. . -- 011. IE MARKS MUST BE ,9 MARK mun BALLET WE HAVE I . sunwms ms . 33.9 TURN swncu . Am mm: mm :0 sum CURTAINS i CITY or NEW ommus omnms (Verne; ?l . mrr?9,193.; phi .111. u?h?lt? g) .I It .ni?nL?hl-i WWI .STRUCCIONES PARA we D?-vuella liacla la decegha para cerrar la: cor?na: 00' 0.. til.) i i 'i 3m D?yuellaallnlerup. lor hacla lg liqtllerda . w: 972?: Harqu?la lzolbla tle 1 asla,,manera' ?it 0 .. . .. aw?, ?kat'?t'b WW: . . . Prepared .hy . James . H. ?Jixn?- Brown Secre tary of State 0 1,4; 31?3? . .r-rew'u OJ J. . mm . CITY or New. ORLEANS REGIONAL TRANSITAUTHORIW TAX P'Roposl'ron the proposed. Regional Transit Authority levy and cel- lection of an add witional one percent sales and use tax upon the sale nt'reteil, the use, the lease or rental, theocon- suniption, and' the storage for une or consumption, of tangible personal property 'end on sales of. services in the Parish of Oh- leans, all as presently defined in Louisiana Revised Statutes (R3. 47:301, et'seq.) endoto furt 1e . authorize the'proceedc to be dedicated to transit and transit-related purposes; pm- ricled that the occupancy of hotel rooms, as defined in Section of Article XIV of the Louisiana Constitution of 19.21 mil made statutory lay the provisicnn of Article XIV, Section 16 of the Louisiana Constitution of 1974, shall be exempt from the one percent (195) additional tax imposed herein; and pro-- . - - rid-ed that drugs, orthotic and prosthetic devices and patient iids prescribed by physicians for personal consumption or use, . ind food sold for preperetion or consumption in' the home, all ss presently defined in shall be exempt from I inc-half percent of the tax imp ose herein-and dedicated-to .ransit end transit-related purposes; and to authorize the levy ind. collection of the one percent sales and use tax of- 'ective June I, 1985. cm: 01? NEW ORLEANS EGIONAL .TRANSIT AUTHORITY TAX PROPOSITION Ipon the sale at retail, the use, tl umptlon, and? the storage forum or consumption, of tangible' - tersonal property and on sales of services in the Parish of 01% cans, all as.presently define-cl .in Louisiene Revised, Statutes R5. 47:391. et seq.) and to further n?uthorize the? proceeds 0 be dedicated tO'transitnnd purposes; pro- ., ideal that, the occupancy of hotel rooms, as defined in Section VIM) of Article of the Louisiana Constitution of 1921 provisions of Article XIV, Section 6 of the Louisiana Consti tution of 1974, shall be exempt from he one percent ?70) additional tax :3 herein}. and pro- ided that drugs, orthotig and prost te lease or rental, the con~ . ptipn or use nd food sold for preparation or consumption in the homoynli' Prelim?? defined in 11.5. :17 s305(4), shall be exempt from ne?hf?lf Percentx'Of-lhe to! Imposed herein and dedicated to taunt and transit-related purposes; and to authorize the le'vy nd collection of the one percent (1?70) and use tax. of. sctireJune 1985." -