,?i'f'ifh, a; 1.5% naps. RTMEHT Gil-ma ?ab-I) Duputy (?erttmissinnen Legal Matters 93? em ?ne Peliee Piasa. Rnnru 14th}: New 't?nrlt. H?t" itittfit't Fehruary 2. Ztilt} Attn: Leeai Department intlti Ampitheatre Parkway Mt?iuntain View. vanes Re: DWI L'hee lipeints Pested te Willi: Mehile Applieatien Under the Visinn Zern initiative. New ?r'nrli {?ity is endeavnring tn eliminate trat??e fatalities hy rnad ennditinns. ereating. safe passages t'nr pedestrians and hieyeiists. and wherein: laws tn enennrage driving. Paraninunt tn the nt? this initiative is the New ?r'nrlt {?ity Pnliee Department?s ent?nreement nt' the Driving. While impaired laws. The is signit?teaht resnurees tn DWI enfnreement. ineluding the use nt?vehieie eheekpnints the eity. This letter serves tn pat ynu nn nntiee that the H?t?l?D has heenme aware that the Waite Mnhiie applieatinn. a enmmunity-driven navigatinn applieatinn nwned hy finngle eurrentiy permits the puhlie tn repnn DWI eheeltpnints thrnaghnut New ?t?nrlr. ['ity and map these lneatinns en the applieatinn. ?eenrdingly. we demand that fitsigle upnn nt? this letter. immediately remnve this funetinn t'rnm the Waste applieatinn. Further. the H?r?l?D requests that ti'inngle take every preeautinn tn ensure that data nt' H?t?l?D DWI eheehp-nints. nr any ether suhstarttiaily similar data. is net uplnaded nr pnsted at a future time nn the Waste Mnhiie applieatinn. gt'sigie.entn. ISharpie Maps. nr any nther assneiated internetrwehsites. nr weh pnrtals and platinum under {inngle its partners?. nr at'?liates? individuals the lneatinns nt" DWI eheehp-nints may he engaging in eriminai ennduet sinee sueh aetinns enuld he intentinnai attempts tn prevent and-"nr impair the administratinn nt" the DWI laws and ether relevant eriminal and traf?c laws. The pnsting nt'sueh int't'irmatinn t?nr ptihiie ennsuruptiert is sihee it serves In aid impaired and intnsieated drivers tn evade eheelipnints and enenurage reekiess driving. Revealing the lneatinn nt' eh eekpnints puts thnse drivers. their passengers. and the general puhlie at rislt. New ?r'nrit ['in has a eeru tuleranee peliey fur metnrists engage in reckless eunduct that endangers public safety. The 1arill pursue all legal remedies tn preyent the eentinued pasting at this irrespansihle and dangereus and will enlist the eueperatinn nf nur ether law ent?ercetnent partners and felleur agencies tn assist in this This letter is put intended as an eshaustiye statement at uur pnsitien in this matter and shall he canstrued as an at" any fact. as a 1araiyer at" any ut? the City 's legal rights and remedies. all nt" 1which are hereby espresst reserved. Sincerely. Ann Frunty ductingr Deputy ['nmrnissiuner Legal Matters