Case 2:18-cr-00158-AWA-DEM Document 34 Filed 02/11/19 Page 1 of 12 PageID# 68 i' : IN THE', UMTED STATES DISTRICT COUR1 FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF YIRGINIA Norfolh Divhion UNITED STATES OF A]VIERICA UNDERSEAL CRILINAL NO.2:18cr158 RAWL CHRISTOPIIER STENNETT, (Counts lr9r23r28) AIITONELLA MARIA BARBA, (Counts 1, 11) 2l u.s.c. $ 846 Conspiracy to Distribute and Possess with Intent to Distribute Cocaine, Ileroin and Fentanyl (Count 1) u.s.C. $ 8at(a)(l) Distribute and Possess with Intent to Distribute Cocaine, Ileroin and Fentanyl (Counts 2 - 11) 21 2l u.s.c. $ E43(b) Use a Communication Facility to Cause, JUSTIN MICEAEL ISAAC, a/k/a "Cali," (Counts 1,29,30) Commit, and Facilitate a Felony Violation of the Controlled Substances Act (Counts 12 - 30) 21U.S.C. $ 8s3 18 u.s.c. s 924(d) Forfeiture Allegation Defendants. SUPERSEDING INDICTMENT February 2019 Term - at Norfolk, Virginia THE GRAND JURY CHARGES THAT: Case 2:18-cr-00158-AWA-DEM Document 34 Filed 02/11/19 Page 2 of 12 PageID# 69 COLINT ONE From in or about 2017 and continuing thereafter until on or about October I l, 2018, in the Eastem District of Virginia and elsewhere, the defendants, RAWL CHRISTOPHER STENNETT, ANTONELLA MARIA BARBA, JUSTIN MICHAEL ISAAC, a/ls/a "Cali," did unlawfirlly, knowingly and intentionally combine, conspire, confederate and agree together and with other persons, both known and unknown, to commit one or more of the following offenses: 1. To unlawfully, knowingty and intentionally distibute and possess with intent to distribute five (5) kilograms or more of a mixture and substance containing a detectable amount ofcocaine, a Schedule II narcotic controlled substance, in violation ofTitle 21, United States Code, Sections 2. distribute one 8al(a)(l) and (b)(l)(A); To unlawfully, knowingty and intentionally distribute and possess with intent to (l) kilogram or more of a mixture and substance containing a detectable amount of heroin, a Schedule I narcotic controlled substance, in violation of Title 21, United Sates Code, Sections 8al(aXl) and (b)(l)(A); 3. To unlawfully, knowingly and intentionally distribute and possess with intent to distribute 4(X) grams or more of a mixture and substance containing a detectable amount of N- phenyl-N-fl-(2-phen-ylethyl)4-piperidinyl] propanamide, commonly known as fentanyl, Schedule II controlled substance, in violation of Title 21, United States Code, Sections and (bXlXA). a 8al(aXl) Case 2:18-cr-00158-AWA-DEM Document 34 Filed 02/11/19 Page 3 of 12 PageID# 70 OVERT ACTS The purpose of the conspiracy was making money lhrough the distribution of cocaine, heroin and fentanyl. In furtherance of said conspiracy, and to accomplish the purpose thereof, the following overt acts, among others, were committed in the Eastern District of Virginia and elsewhere. 1. On or about September 8,2017, at Norfolk, Virginia, uwd an apartnent on Granby Street to store cocaine, heroin, and cash. 2. On or about January 29, 2018, at Chesapeake, Virginia, distributed approximately 10.50 grams of heroin to a co-conspirator for further distribution. 3. On or about March 30, 2018, at Portsmouth, Virginia, distributed approximately 6.16 grams of heroin. 4. On or about April 2, 2018, at Portsmouth, Virginia, distributed approximately 6.44 grams of heroin. 5. On or about April 11,2018, at Portsmouth, Virginia, distributed approximately 6.75 grams of heroin. 6. On or about May 30, 2018, at Virginia Beach, Virginia, distributed approximately 5.93 grams of heroin' 7. On or about June 14,2018, at Virginia Beach, Virginia, distributed approximately 4.36 grams of heroin. 8. On or about June 21, 2018, at Norfolk, Virginia, distributed approximately 13.74 grams of heroin. Case 2:18-cr-00158-AWA-DEM Document 34 Filed 02/11/19 Page 4 of 12 PageID# 71 9. On or about Joly 22, 2018, at Portsmouth, Virginia, delivered a quantity of heroin to a co-conspirator at the direction of 10. On or about July 30,2018, at Virginia Beach, Virginia, distributed approximately 5.03 grams of heroin' ll. On or about August 4,2018, at Norfolk, Virginia, distributed a quantity of a confolled substance to for further distribution. 12. On or about August 4, 2018, transported a quantity of a conEolled substance from Norfolk, Virginia to Virginia Beach, Virginia for further and other co- distribution by conspirators. 13. On or about August 15, 2018, at Virginia Beach, Virginia, distributed approximately 612 gams of heroin' 14. On or about August 16, 2018, at Norfotk, Virginia, distributed approximately 6.84 grams of heroin. 15. On or about September 9, 2018, at Norfolk, Virginia, oollected a sum of drug proceeds (cash) from a co-conspirator, 16. On or about September 12, 2018, at Norfolk' Virginia, JUSTIN MICHAEL ISAAC, alkla "Cali," distributed approximately one kilogram of heroin and approxirnately four kilograms of cocaine to for further distribution. Case 2:18-cr-00158-AWA-DEM Document 34 Filed 02/11/19 Page 5 of 12 PageID# 72 17. on or about september 18,2018, at Norfolk, Virginia, RAWL CHRISTOPHER STENNETT delivered approximately seven kilograms of cocaine to for firther distribution. I 8. On or about September I 8, 201 8, at Norfolk, Virginia, distributed a quantity of cocaine to for further distribution. 19. On or about September 28,2018, at Norfolk, Virginia, RAWL CHRISTOPHER STENNETT attempted 20. to deliver approximately 4.9969 kilograms of cocaine to On orabout September 28,2018, at Norfolk, Virginia, possessed with intent to dishibute approximately 397.71 grams of heroin, cocaine, a bill-money counter, and approximately $161,412 in cash. 21. On or about October I l, 2018, JUSTIN MICHAEL ISAAC, alUa*Cali," directed ANTONELLA MARLA BARBA to deliver approximately 830.8 grams of fentanyl to 22. On or about October ll,2Ol8, at Norfolk, Virginia, ANTONELLA BARBA attempted to deliver approximately 830.8 grams of fentanyl to (All in violation of Title 2I, United States Code, Section 846.) MARLA Case 2:18-cr-00158-AWA-DEM Document 34 Filed 02/11/19 Page 6 of 12 PageID# 73 COUNTTWO On or about April ll, 2018, at Portsmouth in the Eastem District of Virginia, the did unlawfully, defendang knowingly and intentionally distribute a quantity of a mixture and substance containing a detectable amount ofheroin, a Schedule I narcotic controlled substance. (ln violation ofTitle 21, United States Code, Sections 8al(a)(l) and (b)(t)(C).) COI'NTTHREE On or about May 30, 2018, at Virginia Beach in the Eastern District of Virginia, the did rurlawfully, defendant, knowingly and intentionally distribute a quantrty of a mixture and substance containing a detectable amount of heroiq a Schedule I narcotic controlled substance. (In violation of Title 21, United States Code, Sections 841(aXl) and (b)(lXC).) COUNTFOUR On or about June 14,2018, at Virginia Beach in the Eastem District of Virginia' the did unlawfully, defendang knowingly and intentionally distribute a quantity of a mixture and substance containing detectable amount ofheroin, a Schedule I narcotic controlled substance. (In violation of Title 2I , United States Code, Sections 8a t (a)( I ) and (bXl XC).) a Case 2:18-cr-00158-AWA-DEM Document 34 Filed 02/11/19 Page 7 of 12 PageID# 74 COUNT FTVE On or about June 21, 2018, at Norfolk in the Eastern District of Virginia, the defendant, did unlawfully, knowingly and intentionally distibute a quantity of a mixture and substance containing a detectable amount of heroin, a Schedule I narcotic controlled substance. (ln violation of Title 21, United States Code, Sections 8al(a)(l) and OXIXC).) COI.JNT SIX On or about July 30, 2018, at Virginia Beach in the Eastem District of Virginia, the did unlawfully, knowingly and intentionally defendant, distibute a quantity of a mixture and substance containing a detectable amount of heroin, a Schedule I narcotic conbolled substance. (In violation of Title 21, United States Code, Sections 8al(aXl) and (bXl)(C)') COUNT SEVEN On or about August 15, 201 8, at Virginia Beach in the Eastern Distict of Virginia, the did unlawfully, defendant, knowingly and intentionally distribute a quantity detectable amount of a mixture and substance containing ofheroin, a Schedule I narcotic controlled substance' (ln violation of Title 21, United States Code, Sections 8al(a)(l) and (bXlXC)') a Case 2:18-cr-00158-AWA-DEM Document 34 Filed 02/11/19 Page 8 of 12 PageID# 75 COUNT EICHT On or about August 16, 2018, at Norfolk in the Eastem District of Virginia, the did unlawfirlly, knowingly and intentionally defendant, distribute a quantity of a mixture and substance containing a detectable amount of heroin, a Schedule I narcotic conholled substance. (In violation of Tifle 21, United States Code, Sections 8al(aXl) and (b)(lXC)') COUNTNINE On or about September 28, 2018, at Norfolk in the Eastem District of Virginia, the defendant, possess RAWL CHRISTOPHER STENNETT, did unlawfully, lnowingly and intentionally with intent to distribute 500 gfams or more of a mixture and substance containing a detectable amount ofcocaine, a Schedule II narcotic controlled substance. (tn violation of Titte 21, United States Code, Section 84l(a)(l) and (bXl)(B).) COUNTTEN On or about September 28, 2018, at Norfolk in the Eastem District of Virginia, the defendant, possess with intent did unlawfully, knowingly and intentionally to distribute 100 grams or more of a mixture and substance containing a detectable amount ofheroin, a Schedule I narcotic controlled substance. (In violation of Title 21, United States Code, Section 8a1(a)(l) and @)(t)@).) Case 2:18-cr-00158-AWA-DEM Document 34 Filed 02/11/19 Page 9 of 12 PageID# 76 COUNT ELEVEN On or about October ll, 2018, at Norfolk defendant, ANTONELLA MARLA BARBA, poss€ss in the Eastem District of Virginia, the did unlawfulln knowingly and intentionally with intent to distribute 400 grams or more of a mixture and substance containing detectable amount a of N-phenyl-N-[-(2-phen-ylethyl)-4-piperidinyl] propanamide, commonly known as fentanyl, a Schedule II controlled substance. (In violation of Title 21, United States Code, Section 8a1(aXl) and (b)(l)(a).) COUNTS TWELVE THROUGH THIRTY On or about the dates and times set forth below, in the Eastern District of Virginia and elsewhere, the defendants, charged in the counts set forth below, did unlawfully, knowingly and intentionally use a communication facility, that is a telephone, in causing, committing and facilitating the commission of an act constituting a felony violation of Title 21 of the United States Code, including but not limited to, possessing controlled substances with intent to distribute and distributing contolled substances, in violation of Title 21 of the United States Code $ 841, as charged in this Superseding Indictment, and conspiracy to distribute controlled substances and to possess controlled substances of the United States Code $ 846, Count Date Time as charged with intent to distribute, in violation of Title 2l in this Superseding Indictment. Defendant(s) Charged with using the Communication Facility Communication Facility Used Call Session 12. July 23, 2018 17:34 2353 13. July 2E, 2018 I l:40 3776 14. July 29, 2018 l9:15 4192 Case 2:18-cr-00158-AWA-DEM Document 34 Filed 02/11/19 Page 10 of 12 PageID# 77 Count Date Time Defendant(s) Charged with using the Communication Facility Communication Facility Used Call Session 15. July 30,2018 8:51 4267 16. July 30,2018 16:18 4398 17. July 31,2018 20:37 4975 18. August 1,2018 22:23 5425 r9. August 2,2018 20:22 5723 20. August 4, 2018 l2:59 6219 2t. August 5,2018 2O:12 6747 22. September 10,2018 l5:30 126 23. September 18,2018 l2:04 RAWL CHRISTOPHER STENNETT 24. September 18,2018 l5:09 455 25. September 18, 2018 l6:06 46t 26. September 20, 2018 I l:34 570 1"1 September 24, 2018 13:08 690 28. September 28, 2018 l4:09 RAWL CHRISTOPHER STENNETT 29. September 28,2018 17: 30. October 6, 2018 347410-2727 436 347-4t0-2727 868 l8 JUSTIN MICHAEL ISAAC 424-274-8383 890 l0:23 JUSTIN MICHAEL ISAAC 424-274-8383 979 (All in violation of Title 21, United States Code, Section 843(b) and States Code, Section 2.) t0 Title 18, United Case 2:18-cr-00158-AWA-DEM Document 34 Filed 02/11/19 Page 11 of 12 PageID# 78 FORFEITURE ALLEGATION THE GRAND ruRY FURTHER ALLECES AND FINDS PROBABLE CAUSE THAT: I. ThE dEfCNdANtS, RAWL CHRISTOPHER STENNETT, ANTONELLA MARI,A BARBA, ruSTIN MICHAEL ISAAC alWa "Cali," if convicted of any of the violations alleged in this Superseding Indictrnent, as part of the sentencing of the defendants pursuant to F.R.Cr.P. 32.2, shall forfeit to the United States: a. Any property, real orpersonal, used, or intended to be used, in any manner part, or to commit, or to facilitate the commission of the violation; b. Any property, real or personal, constituting, or derived from, any proceeds obtained, directly or indirectly, as a result ofthe violation; and, c. Any other property ofthe defendant up to the value ofthe property subject to forfeiture above, ifanyproperty subject to forfeiture above, (a) cannot be located upon been transferred to, sold to, or deposited with a third the exercise ofdue diliginc", 1U; t "r person, (c) has been- placed beyond the jurisdiction of the court, (d) has been iubstantialiy diminished in value, or (e) has been commingled with other property that cannot be subdivided without diffrculty. 2. The defendants, RAWL CHzuSTOPHER STENNETT, ANTONELLA MARTA BARBA, JUSTIN MICHAEL ISAAC alUa "Cali," if convicted of any of the violations alleged in this Superseding lndictment, shall forfeit to the United States any firearm or ammunition used in or involved in the violation' (All in accordance with Title 2l , United States Code, Section 853; Title Code, Section 92a{;0; Title 28, United States Code, Section 2461(c).) lt 18, United States Case 2:18-cr-00158-AWA-DEM Document 34 Filed 02/11/19 Page 12 of 12 PageID# 79 ttnulnl ttrc United States v. Rawl Christopher Stennett, et al. Criminal No. 2:l8crl58 io Oc E{olrc utEnt Ad' oririnal ofrhir pasc hrs bGcD lilql ur.icr rret in tho Clc*'s Olicc ATRUEBILL: REDACTEOOOFV FOREPERSON ATRUE COFT, TESTE: CLERK U.S. DISTR]CT COURT G. ZACHARYTERWILLIGER UMTED STATESATTORNEY By: Assistant United States Attorney Virginia BarNo.374ll Attoruey for the United States United States Attorney's Office l0l \Mest Main Stre€t, Suite 8000 Norfolk, Virginia 235 I 0 Office Number - 7 57 -441 -6331 Facsimile Number - 757-441-6689 E-Mail Address - 12