SUPREME COURT OF -.1 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL INTEREST 2 Judicial Officers I 77 mm: ?All Statements 0f Financial Interest flied shall be made available for public inspection and copymg ?uringwm??gguours.? tuna-u. ??aw In Re: Financial Disciosure and Reporting Reqm?rements far Judicial Of?cers, ND. Jud. A?min. Bucket No. 1 (April 13, 3984}. Part A INSTRUCTIGNS: Campiete entire Farm. I?iease tvpe er print. Attach additionai 8 1/2? 3: sheets if necessary anti indicate each item by number. 1 Last Name First Name Middle Initial 2 County Name (OFRCE ONLY) KEVIN . PHILA un?ller 3 Street Acidress (QFFICE ONLY) Wm VINE: Sm am", 200M 4 Ci?fv Siam ,3 Zip Coda Telephon? ONLY) A \le03 5 Jud?cial Of?cers Supreme Phila. Municipal Court Senior Judge Judicial Bist? No. Supericr CI Phiia. Traf?c Court Cl Seniar Magisferial Dist. Judge. 1 ST. Gammanwealth Cl Magisterial Digtrict Judge Magisterial Dist. No. Gammon Pleas a 6 REAL ESTATE WTERESTS (refer to NONE, Check bcx. 7 CREDITORS: IF check this be. Credifer Address Interest Rate C: 8 DIRECT ANS INDIRECT SOURCE-S OF INCOME {?incluciimg, but mi limited to, amplayarg Sll?l?i 213 the Cammenwealth 01? NONE, check this Imx. Mama Cemme?wealih oiPannsyivania Address HarrisburgGIFTS: IF NONE, check this box, Sourca efGiff A?dress of Source Value OfGifl Reagijn fez? Gif: 1 1i} TRANSPORTATION, LODGING, HOSPITALITY (refar 1'0 iz?lstruclions): IF shack tlzig box. Sgurce {Name and A?dmss} Vaiue 11 HONORARIA: IF NGNE, chack? 2m, 12 OFFICE OR OR IN BUSINESS: IF Check this bsx. Businass Entity PGsition ?eld 1' 13 FINANCIAL INTEREST IN LEGAL ENTITY BUSINESS FGR PROFIT: IF NONE, check this Emma. Name ami Address ofBugima-ss Interast Held. 1 14 EUSINESS ?70 FAMILY El: NQNEI aback th?g hex. Buiinsgs (Name and Address}: Interest Helii: Transferee {Name and Address): Raiationship: Eats Trazzsfez?reci: 23C {31? ifbrnat rpm: .3 he cal?ndar year 203] . l: a Sate: MW I 3 (mm-53mg: a CREDI ORS FORD MOTOR CREDIT CO. PO. BOX 30765 COLUMBIA, MD 21045 0% Interest 8. SOURCE OF INCOME: COMMONWEALTH OF PA HARRISBURG, PA LIFESTYLEMOVES BENEFITS 1NC. HUNTINGDON VALLEY, PA