Appendix A – Documents Documents emailed from Bud McFarlane, IP3, to National Security Advisor Michael Flynn and Deputy National Security Advisor K.T. McFarland on January 28, 2017: o Document formatted as a Memorandum for President Trump authored by General Flynn, entitled “The Marshall Plan for the Middle East”; and o Document formatted as a Cabinet Memorandum from the President of the United States to the Secretary of State; the Secretary of Defense; the Secretary of the Treasury; Director, Central Intelligence Agency; and Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, entitled “A Marshall Plan for the Middle East Based on Power, Peace and Prosperity.” Documents emailed from Frances Fragos Townsend, IP3, to National Security Council staff on March 28, 2017: o An overview of the Middle East Marshall Plan that appears to be produced by IP3; o “The Trump Middle East Marshall Plan (White Paper by Tom Barrack),” dated March 10, 2017; o A letter that IP3 leaders Mr. McFarlane, General Keane, Rear Admiral Hewitt, and General Alexander addressed to Saudi Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman on March 17, 2017; and o January 1, 2017, letter to Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, signed by IP3 leaders General Alexander, General Keane, Bud McFarlane, and Rear Admiral Hewitt, as well as the chief executives of six companies: Exelon Corporation, Toshiba Energy, Bechtel Corporation, Centrus, GE Power, and Siemens USA. Document emailed from Bud McFarlane, IP3, to National Security Advisor Michael Flynn and Deputy National Security Advisor K.T. McFarland on January 28, 2017, formatted as a Memorandum for President Trump authored by General Flynn, entitled “The Marshall Plan for the Middle East.” l) A l" FOR THE Michael T. Subject: The Marshall Plan for the Middle liast 'I'lre ?aws olthe lranian Nuclear Agreement extend well beyond enabling iron to develop nuclear weapons: it stimulated a determination among,I the Arab states throughout the region to possess an equivalent capability. Predictably. China and Russia have moved aggressively to ful?ll their wish -- to build nuclear pouer plants In Saudi Arabia, ligy,pt Jordan and the Gulfstates but without requiring a S. standard 0! control over the lucl cycle - thus setting oft apotcntial nuclear arms race in the w: ars ahead. II team 01 distinguished, recently -retired military of?cers and diplomats could see this comm}:I two years ago and be gan to develop II strategy lor dealing with It effeethely. These are men and women you know and admire Their plan Is ingenious tor it not only meets the genuine need tor massive LpoIIer g'eneration? especially In Egypt where' II is desperately needed- ~tht' Saudi Arabia and the as well where a new generation at leaders Is awakening to the imperative movinII beyond oil and industrializing their countries so as to providejobs ?and meet consumer demands foI decent health eare, housing education, and better inlrastruclure. rather. eseeution oi the plan will involve the rebirth ofthe U. 8. nuclear power industry with all i that impliLs l'IIr LrLation. (Over the past IlIi_rt_I vears the industry has atrophied -tlIanl-:s to 7 -re_Qu_lation and misguided environ'rnental iIIpposition.) The rebuilLlinL ofthat industry will provide II to our economy and Ii major reduction carbon- has ed pollution. You? ll admirL this team tor the) have rrol only LleIIelrIpcd a powerhrl strategy to deal with a huge Irrpolrtr iisk. but he no reached out to industry to help executethe plan The . giants oi Amer industry have committed to p: -II_tieiprIte. l? (1 like [or you to meet this team tomorrow. linally the ultimate, enormous benelrt olthe plan Is that it will be paid lor by the I nations who will benelrt In the Middle not by American ta\payers. Tom Barrack has been thoroughly briefed on this strategy and wants to run it [or Ille? perfect lor thejob. Res and Jim are supportive oi tom?s locus on this also. the enclosed memo would call II the cabinet oIftIeL-rs to lend their so on to PP this hi rwrtoric program. I recommend that you sign it. Document emailed from Bud McFarlane, IP3, to National Security Advisor Michael Flynn and Deputy National Security Advisor K.T. McFarland on January 28, 2017, formatted as a Cabinet Memorandum from the President of the United States to the Secretary of State; the Secretary of Defense; the Secretary of the Treasury; Director, Central Intelligence Agency; and Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, entitled “A Marshall Plan for the Middle East Based on Power, Peace and Prosperity.” ONLY MEMORANDUM Ton: THE SECRETAIIYDF STATE THE SECRETARY or DEFENSE THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY THE SECRETARY or ENERGY CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY CHAIRMAN, IDINT CHIEFS OF STAFF SUBJECT: A MARSHALL PLAN FOR THE MIDDLE EAST POWER, PEACE AND PROSPERITY the policies of the last eight years both at home and abroad have created unprecedented challenges for our nation and our allies. Nowhere has a failure ofAnIerican leadership been more profound than the Middle East. The regional problems of the Middle East have grown into global challenges threatening many of our vital national Interests. Perhaps at no time In the history ofour nation have the stakes bee hip her. History reflects that transformational ideas can Ieatl to great industrial, political and human capital advancement. lt' Is through this I_ens that we must act now to reestablish the United States as the indispensable partner ofour Middle East Allies. lt' Is befitting of our great nation to frievelop a 2 1" Century Marshall Plan for the Middle East which will be One Important component of a comprehens ive multifaceted strategy to stabilize peace and prosperity both In Israel and the entire Middle East region. . The strategy will he one that empowers the intellectual _capitaI and industrial might of our nation' 5 private se'ctor In a public, private venture. It will align with the strategic Interests and of the .UHIIECI States, our Allies and global partners. The pillars of this pIan will be the long term economic --'stability and security of a reimagined Middle East economy our plan will anabie the visions ofour GCC pat tne,rs Egypt Israel and Jordan.- This Marshali Plan will be funded primarily by the nations of the Middle East, not by US taxpayers. - - I-Out arlministration' Is engaging with key private sector partners on an approach centered 'on energy and I security that will be the cataiyst for enabling many of the policy Objective. ofyottr departments and agencies. I have assigned a special reprelsenialive, Tom Barrack to lead this important Initiative and - requesting him to engage each ofynu ever the next 30 days to gain your input and support for our Middle East Plart within a broader East comprehensive strategy that Is good for our Allies and makes America and GUI companies reiev vant and great again both domestically and abroad. Document emailed from Frances Fragos Townsend, IP3, to National Security Council staff on March 28, 2017—an overview of the Middle East Marshall Plan that appears to be produced by IP3. Summary Overview of Middle East Marshall Plan Mahmud The policies of the last eight years'both at home and abroad have created unprecedented challenges for our nation and our allies. ilowhere has a failure ofAmerican Leadership been more profound than the Middle East. The regional problems of the Middle East have grown into global challenges which threaten many of cur national interests. Perhaps at no time in the history oi ournation have the stakes been higher. History re?ects that transformational economic leadership by America can lead to dynastic industrial political. and human capital advancements aboard. The Marshall Plan following the Second World War was one such Initiative which became one ofthe greatest foreign policy and economic growth achievements in history. it is now time to develop a 21" Century Trump Marshall Plan to provide a coordinated economic development initiative for the Middle East. The goals of the Trump Marshall Plan and its European predecessor are similar in that the desired result is a balanced and cooperative regional economic 'foregoes' 'nation- state" rivalries for thebenefit of global economic prosperity and growth, and thereby esrablishes an enduring peace which accrues to American interests A primary difference from the previous Marshall Plan' Is that the Trump Middle East Marshall Plan will be primarily funded by the GCC countries. Situation '0ur Middle East allies have a sense of abandonment by the 5. Russia has been moving aggressively to fill the void through military aggression, security? dependence and energy cooperation. The JCPOA has Set Into motion a new arms race where Sunni nations will seek equivalency with Iranian Nuclear capability. Left unchecked, the potential fora "Mutually Assured Destruction" scenario Could develop In the next 10 years. Additionally, the JCPOA has fueled and funded expansive irnnian in?uence through - proxy networks. the Middle East Is going Nuclear. There}. are 30 various nuclear agreements in the region today. at all stages (cooperation through buildl. The first fissile material is scheduled to arrive on the Arabian Peninsula in UAE this year. Russia China, South Korea are moving aggressively to build Nucie1r power plants in the Middle EastThe United States has virtually no industry to compete against China and lidssia for new nuclear build In the International Inarltetploce. The U. S. has ceded the domestic nuclear reactor business and Is CUIrentiy dependent on Russian Nuclear fuel to operate our own civil reactors. Two outcomes are essential for U. 5. long- term sucCess: We must reestablish the U. as the Indispensable partner of our M. E. allies The U. 5. must lIaVe a strong international and domestic presence In the civil nuclear power business for our ourn national security and that of_tl1e M. E. Strategy The Trump Administration is designing a 21? Century Marshall Plan. The strategy will be one that empowers the Intellectual capital and industrial might ol our nation's private sector in a public/Private model. The GCC nations, Egypi, Jordan and Israel share some common and fundamental goals Stability and Security are the pillars of a reimagined Middle East. The development of safe and reliable power and water In the region, at scale, are two core components necessary to achieve the economic, stability goals In the ME. American Industry stands ready to lead a renewal ol industrial and Intellectual resources In the region. Aramco is a clear example ol the possibilities that arise when American Industrial and international ?nancial expertise ioins In developing, leading and sustaining economic growth and stability. Currently Russia and China are moving aggressively to become the Nuclear power providers and primary economic partners In the Russia, In particular, Is using the introduction of Nuclear power as a geo- political tool to push out America during a perceived period ol U. S. ambivalence. A consortium of 5 National Security. Energy and Foreign Policy experts along with U. 5. industry and regional powers have combined to lead the U. 5. Private Sector In a peace, power and prosperity partnership with Saudi Arabia. (international Peace, Power PrOSperity. IPS) Key_liegi?o_nai Objectives ol "The iron Bridge Protect" Deliver a massive deployment olreIiable electricity Irom nuclear power plants with a "Secure in- and Out Fuel Cycle".- - - - - Provide best _in class ti. Security to ensure preeminent protection of the Plants, Grid and extended critical infrastrtIcture.- Support the developmentoIan"Arab Nata" designed to provide regional security constructs and Institutions for long term stability. . Accelerate the Translor'mation plans of the M. E. through development of the "Knowiedgu Economy. Create 500. 000 highly skilled Jobs and help meet the localization goals for the E. 'ihls will help to blunt the unemployed Youth Bulge, which is a top challenge for eradicating ISIS and other extremist groups. - Iley U. S. Oblertiue Malta _America Great Again in Nuclear Energy. Reestablish U. 5. commercial nuclearsuppiier base. . i?ebuiid our US Nuclear capaCIty as partofa revitalization strategy. U. S. leadership for - ensuring sale Nuclear operations Worldwide. liepos ition U. as the preeminent partner of the Middle East. Create a economic entanglementhetWeen S. and Middle Eastwhiie countering the expansionist commercial nuclear agenda olftussia and China. . - - Secures U. S. Vital National Interests. PI event Mutualiy Assured Destruction scenario and establish Mutually Assui ed Stability by providing integrated security as a service lor the protection of the energy and other critical infrastructure assets . .- _ow U. I9b? and economic opportunity. Creates '200 ,000iobs and $2 s0 billion in revenue by reinvigoratlng the U, S. chain for civil nuclear power. I Deliver US nonproliferation and energy objectives. iiIis Public/Private endeavors-rill be the catalyst {or enabling many oi the policy obiectlves oi the 5 departments and agencies. Document emailed from Frances Fragos Townsend, IP3, to National Security Council staff on March 28, 2017— “The Trump Middle East Marshall Plan (White Paper by Tom Barrack),” dated March 10, 2017. The Trump Middle East Marshall Plan (White Paper by Tom Barrack) March 10, 2017 Overview The policies oi the last eight years have created unprecedented challenges for our nation at home and our allies abroad. Nowhere has a failure of American leadership been more profound than the Middle East. The regional problems of the Middle East have grown into global challenges which threaten many of our national interests. Perhaps at nogtime in the history oi our nation have the stakes been higher. l-llstory reflects that translormationai econdmic leadership by Americacan lead to dynastic industrial, political, and human capital advancements abroad. The Marshall . Plan followinglhe Second World War was one such initiative which became onset the greatest foreign policyand economic growth achievements of the past century. it Is now . time to develop 'a 215?Century Trump Marshall Plan to provide a coordinated economic developmeni'initiative for the Middle East. The goals of the Trump Marshall Plan and its European predecessor are similar in that the desired result is a balanced and COOperativ'e regionaieconomic unit which toregoes 'nalion-state" rivalries for the benefit of global ebonomic'prosiaerlty and growth, and thereby establishes an enduring p'eabe which accrues?to 'Am?erlcan'lnterests. A primary difference trom the previous Marshall Plan is Ithalzthe Trump Middle East Marshall Plan will be funded and paid for by the - GCC countries themselves; however. it will be directed by American ingenuity, industry. and financial diplomacyl The Trump Objectives 1. Stoptheiexportation of radical Islamic terrorism. anaemia? bejaccomplished by supporting our "benevolent lsiamlc allies" in the Creation and implementation of a viable economic development plan Which will'provide hope and shared prosperity. 2. Aid in a peaceful resolution between lsraeiand Palestine. - . Egypiis paramount to this process._and Egypt must sUpport an Israeli solution ll'any peace process is to be successful. . b. However.? Egypt can'only Survive the Muslim Broiherhobd and other internal attacks it it develops a viable economic plan tor hepefui prosperity for its -_'peopieexe_cuted in a co-operatlve but not corrupt manner with Its military. 3. Maintain tiie'reglonal balance oi power by countering iranian and - 9. Russia. China and iran have filled the wilds created by American foreign . policy missteps oi the past. . . 4. Generate USA'economlc stimulus and growth by expanding International opportunities for our domestic Industries and service providers. thereby creating jobs. reducing our trade deficit and providing Investment for research and development. a. American- made Engineering. Construction. Power. Water. Agricultural Healthoare. Security. Legal. Logistics and Financial industries will pave a new path of economic development. 5. Provide a countervailing and compassionate foreign policy initiative as the USA becomes more scrutinizing and firm with immigration and national defense policy across the Middle Ens land other leiamic regions. A Regional Economic Blueprint: Uniting Tribes and Flags A revised economic blueprint and vision is a major component of any Middle East Peace initiative fer israel. Palestine and the broader Middle East. in fact. there Is no Middle East. There are 0th tribes. flags, and local loyalties which seldom corroborate on religion, geography. language. and political systems. The region?s boundaries were drawn after the First World War by the dominant powers of the west to conform to the Western exported notion of a nation- state for the purposes of the West. Along this road. the We st engaged' In a foreign relations policy of "catch and release Western powers supported local ruling regimes to form ?nation- -States" and when the western motivations shifted the West discarded those rulers and replaced them With changed regimes. The social barbell of "haves" and "have- note" was to the bene?t oi the West in need of stable non- democratic regimes with whom to negotiate resource contracts for fossil fuels Upon which the West was aimOSt entirely reliant. This practice Was magnified In the recent Arab Spring which failed in all aspects and transitioned into an Arab Fall. The fortunes of the primarily Sunni "oil cursed? GCC countries have reversed in the walge of a changing global fossil tuel market a series oi misguided regime changes. an inconsistent foreign policy from the USA, and a gro .vlng threat from Iran and its proxies acroSs the region. l-t' Is time for a new alliance built upon a loundation of economic sustainability and - gIowth for the various nation states within the region. Without economic direction vision and leadership from the West. the Middle East tribes will find alliances with Russia and iran. which are the only gf'OUpS that will provide hope and support for them. In the absence oi the hope of economic growth and domestic prosperity. a cadre of radical ls'iamis 1 groups which are all competing to form borderiess caliptiates across the region will capture the hearts and minds oi the almost 100 million youth' In the region who will mature into the working age demographic in the next desade. The growing regional economic illness left unattended will become an international terrorist epidemic of despair hostility and anger we must provide an economic action plan which lits' ?hand- in- glove" with a security and diplomatic plan. While the- NP and World Bank are important partners In the process as accessories. these institutions are not capable to serve as Ftather. USA industrial resources when coupled with America's llnanctal. legal and trade expertise, funded by our GCC allies. can create a path through this Jungle. The development ot power and water in the region. at scale. are two ol the key ingredients that can lead a renewal ol American industrial and intellectual resources in the region. ARAMCO Is a clear example of the possibilities that arise when USA industrial and International linancial expertise iolns In developing and sustaining a nation state resource and Industry on a global canvas. The Strategy oi the Trump Middle East Marshall Plan The strategy will be one that empowers the intellectual capital and industrial might ol the . 5 private sector in a public private venture. It will align with the strategic interests and challenges ol the United States, our Allies. and global partners. The pillars oi this Trump Plan will be the long term economic stability and security of a retmaglned Middle East economy. The Trump Plan will enable the visions oi Israel the GCC. Egypt. and Jordan to create an economic union which in itsell can fuel an Israeli- Palestinian solution and a quelling oi the civil displacements in the region. This Trump Middle East Marshall Plan will be funded primarily by the nations ol the in the Middle East not by US taxpayers. However. the Trump Plan will be led by USA industry, financial and trade experts working hand' tn hand with the traditional diplomatic channels and venues. American leadership in basic themes can change the - I landscape in the lotlowing ways: - Power generation and distribution when Combined with the s'eCurity which assures its continuity; . Water and gas when coupled with cross border transmission and cooperation; . Food and agriculture. when coupled with the education of how to grow. process and distribute it; - Housing, when coupled with a stale housing policy which makes it .aitorIdable. Education and training. when coupled with a legal and iinanclal system that encourages direct Iiorelgn Investment by providing predictability and ntransparency. Streamlined regulation. business and trade administration and a reliable legal system with cross- border regional collaboration. 7 The Designation at a Special Envoy to Eilectuate the Trump Plan _Under the Constitution. the President oi the United States determines USA lorIetgn 'ipollcy. The Secretary at State appointed by the President with the advice and consent? oi the Senate, is the President?s chlel toreignI allalIrs adviser. Also. the President may . appoint special envoys to carry out defined missions to further improve the foreign affairs of the United States. The President will appoint 'a special representative for the Trump Middle East Marshall Plan with the diplomatic rank of ambassador or special adviser to the President. The primary objectives oi the Trump Middle East Marshall Plan are to terminate the exportation oi radical Islamic terrorism. to establish a lasting resolution between Israel and Palestine, to maintain the balance oi power in the face oi a growing lranian and Russia threat and to generate economic growth. experts and ?Seal stimulUs at home. The Trump Plan will generate commercial opportunities for 8. companies both domestically and abroad while delivering security. infrasimcture. and significant economic development for the host countries. implementing a Trump Middle East Marshall Plan Under the Trump Middle East Marshall Plan the President shall appoint a Special Envoy for the engagement on important economic and cross- border issues. and for developing a comprehensive economic vision for the Middle East region to address its youthful populaiien and changing economy. and Which would be funded by the GCC and supported by operating partnerships with USA industry and business. immediate Action To appoint a Special Envoy who will then coordinate and work hand in- hand with the Secretary of State Rex Tillerson Special Advisers to the President. Jared Kushner and Gary Cohn and the National security Adviser Lt Gen l-.f Ft. IMcMaster in formulating a Trump Plan. A Cabinet Council will then be formed which will be chaired by the Special Envoy. The Cabinet Council will consist of the Special Advisers to the President. Senior Deputy oIr Un-der Secretaries from various designated USA agencies including the Dept. oiTreasury. Dept, of commerce. NSC, Dept. of Defense. Dept of Energy. the DHS and the CM. The Special Envoy. on behalf _oi the cabinet Council will constantly advise and inform POTUS on the Ceuncii' _s progress and actions. Within 30 days of the implementation oi the executive order. the Special Envoy will organize a working group- ?Joint Cooperation Council"- to develop the salient issues and concerns which must be formulated in a werking plan. This working group will consist of senior designees from releVani GCC and Middle East countries. the USA ainbassadors' in those countries the relevant USA industries. and the and World Bank. Within 90 days, this Joint Cooperation Council will set forth an action plan and priorities. it will set forth a relatively short study period and enumerate specific tasks and undertakings in conjunction with time frames necessary to accomplish these undertakings and the funding sources necess ary for execution. The Duties of the ?pecial Envoy; Serves as the President's special representative. working hand-in-hand with the SecretaIy oi Stale and the Senior Advisers to the President. for the execution oi at Trump Marshall Plan in the Middle East through an Executive Order. Solicits irom participating GCC countries for studies and implementation oi the Trump Plan. Acts as a liaison between Middle East regimes to resolve economic paralysis or conflicts. Coordinates activities with the relevant departments and agencies oi the USA government including but not limited to the Departments oi State. Treasury. Commerce. Detense. Energy and Homeland Security. Builds trusted relationships with the top leaders oi countries. Israel, Egypt. Jordan and Iraq. Builds long- -tine relationships with U. 8. private sector leaders acting as their expediter' in clearing the traditional regional and regulatory hurdles to their participation. Advises the President. Secretary oi State and Congress on the key operational 'and strategic issues directly related to the Trump integrates the Trump Plan objectives with the appropriate USA Ambassadors to- . relevant hest countries AdminiSters the eyerall objectives oi the Trump Middle East Marshall Plan. Document emailed from Frances Fragos Townsend, IP3, to National Security Council staff on March 28, 2017—a letter that IP3 leaders Mr. McFarlane, General Keane, Rear Admiral Hewitt, and General Alexander addressed to Saudi Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman on March 17, 2017. international Pence, Power, PI'OSperity (1P3 Corp) 7900 Tysons One Place McLean VA 2210! l7 March 20? Ilia Royal Highness lviohamnied bin Al Saud Deputy Crown Prince Kingdom olSaudi Arabia Your Royal Highness, Following your monumental meeting this week with Ptesident Donald TnIInp. the United States and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will stand side by side In a new strategic partnership to support the stability and prosperity oftiIe Middle East. This new partnership will be anchored _on the pillars Iol'Energy. Security and Prosperity. the life blood ot any thriving nation. The policies oi'the last eight years have created unprecedented challenges for our two countries that must be addressed immediately. 1 he agreements by President Trump and Mohammed bin Salmon have established the framework for _our unique opportunity to take the next steps with and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia The (lntemationnl Peace Power and Prosperity) program for Middle East can serve as the foundation of the ?rst material solutions outlined this week in Washington, delivering signi?cant bene?ts. l. Economic. 'lhc program? 5 economic Impact. the largest since the creation ofArarneo will . allow the United States and the Kingdom ofSaIIdi Arabia to lead the peaceful.- safe; secure intI (adoption power to the region. TlIis will cement _an ISO-year economic. technology partnership that accelerates Vision 2030 and estiIIblislIIcsII Saudi as the leader across three continents.? . Political. The partnership to acquire Westinghouse between DB and Saudi Arabia will save "an American Crown Jewel? and a strategic asset for our country.- We cabinet achieve this goal I - alone. has coordinated this opportunity with key interests In the United States and Japan. J.- Iiobs. The program IIill create 500 000jobs in the _i?uture knowledge economy ofthe i