Sent: Thursda March 30, 2017 3:24:25 PM (um-05:00) Eastern Tlme (us ts Canada) Subject: Secunty Concerns I have some very real concerns the legmmacy of company regards to lhe secunty needs of lhe Slale Board ol Electrons Therr core ousmess model ls aflerlng "education" and "remedlallan" sennces to lherr lhree pnmary markets, msuranoe, nnancral sennoes and employee benefils mdustnes, See below a screenshol ol the core statement lrom lhe lront page or then own wehsrle. Note the two key sen/toes. "proacllve educalron and preach remedratron support", Please take a moment lo read at least lhe firsl three paragraphs lrom the Insurance Journal onlme amcle lrom January 11, 2017. Insurance Whlle lhe serwces Cyberscoul offers may he uselul some situations, hope that lhe SEE Board understands lhal they do nol oller any mlrusron monrlonng sonware or hardware solutrons at all. In lacL they don't oher any seounly dewces or real-world expenence ol any lype. What lhey ofler ls adwoe and moral support. Perhaps ls what the Board leels we need? Although we weren't consulted on maller' lwanl to oul lhal we have prevlausly recommended one ol a select few companles lhat have years ol real-world data seounly experlence These companres oller hardware and soltware securlly solutrons such as Web Firewalls Penelrallon Teslmg and Securlly Inadenl and Evenl Manager (SIEM) syslems, As you know. I have been lhe respected and experlenced securlly oompany, Trustwave on the pest proleclron model lor lhe Voler Database. have worked drreclly lhelr seounly englneers to crah lwo custom solutron palhs and lhe lor lhose solutrons have been reoewed. Alsn' an eflan to best use lhe resources prowded hy COT. we have been dlrectly Davld Caner' CISO ol KY. He has commited to contmumg lo work us to customze a DMZ the new Palo Alto firewall structure. In summary' whrle we may need and benefil lrom lhe sennoes or a company such as Cyberscoul. wanl to he perfectly clear thal them no way lulnll lhe actual secunty needs or our syslems and no way mmgate our or mlnisron, Thank you, Tom Watson and steve Spisak 502 57 100 Senror Software Englneers Kentucky State Board of Elections steve Splsak manta: electtonic nail tiansnission is fo: the use of the named o: entity to it is ditected and nay contain intoirnation that is DI confidential. It is not to be ttansnlitted to or ieceived by anyone othe: than the named add:essEe (Or a pErsbn authoiized to delivei it to the named add:essEe). It is not to be copied DI forwarded to any unauthotized peisons. If you have teceived this elEct:Dnlc nail tiansnission in delete it frolr yout systern wlthout copying DI it, and notify the sende: of the Errbr by teplying Vla errail Or by calling the Kentucky state antd of Elections at 5734mm, so that Du: add:ess can be Corrected.