[j INJURY REPORT TYPE 311.1 PC Distribution of Child Pornography . of the Shod??, Santa w'ounty CASE . I DODKINS NO. 1 8.061.0201c 55 Youngomvome San Jose CA95110 RELEASE SEAT ,1 TYPE OF INSTR. INCIDENT REPORT FORCE. C1FIREARM OTHER CASE . "Vi?=2 VICTIM REPORTING PARTY WITNE ASSIGNED LAST. FIRST. RIDDLE STATE OF RACE DOB AGE HT WT NDTASSIS . INTERPRETER NEEDED: [1 SPANISH Cl VIETNAMESE $500333: VICTIM ADVISED: DSERUAL ASSAULT CI WCMIITASSIST. BONES-TIC VIC NOE :3 OTHER El ADDRESS ZIP PHONE. DL NUMBER ESTATE ABC [3 BUSINESS WEI-IDOL NAMEAND ADDRESS ZIP PHONE SSN Ammo NDN DISCLOSURE (WHERE APPLICABLE) EIINJURY [?ow BLOOD CI URINE PHOTOGRAPH l? STUDENT CCAPICNU [j LAST.FTR5T.HIDDLE IEIRAI. IF RAGE DDS ASS Stephanle INTERPRETER SPANISH .VIETNAMESE 051.. VICTIM ADVISED: DSEKUAL ASSAULT ASSIST. DOMESTIC VIOLENCE OTHER ADDRESS - STATE PR I301 POSTAL . . - -. - - BUSINESS NAMEISCHCOL NAM AND ADDRESS CITYISTATE Ci VICTIM INFORMATION: NON DISCLOSURE APPLICABLE) INJURY DSART BLOOD URINE PHOTOGRAPH [3 STUDENT TRANSIT El VICTIM VEHICLE YEAR - MAKE i MODEL BODY TYPE COLOR LICENSEIVIN - STATE OTHER 1 I ESITTESNEE: NAME (LAST. FIRST. MIDDLE) SAME AS Vic-rm ADDRESS ZIP DAMAGE To VEHICLE RURAL VICTIM VEHICLE MS: I STOLEN IMPOUNDED - STORED LEFT AT SCENE Cl Pimp AT SCENE DE ?1 PROPERTY (NOT FOR COHPLETE SYNOPSIS OF INCIDENT . JCR BRAND MODEL. DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY SERIAL N0. VALUE . I $0.00 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE THIS REPORT IS FOR INSURANCE PURPOSES AND TO ALERT THE OFFICE OF THE CRIHE. HATE swam-s: 561 sent V01 a video, Via text, of V01 being raped. The Video was ?lmed two years prior when V01 was 15 wars 3 Old. The rape and original distribution of the Video was reported two years ago and was adjudicated in court. 801 ELDER lives In Texas. 501 IS known and at large. i I I CHILD I Where Occurred Pmputy Amity! Hothod of Entry Sumo! Action I 1m? AnoromnIIConoo HonoIhI M?w?urdCropa ammo Mimi From Front Slop-ct Armed mm mm mums: 30d? Fm Approach Fran Rear Searched I GANG . Bar-or Lounge Stare Auto Potomac?: Hot AppIISahIo Emile Glass panama Honey Sal-mm i Summon Co. Liquor Stan Bicycle Nomoumomo- _cm LooISSomon run Man to Hm 3.x 5 wow Stun Pam-1o Lot Homo: Omar Prqparty KoyIPm Kay Fans!? Victim Inc I Dom Roma :1 pm? Injury lnflIctod .m Mm Camden Stla Park IAII TVODSI Clothing Pow Tool; Fri-d Km Location Cash Took ?man" I LATENT Stone Public SuIIdIno . CompumEIoc Equip I-Purwwauot RM Muf?ph sum Took "a mm 5 Brim-av 5 Resume cm IAII Types] loISISmo Equip mm ?gym I D?iao Bushman! (All) 1:de Card Sporting Goods or Entry ?mm ?Uood i DRUG . Farml'Ranch RumiMOunt Ana CurrIHomyICoIm Telwiuion ,?nm mam mm" ESL-SEE - I um Demand Note I Salami anmanch Equip 900' Pm I: Door "m moo rennin) racth?I-Ivy Equi R: ad PROPERTY Gas Station Cantor Fumitla'o TrSmIt EqquIFaCil SIIomg Door Household AppIIanoa ?Vehicle orBoat Roof I EVIDENCE I MD Continued in NarratIVS 3 OTHER MO INFORMATION DIAGRAM IQT (5.an I. ASSOCIATED CASE NUMBERS: OTHER ROUTING: I I . . SAFE. OFFICERS NAME ID NUMBER DATE OFF SUPERVISORS REVIEW ID NUMBER i DATE PAGE OF G. Blunt 2145 O3IDBI1B 1252 II 38M Owens, Dennis 1695 10314118 1127-I 1 REPORT mi: [3 SUPPLEMEIT :1 0mm arm Sheriff CAI: 311.1 PC Pornography Sm cm. County MO. 1 8.061 .0201 - . SUSPECT PAGE . DBOOKED [154913) PO REVIEW DINFO ONLY . EAT LARGE Ewe SEEJCR LAST, FIRST, ISOOLE IF BUSINESS) RACE i DOB AGE i HT I'm HAIR EYES 5* 01 Washington Maurice Black I 1211711999 18 I 190 Biack Brown momma RELATIONSHIP TO vIchI El VIETNAMESE OTHER up PHONE PFN I BUSINESS WEISCHOOL NAME AND ADDRESS up PHONE PHOTO Ins Tokas DL NUMBER STATE ssu CITE: GEN GA i CLOTHING UNIQUE IDE . HAIR STYLE HAIR TYPE Hm BUILD COWLEXION WEAPONS 3mg. MARKS, Th?ms ETC. AFRO 3mg HEAVY l: ACNEFOCKED gun-mo Ins-r. Some 136- MOIST-MED i STRAIGHT CLEAN smeu vacuum mm: HANDS I FEET um: Emma]: I WAWIDURLY FU IIUSCUUIR 1 mam REVOLVER I can?: i ?I?m-Owes GOATEE POT BELLY uam. .mm SEE CREWGUT LOWER up SHALL ram? SEMI-AUTO CODE: m3 MARKS MISSOINS .LOHG . Assam HUSTACHE mm ?mm m. . APPEARANCE . mom TAIL I SIDE BURNS TEETH DY a mum UNDER THE INFLUENCE I LISP sou: 3??Alcoh Pumt UNSHAVEH i 036?? unmwn I WM. cwmma 0mm S?mulant(Cocalna. Methamphetamines. em GLASSES mam? l_ etc. GLASSES LEFT GLOVES SILVER GRDOHED I omen 5 SUNGLASSES RIGHT mu Damn. student: i NAME In NUMBER DATE SHIFTIDAYS OFF SUPERVISORS REVIEW ID NUMBER DATE PAGE OF '1 G. Blunt 2145 03l?Bl18 1252 ll -. SSH Owens, Jr., Dennis 1695 112?." 2 law ?lms PR 002 mew 18-061-02016 NARRATIVE FORM i LOCATION OF EVENTIIF iim 1 VICTIM NAME (LAST. FIRST, MIDDLE (FIRM. IF BUSINEESD Note: The incident was audio/video recorded using my department issued Body Worn Camera (BWC) . The following is a synopsis of that incident. For complete details, please refer to the recorded file. AITACHMENT -Compa.ot disc containing video INVE 011 3/2/2013 at Hours, County Communications own in the City of?to investigate a report of distribution of child pornography. dispatched me to .- - I arrived on scene and met with Stephanie - (ROI Stephanie) who provided me with the following statement. \l CU sum on p.01 STEPHANIE KC) 20 R01 Stephanie resides at? .111 the City of 21 with her husband and three (3) daughters, including? 22 (vo1-I. v01 ?13 17 years old. vel?was at work at 23? located at" in the City of? 24 25 Two (2) years ago, when V01_was 15 years old, -V01-wa 26 raped by tee (2) friends in the City One (1) of the 27 friends recorded a video of - the rape on his cell phone and sent it to in". When a couple of friends at school, Administration found out about the video, they made everyone delete the video 3 :3 NAME no HUME-ER 5' DATE OFF supenmsoas REVIEW ID NUMBER DATE PAGE - OF 1 G. Blunt 2145- 1 03108113 1252 II 33M iOwens, Jr.. Dennis [1695 0314118 1127 3- 7 3mm GTE-F5 PR 003 I . _v Of?ceufthe Sheriff Gig-L?? . . i . 5311 PC Distubutlon of Child Pornography Santa. CllraCImnty N0. .. .. NARRATIVE FORM 1 8 06,1. 0291C worm manner FIRST magmas. IF ausmessn I LUCATION 0F - R01 Stephanie and her husband found out about the incident through the 2 :3 school administration. R01 Stephanie reported the incident to the 4 Campbell Police Department (Report . 5 6 v01?became the victim of bullying at v01 7 A transfer-red to ?High School in the City of_. v01 -began to use marijuana and engage in self harm. 9 Stephanie enrolled V01 in. an extensive live-in rehabilitation 10 program. V01 ?benefitted front the rehabilitation program where 11 she was able to graduate from high school early in a home studies 12 program. 13 . l4 ROI. Stephanie believes val?had dealt with her emotions and was . 15 thriving. 16 17 Recently, V01 -sas hack in contact with an eat-boyfriend, Maurice 18 Washington (801 Washington) via Instagram. VIM?and 801 .19 Washington dated prior to the rape. 301 Washington and 20 were mutual friends with the friends that raped her. 21 22 301 Washington has since moved to Texas. 501 Washington began to make 23 sexual advances towards V01 on Instagram. When 24 told 501 Washington that she was not interested in a romantic 25 relationship with him, 801 Washington became increasingly aggressive 26 in his communication with V01 -. 501 Washington bacame angry A and mean. V01_blocked 301 Washington from being able to 28 contact her on Instagraim. 29 -30 On 3/2/2018 at approximately 0830 Hours, 801 Washington sent a text recess NAME 10 sundae: DATE smmoms OFF i SUPERVISORS REVIEW ID NUMBER DATE PAGE OF Blunt 2145 i 03:03:18 1252 II 5513 gowns. Jr., Dennis 1695 03:14:13 1127 4 7 12155 SIM-F3 004- imam: . 33% 1% 1.8 061 0201c - - I I I 1 message to The text message contained the video of V01 2 _being raped with the statement ado you remember this. 110.5, V01 3-1mm: this message came from. 501 Washington because it came 4 from the same phone number 801 Washington used to contact her when they were cordial. Washingtonas phone number is and v01 -3 phone number is3.01 Stephanie researched, via the internet, the phone number used to send V01 the video and found that the phone number is 010(20qu registered to 501 Washingtonas adoptive father, Lamont Chambers. . 12 In order to monitor 10'01 -3 cell phone use, R01 Stephanie linked 13 V01 -s apple account to an iPad that R01 Stephanie monitors 14 frequently. All communication (email, text, phone call logs, social 15 media, etc.) that occurs on V01- cell phone is shown on the 16 iPad. MT. . 18 V01 -became upset and. immediately notified R01 Stephanie of the 19 text message. R01 Stephanie told V01 -not to respond and to 20 delete the message knowing the correspondence from 501 Washington 21 would be on the iPad. 23 R01 Stephanie asked me not to speak with V01 -if it was not 24 necessary. ROI Stephanie was concerned that V01 ?wou1d regress 25 in her treatment as a surviiror. 26 1 27 ROI Stephanie showed. me the video. I positioned my Body Worn Camera 28 to record the video. 29 30 ROI Stephanie desires prosecution against 301 Washington for his 1 i i I OFFICERS NAME [0 NUMBER 1 DATE smmpavs OFF 3 SUPERVISORS REVIEW 1 :0 NUMBER DATE I PAGE OF G. Blunt . .2145 I 03308118 1252 II 3551 50mm, Dannls i '1695 i03??18 1127i 5 7 Rwll?i PR 005 0:112:41 mam butlon of . 33:33:: 25133 1 8-061 .0201 c- I LOCATION OF EVENT (IF . NAME (LAST. FIRST. MIDDLE (FIRM. IF i correspondence with V01-. 2 . . 3 IsteronTION CONTINUED 4? . 5 Based on ROI Stephanieas statement and the text message 801 Washington 6 sent to Win. I determinedISOI Washington to be in violation of 7 California Penal Code 311.1 a, Distribution of Child Pornography. a . 9 I notified Detective Hasselbach. of the Sexual Assault Felony 10 Enforcement (SAFE) Task Force of_ tte situation. Detective Hasselbach 5 11 stated the Task Force would contact 301 ?ashington if it was deemed -12 necessary to obtain a statement from him? 13 i 14 501 ?ashington is at large in Texas. 15 5 ?16 EVIDENCE E, 17 . .. I: 18 IfRiOl Ste?tanie sent. a copy of the video. to in}; nor]: email. I 19 transferred the video to two (2) compact discs . I packaged and 20 booked one (1) of the compact discs into the Evidence Room at the 21 West Valley Substation and submitted the other to the Detectiveas 22 Tray at the West Valley Substation as an attachment to this report. 23 24 END OF REPORT 25 2.6 P.L.E.O. 27 28 Deputy Blunt #2145 .5, Original Report OFFICERS NAME ID NUMBER DATE OFF ll SUPERVISORS REVIEW ID NUMBER DATE PAGE OF G. Blunt 2145 0308!? 1252 II 55M [Owanm Dennis 11695 03114118 1127 8 7 Rll' 1m mucus PR 006 ?l r\ I SUPPLEMEILO- CASL. I 311.1 PC IDiBtrihutIDn of Chiid Pornography . PROPERTY 18-oSI-Dzo1c SOURCE CODE: FINDER OWNER a SUSPECT v- VICTIM SOURCE LAST, FIRST. MIDDLE (FIRM. IF BUSINESS) CE ADDRESS and PHONEIBUSINESS PHONE and ADDRESS I 0 R01 Em Of?ce ofthe Shenff Santa Clara County 55 West Younger Avenue San Jose CA 95] ID (408) 808-4500 PROPERTYCODES - I LOCRDONCODES I DISPOSAL REQUEST SEARCH CLAIM I I F: FOUND 5150 I 3102 and! Dvnzozas I . . a REFRIGERATOR - UNDER OBSERVATION I VICTIM CODE SOURCE QTY PROPERTY TYPE BRAND I MAKE MODEL . 1 R01 1 Compact Disc . LOCATION SERLAL NUMBER VALUE LOG CODE 0 2i] BAR CODE DESCRIPTION GP video. 352150 i I i I i FOLLOW up OFFICER: Hm. SPECIAL I RELEASE To: PERSON NAMED ABOVE NAME ADDRESS CITY FOLLOWING NAMED PERSON WHO HAS BEEN NOTIFIED ON THE OFFICER TO PICK UP THE FOLLOWING ITEM AUTHORITY FOR RELEASE CASE STATUS 3133:? APPROVAL DATE RELEASED BY RELEASED APPROVAL IAOKNOMEDGE RECEIPT OF THE NAME ADDRESS CITY DATE ABOVE SPECIFIED ITEMS . DESTROY THE FOLLOWING AND AUTHORITY FOR CASE STATUS [j AUCTION THE FOLLOWING . NAME ADDRESS CITY I RELEASE TO: WHO HAS BEEN Ram-Tm ON THE pumawmc DAT I B'r OFFICER {To PICK UP THE FOLLOWING ITEM AUTHORITY FOR RELEASE I CASE STATUS STAFF APPROVAL DATE RELEASED 3V DRTEITIME RELEASED APPROVAL RECEIPT OFTHE NAME ADDRESS CITY DATE . ABOVE SPECIFIED ITEMS OFFICERS NAME ID NUMBER i DATE OFF SUPERVISORS REVIEW I ID NUMBER DATE PAGE OF G. Blunt . 2145 Salome 1252 ll SSH Owens. Jr., Dennis ?1695 mums 1127 7 7 1w I Elms PR 90'? . i REPORT WE Of?ce Anne Sheriff CASE 311.1 PO [m Distribution of Child Pornography Sum Clara County No. 1 8.061 .0201 ADDITIONAL PARTIES . VICTIM REPORTING PARTY WITNESS LAST. FIRST. anE mm. H: DUSIHESSINTERPRETER NEEDED: SPANISH VICTIM ADVISED: EBEXUAL ASSAULT DWASSIST. i] DOMESTIC VIOLENCE OTHER ADDRESS ZIP DL NUMBER BUSINESS WEISCHQOL NAME AND ADDRESS 2m PHONE VICTIM [i NON DISCLOSURE APPLICABLE) INJURY SART BLOOD URINE PHOTOGRAPH STUDENT LAST. (Emu. RACE 008 AGE - HT wT INTERPRETER NEEDED: SPANISH El VIETNAMESE [3 OTHER VICTIM ADVISED: ASSAULT Bum ASSIST. DOMESTIC VIOLENCE ADDRESS CITWSTATE ZIP PHONE DL NUMBER STATE BUSINESS EISOHDDL NAME AND ADDRESS ZIP PHONE SSH - VICTIM EINON DISCLOSURE [1 INJURY SART [j BLOOD URINE PHOTOGRAPH DSTUDENT OFFICER-S NAME ID NUMBER DATE - SHIFTIDAYS OFF SUPERVISORS NUMSER PAGE OF Hasnlhach. Colin 12033 03:29:131512 ll FSS EOmori, Brendan g1991 1? 03131!? 918 1 15 - mm: him ?g??ggia] Distribution of 503333:ng 1 8'06 1 .0201 NARRATIVE FORM I LOCATION ORIGINAL EVENT (IF I VICTIM NAME (LAST. FIRST. MIDDLE (FIRM. IF SUPPLEMNTAL INVESTIGATION (03/14/2018}: On 03/14/2018 at approximately 0801 hours, I met with R01 Stephanie at 3 I I i I her residence to obtain a copy of the video and review the oomnnioation between VOI- and 50]. Maurice. I received the following statement from R01. Stephanie: on REPORTING PARTY #01 STEPHANIE 16 17 V01 _was,ynot_ aware of the video's existence until a mutual .. . 18 I 19 friend asked. if she was the girl in the video. Administrators were made aware of the incident and made everyone they 20 knew to be in possession of the video delete it. V01 -_reported 21 the incident to the Campbell Police Department (Campbell PD Case 22 never saw the video- I 24?. 25 .26 Recently (2018) v01 ?came back into contact with her 27 eat-boyfriend from Bth/ch grade, Maurice Washington (301 Maurice). 28 29 SOIL Maurice is currently 18?years?old; $01 Maurice and V01 - had both been mutual friends with and - - OFFICERS NAME I ID NUMBER I DATE SHIFWDAYS OFF I SUPERVISORS REVIEW in: NUMBER: mm; PAGE OF. Haselbach. Colin I2033 03m.'181512 II FSS 10mm, Brendan 51991 I 05mm 918 2 15 . Rum? CAM-F3 PR I309 Ill/??n. REPORT me 7L Of?ce 01111: sumo Gite 311.1% Distribution of Child Pomography? Sam-cm County N0. 18.061 -0201 . NARRATIVE FORM - Looms 01:03:0an wow NAME (LAST, east MIDDLE mm. IF ausmessn - 1 2 'VOl?and Maurice were still friends on social media, and 3 the}; recently started talking. During their conversations, $01 4 Maurice began making sexual advances towards When V01 5 -told $01 Maurice that she was not interested in a romantic 6 relationship with him, $01 Maurice became increasingly aggressive in 7 his communication with V0.1 30:. Maurice was angry and mean to 8 v01 vol blocked 501 Maurice. from being able to 9 contact her on Instagram._. .10 . 11 On 03/02/2018 at approximately 0843- hours, VOlgreceived a text 12- message from . Il'he text message contained the 2016 video 13 of V01_being sexually assaulted with the statement, "Remember 14 this hoe." I 15 . 16 R01 Stephanie monitors V01 messaging through an iPad tablet. l7 IAll of. V0l_ 3 text Imossages are mirrored on the iPad through '18 the use of the same Apple ID account R01 Stophanie immediately said - . 19, the video sent to val?and told V01_not to look at it. 20 ROIAStephanie deleted the video from v01 _s cell phone, but the . 21 video was saved in the message thread on the iPad. v01! 22 recognized as .501 Maurice's phone number and explained 23 their recent falling out to R011. Stephanie . R01 Stephanie contacted 24 the Sheriff's Office on 03/02/2018 to report thelincident. 25 . 26301 Stephanie used the Internet to research and found 2.7 that the phone number was registered to $01 Maurice' adoptive 28 father, Lamont Chambers (003 Lamont). 29 . 30 Stephanie informed me that v01 ?ha.d deleted 301 Maurice from . OFFICERS NAME ID NUMBER 1 DATE I SHIFTIDAYS OFF SUPERVISORS REVIEW ID NUMBER DATE PAGE OF Hasslhach, Colin 2033 081294113 1512?? F33 Omori. Brendan 1991 08131118913 3 15? Mme: cums PR 010 I \4 . fir-?Ht. i Of?u ofthoSherl?' oronyg .. . NARRATIVE FORM VICTIM NAME FIRST. MIDDLE (FIRM. 1F '1 311.1. PC Distribution?of Child Pornography 53m Ch" Count? 1 8-0 6 1 -0201 her Instagran account, so their communications through Instagram had also been deleted. R01 Stephanie provided me with the following identifiers for and.801 Maurice's Instagram accounts: v01 501 Maurice: i - mm?JmmowmI?t R01 Stephanie showed.me the iPad containing the text message conversation between ad V01 MESSAGE CONVERSATION ?semen VICTIM ital?mm - I (.11 am Fri Mar. 2, 8:43 AM- [Video sent. The video was approximately 10 seconds in (13 length. The video depicted a young female in the back_seat area of a lyehicle, possibly a minivan. 'The female's face could not be seen. The female appeared to be kneeling-down in front of the far bach Seat, with her head towards the far back seat and her buttocks in between the middle'row of seats. The person holding the camera Lu appeared to be sitting on the rear seat of the vehicle with the' female's head near his lap. The female appeared to be possibly Ln orally copulating the person taking the video, as the back of-her head could be seen bobbing up and down with the videographer's hand ?4 apparently on the back of her head (the videographer's genitals were_ CO not visible in the video). The female was also nude from the waist down.? At the same time that the female was apparently orally 30 copulating the person on the rear seat, there was a second.ma1e OFFICER-s NAME ID NUMBER DATE OFF supenmsoas REVIEW ID NUMBER DATE PAGE OF ?Haselbachmolin 2033 [0313:131512511 FSS Omori, Brendan 1991 ?8131113913 4 15 M1315 Sim-3 I PR 011 1: ?gg?gg?l Distribu?an Of . 3333:3333 1 3-0 61 -020 1 NARRATIVE FORM LOCATION OF EVENT in: Ku?i . . mom: NAME (LAST, FIRST, MIDDLE (FIRM, IF subject kneeling directly behind. the female's exposed buttocks. The second male subject was a black mele who appeared to be in his mid to late teens. The second male was wearing a white t-shirt, but the lower portion of his body was blocked from. the camera's View by the female's body. The second male appeared to be possibly masturbating with his right hand while looking down at the female's exposed buttocks, based on the positioning and rapid movement of his right hand/ferearm (the second male'l genitals were not visible in the video) Remember this hoe NI Lu Fri Mar. 2, 2:49 PM (PST) as V01 -: Send me that again I didn't see it vel? Maurice? i 16 Send you what 17 v01,_ That video 18 You seen-it 5 1-9 vo1_ -: I Didn't the 20 Oh I didn't send nun 21 i 22 swarms on REPORTING 9mm: #01 STEPHANIE - CONTINUED: 23 . . I 24 R01 Stephanie never seen this video until now, since it was deleted 25 during the" incident in 2016. Also, V01 phad never ever seen ?26 this video since it was deleted during the incident in 2016 and since 27 i 28 R01 Stephanie deleted it from V01 ?'s_phone before V01 could see it. Since V01 -'Is face could not be seen in the 29 video, I asked R01 Stephenie how she knew V01 _wa.s the female 30 depicted in the video. OFFICERS NAME ID DATE OFF REVIEW ID NUMBER lame PAGE OF Hasolbach. Colin 2033 i 081290?131512 ll FSS iOmo?. Brendan 1-991 '1 03131118 918 5 15 in!? mm PR 012 {v x, 5 . . - suppugm'impg Dmuol'lheShe??' . 311.1 PC cement-en Pornography Smu- cum County No. 1 8.061 .0201 NARRATIVE FORM ?i EVENT (IF KNOWNI VICTIM was (LAST, FIRST. MIDDLE (FIRM. IF Busmessn? . R01 Stephanie said based on the content in the video?aligning with V01 statements regarding whathappened to her in 2016, R01 Stephanie believed the video ices the video of v01_ being sexually assaulted in 2016 when VOI?was 15-years-old. Also, R01 Stephanie recognized the black male in the video as - and the female in the? video appeared "to match the body type and physical description of HO Since the incident in 2016, V01 ?has suffered from severe . emotional distress . V01 - grades dropped, she began acting out, using drugs, andeven had to switch schools. 3101 Stephanie Lad mu: preferred I did not incident V01 _for the sake of V01._s mental well-being. no.1 Stephanie believed this video was specifically sent to cause V01 ?emotional distress, ~particulaIIL-l?r since it was sent?with the text message,. "remember this ?4 . hoe." R51 Stephaniewanted to seek prosecution against the person l??I-uI K000 who sang the video to V01- C) CONTINUED: MN LON I used my department issued video recorder to record and photograph the screen of R01 Stephanie's iPad to show the above messages and the as. video. I later transferred these recordings and photographs onto a (If blank on which I submitted as evidence (Evidence Item into the Ch . Evidence Room at Sheriff '3 Office Headquarters. CD I observed that the above listed Inessages were sent" as iMessages. \0 When two people communicate via text message on Apple devices, their 30" messages can be sent using a phone number; email address, or Apple ID OFFICERS NAME . ID NUMBER DATE OFF SUPERVISORS REWEW ID NUMBER DATE PAGE OF 2033 03:29:131'512 II Ornamsrandan 11991 nae-ma 91s a 15 RN 12m SIM-F3 PR 013 If ?m i REPORT-TYPE - one Of?J?Shcri?' c1115.; 311.1 PC Distribution of Childlgomography' Sum Clan cm . N0. 1 8.061 .020 1 . NARRATIVE FORM - LOCATION OF EVENT Knowui mom we (LAST. mar, menus (FIRM. BUSINESS): - i I account as _iMessages through Apple's sorter-s instead of as standard SMS or ms messages through their phone carrier. From. this I was able to conclude that the suspect utilizing phone number was using an Apple device to message V01 -and therefore would likely have an Apple device and Apple ID account registered with Apple . Using the Internet, I searched for phone number and discovered it was registered to and maintained by Wireless. ?1 'Using the Internet, I checked 801 Maurice's Instagram account. 'It was currently attending high school in Texas and playing LA) for their football team. HH U143 RECORDS FROM APPLE INC. ~40) i. On 03/19/2018, I authored a search Iran-rent. to Apple, Inc. for records no associated to $01 Maurice and phone number The search KO warrant was signed by Santa Clara County Superior Court Judge Paul 20 Colin. emailed the search warrant to Apple on 03/19/2018. 21' I 22 On 04/09/2018, I received. aresponse from Apple, Inc. The records 23 provided by Apple identified the following Apple?aocount (DSID) with 24 the following subscriber information: 25 26 DSID: 27 Name: Maurice Washington 28 Email: 1. i 29 Phone number: . 30 Street Addresses: NAME ID NUMBER DATE I SHIFTIDAYS OFF SUPERVISORS-REVIEW ID NUMBER DATE PAGE OF EHaselbach,Colin 2933 08:29:151512 11 Oniori, Brendan 1991 I 08131118 913 7 15 . M1255 SIM-F5 PR . a . i Bun. ?mist "Hm: 2:2: 18-061-0201 LOCATION OF swam are?? m: ?kl I new NAME (msr. FIRST. Mlnnus (FIRM. u= ausmessn Apple provided the IDS inessage Cspability Query Logs for the above Ilisted Apple ID eccount (DSID: -. These logs indicate when an Apple device application initiates a query to Apple's servers to determine if.the destination lookup handle (phone number, email, 2 h??EmAccount creation date: 11/19/2011 4 5 6 7 8 9 .eto.) is capable. 10' - - 11 The logs indicated email address 1 and phone number 3 12 were both associated to DSID - and used to l3 query the capability of a destination look up handle. The following l4 dates and times from the logs indicated when 301 Mhurioe's Apple i 15 account, specifically phone number queried Apple's 16 server to determine if phone numbe was iMhssage '17 capable: A 18 19 2013-02r22 16:40:39.736 EST 20 2018502523 21 2019?02-23 22:02:10.123 22 2018-03-02 03:43:34.955 PST [This entry was the same date/time V01 23 ?received the video sent by . 1. 3 24 2018-03?12 02:15:19,592 pow 25 i 26 Although was not listed in the information for 5 27 DSID the accohnt was created on 11/19/2011 and the primary 28 phone number for the account may have not been updated with the use 29 of a new phone number (501 Heurice's family did not start using phone 30 number until 08/23/2017; see the summary of the ?rst j" OFFICERS me ID NUMBER 3 DATE SHIFTIDAYS OFF -: supaawsons Renew ID NUMBER mm: PAGE OF j. Hasolbach, Colin 2033 i 08129113 1512 II 55 EOmori, Brendan 1 1091 08131113 918 8 15 I PR 015 . ?1 3? REPORT ?re 1 SUPPLEHEIL Of?ce nftheShede" 311.1 PC Distribution othildlornOQraphy Sum Clara cm, no.? 1 8.061 -0201 . NARRATIVE FORM EVENT (IF K310i?. VICTIM NAME (LAST. FIRST. MIDDLE IF 1 records below) . - 2 3 RECORDS FROM MET WIRELESS: 4 5 On 03/19/2018 I authored a. eearoh warrant to M6353 Wireless for 6 records associated to phone number a. The search warrant 7 ?es Signed by Santa Clara. County Superior Court Judge Arthur 8' Bocenegre'. I emailed the search warrant" to MEET on 03/19/201306/18/2018, I received a response from ?irelass. The records I 11 provided by MET showed the following subscriber information for 12 phone number .: I 13 I 14 Service start date: 08/23/2017 15 0. Name: Lemont E. Chambers User Address: Email: 03' Account number: U) mar: .- MN HO HER Device: Apple inone 63 (J) In the records provided by BENT, I located the following an- correspondeuoe b?tween 80:1. Maurice's phone number (408?656-8611) and 25 '5 phone nmer 03/12/2018 99:15:24.1:mc, From: I130: 29 - I 30 The records provided by ATET, did not include any additional . I ID NUMBER I ISHIFTIDJIIYSOFF Esupsawsoas REVIEW IID NUMBER DATE PAGE OF ?Hasalbach,colin 2033 IOmori. Brendan mm 06131118913 9 15 aims PR. 016 fix I I ..IE N1 . i Distribution of ChildofrgoP91i' . Ng??ggi - 1 8.061 .0201 OF ORIGINAL EVENTHF) VICTIM NAME FIRST. MIDDLE (FIRM, IF 1 correspondence between $01 Maurice' a phone number and 2 1301?s phone number . 3 . 4 Since the. messages from 03/ 02/2018 associated to V01 _receiving 5 the video file were all sent as 1149583993, the messages and video 6 were transmitted across Apple's servers (not MET's) and therefore 7 would not typically appear in message logs. 8 9 RECORDS FROM LLC: 10 I . 11 On 03/29/2018, I authored. a search warrant Instagram LLC for records 12 associated to the following accounts: 13 14 $01 MauriceThe search warrant was signed by Santa Clara County Superior Court 03 Judge Socrates monk-inn. I submitted the search warrant to . 1?0 C) Instagram through their online web portal on 03/29/2013. 011 04/13/2018, I received a response from Instagram. The records provided by Instagram included records for both accounts. In both (A) accounts, $01 Maurice and V01 _were the individuals most 24 pictured in their respective accounts. 25 26 V01 account had the following subscriber information: 27 28 :??ccount we I - I i 29 Name: 30 Phone number: OFFICERS NAME ID NUMBER DATE SHIFTIDAYS OFF REVIEW ID NUMBER DATE. I PAGE IDF LHaselbach,Colin 2:133 If 03:29:18 1512 :1 F33 ?Omori, Brendan 1951 p. (18131113913 10 15 .cm, PR 61'? I neponrme usuppwur. O?lcenflheShe?ff 011 1 PC [Mlnistn'bution ofChild Pornography . . . 110.18-061.02010 . . . .: .7- 1 .. . womametmsT. FIRST. IFausmessn 1 Registration Date: 02/02/2018 $01 Ma?rice's account had the following subscriber informationAccount ID: 6 Name: Mnurioe Washington 7 Simone number 8 Registration Date: 05/17/2014 9? 10 I oouId not locate any correspondenoo between val?21nd . Maurice in the records provided for 5 account. I located the following corresgondanog batwa?n them in the records provided for -801 Maurioa?a .122 15 02/23/2018 01:01:30 020 . . 16 How you been Stud 17 12'02/23/2013 21:01:27 02c? 19?: Hav?n't talked to you in a minute 1 20 21 02/23/2010 01:51:24 are I 22 Who is this 23? 24?02/23/2012 01:51:47lumc- 25 22 . 27 02/24/2623 03:53:20 02c 28 Didn't even call me back lol 29 30 02/24/2013 05:43:09 02; .. OFFICERS NAME . I ID NUMBER 1 DATE SHIFTJDAYS OFF SUPERVISORS REVIEW ID NUMBER DATE I PAGE OF Haselbach. Colin 2033 03120112 1512 ll . F33 Omo?. andan 11901 03:31:13 013 11 1 5 mm mums PR 018 Distribution of Childlgofnugrl?gy 1L EESSLESEJS $101 I 1 3-061 -0 2 01 NARRATIVE FORM VICTIM NAME (LAST. FIRST, MIDDLE IF 2 1 IR I didn't cuz you was trippin 2 i 3 02/24/2018 05:54:02/24/2018 05:54:45 UTC 8 7 No I wasent i 9 There records covered from 01/01/2016 through 03/22/2013. There was 10 no additional correspondence between V01 and $01 Heurice in 11 the records. 12 13 INVESTIGATION CONTINUED: a 14 15 Using a law enforcement database, I located 003 Lamont'e California 16 Driver License record and photograph. 003 Lamont's personal 17 identifying information matched the MET records for the listed 5 18 subscriber of phone number i 19 - 5 20 While searching Facebook, I located the following Facebook account for 21 "Lamont Chambers" (003 Lamont): 22 24 . 25 003 Lamont was the primary individual pictured in the Facebook 26 profile. Maurice was else pictured several times on the account, 27 with OOEHLainont, with comments referencing 301 28 Maurice as "son" and "my son". 29 30 Based upon "all the above information, I believe $01 Maurice is the NAME. 10 NUMBER DATE SHIFTIDAYS OFF SUPERWSORS REVIEW EID NUMBER DATE PAGE OF Hasalbach,Colln 2033 00:29:131512 :1 F55 Omori.Br0ndan @1991 08:31:18910 12 15 PR 019. gem um 32:33:31.2: Fa13-oe1.ozo1c NARRATIVE FORM I LOCATION OF 0mm Em Ii mow-NI vac-ma NAME {manilasnmunm (FIRM. IF ausmessn I I I f. . and that he sent V0- primary user of phone number -the video depicting her being sexually assaulted when she was 15~years-old. I determined 801 Henrioe committed violations of the following statutes: ?a ?El 1- CA Penal Code section 647(j)(4), revenge porn CA Penal Code section distribution of child pornography .n 0 Ch Penal Code section sending matter to a minor On 08/27/2018, I-contaoted the Campbell Police Department Records man-w Division and obtained a copy of their police report (Case On 08/28/2018 at approximately 1000 hours, I called four; separate times. Three of the four times, the phone rang and no one CD answered. After-the third attempt, I received a call back from KO but the person hung up as soon as'I picked up my phone. MN HO On the fourth attempt, the user answered the phone but immediately hung up without saying anything. (A) at approximately 1705 hours, I called. twice, but no one .1: answered. IN.) U'l (TI on 03/29/2018? at approximately 1345 hours, I called. twice, but no one answered. (I) L0 30 When I called, sometimes the phone would only ring twice, and other times it rang up to approximately eight times. There was no. OFFICERS NAME ID nuna?n DATE OFF SUPERVISORS Renew ID NUMBER one PAGE or Hasalbach, Colin 2033 08129113 1512 II F53 Oman-i. Brendan 5L1 991 03131118 915 13 15 M12115 cums PR GEO rm. ?x . 1 REPORT me [2 Of?ce al'th: Sheriff on. 311.1 Pa Distrihu?on of Child Pornography "Sun egg; no. 1 8.06 1 .0201 or omi? ii ?i ?omi . VICTIM NAME (LAST. FIRST, MIDDLE (FIRM. IF ausmEssn voicemail box available for me to leave a message. I believe $01 2 Heurioe was likely avoiding my calls because he did not recognize my 3 number. ?sing the Internet, I checked $01 Maurioe'a Instagram 4 account. It appeared he gas-currently attending the Uhi?ersity of? 5 Hebraska-Lincoln (URL) and?was playing for their football team. .7 END or REPORT. 8 . 9 I ll Detective C. Easelbaoh #2033 -- Supplemental Report i OFFICERS NAME, - ID NUMBER DATE smirmms OFF SUPERVISORS REVIEW n3 NUMBER DATE PAGE OF Haselbach, Colin 2033 5 03129!? 1512 ll F88 ii?mcqri, Brendan 1991 08131!? 918 ?14 15 mum mama . PR 021 REFOIITTIFE 'th 10- IHEALTH HAZARD I i?311.1 PC Distribution of Chiid PROPERTY 18-061 412016 SOURCE CODE: FINDER OWNER SUSPECT =3 VICTIM ISOURCE LAST. MIDDLE (FIRM. iF BUSINESS) RESIDENCE ADDRESS and FHDNE and ADDRES I . . Of?ce of the Shenff SantaCl-ara County 55 West Avenue San Jose CA 95110 (408) 803-4500 I PROPERTYCODES . LDCARONCDDEG I i REQUEST SEARCH WARRANT [j CLAIM . FOUND l] 5150:3102 and I DW120285 SAFEKEEPING REFRIGERATOR CI UNDER OBSERVATION VICTIM HEW CODE SOURCE ow PROPERTY TYPE GRAND MAKE MODEL 2 1 LOCATION . SERIAL NUMBER 0 VALUE LOO CODE 23:12:32 I BAR CODE I CD containing photographs and video of text message correspondence between $01 and V01 Bar code FOLLOW up OFFICER: PIM: FOLLOW OF OFFICERS SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: RELEASE To: CI PERSON NAMED ABOVE NAME ADDRESS cm, [i FOLLOWING NAMED PERSON RAG DEER NOTIFIED ON THE DAT BY OFFICER To PICK UF THE FOLLOWING AUTHORITY FOR RELEASE CASE STATUE STAFF APPROVAL DATE RELEASED BY DRTEJUME RELEASED 1i APPROVAL I I ACKNOWLEDGE REGEEPT OF-THE NAME ADDRESS CITY DATE ABOVE SPECIFIED ms - FDR WTTNESSED BY DESTROY THE FOLLOWING AND AUTHORITY FOR AUCTION CASE STATUS AUCTION THE FOLLOWING REMISIAI 'l I NAME ADDRESS CITY I RELEASE TO: . I TRIO HAD BEEN NOTIFIED ON THE DATE av OFFICER . To PICK UP THE FOLLOWING AUTHORITY FOR CASE STATUS I . STAFF i APPROVAL DATE IRELEASED av RELEASED IAFFROVAL I OFTHE NAME ADDRESS DATE IABOVE SPECIFIED I NAME ID NUMBER 5 DATE OFF SUPERVISORS REVIEW ID NUMBER I DATE - PAGE OF Haselbaoh. Colin 2033 08129118 1512 II F53 IOmori, Brendan 1991 I 91B 15 15 (?ms PR 022 1 1' 311.1 Pc Distribution 0! Child Pornography Santa Clara County ND. 1 8.061 .0201 momma El SUPPLEMENTAL Of?ceo?heSha'l?' CASE ADDITIONAL mums VICTIM REPORTING PARTY I WITNESS . . - 315130;? RACE El DOB AGE HT wr I Chambers - Lamont INTERPRETER SEEDED: SPANISH VIETNAMESE mom ADVISED: DWASSIST. ADDRESS OTHER BUSINESS AND ADDRESS WATS - 21p [mam INFORMATION: Duo" mum [Jim 31.00:: URINE PHOTOGRAPH Usonm COURT COPY I OFFICERS NAME ID NUMBER DATE SHIFTTDAYS OFF SUPERVISORS REVIEW ID NUMBER DATE PAGE OF I Hmlbach. Colin 2033 12:14:13 1128 II Rodriguez. Daniel 1659 12114418 1441 1 1g - 11mm mus-PS PRIOZB af'h?en. I REPORT mas SUPPLEMENTAL Of?ceoftheShe??' - 09.01% 311 1 90 Distribution ofChild Pomegrn'p?y 1? Nm$c$km N0. . 1 8-061.0201 1 101mm or ORIGI I mc'rm NAME (LAST. FIRST. MIDDLE mm. IF ausmassnr BODY WORN CAMERA (awe): My Body Horn Camera (EEC) was activated during my interview with V01 '_on 12/07/2013. AETABHMEHTS: Nebreske Office of the Attorney General Case Report #183373 INVESTIGATION-CONTINUED: 12 I tried contacting $01 Katrine via cell'phone L) Several 13 times, but the calls were not answered and there was no option to 14 leave a voicemeil. 16 On 08/29/2018 at approximately 1100-hours, I contacted Hebraska Icnc 17 Taskforce Investigator Ed Sexton with the Hebraska Attorney general'e 18 Office to ask for assistance. On 09/10/2018, I provided the detaile 19 of my case to Investigator Sexton and requested he attempt to locate 20 and interview $01 Henrice regerding this case. Investigator Sexton - 21 informed me he recognized 801 neuricets name because 301 Maurice is a 122 star football player for the university of Nebraska-Lincoln (URL). 24 Investigator Sexton aloe tried severel times to contact 501 Heurice 25 via cell phone but with no success.? 0n 26 Sexton received a text messege from SOll?hurice's cell phone number 27 stating, "Who is this." Investigator Sexton sent several text 28 meesngee to 801 Heurice's cell phone number, identifying himself as 29 law enforcement and requeeting a phone cell, but he received no 30'replies. OFFICER-s NAME ID NUMBER 1 DATE OFF SUPERVISORS REVIEW . 10 NUMBER one PAGE OF Haselbach, Colin 2033 12114118 1128 II F53 . fRodriguez, Daniel 1659 12114113 1441 2 19 M11195 cums PR 024? ?15 Dispibution of culldorsnugri?s?m 3533:3252: I (13335.3 1 8-061 .0201 NARRATIVE FORM LOCATION OF GREG-IN NT IF KNOWN . I VIGTM NAME (LAST. FIRST. MIDDLE (FIRM. On 09/13/2018, Investigator Sexton contacted the URL Police Department to request 501 Maurice's contact information. URL Police Department Sergeant Aaron Pembleton provided Investigator Sexton with the . following contact information for 301 Maurice their student directory: Lincoln, Hebraska 5?1 C) Sergeant Pembleton informed Investigator Sexton that the above phone number was listed in their student directory as both 501 Heurice's to 1?1 phone number and 801 Mhurice's emergency contact's phone number. U1 [The above phone number i was listed in the records I received from hm&T as another phone number on the same account --J (MET Account for Lamont Chambers (003 Lamont) l?1 on showing the above phone number was active on 003 Lamont's account 07/14/2016 until "Current" (approximately when the C) records were dated).] P0 1?1 Later that day, Investigator Sexton received a phone call from Jamie Le vaughn with the URL Athletic Department. er. vaughn indicted that in: Sergeant Pembleton informed him of Investigator Sexton's interest in U1 -speaking with $01 Mhurice. nr. veughn spoke to the URL Football Staff who were concerned about 301 Heurice needing a lawyer. ?Mr. P0 vaughn confirmed was listed as $01 Heurice's contact_ phone number with the URL Athletic Department. Mr. vaughn indicated L9 he would_attempt to set up an interview date and time for 30 Investigator Sexton to speak with 801 Heurice. OFFICERS MAME NUMBER DATE OFF SUPERVISORS REVIEW ID NUMBER DATE PAGE OF Hasslbach, Colin - . 20:13 121141131123 [1 F85 Rodriguez, Daniel 1359 12114113 1441 3 19 GIGS-F8 PR 025 ESERIEEJ Distribution of child?aofnugrl??iml' 32:33:33: 1 8-061 .0201 NARRATIVE FORM . NT Imam NAME (LAST. FIRST. MIDDLE (FIRM. IF On 09/14/2018, Investigator Sexton was contacted by an attorney, Jon Bruning, who indicated he had.been contacted by the URL Athletic Department about $01 Mhurice. Hr. Bruning said he was representing the Athletic Department at the current time. Investigator Sexton inforned.Mr. Bruning about the nature of the case, and indicated he would speak with $01 Mhurioe and $01 Maurice's coaches and then let Investigator Sexton know if Investigator Sexton would be able to interview 501 Mhurice. Investigator Sexton informed me he did not receive any further contact PU from any of the above individuals and does not expect he will be 5.: OJ allowed to interview 501 Mhurice. Investigator Sexton wrote an U1 incident report detailing the above and his attempts to contact 501 Maurice (Nebraska Attorney General's Office Case #133873), which he? HH ~10! later emailed to me. CO On 09/19/2018 at approximately 1240 hours, I received a phone call from Mr; Bruning. Mr. Bruning stated he was contacted by the URL C) Athletic Department to represent $01 metrics. Mr, Bruning informed h) me he had briefly spoken to $01 Mhnrice about our case. 801 Hanrice told Mr. Bruning he did not know what Hr. Bruning was talking about Li.) and he was befuddled.by it. Mr: Bruning specifically told $01 in. - Mhurice that we were investigating him for sending a video of a U1 'sexnal nature to an underage girl. 801 Maurice told.Mr. Bruning he would never do that and did not know what Hr. Bruning was talking .4 about. I again explained to Mr. Bruning my desire to have $01 28 Maurice interviewed about the incident by either Investigator Sexton 29 or myself. er. Bruning indicated he would need to speak to $01 30 Maurice to determine if that were possible. NAME ID NUMBER DATE I SIHIFTIDAYS OFF SUPERVISORS REVIEW ID NUMBER DATE PAGE OF Haselbach. Colin 2033 12114113 1123 II Rodriguez, Daniel 1659 12:14:13 1441 Distribution ofChIIdEPofhugrleiTsm? I Cairn: 32:: . 1 8-061-0201 NARRATIVE FORM LOCATION OF ORIGINAL EVENT (IF mom; I VICTIM NAME (LAST. FIRST. (FIRM. IF - commons (11/28/2018): On 11f28/2018, I emailed the search warrant notifications to the email accounts associated to the respective subscriber for each account; INVESTIGATION CONTINUED {12/07/2018) On 12/07/2013 at approximately 1655 hours, I met with? HH HO (V01-) and her mother, Stephanie (R01 Stephanie) - at Sheriff 's Office Headquarters at 55 W. Younger-Avenue in San Jose. V01 -iranted R01 Stephanie to be present during her interview La with me. I advised v01 of her right to have a Victim Advocate present during our conversation. I recorded our conversation with my Body Worn Camera (BWC) and I also audio recorded the interview. I Ch received the following statement from V01 ~51 03 5mm 05' VICTIM L0 NNMM Approximately in March of her sophomore year at - - in v01 _uao sexually assaulted by two of her claims, v01- explained to me she only knew the second boy as - but did not 24' know his first name. [At that time, R01 Stephanie interjected and 2.5 26 informed v01 27 28 V01 ?was "kind of friends" with prior to the assault, but they just had classes together and she more so only associated 29 with one night, asked v01 ?to hang out 30 with him. V01 father was sick that night and told V01 WE . ID NUMBER DATE I SHIFTIDAYS OFF REVIEW ID NUMBER DATE FREE OF Hasalbach.Colln 2033 I 121141151123 I1 F35 IRodriguezmanloI 1659 121141181441 5 19 M12193 ?lm-F5 PR 0 2'7 REPORT was . El SUPPLEMENTAL Office nftbe Sheriff CASE 311.1 PC of cnno Pornography . no. 1 8-06 1 .0201 I VICTIM NAME (LAST, FIRST, IF - J-oho could not go out. When v01 -ro1ayod this information to asked if he could. come over. and ask V01_s dad himself. V01 ?agreed, and came over to V01-'s house, and asked V01-s dad if he could take V01 ?out to get food. value dad agreed and _V01-1eft her house with LOCATION OF ORIGINAL EVENT WOW) 0040101wa When came to pick up was waiting in car. V01 udid not know prior to this I 10 evening. told V01 they were going to . ll to get food. While driving to .Jack-In-The?Box, - '12 pulled the car over at some random park. and . 13 - told W31- they were going to have a ."threesome." V01 Iii-told them, "No we're not." v01 ?told me, "But that's 15 when it all happened." and sexually assaulted 16 v01 -. secretly video recorded the sexual assault, 1? but V01- ?did not know about the video's" existe'rice ?until people 18 at school started asking her about it the next day.V01-knew 19 or_ had to have taken the video. At school V01 20 _found out they had sent it to a bunch of guys, but she had no 21 idea how many people had received it: from them. V01 ?mver saw 22 the video and thought that it had been completely deleted. 23 . 24 Stephanie interjected and explained V01 ?was not completely 25 forthcoming with information around the time of the sexual assault. 26 After the video surfaced, the staff at took of all 27 of the known involved phones and deleted the video, and then ekpelled .28 - and v01- The school notified 1201 . 29 Stephanie that VOI-was being expelled, but I 30 Staff did not contact the police. At the time, V01 -stated- OFFICERS NAME ID NUMBER DATE OFF SUPERVISORS REVIEW ID NUMBER DATE PAGE OF I to ?munch; Colin 2933 1314313 1128 I F55 Daniel 1559 12??18 1441 5 19 PR 0 2 8 . NARRATIVE FORM - LOCATION OF ORIGINAL EVENT IIF KNOWN - I VICTIM NAME (LAST, FIRST. menu-z (FIRM. IF ausmessn ?ngIE-gpr?] I FEE. 18.061-02010 1- had forced her to suck his dick, but R01 Stephanie did-not know had also sexually assaulted At the time, v01 -only said and wanted val?1:0 also orally copulate but V01 ?refused and told them to take her home. R01 Stephanie and VOl?s dad contacted the police and pursued prosecution against - Approximately over a year after the assault V01 11 as talking about what happened to her and she "slipped up" 12 her story and fihally told R01 Stephanie that - had also 13 sexually assaulted her. ROI Stephanie asked VOl-if she wanted' 14 to pursue prosecution against but v01 _wanted to be 15 done with it and chose not to.] 16 .17 v01 ?and $01 Maurice met at during their I 18 freshman year there. is a private. school for 19 grades - val-began at1=-e=rwki-n_ in 6th 20 grade, and $01 Maurice started there in 9th grade. V01 _and 21 SOIL Maurice dated for approximately six months during their freshman 22 'year there, but stayed friends after they broke up. 501 Maurice was 23 also mutual friends with and After 24 was expelled frem she did not really have any 25 contact with $01 Maurice. 26 27 At the time the video was made in 2016, V01 -did not know 501 28 Maurice had received a copy of it. Approximately six months after 29 the video {was taken, $01 Maurice threatened to send V01 ?a copy 30 of it. v01 -was 16-years-old at the time. I asked v01- NAME ID NUMBER DATE SHIFTIDAYS OFF SUPERVISORS REVIIEW ID NUMBER DATE . mes 0F Haselbach. Coiin 2033 12114918 1123 ll F35 Rodriguez, Daniel 1659 14-41 7 19 Emma timers - PR 2 9 TYP-E El SUPPLEMENTAL . 0mm oftheSheriif I CASE - I - 311.1 Distribution of Child Pornography ?wanna-$1; - No. 1 8-061 .0201 . LOCATION OF ORIGINAL - I FIRST. MIDDLE (FIRM. IF _1 1 why $01 Maurice threatened to send her a copy of the video. V01 2?was no longer dating $01 Maurice when the video was taken, but because of the video 301 Maurice thought V01 ?might have slept with other guys 1while they were together. V01 -believed she and $01 Maurice were talking via text message at the time and $01 Maurioe?s feelings were hurt. 301 Maurice said somethingto the effect of, have the video and you should watch it and it really hurt my feelings that you would do that.? ?0346}th 10 I asked v01 _how it made her feel that $01 Maurice would ll threaten to send her thevideo of her being sexually assaulted. V01 12 ueplied, "It: was almost like a feeling of, 'what the heck?? 13 You knew what happened to me and you're sitting here trying to make 14 me feel bad for what you're feeling? How about what I'm feeling?" 15 val?oontinued, guess I was just angry. -It made me really 16 upset. It was like throwing it back in my faoe when he was a part of l7 everything that happened. 18 - 19 I asked V01 ?how it made her feel to find out this video existed 20 in the first place. V01 ?replied, ."Freaking awful. I don't 21 know?, it's on. the Internet. I mean, they have it, so they could put 22 it anywhere. They could put in on some website. It could really 23 mess up my future. 24 It made me sad that they too}: that video, but there's nothing I could 25 do about it. I mean there is something I could do about it now, 26 that's why I'm here." 27 28 I asked V01 -about being sent the video in March 2018 from 29 L. v01 ?explainedlshe still has never seen the 30 video, since it was deleted by _-staff in 2016, and NAME l-D NUMBER DATE SHIFTIDAYS OFF SUPERVISORSREVIEW ID NUMBER DATE 0F Haselbach. Colin 2033 - 121143131123 11 F35 Rodriguez, Daniel 1659 121141131441 3 19 mas PR 030 3R: {13011110139921 alstribu?on of Child-Poggrlai?i?ml- - I (39:35:3ng [LabsNARRATIVE FORM LOCATION OF ORIGINAL IF Known . . . VICTIM NAME (LAST. FIRST. MIDDLE (FIRM. IF 1 R01 Stephanie had intercepted the video and deleted it from V01 2-3 cell phone when it was sent to V01-in March 2018. 3 V01-also did not see the text messages that came with the video because 3.01 Stephanie had v01 ?s cell phone at the time. who owned the phone number V01 ?stated she did not recognize it. V01 -searched her cell phone for the 4 5 6 . 7 V01 -confirmed her phone number was When I asked 8 9 0 1 number but could not find the contact in her phone. I explained to 11 V01-that as the phone number used. by the suspect 12 to send-her the video in March 2018. 13 14 Stephanie-interjected and stated on the night the video was sent 15 to V01.- R01 Stephanie was in possession in VOI-s cell 16 phone beoause V01 _had gotten in trouble at home and her phone "17 had been taken'away. When R01 Stephanie saw, the message and video 18 was sent to 1Mil-Ms cell phone, R01 Stephanie showed it to V01 19-3 father. R01 Stephanie then decided to delete it off V01 20 ?s cell phone knowingthat the messages were backed up on R01 21 Stephanie's iPad. Ros. Stephanie and V01_?s father decided to 22 call the Sheriff's Office at that time. 1201 ?Stephanie did not tel]. 23 V01 ?about the message and video until after initially speaking '24 with Deputy Blunt. 25 26 V01 ?stated when R01 Stephanie told her about the message and 27 video, 1201 Stephanie 3am, 'Maurice sent you this.? v01 -told 28 me even if R01 Stephanie had not told her it was 801 Maurice 1who sent 29 her the video V01 -would have assumed it was him because he 30 was the only person in the past who had ever threatened to send the OFFICERS NAME ID NUMBER DATE OFF SUPERVISORS REVIEW ID NUMBER one PAGE OF . Haselbach. Colin . 2033 12114118 1128 ll F83 Rodriguez. Daniel 1359 1314113 1441 9 19 "m PR 031 swarms ??135 18-061 0201 NARRATIVE FORM - ii ?iN OF ORIGINAL EVENT IEF I VICTIMNAM NAME FIRST MIDDLE (FIRM video to V01 and $01. Maurice was also the only person who ever told 1201- she should watch the video. I asked v01- why Maurice would have sent her the video. V01 -replied, "He doesn't like me for some reason and I don't know why. Probably because things ended badly between us when we were that young and I really didn care . Stephanie interjected and stated she believed $01 Maurice was listed as a known contact on V01 -s cell phone at the time in March 2018, but she was not certain. I explained to R01 Stephanie and van. -that when I first spoke with 301 Stephanie about the incident. R01 Stephanie stated she had done some Internet research and believed the phone number was registered to ?Lamont Chambers" 1155 (003 Lamont) 1?11?1 am V01 "stated she did not know who "Lamont Chambers" (003 Lamont) W35 . moo [301 Stephanie interjected and informed vol-that 003 Lamont was $01 Matrice's' stepfather.] I asked VOl?when she last had spoken with $01 Maurice prior to (A) the day 301 Maurice sent her the video. VOI-and $01 Maurice . db had not spoken in approximately 1 to 2 years before the incident. Vin?end 501 Maurice had been friends on Instegram for a. while. am They were not friends on any other social media platforms. CD Just prior to the video being sent to V01-'s phone number on U) 03/02/2018, v01 -could not recall if she initiated the 30 OFFICERS NAME 10 NUMBER DATE SHIFTJDAYS OFF SUPERVISORS REVIEW ID NUMBER DATE PAGE OF Hasalbach, Colin 2033 1214113 1128 II FSS conversation with $01 Maurice or if he reached out to her. V01 Rodriguez. Daniel 1659 1314:1314? 10 19 M1235 ?lm PR 0 3 2 ,r aspen-r ms SUPPLEMENTAL 31.1.1 PC Distnbutian of Pornography Genome Sheriff . CASE Slim County ND. FORM 18-061-0201 OF ORIGNAL EVENTIH: ?10le - NAME (LAST. FIRST. MIDDLE (Flag. 1F I ?explained that over the past year. or so, she believed that she and $01 Maurice had possibly randomly sent each other messages, such as ?What's up," but neither of them responded. YOl-believed she might have reached out to 801 Maurice in March 2013 just to say "what's up", or possibly to ask 501 Maurice why she was blocked on his Instagram or something like that, and shortly afterwards $01 Maurice responded by sending V01 -the video of her "getting raped" with- the message, "Remember this hoe." Before that exchange, Locaqmmewm Will-could not remember any specific contact or' comunication with $01 Maurice. V01 was not sure if she had .reached out to Maurice on. Instagram or through iMessage in March 2018 . I asked Val-about the text messages she sent to $01 Maurice 1-: on after she received the video such as her saying, In'Send me that again as U1 I didn't see it." V01 -explained at the time she thought ROI Stephanie had deleted the . video from both her cell phone and the 1.1 iPad, and V01 -was trying'to get $01 Maurice to" send the video (1) again to get proof of the incident. 1.1 KG I explained to val-I had wiritten search warrants to Instagramp MET, end Apple to, try to piece together any of their conversations that might have taken place before the video was sent. it went on through the following records 111th .2: 01 Apple Records Ch I explained to VOIche following iMessage Capability Log 00 entries from 501 Maurice' 3 Apple iCloud account, including the one N) LD below with the date/ time consistent with the video being sent as an . 30 iMessage from 301 Maurice's phone number to val?s phone OFFICERS MK [0 NUMBER DATE SHIFTIDAYS OFF SUPERVISORS REVIEW ID NUMBER DATE PAGE OF Hmlbach. Colin, 2033 12:14:131128 FSS Rodriguez, Daniel 1659 12114113 1441 11 19 amaze-1 mm: PR 083 REF-QRT I SUPPLEMENTAL Of?ce of?ae Sheriff CASE I 31.1.1 PC Distribution ofChIld Pornography ?mgg?c;o? N0. 1 8.061 .0201 LOCATION ORIGINAL EVENT mo - menu was (LAST. FIRST. MIDDLE (FIRM. 1F number 1 2 3 irosessage Capability Log Entries 4 2018?02?22 5 2013?02?23 93$ 6 7 8 9 2018-02-23 22:02:10.123 2018-03?02 08:43:34,955 PST [This entry was the same date/time V01 -reoeived the video sent by 2018-03-12 02:15:19.592 PDT 10 11- In regards to the log entries on 02/22/18 and 02/23/2018, V01- 12 o'ould not remember what those messages were. . VOI?said, "I'm 13 guessing he reached out ,to me or I reached out to him." ?In regards 14 to the log entry on 03/12/2013, v01- could remember that I 15 message either . 16 17 Stephanie interjeoted and stated she blocked. 801 Maurioe's phone 18 number .) on their devices shortly, after Val?was 19 sent the video. R01 Stephanie explained SOIL Maurice might have tried 20 to send. another message to V01_s cell phone on 03/12/2018, but 21 it would not have gone through because his number was blocked.] 22' 23 24 25 I asked. V01 ?about the following ATET SMS message log entry for 26 $01 Maurioe's phone number -27 _28 SMS Log Entry 29 03/12/2013 09:15:24 UTC, From: Q, To:? 3 0 we ID NUMBER DATE on: SUPERVISORS REVIEW ID NUMBER DATE PAGE OF Haselhach. Colin 2033 12914313 1128 [1 F35 Rodriguez, Daniel 1559 1314MB 1441 12 19 mass GIBBS-55 PR 34: Ag.- - 3333353333 - - 18-061-0201 NARRATIVE FORM LOCATION or ORIGINAL Mm IF m0 . . mom NAME (LAST, mast MIDDLE (FIRM. IF Again, V01_could not recall a message from this date and. time. [As we discussed it and converted the time from use to realized this log entry took place approximately 5 seconds after the message Capability Log Entry on 03/12/2018. This appeared to be consistent with $01 Maurice attempting to send val-an iHessage, the message not going through because his masher was \omum'mem?mw blocked, and. then 501 Maurice's messaging service automatically 10 rerouting the message through Ate-I as an SMS message. But again it 11 would have been blocked on V01-'s cell phone so she would not 12 have reseiVed it.] I 13 14' Instagram Records: 15 16 I asked V01 ?about the following Instagram messages I located .17 from $01 Maurice's Instagram account: 18 19 oz/zsjsala 01:01:30 use . 20 -: How you been stud 21 . . 22 _explained she was saying hello. VOI-further 23 explained she was not romantically pursuing $01 Maurice and did not 24 mean for the above message to be taken that way. V01 -then 25 said,_ was flirting there; I don't know why, but I didn't-hate him .26 or not like him until recently because I never knew he was this 27 involved that I know he is now. I would have never said that knowing 28 what I know now after everything."] 29 30 02/23/2018 01:01:37 UTC OFFICERS NAME ID NUMBER DATE OFF SUPERVISORS REVIEW ID NUMBER DATE PAGE OF- Hasslbach. Colin 2033. 12:14:18 1120 Rodriguez, Daniel 1050 12:14:101441 13 x10 arms I I PR 0 3 5 l/Nv? - [El SUPPLEMENTAL 331.1 Pr: Distribution of Child Pornography O?'lcc 0! ?le She?riff . Santa County man/am]; FORM 13-001-0201c LOCATION OF ORIGINAL EVENT IFWOWNI 1-: Haven't talked. to you in {minute VICTIM NAME (LAST. FIRST, MIDDLE (FIR-M. IF 02/23/2018 01:51:24 UTC godslightZOQ-z Who is this . Luke-00M 6 02/23/2010 01:51:47 urc- 8 . 9 02/24/2010 03:53:20 000 - 1'0 Didn't even call me back 101 12 [votexplained she might :have tried to video chat 801 Maurice 13 Ehrough Iostagram DM (direct message), and he did not answer.]' 14. 15 02/24/2018 05:43:09 UTC 16 I1: I. didn't our. you was trippin 17 19 [VOl?b'elieved $01 Maurice might have been referring?to 19 something that happened in the past. that she or he was angry abm:rt:,r 21 . 22 02/24/2018 05:54:43 000 20 but she did not know'what he was specifically talking about?! 1 23 Maw 24 25 02/24/2010 05:54:45 26 No I wasent 2 7 . 28 29 V01 ?did not believe there was __any additionei commication 30 between them that was missing from all of the above records. - V01 Hmlbac?. Conn - . 2033 12/14/10 1128 [u amoraws NAME ID NUMBER DATE OFF supanwsoasnawew ID NUMBER FSS Rodriguaz, Dania! 1659 1211 ?18 1441 mm REPORT wpe . SUPPLEMENTAL Of?ce af?ae Sheriff CASE I - 311.1 M: Distribution Pornography 133$; egg; l- we. 18-061 .0201 mono; . . - ausmess_ 1?believed their Instagram conversation ended with $01 Maurice 2 just not replying to her last couple messages and then V01- 3 stopped messaging $01 Maurice; 301 Maurice also has a Twitter account, but V01_has never messaged him on there. In regards to their recent communications (February 2018 into ?March 2018) I asked V01_if Maurice tried to pursue her romantically at all. V01 said, neither of then: tried to pursue anything romantically. VOI-explained that $01 Maurice moved 10 to Texas approximately one year after they broke up freshman year. l1 VOL?and $01 Maurice were kind of "on and off" again during- 12 that year, (but they had not been romantically involved at all since 13 $01 Maurice moved away._ V01 _estimated that 501 Maurice moved Lomqmm'o.? 14 away? during their junior year, approximately in 2017. 16 I asked V01 _why she might have reached out to $01 Maurice in V. . 17 February/Marcher 2013'. V01_said, "Probably to talk about his 18 football and my softball and school stuff like that. It was 19 completely platonic to the." VOl?explained at the time of the 20 incident she knew $01 Maurice was playing football in Texas and had 21 some offers from different colleges. 22 23 Stephanie interjected and said she believed prior to $01 Maurice 24 sending the video to V01- VOI-showed her father and R01 25 Stephanie a video or Facebook or something that showed 301 Maurice 26 had become a star football player. R01 Stephanie recalled-that V01 27-mentioned she reached out to 801 Maurice, and R01 Stephanie 23 tried 'to tell? V01.to leave 301 Mauricealone and not to waste 29 her time with him.j 3 0 i NAME ID NUMBER one SHIFTIDAYS OFF SUPERVISORS REVIEW no NUMBER DATE PAGE OF Hasalbach. Colin - 2033 12(14113 1128 ll FSS Rodriguez, Daniel 1659 12114:?! 1441 15 19 mums mm PR 0 3 I [aspen-rm SUPPLEMENTAL Of?ce onto Shem . CASE 314.1 PC Distribution of Childglomography Sum Clar- County I 1 8-0 61 '0201 NARRATIVE FORM VICTIM NAME (LAST. FIRST, MIDDLE (FIRM. IF Near the start of our interview, VOIL- asked me if she would need to watch the video. I explained to V01 -she did not have to see the video if she did not want to. val?stated she was LOCATION OF ORIGINAL EVENT (IF KNOWN willing to view the video to try to properly identify the individuals in the video . I played the video for V01--. V01 .identified herself, - and as the three individuals depicted in the 9 video, and she confirmed they were all engaged in a sex. act. 10 -explained, in the video, hand?could be seen on 11 the back of her head, and was "making me suck his dick so 12 he was shoving my head down." VOI-further explained that - 13 was the black male squatting behind her exposed buttocks. V01 14 -exp1ained pants were off, he was nude from the 15 waist down, and he "couldn't get hard so he is jacking himself off." 16 I asked V01 ?if anything happened with after. the 17 video out out. V01 - said eventually became erect 18 and "he had sex with me" in the same position she was in in the 19 video. stated she was confident she was the female in the 20 video based on what happened to her. 21 22 V01 explained they were in an SUV?type of vehicle and all of 23 the rear seats were folded down. was in the far back of 24 the vehicle and was towards the front of the vehicle, with 25' VOI?between them. V01 -explained she was 15-years-old 26 in the video and she believed and were either 27 1'7 or 18-years?old in the video. V01 imlained she was a 28 sophomore in high school at the time and both an? 29 were juniors, but V01 -was young for her grade. 30 OFFICER-s NAME ID NUMBER DATE SHIFTIDAYS OFF SUPERVISORS REVIEW [0 NUMBER DATE PAGE OF Haselbach. Colin 2033 1314MB 1128 ll . FSS Rodriguez. Daniel 1659 12:14:13 1441 16 1B - mum clue-rs 3 g; . 3533333231 Distribution of $333235 I 1 8&061 -0201 NARRATWI: FORM - OF ORIGINALWEVENTIFMOWNII VICTIM NAME (LAST, FIRST, MIDDLE (FIRM, IF I asked VOI-how she felt about SDI Maurice sending her the video. V01 - replied, "Gross. I don't know how to explain. Physically I feel gross. Watching that video because I Iwas '15 in it. . .Now- I can look back and say that it made me feel like my innocence was taken from me but at that time I didn't feel like that. I, just felt terrified and scared. But now when he sent me that message it just makes me. so angry, it just reminds me that happened and it took my innocence away like that. It makes me feel like really angry. I?m not sad, I'm not any of that, it just makes me anger- I asked V01 -shat her thoughts were on why 801- Maurice sent her the video. V01_replied, IiTo fuck with me. Because he doesn't. like me and he's an asshole so that's the kind of stuff he does. I'm just guessing he's the type of guy who gets a naked picture from a girl or something and sends it to all his friendsguy who doesn't treat women very well so I'm sure he was just trying to hurt me because he thinks I'm a hoe or something. And that's not what I am, so. . .I just think he sent it to me because he's a bad person and he wanted to?mess with me. [During the interview. Stephanie pointed out that back in? 2016. VOl?was not very forthcoming with information and the details of the sexual assault were not completely reported to law enforcement. I asked V01 if she wanted to be reinterviewed about the entire sexual assault and seek additional prosecution and/or vol did not want to 28 pursue-the sexual assault case any :EurtherJ 29 30 V01 _stated she wanted to seek prosecution against 801 Maurice NAME Haselbach. Colin ID NUMBER DATE SHIFTIDAYS OFF supermsoss REVIEW ID NUMBER DATE PAGE 2033 131013 1123 ll Rodriguez. Daniel .1659 12114118 1441 1? 19 Mum ems-E3 PR 3 :?leRLgi?E?I] Distribution of $31!ng we 1 8-061 .0201 NARRATIVE FORM LOCATION OF ORIGJNAL EVENT IIF WWI VICTIM NAME (LAST. FIRST. MIDDLE (FIRM. 1F BUSINESSD for sending her the video. INVESTIGATION CONTINUED (12/07/2018): Sheriff's Office Headquarters. I later transferred the audio and video of the interview onto a blank-DVD. also transferred Investigator Sexton?s report onto a separate CD. I submitted both 2 3 4 . 5 We concluded the interview-- and V01 ?and R01 Stephanie left into the Evidence Room at Sheriff's'Office 10 Headquarters. 11 12 CONTINUED (12/14/2013); 13 14 As of 12/1412018, I had still not heerd.back from MI. Bruning about ?15 whether or not 801 Haurice was_willing to be interviewed; I sent him 16 emails with copies of the search warrents and left a message with his 17 office to request he contact me. 18 19 On 12/14/2018 at approximately 1000 hours, Mr. Bruning called me back. 20 He informed me he had-just received the copies of the search 21 warrants. Hr. Bruning said he would.let me know about an interview 22 after he reviewed the search warrants and spoke to $01 usurice. 23 24 END OF BEFORE. 25 26 27 28 Detective C. Heselbach #2033 Supplemental Report NAME LHaselbach. Colin NUMBER DATE . 2033 12114318 1128 Rm 12m :1 W5 SHIFTIDAYS on: I SUPERVISORS REVIEW muse: DATE PAGES -. F83 Rodriguez, Daniel 1659 1214118 1441 13 or 19 0&0 REPORT TYPE . SUPPLEMENTAL CASE NO- HAZARD 314.1 PC Distribution of Child 'Pomography . PROPERTY . 18-061-0201C SOURCE CODE: FINDER OWNER SUSPECT VICTIM SOURCE LAST. FIRST, MIDDLE IF RESIDENCE ADDRESS and PHONESUSINESS PHONE and ADDRES Of?ce of the Sheriff Santa Clara County 55 War Younger Avenue San Jose CA95110 (408) 303?4500 PROPERTVCODES LOCATION CODES DISPOSAL REQUEST SEARCH WARRANT CLAIM EVIDENCE L-II LOCKER NUMBER I POUND . 515D .1 3102 and I DW120235 SAFECEEPING REFRIGERATOR I UNDER OBSERVATION VICTIM WW CODE SOURCE QTY PROPERTY TYPE BRAND MAKE MODEL 3 1 statement LOCATION SERMWBER mam WE ??35 g? BAR CODE DVD containing mcordings of statement from momma Bar cod 0 ITEM ~on SOURCE OTY PROPERTY TYPE MODEL . 4 1 In cldent mport LOCATION - PROCESS SERIAL NUMBER 55 w. Younger Avenue. San Jose VALUE Lac 000E EVIDENCE . 3 BAR CODE ?530mm" CD containing PDF OOpy Of Nebraska Ofino Of the Attorney General Report #183373 writtan by Investigator- Ed Sexton on 09(19I201a 33'0?? FOLLOW UP OFFICER: . Pm. FOLLOW UP SPECIAL mug-mus: RELEASE TO: [3 PERSON NAMED ABOVE NAME ADDRESS . I: FOLLOWING NAMED PERSON WHO HAS BEEN NOTIFIED ON THE DAT BY OFFICER TO PICK UP THE FOLLOWING ITEM - AUTHORITY FOR RELEASE CASE STATUS STAFF APPROVAL DATE RELEASED BY gamma RELEASED APPROVAL OF THE NAME ADDRESS CITY DATE ABOVE SPECIFIED ITERS AUTHORITY FOR DESTRUCTION BY DESTROY THE FOLLOWING AND AUTHORITY FORAUCTION CASE STATUS AUCTION THE FOLLOWING . ADDRESS CITY CI RELEASE TO: . WHO HAS BEEN NONFIED DH THE DATE BY OFFICER TO PICK UP THE FOLLOWING TTEM AUTHORITY FOR RELEASE CASE STATUS STAFF APPROVAL DATE RELEASED BY DArernA-S RELEASED APPROVAL . IACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF THE NAME ADDRESS -- CITY DATE ABOVE SPEEDFIED ITEIIS OFFICERS ME I ID NUMBER I DATE OFF SUPERVISORS REVIEW ID NUMBER DATE PAGE OF Hasalbach, 203:1 1211411 1128 ll FSS Rodriguez. Daniel 1859 12114118 1441 19 1O Rum-O SIM-F3 0 4'1 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL NEBRASKA DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE CRINIINAL BUREAU Investigations Unit Case Information Report Report Submitted by Investigator Ed Sexton I . 19 September 2018 Case: 183 873?Assist to Santa Clara County Sheriff Pgrsogs Mention ed: Detective Colin Haseibach Santa Clara County Sheriff?s Of?ce 5 W. Younger Avenue San Jose CA 95110 408-808-4309 o?ice Maurice Washington b/m 12-17-1999 University Suites 124 - 1780 Street Lincoln, NE 68508 408:656-861 1 Sgt. Aaron Pembleton University of Nebraska Police 402-472-2222 Jamie Vaughn University of Nebraska Athletic Department Executive Associate Athletic Director Jon Burning Brunini Law Group Details: On August 29, 20! 8 I was contacted by Detective Celin Haselbach ofthe Santa Clara . CountyCaiifomia Sheri??s Of?ce requesting assistance on a case he was working. He indicated his victim was now 17 years of age, but when she was 15 years of age, she was recorded while engaged in a sex act with two acquaintances, (I was not sure if the act was 20180919 INVESTIGATIVE ASSISTDOCX 1 COURT COPY PR 942 a consensual). The video was distributed to others at her school and the individuals were prosecuted. The school did take action and it was thought that all copies of the video were destroyed. Detective Haselbach said the victim and Maurice Washington were acquaintances while in 8mm 9th grade, before Washington moved to Texas. In the last year they renewed their acquaintances and when Washington began making sexual advances via social media, the victim told Washington that she wasn?t interested in that type of relationship with him. Reportedly Washington was very aggressive and eventually the victim blocked communications with Washington through the social media. In March of 20 8, the victim received "a text message from and attached to the message was the video of the victim having sex. It included the comment ?do you remember this hoe". The victim recognized the number as Washington?s. Detective Haselbach said he had attempted to contact Washington via the phone number but the phone number was not answered and he couldn?t leave a message. Detective Haselbach said he was able find information on Washington?s Instagram account about Washington accepting a scholarship offer at UNL, so he was reaching out for assistance in interviewing Washington and obtaining contact information so they could supply notice of search warrants to Washington. I agreed to interview him but asked for reports and a list of points that Detective Haselbach wanted answered. I received that information via email on September 10, 2018. Using the phone number provided as Washington's, I called on the 10'11 at 14:51, l5z40, and 19:45. .I again called the number at 08:08 on the Each time the phone was answered by arecording indicating the subscriber was unavailable, but there was no option to leave a message. I At 08:27 on the I received a text message from the number asking ?Who is this". I sent :1 messages with my name and telling them I needed to speak with them. I told them if they wanted to verify who I was to obtain the number for the Attorney General?s Of?ce, call AG Of?ce and ask for me. I also, provided my phone number. I did not get any response to that text. . On September 129? I sent a text message to telling them, sti i] need a call. This won?t go away." Later in the afternoon of the 12*, I called UNLPD Investigations and leaving a message requesting someone contact me. On September 13th I again sent a text message to . saying ?Please call. . .I?d prefer to handle this between us but if I need to involve AD I will.? At 08:20 received a return call from Sgt. Aaron Pembleton, UNLPD. Ibrie?y explained that I was lookin to talk to Maurice Washington and requested his address which Sgt. Pembleton supplied to me and phone number. The one listed on the student directory was but Sgt. Pembieton 20180919 INVESTIGATIVE ASSISTJJOCX 2 .PR 322:3 noted this number was the same for both Washington and his emergency contact (I didn?t get the name but assumed it was his mother). Sgt. Pembleton also told me UNLPD has a liaison th use at the Athletic Department and provided contact information for Jamie Vaughn He said that Vaughn would probably be the ?rst point of contact but Patrick 0? Kali-was another contact. At 13:14 I received a call ?mm Jamie Vaughn He indicated that Sgt. Pembleton had told him earlier' in the day that I might be giving him a call. He said he was waiting for my call but was contacted by Football Staff who wanted to know what was going on and knew that I was looking to talk to Washington. They were concerned about him needing a lawyer, so Vaughn decided to contact me. . We briefly discussed my need to talk to Washington as well as the best time to meet or talk to Washington. It was my understanding that Vaughn would try to set something up for the week of the 173', dependent on Washington? 5 schedule and mine. Vaughn asked if Washington was aware that I was looking to talk to him and I told him about the attempts at calling and the text message I had received. Vaughn did con?rm the phone number was the number the Athletic Department had listed as a contact number for Washington. On September 14til our of?ce received a call from an attorney, Jon Bruning, who indicated he had been contacted by members of the Athletic Department about Maurice Washington. Bruning said he was representing them as an Attorney at this time, but if this was a criminal matter, he would probably refer the case to another attorney. The nature of the case was disclosed and at the end of the discussion, it was my understanding that Bruning would talk to Washington and his coaches, then let me know if; or when, I would be able to interview Washington. Bruning also said he might reach out to Detective Haselbach. Not having heard back, on September 19?1 I called Mr. Bruning?s of?ce and left a message asking him to call. When Bruning called, he said that he had talked to Washington and Washington claimed to have no idea what we were talking about. According to Bruning, Washington seemed legitimately confused and said that he didn?t have any video like that and wouldn?t send it if he did, Bruning asked if the Califomia authorities were looking to charge Washington and I told him that it was my understanding they were probably going to charge him with a - misdemeanor in California. I also recommended that Washington, or his attorney, 20130919 INVESTIGATIVE ASSISTDOCX 3- PR 04121: contact Detective Haselbach to dis?uss the case in more detail and to provide an address so Detective Haseibach could send warrant paperwork to Washington. I do not anticipate being allowed to interview Washington. :51 End of Report E28 20180919 INVESTIGATIVE ASSISTJJOCX 4- PR 04:5