Cmpanies House 0 1 (9f) Confirmation Statement Company Name: SIBYL SYSTEM LTD Company Number: 11634005 Received for ?ling in Electronic Format on the: 19/12/2018 X7L3TLLC Company Name: SIBYL SYSTEM LTD Company Number: 11634005 Con?rmation 23/10/2018 Statement date: Electronically filed document for Company Number: 11634005 Statement of Capital (Share Capital) Class of Shares: ORDINARY Number allotted 1000 Currency: GBP Aggregate nominal value: 1000 Prescribed particulars FULL RIGHTS TO RECEIVE NOTICE OF, ATTEND AND VOTE AT GENERAL MEETINGS. ONE SHARE CARRIES ONE VOTE, AND FULL RIGHTS TO DIVIDENDS AND CAPITAL DISTRIBUTIONS (INCLUDING UPON WINDING UP). Statement of Capital (Totals) Currency: GBP Total number of shares: 1000 Total aggregate nominal 1000 value: Total aggregate amount 1000 unpaid: Electronically filed document for Company Number: 11634005 Full details of Shareholders The details below relate to individuals/corporate bodies that were shareholders during the review period or that had ceased to be shareholders since the date ofthe previous con?rmation statement. Shareholder information for a non-traded company as at the con?rmation statement date is shown below Shareholding 1 1000 ORDINARY shares held as at the date of this confirmation statement Name: CRISTINA SILVA Electronically filed document for Company Number: 11634005 Confirmation Statement I con?rm that all information required to be delivered by the company to the registrar in relation to the con?rmation period concerned either has been delivered or is being delivered at the same time as the con?rmation statement Electronically filed document for Company Number: 11634005 Authorisation Authenticated This form was authorised by one of the following: Director, Secretary, Person Authorised, Charity Commission Receiver and Manager, Manager, Judicial Factor End of Electronically filed document for Company Number: 11634005