oar NUMBER CASE NUMBER (SPAR use onty} INCIDENT REPORT 15_03_001 PRIVACYACT STATEMENT to USO. sets; 44 0.5 C. area. and ED 9397 PRINCIPAL PURPOSE: Used to record information and detaits of cnminat activity which may require investigative action by commanders. supervisor. security forces. speciai agents. etc Used to provide information to the appropriate Indivrduai?s within Dot) organizations who ensure that proper iegat and administrative action is taken ROUTINE USES: information may be disclosed to toast. county. state and federai tat-i enforcement or investigatory authoniies for investigation and possiore criminat prosecution or crvit court action. information extracted from this form may be used in other retated criminat andror omit proceedings t3 VOLUNTARY: SSH is used to positivety identify the indiwo?uat matting the statement and as a conduit to check past criminat actiwty records. SECTION I. INCIDENT NOTIFICATION DATE TIME {24 Hour) HOW COMPLAINT radio. tetephone. in person. etc.) 20150326 0?55 Telephone SECTION II - OFFENSE . . INCIDENT DATE AND DATE Houni OCCURRED BETWEEN: 20150325 1530 20150326 0705 IN OFFENDER OFFENSE STATUTORY OFFENSE INVOLVE- BIAS 9? no. OFFENSE IDENTIFIER BASIS RESULT MENT CODE seems 1 Vandalism A. 194 144FW 5323 McKinley Ave Fresno CA 9372? I OFFENSE STATUTORY cooEs: CRIMINAL NON uoNJ OFFENSE RESULT cones. A a INVOLVEMENT cooEs: A CONSPIRACY. EIAs MOTIVATION cooes AV Anti White AT Anti Pacific Islander Anti Other Religions AG: AntI Bisexual AH Anti Black A2 Anti Other Ethnicity AS Anti Multi Religious Group AX Unknown Bias AB Anti Arab AR Anti Multi Group AA Anti Agnostic BA Anti Mental DisabilityI AM Anti Hispanic A0 AntI Jewish AW Anti Homosexual BB AntI Physical DIsabillty AC Anti American IndIan AI 2 Anti Catholic A0 Anti Male Homosexual AB Anti Alaskan AN AntI Islamic [Moslern] AK Anti Female Homosexual AE Anti Asian AU Anti Protestant AL Anti Heterosexual LOCATION OF OFFENSE ExchangeiDepttDiscount Store AiriBusiTrain Terminal Corrections FacilityiJaiIiPrison Dining Facilitthestaurant Union HospitaliClinic LakeiWaterwayiOcean School (Elem. HightiCoIlege NCO ClubiOfficer ClubiBar Training AreaiFieldiWoods Construction Site Specialtyl StoreiConcessionaire HighwayiRoadiAtley GovernmentiPublic Building Motor PooltParking LotiGarage On Board Ship Commissarinrooery Store ServiceiGas Station DthertSpecify] Class VltLiquor Store ChurchiSynagogueiTemple RentaliStorage Facility ShoppettetConuenience Store CommercialiOflice Building QuartersiDormtBOOiBEQ Child Care Facility Recreation AreatPark TrainingiSeruice School CRIMINAL ACTIVITY UpTo-three.) ALL ILLEGAL ENTRIES {Xi BuyingtReceivIng DperatingiPromotingiAssisting Forced CultivatingiManufacturing PossessingtConcealing N0 DistributingtSelling umber of Premises Exploiting Children Entered AF vs PAGE or It: PAGES SECTION - OFFENDER CI SUSPECT OFFENDER IDENTIFIED LAST NAME FIRST MIDDLE NAME NAME CADENCY GRADE ALIAS (AKA) LAST NAME FIRST LICENSE N0 LICENSE SOURCE Federal Civil Servant CI Uniformed SSNIALIEN REGISTRATION DESIGNTION AND NUMBER DOB AGE CITY OF BIRTH STATE OF BIRTH COUNTRY OF BIRTH (I. 3. OR RI CURRENT STREET ADDRESS (Include Apartment Number) CITY STATE ZIP NAME AND GRADE WORK TELEPHONE HOME TELEPHONE SERVICE COMPONENT Army El Marine Corp '1 Public Health Regular New El Coast Guard Reserve . National Oceanic and Atmospheric Air Force CI Administration National Guard PERSONAL STATUS HAIR COLOR EYE COLOR HEIGHT WEIGHT Service Retired Federal Contractor El DIED Uniformed Service Family Member Other {Specify} HOW DRESSED {Mifitary or civilian. and condition of clothing.) Scalp Neck '1 Face Right Shoulder I: Left El Left Shoulder Right Eve El Left Upper Arm Teeth Set El Right Upper Ann I: Left LowerArm '1 Right LowerArm Left Wrist Right Wrist Left Hand Right Hand Back I: Chest Abdomen Buttocks Left Hip RightHip Left Upper Leg Right Upper Leg Left Lower Leg El Right Lower Leg Left Ankle Right Ankle El Left Foot Right Foot IDENTIFYING MARK DESCRIPTION fie. Flower. amen scar. etc.) RACE SEX APPREHENSION Indian El Black American Asiaanacifio White El Hispanic Unknown DATE TYPE OF APPREHENSIONIDETENTION El Male El ON VIEW El TAKEN INTO CUSTODY [1 Female DETENTION TYPE Unknown NON-UNIFORMED SERVICE UNIFORMED SERVICE HANDLED WITHIN DEPARTMENT El REFERRED TO OTHER AGENCIES JUVENILE DISPOSITION {IprpiicaoieJ MULTIPLE CLEARED FIRST RECORD OF MULTIPLE El MULTIPLE RECORDS OFFENDER USED TYPE WEAPONIFORCE USED (X up to Three) Firearm Codes: A-Fully Automatic, M: Manual. S=Serni-automatic El Alcohol DrugsiNarcotics Computer Equipment '3 Not Applicable '1 Handgun Rifle El Shotgun Bow and ArrowI'C rossbow I: Blunt Object I: Motor Vehicle Personal Weapon Poison Explosives El Firetlncendiary El NarcotictDrug AF 3545. 19990401, V5 El Firearm Unknown Dther {Speedy} KniIetCutting Tool ClubiBtackjacI-ti Brass Knuckles Unarmed PAGE 3 OF It) PAGES SECTION IV - VICTIM, WITNESS, COMPLAINAHT inc-rm WITNESS El COMPLAINANT [3 YES NO VICTIM IDENTIFIERI LAST NAME FIRST I ll'vtl GRADE ssu AGE I- - I CURRENT STREET ADDRESS {Include Apartment Number} CITY STATE ZIP CODE . I- NAME AND GRADE WORK TELEPHONE HOME TELEPHONE SERVICE COMPONENT I: Army El Marine Corp Public Health Navy El Coast Guard Air Force National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Regular Reserve National Guard SEX TYPE OF VICTIM PERSONAL STATUS RACE Individual Government Federal Civil Servent Uniformed American White Service Retired lndian Business '1 Religious Org'n Federal Contractor El Unknown Asiaanacific Hispanic . . . . Uniformed Service Other {Specify} ISIander Financial Secretnyublic Famity Member Black Unknown Male- El Female Unknown RELATIONSHIP OF VICTIM TO OFFENDER (If more than one offender enter Offender Number) El Spouse I: Grandparent Stepsibling Common Lavir Spouse Grandchild 32:12:? Family El I: Parent Parent-in~Law I: Acquaintance Sibling Stepparent Friend CI [j Child Stepchild Neighbor I: Babysitter . Stranger Relationship Victim Was Offender Employee (Baby: Love Interest Employer Child of Love Interest ?1 Otherwise Known Homosexual Ex-Spouse Relationship Unknown JUSTIFIABLE HOMICIDE CIRCUMSTANCES CODES (Safe-Ct from TABLE 1 below for Victims defy.) INJURY TYPE CODES (Select from TABLE 2 below for Victims only} AGGRAVATED CIRCUMSTANCES CODES (Saree! from TABLE 3 below for Victims onfyl TABLE I - JUSTIFICABLE HOMICIDE CIRCUMSTANCES CODES A Criminal Attacked Police Officer and that Officer Killed Criminal Criminal Attacked Police Office and Criminal Killed by Another Police OFficer Criminal Attacked a Civilian Criminal Attempted Flight from a Crime TABLE 2 - INJU Apparent Broken Bones I Possible Internal Injury Severe Laceration Apparent Minor Injury 0 Other Major Injury RY TYPE CODES 99 None Criminal Killed in Commission of a Crime Criminal Resisted Arrest 2 L055 Team Unable to Determine Unconsciousness None None - TABLE 3 -AGGRAVATED CIRCUMSTANCES CODES 01 Argument GS Domestic lDuarrel 30 Child Playing with Weapon Assault on LE Officer 0? Mercy Killing 31 Gun-Cleaning Accident 03 Drug Dealing 08 Other Felony Involved 32 Hunting Accident 04 Gangland 20 Criminal Killed by Private Citizen 33 Other Negligent Weapon Handling 05 Juvenile Gang 21 Criminal Killed by Police Officer 34 Other Negligent Killing AF IMT 35d5. 19990401, V5 PAGE 3 OF 10 PAGES SECTION - PROPERTY (Use Tables 4 - 8 below to complet his section. Use Narrative it more space is needed.) DB Clotheerurs - Computer HardrSoftt-rare DB - Consumable Goods - CreditrDebIt Cards 10 - Drugerarcotics 1? - Metals 13 Livestock 19 - Merchandise 2t) - Money 21 - Negotiable Instruments 23 Recreational Vehicle 29 - Structures - Single Occupancy 30 Structures Other Dwellings 31 - Structures - Commer.rBusiness 32 - Structures - IndustrialrManut 22 - Nonnegotiable Instruments DRUG DES- SERIAL SECURITY LOSS DATE DATE DRUG DRUG MEASURE- NUMBER or st CCDE VALUE RECOVERED RETURNED coDE QUANTITY MENT 06 4 '5 150$ 20150325 TABLE 4 - PROPERTY DESCRIPTION CODES - Aircraft 12 Farm Equipment 23 Of?ceq'ype Equipment 33 - Structures - PubIICrCommunity 02 - Alcohol 13 Firearms 24 Other Motor Vehiclee 34 - Structures Storage ?3 Automobile Gambling Eourpment . 25 - PurserHandbagMallet 35 Structures Other 04 - Bicycle 15 393W 25 Radiol'rerCR as - Tools - PowerrHand '35 BUSES 15 ousehold goods 2? Recording - AudioNisual 37" TIUCRS 38 - Vehicle PartsrAccessories 39- BB- 99- Watercraft Grouped Items Pending Inventory Fad Items TABLE 5 - LOSS CODES TABLE 5 - OWNERSHIP CODES sECuRiTv FDRCE MEMBER til LAST NAME FIRST SECTION VI - FORCE MEMBER AT INCIDENT (U59 Narrative t'l?more than four.) Ml FORCE FIRST 1 - None 5 A Federal Government U. 8. County Government 2 Burned Recovered U. 3. State Government Foreign Government 3 Counterfelleleorged a Seized t3 U. 3 City Government Private Sector 4 DamageerestroyedNandalized TABLE 3" - DRUG CODES A Cractt Cocaine Other Narcotics Barbiturates Cocaine I LSD Other Depressants Hashish .J PCP Other Drugs Heroln Other Hallucinogens Steroids Marihuana Amphetamineerethamphetamines Unknown Type Other Stimulants Drug Opium . TABLE 3 DRUG MEASUREMENT cones GM Gram OZ Ounce ML Milliliter FO Fluid Ounce DU Dosage Unit KG Kilogram L5 Pound LT Liter CL Gallons NP Number of Plants ll GRADE ORGANIZATION OFFICE SYMBOL GRADE ORGANIZATION SYMBOL FORCE MEMBER #3 LAST NAME FIRST Ml FORCE MEMBER #4 LAST NAME FIRST I GRADE ORGANIZATION OFFICE SYMBOL GRADE ORGANIZATION OFFICE SYMBOL REFERRED TO AFOSI SFOI LOCAL POLICE ENCLOSURES (Statements and receipts) NUMBER OF VICTIMS SECTION VII - ADMINISTRATIVE DISPOSITION (FOR SFAR USE ONLY) NOTIFIED USING DD 27'01 NUMBER OF WITNESSES NOTIFIED USING DD 2701 DISTRIBUTION INCIDENT CLEARED REASON CODE (Select Code Below. Use Narrative it more than one offender) Unfounded A Death of Offender . Arrest Prosecution Declined Victim Refused to Cooperate JWem'e- ?9 Guam? (3 Extradition Declined EXCEPTIONAL CLEARANCE DATE AF IMT 3545.19990401. V5 PAGE .1 OF 1? PAGES SECTION - SECTION FROM THRU TO LAST NAME FIRST Ml GRADE SEN REFERRALS TYPE REFERRAL DATE RESPONSE DATE TYPE REFERRAL DATE RESPONSE DATE Family Advocacy OrugrAIcnhoI Abuse Office I: Legal Office Equal Opportunity CI l' IA Ie gency Mental Health Special Referral (EXPIBMI ACTION TAKEN I No ACTION TAKEN ADMINISTRATIVE ACTION INITIATION COMPLETE INITIATION COMPLETE TYPE ACTION DATE TYPE ACTION DATE DATE Withholding of Privileges Adverse Performance Evaluation Mandatory Reasoignment Transfer Adverse Record Entries Denial of Reenlistment or Continuation Withhoidrng of Promotion DelayI of Promotion Counseling Non-Punitive Admonition or Reprimand Administrative Separation Administrative Separation in lieu of trial I DATE I I Clearance Revocation Control Roster Promotion Revocation Resignation Retirement Retirement at Lower Grade of Transfer to Inactive Reserve Status Military Occupational Spencialityr Reclassification ORAL WRITTEN INPIP.UIR.5R ORAL I: WRITTEN INPIF.UIR.5R HONORABLE I: GENERAL CI UOTHC HONORABLE GENERAL INITIATION DATE: ACTION I APPEAL DATE. I COMPLETE COMPANY GRADE GRADE GENERAL OFFICER IITI GENERAL COURT-MARTIAL CONVENING AUTHORITY PRINCIPAL ASSISTANT TYPE ACTION AMOUNT EUSPENSION REDUCTION T0- FORFEITURE TOTAL- CUSTODY DAYS: RESTRICTIONIARREST DAYS: DUTIES DAYS: IYES No REFERRED TO COURT-MARTIAL JUDICIAL ACTION I REMANDED TO OIMILIAN CRIMINAL COURT SUMMARY COURT-MARTIAL SPECIAL COURT-MARTIAL GENERAL COURT-MARTIAL CI IPENDING I I TRIAL COMPLETED IPENDING I TRIAL COMPLETED DIPENDING I II I TRIAL COMPLETED CIVILIAN CRIMINAL COURT DISPOSITION I GUILTY I DEFERRED CIVILIAN CRIMINAL OFFENSE CATEGORY I I: I NOLO OONTENOERE I FELONY I MISDEMEANOR CIVILIAN COURT LOCATION ZIP CODE CIVILIAN COURT LOCATION COUNTRY CODE COMMENTS TYPED NAME AND GRADE OF COMMANOING OFFICER SIGNATURE DATE Click to sign AF IMT 3545.19990401. V5 PAGE 5 OF It: PAGES SECTION IX - NARRATIVE 26 Mar 2015 while posted as the on duty flight chief was contacted by- at approximately 0755 to meet with him at his office inside of bldg. 122. Minutes later I met and he Informed me that qned a possible vandalism of personal property of one of his subordinates at the Operations building 194. and i went directly to bldg. 194 and met with who escorted us to the operations commanders office? When we entered the office briefed us on the incident that had taken place and there I learned that the victim was- We were informed that articles of_uniform were vandalized in the women's restroom located upstairs west of the elevator north of the men?s restroom. It was suspected that boots. socks and blousing straps had been urinated on. _along with her supervisor l? and ?escorted _and to the restroom to show us what they discovered. _relayed that she entered the women's restroom to change into her uniform for work at approximately 0200 on 26 Mar 2015. She stated that when she entered she noticed a bad smell in the restroom and figured it was the sewage system. relayed to us that she normally leaves her uniform in the bathroom stall located in the far west side of the restroom and changes there in the morning and then changes into PT clothes at the end of the day and will leave the uniform there overnight for the next day. asked her why she leaves her uniform in the restroom and she stated it was easier because the restroom is upstairs and her office is upstairs and figured it was okay since that not many people use that restroom. She then stated she will no longer be carrying on this practice. She continued on and showed us that she uses the chair located in the bathroom stall to stage her uniform and her boots are placed on the side of the chair closes to the wall with her socks and blousing straps stuffed inside. I noticed that the uniform and boots were not located where she described. She stated that she had bagged the boots, socks and blousing straps. They were placed on the floor near the entrance. I then looked at the bag and asked if the uniform was in there as well and she stated that uniform was bagged and placed back in her office. She stated that her bIOuse. trousers and sand tee shirt had no evidence of being urinated on. She continued to show us how she normally gets ready and when she reached for her socks and noticed the sock was wet and smelled of the same odor that she noticed when she first entered into the restroom. She then called her supervisor _to come to the restroom to get her opinion on what the scent was. Form 1168) arrived moments later and stated the scent was very strong when she entered the restroom. She relayed to- that it smelled like urine?then inspected the socks that were now on the ground and confirmed v? that they appeared to have been urinated on and not to touch anything until leadership was notified. also stated she noticed a puddle of urine where the boots were located. (See Form 1198). At approximately 0725 was notified of the incident and went over the women's restroom at the request of _and requested that the items were he ed up and left in the restroom. Form 1168) At this time _nformed . and _that they would have to rovide their statements and sent them to see for statement collection.?advised me that he would be contacting Alert Photo to take pictures of the scene and evidence and to get me an extra set of hands to help me with the investi ation and that I would be relieved of my flight chief duties. At approximately 082Dhrs. *arrived on scene to start taking crime scene photos. At approximately _arrived on scene to assist me. asked _to gather evidence tags AF Form 52, collection bags and a vile from medical in order to collect the liquid on the ground that was suspected to be urine. At around 9905?was done taking photos and departed the scene?returned with the required items and assisted me in collecting the suspected urine on the floor and the bag containing the boots. sock and blousing straps. The ?oor was very dirty so I tried very hard to collect only clean liquid samples but it was impossible to do so. the vile of collected urine has dirt and other particles mixed in the sample. At approximately 9925 all the evidence had been collected and we marked and taped off the area so that no one would enter the restroom. was informed by _that - _was in command ost reviewin the recordin from the camera system starting from 1509hrs the previous day. I was informed that was in the process of getting a finger print collection kit from Fresno PD. and I made our way to bldg. 130. Vault-1 to process the collected evidence. All evidence was logged in at 1920hrs. We headed back to bldg. 194 where we met with _who gave us the finger print kitAt approximately 1035hrs we reentered the scene to try and collect latent prints but we were unsuccessful in collecting any usable prints. We departed the scene at approximately 1109hrs so that we could speak with i before she was released for the day. _was already at the building speaking with? when I entered his office at approximately 1195hrs. We had her walk us through the events again starting with when she left work the night before. She stated she dressed into her PT clothes and headed to the around 1530. Once her work out was complete she departed the base around 1630 and didn't return until the next morning. We asked her if there was anyone she had problems with that may want to do this to her. (To protect?privacy and the privacy of the other base members. I am not including details of personal matters between her and other members of the base in this report unless the details are relevant to solving the case.) and _were identified by?as individuals who have had issues with in personal matters. it was learned that used to supervise _when orked In the command post. _stated it was not a healthy work environment for her because of the common dislike for one another and the personal matters that caused friction between them. I asked if there had been anything recent regarding _and _expressed that they both AF IMT 3545,19990401. V5 PAGE t. OF PAGES Caseit 15?93?001 just stay away from each other and there was nothing of signi?cance between them in over a year. I asked her about and if there have been any recent incidents or altercations between them. _shartkand her do not speak and that they have never really had any altercations but are in a complicated scenario involving spouses and children._expressed that this incident is really out of nowhere because she has not had any recent issues with anyone on base. i then shared that even though she hasn?t had any recent issues she suspectedl- was at fault. She stated that _was at command post that night and she wasn?t even scheduled to work that day. asked how she learned of this and she stated after she discovered what happened to her boots she contacted command post to see who had been working. _who worked command post that night informed?who was working day shift and night shift and let her know that?was there but wasn?t scheduled to work. We asked if- - had anything else that she thought we should know-stated she couldn?t think of anything else that could help so we thanked her for her time and she left. _relayed to- -to start searching for-in the recordings and explained to me he was going to help with review of the camera recording as well. Moments later I spoke with _and we went over her statement and asked her how her relationship with was. She stated they have a good relationship and sees herself as a mentor to- _did express to me that in the past she and _did not always get along but they resolved their differences and now consider themselves friends. asked if she was aware of_ history with _and-and she stated she was aware of the details. She also stated that those issues seemed to have dissipated and that to her knowledge nothing has really been going on with either of them. I asked if there was anyone else that she knew of who may have had a less than favorable relationship with stated that _and have had their differences but everything between them seems to be fine. couldn?t think of anything else that could help so we concluded then interview and thanked her for her time. At approximately 1200hrs_nformed me that after reviewing the cameras in bldg. 194 there is no video evidence ofwho actually goes into the women?s restroom and that we cannot monitor the far east entry door so there is no way to determine if anyone exited or entered through that door. I asked if he was able to locate _and relayed he did see her in the videos but after a few hours of trying to view multiple cameras and many people coming in and out he wasn?t sure exactly how many times she was in and out. asked _f he could take _and up to command post so that we may review the cameras ourselves. At this time- wanted an update and to join us at command post as well as_ We were able to access the alarm log to help us locate what time people came in and Out of command post. After reviewing the camera recordings we were able to determine that_ entered the building in uniform through the west double doors at approximately 1919hrs and enters the command post about two minutes later approximately 1921hrs. At 2013 _exits command post and at 2015hrs exits the building. At 2116 _reenters bldg. 194 through west double doors this time in civilian clothes and enters command post about two minutes later at approximately 2118hrs. At approximately Page of 10 Cased 1503?001 2223hrs-and-exit command post and about three minutes later - leaves the building and doesn't return. After about two hours of reviewing the cameras, we all decided that it would be best to set up interviews for the next day and for me to interview the command post controllers because there are they here 24hrs and may have seen more than what the cameras show. On 27 Mar 201S_and i set up interviews with _and At 0830 we spoke _who stated that he and were friends and was aware ofthe past differencesitatatW?and but also stated that he was not aware of any issues between them in the last year or two. I asked if he knew why?was at work when she was not scheduled to be here?explained that earlier she had a SNCO test at base training and that there was a malfunction with the computers and that she was utilizing the computer at command post to get some extra study time. I asked ifanything seemed suspicious that night he may have noticed or if he noticed anyone else in the building that is usually not there. He stated everything seemed normal that night?confirmed that he and _axited command post together and she was speaking to him about the SNCOA course and how her day was hectic because she was in _attending TAPs that week and still had to take the test that crashed on her. He stated that they walked down the stairs and he went into the men?s locker room and she exited the building and didn?t see her the rest of the night. I asked him if in his opinion he could see _doing something like this given their past and he stated he couldn?t see her doing anything like this. He stated that he and were not friends but maintain a professional working relationship. The interview was concluded. Next we spoke with _at 0940. _explained to us the differences that stand between her and _but relayed that they both just keep their distances from each other and that was easy to do because they work on opposite sides of the base. i asked 1- if she knew where the women's restroom was located in bldg.194 and she explained that she had never been inside the building. The interview was concluded. At we spoke with _and she explained that the previous morning she saw the reaction of_and asked what was wrong. explained to her what had happened and showed?the restroom along with?l asked her if she was shown the restroom because she and _are good friends. She explained that she wouidn?t call them good friends but that they are Currently friends on good terms. She then explained that she and _have had minor issues in the past but that things were fine now. asked if she knew the details of the relationship between _and _and - - _explained that she did. She stated thatgand _were very nice people and that she has never had an issue with either of them. She has never seen _in the building or on that side ofthe base. She also stated that this would not be in character for?who has been nothing but professional and overall a nice person to be around. The interview was concluded. There were no other interviews that day because of work schedules and we did not have permission to call people in on their days off. I set up interviews with the rest of the controllers who were scheduled to work on Sunday 29 Mar 2015. After interviews were concluded for the clay I updated _and _and informed them I would be going back to command post to review the cameras once Pa e80f10 Cased 15?03?001 again. After over 3 hours of reviewing footage I learned that there was no evidence that ever entered the building that night. I also learned that from 1530hrs 25 Mar to 07'00hrs 26 Mar there were more people that entered and exited than I could count or identify. Also once someone enters the building it is almost impossible to follow exactly where and when they enter other areas of the building. There is a camera that points at the command post door but it doesn?t show if someone used the stairs, elevator or came from the offices on the opposite side or if someone accessed the restroom area. The cameras vantage point only shows once someone is about half way to the command post door. I noticed that at xited command post at 2026hrs for about ASsec and returns with a role of paper towels in her hands. Once I was done reviewing the cameras I concluded for the day. On 29 Mar 2015 at 0744 I spoke with one of the controllers during the night in question. He stated that he was on common gtuunu wuu UUI. _and _and the he was unaware of any issues between the two. He stated that he saw I_that night at work and that she was there studying for her SNCOA test. He did not see anything or anyone out of the ordinary. At 0?55 I spoke tho explained to me that _was on Leave and would be back to work for drill. stated she was good friends with _and that she was well aware of the past between the two. I asked if she was aware of any recent issues with the two ofthem and she explained that she was not aware of anything recent and that everything that had happened was a while ago. stated she has never had any personal issues with _but when they worked together in command post she was difficult person at times to work alongside and supervise. Since the move to the new building she stated that they rarely see- She confirmed that? was at work to study for the SNCDA test. She said that after TAPs was concluded for the day? arrived in uniform to see if she could access her password and program from work in order to see if she could study from home the rest of the night. _then stated that?was unsuccessful in being able to study from home so she came back to utilize the command post computers this time in civilian clothes. asked _if she herself entered the women's restroom that night and she stated she did because the restroom in command post was all out of paper towels. I asked if she noticed anything out of the ordinary or smelled anything strange or utilized the stalls. She stated she did not enter any of the stalls she did not smell or see anything but that she didn?t really pay attention because she went in briefly just to grab paper towels and went right back to post. I asked her if she could ever see?doing something like this given their past and she stated there was no way and that it would be way out of her character. _stated she did not see anyone or anything out of the ordinary during her shift. On 11 Apr 2015 at 1340hrs was finally able to schedule an interview with I explained to her that through preliminary interviews her name had come up and that I wanted to know what she knew about then incident. She stated that she found out about the incident a day or two later and that it was very unfortunate and that even though her and _were not friends she would not wish that on a fellow Airmen. I explained that was aware of the past between them and that we didn?t have to discuss any details about her personal life if she didn?t want to. She explained that she was fine and wanted me to hear her side of things. I then asked her to explain how Page 9 of 10 Casesr 15?03?001 the day unfolded for her on 25 Mar 2015. She explained that she was scheduled for TAPs all week but had to take her SNCOA Test that morning. While she was taking the test the system froze and she unable to complete it. Base training instructed her to come back the next day. She said she went to and that after she went back to the base to access her password and login information so that she could study at home. She stated her computer and tablet would not work with the program so she came back to work to use the computers on base to study. I asked if she entered the women?s restroom that night. _tated she entered the restroom briefly to wash her hands because the command post restroom was usually out of paper towels. asked if she went into the stalls at all and she stated she did not. I asked her if she noticed a bad smell or anything out of the ordinary and she stated she did not. _explained that she had heard that _was going around base telling people that she was responsible.-tated this made her upset and that it was not fair because now people are going to be talking about her in a negative way. stated she has too much to lose in her career and that she is trying to promote and thought they had moved on from their past issues. I explained to _[hat we were still investigating the matter and that anything else she hears is just rumors until the investigation is concluded. Ithanked for her cooperation and concluded the interview. I updated _and .and informed them that at this point I have no other leads, and with the lack of an eyewitness or video footage to corroborate any possible suspects have nothing further to go off of. They agreed there was not much else that could be done and told me to conclude my efforts for now and we would update leadership. As of 26 APR 2015 the case remains open until new evidence is discovered or received or someone comes forth with new information. f/fEnd of Statemehtfh?. - Paie 10 of 10