AGENC Y: Preparer?s Printed Name: Preparer's Signature: Total number of CAFA seizures reported to your of?ce in 201777 St. Charles County Prosecuting Attorney's Of?ce Kathy Sutton 2017 CAFA SEIZURE REPORT Toml dollar value of seized property reported to your of?ce in 2017? 36 1,882,607 Page i of Due Date: Jammy 31, 2018 Phone Number: Date: Please submit a copy erase animal CAFA seizure report to the MO State Anditor's Of?ce at the time the report ls made to the M0 Department oI?Publlc Safety. 636-949?7355 1/15/2018 Criminal Charges Filed Criminal Case Number (indicate if no Time Seized Disposition of Seizure/Forfeiture Person(s) From Whom the (indicate if no criminal criminal charges have Estimated Value of Date Seized (1an (if split disposition, provide the Property was Seized charges have been ?led) been ?led) Property Seized Property Seized Place (Location) of Seizure Disposition of Criminal Actions value applicable to each) _?ending _Pending _Closed _Ret11rned 5 Date Closed to: Daniel C. Freeman U.S. CURRENCY $48,860.00 1-70 WEST AT 204 1/11/2017 2: 17 RM _Conviction AX_Fedm21 Agency $48,860.00 - - Pen Pen Brian K. Reddmg :04)de :Retfifd 3 Gary R. Mller 11 17,458.00 AND Date Closed to: Andrew P. Berggren U.S. CURRENCY $61,000.00 1-70 WEST AT 204 1/30/2017 9:56 AM _Conviclion _X__Fedeml Agency $78,458.00 _Pending _Closed 5 Date Closed Tranfeued to: Johnny Khamphengphet U.S. CURRENCY $139,580.00 L70 AT 204 2/6/2017 7:52 _*Conviction __X_Federal Agency $139,580.00 _Pending _Closed _Rerumed Soua Yang and Dale Closed Tranferred to: Yisclc Bautista U.S. CURRENCY $117,990.00 1?70 WEST AT 204 IVHVI 2/8/ 2017 1 :05 RM _cOnviction __X_Federa1 Agency 3117199000 _Pending _Pending ?Closed _Retumed 8 Date Closed Tmferred to: Louis Crouch U.S. CURRENCY 88,865.00 1-70 WEST AT 204 MM 2/9/2017 8:50 AM. _Conviction FX_Federal Agency $33,355.00 b?ending __Closed *Retnmed 3 Dale Closed Trauferred to: Toni Tee Xayavong A U.S. CURRENCY 24,000.00 1-70 EAST FIFTH ST. 321/20 17 10:59 AM ?Conviction _X_Federzl Agency $24,000.00 _Pend:ing _Pendi:sg Closed Rammed Lukas Bandel Date Closed Tmfetred to: Anthony McRedmond U.S. CURRENCY 115,850.00 1-70 WEST AT 204 2/22/2017 8:58 AM _Conviclion _X_Federa1 Agency $115,850.00 ?Pending _Pending _Closed _Retumed 3 Dale Closed Tranfetred to: Albert Linicome U.S. CURRENCY 52,000.00 1-70 WEST 204 MM 227/2017 2:31 PM _Comr1ction _X_Federal Agency 551000.00 Jose Carlos Garcia-Montero ?Pe?dmg . . Closed Returned 5 Claudia Gonzalez- mDate Closed ?rgfmed to: Camejo U.S. CURRENCY 176,600.00 1-70 WEST 204 MlVi 3/1/2017 10:3 1 AM _Conviction _X_Federal Agency 5176, 600.00 _Pending _?ending Kayla Robinson and $913132? 3 Aramis Balaniuc U.S. CURRENCY 30,640.00 1-70 @204 IVIM 3/9/2017 1:30 PM. _Conviction _X_Federa1 Agency $30,640.00 _?endins _Closed 5 Dale Closed Tranferred to: Shir Khazi U.S. CURRENCY 44,800.00 1-70 WEST @204 IVIM 3/14/2017 8:52 AM. _Convic:ion _X_Federal Agency $44,800.00 2017 CAFA SEIZURE REPORT a! .2 Pag of Due Date: January 31, 2013 AGENCY: St. Charles County Prosecuting Attorney's Office Preparer's Printed Name: Kathy Sutton Phone Number: 636-949-7355 Preparer's Signature: Date: 1/15/2018 Total number of CAF A seizures reported to your of?ce in 2017? 36 Total dollar value of seized property reported to your of?ce in 2.017? 1,882,607 Please submit a copy orthe amual CAFA seizure report to the MO State Audltor?s Of?ce at the time the report is made to the MD Department orPubElc Safety. Criminal Charges Filed Criminal Case Number (indicate if no Time Seized Disposition of Seizure/Forfeiture Person(s) From Whom the (indicate if no criminal criminal charges have Estimated Value of Date Seized (1-an (if split disposition, provide the Property was Seized charges have been ?led) been ?ied) Property Seized Property Seized Place (Location) of Seizure Disposition of Criminal Actions value applicable to each) __Pending #Closed _Remmed 8 Date Closed Tmferred to: Luis F. Silva U.S. CURRENCY 68,545.00 1-70 WEST @204 IVIIVI 4/6/2017 7:45 A.M. _Conviction Agency 568545.00 WPending _Closed _X_Remmed $641.00 1900 Fourth St Date Closed Tranfen'ed to: Robert Breen U.S. CURRENCY 641.00 St. Charles MO 63301 4/27/2017 2:00 PM. _Conviction __Fed.eral Agency 5 _Pending, ##__Pencling _Closed _Returned 3 Date Closed Tranfen?ed to: Malesvi Amador?Sanchez U.S. CURRENCY 75,920.00 1-70 WEST @204 MNI 5/26/20 17 11:35 AM __Conviction _X_Fedexa1 Agency $75,920.00 __X_Pending _X_Pending . . _Closed 21 Eagles Landmg Dave Date Closed Tranferred to: Victor Valle 1711-CR03409 Yes U.S. CURRENCY 1,316.00 St. Peteis MO 63376 5/25/20 17 9:00 RM. _Conviction _Federal Agency 5 __Pending _Closed 5 Date Closed Tmfezred to: Scott Brady U.S. CURRENCY 225,340.00 1-70 WEST @204 MM 6/ 1/20 17 1 1:40 A.M. _Conviction ?X_Federal Agency 225,340.00 _X_Pending _X_Pending 1636 Country Club Plaza 3 Robert D. N011 171 U.S. CURRENCY 8,285.00 Dr St. Charles MO 63301 6/9/2017 5 :00 RM _Convic1:ion H__Federai Agencys ?Pending WPmdiIlg . Cl (1 2005 Nissan Quest 2,600.00 1635 Country c1111, Plaza *Dfaosed Julie N. Duggins REFUSED WA Dr St. Charles MO 63301 6/9/2017 5:00 PM. _Conviction _Federal Agency :3 _Pending _Pending . . 2010N1ssan Album 1636 Country Club Plaza ??L?Ze?osed 5.2.0223; 5 Robert D. N011 REFUSED 3,400.00 Dr St. Charles MO 6330 1 6/9/2017 5:00 RM. _Conviction _Federal Agency 5 _X_Pending _X_Pending Cl 6. name @2031: Eugene Edgar Loyd 171 1-CR03022 YES 1 1,700.00 Wenmville MO 633 85 6/8/2017 9:30 RM __Convic?on __Fedeial Agency 8 . . . ?Pending _Pending Misael P. Padilla Marlo J. 010536 _Rem3d Agum'e Barda Nibardo 1-70 WEST Closed Tmemd Jasmine McCaitin U.S. CURRENCY 14,525.00 Zumbehl Rd. 6/16/2017 8:00 PM. _COnviction _X_Federal Agency $14,525.00 _Pending _Pending *Closed WRerumed 3 WB 1770 WEST 204 Date Closed Tranferredto: Peyton Smith U. S. CURRENCY 54,100.00 MM 6/22/2017 8:55 AM. _C0nviction _X_Federal Agency $54,100.00 2017 CAP A SEIZURE REPORT Page 2 of? Due Date: January 31, 2018 AGENCY: St. Charles County Prosecuting Attorney?s Of?ce Preparer's Printed Name: Kathy Sutton Phone Number: 636-949-7355 Preparer?s Signature: Date: 1/15/2018 Total number of CAP A seizures reported to your of?ce in 2017? 36 Tom! dollar value of seized property reported to your of?ce in 2017? 1,882,607 Please submit a copy ?the annuai CAFA selzure report to the MO State Auditor's omce at the time the report ls made to the MD Department orPubllc Safety. Criminal Charges Filed Criminal Case Number (indicate if no Time Seized Disposition of Seizure/Foxfeiture Person(s) From Whom the (indicate if no criminal criminal charger. have Estimated Value of Date Seized (HrMin (if split disposition, provicie the Property was Seized charges have been ?led) been ?led) Property Seized Property Seized Place (Location) of Seizure Disposition of Criminal Actions value applicable to each) _Pending _Pending C1 (1 5 Joshua Lee Dorsey 1-70 WEST 204 egg?, @332. Tyler John Dorsey U.S. CURRENCY 30,000.00 MM 7/25/2017 6:40 AM. _Conviction _X_Federa1 Agency $30,000.00 __Pending #Pending _Closed WRefumed 2311 Upper BOttom Rd' Date Closed Tranferred to: Dione Schwartz U.S. CURRENCY 9,555.00 St. Charles MO 633 03 7/24/2017 12:05 AM. __Conviction __X_Fede1?al Agmwy $9,555.00 _Pending #Pending Keith A. English 11 $4,933.00 2221 First Capitol Dr. ?Salim aim? 5 Brandon Jones U.S. CURRENCY $2,649.00 St. Charles MO 63301 8/3/2017 12:30 AM. _Conviction _X_Federal Agency $7,582.00 424 WApt A St. Pending Pending Charles MO 63303/20 N. :closed :Returned Overbook, St Charles MD Date Closed Tmifexred to: Joseph S. Burkhart U.S. CURRENCY 18,573.00 63301 8/24/2017 4:00 RM. _Conviction _X_Federal Agency $18,573.00 _Pending _CIosed __Retumed 5 Dale Closed Tmferred to: Anthony M. Alardo U.S. CURRENCY 110,000.00 1-70 WEST @204 IVIM 8/31/2017 10:56 AM. _Conviction _X__Federal Agency $110,000.00 _H_Pending _Pending _Closed _Remmed 5 Dale Closed Tranferred to: Antonio Ramos U.S. CURRENCY 12,250.00 1-70 WEST @204 MM 10/17/2017 9:27 AM _Conviction _X_Federal Agmcy $12,250.00 _Pending _Pending . CI (i lose R. Sanchez-Rmez ?Da:eaosed aging: Josue Enrique Fernandez U.S. CURRENCY 23,280.00 1-70 WEST @204 NIM 10/25/2017 1:00 RM _Conviction _X_Fedeml Agency $23,280.00 _Pending ~Pending __Closed _Retumecl 5 Steven TOdd Date Closed Tranferred to: Sheila Stables U.S. CURRENCY 21,080.00 1-70 WEST 204 11/1/2017 3:45 AM __Conviction ,XmFedexal Agency $21,080.00 __Pelldj?g _Closed ?Rammed Mohamed Rollie Date Closed Tranferred to: Umkhonto W. Hewitt U.S. CURRENCY 42,452.00 1-70 WEST @204 IVHVI 11/15/2017 10:12 AM. _Conviction ?XMFedeml Agmcy $42,452.00 _Retnmed 3 Nathan 13' Edwards Dare Closed Tranferred to: Erin B. Nelson U.S. CURRENCY 88,200.00 1?70 WEST @204 MIVI 11/20/2017 10:36 AM. _Con?c?on _X_Feder21 Agency $38,200.00 _Pending __Pending . . __Retumed Dale Closed Tranferred to: Jason Ray Smith A U.S. CURRENCY 62,750.00 1-70 WEST @204 NEVI 12/5/2017 7:50 AM _Conviction _X_Federal Agency 362750.00 AGENCY: Preparer?s Printed Name: Preparer?s Signature: Kathy Sutton St. Charles County Prosecuting Attorney's Of?ce 2017 CAFA SEIZURE REPORT Total number of CAF A seizures reported to your of?ce in 2017? Total dollar value of seized property reported to your of?ce in 2017? 36 1,882,607 Please submit a copy ofthe annual CAF A selzure report to the MO State Auditor's Ollice at the time the report is made to the M0 Department ofPublle Safety. Due Date: Janna Phone Number: Date: Page of 31, 2018 636-949?7355 1/15/2018 a! Charges Filed Criminal Case Number (indicate if no Time Seized Disposition of Scare/Forfeiture Person(s) From Whom the {indicate if no criminal criminal charges have Estimated Value of Date Seized (HrMn (if split disposition, provide the Property was Seized charges have been ?led) been ?led) Property Seized Property Seized Place (Location) of Seizure Disposition of Criminal Actions value applicable to each) Pen Pen :Clogillg :Renilrunlegd 3 Date Closed Trmfetred to: Bradley S. Doudna A U.S. CURRENCY 25,896.00 1-70 WEST @204 12/1171201'7 9:42 AM. _Conviction _X_Federa1 Agency $25,896.00 _Pending ?Pending _Closed _Retumed Date Closed to: Edel Salgado-Benitez U.S. CURRENCY 35,225.00 1-70 WEST @203 IVIIVI 12/13/2017 5:57 AM _~Convic?on _X_Federal Agency $36,225.00 __Pending ?Pending 5321 Magnolia Avenue g?f?f?fwm'mm Keith Carpenter A US. CURRENCY 10,749.00 St. Louis MO 63 139 12/13/2017 5 :30 PM _Conviction _Federal Agency