King County KING COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN 2008 Area Zoning Studies March 1, 2008 King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98057-5212 King County 2008 King County Comprehensive Plan Update Goodnight Properties Area Zoning Study Executive Recommended Department of Development and Environmental Services Summag This area zoning study was carried out in response to a docket request to redesignate a property currently owned by Goodnight Properties (Tax Parcel Number 1923069026) from Rural Area with one home per ?ve acres, zoning to Industrial for natural resource materials processing. Bac round Operating on land owned by Goodnight Properties, Sunset Materials is a materials processing facility on Renton?Maple Valley Road SE in southeastern King County. Among the materials processed at the site are top soil, bark, rock, sand, and gravel. Sunset Materials is also is a waste recycling facility for construction, demolition, and land clearing debris. The Goodnight property contains seven buildings and concrete bunkers used for materials storage. The buildings were built over the span of several years from 1927 to 1958. The property was originally the location of the Paci?c Coast Coal Company and was designated a King County Historic site in 1993. The 25 acre Goodnight property is designated as Rural Residential and zoned one home per ?ve acres. Both adjacent properties on the south side of Renton-Maple Valley Road SE are vacant. Properties south of the Goodnight property are 300 feet higher then the base elevation of the Goodnight property and are designated Rural Residential. Across Kenton-Maple Valley Road SE is the Cedar Grove Natural Area and other properties designated Rural Residential within the Current Use Open Space taxation program. The Cedar River is also directly opposite Renton- Maple Valley Road SE. Area Zoning Studies 75 March 2008 The property has listings for landslide, coal mine, seismic, and erosion. It has medium susceptibility for groundwater contamination and is both a Class 1 and 2 Aquifer Recharge Area. A designated wildlife network runs across part of the property. A change in designation from Rural to Industrial to allow for natural resource materials processing is proposed. Applicable King County Comprehensive Plan Policies: R-412 New industrial uses in the Rural Area shall be permitted only in Rural Towns and in the designated industrial area adjacent to the Rural Neighborhood of Preston. Existing industrial uses in the Rural Area outside of Rural Towns or the designated industrial area adjacent to the Rural Neighborhood of Preston shall be zoned rural residential but may continue if they qualify as legal, nonconforming uses. R-221 Nonresidential uses in the Rural Area shall be limited to those that: a. Provide convenient local services for nearby residents; b. Require location in a Rural Area; c. Support natural resource-based industries; (1. Provide adaptive reuse of signi?cant historic resources; or 6. Provide recreational opportunities that are compatible with the surrounding Rural Area. These uses shall be sited, sized and landscaped to complement rural character as de?ned in policy R-lOl, prevent impacts to the environment and function with rural services including on?site wastewater disposal. Analysis: This area zoning study was conducted to determine if a change in designation from Rural to Industrial to allow natural resource materials processing facilities is warranted. Currently King County Code Chapter 21A.80.080 restricts materials processing facilities to Resource and Industrial designated properties. In the Rural Area this limits any materials processing facilities to Preston and the Rural Towns of Fall City, Snoqualmie Pass, and the Town of Vashon. Sunset Materials provides natural resource materials supplies and provides resource recycling for southeastern King County on a former coal mining property that has been recognized as a King County Historic site. The former and current use of the property makes conversion to low density residential unlikely. March 2008 Area Zoning Studies - 76 Conclusion: The King County Code currently limits materials processing facilities to Resource and Industrial lands. In the Rural Area, King County Comprehensive Plan Policy R-412 limits these facilities to the Rural Neighborhood of Preston and the Rural Towns of Fall City, Snoqualmie Pass and the Town of Vashon. This limitation means that rural southeastern King County is under served by this type of facility. King County Comprehensive Plan policy does not support a redesignation from Rural to Industrial at this location. KCCP policy R-221 does allow for nonresidential uses to be located in the Rural Area if they support natural resources and provide services to the local area. A change in King County Code could allow materials processing on Rural designated properties without requiring a land use redesignation or rezone. Executive Staff Recommendation: Make no adjustment to the King County Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and zoning for parcel 1923069026. Develop an amendment to the King County Code?s manufacturing land use table to allow for materials processing facilities on Rural lands for consideration during the 2008 update of the King County Comprehensive Plan. Area Zoning Studies - 77 March 2008 The storm-Ion mania: nu fl: mu: H: bee. cram: by mm FonzFt!? a: no sauna: can-mere? mmuLseulu-ey. arm: spezm. Harm Homo. tr arm: rem an no! Nikita?: armzunof?rc Wm muf?n: 9h: 1-0. An, and Goodnight Properties Existing Land Use Map incorporated Areas .1 I Urban Growth Boundary thCounty Wofmm mm ?v Study Area rr Rurat Residential m?vd??fmwFit? 5? LIVE SE16 3?7" 33?" '57 w. 1- 3E i 83:10:37 5: . Him{'13 Bf as Ff" Goodnight Properties Existing Zoning Map We! Mm IIJ 5W 3mm The awe-minor mm on we no: no been oer-mm: n; Item Fonz: ?we cam rune: no mm; or marten met: a- rateIncorporated Areas . 5 Rural Area, one DU per 5 acres mamsw. menu: trues-31mm: King can-r; m! an: be me For am. roe-.3, Mme tum: ornamseormemm moon: "mum; med mossy-UK") M. 386 150 Fee: News?m?ogun .35. Urban Grown Boundary RA-S Rurai Area, one DU per 5 acres Study Area RA-1 0 Rural Area, one DU per 10 acres '5 yap?; CIT. 5 RA-ZS-V?Frew - Goodnight Properties Parcel Parcel Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map Designation Zoning Current Proposed Current Proposed Size (Acres) Owner Notes Development Conditions 1 923069026 Rural Residential Rural Residential RA-5 25. 39 Goodnight Properties Inc. Sunset materials; Buildings: storage (repealed), 80-220 warehouse, garage/service repair (29, (repealed), SR-15-9 light industrial, garage/storage Lower (repealed) Cedar River Basin; rural cleraing limits; hazards: coal, erosion, landslide and seismic, Class 1 and 2 aquifer reacharge