INSPECTION SUMMARY HGE OF PAGES 1 1 14 3" TELEWE arm mussahml (610)459-8103 . . - - --. . .. .?zias?? cumm- PA. 193:: Mm INSPECTIONME 3-4-34 132th DiStanislao mfl?fm FNI F. S. 91143:) Fa. 5.5. 362(6) Pa. Code -INSPE TION INSPECTION Ha?gcam?nracaj AREA Ch FEhi'I?lj" 11. 3111' the {futility pram-[ted deparbrmaal staff and no state police officers 35:55 to the facility to a child. 01 the same date. the faint} denied the ms! State palice the to privately interview a ?uid. ?tness to the facility ami the Child aid the opportw?ty tn privanaly the d?ld MES dealing: Ct?ef Executive Ufficer Lhit Lads-r other Glen :5 regaining [has amts are deacribaai helm A: 1:384, :11: depart nail: cadmted a site visit in ream II: an ant-gum of child abuse. The damn-:11 stat}? perm-1 was acmnpanied by than state police affine-rs. 1111'ng the course of the inves?gatim several a?em?uns of child ahlse were received by the State cf Dada-rare Office of ??ldren and Frm'ide inmadiate amen ?u facility] its grounds, ram-11131 staff and dx?drm mpresmmtives of Delmar-tam: and its au?mize? agents. E: Hummer: INSPECTION smpLE - . a; nu I: CQHHEBTIUN HE-DHTFIEE 35 UF GR FIESPUHSE #1 See attached Rag pm: Page 15 - I . THE- [ll'li ?mums amt car. -- TD HEEI I HAL UFFICE B?f cs me new 5mm {am} 45%3100 5?3: - August 145. IE =91: MON ?03/91/21 1:35 1360/an55! gusmu??ppwizh negmuanun mspacuun aummary - unnunuatiun Enact emu: r?bt} i 2 i 13?" - AREA HEDHIHED DATE FEW FUR 5- an: mm ED pd'uateiy mtet'fi-Eif the child ?Hid?! aggressive mam-113 and speech. Youth. .1. state palice n?icer re? qmsted 8.12255 to a d?l? in order relating [a alleaarims of dril? ah?e. Mass to the famility and the. child was mintedly da?ed and rhysically abstracted by {bit we: Enema]. a?ler Elm 91121.15 staff. arm fullad?g ambia- ath by me state pause officer that autism cf 3 crime. Al?mgh act- to the fertility cmtim?i be de?ed It?ll-estate paling- af?cer _lo:atetithecl?lda?ram?edmf placad?ed?ldinag?ice vehicle. E-t?le seated inside the golice with a state police ufficer, at least three Glen P?Jls staff m, irr- dud-in Chief Executive Officer. team to yell at af?uent Hr. _an& other Glen Mills staff dream the state wlice office.? BJEH the staff be- ?312 igeralt. The state police officer Warm arrest of the Hills staff if may did not Era-:3: away. E'aarirg is: the safety of [hie child and hill-self, tin officer: left the facility grands at? ted: the child t0 the state mljce barradts in order cmtinuad afety. they were obstructing a pelica- investi- I HON pea/atom . Inspacuun :summary - unmmuauun ?nalReclaim 3? er juu'rl'?? nm-caunmcs me?. newsman REQUIRED camps? mg??gu? cmnictgan?lfsmasi . 5 ll 5 Al: the request of the state police 5 0:5an about air. to Eight additinral state mijce permuted arrived at the I mtaaE?stefe maulstaffin 4 Earning out its statum duaias. {11. 16, 2330 the facility again pare-mtg! deparmmtal staff an: we state polite officer act-as t0 five children. {in the date. the {la-Lied the dammt and state police the appurtw?tjr tn privately interview me child- ham and the to privately in- rinse d?ldra-L was daliatl by Chief Execu time Efficer {hit leader Glen Mills staff- lib-mils cf than: events are diatribad below- Ar. appmrimately Hill-In], the depart- cmtimtad a Site uisit in resmmse tn aft allegatim cf ??ld abuse. The dewmmtal staff pal-5m was main-d by me state police officer. Hm the ?emrmamal staff parsm and state Felice uffic?r re- amed tn SEE the five chiidren ahmt hm mild 311133 ?egatim had ?hem made, FIE facility dmiai access Ito the you'dh The WEI staff 'persm reported to his Slum-visor that access 1-65 being {leniei The super visa: contacted jurisdiction responsible for the placement and requested that a 0mm be maria with [Glen Mills mailman so that ?le duldnen mad he interyiewad. It mail} after 309 {My} 38 =91: HERE an?mgnippmfalf?eg[Stratum summary - ease: I Jeanne UMP WW HECIJIRED i Hemmer: i EGHHEGTIGM DIATE PWUETS ORMNHEWNEE run or Emtm?f?ii??'?! SHINE Elia} Aimee- that departmental staff were gins: access to the youth and wraittai tn intervieu them. has to the 31341211 by state pence was de?ed by the Emility. "staff, d'ti'ld repented that he 'did we feel safe being interviewed at the facility and requestei that the intenlieu take place GEE gremfs. 'lhe facility dmied state {Juliane access to the child for the pun-mas of transporting the child be due state police hat-lacks to interviee the chiid knees to?ed?lduasdmjed hymen Hills Elief Executive Officer? Gl {3w lacedhis badf?netueenthestae Mthediild tn prevent meu?icer 'frmescm?lagduech??wastate police vehicle. The efficer was per- mitted to eszart the child off mlyafterfeadvised that rem-em; ofthewey. Wt}! staff failed in report Em 113:1de of child abnme B. 11:15 child smeared a chipped teeth and chest {mis?ts as tee-.111: of numeral w?sfment ada?r?sterezi by ma Glen Mills staff Ham, and ?She child reg-greed the injmie: to other staff meters and requestai tint manideetsbemtedin?'e w?it log. .He also requestai aedical and dental treeurmt. No report of angel child ablaze was made by the hejng Mervieued by degenerate}. Report elimidmts in 1.3mm a youth 931m abuse by a staff member to W. Revise facility policy res-arm reports of alleged entree and a?mit the. Thpertment for ammral. thawed. Depart-amt staff and facility staff jointly train all faci?tr staff in ?nd: rammi- rewrtire. All Emit? #2 See Attached Rapunse Page 16 5" Eng BE HOW lnspectmn bummary - Guntlnua?nn Shem 31my. mama" mmnsu ?m?gm gmg?l?m?E provided believedley Favehemahuaaibg 1dagasctf with any Radical care. staff at the facility. Ibunmt receipt uf 115,541- I employee's ream}. After angler mum to ym?ia? inre?da12,th?amn?1mmt?me ?ynum3:a? danmaum?m1 Ingram uf ?ne in regards: mat be placed in each. youth's We record. [see also 'currective ui??n ?6 ac?m 3830-32fb13. 1:313:51- daya of re~ Daipt of m? i BE ?31: NOW EVE MMQIQIFI . - i" Hut-1? i 14 . mum? MOM-mum my; 1 comm 1412:11er was? The facility's plan of safety far Pregame and an mplahle For Mme Elm Hills staff Miller. who plan of mparvisim for all missim of #SSeeAttached Rapnnsefagel? hem criminally charged with allegatims of child 311.55 mm Elms: aggravated Muir, simple assault 2% inns cf mtificatim to the Mid? and recklu Merriam: mFbta-u- facility an 2, did not the far imesti?tim. Far facility" siegrufch??nm. G1E?rmuy Emm??shanl?u?amntfa?l?w pnin??s: 11.332111thde wi?n'ni? State of Batman ?ffice 0f {?I?ldrm algenisinn are needed that in" days and faith staff perscn that staff dude mum of mum and of receipt person I has 5:111 writing 24112391 Ferret-ram. additim cf ?f LIE- himd?l?mianE-erl??. ?Ihe I facility's Phnaging Extracts: mnfir during the Wigntim. remal ufthea?eg?iperpetwturfm v??ad?h?ancnfimdl?,?l?. ih?dpd?hianea?inmnw?cf 1he.?leia?s phu1a?smpawigkm Bax? math: Ch nwpn?ngl? ?m??ml??ldah?? munnsafthaalhmatkna,phms inwaiig?iu?idkinntasant ?mg ofaimends?rlam??:hr?n?eany afetyti?asubjecttb?den?m 615mm- u?nasimwalatthe facility. 0f the plans of super?ne- ia15uh??uaL llc? dial31axeaxm suhdLnaiwi??IIB?fnunsnfiie ?rihmyinhejm?eam?em?iie adsnIBEci ?na?hseregnt. GE the I.3155115 receive-i, none were a??miam urm?mnz?uz??aw If ?mihmy Ami]. 51.3111. The .ffacilit;r 31 mtified the Deg-gamma hpril 5, 2503 was: time natal as 559103151 by {21.211 Hills 'Il'at pian of Wm ms acaEpt? Bi lg? the WI: an Emil 5.. KIT mam [1:31] HON KHJ tree/LIWI summary - Eli??l . I manure 1 ?Emma: 5" ma; may amniotic" REQUIRED our I i .3: has children reputed that any Provide all your]: and their paws Slat-nit - [:3an were tuld ?are muld be mmljatim With mitt?l mtice u-f their tight ta H?tt?} Attached ?15110?erng . pills if Elilii'a?tz'uae?n; cf aha: were made re- l?dga grimances a: regai- notice :rievancq ganiing Glen Hills staff. Che child, in child lights withcut fear of ne? dammit; dares. 15., Staten! that he was mm by sta?f Eliatim by staff. Pruarjde all staff to the that if the ?ail-i said he did not with mitten notice cf the medal-as W: ltotefa?mahfmagrimmorm- 15% mai Emil {32:1 Hills, {farm mild lplaint is made. Pravidgall staff days follow-i- go to his state's youth {Setmtim with witty: notice that time can be ing receipt center. Amther amth, B, stated no retaliatim of any kind against as}: {if LIS. )mthhi'nf?esagrievamearma? . at Glen Hills. ?'at he amid go Back WEE-3 far- nut-ins to his emety?s detentim cmter and staff who ?ulate this pulicy- 3mm and mild have [It SEER his uranium: all All mural mute amipahny .stat?? P3331125 and mam. C. stated mantobaammeihy?mtEmt-r Wt?l that: he was told by men mus staff neat. Evidence uf this nus: be rmzh's in 15313ij Hall that cl?ldrm win videi to the mama. m= q?mkeallaa?msoidu?dam 33mm never win. He also stated that after the case is wfun?ed, Glen rams remain: at? awldaaerhechild's 313115 false mum. 333?} Applicarim 9E the facility's level abo?sh the seven level beluvior _M5-5h 55M Eif- system of restrictive procainmes mama-1:: Fancy. Elm be all Attach? Ragmgyage 19 5' subjacts thildrm to corporal 11-119:- dly?cal embact bets-earl staff 351:1 Immiiataly The Eliminate level system is applied to a?m'rdster With the restrictive grandma ra- El! mrpaml mi??utent fur behavim' quinatmts 0E ??pter mass?213. 1351'- :ranagmt mm. Glen Mills {see mauve anti-:11 for 3330,3331)? Sta-ff and staff are a?ficimtly ?mta?ng Ptmride all staff with mitten notice with lmd?ldrm?atmed?ld.?, stated that he inflicted serials magma: is abolished effattive in:- seat; the 1:1ij ta hjnaelf in under to mtay. and mam: get to a Radical facility in an facility 11?qu raga-ring the pruced? 351} Efforttorepca-tahusemsam outside the fadlitr. {he child, mysical contact beam: staff and 3:31? Tm_ ?mm a sax-ant smting that he that Email}! am SHEAR-213. in tifs mmamma?mn 3E =91: HON XVIE vac/BTW ??gistrati?n Inspacnan summary - unnunuauan Shae! mail: man: I 14 - {1 ?8 Fez-mam 5- . 5. . me. I amateurs? HEOLHHEG amalgam mm?dshith for fear of retaiiatim by staff. are with the palicr. Retain a con- sham Che ymth. E1 stated ?at staff told sultan: apprwed by the Emmi-ml: ta signal by him that it was written into Glen assist with prematim of facility Filth: Fills policy that children can he policy and disziplimry Wm. 19 mic pmdaad by staff anytime farm the Retain all staff using curricule ?01m re- neck to the mist. Eight of the and trainers approval by the Beam-t- reign: of . children rem-tar}. that they were went. Cmduct staff tt'air?ng with 1335? kicked, guided, in the consultatt and Ebpattnmizl staff [Dem amt", slapped; washed or ?amed amt. (hr?uzt mat-?lms um: all law into malls by eightea: diffamc Glen youth with cantata-1 : and lhpart- 'cmsulmxt: nemalstaffpresmt. Mammal} 15mm am: living units. in writing at their :i?tts arli {Quail-3,3 ?eability tauakad?ldalnaa enema-Its ?it: Hill he rein?ted tu? 133. W. After establ?sl'ling this all staff an: tube ?gm-15131153 Era-e frat: abuse or n?straatnmt ant-i statmt dmtarjm signa? by the ans-?43, staff: Eeg?l?? 5 cala?ardarz? sigmd statanmt {run the fall-citing mt he naintaim? in the mpluyee {f team-d. LIS. can- plate 9] calm days fn?ming retaipt of [115. ?k tvma?mz 35 ?91: NOW Hal tau/510m mspaczmn summary - unnunuatmn 51133summon cumrm i ef?g?'ug?gu a campmu?f?np?w 9? imzc??mm . sum: 31'33} The facility's practice that child- Pzwide the upmrumity far yawn-j: Mata-13 ific rm are not permitted to spat by lave [Hi-eat:- telaghme #633; Page? :s telegime with their parent, pun-r fail} manbars Him: the pre? tnu'm officers or deparnmtal smile of facility staff males; 53:11 Staff hritilnut. Glen H?lsstaff private cmtact is prdlihitai by the waiver presmt is and unwitting jwisdictim. Fatab?di violates the child's right cm- a Policy reaf?rm: pn'vata tele?'ImE mime with others by calm. calis. Seveml d?ldrm max-visual by deparnrmaal staff regal-1:31 that trey fear retaliatim from (3131 Mills staffpersms if negative cummts an: wade ca??grs. The juvenile prabaLim afficers repartaj to the WI: in Felmary and fat-ch. 332C.- than: they questim the veracity i they receive- frail ?3 d?ldret mm speaking with d?drm by telegi-me due to Glen Mills policy of no: pem?ttirg private Eele?m cmmicatiun. {he [amt stated that during her visits her an, 5 IsthESDatpe?mu'ttai team]: privately with him- the child. F, rep-311$ that hecu?d not get tea tele?lme when he was in trushle and was not panning-? to speak privately the telephane as a matte-1' 5f facility paling. BE =91 NOR HIV-BI Inspemmn summary - unnunua?nn Shea! rem: Ur Fn?t :i a I I LGULATIDR NM-CWFHAHCE meg - Rectum macho? DATE Pawnee: PLAN MHHEIIDH Pill? 11' MEMHNESPEHSE sums 1.3mm ifiC 1:5. 33:15:! .fiC s. '3 ?naltmapmnp?atenedicelar? The facility Staff viaiate the du'ldrm?s right no sen]: are! receive "31le reading all mugging mail ta asaure that no negative are - Rajah}: yuuth mo?'hersabmt their tzeemmt at the fac?jty_ Emch?drm, Candi}. reunited that _5ta.ff. ?aecl?jdr?parted .?utliehas ?ahlemgetaletterte?mghis m?zerheeasbeingheatmmti?n' by giving another letter the staff are! then iasertmg the ester! letter late: the envelope after the staff had read ?e ?rst lethal". The facility violates the d?t?dm's dmtalmre. B, minedinjm?asasam?taf: dated treatment for their injuries mfac?ity staff. {hed?ld re- @13meme Cutgyirg tinteisecmm'dera?m?'gs? La review. Ehmb?s?: policy that [mar- dictimever?nym?m. I1. I?ru'riden?ditala?dmtal careboall anaemi?m??icabes tosteff tiattheyneedcare. hadm??umies tome-am that restricnad his warrant for metal ??u-Milwachi?ni tmtha?severehnisinginthed?est' era mmthecu?d manure follow the mis?t-mt Eli Guild not participate in daily militias the ? ?ay. Merely See Attained Ram Page 21 #3 See Attached Esp-ans: Page 12 mam EF. =91 HON XVH summary - uummuatmn snaax suunm mtmumcs mat manor: Hemmer: 5' ?nancin?x?srm - mus -3331} Charabml: Febnlaqum?n facm? ?ty mhjacm a child, I, to m: of ywth. 3 {see also Balm!? P2313 judging-It and discipline that: the torrentive ch?dstateicamdhimm?i?ljct action for serious injurias ta hmseif in 333332451!) toga:u:ahmm?z?n??ehecu?d remit alieged abuse by Ella?! l'li?s staff persons. or atnut Batman 10, EDGE, a child, C. stated to damn-1:51 staff the"; he nulld hill himself if he was returned to the facility 332a) The facility depdve? mm of Pin-ids all yuulzh and their parents ID mark #19 See Attached Response Page 24 bitiun the {gum Eve-15.51: rights: with mittm nan-jazz of the lights cf 5911M 5t?. the right tubefree frmaahaegc?s?that??emw- 1'7ij m?f ?3:19? was. and harassment. mum 333mm staff! ??ll all SJFES- send Hail witlwur. laying it or 1"??Jm '33 review the 1531??: mm read by flaunt} mf? to magi?: and what it mans. Bahrain written aft-ailing t3 mam-mineprmidadtaym?latd maxi mm?! of disciplim as specifiai in the amal- of reneipl: or repartnf mg}. . and h?relatai to spaci? in 1th fit rights). Pecans: 1ch I Had-t tags Gib) Hr 0112f Execunive ganglia's L3. or Cifiter and Pt. Phinea- ing Birmtur, did not. assume the ?Cease all actims that impede access Inmaiiat e1}: See Attached Response Page :5 safety and protec?m of :isildrm 13? 0? Wit the [Enueummdas1d?umsc?z?l??d 33 child $52 by Glen l'?lls staff mu autfm'm? saws to privately inter- fountains 13113133119 ?gmm 15.9.:th tom'iwfaci?tyrecatds am. or tn ?re-213: almt the Eadlity panama-Ed staff matters x, 1r anti 2 to ?rm- cmtintae tn mar}: direCLly with dim- rm site using named in allegatims ef??hidm?z?l??did?hhaasmr tawmi??mias?amcm?aigwai pain at temporary inmimmt. Staff ii: ?51: HON EYE. use/aaom :ensm?miapmvaw Registraxiun mspaa?an summary - unmmuazinn 31mm F?L-it?l 13515 I ecu-mom _nr-u.n A354. i3. REQUIRED i monument?Es. mam-Ion DATE DEW Hi mm m: - mm 55m) ZI Ira-aim- Haas matted minutiae :9 mark directly with d?l?rm after he u-asnaledasa perpetmtorinan mam, 1999 indimzai case of aim-33 ufa?egaiahlsa. Asatsewa?hya urn February-11. 2311, an assistant district attorney ard a Slate police officer on or about Febmary 5. 2020 and by deparmmual staff on l?bnh?. 2:530. ?cm- tjmaed to pennit staffuaiterl'to and: directir with children. 'iT-e fat?jtj dams as: meat. the mquired care write:- to child ratios one child cam urn-leer for every eight in ?ame facilities. Four Staff mailers ?rm Van Burm facilitl reported tint they are WEE far between 10 and 13 s'auimts each. The facility 11:11:25 55 smarts and has {an- child cane Hui-hers and tho supervisors assigned ta it. 113 child. B, reported that in him failing! than-E are :58 childrm in real? date with four child {are maff finds}! an sedcewds. in: child, G1 reported that in Taylor facility were m??d?l?min maidens amt funchild care staff. MagaininaFemarr.3IDremrti staff 32:53:11. Eran the State of Balm Add saf?ciat child care staff ta nae: the Staff to child rat-ins. calmdar days follow- 1&3 Kai-Pt of 1.35. #12 See Attached Rap-ans: Page 25 cfmi-l-?l EF. =91; HOH XVE van/?20m summary - uammuatian SHEET "5r {gm 3- 1 nEanmeu a ?Um: I: now-communes gaEa . -oanecnow Hangman mm?g? mnmg??gsrw - Jane) 1&5? facility Paradts the use and . Cease all bar 5mm Emma? 17 - 1f gamut] of column by children i . and staff pal-sons. {In February E1, i 31113 d?ld, C, has permitted to .magamttessmt whimby family Embers. Cc] Phrd-l B, 31:30. I facility staff I4 stated that students} can bring cigarettes or ha?! than nailed by parents. Any student can I airiceiftheyhaat tn; (lumbar: 3155 reported that. she dgarettes the facj?ity for her saw. 912 child. 3. remuai that Students can snake mt?de of built!? ings m? amt-ever there are ashtrays- Eta} THE faciliiws level System, 'm the seven lava]. Ma?a: See MEL-11E #id See 23 data use; lat}? "touch Eur atta-utim", was used Wt avatar. actim fm? :i'icEiEB in a Native natura- far ten d??ldrm. 353.32%) ires.b-l' Ike level system is applied to ar'm?J?- a?m star corporal pmisinmt for Edwin:- 33(3). 'h'anagarmt purmses. 1, ?ne facm 'cy has cm?mted in own Grease misting investigam? and To tease in? 515 5? ?1m 1.:qu Page? i 3 investigalz??ms of child abusa alle? 1?an with 1mm 3 aa?a?m?raached asvicmglin alleaatimof?ild mint-?? zenml sicrs regarding whether the ragga-,5 abuse ur- the child abuse investi- m: mt}: are mummi?ed uiolal?im of 23 satin: has hw- mnplened- ?bt?f? WT Rapun? Pails- E13 and 55 Pa. Code all Emil-it! staff in mitizag that . .195 for $33.51. 53 and 81- The Emmi: 3mm inmlve? 1n d?ld abuse situ- TO 355112 11:32 is the sale civil sugary ramble atinns are not to be interviened by withm garims. for Marianas-I 0f a?amtims of more at the Emil?it? the muse: 2 :51th when the allegatim rEJate im'ida?lt mder mm?m mt? 311: thed?ldahmmvestiaa?mi?as .fo?ming cumty warm an: yuu?'. my In been Wetai. Pm'i'ide evidence Hf plans aE Expenisim anilmttad by . that ?Pitt-E?- miite has hem pm" LIS- Mamgmg Director?11d Vide? tc all staff be the W1 in firm fadlin' coun- EaciJiEjr waned inmtigatims of the allegatims and EE =91 HON XVH van/raw; Inspectlun summary - vantinuatian sneer gift Ur 13% mm? r- mm mm ma?a? mm?n?mm ?aw-Wm made. a regal?dim that the{Evktsuenenatsuh?zndan?. .the facility that no .of aperiisim has medal. NON