Dnm?pilm comedies Aolion 135.'.2 Lnoare en3p 11entll1 zndeo am.I no er.l1ea1r.: equp-eerl. elea'naar. rent-rash my. e'entdnar turn: or rla'I1-11atle -nul:l pzraanersorntt'er enupe-e? n-11:I1e :r tt'I-1 1:1e mmre men I5:n 5um d5repar pr tin-I1 mats-urn eounrnerr. 5 a haze-n to tle.l1ea rn. pro-perta- :Inv'oal'eli.I :rl'li1e put: Df :IeeLFan: er?'e 5e: 5tueh..re Fle- :wealfre pars. plane-1e 'e-o amt.- I'rnrn Tarn-nane ten?: Innunln: nutnnt Ii? ted '33 ?El' El?n. Responseioostidate Berlin-1 332.? ann pie-nee: snarl ne 'nal'rta he: 'r-n GearJre'nn-re run-tron and near.5al'e erd earner..- rand-.541 The pl:n..par: teep weed:- Ii'e erirnro??ie nenperty :I1'1tIe nooupar: nep.pe5 :Iron-nn'p5 a teen and outta-'1 5321:5511 Fl.e.- we elected na'let- tart-zen. an: emnenns rr'atera the m4: senile-'1 332.3 5nape5 and and 5 - Ia- area:- 5tlarl are kept apt-.Iuner stale o?repalr. e'ner Irp haze-d5 Ito-'11 na-trhp men. and ma null-1e: I'ree?rnn" hanrdou: canntto-rs. Germ-1 332.4 P'e? .eoerd elierorpro-pe'ta' ml ne 'nal'naredf'ee Mewari'r remove a He'd-nun l'ror n-een5 paint pro-.111 emoe55 hoa?nu: weed: ard part ornam- ?nu-11 ween: 5I1a I:e pr. l1trten IHeedo 5l1a' be de?nen at. an emperor. um 55e5 annualpan: ann veaelalinn. :ttIerli1aI11ree5 n: 5hrun5 :fp'alzled; t-nweoer :l15 1e1? otul I121 r-olude cue-ended Towers ann gen! 5 Seem-1 332.5 armresar-derterern'opem-ot-avl DE lept?ree rode-11 ha-n-onge ann I-1I'e5lntor. nr other ten-'5 sen-no at: hernia-3e ?or rndenb. Germ-1 332.1I .?noe55or5- men-e5. femur-J detained :a-ane-s. fence:- Hepat- replace he named: and well: it'll be mar'aned 5' told and emu-1:! the 5am: mar- Eenllorl 332.5 ten per5o-1 maul l' truly- arm-11ml; Ila-age. 'U't-ate Fle" :I-re oran'lt 11-11 the erler-nro?the neraee any elteror 5u'reoe :rana- semntu'eoe'nulnn: nn aru- plwenu nan-ch: thereon-1 any mam-1:. nan-nu our ura11'5. It 5ha.= be The rennet-'15 nl 31' the nwrertn res-ore :adsur'aoe 1o er- Me rralnlenanee an: leper. Benton 333.' non: 5ha- be Fenlalnen In a nean ard Ftan-re "n5h e-"m :un5j-l'rnrn a'1n l'1 pond rep-M l'lnalirI: r-o'ue non area. Fro-pedg' 1a: nan the :o-z-Madnn area to prev-e11 a man: Gentle-I1 333.3 vernal-an: tun5 and Inotal pal-Ten anon: nn-nlsor mater-115m run-1 22- rohes I-1 :Ienlrl 5I1a be Inna: a1e-.1r.e altar-1e!- not e55 nan-1 rot-e5 hm ane-?rl 1: node. tIel:trl above the ot'en nnunn mea5uredortl1e 5deo?he na'rer nay-1'1? Tue nan Gate: ann poor:- l1 5uL'1 pal-ref: 5tIa I:e oetl' erd Eenllorl "aeelteror :Ira 5har pe mar-?ned pnod Heparnrrenuoe a decent: ream-e5 repar. :q'l'LlE'fJ'll'j 5::u-1:I ann 5mm noes a thread I: 111e pntlo oer-1::e5. net noun-es. ha hmu5 arm 5 Iar deonmtve reanireo ro-t propen- annhov'ed or ttIatare nor. oanatle 5r 5unmnn al norms unclear-d re5 5th: a In: el'l'ect5. ttla?are not plan-erg.- annoren. Chitdooriaised and and ?re pits muted and EmmoIiJle Fire Marshal Ho overgrownweeds present oniren?gr. Houiphamrds present Ho onerg'ownweeds presenlomrer?g-r. HIE Fence to be repaired 3999301? approx. 31% All 1were commissioned and designli?e'?. to 3039] Hmno swimmingpool. cleaned and emptiedide?aieddailp Hmslipeulidehaswaru' depthof? jI'Ld'tESmt?dilI?JI?. Ho 5truotnre features a5 de?nedhp [Section 304.1.1] Com Ashen BMW SID-5.1.1 {oz-romeo] Daemsmg enermma n'plujeolms naluolng. mt not Irnrteoza. 111.511 chm-es. oarocies. marquees. Ely-Is. aanhga. r're escapes. atmmhoa ma Emmet ducts rotpropeny manure-o are ancnn'od arm oznneeucns r131 male or slqoporzng ail nor'1lral loam-am rena?'Ig :Il luau e?ecs?. 3311.1 Hepara-rrenauce a. ?eece-arm ream-es metal-e natal-acresg.I anmorea. Responseicos?date Erae?stsur'auces. r-cludr-J natlrr?Ieo econ-soone- anu hares-Hes. necks and ?er-ces. shall ne malrrlares r-go-oa non-dun. Eme?srwoo-cl :u'l'aoes. emman aeeaHe-slnard loans. sha' be pra1eerecl1'l'err' the and decay- ?y'pcll??l?? or other pralectee ooaerra: or bear-em. F'eei~nn. I'lahnn ans chin-pea nah?. shall he etrr'lna1e? and sur'auces repaid-tool a nln: and mammoth. as eel as ?lsse between the enee-zo-e am: the eerrneber :rr shai I:-e rnarIarne-cl weather resls-carr. anzl eater tori: lute-ta ssr?auces suaect In ruszor :a-I'roslan sha'~ he relates In rustann can-asu-n. arm sur?auces Il'th yet-Ins and males Ir. Inhb-tl'u'nre Pasta-nu slats SHIT be removed hurr- surface-s. Gun-hoes Tar slaallzasnr. by nmlamm are ere" a1 f'onn'. Ins Fro-renal ens-oseo sur'auces eurshamao cane. 33?23 :J'aul haaeapn'm-ed adores: nun-Item paced r- a mean I: be and noble froer-e ?red or roaclfren?n: plus-r9. These r-rb-ers snail rornm ?1111 had?hnd Ere-Ella" BELLE E'rsua} ?'eauclcress a rearana emmr-e'rlr; place ?or emergent..- sen-loos. Eme?srn'arls shalt-Free I'rarn hoes. breaks. ?loose or rolznu Pan-eras; ana rr-a;nlaI-1ed eealrernrc-o? ar-:I pl'cpe?uur?auce csateo urn-ere ream-ed to prevent aelemmb-or; 3 :th Heparme hole an Ine norm Gtoune SITE-E1. current..- W-?l a med-an Cram-haw eadens ens hutnetlntes to causes. ?-re escapes. be rnarsknecl-n neo-cl rec-auras: he eropedsarcherea soastoo-e kept-n a sauna sonata-n. Where reou?recl arl expose-ashram :r metal arwoad on.? De [Horneo?ren' the e-emenls an analog: cleeau or run as cue-dad: appoa?sn :r seamen :aatr-J Ha1e-Ias. su-cn aspantersrr'l'a' :u'l'are sesame-Tl. Fro-tested ero-oseo aur'auces pursuant-o cane. Every eat-enou- slareay. deer. porch and hacony. and al: appurlesarloes enriches he mainlalrlecl stlulrturaih'sahnn. l'1 :euoreoar.n1??1 arm eagalzle :1st. 1: the ?Home: aoucls. Anehurares usecl'o'shaoe In use and l'no-cl corn: L'mers. smote slacks arcl 54:11 ar appurtenances shal terrain-amen safe and anon rec-at. Elmo-sea er'auces :Ifrr-elal 3" mos shal'o-e arsteelea I'ro?ine elements-an: anal-st decay or ext neeaol: apalcautur. o? weather csa'jrln rr'atena s.such as pal-21 :Ir s-r-Iarsur'ace a'eat'nent Rev-so.- or anr 'ne rack: or Inerasr. Ell-L'd Econ; clacrr. wnaow and a?ler o-JIs'ae aeerrnn reoures Tar Natalia-'1 arhahrlanle racrr'sJanu ereoa:a'can area:- ?oo-cl sen-ce areasorany areas more pro-duels In be Insuclecl Druzlzen I'D-no for human :a-nw?otpcr are processed. manufaclmecl satianeocrson'eo sha- be sueelecl w?h aperaoeo subtly ?mnu screen:- of 'nr5rrun' 1E- "esh oer her: {15 mesh per 252*;- j. and ever.- s :ree11 usor used for rseoteai?ro sha: have a sed-nosn: oer-re I1 waning cannt'or I'a-rfsod srepalaem area a1lhe norm eas-r barnear'ne rcersec?sn :r Samplers-teeters! an unnamed al-e}. Inslalrcnuer sr'eercnu sr Jon-er wnosws ever ?onto-1. nnce-ssr-a. parsanlrla. areas. Completed 1? Was coatedwirh u'ansparentnaatte enamel, as attested during 2015 ofoccupancjr inspection. Elearljl-r displayed above form door Covered (was sealed Elearcoat Iftrarwarentj mane enamel used Talus are anchored and secured Stack J's a?s-ndthorou?uhr by bolts (as per 2015 inpeculonsj He'll-Grill areas certi?ed and Knox Comm-r Health RssponseIoostIclate Bun-ch We Mum 2mm Encroa- oon's ooe'ahrr rams-1151 Hop-annep'ac: :Iteror nocrs- door n'oalzlled. and hell-June aha-Io: maria-rein uoccl asst-11o :51: ccv-n} arm code. Locks anal Hoar-cc?: :rul nu on: 52:15: nu sr'a :urca- securethl: :Ioor aecllon 335.?. Eneror uroprly an: He?s-nerve array-emu: sun-urn oral b-e?ree I'ror' any-accumulator o? rthIs-u or a-chmu-aned I1 In W. m: E-eclh'l 355.1 Eoen'o-ccucantcrashuchsr: sul oral runhls'un maul: 'num n: manned a czar arcl sear Ian- n'arnrr typaclnu ?ch runh sh I: reduce 111: moeo? ann nun-cram CDHIIHHE. rodntnam-o-auz. Flare :art-aoe roper canal-1r: EEDEEIIJI arou- 111: Ira-pater. Hed? ?e Dom DEde he ch-nnszer r' Irashor ml?f'?tml?ll I: no: ?he leslatl ahrrant'sclocnr. leak-'1 511'- Elm?naueo'r Four: and naval: areas. yards ann cchr's. arcl For no: con-hunted churn: ope :nr'ler opt-I1 areas on prernlses 5n: nctb: doc-mien Sun-51:1- Bt'ttl: a nun?: nulsancl: ann a manner no: cream: a nun. I: nu?sance. In: ?mid. announ- L5 run or. organ-n seamless or other arm?- I: remove- hn?nnru harm: I'ror' 111: sb'ee-t Eadie-'1 53-23 Why-e ?or-cl H131 111: Elan-cal a Fler' :Ioe al sucr- Innis :r?1nr norsclulzs a Nauru In moccunanl: pr: nl: :rl'u'e zinc-maul. Dutlonr Fusion nanen .Iaoe sen-doe rr-pnlunr 54': e1". Iu'nr aral rol DE use: 15' TEE-platf- a' uh?n: Julia-Ir. wrnuor anon-mu: :rr cal-ones ann urn:- rsla omn . dowrln?m or clar? nun. or ?or Ir manna. 111: cad: :Il'l'lc a :Jucl Harem-dimer: In t: cmcledta 'n'I-mh: the nanrcl audio-1 Eech'cacmr-er'. an: appla'czs real on InslaIv u'd'cr almral rumour Ln'lnarrs Drop-en: lam an arm mainlalned In a urea-1: anarcoeo In an manner. manner. audio-1 535A Furl: corn: no not be gen for :v'l'cr He- we alfeamr 5:1: I: power '1..rr nu Fan-uh ms.wndows. orranr-ews. or non-cult: nr?wwa anal-1E aria-1r Lm-narzs. Ins-I: prop-er Emanunl: wrnu. All doors sound aJl locks haapenetrahle Garbage requr redevelopment lilmapster Drain pipe not in legal wall: area. NIH Ho are being used as anchorage. 2 Decorative lamps to he ?dgj-i-wjre-i Approx. $255 2 Decorative lamps to he ?dgj-i-wjre-i Approx. $255