout group today. i know we had previously voted on approving to allow the Secretary and stafrto further engage in discussion with this group regarding their scope of services Have we any proposal fee or scope of services to look a! as a board before we vote to enter into any type of official agzeamcni? I meant to ask about this I was talking about the Book rip and completely forgot. Just let me know and I'm sure other members would be interested as well before voting on any type of contract approval. Once again. thank you both for all that you dohelp. please dont hesitate. Have a great evening! The very best! Josh Senl from Josh Branscum's iPhona