ivl Service des poursuites Public Prosecution Service p?nales du Canada of Canada Bureau r?glonnl du Quebec Quebec Regional Of?c- Complexa Guy-Favreau Guy-Fevreiu Complex 200, bout. Rene-Leveswe Guest 200, Rene-Lemme Blvd. West Tour Est. 9? stage Eu: Tower, 9" Floor Montrdal (Quebec) H22 1X4 Montreal (Quebec! H22 1X4 Totem? 514 495-8110 Scat-lay 514 283-2572 514 495412! BY October 9, 2018, 2018 The Hon Frank lacobucci QC LSM, Me William McNamara TORYS 79 Wellington St. W., 30"1 Floor Box 270, TD South Tower Toronto, Ontario M5K 1N2 SUBJECT: Projet Assistance - Groupe SNC Lavalin inc. SNC Lavalin international inc. I SNC Lavalin Construction inc. Court No 500-73-004261?158 Ourfile: 3232289 Dear Hon lacobucci and Me McNamara, write to you on behalf of the Director of Prosecutions of Canada (the DPP). She wishes to thank?you for your letters dated September 7 and September 17 2018, as well as your e?mail of September 18"h 2018 and the documents provided on behalf of your client on September 27?? in which you provide further material following her decision not to issue an invitation to negotiate a remediation agreement to your client regarding the charges it currently faces, as communicated to you on September 4 2018. I can con?rm that the DPP has done a detailed review of all of the material submitted. I am informed that she continues to be of the view that an invitation to negotiate a remediation agreement is not appropriate in this case. Therefore no invitation to negotiate a remediation agreement will be issued and as a result crown counsel shall continue with the prosecution of this case in the normal course including the preliminary inquiry scheduled to commence on October With respect to your request for an in person meetin - 9 between yourself, the CEO of the Groups SNC-Lavalin inc and the DPP, she does not believe there is a need for it given all the material and submissions already provided to her- ?lite? Richard Roy Counsel for the Director of Public 1 Prosecutions