1 P.i ECU BY: :1e-se?se 2:4sen Jae?ia?aa 15:as GNU George Mason University Universityr Advancement Fairfax. Virginia 22030-4444 (703} 323-2665 October 20, 1939 Professor James Buchanan General Director Center for the Study of Public Choice - George Mason University Fairfax, Virginia 22030-4444 Dear Jim: As you are aware, we are actively at work preparing for George Mason University's capital campaign. Part of that effort includes the production of various promotional materials. We are currently working on the slide presentation about the University, including what GMU offers the community, and the campaign case statement. It is our feeling that your thoughts about the Universi would he most helpful for both of these. Specificallg, we ?ld like to audiotape a brief segment (about 15 to 2d minutes), and take some still photographs. Altogether, we expect itiwill take about 45 minutes. I understand from Betty that you may be available Thursday, morning, October 26 at 9:00 a.m. Would it be possible for Dan Banner and the writers who are working on this project to visit with you at that time in your office? I will follow up with Betty Monday to get your response. Sincerely, iriggi?e? Richard H. Fink Executive Vice Preside University Advancement nning RHF/jmb 3? EV: :1a-ze-89 46345453214 7333233491:? 1 P.1 15:4? EMU George Mason University University Advancement Fairfax. Virginia 22030-4444 {7'03} 323-2665 FAX NUMBER: (703)764-7925 LDCAL NUMBER: (703)764-7923 DATE: Uctnher 30: 1939 TDTAL PAGES 2 (including this page) FROM: Bichard Fink TD: University Advancement Gearge Mason University FAX fax Vir inia 22030-4444 Fair Eghlic Choice 52' George Mason University June 22, 1939 Dr. James H. Buchanan Center for the Study of Public Choice George Mason University Fairfax, Virginia 22030-4444 Dear Jim: Thank you for attending our first Steering Committee meeting at the Tower Club. Your remarks were very timely and well received. We had a very productive discussion with the participants and many ideas were exchanged. These leaders of northern'virginla gave us very positive and important input and feedback. Thanks again for being there and starting off the dialogue. . Sincerely yours, Richard H. Fink Executive Vice President University Advancement and Planning sj