NOTE: THIS IS NUT AN OFFICIAL MCFS DDCUMEHT AMEN Patrigt Parents of Rising 9th Graders! WEEDHES 1.0m?: mull; ?ung? mumwmk?m" WE ED HUT HAVE TD UP DUE for the "Giubal Community Citizenship" "diversity Sr incluaicln" course in the fall! lual change a differem elective. The schnai baarcl cannot dictate WHEN our students take course. WE need mare about what this. caurse is leaching. We l1l:tl:linl:lil,lr and ShEE?iShl?f allow aur kids In ha brainwashed and ta radical ia??lst Extremism and political without knaw-ng exactly what is in the curriculum. WE HAVE THE RIGHT TD FDR THE DNEINE VERSION SCI THAT WE CAN HAVE ACCESS TO THE COURSE MATERIALS DUE STUDENTS il'll ORDER ASSESS IT FOR DUHSELUES- WE with the "dial h?i? course mandala pasmd? by Ihl: "gang of HIEHI numbers that will Poli??ll 3nd dumb dawn the curriculum, bralnwash and ll??t?'il'lili ?55 TD Emir inn-Ila of glnhalism. Hall-Amaricamsm. and nur rhhu. c-ur I'raa speech I'l?l'ltE. and tha- l?raa spit-Em rights. at ?ul IPJ'Iill'lIrIlcn In Illa upun in MIPS ache-all. The board?s of 'dhrarsiw a inclusion? IS EIELUUE am: NOT TDLEHATE mna?ua and palrlatic {naught-1nd tenures-rim and la mar tolerate any Erprasaiclrl that d?fan [ram their mm biased. pulilicali'r correct and radll: ai lairlat lac-clingy. STAND WITH U5 mam-rm to ruin [he E-mail rm and juin fumes withclihar Ilka-mind FIFE-11 urn IS unlust mandaru and Eapl?lt? all Elf nur lanai uptinns to Mid the huard accountable ta parants. ParrintParantESFll-ISmuta: Whrmuchu?hmrd Starldup MWMWIW ammw manuccmamumamlnummpuuawms an??mrilmlnucww?cm #5 Mum HEEL ?Emil-filth Flt?i?llcirlla:I corral er-dawn. wmamm inaaE mum? mm or am Elna aun'llEnlsE Tamar-Ta rams LABEL as a nun alGl-rra'ra FREE TO amuswasn Allin OUR calmaEll muncaL AHUHDEL mum maul: