Association of Cleveland Fire Fighters Dennls E. Con-luau Lally Jr. trident mango: H. _Lally IAFF LOCAL 93 Trim-?36 Is: lice dent Pension Eene?ts Coordinator 3311 Prospecmvenue Briana-wow Cleveland, Ohio 44115 Tmsree 2nd Vice President Joseph A. Ko 5mm (216) 252?5900 Fax:(216) 252-5966 3 I eylto ia?local93. org Kevln J. Kelley EAP No Con?dence Resolution Whereas, this vote of no-con?dence is an alternative method in bringing forth concerns of public safety and mismanagement to Mayor Frank Jackson, Cleveland City Council, and the public while continuing to provide to the best of our ability, ?re and rescue services to the citizens of and visitors to the City of Cleveland; and Whereas, you Chief Calvillo violated your oath of of?ce to the Constitution of the United States, the Constitution and laws of the State of Ohio, the charter and ordinances of the Clty of Cleveland; obey the Rules, Regulations and orders of the Division of Fire of the City of by violating OAC 4123: 1-21-04 (M4) (M5), OAC 4123: 1-21-04 (L) (15), OAC 4123: 1-21 ?05 (J) and OAC 4123: 1-21-02 which provides for the annual testing of pumps, aerial ladders, ground ladders and personal protective equipment; and Whereas, you Chief Calvillo violated Rule 2.1 of the Manual of Rules and Regulations which states: ?The Fire Chief, upon all occasions shall assure that the laws of the United States, the Sate of Ohio, the Charter of the City of Cleveland, the Ordinances of the City of Cleveland, provisions of the collective bargaining agreement and any other regulations of the Division, are faithfully observed;? and Whereas, you Chief Cavillo have also violated Article 8, A. Hours of Duty, of the Collective Bargaining Agreement and Section 135.32 of the ordinances of the City of Cleveland as well as Article Contract Duration, and Whereas, you Chief Calvillo have disciplined members for bringing up safety concerns thus attempting to intimidate other members from doing the same; and Whereas, you Chief Calvillo keep a list of all of?cers who refuse to act a grade above, as is their right under Article Compensation (C) of the Collective Bargaining Agreement, to hold against them at time of promotion, thus again violating Rule 2.1 of the Manual of Rules and Regulations; and Whereas, you Chief Calvillo have suspended a member for 24 hours without convening a hearing and for a nonexistent violation, which was overturned by the Director of Public Safety, thus again violating Rule 2.1 of the Manual of Rules and Regulations; and Af?zimions: IAFF - AFL-CIO - NFPA - OHIO ?hem-as. vi ha?f? flail?! t0 Properly staff and train members of the Fire the, emm angcrand -- . - . safer} of ?re ?ghters and the citiz of arson investigations and ?th3, Preventioggu (5131:" Calv?lo have failed to properly staff, and train members of the Fire ea tab-?g away our members ability to mitigate and enforce code violations; and ?Tiers-as - . Ohio A 3?911' Chlef Calvillo have failed, by best industry practices as well as the mandates of the Code of the State of Ohio, to properly performance test ?re pumps and aenal apparatus; and EVhtireas you Chief Calvillo have failed to effectively replace apparatus, ?fty percent of which 1ty of Cleveland?s own assessment, have reached a condition of fair to poor; and Whereas, you Chief Calvillo have failed to develop and adhere to a replacement schedule for ?re apparatus and eqmpment using the best industry practices; and to develop a strategic plan using the best industry units and ?rehouses across the city of Cleveland, to gines, ladders and rescue Whereas, you Chief Calvillo have failed practices to properly redeploy, and build, improve response times and provide the proper complement of en squads; and Whereas, you Chief Calvillo have failed to hire certi?ed supervisors for daily staf?ng vacancies and have failed to train acting supervisors according to best industry practices outlined in NFPA standards, NIOSI-I (National Institute Occupational Safety Health) reports, and the Line of Duty Death (LODD) report ?om the tragic line of duty deaths in Toledo, OH dated April 14, 2015). THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the members of the International Association of Fire ave no con?dence in the leadership of Chief Angelo Fighters Local 93 declare that they kson to suspend you from duty and further call upon City Calvillo and call on Mayor Frank ac the members of the City Council safety committee to Council President Kevin Kelley and conduct a professional and independent review of the Cleveland Division of Fire for the purpose of resolving these safety issues and developing a strategic plan to better provide for our safety and the safety of all the citizens of Cleveland, especially our most vulnerable residents.