1m 1775mm Bein the 5 under the control of and occupied by Ruben Michael Woods fl and there are now being kept on said premises cemin items described in Exhibit A which is ineorpuraled by reference and made a pan hereofas ifrcpeated in full which WW mmi prohibiting the commission of: Sexual Buttery; Florida Stale Statute 794 on (4)01) and such items are subject to seizure under the authority of Flurida Stntute 933.02. That the facts tending to establish the grounds for this application, and the probable cause of the Afiiams, believing that such facts exist are set forth as follows: Your Affiant. Detective Josh O'Nulan, is a certified law enforcement officer by the State of Florida and has been a member of the Tampa Police Department since May 4, 2009. Prior to working (or the Tampa Police Department your amant was cmplo)ed by the Police Department from 20012009 where he was assigned as a Patrol Sergeant and Street Crimes Sergeant The Pasco County Sheriff's Office previously employed your Affianl as a Depury {mm 1999-2002. The Affianl is empowered to conduct investigations and make arrest for Violations of criminal laws of the State of Florida. Your Aflitml is currently assigned to Lhe Criminal we TPD 11518867 investigation Division, Major Crimes Bureau's Sex Crimes/family Violence Squad where he has primary rcsponsibili for investigating adult and child sexual battery investigations physical abuse ofchildren. and medical neglect orchildren, child pornography and internet crimes, Your Affiant has in the past applied for and been granted Search warrants within the jurisdiction oi'the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit. in and for Hillshorough County, Florida. which resulted in xizure oi evidence. Your Detective Andrea Hughes, is employed by the City of Tampa Police Department, and as such is a law enforcement officer with the State of Florida. Detective Andrea Hughes has been employed by the City of Tampa Police Department since January of 2010. Prior to service with the City of Tampa Police Department your Affiant was employed with the Alachua County Sheriffs Office and served as a Deputy Sheriff from August 2007 until December 2009. Your Afflant is a graduate of the University of South Florida, where she majored in Criminology and graduated with her bachelor's degree in May of 20] 1. She attended the Central Florida Community College Criminal Justice institute in September of 2006. and graduated in June of 2007. The Affiant is empowered to conduct investigations and make arrest for violations of criminal laws of the State of Florida. Your Affiant is currently assigned to the Major Crimes Bureau's Sex Crimes/Family Violence Squad, where she has primary responsibility for investigating adult and child sexual battery investigations, physical abuse or children, medical neglect of children, child pomegraphy and Lntemet crimes. Your Affiant has attended specialized training schools conducted by the Florida Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission such as, a 40 hour Sex Crimes Investigations, 40 hour Child Abuse investigations. and 40 hour Human Trafficking Investigations. Through these investigations, your Aflianl has gained knowledge and experience in obtaining evidence for successful prosecution, Your Affiant has in the past applied for and been granted search warrants within the jurisdiction of the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit, in and for Hillsborough County, Florida, which resulted in seizure ofevidence. The Afflants have personal knowledge of the matters set forth in this Affidavit and/or the information was imparted to me in the performance of my official duties as a law enforcement officer. The Affl makin this a lication I sit on of a Search Warrant for the following location. I A 05 amnenl District 111 office in reference to investigating a delayed sexual battery. Upon their arrival contact was made with the victim (who horn here forward will be referred to as.) -pmvided the following statement: On 10/04/2017 she made contact with the suspect (identified as Robert Michael Woods- on Tinder. A date was arranged and on roman, at approximately 21:50 hours "arrived at the District Tavem where contact was made with Robert Michael Woods. The two had one beer and then went back to his apartment. -bclieved that additional people would be at the apartment, so she did not feel uncomfortable leaving with Robert Michael Woods. Once in the apartment, Robert Michael Woods suggested that they play a drinking game. The game consisted of them tossing a balloon back and fonh, then whoever dropped the balloon would have to take a shot: which he had poured for the two of them. Robert Michael Woods TPD l7- 5mm "spiked" the balloon causing it to move too fast tor-catch and it hit the floor.- subsequently had to take a shot, per the "game rules." - notes that upon her arrival there were balloons with "vulgar quotes" scattered across the floor. When-initially asked about the balloons. Robert Michael Woods advised that they were From "shirtyballounscom" and was left over from a party. After- "chugs" the first drink, Robert Michael Woods makes her another one. They sit down to watch a movie while drinking the last shot, Robert Michael Woods attempts to kiss however. she pushes him away and states that she is just trying to enjoy his company. Robert Michael Woods attempts to get closer to again. at which time she asks to go out on the porch to smoke a cigarette. While she is still outside Ruben Michael Woods tells her he has to go to the bathroom. He stays in the bathroom for approximately five minutes and then joins her on the porch. From that moment had no further recollection of the evening. The next thing recalls is her waking up on Robert Michael Woods' bed without underwear or clothing on at approximately 06:15 hours. asks Robert Michael Woods if they had sexual intercourse and he acknowledges that they-do: She then tells him that she doesn't remember it and he tells her "that's okay -cxplains that her memory is foggy and she feels as though she's "in a dream" and has "lost control." Prior to leaving the apartment and still heavily under the influence of an unknown substance. she does have intercourse with Robert Michael Woods. Afterwards, she locates her panties on the side of the bod he Wm sleeping on, -- explains that as she was leaving the apartment, everything still felt like a blur and she felt disoriented While exiting the parking garage orthe apartment building, she travels down the wrong way and then exits out, going the wrong way on a one way street. When she realizes what she's doing: she backs up. hitting a fence near the building' advised that as she was driving home, it was difficult for her to maintain a single lane and several vehicles were honking at her. In an attempt to obtain additional information about the evening and the events that transpired during the time she blacked out,-- eventually texts Robert Michael Woods. WEWWMW, . time. She then states that she hopes She didn't make a fool of she was blacked out A few hours later. Robert Michael Woods text her back stating "you alive?" and- responded back "hardly." There was no funhcr communication between the two individuals. -then proceeded to Brandon Regional Hospital to seek treatment and determine whether she had been drugged. Upon learning tha|-. was a victim of Sexual Battery' was referred to the Crisis Center to have a sexual assault kit completed by the Nurse Examiner. A blood/urine sample was obtained fron.at the Crisis Center. An online search ofthe phone number-utilized to get in contact with Robert Michael Woods_ provides a profile page on doximityeom This website identifies a Robert Michael Woods as a pharmacist, a search chobert Woods through Google provides a Linkcdin profile indicating that he is a rovz Emergency Medicine Pharmacy Resident at Tampa General "777 TPD [1 51x25? Hospital fi'om .luly 2016--prescnl. Another PDF online file was found from the Tampa General Hospital for the Tampa General Hospital's Pharmac) Residency Program: Current and Former Residents 2015-2017. This document presents a class photograph containing Robert Michael Woods' picture and a personal profile and states that Robert Michael Woods "developed and implememcd a prospective pilot study to evaluate the safety and cfficac) associated with a novel combination ofketaminc and dexmedetomidine for adult procedural sedation in the emergency department" Based on the foregoing totality of circumstances, the Affiants has reason to believe and does believe that there are currently items of evidence related to an active criminal investigation to include items described in Exhibit A, which Is incorporated hy reference and made a pan hcrcuf as irrepeated in full nhich ar hin premises locale/(1% at a common street address contrary to existing laws; to wit: sexual Baltic lo Ida smure such ilems are subject nf Florida State atule 933.02. 0 W4 jest 7 De I live Joshua O'Nolan Writlffieteztfihe Andrea Hughes v/ Sworn and subscribed before me this day offlfea l, 2017 ,3 Clrcuil Judge: in and lsborough County: Florida 6M9 IN THE THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, FLORIDA STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF HILLSBOROUGH: SEARCH WARRANT RETURN 1, neteetire Jush O'Nolan and neteetive Andre Hughes, received the senrehw warrant on the day 01" Ocmber, 2017 and exeented the same in llillsborough County, Florida, on the day omctober, 2017, by searching the residenee described he in and by taking into eustody and possession the following property, to wit: items deserihed in the attached Tampa Poliee Department Property whieh is incorporated by reierenee and made a part hereofas irrepeated in lull, And 1 further a duplieate com ol'Ihis warrant to the occupants Tampa, Florida named in the warrant ng to the residences occupants named in the warr venmry orthe ahotte l'Icsrribed property 1 a iyz (J ,osieyflangneteetire pan ughe Deteetive l, Detective Josh O'Nolan and Dcieclivc Andrea Hughes, the Detectives b) whom the foregoing ant was executed, do swear that the above inventory etailed account or affamperty taken by me on said warrant, My 11/; q! . Lawsuit @{mbctenqgc Sworn to and subseribed beiere me this 18'" day of October, A.11., 20171 Detective Josh O'anan and Deteclivc Andrea Hughes are personally known to me and did take an oath. Law 'nforcemem omeer Tampa Police Department