Approved For Release 200559er 400110007_2 13 FEBRUARY 197.6 ii L. mw/ Lu 71:23 LS- ?i ER CIA-.5 .4. The euphemism for it is ?tile flu - It?s really a lot grosser than that It?s-r the pits. It? awful - I think- the Whole worid?s gotit. It' s. gone through the Olympics, it?s gone _3 ?irough the Flyers and it? cutrently: . going through Ines:i But the e?le?d?f'ihsists, eizicl, Eeady I or not, Valentine? 3 Day is upon us 3 ve just been thinking what the Vale-:- cnrine cards would be like if they, were written in the sour disoriented malaise of the flu. - - ?Db; well the flii doe; that to you It turns yoii cynical.- It' gives you the; feeling thitt- when the postman Comes :tomorrpiif he?ll probably ?swift the: inhiltio; With Iittle. cilpidj s-darts like this ?one from a couple of our colied?? 'tive sacre {admit .5, That?s just; way? jOf showing o?slove . ?And We?d like to says-?ff. Valentine Wis-hes on this special day, ?from ?le- FBI and Approved For Release 2005/01/12 CIA-RDP88-01315R000400110007-2