DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY HEADQUARTERS, UNITED STATES ARMY MEDICAL COMMAND 2m worm: an FORT SAM IIOUS1DN. TEXAS muster mm or Freedom of Information/ 28 February 2013 Privacy Act Office (13700259) Mr. Jason Leoiold Dear Mr. Leopold, This is in response to your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request dated 3 December 2012 for a complete copy of the autopsy reports pertaining to the Guantanamo detainees known as Adnan Farhan Abdul Latif (ISN 156), Hajji Nassim' "lnayatullah") (ISN 10029). and Awal Gul (ISN 782)." Your request was received on 3 December 2012 and processed in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) 5 United States Code 552. I apologize for the delay in responding to your request due to the need to coordinate with a number of agencies. Enclosed is the Amended Final Autopsy Report of Naseem, Haji (AKA Inayatullah) ISM-010028 and the Amended Final Autopsy Report of Gul, Awal ISM-782. Information is being withheld pursuant to Title 5. USC, Section 552 and Exemption permits the government to withhold information about individuals when the disclosure would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion into the personal privacy ofa third person. Exemption permits the withholding of Special Agent names when an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy could reasonably be expected and Exemption permits the withholding of information when the safety or life of any individual could reasonably be endangered by the release of that information. Adnan Farhan Abdul Latif (ISN 156) is still the subject of an active and ongoing investigation by the Naval Criminal Investigative Service His autopsy report is being withheld pursuant to FOIA Exemption We are therefore unable to process this portion of your request at this time. Because your request has been panially denied. you are advised of your right to appeal this determination to the Secretary of the Army, If you decide to appeal at this time. your appeal must be submitted within 60 days of the date of this letter. In your appeal, you must state the basis for your disagreement with the partial denial and the justification for the release of information associated with your request for this command, Your appeal should be addressed to: CDR US Army Medical Command, Attention: Freedom of Information/Privacy Acts Office (MCPA), 2748 Worth Road STE 21. Fort Sam Houston, Texas 78234-6021, for forwarding, as appropriate, to the Office of the Secretary of the Army. Please enclose a copy of this letter along with your Appeal.To ensureproperprocessing of anyappeal,the letterandthe envelopeshould bothbearthe notation, "Freedomof Information ActAppeal." Shouidyou haveany questionsregarding the processing of the enclosed documents I maybe reachedat (210)221-7826 or email iohn.petefson JohnP. Peterson Chief,Freedomof lnformatiorl/ PrivacyActs Office U.S.ArmyMedicalCommand Enclosures DEPARTMENT OFTHEARMY ARMEDFORCESES MEDICAI.EXAIIINER 1413RESEARCH BLVD ROCKVILLE, MD208tt0 AMENDED* FINAL AUTOPSYREPORT Name:NASEEM,Haji (AKA Inayatullah) rsN-010028 Dateof Birth:Unknown(197311974) Dateof Death:18MAY 201I Dateof Autopsy:19MAY 201l, 0100hours Dateof Report:07JUN 201I Dateof AmendedReport:ll FEB 2013 FTI Autopsy1.Is. ; I bxTx Rank:Civilian(Detainee) Placeof Death:Guantanamo Bay Placeof Autopsy:US NavalHospital Bay,Cuba ( Guantanamo Circumstances of Death: (AKA Lnayatullah), Haji Naseem a civiliandetainee, wasfoundhangingwith a ligature (bedshect)aroundhis neckin therecreation areain his cell blockat JointTaskForce Guantanamo Bay,Cubaat approximately 0335hourson l8 MAY 201l. Theligature wilscut andresuscitation effortswerestartedimmediatelyin thecell andcontinuedat the localmedicaltreatmentfacility. All effortsfailedto revivehim. He waspronounced deadat 0453hours. Thecaseis underinvestigation by theNavalCriminalInvestigative Service(NCIS). Authorizationfor Autopsy: Office of the An4edForcesMedicalExaminer,LAWTitle l0 US Codel47l Identification: Haji Naseem(AKA Inayatullah)is identifiedby visualrecognitionandhis detainee identifications tags.Fingerandfoot printsareobtainedby NCISanda tissuesampleis collected for DNA identification, if needed. CAUSEOF DEATIT: Hanging MANNER OF DEATH: Suicide s NOTE: Report is amendedto correcttypographicalerror in the headerof pages28; nameis "Inayatullahttnot tlnayarullahttandpage2. No otherchanges. AUropsy REpoRrFtrl(r-t-l NASEEM,Haji (AI{A Inayatullah) NCIS PRELIMINARY ITWESTIGATION Accordingto preliminary NCISinvestigation, on themorningof l8MAY20l I NCIS SpecialAgentsof NCISRUGuantanamo Bay,Cuba,werenotifiedof thecustodialdeath of Naseem Inayatullah, aboardNavalStationGuantanamo Bay,Cuba.Inayatullalr was foundhangingby a bedsheetin therecreation areaadjacentto his cell.NCISconducted anexamination of thedeathscene;resultsarependinglaboratoryfindingsfrom the UnitedStatesArmy CriminalInvestigation laboratory. MEDICAL RECORDSREVIEW Reviewof Haji Naseem's medicalrecords reveals at agel5 for auditory hospitalization hallucination andtwopriorsuicideattempts duringhiscurrentdetention.Thefirst suicideattemptwason 26 MAR 2009whenhewasfoundwith cutson bothsidesof his ( neck.He wasadmittedto theBehaviorHealthUnit (BHU)for a yearandwasdischarged fromtheuniton 25 OCT201l. Thesecond suicideattemptwason 2l APR2009when helacerated botharmsandblamedit on theJinn(Demons).Sincehisdischarge from the BHU on 25 OCThedeniedsuicidalthoughtsor auditory/visual andhe hallucinations, wasstableon his medication(Risperadal I mg beforebed). He hadnoothersignifrcant illnesses. A copyof themedicalrecords is on file. LIGATURE Theligature(whitebedsheet)is collected asevidence by NCISat thesceneand examined by theprosectorandtheobservingcivilianmedicalexaminerprior to the autopsy.Photographs areobtainedfor documentation. Thebedsheetis submittedin two parts,cutby first responders at thescene.The proximalpart,labeled# 3, is notedwith a smallloop(tiedarounda horizontalpipeat the scene)andthedistalpart,labeled# l, is notedwith a knottednoose(wasaroundthe neck).Bothareexamined, photographed andretainedby NCIS. Thereis no bloodstains notedon theligature. POSTMORTEMEXAMINATION -_-lof (AKA Inayatullah) is Thepostmortem examinationFXTltF) HajiNaseem performed (USNHGB), at theUSNavalHospitalGuantanamo Cuba on l9 MAY Bay 201l, startingat approximately 0100hours. Full bodyfadiolosical studiesareobtained (bx6) Attending the autopsyas medicolegalobserversare XTXF) AUTOPSYREPO NASEEM,Haji (AKA Inayatullah) EXTERNALEXAMINATION Thebodyis thatof a welldeveloped, well-nourished Caucasian uncladmalewrapped in whitesheets.Clothingis submitted separately; sce"ClothingandPersonal Effects". The eyelidsareclosedwith a 0rinwhitetape.ExtemalAutomaticDefibrillator@AD)andEKG padsarenotedon thechest;see"MedicalIntervention". Thebodyis 68" in lengthandweighsanestimated 160lb,andappcars with the compatible reported ageof latethirties.Rigoris present to anequaldegreein all extremities.Lividity is present andlxed on theposteriorsurfaceof thebody,exceptin areasexposed to pressure. Bodytemperature is colddueto rcfrigeration. Thescalphairis blackwith fewgrayhairs.Thefacialhairconsists of blackmustache and longbeard,bothwith grayhair. Theeyesareuffemarkable. Theiridesarebrown.The corneae areslightlycloudy.Theconjunctivae andsclerae with no areunremarkable petechiae.Theexternalauditorycanals,extemalnaresandoralcavityarefreeof foreign materialandabnormal secretions. Thenasalskeleton is palpablyintact.Thetongueis unremarkable. Thelipsarewithoutevidentinjury. Thefrenulaeareunremarkable. The teetharenaturalandunremarkable. Examination of theneckrevealsa broadpatterned impression ontheanteriorandbothsidesof thencck(ligaturemarlc/funow); see"Evidence of Injury". A faintscaris notedon therightsideof theneckbelowtheligaturemark;see "Opinion". Thechestis unremarkable. No injuryof theribsor sternumis evidentexternally.The abdomen is unremarkable with noevidence torsois of majorsurgicalscars.Theposterior unremarkable with noevidence of externaltrauma.Theanusandsurrounding skinare unremarkable. Theexternalgenitaliaarethoseof a normaladultcircumcised male. Theextremities areunrcmarkable with noevidence of recenttrauma.Multipleinegular scarsarenotedon theantecubital fossae andphotographed for documentation; see "Opinion". Threeinegularhealedscarsarenotedontheposteriorleft shoulder (one)and theleft flank(two). No tattoos,majorsurgicalscarsor identifyingmarksarenoted. EVIDENCEOF INJURY NeckTrauma: examination Exrernat of theneckrevehls a ligatureimpression aroundtheneck.A broad reddishdiscoloration is notedon theskinof theanteriorneck,overlyingthethyroid t/nto l" in widthandwith upwardanglestowardstheposterior cartilage measuring neck. AUTOPSYREPORTI(bX7XF) NASEEM,Haji (AI(A Inayatullah) Theligaturemarkhasa maximumwidthof l" on theanteriormidline.Thewidthof the ligatureimpression on therightsideof theneckis tapered intoa %" width,I %" inferior andVz"anteriorto theright externalauditorycanal. Thewidthof theligatureimpression on theleft sideof theneckis tapered intoa %" width,3" inferiorandl" anteriorto the left externalauditorycanal.Theligatureimpression is incomplete andfadesand di.sappears on theposterior neck;see"Opinion". Dissection andexamination of the.strap muscles of theneckrevealslocalized hemorrhage in therightsterno-hyoid muscleandleftthyro-hyoid theabovenoted muscleunderlying ligatureimpression. No othertraumais noted.Thehyoidboneandthyroidcartilage are intact. SoecialProcedures: or muscular Theneck,backandextremitiesaredissected to detectanysubcutaneous mobility.No withno excessive injuries.Thecervicalvertebrae areunremarkable hemorrhage is notedin theleft injuries,recentor remote,arenoted.Slightsubcutaneous antecubital areaandis consistent with extravasation of bloodduringresuscitation. CLOTIIING and PERSONALEFFECTS Thedeceased clothingis submittedseparately. A khakishirtandpantsandwhite generalissueof thedetention and underwear, for documentation centcr,arephotographed personal retainedby NCIS. No effectsarenotedon thebody. MEDICAL INTERVENTION is notedasfollows: Evidence of activemedicalintervention - EAD andEKGpadson thechest. puncture bandage on the sitesonthearms,with pressure - Multipleintravenous rightsideandgazeandtapeon theleftside. INTERNAL EXAMINATION BODY CAVITIES: of collections Mhesionsarenotedin left pleuralcavity,unknownetiology.No abnormal normal fluid arepresentin anyof thebodycavities.All bodyorgansareprcsentin the wall is unremarkable. position.Thesubcutaneous fat layerof theabdominal anatomical region. of bluntor sharpforceinjuryto thethoraco-abdominal Thereis nointernalevidence -] AUTOPSY REpoRTl&x7xt) NASEEM,Haji (AKA Inayatuilah) HEAD: (CENTRALNERVOUSSYSTEM) Thegalealand.subgaleal tissues revealnoevidence of trauma.Theduramaterandfalx cerebriareintact.Thereis noepidural,suMuralor subarachnoid hemorrhage present.The leptomeninges arethinanddelicate.Thecerebral hemispheres aresymmefical.The structures at thebaseof thebrain,includingcranialnervesandbloodvessels, areintact. Coronalsections throughthecerebralhemisphere.s revealno lqsions.Transverse sections throughthebrainstemandcerebellum areunremarkable. Thebrainweighsl2B0grams. Serialsectioning of thebrainrevealsunremarkable parenchyma andnoevidence olmauma. NECK: See"Evidence of Injury". Examination of thesofttissues of theneckincludingstrapmuscles, rhyroidglandandlarge vessels areunremarkable andwithoutothertraumatic abnormalities. Thehyoidboneand thyroidcartilageareintact.Multiplesmallsoftpolypoidlesionsarenotedin thelarynx (piriformrecesses). CARDIOVASCTJLAR SYSTEM: Thepericardial surfaces aresmooth,glistening andunremarkable; thepericardial sacis free of significantfluid andadhesions. Thecoronary arterie.s arisenormally,followtheusual distributionandarewidelypatentwith mild,?Sc/o, atherosclerotic changas of theleft anteriordescending artery(LAD). Theepicardium is smoothandunremarkable. The myocardium is darkrcd-brown, firm andgrosslyunremarkable. Thevalvesexhibitthe usualsize,textureandpositionrelationship andareunremarkable. Theaortaandits major branches arisenormally,follow theusualcou$eandarewidelypatent,'free of significant alherosclerosis andotherabnormality (mildstreaking is notedon thedistalaorta).The venaecavaeandtheirmajortributaries rctumto theheartin theusualdistribution andare freeof thrombi.Theheartweighs370grums. RESPIRATORYSYSTEM: See"BodyCavities". Theupperairwayis clearof debrisandforeignmaterial;themucosalsurfaces aresmooft, yellow-tanandunremarkable. Therightpleuralsurfaces areunremarkable. Bothlungs revealsignificantblackanthracotic pigmentation. Thepulmonary parenchyma is red-purple andexudesa moderate amountof bloodyfluidandfroth. No focallesionsidentified.The pulmonary arteriesarenormallydeveloped, patentandwithoutthrombus or embolus.The rightandleft lungweighs980gramsand7T}grams, respectively. LIVER & BILIARY SYSTEM: Thehepaticcapsuleis smootlt,glisteningandintact,coveringdarkred-brown, moderately parenchyma congested with nofocallesionsngted.Thegallbladder geen-brown, contains mucoidbile;themucosais velvetyandunremarkable. Theextratrepatic biliarytreeis palent, withoutevidence of liverweighs1590grams. AUTOPSYREPORTFITXFTI NASEEM,Haji (AKA Inayatullah) ALIMENTARY TRACT: in is arranged smoothmucosa.Thegastricmucosa Theesophagus is linedby gray-white, partiallydigested food,a Thestomach contains theusualrugalfoldsandis unremarkable. vascular mucosal or of is no evidence for There which is submitted toxicology. sampleof hasa normalpink+an Thepancrcils injury. Thesmallandlargebowelsareunremarkable. andunremarkable. is pre.sent andtheductsarepatent.Theappendix appearance lobulated GENITOURINARYSYSTEM: andstripwith easefromthe arcsmoolhandthin,semi-transparent Therenalcapsulas from Thecorticesaresharplydelineated corticalsurfaces. underlyingsmooth,red-brown pelves Thecalyces, to tanandunremarkable. themedullarypyramids,whicharcred-purple clear and contains is unremarkable bladder Theurinary anduretersareunremarkable. yellowurine.Therightandleft kidneyweighs140and150grams,respectively. prostatc adultmalewith unremarkable arethoseof a circumcised Theexternalgenitalia testes. unremarkable glandandbilaterallydescended ( RETICULOENDOTHELIAL SYSTEM: ltrm parenchyma; moderately the spteenhasa smooth,intactcapsulecoveringred-purple, The regionallymphnodesappearnormal.The the lymphoidfolliclesareunremarkable. weighs215grams. spleen ENDOCRINESYSTEM: Thepituitary,thyroidandadrenalglandsiueunremarkable. MUSCTJLOSKELPTALSYSTFM: arenoted. is normal.No grossboneof joint abnormalities Muscledevelopment EVIDENCE by NCIS. photographed andretained Theclothingandligatureareexamined, RADIOLOGICALSTUDIES or abnormalities. revealno recentskeletalfractures Radiographs NIICROSCOPICEXAMINATION of withoutpreparation of themajororgansareretained sections Representative slides. histological AUTOPSYREPORT(bx7xF) NASEEM,Haji (AK,l tnayatullah) TOXICOLOGY CarbonMonoxide: saturation - Carboxyhemoglbin in bloodis lessthanI Vo(expected normallimits) Cyanide: - Not detected Volatiles(BloodandViueousfluid): - No ethanolis detected. Screened medication anddrugsof abuse(Urine): - No illicit drugsof abusearedetected. ADDITIONALPROCEDURES l. Documentaryphotographsare taken (b)(6) 2. Full bodyradiographs NavalHospital ( of Radiology, areobtained by Department Bay,Cuba. Guantanamo retained for toxicological are:Blood 3. Specimens and/orDNA identihcation (peripheral), vitreousfluid,bile,urine,stomach contents, andtissuesamples from liver,lung,kidney,splecn,brain,psoasandheartmuscleandadipose tissue. 4. Representative sectionsof organsareretainedin formalinwithoutpreparation of histological slides. 5. Clothingandligaturearephotographed for documenlation andretained by NCIS. 6. Posterior dissection of theneck,backandextremities. FINAL AUTOPSYDHGNOSIS I. Hanging: A. Ligaturemarkpartiallyencirclingtheneck. B. No evidence of othernecktraumaor fractures. C. No evidence of othertraumatic injuries. II. NaturalDisease: A. Lrft pleuraladhesions, unknownetiology. B. Multiplelaryngeal smallpolyps. III. Bvidence: andretained by NCIS. - Ligatureandclothingareexamined IV. Toxicologr: A. Carbonmonoxide: Lessthanl7o. B. Cyanide:Notdetected. C. Volatiles(BloodandVitreousfluid):No ethanolis found. (Urine):No illicit drugsof abuseare D. Screened drugsof abuseandmedications detected. AUTOPSYREPOR XTXF) NASEEM,Haji (AKA Inayatullah) OPINION Haji Na.scem, AKA Inayatullah,a civilian detaineeof late thirties,died from asphyxia due to hanging. He was found suspended from a horizontalpipe in the cell block's recreationareawith a bed sheetaroundthe neck. Autopsyrevealsno evidenceof other significanttraumaor evidenceof maltreatment. Multiple scarsarenotedon the right sideof the neckand the antecubitalfossaearemost probablyrelatedto his documentedtwo prior suicideattemptsin Marchand April 2009. The threescarsof the left shoulderand left flank areof unknownetiology. ToxicofogicalstudiesrevealCarbonmonoxidelessthan lVo,andars negativefor cyanide,ethanol,and illicit drugsof abuse. Reviewof the decedent'smedicalrecordsrevealshistoryof mentalillnessduring childhoodrequiringhospitaladmissionandtwo suicideattemptsduringdetentionin March and April2009 requiringa yearin the BHU. Baseduponthe curently availableinfi the mannerof deathis "Suicide" DEPARTMET.IT OFTHEARMY ARMEDFORCES ]IIEDICAL EXAi'II.IERSYSTET' 1413RESEARCH BLVD,BLDG1O2 FOCKV LLE, l[D 2@!io AMENDED* FINAL AUTOPSYREFORT Name:GUL, Awal ID No: ISN-?82 Dateof Birth: 1962(48 years) Dateof Death:0l FEB 201I (2339hours) Dateof Autopsy:03 FEB 2011,0?00hours DateofReport:23ruB 2011 Date of Amended Report M IIIAR 20lI AutopsyNg; ( AFIP No.: x7)(F) Rank:Civilian (Detainee) Placeof Death:Guantanamo Bay Placeof Autopsy:US NavalHospital GuantanamoBay,Cuba Circunstanccs of Death: Mr. Awal Gul, a 48 year-olddetaineen collapsedin the showerroom aftsr223Ahours. Earlier he wasexe:cisingon the treadmill,andcomplainedof beingtired after5 minules. He went to showerwherehe collapsed.He wasnotedwith his backto the showerwalt foamingaroundthe mouth. He wascarriedby otherdetaineesto the cell block gate. CodeYellow wascalled at2238andCPR wasstartedimmediately.He wasnoted withoutspontaneous respirationor pulseandCodeblue wascalled. He was transported to the US Naval HospitalGuantanamo Bay (USNHCB) in asystole.He waspronounced deceased at2339hours,on 2 FEB 2011. Mr. Gul hada medicalhistoryof obesityandpoorlycontrolledhypertension.He had complained of chestpainon 28 Jan201l. Laboratorytes8on the 28h rcvealedno evidenceof myocardialischemiaorsignificantabnormalities;see"Review of Medical Records". Authorization for Autopsyl Office of the Armed ForcesMedical Examiner,tAW Title l0 US Codel47l Identification: Mr AwalGul, ISN 782,is identifiedby visualrecognition anddetainee'sidentification tags. He is positivelyidentifiedby fingerprintscomparisonby the FBI, DoverAFB on 08 FEB 2011. A tissuesampleis collectedfor DNA identification. Causeof Death: AtheroscleroticCardiovascularDisease Mannerof Dealh: Natural REmRTI(bx7xF) AUTOPSY GUL, Awal OSN 7E2) MEDICAL RECORDS nEVTEW The availablemedicalhealthrecordsarescreenedby the prosectorandthe observing civilian medicalexaminerprior to the autopsy;see"PostmortemExamination". Reviewof the medicalrecordsrevealsthe following in the more recententries: Mr. Gul wasin an overallgoodhealth. He hadpastmedicalhistoryof hypertensionand andobesity(BMI over30.0). He non+ompliancewith ireatment,hypercholesterolemia, in l}tz}m, bilateralkneeosteoarthritis,andlatentTB hadalsohistoryof appendectomy (positivePPD in Oct 2002; INH treatmentwascompleted). On 0l DEC 2009,he complainedof upperchestpain for two weeks"with no signsof distress, only whenhe eatingor drinking. He believedthatthis painis dueto acidreflux andrequesteddiet recommendation. to themedicalareacomplainingof a On 28 JAN 201l, Mr. Gul wastransported pain in the centerof thechest Therewereno chest localized,non-radiating,squeezing symptomsotsigns- EKG showeda normalsinusrhythm,miqil{ otherassociated wide QRS or criteriafor left ventriiular hypertrophyandno ST elevation/depression, anhythmias,Laboratorytestsfor CreatineKinase(CK-MB) andCardiacTroponinl (cTnl) werewirhin normallimis. The differentialdiagnosisof hischestpainwas Reflux Disease(GERD). He wasto be seen atypicalchestpain vs. Gastro+sophageal againin a week. He died on 0l FEB 2011at 2339hours. POSTIIORTEM BXAMINATION The postmortemexaminationl(bX7XF) lonAwal Cul is performedat the US Naval Bay (USNHOB), Cubaon 03 FEB 201l, surting at approxim.ately HosiiratGuanranamo areobtained MJ GB.Photographs procedure Assistingin theautopsy by ls Attendi theautoosyas observers andSpecial EXTERNAI/ EXAMINATION whitesheets. uncladobesemalecoveredby multi_ple The bodyis thatof awell-developed, Handsand feetweretied togettreiwith white ribbonswith attrchedidentificationtagswith theremains. his nameandISN number.No clothingorpersonaleffectsaccompanies a@ly220lbs,with no evidenceof extemal 68" andweighsanapproxim The bodymeasures present equal degreein all extremities.Uvidity is o an traumaor abnormalities.Rigor is AUTOPSYREFORT GUL,Awal (ISN 782) presenland fixed on the posteriorsurfaceof thebody,exceptin areasexposedio pressur. is cold dueto refrigeration. Body temperature The scalphairis black-graywith prominentmalebaldness.Thefacialhairconsistsof black The iridesarebrown.Thecomeae mustache andlong beard.Tlreeyesareunremarkable. areslightlycloudy. The conjunctivaeappearinjectedwith no petechiae.The scleraeare on theright side. Theexternalauditorycanals, whitewith a smallareaof hemorrhage externalnaresandoral cavity arefiee of foreignmaterialandabnormalsecretions The The lips arewithoutevident nasalskeletonis palpablyintacl The tongueis unremarkable. Examination The teetharenaturalandunremarkable. injury- The frenulais unrernarkable. mobility. or abnormal of theneckrevealsno evidenceof trauma No injuryof theribsor sternumis evidentexternally. Thechestis hairyand unremarkabte. with no evidenceof protuberant, butotherwiseunremarkable markedly is The abdomen quadrant, consisBntwith a lowerabdominal tn1uma-A suryicalscaris notedon theright with No otherscarsarepresent.The posteriortorsois unremarkable remoteappendectomy. no evidenceof traumaor abnormality. Theexlemalgenitaliaarethoseof a normaladult testes.The anusis unremarkable. descended circumcisedmalewith unremarkable with no evidenceof recentttauma. The upperandright lower exuemitiesareunrernarkable left leg. The handsare disUl on $e are noted unknown of etiology Contusions No tiattoos, and unremarkable. clean nails are with no trauma The finger unremarkable othermajorsurgicalscarsor identifyingmarksarenoted. EVTTIBICEQI S"{JURY trauma-A small of externalor intracranial of theheadrevealsnoevidence Examination trauma with no overlying head the back of is notedon the hemorrhage areaof subgaleal is hemonhage skullfracture;see"Opinion".A smallareaof underlying of thescalp-or notedin thetongue;ser "Opinion". of theneckrevealsnoevideneof externaltraumaor ligaturemarks. Examination on fte left smallfocalareaof hemorrhage reveals of thestrapmuscles Examination cartilageare and thyroid bone hyoid The muscle; sre "opinion". sternocleidomastoid or spinaltraumamuscular evidence of no of theneckreveals dissection intact.Posterior of hemorrhage a smallareaof superficial of theanteriorchestwall reveals Examination fiactureof rib # 3, anteroanteriormuscleoverlyinga non-displaced theleft serratus left ribs* 3,4,6 and7 fractured of thechestcagereveals Iaterally.Examination with minimal ribsareassociated junction.Thdfractured anterioily,at thestrno-chondral abdomen chest, of the intemal examination and see"Opinion".Exiernal hemorrhige; andgenitaliarevealsnootherevidenieof trauma. AUTOPSYREPORT GUt, A$nNI(ISN 782) Examinationof the upperandright lower extremitiesrevealsno evidenceof trauma. Examinationof the lefi leg revealstwo contusionson the anteriorandmedialdistalleg, well abovethe ankle. Seriallongitudinalincisionson the backandextremitiesrevealno svid€nceof recentor for documentation. rcmoteinjuries;photographed Nonereceived. M.gDIQAL INTERVENTTPN examination tubeanda neckguardarenoted.cT-scanandpostmortem An endotracheal "Opinion"' see esophagus; tbe in tubeinserted theendotracheal reveals INTENNAL EXAMINATION BODY CAYTTIES: 600ccof fluidandclottedblood;see sacreveals tttei"tactpericardial E-*ti--ti"" .Cardiovascular "f System".No abnormal in thechestor of fluidis present coltection Mild irrreased. markedly fat is cavities"Theamountof intra-abdominal abdominal remote the with wall,consistent arenotedof the€cilm to theabdominal adhesions pogitign'The anatomical normal prwent in the organs arc All body appendectomy. atthe ?'thick measuring is incr6ased, walt layeroi thJabAominat sukutaneousfat thorace the to injury of bluntorsharpfiorce umbilicus.Thereis nointernalevidencc region. abdominal IIEAD: (CENTRALNERVOUSSYSTEM) or subaachnoid subdural lltr dr* materandfalxerebri areintact.Thereis noepidural, are hemispheres cerebral The delicate. and are thin present. The leptomeninges hemonhage blood and nerves cranial including the of brain, atthebase symmeriJal.Thestro.turcs revealno bsionsthroughthecerebralhernispheres vlssols,areintact.Coronalsections Thebrain throughtlrebrainst€mandctrebellumareunremarkablesections Transverse andno parenchyma unremarkable reveals the brain of weighs1300grams.Seriilsectioning evideneof trauma NECK: of Injury''. Seei'Evidenoe thyroidglandandlarge strapmuscles, of theneckincluding of theiofl fissues Examination Thehyoidboneandthyroid abnormalities. andwithouttraumatic areunremarkable vessels cartilageareintact. r(b)(7xF) I AUTOPSYR.EFORT GUL, Awd (ISN 782) CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM: The pericardialsurfacesarcsmooth,glisteningandunremarkable; thepericardialsacis distendedwith 600cc of fluid andclotredbtood. Thecoronaryarteriesarisenormally,follow theusualdistributionandarewidelypatent witlr no atherosclerotic changes,exceptfor tJreleft anteriordescendingartlry (LAD). SerialsectionsthroughtheLAD revealmarkednanowingof its lumen,pin pointshortly afterits takeoff theleft maincoronaryartery. Focalcalcifications arc noted. The heartweighs440gramsandis mildly enlarged.Examinationof the heartrerealsa perforationof the anteriorleft ventricularwall, nearthebaseandtlreanteriorinterventricular septum.The perforationmeasures 1.0crn in lengthon tlreepicardialsurfaceand I % x 0.5 cm on theendocardialsurface;photographed for documentation. Thesunounding myocardiumis dark red-brown,firm andgrosslyunremarlcableThe valvesexhibitthe usualsize,texurc andpositionrelationshipandareunremarkableThe aortaandits majorbranches arisenormally,follow theusualcourseandarewidely patent.The aortarevealsfany sreakswith no apparentcalcification andno ulceration.The majorarteriesarefreeof significantatherosclerosis andotherabnormality.The vcnaecavae andtheir majorributariesreturnto theheartin theusualdistributionandarefreeof thrombiRESPIRATORY SYSTEM: The upperainray is clearof debrisandforeignmaterial;themucosalsurfacesaresmooth, yellow-tanandunremarkable. The pleuralsurfaces arcsmoothwith no adhesiorupresent. Thepulmonaryparenchyma is red-purpleandexudesa moderateamountof bloodyfluid with no focallesionsidentified.The pulmonaryarteriesarenormallydeveloped, patentand withoutthrombusorembolus.The right andleft lungueighs580 gramsand490 gmrnq respectively. LIVER & DILIARY SYSTEM: The hepaticcapsuleis smootlr,glisteningandinacL coveringdarlcred-brown,moderately parenchyma congested with no focallesionsnoted.Thegallbladdercontainsgren-brown, mucoidbile; themucosais velvetyandunremarkable. Theextrahepatic biliary treeis patent,withoutevidenceof catculi. The liver weighs2300grams. ALIMENITARY TRACT: See"Medicalbrterven tion", lined by gray-white,smoothmucosa.The stomachis distendedwith air Tte esophagus is and50 cc of darkgreenpartiallydigestedfood,a sampleof whichis submittedfor toxicologicaltesting.The stomachrevealsnoevidenceof ulceration.Thesmallandlarge bowelsareunremarkable. andthe The pancreas hasa normalpink-un lobulatedappearance patenl (Jp ductsare The appendixis absent appendectomy)- 6 AUTOPSYREPORTl(bx7xF) I GUL, Awal OSN782) GENEOURINABY.SJSTEM: andstripwitb easefromtbe aresmoothandthin,semi-transparent Therenalcapsules corticesarcsharplydelineated The surfaces. granular cortical red-brown finely underlying Thecalyces, unremarkable. and to tan red-purple which are fromthemedullarypyramids, and Theurinarybladderis unrcmatkable contains pelvesandureters areunremarkable. cloudyyellowurine.Ttrerightandleftkidneysweigh180gramsand160 clearslightly grafns,raspectivelyadultmalewithbilaterallydescended Theext€malgenitaliaarethoseof a circumcised testes. unremarkable RETICULOENDOTHELIALSYSTEM: fnrn parerrchyma; coveringred-purplamoderately intactcapsule @, Theregionallymphnodesappearnormal.The thelymphoidfolliclesareunremarkable. spleenweighs180grams. SYSTEM.i ETI{DOCRINE @d r i g hta d re n a l g l a n d sa rE unr em afkable.Asm allwel gland. is notedin theleft adrenal 0.5cm adenoma circumscribed MUSCULOSKELETALSISTEM: of Injury". See"Evidence arenotedon boneorjointabnormalities is normal.No non-traumatic Muscledevelopment grossexamination. EVIDENCE Nonecollected. RADIOLOGICALSTUDIES Verbalpreliminary or abnormalities. revealno recentskeletalfractures Radiographs tube pericardial sacandendotracheal revealsdistended TheCT-Scan oUtained. report-is intotheesophagus. inserted IdICROSCOPICE)(AMINATTO,N of histological with preparation setionsof themajororgarsareretained Representative slides. Slides# 1-6Heart: hemonhage,.fibrin sitewithsunounding site:Evidentperforation 1. perforation Frbroblastic prominent with infarction of area andsurrounding deposirion AuropsyREFoRTl6xr(F----] GUL,Awal (ISN 782) 2. 3. 4. 5. pmliferationconsistentwith over? days. The prominenceof fibroblastic proliferationsuggestsl'2 weeksof age;see"Opinion"' Sectionclosetoperforationsite: Multiple foci of prominentfibroblastic t. proli ferationconsisten Section2 cm distalto perforationsite:Mulriple foci of prominentfibroblastic proliferationconsistent.Mild myocytehypertlophicchangesarenoted. i*ft Ventricle:Mild myocytehypertrophicchangesand perivascularfibmsis arc noted. Septum:Mild myocytehypertrophicchangesand perivascularfibrosisare noted. 6. RightVentricle:Fattyinfiltration,mildSlide # 7z l*iAnlerior DescendingCoronaryArtery: Atheroscleroticchangesof the LAD coronaryarterywith over75% focalnanowingof the lumenandfocal calcification. macrophages' changesanddarkpigment-laden Slide # 8: Lungs:Postmortem pathologicalchanges. significant No Postmortemchanges. Slide # 9: Spl&n & Pancreas: changes' Slide# l0: Thyroidgland:No significantpathological changes. pathological significant No Slide# ll: Liver: Stide# 12: Kidneys:No significantpathologicalchangesSlide # 13: I-eft Adrenalgland:Benignadenoma. slide # 14: Right Adrenalgland:No significantpathologicalchanges. Slide # 15: Prostategland:No significantpathologicalchangesSlide # 16: Testes:No significantpathologicalchanges. changes. Slide# l7-20t Brain:No significantpathological TOXICOLOGY CarbonMonoxide: l% (l'3Va is expectedin-non- Carbxyhemoglobinsarurarionin bloodis lessrhaur' smokeri, 31dEois expectedin smokersand0ver l0% is consideredelevated). Volatiles(Blood andVitreousfluid): - No ethanolwasdetected. Cyanide: - Therewas no cYanidedetected. Screcnedmedicationanddrugsof abuse(Urine): - Nonewerefound ADDITTONAL PROCEDURES aretakenotFf photographs l. Documentary . ., . , ---=l Naval HCIpiul of Radiology, 2. Full body Ci-b"un is obtaineOby Departrnent GuantanamoBaY,CubaBlood 3. Specimensretainedfor toxicologicalandlorDNA identificationare: vitreousfluid, bile, urine,stomach (peripheraland from the hembpericardium), conten6,and tissuesamplesfrom liver, lung,kidney,spleen,brain' psoas,heart muscleandadiPosetissue- TEN7NF'-=I AUTOPSYREPORT GUL, Awal (ISN 7t2) 4. Vitreousfluid is submittedfor electrolytestesting. sectionsof organsareretainedin formalinwith preparationof 5. Representative histologicalslides. The histologicalslidesof the heartandcoronaryarteriesare submittedfor CardiovascularPathologyConsultation;see"Opinion". 6. No Evidence 7. Soecial 8. x6) asanindependent autopsy the DilAGNOSIS rrNdL-AUTO_Hry Atheroeclerotic Cardiovascular Disease: A. Rupturedrecentmyocardiatinfarction(ageover 7 days):No evidenceof myocardialraring. 600cc of fluid andclottedblood. B. Cardiactamponade, right ventricle the C. Fattyinfiltration of narrowing,pin point,of the LAD with focal D. Markedatherosclerotic examination). calcification(over75%ste$osison microscopic of hypertension. wifh history consistent capsules granular renal Finely E. F. Atheromatouschangesof the aorta. II. O0rer Flndings: A. I-eft adrenaladenoma. III. Evidenceof Injurl: A. Focalsubgalealhemorrhage minimalmusclehemonhage. B. MultipleGft ril fracturesandassociated and left antefior C. Superfrcialhemorrhageof the left sternocleidomastoid serratusanterior. D- Two contusionson the distalleft leg. III. Toxicologyr A. Volatiles:No ethanolwas detected. drugsof abuseandmedications:Nonewerefound. B. Screened C. CarbonMonoxideandCyanide:Not detected. D. Elecrolytesof theVireous Fluid:No findingsof clinicalsigniFtcance- oPrNloN disease. cardiovascular diedfromatherosclerotic Mr- AwalGul,a 48 year-olddetainee left wall of the the anterior infarctionof Theheartrevealsa rupluredmyocardial are:a changes Otheratherosclerotic ventricle,resultingin 600cccardiactamponade. with focalcalcification, examination) LAD (over75%onmicroscopic stenosed severely AUTOPSYREFORTI(bX7XF) I GUL, Awal (ISN 7E2) atheromatus changesof theabdominalaorta,andfinely granularrenalcapsulesconsistent poorly changes. with a The heartrevealsmild hypertrophic controlledhypertension. Microscopicexaminationof sectionsfrom the beartrevealsmyocardialischemicchanges consistentwith over 7 daysof age. Histologicalsectionsof the heartandcoronaryartery for morcdefinitive aresubmittedfor Cardiovascular PathologyConsultation determinationof the ageof themyocardialinfarction. After review,the ageof the with -2 weeksold. No evidenceof remotemyocardial cardiaclesionsis consistent infarctions. andmultipleleft hemorrhage, hemorrhage The subgaleal of theleft stemocleidomastoid with rcsuscitation is consistent rib fractures(with minimalsunoundinghemorrfrage) intubationis non-contributoryto thecauseand effortsand intubation.The esophageal mannerof death. with poorcompliance, Mr. Cul wasobese(BMI over30.0),hada historyof hypertension potential events.He myocardial of are indicators and obesity; atl hypercholesterolemia, pain hadno other The chest chestpainon the28 JAN. of localizedsqueezing complained with eating signsor symptoms. The chestpainwasreportedlyassociated associated raisingthepossibilityof CERD. CK-MB andcNtl testingwerenegative.Mr. Gul was on a treadmillwhenhedid not feel to havea follow up within a week. He wasexercising well, stoppedhis exercise,andwentto showerwherehecollapsed. Microscopicexamination of sectionsfrom theheartrevealsmyocardialischernicchanges with over7 daysof age.The prominentfibroblasticproliferationnotedis consistent with myocardialinfarctionsof l-2 weeksage. Sectionsof theLAD usuallyassociated revealover75%stenosis.Sectionsfmm thelungs,liver,spleenandkidneyrevealno is notedin theleft adrenal significantpathological changes.A benignadrenaladenoma gland. Toxicologicaltestsarenegativefor carbonmonoxide,cyanide,ethanolandscreened andillicit drugsof abuse.Testingof thevitreousfluid for electrolytes medications revealsno clinicallysigni imbalance Mannerof deathis "Natural". r Reportis anrendedto reflect the following: . Dateof Deathis 0 FEBar 2339hoursandnot02 FEB201t . onthe2ls. 2. Historyof chestpainis onthe28of JANonly. Nochestpainis reported lesionis l-2 weeks. Theageof themyocardial 3. Heartsections arereviewed. cqnfl ctilql ol DG mtoYnslAD xlliE(}t ll .rr (r?rtilt $.*r n ri XH 3] iln.brK r(EIIiF (R ,AwAL oxgflrEtlx, t trrttrl*r u-t t{AvAt srATtrmcu^ rjrl ru{l ^t. nrll nfs :irCL{ nrfffllsT {NGIE Crrdql. CrLtlrLr DtlEt x *ltddl XitRl ED rtrt lrtl :rrl oqt, wtE'(}wP hr*uhre u!rc C:ltAlr "FVt tno,trtall x I h t All xdb tttlt.tft-s rrTlrcr $ fort$ddrf gilt IJt Cdo$gr iTI',lTAIIiP *FG t trt IEwEil ld Acrff:*rf llAXEOFilEIf (F rn rrfafrpo& tu- Dltrtl I Jul.y l95X raj(8rn c* DtEc NB(ilOO scclil.EcuBttTiltfltEt l{xrrr& flrrrmtri& tff !.trtrrltrYtGE tru NaI r.rr{.*.udraa xrl3rl ?.F UIlTgDrTAlts IACE Kt falr(; $D (DOenrd L ld.&Gt GRAD€ rEtaTFElslFTo lar gEg; p a! a.rslc r:cl ht rd Grrygt Towil Axosr,lTE{br* zr cdrl 1r6c{o4r..l m?.b} t'n€EfiillnEfl}*llcrg{ L IIITEI ETT D*f gau rdrir $Eff UITqYiLETUEI o} sctr 'DDEAIX ht$rar CltiSEOf O:ATtl G.rr Ebt c Grt F l r., trx jr ltlr; Crr t Jlrd $r'hdprp'rr fe*bdrr.r ocaulEor c(ril$lxn llADorctD DEm l ANTERO'CLEROTIC CAN,DNOVASCUIJNDGEASE L !.tr l ddrqor&rdndrtgi{aal& I loltooNqTErJr$rNr. .C*n!6!Onll rTcalliE edhrtt*.flyrlrr. AII'TEDE{T CAISE lcqrLeu;h!r ltlF; ts3til.ttr{cc4tEE Flflf. rIYnE$E10nnitTr:tu3t Fail*lat -LE.l fdnbNannr&, r'l1rh1 ddrld dr*t crrunrcnnc$af €NorFrdl enfcco&r lrardrrrl rruGorElTrl AUrOAilltrFonE&c.?** E. Dg$lO. drbft; r$pl x Ccr{i c'"'cs dh".'sl*sir- f,tnnrt Xcrrr::& Fq$ct tr Allfo?sl corhar LJt{ox- cng6arxcE glrroi.or&roo€rrH o$t To gf8rrufrug p b alrrhi lcctDEtfr Iafur lbx6) t llctog 9.d& trilta rox*Ee (bx6) 9* ff vsu 0t Flf 20rI llns* SATI lj.'r*d.rt laflQf D*ll atFDtAtlt{lbr&r. E t llri tl;lD' 0l S Zgl u.s.MvAt HosPlTAlGUilfTJtt{Al{O8AY.CIJSA frEl rh & dral.fhl'r. k b. L * sEDJtxDslTllocqnrEArrHETD Eau ;iTEnl' DtrrrrrlGqilEtFsr^rE9aFv!. TflFltr'Ewllolta:El$aor'lrEDGCE c rhdr&rr*rx*rddcr-. &crct rr*r rfbrt i* fd nb b rcr.!.rJrtbAhacr raoldurrh IllrrrrraTFL rilo lar&dCr r && 'drr bt(6) MEUCALDOCTON !'lstAlt f,TI (bx6) u.g t{AvrI /h\/a I DITE E.I \ S'fATUTF cdFcq Ilurxr-s.rE f saeE-iir3t.iriS t hftrhrfra\r&.-bLr[!c&trgnFffqrlroaihrcrlrar.l&oLrrllrs{.mf.rd.1rbrrrlardrltr..r. rrttJ.tntHrrFrr:rlrnrl&crlrrlriJr:glr f kcrlror*ognrroorirrrlrcr. n, 't atrtta-r.HiHelo jrong:lraL $ rcx- Dlst6lTlot{oF ilu$lci ArrD$TATE UC€lltE --------__l GTADE (bx6) nEilfiils (bx6) (rTnn ,h\/A\ re / \ v / I DATE CU,rilTANAilO HOSPITAL U.S.N,TVAL BAr.CUt,t r^ria t,f (Ergtelt (bx6) t fEB20tr ()l alEiAlltlY IATEOFOL{XrqnOil ITUAL- crEl.rn r- lEilOY&a+:rt) NEBFtrRAr ONO' YITAI.STATIsNCS BBuB ?n/ltil$r(Tondh ft) DA?E R:GISTEIIO aleIAUE :IfAn Ott ET t F ilttorRrttf,*Luttc u AT'!IES' DDfsa2OS+. I .;l