9' :2 Ontario Executive Council of Ontario Conseil ex?cutif de l?Ontario Order in Council D?cret On the recommendation of the undersigned, the Sur la recommandation de la personne Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, by and with the soussign?e, la lieutenante-gouverneure de advice and concurrence of the Executive Council I?Ontario, sur l?avis et avec le consentement du of Ontario, orders that: Conseil ex?cutif de I'Ontario, d?crete ce qui suit Whereas under section 4 of the Corporations Act, three persons may apply for letters patent to incorporate a corporation and, under section 121 of that Act, the persons who apply for letters patent become members of the corporation; And whereas under section 124(2) of the Corporations Act, members may be admitted to a corporation by virtue of their of?ce; And whereas under section 127 of the Corporations Act, persons may be directors of a corporation by virtue of their office; Pursuant to the prerogative of Her Majesty the Queen in right of Ontario to appoint persons to serve Her Majesty's Government of Ontario in the discharge of its executive obligations and responsibilities, 1. Helen Angus, of the City of Toronto, is: authorized to apply for the incorporation of a corporation without share capital with the name and for the objects set out in the attached Schedule (the ?Corporation?); and nominated by virtue of her of?ce as a member and director of the corporation by virtue of her quali?cation for a term of up to 12 months at the pleasure of the Lieutenant Governor in Council from the date of the incorporation of the Corporation; 2. The constating documents of the Corporation shall provide that: (C) The members and directors of the Corporation shall consist only of persons who are nominated by the Lieutenant Governor in Council who shall be members and directors of the Corporation by virtue of them being Lieutenant Governor in Council nominees; the Lieutenant Governor in Council approve, for election, the chair of the Corporation; the Corporation shall provide remuneration to the directors as approved by Lieutenant Governor in Council; Qcmam?_ 1 iv. recevoir des fonds d?une personne ou d'un organisme autre que la Couronne ou un mandataire de la Couronne; v. cr?er une filiale; vi. mener, directement ou indirectement, des activit?s ou des programmes de ?nancement, que ce soit pour la personne morale ou pour une autre personne ou un autre organisme; vii. verser des contributions a des organismes de bienfaisance; 9) la personne morale ne peut ni emprunter ni pr?ter de l'argent. avec ou sans garantie, sauf avec I?approbation du ministre des Finances de I'Ontario; h) a la dissolution de la personne morale et apres I?acquittement de toutes ses dettes et obligations, le reliquat de ses biens sera distribu? au gouvernement de l?Ontario ou aux entit?s que celui?ci d?signera par ?crit. ou fera l?objet d?une disposition en faveur du gouvernement de l?Ontario ou des entit?s que celui-ci d?signera par ?crit. Recommended: Minister of Health and Long-Term Care Recommand? par I Ministre de_ la Sant? et des Soins de longue dur?e Concurred: Mair Xf Cabinet Appuy? par le pr?sidentlla pr?sidente du Conseil des ministres 7 Lieutenant Governor La lieutenante-gouvemeure Approved and Ordered: Approuv? et d?cr?t? le JAM 7 2019 0.C.ID?cret: 4 SCHEDULE Name of Corporation: Health Program Initiatives in English Initiatives pour les programmes de sant? in French Objects of the corporation: The objects for which the Corporation is to be incorporated are: With the approval of the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (Ministry) as the Ministry determines may be required: 1. To promote enhanced health system management and performance to make the Ontario health system more sustainable through: development of health system strategy and innovation health system management and coordination performance measurement, monitoring and reporting quality improvement development of clinical standards education and training promotion and development of patient relations, processes and resources suspense 2. To support specialized health service needs and chronic disease management and operations through the planning, organization, delivery and evaluation of related health services. 3. To provide human resources, labour relations, ?nancial and administration, procurement, digital health, information technology and data management services and communications shared services to health services providers and related organizations. 4. To provide digital health technology services and related support to facilitate electronic availability and exchange of information related to health care, by and among patients, health care providers and other users, in accordance with applicable privacy legislation, in order to promote the effective and ef?cient planning, management and delivery of health care in Ontario. 5. Upon receiving appropriate authority in accordance with applicable legislation and regulations, to promote the protection of privacy of individuals whose personal information or personal health information is collected, transmitted, stored or exchanged by and through the corporation, in accordance with any applicable law. O.C.ID?cret: 5