lried to wake her up to gel her to leave, and she wasn'l waking up and he oftered to help me. 0161 Did he have his clolhes on? A Yeah. 0162 Now, let me make sure I've got this righl. When you left the Swalford house, you went to Walmart parking lot lirst. A Yes. 0163 Then, you wenl to Muncy's -- A Then the hospilal. 0164 -- then, you wenl to the hospital. A Yeah. 0165 Whal happened when you gol lo lhe hospital? A K- slarled waking up a little bil after we pul her in the wheelchair, 'cause we's wheeling her in 'cause none of us could carry her in there 'cause il was dead weighl; and then, when we gol in there, she slarled crying, begging us nol lake her in there because she didn'l want her dad to lind oul; and then, her cousin and one of the other girls lhat was there lalked her into going back and then, lhe nurses took her back there. 0166 Who was the olher girl thal was there besides - A 0167 How do you know--(7 24