onsn BDND . i seamen: reassessmse? no BAIL - . In Custody; meme . Wi??l??m musty GWFEW. soonest, a.Hnsram - i I . ?1 FEB WE SUPERIOR comer on CALIFORNIA I . I mourns or RIVERSIDE. {indie?slid THE PEOPLE on THE on onusonmn, i Plaintiff, one 35493? - ?3 . i? - case No INN 5?00 265" Jess -- . AKA: JOSE venom LARJNGARCIA Bi JOSE VLADIMIR WIN GARCIA DOB: 9.23.1999 2019045 00 Defendant. COUNT - The undersigned, under penalty of perjury upon information and belief, declares: That the above named defendant JOSE VLADIMIR LAM-GARCIA eommitted violation of Penal Code section 187, subdivision a felony, in that on or aboutZiS??lQ, in the County of Riverside, State of California, the defendant did will?rliy and unlawfully, with premeditation and deliberation, murder Juan D., a human being. it is further alleged that in the commission and attempted commission of the above offense the defendant personally and intentionally discharged a ?rearm and proximately caused great bodilyr injury and death to another person, not an accomplice, within the meaning oI'Penal Code sections 12022.53, subdivision and 1923', subdivision Notwithstanding Penal Code 1385 and any other provision of law this allegation and any finding pursuant to this allegation shall not be stricken by the court. It is further alleged that probation may not be granted, nor shall execution and imposition of sentence be suspended pursuant to Penal Code section 12022.53 subdivision COUNT 2 that the above named defendant JOSE eommitted a violation of Penal Code section 187, subdivision a felony, in that on or about 2.8!.2019, in the County of Riverside, State of California, the defendant did willfully and Lullawfully, with premeditation and deliberation, murder Jane Doe, a human being. lt is ?nther alleged that in the admission attetnptod commission of the above ottiensc the defendant personally and intentionally discharged a ?rearm and proximately caused great bodily' mjury and death to another person, not an accomplice, within the meaning of Penal Code sections 12022. .53, subdivision id) and 1192.7, subdivision (tots) Notwithstanding Penal Code 1385 and any other provision of law this allegation and any ?nding pursuant to this allegation shall not be stricken by the court. It is furdter alleged that probation may not be granted, nutshell-execution and imposition of sentence be suspended pursuant to Penal Code section 121022.53 Subdivision CGUNT 3 That the above named defendant JOSE VLADIMIR LARW- GARCIA committed a violation of Penal Code section 187, subdivision a felony, 1n that on or about 2312019, in the County of Riversiwde State of California, the defendant did will?tlly and unlawfully, with premeditation and deliberation, murder Jacob M, a human being it is fin-titer alleged that in the commission and attempted commission of ihc above offense the defendant personally and intentionally discharged a ?rearm and-proximately caused great bodily injury and death to another person, not an accomplice, within the meaning of Penal Code sections 12022 53, subdivision and 1192. 7, Notwithstanding Penal Code 1385 and any other provision of law this allegation and any ?nding pursuant to this allegation shall not be stricken by the court It is further alleged that probation may not be granted, nor shall execution and imposition of sentence be suspended pursuant to Penal Code section 12022.53 subdivision COUNT 4 That the above named defendant JOSE VLADIMIR committed a violation of Penal Code section 13?, subdivision a felony, in that on or about 21322019, in the County of Riverside, State of California, the defendant did willfully and unlawfully, with premeditation and deliberation, murder Carlos C., a human being. It is further alleged that in the commission and attempted commission of the above offense the defendant personally and intentionally discharged a ?rearm and proximately caused great bodily injury and death to another person, not an accomplice, within the meaning of Penal Code sections 12022.53, subdivision and 1 192.7, subdivision Penal Code 1385 and any other provision of law this allegation and any ?nding pursuant to this allegation shall not be stricken by the court. It is further probation may not be granted, nor shall execution and imposition of sentence be suspended pursuant to Penal Code section 12022.53, subdivision It is further alleged as [0 counts 1, 2, 3, and 4 the defendant committed murder in the ?rst degree and one or more additional murders in the ?rst or second degree within the meaning of Penal Code section 190.2, subdivision Manor's Law Information oontainod in tho roporta Iboing diatributod as, discovery in this may onntain confidential information promoted by Marsyia Law and tho amendments to tho California Constitution Section 28. Any victimm in any nhovo toforonooti chargots) is. ontitlod to be free from intimidation, harassment, and a'buso. It is unlaw?? for dofondanttajt dofonao counsel, and any other person acting on behalf of tho dofonrlantia] to use any infonnation contained in the reports to locate or harass any victims) or tho family or to disolose any information. that is othorwiso privilogod and con?dontial by law. Additionally, it is a misdontoanor violation of California Penal Dodo t054.2a(3} to diacloao tho addrosa and tolcphono numbor of a victim or witness to a defendant, defendant?s family member or anyone also Note exceptions in California Penal Code and REQUEST Pursuant to Po nal Code section 113545,. subdivision the People are hereby informally roqnosting that defonso oounsol provide diaonvory to the People as required by Penal Code section 1054.3. I doolaro under ponnlt}r of perjury upon ?infonttalion and belief under the laws of the State of Califomia that the foregoing is true and correct. Michael A. Hostrin Distriot Attornoy . i By: Joshua A. Hill Deputy District Attorney Dated: February 7. 2019