Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/08/22 2 . f' June 16. ISIS ?awn.3, ?Hm-.2 'i ?9 17:13?; COT r- .I . 1 Emma 85- '3723x/4 IIHOIAIDUI FOR NICHOLAS Executive Secretary Department of State vi. unrems?o-?unrtm 53 rm:- in. "nu ta. . JAHES r. Lance Executive Secretary Department of Defense RICBARD MEYER Executive Secretary Agency for International Development RONALD J. POST Acting Chief of the Executive Secretariat 0.8. Information Agency SUBJECT: Public Diplomacy Plan for Central America (U) The HSC Staff approves the Public Diplomac Plan subm' Department of State on this subject. We ngte that theteegagybez: considerable progress in the realization of our public diplomac goals concerning Central America among European audiences must, however. continue to emphasize . . ur com rehensive towards Central America at the same time thag we focus gzli?z specific question of Nicaragua. (C) There is a need to maintain this as a hi . . gh priorit of our missions turope and Latin America. The oppositionyis engaged in an intensive propaganda effort to sustain their point of view in these areas, and our activity must be at.a high level to ain support for our poliCies. In addition to the continued pgovision of ilportant materials to the field missions, we must keep up a flow of speakers to the target areas. He must also seek to utilize, as much as possible, Central American spokesmen to speak on their own behalf in Latin America and Euro . . e. and Latin America should find we Posts In Europe . ya to encourage locals to travel to Central America to gain on-the- round happening. (C) nowledge of what is DECLASSIPY ON: OADR Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/08/22 CIA-RDPQOBO1390R000200330003-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/08/22 CIA-RDPQOBO1390R000200330003-9 . 2 Th. linitod reorganization of the SLPD functi . on ??99?st any dinunitxon of effort. ic) Ihould '30 NSC request: a status report of activitie- . undo tnplonont the ICthh plan by August 31' rtaken to lodn I. Icon?! 1 Executive Secretary CONFIDENTIAL 0R: 059R Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/08/22 May 23. 1905 amnion VIM Jail l. POIIDEXTII 188 I311. SUBJECT: Public Diplo-acy Plan for Explaining 0.5. Central Anerican Policy in nurope and Latin Aleric The Department submits herewith a public diplomacy plan for explaining u.s. Central American p0 icy to Latin Americans and Europeans. Parts of the plan focus on explaining those same policies to internat ional political organizations such as the Socialist International. the International Democrat Union, and the Christian Democrats Nicholas Platt Executive Secretary Attachment Public Diplomacy Plan he CONFIDENTIAL neon: onon m1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/08/22 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/08/22 PUBLIC DIPLOHACY PLAN FOR EXPLAINIIG 0.5. AHBRICAN POLICY 18 EUROPE AND LATIN AMERICA the Sandinistas case to power in July 1919 in a coalition with genuine dslocrats. nouever. uithin seeks the Sandinista Iationai Liberation Front irsnni began a pattern of actions reflecting a betrayal of the revolution: internal repression of genuine denocrats and of non-communist institutions such as reii ious organizations: aggression against iellou Latin [nor can countries through arsed subversion: ties with terrorist organizations in Latin Anerica. the Middle East. and turope: and a nilitary buildup supported by the Soviet bloc and Cuba. That pattern continues today. Under President Reagan, a balanced v.8. policy has been followed in Central America. It contains four mutually reinforcing elenents: l. Encouragement of democracy: 2. Economic aid to improve living conditions; 3. Active diplomacy for realistic political solutions: 4. Security assistance to give the people of Central America the means to defend themselves against expanded Soviets?ioc/Cuban/Hicaraguan subversion or armed aggression. Much progress has been made in American countries since 198l: Costa Rica. Honduras. El Salvador, and Guatemala are democratic and are steadily 4 strengthening their deaocratic institutions. The v.5. Congress i has year by year provided support for the President's policy a through increasing appropriations for economic and security 'assistance (total amounts by fiscal year i933--$313 million: 1334--$339 million: 1935--$951 million; million). four of the five Central CONFIDSRTIAL DECL: OKDE Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/08/22 Declassified and Approved For Release 20_1 2/?08122 To convince audiences in Central and South America (particularly the Contadora and Contadora Support Group countries) and in Europe that 0.3. policy toward Central Anerica is balanced. sortable. and the best alternative possible. -- To convince audiences in Latin Anerica and Europe that the licaraguan deeocratic resistance has a cohesive and credible political prograe and that it is a viable, denocratic force worthy of the support of the 0.8. and other democratic nations. -- To demonstrate to audiences in Latin Aeerica and Europe that the Sandinistas support international terrorise and that Sandinista external subversion threatens the nascent democracies in neighboring countries. -- To demonstrate that the Sandinistas consciously and systematically violate human rights. . -- To convince audiences in Latin America and EuroPe that the if} i. United States seeks only that the Sandinistas deliver on at: 4 their promises of 1979 to the Organization of American '3 3 States: that we believe that the best way to do this is 1 for the Sandinistas to engage in dialogue with the i Opposition: that the Contadora process. it it can meet our three requirements that it be comprehensive. simultaneous, f;a and verifiable, is an alternative we can support. i?h-i 5ft -- To demonstrate to audiences in Latin America and Eur0pe now Sandinista ties to Cuba and the Soviet Union adversely affect 0.5. and their own national security interests. -- To persuade the internationals (Socialist International, Christian Democrats, International Democrat Union. etc.) Last i to speak out on their concern for civil and human rights i in Nicaragua. Sandinista intervention in nei hboring countries, and Sandinista ties with internat onal terrorists: and to encourage the internationals to Oppose aid to the Sandinistas for the same reasons. to counter Saniinista disinformation activities with fact? I DENTIAL Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/08/22 i .. . - Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/g8/22 CIA-RDP90B01390R000200330003-9 document. cones ll LATIN aneuca -- To convince the countries of Central America that the United States shares their political and economic goals and can be counted upon to stick with then (or the long haul (the 0.5. is a reliable ally). To persuade Central Anerican government, political. church. and labor leaders to be sore active in telling the Central naerican story in South Anerice. Mexico. and the Caribbean. ADDITIONAL SOIL EUROPE -- To convince European publice that the 0.8. in tea sanding in a constructive nanner to the desires of Centre neerican nations for political and econonic reforn. rushes -- Stress positive aspects (economic deveIOpment. promotion of democracy. security) or 0.5. policy in Central America. Set record straight on 0.5. policy toward negotiations with Nicaragua and on Contadora. including Nicaraguan refusal to negotiate a comprehensive agreement and 0.5. aid to the Nicaraguan resistance. Emphasize democratic background and objectives of the Nicaraguan resistance. while reiterating totalitarian nature of the Sandinista regime. Point out militaristic and undemocratic Sandinista educational system; exploit existence of neighborhood committees and internal repression. Remind audiences of Sandinista efforts to crusn internal Opponents, especially the Catholic Church. political parties, and labor unions not controlled by the government. Focus on new Nicaraguan constitution when it is unveiled by the Sandinistas and on totally controlled process in which constitution will be subjected to ?public discussion.? Reemphasize progress and successes in El Salvador, while publicizing the destructive and totalitarian nature of the Salvadoran guerrillas. QONFIDENTIAL Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/08/22 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/98/22; CIA-RDPQOBO1390R000200330003-9 . -- tsplain that the United States supports those people and govern-ents who are furthering the deeocratic process?-in Costa Rica. Honduras. Guatemala. and El Salvador--and sealing to foster reconciliation and the deeocratic process in Nicaragua. Salvadoran guerrilla rica (example. H-l9 in Hiddle Bast). ares and drug runners. and or their Soviet-Cuban ties. lention Sandinista practice of giving licaraguan passports to terrorists. . -- leeind audiences of Sandinista an . ties uith terrorists in Latin Ale Colonoial and elsewhere (includin withdrawal tron Nicaraguan case before the International Court of Justice. Note: The led decision on the eerits or the Ricaraguan case, expected in Hay, will spark Nicaraguan attempts to garner support for calls for the 0.5. to comply with the Court?s rulings. likely including a Nicaraguan approach to the UN Security Council for enforcement of the UN Charter. i a -- Continue to present 0.5. position on, and rationale for. 4 ruling under Article 94(2) of the ADDITIONAL THEHE IN CENTRAL AMERICA -- Europeans do have a clear understanding of progress toward democracy in Central America, nor do they understand the threat to denocracy posed by the Sandinistas. The United States government cannot alone convey that story to Europeans. The Central Americans should take on a share of that task. AUDIENCES Political and government leaders in Latin America and Eur0pe Media in Latin America and Europe The Internationals Religious leaders Academics gogfloexTIAL Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/08/22 CIA-RDPQOBO1390R000200330003-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012108122; Iote: The following three audiences have ready access to the Alerican neus eedie and to 0.8. public opinion data. This will effect their willingness to accept materials and information ailed directly at then. turnpean and Latin American delegations to the United nations Latin Anerican and European diplomatic Iissions in D.c. Latin Aeericen and Burcpean journalists in the United States ACTIONS -- Hake increased use of Honouri- as an interactive medium . for explaining 0.5. policy in Central America (among officials to be sought as Spokesman on Central America are mi Vice President Bush, Ambassador Walters, Assistant i?i Secretary Abfa?s. and Ambassador Habib). -- Speech by President Reagan describing his positive vision 1 for central Americans. This should note our greatly I increased economic assistance. including scholarship - . pregrans. and our identification with the hopes of the people of the region for a better life. The speech should also note that the door is Open for Nicaraguans to share .in this prosPect--if their Sandinista leaders will allow them the freedom to pursue it. This speech should be a major event delivered on some apprOpriate occasion. preferably during the June 10-11 visit of the four Central American democratic presidents. Other possibilities might be to have the President Speak to the OAS or during either the President Sanguinetti or President Arcona visits. A senior Administration official. perhaps Secretary Shultz, should publicly unveil the second annual report on the implementation of the Kissinger Commission [or Jackson Plan) findings. This can be an opportunity to demonstrate that we recognize the North-South dimensions of the proolem. and to stress the affirmative part of our strategy. For Socialist International in Lima. June 20-23. State dill instruct embassies in the countries represented to make demarches to party leaders. USIS Lima will try to place material on Central America in the Peruvian media at that tiae. and will also distribute ARAILPD pamphlets presenting u.s. views on Central America. CON FI DENTIAL Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/08/22 CIA-RDPQOBO1390R000200330003-9 Ii 1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/08/22 CIA-RDPQOBO1390R000200330003-9 f'r 051A uill naint AHPARTS to Euro and Latin Anerica to speak about Central Alerica. Thes:.vill be arranged according to the needs identified - '1 their country plane. Posts in in addition to continuous reporting by its own eedi will distribute abroad increased nuabers or copies 3% USIA studies produced by 081A will encourage its i posts in :urope to translate sore docuaents into I'h:4 local languages. g. '1 ?0 a -- you will continue its series of research/study seminars in Latin Anerica on th Strate lc Challen es Security. . 9 9 ?0 Regional . - . A A a? . -- DOD and 081A will distribute the 80?piece slide presentation 'The Challenge and Response' to posts in a EurOpe and Latin America. 051A will consider translating the show into local languages. -- Put sponsored ?are; Dis 1? . exhibi . I in 0.5. and overseas. at key POlnts -- will work closely with 10 . . state-ents and rights of reply in - counter Sandinista disinformation. 3! IUNP to prepare u.s. nultilateral fora to and 051A will be prepared to exploit any Nicaraguan intransigence at the Esquipulas. Guatemala 3 sun-it (May 24-26). and at the June 6 Contadora meeting (possible Contadora conclusion), and at Contadora negotiating sessions leading up to June 6. and USIA will also prepare to so i A . ppOl't OSitions tak . Central American democracies. en 5y (Latin America) -- During President Duarte's travel to Costa Rica. Peru. Uruguay. and Brazil. Hay 9-22. 0515 posts at each stop promoted media coverage: USIA media covered in depth. -- At the Costa Rican Inaugural. May 8. the 0.8. delegation took the to meet with Contadnra and Contadora country leaders to demonstrate . their goals. SJpport for . .. J. Am -u . A CONFIDENTIAL anu?a-I- t-U . 5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/08/22 CIA-RDPQOBO1390R000200330003-9 ?p can.A- 41am-Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/08/22 During visit of Uruguayan President Sanguinetti to washington in June. Administration leaders will underscore 0.5. support for democracy and economic proqress. eaphasising a positive vision, rather than reiterating well-tnown Aaerican Opposition to Oppression. media will cover in full and also assist Uruguayan nedia traveling with the president. 051A will provide full aedia coverage and assistance to the working visit of Ionduran President Ascona to Iashington May 26-20. Appropriate quotes by Ascona will be played into turope and Latin Alerica. will prepare a cable to :sbassies in Central America instructing them to discuss with govern-eat officials. political. church. and labor leaders the need to tell the Central American story in Europe. A special effort will be made to persuade President Duarte to begin a public affairs effort in Europe. DOD Policy Support Staff prepared special briefing and display materials on Central America for use at the neeting with air force chiefs of staff from 20 Latin American and Caribbean countries May 5?9. similar aaterials and briefings will be given to air force intelligence chiefs from 20 Latin American and Caribbean countries when they meet at Homestead APB. Florida, in August 1986. CONFIDENTIAL Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/08/22 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/08/22 CIA-RDPQOBO1390R000200330003-9 Reply to note of 07103/86 12:15 FIOI: Halter Raymond Subject: 0110 IEICH After much discussion, Bob Regan, who was Elliot Abrams' Special Assistant. was named as Otto's replacement. Xagan's office was folded under ARA for command and control but continues to have a reporting responsibility part of my effort to give it an interagency mandate. It remains to be seen if this will weaken the effort. One key will be the need for people to'be assigned from an interagency pool. the public diplomacy effort. They are attended by Kagan. Speahes rep. Buchanan rep. DOD. CIA, USIA and NSC LA a ..I officer. l?hen there is a Sitrm of the Centam coordinating group for nill strategy we get a feed from that group). Our brief is much broader. implement broader international strategies, particularly in . LA and EUR. He approved a new strategy paper on 16 June I which was sent out over Bod McDaniel?s signature. This basically calls for a sustained effort to garner support for our overall Centam policy, increase understanding of the issues and. in the specific case of Rica, concentrate on . gluing black hats on the Sandinistas and white hats on UNO. Re have requested a community report on the level of f; I activity sustained under the latest NSC PD tasking by 31 3 Aug. .1 Heanwhile. I continue to chair weekly meetings to sustain 1 I I 2 We seek to lay out and .w 1-7- '"nwzr"s.lw1- . r' the group has produced an outstanding collection of materials to suuport our policy. It is also light years ahead of where it was three years ago, but much work needs to be done. At our most recent weekly Centam the following items were covered: --Senate strategy: Focus on key Senators who can be brought over to increase victory margin and show momentum. --Haximize exposure for Bishop Bismarck Carvallo and La Prensa to highlight Nic internal crackdown. Lousy coverage to date in foreign press and not much better in US. --Play on key themes in Europe which will strengthen our case: 0 Popularize Centam support for UNO. Note USIA poll which showed popular support for armed opposition to Nics in Honduras and Costa Rica. 0 we are on the winning side. help convince the Europeans that are not is always The House vote can we will see this going to be blown away by the Hill. It politically easier to support a winner. . Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/08/22 CIA-RDPQOBO1390R000200330003-9 I Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/08/22 CIA-RDPQOBO1390R000200330003-9 --Arms on Bill or at UK. This Dean to say is perfect, but there is a Sizczg: under Hey and world Opinion. often fluctuating because of Iany reasons xncludng the East-Heat Relationship has bee gradually loving. we have to sustain it. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/08/22 CIA-RDPQOBO1390R000200330003-9