Stacey Garrett Koju (til-'1) Bis-6350 Phone 687-2204 Fax skoju?honeiawxom l't'liruuly I3. Sharon linen ticuln iltittrd hut .\iicntton: . \leiropoiitatt Hoard til'l?ttl'ilic Izdtteutton ?oil; lh'ansl'ord cutie IX Re: Rex iv? of Policies and Procedures Report and Recommendations mini-t tit-:vr MENT Dear Hoard lembers: We mutlt?l like to thank you for entrusting us to review the iV?Ietropolitan Nashville Public Schools or the "l)istrict") Policies, Procedures and Practices regarding, l?itle VI. 'l'itle \'ll and Title lX claims and investigations as well as other legal matters that are unique to educatitmal institutirms such as During the course of our review. we examined ail current Board policies relating to. employment issues as well as a random selection of investigatory tiles representing investigations conducted by the MNPS Human Resources Department that took place over the last several years. As requested. we also met with and interviewed over l?orty (40) stakeholders within MNPS. I. Privilege Issues What hollows is our report and recommendations related to the issues identi?ed in the Request for Proposal. As requested, we have delivered our report and recommendations to you in an attomey-client privileged document. We would like to point out that the Board of laducation Specifically requested this communication be sent as an attomey-client privileged document; therelore, the Board 01' Education would need: to vote to waive any privilege to this document. No individual Board of Education member should release or discuss the contents of this documentation to anyone without a lormal Board of Education vote waiving the attorney- clicnt privilege. However, realizing that this is outside our engagement in this matter. we would defer to your legal counsel?s advice regarding the privilege issue. Nonetheless, we would underscore the need for thoughtful deliberation and discussion before waiving the privilege, should you choose to do so. as it could waive all privilege associated with our review. ?ll Iininn Kiln-Hi Quit? \lnuhl.i la- r'ilu 'unlr-r Ntlulthilip 172'.) .. 1 3111111 11:11:23! [1 1111121111 11111-11 [31315121112 I allele 211'1' 111.111e1'. 211312111: 1112121. 11 eiehuled {ewe-111 1122211. 111131-11 current 11'1- i.1-1111111111.1 1211: 11111.11 :3 111111.111 peyltems 331121 others {211322; we, 2 111; .1111.- 1111312132 131122121: 5 punided 2.111 1111111111- 1:32 13121121311113] 5111-1111: e11111 111 1e {21111214232133 5 13132113135 re?ect hes-3t 3321.11 1.1211512 11:31-31:11. UT 1. 311'12331121131-1211112 1113211215 .111 1211. 11151. 5'15 1.11:22 i :1 1 \wu. 1'31111 \Vs: $3131.32 2211212152 2-: 1221. 133111132? 23212.2 111 .511 ?we? 1131111111 12-. 3'1: 1'11 '13 - 22"- 111,151.23 02 "12?12?3 Therefore we .121": 11111 231.211.1113 21 ehdnue 21ft 1111:! {h 13:15:11.! 1.13 1111. deedemmem 1.117111 {1511131111111 is. reqmred VH2 1.1.111? 2151.1. 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