OfOkl?homahuausosukcnuance. 1 Ih?e: Libertarian: Ed?Y?i-fi .5 LPG NEWS SPECIAL WIN ISSUE This special issue marks the return of the IPO News to a regular. mathl-y schedule. Future issues will have a more conventional newsletter forest and will be out around the first week of the month. Special issues with more than usual material meant for wider distribution will cone out when- ever the occasion denands. This also marks the last of the ?free? issues, so if you have let your menbership slide better get it in if you want to stay in touch. If your sibscript ion has not been getting to you or friends haven't been getting theirs at all, let us know please! - Ed Clark Wins Presidential Naninat ion The last month and a half have been a gloriously hectic one for your editor and a number of Okie delegates . The state and nat ional convent ions have absorbed a lot of tim and generated a lot of energy. The Okla . LP convent ion held at the Hilton Inn in Tulsa the 14th of July fea- tured guest speakers Bill and Ed Clark, both cans to solicit the LP presiu dential nonination. Craig V. Franklin Libertarian troubador was on hand to pro- vide entertaimnent. Other guests cans to join the festivities fron Arkansas and Texas. The consensus of opinion after the state convent ion seated to be that both Clark and Hunscher are very impressive men and that a choice muld be extranely difficult . However one issue arose which pretty clearly polarized the Oklahoma delegat ion and indeed apparently . the national convent ion as well . This was Bill Hunscher's stated intention to enter the Democratic primary in his hcmeistate of New Hampshire with the plan of taking a substantial percentage of the vote away iron Jimny Carter. Bill's partisans claimed that this muld be a large fortune's worth of publicity. Ed replied that it would be negat ive publicity . At the net ional convent ion held on Septthe Bonaventure Hotel in Los Angeles the Oklahoma delegation split its' vote four for Clark, tum for That ratio was reflected in the ant ire convent ion vot . Ed Clark endorsed and non acceptance for David Koch of New York for his vice?presidential running mate . David Koch has pledged to contribute a half- million dollars of his own money to the Presidentian caInpaign for starters . In conclusion: this elect ion year we have a good candidate with an excellent relat ion? ship with the media who has shown that he can speak directly and well to the hot issues of this time and a lot of money be? sides . The other parties are in front of God and everybody and they haven even started nominating yet . No? body else has anything else to offer but politics?aseusual. . . . nvent' ?nithsonian Magazme told me that th?on for Smithsonian Institution for its' believes 1980 will be a. 'fmtemhegwge?ai?s LPG NEWS SPECIAL WIN ISSUE politics.? Not lmowing how or what or whom they are checking out the various - potential third parties. We have by far the best rather the only chance of be- coming the viable third party. 1980 should see us well advanced and 1984 . could be the year a. third party dedicated to restoring liberty first beccnxes a ma? jor third party. Look around for coverage in Newsweek, Cmni and other major media over the next year . The exact number of people attending. has not been announced yet but is iniown Restoring the American Dream by Robert Ringer has made. the nmnber fcalr slot on the New York Times Best Seller .List within only a. few weeks of its' release. The book's release was pre? ceded by $400 million advance adver? - tising by Harper and Row, the largest ever. Robert Ringer's two previous backs Winning Through Int imidat ion and look? ing Out for Number One both made the hunter one slot on the best seller list . My contact at B. Dalton bookstores reports that Restoring the American Dream is now the best selling hardback in . Dalton stores nationwide . W3 AWARD GIVEN AT FUTURISM SEMINAR The Pronetheus Award of $2500 in gold for best Libertarian oriented science-? fiction work of the year was given to F. Paul Wilson, author of Wheels Within Wheels. Tied for second place were Anderson's Avatar and The Genesis Madhine - by James P. "ogan. r[he award was presented by Robert Anton Wilson, co-author of Illuminatos! at the Libertarian Approaches to Futurism panel . Also discussed were space industry, uses of space for national defense and the current state of life extension research. The nomination of David Hock for vice- president has again raised sane questions about the influence of the Koch fainily on the Libertarian mvenent . Charles Koch, mlti?millionaire head of Koch Oil Co. to my knowledge supports the Koch Foundations, the Institute for ?rms Studies, the Cato Institute, In- quiry Magazine and is a generous contrib? utor to numerous Libertarian activities. David Koch has pledged half a. million dollars just to kick off the presidential campaign. There was same resentment at the con? vent ion at what seened to be the outright purchase of the nominat ion including the Oklahcma delegation who sat out the vote . There is fear among some Libertarians that the Koch family is in the process of pur? chasing the Libertarian mvenent itself. Those who discount these fears are often tarred with the same brush. I have no as to grind and no affiliation whatsoever with any of the Koch interests. I am not acquainted with either David or his brother Charles. I think these fears are largely groundless and have solid rea.. sons based on my seven years experience as a Libertarian activist. Experience has shown that a lot and little mney beats lots of little aork. By work I mean street, inlocking doors, and 313:2: Lainey is certainly needed for things like the TV exposure which makes us look to the people but nothing beats plaixrie old 0f work 1P0 NEWS SPECIAL CONVENTICN ISSUE 1! flat-feet sore knuckled, hoarse-voiced work. The corollary to this seem ob- vious, the movenent will always belong to those who work at spreading it. Money and labor are what we need. Money is nice but it is- the. same wherever it owes from, only you can contribute that unique blend of talents that no other human being can. Dav id Koch noninat ion was opposed by many, including myself on the grounds that all he had to offer was honey. He had previously stated that he was unable to canmaign actively. In my opinion he bought the nonination, but what the heck we held. out for a good price and it looks like we'll get to have our cake and eat it too. After all as Gary Greenberg of New York pointed out in his seconding speech there is no doubt that the man is a firmly conmitted Libertarian (half a. million is not chickenfeed for anybody who works for a living) and it appears the fellow is coming to see the necessity of active campaigning. Mr. Koch, I be? lieve was shown how much fun it can be and I think he's hooked. The chance to honorably enjoy a good fight has always been one of the great est mot ivat ions of our second American Revolutionaries . Good luck, David, you'll love it. Nota Bene Again at this convention we failed to adopt a platform plank concerning the rights of the Native Americans. The reason scans to be that the subject is trenendously complicated and remiires a great deal more scholarship and research. My feeling is that we here in the mid- west, Oklahcna in particular, are in an ideal posit ion to begin this project and have it ready two years hence. If any- body is interested get in touch please. AT BANQUET $90,000 in". pledges and contributions was raised at the Presidential Banquet. Saturday night. FM canons of gold and. an canon of silver were donated. by various. delegations and indiwiduals to be matched by contributions from the floor. The Oklahoma delegation also donated an canon. . Orson Bean served as; master of ceremonies. and Robert. Ringer as keynote speaker. D.0.-.L.L.s CAUCUS AT CONVENTION The Dirty Ole Libertarian Ladies held their founding meeting at the Tulsa convention. Attending were charter members Mary Laurent, Lisa Branch Andrea Hetzler and Trina Reese . Bill Huncher wandered through on his way to the Oklahoma Caucus but managed to esaape. The D.O.L.L.s showed up at the L.A. convention with the official D.O.L.L.s T-shirt which sold quite well at the Texas booth in the huekster room. MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION Send to: Libertarian Party of Okl P.0. Box 60505 ahoma Oklahoma City Oklahoma 73106 Name: Street address: Enclosed $6.oo Phone - 7/62. 63 ij/ rigb'hy TF1 II 1.1 ETE