FRIENDS CIF 355. GREAT CREEK ROAD CCEAHUILLE, NJ [13231 EDS-5524555 Dear Friends, 'tr?elunteers, Partners, and Cel-leagues: Friends ef Edwin E. Hatienal Wildlife Refuge has upeerning epenings fer three new beard members- Beard members serve fer a twe?year term. Candidates with a passien fer eur missien are enceuraged te apply. We are particularly interested in attracting new candidates with experience in ?nance, membership, eutreach, marketing and enviremnental educatien- ?It?s an exciting time te be a beard member fer the Friends ef President Bill Harclerede said in a press release- ?There?s lets ef ways te increase eur impact at the refuge. The re?ige serves almest 253,00!) visiters annually, with ever 25,110+} visiters stepping by eur 1Jisiters Infermatien Center each year! bur current pregranls include managing the nature stere, staf?ng the visiter=s inferniatien center, previding guided tram teurs ef Wildlife Drive, cenducting envirenmental educatien classes fer lrids and adults, ceerdinating the Evenings at pregram, hesting a live esprey cam, and supperting refuge cleanups- The Natienal Re?ige spans ever il?j?? acres, and there?s lets te de!? Beard members attend menth-1y heard and participate in cemmittees- Other duties include strategic planning, managing envirenmental educatien pregranls, participating in events, velunteering at the Visiters luferm-atien Center, and everseeing ?nances. Regular heard meetings are held at 5 PM en the secend Thursday ef each menth at the Refuge Headquarters at Great Creel: Read in CIceantille, NJ, with telecenferencing capabilities- are interested in centributing yeur time and talents as a beard member, please centact Neniinating Cemmittee Members Stephanie Sanchez (STE-HE-HEE, er Bill Harclerede EBEID, bi?harclerede?gmailcem}- Else censider attending eur beard meeting en It-iarch 14 er April 11 te see whe we are and what we de- "P?t "ll. "nub-h? this: f: Ii. I?c. .J