Case 7:18-cr-01750 Document 1 Filed in TXSD on 09/25/18 Page 1 of 2 AG Criminal Complaint UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT for the Southern District of Texas United States of America v- . I 'l Yenny Yamileth PINO Case No. 1' . 8 YOB: 1987 Citizenship: Uhited States De?andant?s) SEALED CRIMINAL COMPLAINT I, the Complainant In this case, state that the following IS true to the best of my knowledge and belief. On or about the date(s) of Auqust 12, 2018 in the county of Hidalqo in the Southern District of Texas I i, the defendant(s) violated: Code Section - - Offense Description . 21 841(a)(1), 846 knowingly and unlawfully conspired to possess with intent to distribute approximately 233.50 grams of fentanyl, a schedule ll controlled substance This criminal complaint is based on these facts: SEE ATTACHMENT Continued on the attached sheet. Hi?lpD/J/?r (3g 5/ Heidi Bridqes, U.S. HSI SpecialAqent 67m! Printed name and title Sworn to before me and signed In my presence. - Date:' 09251201 8 - 477ml. Judge 3 signature City and state: McAllen. Texas U. S. Maqistrate Judqe Juan F. Alanis Printed name and title Case Document 1 Filed in TXSD on 09/25/18 Page 2 of 2 - ATTACHMENT 5/ On August 12, 2018, Yenny Yamileth PINO, attempted entry at the Hidalgo Port of Entry as a pedestrian. PINO was referred to secondary inspection due to inconsistencies in her travel itinerary. During the pat down in secondary, Customs and Border Protection OffiCers found two vacuumed sealed bags, which contained 881 unidenti?ed blue pills in PIN Os under garments. PINO additionally stated that she was carrying an unknown object in her Vaginal area. PINO gave written consent for a medical examination which revealed PINO was carrying a cylinder-shaped object within her body. The object, 5.9 inches in length, was wrapped in a black material and secured by a condom. The object contained 1,100 Unidenti?ed blue pills. For a total of 1 9,81 pills on, or in, her person. HSI interviewed PINO at the Hidalgo POE. In a post'Miranda statement, PINO acknowledged She was a body Carrier of an illegal substance. In exchange for transporting the illegal substance, PINO received a discOunt on a body enhancement procedure, and was also paid with 30 of the 1,981 pills. PINO was to?turn over some of the pills to an unidentified taxi driver in McAllen, Texas. On August 28, 2018, HSI McAllen submitted the unidenti?ed blue pills to the Texas Department? of Public Safety Crime Lab for analysis. The lab report results indicated that the pills, weighing . approximately 233.50 grams, contain fentanyl.