Case Document 572 Filed 02/12/19 Page 1 of 8 PageID 6961 MASTER UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT EASTERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK UNITED STATES OF AMERICA -against- VERDICT SHEET 09 CR 466 (BMC) (S-4) JOAQUIN ARCHIVALDO GUZMAN LOERA, Defendant. Count One (Engaging in a Continuing Criminal Enterprise) Verdict on Couny? Guilty Not Guilty Answer the following question only if you have found the defendant guilty of this count Indicate below which three or more violations you have unanimously found beyond a reasonable doubt were part of a continuing series of violations: Charge: International Cocaine Distribution with the Norte del Valle Cartel Violation One (International Distribution of Cocaine 3,200 kilograms January 2005) Proven Not Proven Violation Two (International Distribution of Cocaine 12,000 kilograms August-September 2004) Proven Not Proven Violation Three (International Distribution of Cocaine 10,500 kilograms August?September 2004) Proven Not Proven Case Document 572 Filed 02/12/19 Page 2 of 8 PageID 6962 Violation Four (International Distribution of Cocaine 10,000 kilograms July 2004) Proven Not Proven Violation Five (International Distribution of Cocaine 10,000 kilograms May-June 2004) Proven Not Proven Violation Six (International Distribution of Cocaine 800 kilograms April 2004) Proven Not Proven Violation Seven (International Distribution of Cocaine 10,000 kilograms March-April 2004) Proven Not Proven Violation Eight (International Distribution of Cocaine 8,000 kilograms January-March 2004) Proven Not Proven Violation Nine (International Distribution of Cocaine 6,465 kilograms January 2004) Proven Not Proven Violation Ten (International Distribution of Cocaine 6,000 kilograms November-Decay 2003) Proven Not Proven Violation Eleven (International Distribution of Cocaine 3,600 kilograms August-September 2003) Proven Not Proven Violation Twelve (International Distribution of Cocaine 7,300 kilograms April 21, 1993) Proven Not Proven Case Document 572 Filed 02/12/19 Page 3 of 8 PageID 6963 Charge: International Distribution of Cocaine with the Cifuentes-Villa Organization Violation Thirteen (International Distribution of Cocaine 450 kilograms December 2008) Proven Not Proven Violation Fourteen (International Distribution of Cocaine 8,300 kilograms October 2009) Proven Not Proven Violation Fifteen (International Distribution of Cocaine 7,500 kilograms February 2009) Proven Not Proven Charge: International Distribution of Cocaine with Other South American Suppliers Violation Sixteen (International Distribution of Cocaine 4,716 kilograms September 2008) Proven Not Proven Violation Seventeen (International Distribution of Cocaine 5,000 kilograms September 2008) Violation Eighteen (International Distribution of Cocaine 19,000 kilograms March 2007) Proven Not Proven Proven Not Proven Violation Nineteen (International Distribution of Cocaine 403 kilograms January 2014) Proven Not Proven Case Document 572 Filed 02/12/19 Page 4 of 8 PageID 6964 Charge: Distribution of Cocaine, Heroin, and Mariiuana Violation Twenty (Distribution of Cocaine 1,997 kilograms January 2003) Proven Violation Twenty-One (Distribution of Cocaine 1,952 kilograms August 2002) Violation Twenty-Two (Distribution of Cocaine 1,923 kilograms May 2002) Proven Not Proven Not Proven Proven Not Proven Violation Twenty-Three (Distribution of Cocaine 1,100 kilograms September 1999) Proven Not Proven Violation Twenty-F our (Distribution of Marijuana 409 kilograms January 2012) Proven Not Proven Violation Twenty-Five (Distribution of Heroin 20 kilograms November 2008) Proven Not Proven Violation Twenty-y (Distribution of Cocaine 926 kilograms May 1990) Proven Not Proven Answer the following question only if you have found the defendant guilty of Counts Two. Three. or Four. Violation Twenty?Seven (Conspiracy to Commit Murder January 1989- September 2014) Proven Not Proven Case Document 572 Filed 02/12/19 Page 5 of 8 PagelD 6965 Answer the following questions only if you have found the defendant guilty of Count One. Has the government proved beyond a reasonable doubt that at least one violation that you have determined to be proven involved at least 150 kilograms of cocaine? Yes No Has the government proved beyond a reasonable doubt that the enterprise received $10 million or more in gross receipts during at least one 12-month period from the/ianufacture, importation, or distribution of cocaine? Yes No Has the government proved beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant was one of several principal administrators, organizers, or leaders of the enterprise? Yes No Count Two (International Cocaine, Heroin, Methamphetamine and Marijuana Manufacture and Distribution Conspiracy) Verdict on Count Two: Guilty Not Guilty Answer the following question onlv if you have found the defendant guilty of this count. Has the government proved beyond a reasonable doubt that the offense involved ?ve kilograms or more of cocaine? Yes No Has the government proved beyond a reasonable doubt that the offense involved one lyram or more of heroin? Yes No Has the government proved beyond a reasonable doubt that the offense involved 500 grams or more of methamphetamine? Yes N0 '7 Case Document 572 Filed 02/12/19 Page 6 of 8 PagelD 6966 Has the government proved beyond a reasonable doubt that the offense involved 1,000 kilograms or more of marijuana? Yes No Count Three (Cocaine Importation Conspiracy) Verdict on Count Three: Guilty Not Guilty Answer the following question only if you have found the defendant guilty of this count Has the government proved beyond a reasonable doubt that the offense involved ?ve ygrams or more of cocaine? No Yes Count Four (Cocaine Distribution Conspiracy) Verdict on Count Four: Guilty Not Guilty Answer the following question only if you have found the defendant guilty of this count Has the government proved beyond a reasonable doubt that the offense involved ?ve kilograms or more of cocaine? Yes No Count Five (International Distribution of Cocaine) Note: This is the same offense charged as Violation Thirteen in Count One. Verdict on Count Bive: Guilty Not Guilty Answer the following question only if you have found the defendant guilty of this count Case Document 572 Filed 02/12/19 Page 7 of 8 PageID 6967 Has the government proved beyond a reasonable doubt that the offense involved ?ve kilograms or more of yine? Yes No Count Six (International Distribution of Cocaine) Note: This is the same offense charged as Violation Two in Count One. Verdict on Count Six: Guilty Not Guilty Answer the following question only if you have found the defendant guilty of this count Has the government proved beyond a reasonable doubt that the offense involved ?ve lf?frams or more of cocaine? No Yes Count Seven (International Distribution of Cocaine) Note: This is the same offense charged as Violation Three in Count One. Verdict on Count Seven: Guilty Not Guilty Answer the following question only if you have found the defendant guilty of this count. Has the government proved beyond a reasonable doubt that the offense involved ?veyograms or more of cocaine? Yes No Count Eight (International Distribution of Cocaine) Note: This is the same offense charged as Violation Eight in Count One. Verdict on Count Eight: Guilty Not Guilty Answer the following question only if you have found the defendant guilty of this count ,1 Case Document 572 Filed 02/12/19 Page 8 of 8 PagelD 6968 Has the government proved beyond a reasonable doubt that the offense involved ?ve kilograms or more of cocaine? Yes No Count Nine (Use of Firearms) Note: Only consider this charge if you have found the defendant guilty of one or more of the charges in Counts One through Four. Verdict on Count Nine: Guilty Not Guilty Answer the following question only if you have found the defendant guilty of this 99% Has the government proved beyond a reasonable doubt that one or more of the ?rearms at issue in Count Nine was brandished? Yes No Has the government proved beyond a reasonable doubt that one or more of the ?rearms at issue in Count Nine was discharged? Yes No Has the government proved beyond a reasonable doubt that one or more of the ?rearms at issyn Count Nine was a machinegun? Yes No Count Ten (Conspiracy to Launder Narcotics Proceeds) Verdict on Count Ten: Guilty Not Guilty Dated: Brooklyn, New York February 2019 l. oreperson