itatazqas f; NAIL SPEOIAL WI Date: ?a ?Vi Item 26; 191.8 To: SAC, 30? From: J. Edgar Hoover, Director Subject: PHIL EESIL assess, ELEOEEMI RECOVERY mm a) a You are requested to conduct a thorough, discreet investigation con- cerning the character, reputation and loyalty of the above?named individual. It will be necessary to furnish leads to auxiliary offices by teletype. but teletype summaries to the Bureau are not desired. The original and We copies of the re~ ports are required. Instructions, contained in Bureau Bulletin No. 22, Series 194$}? dated April 10, 1948, should be followed in conducting, this investigation. This case is to be assigned immediately and reports of the completed - investigation must be submitted Air Mail, Special Delivery, where proper, to reach the Bureau by I 13 .1943: address: 545:}; W: 4.3 Miles, 339s Matias, California. Birth data 22 1923 181211111312?: Synergarding, ?alii?orniae f, a rims T?aii i 3 g- Mini: in your report a. statmut tilt the me advised you that in search or the. eentral ?les of the FBI has been made and no information or a derogatory nature concerning loyalty this}: could be identified With apglicant, 1a: ?found. CMGK 3m, and mm . 15:- .4 :Ci?mm??i??gi?ie? hung.- rw Clege: Glavin ,8 - Elise?w ?122; amines 7? 21 :3 in xi can: 631}. 1nd: august]; to! gem: tor?t appearing on photostatie some: Ea??ege . $3.3m Qf 13113 attach?d Burma i Harbo 1 it Echr Penninz't'on . Quinn Tam Tel . ace: . Reese Miss Sandy A 124-272 PHIL BASIL GEORGE, JR. for the last two years and had met him when they were both members of SIGMA NU FRATERNITY. He indicated that they wefehoth in the Air Force ReIerves' and that he was very closely associated with PHIL GEORGE while he was in school. DUNCAN described him as a very intelligent individual, conscientious and hard-working, very normal in every respect. DUNCAN stated PHIL GEORGE was a man of good morals and had a good reputation. DUNCAN stated that most of his associates were fellow-school friends as well as Fraternity Brothers. As far as he knew, he said that PHIL loyalty was beyond question. Mr. LYNDON ROBB, Investment Broker with offices at 903 Fair Oaks, South Pasadena, stat ed that he was the Faculty Investi gater for the SIGMA NU FRATERNITY and had known PHIL BASIL GEORGE, JR. during tire time that he was in school from the Ipring of 1946, to June 1948. ROBB ,stated that when PHIL GEORGE was first in school, he had resided at. the Fraternity House but had later resided in a bachelor on 40th Place. Although he was not intimately acquainted With the amlicmt, he said that he had never heard of anything which wculd reflect upon his character, loyalty or associates and Itated that he recommended him for any position of trust and confidence. SEEDI The Retail Merchants Credit Association of Los Angeles reported no derogatory information concerning PHIL BASIL GEORGE, JR. CRIMINAL The Los Angeles Sheriff's Office, Los Angel-es Police Department, San Bernardino Sheriff?s Office and San Bernardino Police Department have no record of PHIL BASIL GEORGE, JR. REFERRED UPON COMPLETION TO THE OFFICE OF ORIGIN DATA REQUST :EgrliI-W Ov? .n rw? THIS Ego BE USED FOR INCUMBENT EMPLOYEES AND COIN ?173;" 1 APPLICANT FOR EMPLOYMENT WERE INVESTIGATION IS. 1:3 I TO BE CONDUCTED BY EPED Wu. EUREAU OP INVESTI- EUROI DEM RECO OVER OATION AS REQUIRED fc. IIO, pus-?c u, 472.: a? ECONOMIC TOI TIOII 30?! CONGRESS- MAIDEN Wm LAST FIRST BASH, I/Amjgw/ ,7 I. PRINT FULL NAME . (initials and of MR- full name are not acceptable) Juli. I . 2. OTHER NAMES USED . ALIASES NICKNAMES A 3. DATE OF BIRTH 3A. PLACE OF BIRTH 4. MARITAL STATUS 9' I 2.2 Jam?g I612: DMD EMMDIIUQ (ACIF [Emu 4A. IF MARRIED. FULL NAME DATE AND PLACE OF PRESENT EMPLOYMENT I 1 . a 5. CITIZEN (CHECK ONE) 5A. IF NATURALIZED. GIVE DATE 58. PLACE OF NATURALIZATION EYES NO 6. IS SPOUSE FOREIGN BORN 6A. IF NATURALIZED. GIVE DATE GB. PLACE OF NATURALIZATION El YES NO . 7. EDUCATION - CIRCLE HIGHEST GRADE COMPLETED 7A. NAME. LOCATION AND DATE OF LASTHIGH SCHOOL ATTENDED 0,an LIMA RA Ago SEE. 8' MAJOR DATES ATTENDED YEARS COMPLETED DEGREES SEMESTER AND HOURS NAME AND LOCATION OF COLLEGE 0R UNIVERSITY ALTY mom TO mm we UMIU WI: HOE. WI Ada: E4 If; Eugmr?lm 44?, 4% 5 1;;0 9. COMPLETE EMPLOYMENT HISTORY DATES TITLE OF POSITION EMPLOYER ADDRESS Jove-P JL) IDEA-C2. SEED: DEC. 43 ELECT W-F 3mg 4S om: . Reacts Jove 4 I j? ?Serp-r E12 mIsz-C DATE-1D PM 12h. CANALREIUI 59 NW 3 HR 5351} ?0 A 1 Db Slit i -- 10". DATES AND PLACES 0F RESIDENCE FOR LAST 10 #7 g} DATES NUMBER AND STREET STATE OR COUNTRY o: I: (424(42fo (A) 4116) C622: QJEEA- ED LIA {Wii wP 50 -?161/13 BEST) IDILSLMEP: Ts:? EM EIZKTSEM Wu YOUR QUALIFICATIONS AND II. REFERENCES: LIST FIVE PERSONS LIVINGIN THE UNITED STATES OR TERRITORIES OF THE UNITED STATES WHO ARE NOT RELATED TO YOU AND WHO HAVE DEFINITE KNOWLEDGE OF YOUR LOYALTY TO THE UNITED STATES FITNESS FOR THE POSITION WHICH YOU ARE APPLYING. on 60 LQNB $243; [ b?vgzz WET. . 073? (SOB-J - '50 SM) DIELQ tam.? FAR .1 . -- LIA LQIJDWID 9:766 10 S. 23114 mml?m'nmjw 51.20sz JACL, IILZJILLIIMI fanK?IU ~3Tmozr-T1JT? I ??vomm I . 5D 2066 IILJS MRI) Imwm TNPDEHIL), IMMEDIATE RELATIVES NAME RELATIONSHIP NATIONALITY .. ADDRESS I2USED IN YOUR DISCHARGE OR SEPARATION (A) WERE YOU EVER IN THE UNITED STATES MILITARY 0R NAVAL IE) DATE OF SEPARATION OR SEPARATIONS (B) IS THE WORD OR THE WORD THE TYPE OF YOUR DISCHARGE 0R INTO SERVICE 7,94?? . .- I If) WAS SERVICE PERFORMED ON AN ACTIVE FULL TIME BASIS. WITH FULL MILITARY PAY AND 2742] - :3 UL I IGISERIAL NO. (Jinone, 11v: grads or?rating attxme of separatzon) we? DATE OF ENTRY 0R ENTRIES 1ilrw; MJITTD LIST ID) ?aring Corpa.CoaatGuard.etc. II IL: 1? RELATIVES NOW RESIDING IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES NAME IN DETAIL ANY PRESENT 0R FORMER FOREIGN CONNECTIONS: ADDRESS I I I ?ra?1 .a 0 291136 . ?Address! . I Birthdates saw: Iii-aim I I - a. 2: 4.. 31233:: .FILE NUMBER SERIALS .- 133 i I. .L ?Bel- 453+ Exes- - FEDERAL BUREAU OF U. 3. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE SEBTIOH NOV 2% 1948 CONF 2 STATIONS WASH 25 A FROMMST. LOUIS CONF 2 STATIONS WASH 3 AND UFO FROM ST. LOUIS 24 10-32 AM AND SAC Pb PW GEORGE, JR., ERP. AGO SL HAS ONLY MISCELLANEOUS TWO NAUGHT ONE FILE FOR APPLICANT. HFO HANDLE ST. LOUIS LEAD. NORRIS A LTXW 3?17" . . - 43W 1 END MOP BED 5390150? 3.31% W10 ACK PLS ?qu COPIES WFO 5? DEC 22;}3487 VCG v4 1211012,? at/ FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Form No. 1 THIS CASE ORIGINATED AT BUREAU ?I?x . FILE NO. 12 4-?1822 REPORT MADE AT WASHINGTON, D. c. DATE WHEN MADE 12?73-48 3 PERIO 26-ui8 REPORT MADE BY GUY sec AGE :dmh TITLE C) PHIL BASIL GEORGE, JR. CHARACTER OF CASE EUROPEAN RECOVERY PROGRAM SYNOPSIS 0F mors?ervice record set out. we, IDAF, CSC, HGUA, negative. FBI negative re loyalty. and co RUG REQ- REC'DzInzZez?e?. :4 E563 REFERENCE: Bureau file No. 124?2038 MR 6 Bureau letter dated November 10, 48 M18. 9 enter. DETAILS: AT D. C. {the applicant's Army officer and enlisted service record, ASN and 19177741, respectively, shows that he was born July 22, 1923, at San Bernardino, California; entered service December 8, 1942, at San Diego State College, San Diego, California, as a Private, Enlisted Reserve Corps, and was called. to active duty on February 12, 1943. He was released from active duty on January 12, 1946, at Mo Glallen Field, California, as- a Second Lieutenant. His file reflected one efficiency rating of excellent. The applicant received an nnsatisfac tory academic rating because of his low standing in a course in electronics and cathede ray tubes at the Army Electronics Training Center, Harvard University. However, he subsequently served as an electronics officer. His record contained no derogatory information. The following records were checked with negative results: Intelligence Division of the Army Intelligence Igiyisignpf the Air Force Civil Seryicggogpmiss?i?on House Remittee ?on ?Unieeme rican Activities 331:: re APPROVED AND FORWARDE I DO NOT WRITE IN unlv Gongs/01:- THIS REPORT . 3~Bnreau .we: ?emf,- .. . . Zulu'ashington Field I pr . -- Lr ?at: If \j . 6 a. comment nun-mm 0mm: 7?2034 V4170 124-41822 The Bureau advised that a sea?ch of the central files of the FBI has been made and no information of a derogatory nature concerning loyalty which could be identified with applicant. was found. EEFEBRED UPON COMPLETION TO OFFICE OF ORIGIN FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION BUREAU Form No. 1 THIS CASE ORIGINATED AT 1219-59 FILE NO. REPORT MADE AT DATE WHEN MADE PERIOD FOR WHICH MADE REDRT MADE BY SAN DIEGO 1169-413 11.17, 18 22" A8 ROBERT Gm MOORE TITLE CHARACFER OF CASE PHIL BASIL GEORGE, .JR. EUROPEAN RECOVERY PROGRAM SYNOPSIS OF FACTS: and verified. at CONNIE. Verified . Nothing derogatory} MALCOLM ROBBINS and T0 CL Nothing derogatory. REQ Rife gash Education San Diego High School investigated Nothing derogatory. mployment Nothing derogatory. Neighborhood investigation conducted San Diego. References LOUIS MAJOR, LAWREIICE MAER interviewed. No credit or criminal record. ?Iu? Ii: I3 NS .f .i 1405-} REFERRED: Bureau File 1194-2038 Bureau letter to Los Angeles, November 10, 1948. DEPAIIS: Education at San Diego High School investigated and verified. Mrs. MARY HEMDIGYIAY, Registrar, advised that her records showed GEORGE entered January 31, 1938 from Horace Mann Junior High School and was graduated February 1941. Mrs. HEMDIGWAI advised that academic record was above average and that he had majored in mathematics.- He had nothing derogatory in his record. Birth date verified. Mr. HORACE KENNEDY, Head of the Mathematics Department, San Diego High School, advised he had had GEORGE in his classes and that he APPROVED FORWAR DO IN THESE SPACES -1 i~ 'j A - 7 itsBureeuwgaimgail) .Z9 1947? ?(it 2- San if??igfoI ?3360733111151? PRU-TEES amt: SD 124*59 considered him to be a person of good character, a loyal American citizen, and that he would recommend him for the position for'nhich he was applying. KENNEDY stated that he knen'nothing derogatory about GEORGE. Employment at AIRCRAFT CORPORATION verified. MILDRED REPPETO advised that their records showed GEORGE was employed by their firm from July 30, 1941 to September 8, 1942, as a Planning Clerk and on the latter date he secured leave of absence to.enter the military service. REPPETO advised that GEORGE was eligible for rehire and that there was nothing derogatory in his record. Neighborhood investigation conducted at San Diego. Nothing derogatory. hrs. LOIS AUDI: 3544?Wilshire Terrace, a next-door?neighbor, advised that she had lived next to family since May of this year and that She considered them to be people of good character and loyal American citizens. AUDI further advised that parents run a restaurant in San Diego and that she believed his father had formerly been a Greek sailor. Mrs. AUDP stated she considered both GEORGE and his parents to be loyal American citizens and that she kneW'ncthing derogatory about them. Mrs. RIOHERT, 3530 Wilshire Terrace, a next~door~neighbor of advised that she had known GEORGE and his parents for the past ten years and that she considered them to be people of good character and loyal American citizens. She stated that GEORGE's parents ran a restaurant in San Diego and that they were very quiet people and good neighbors. hrs. RICHERI advised that she knew nothing derogatory about either GEORGE or his parentss LOUIS MAJORS, a reference, Vice President for Hamilton's Food Store, 7th and C, San Diego, advised that he had known GEORGE and his parents for the past fifteen years and that he considered both GEORGE and his parents to be people of excellent character and loyal American citizens. Mr. MAJORS advised that GEORGE had worked part-time at Hamilton's from December, 1940 to JuLy, 1941, in the Shipping and Delivery Department and that he had left their employment to return to school. hr. MAJORS also stated that father ran ?Phil's Sandwich Shop" which was just across the street from Hamilton's and that father had at one time'worked for him. Mr. MAJORS stated that he would recommend GEORGE for any position for'which he applied and that he knew nothing derOgatory about him. . ROBBINS, formerly of 1074 Cleveland, now located at 741 Queenstonn Court, Mission Beach, a reference, advised that he had known GEORGE for the past nine years and that he had gone to high school and San SD 124-59 Diego State College with him. Mr. ROBBINS stated he considered GEORGE to be a person of good character, a loyal American citizen, and that he knew nothing derogatory about him. Mr. ROBBINS advised GEORGE attended the University of Southern California, where he studied architecture. ROBBINS also stated.that he knew parents and considered them good, reputable citizens and loyal Americans. He stated they ran a cafe called ?Phil's Cafe?. ROBBINS advised that father was a Greek and that he knenrnothing deregatory about either of GEORGE's parents. LAWRENCE MAHR, home address 1504 Rebinson, business address Heather Company, market and Flower Streets, advised that he had known GEORGE for the past ten years and that he had attended high school with him.and considered be dependable, trustworthy, and a loyal American citizen. er. BARR advised that GEORGE had entered the military service where he had become an Electronics Officer. He further stated that QEORGE had studied Architecture at the University of Southern California and that he would recommend him for any position for which he applied. MAHR advised that GEORGE's parents run a restaurant in San Diego and that his father is Greek. He believed his mother to be Spanish. He said he considered GEORGE's parents to be people of excellent character and that he knew nothing derogatory about them. Credit Check No record San Diego merchants Credit Association. Criminal Check No record San Diego Sheriff's Office. At San Diego Police Department a PHIL BASIL GEORGE, JR. applied for a cab driver's license on February 8, 1946. RUC - PTESCNAL KID BY SPECIAL GER December 8, 3.9148 1115*. .2 Walter Yeagley Dirac-tor, Security and Investigation Division Economic Desperation Administrati on 1mm Floor, Walker Building, 73h 15m Street, 12.22. Washinpfuon, D. G. 5 "will! ?31 1 PEEL BASIL JR. 4-22 LUEG LII BL 6022212? PROGPPJI 2n There are transmitted heremth the covering; the completad investigation conducted by this Bureau on the abovemamed person: Report of Special Ageni; Chester G. Orion?? this ad liavomber ?2h, 191:8 at Loss Angeles, Calif. ?1 Report or Special Agent Robert G. Ileana dabed 30, 19128 at San Disc? 0, Calif. Report of Special Agent in Charge Guy Hottel dated December 7., 19MB at Washington, Go I 1211-2038. .22 DST :imc f: [2:3 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Form No. 1 THIS CASEORIGINATED AT BUREAU FILE 13-41-272 REPORT MADEIAT DATE WHEN MADE 7 FOR REPORT MADE BY ascents 11/24/428 ?223% 33? cmsrea (3. cases can TITLE . CHARACTER OF CASE PHIL theses, JR. cement: RECOVERY macaw smopsme FAcrs: Birth date. verified. Attended use, College of Architecture, March 1946, to June 1948. Was not graduated. Residence satisfactory. References recommend. Credit and criminal - no record. .4: him. born on July 22, 1923. camera GEORGE. loyalty ,to the United States. Bureau File No. 124-2058. Bureau letter to Los Angeles dated IIovember 10, ?l?9?m BIRTH DATA The records of the Bureau of Vital Statistics, San Bernardino County, at San Bemardino, California, reflect that PHIL GEORGE, JR. ;:as His parents were listed as PHIL BASIL GEORGE and EDUCATION The records at the Registrar's Office at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, reflect that PHIL BR. SIL GEORGE, JR. attended the UniverSity from March 1946, to June 194:8, as a full-time day student. that period of time, he was enrolled in the College of Architecture. was not graduated. 33$me B. Dean of the College of Architecture, advis ed. that he recalled PHIL BASIL GEORGE, JR. but was not personally acquainted with 1 He described him as an average student and he stated that he had never heard anything. that would reflect upon his character, morals, reputation or He stated that he did not know anvthim about the ma?? if, During The applicant 2 ,7 9? - a: APPROVED AND SPECIAL FGRWARDER k; I ;r 1,3,4 ?65: DONOT WRITEINTHESE SPACES wig; I a 4.13! a? I i-r? I 1 I u; w?m? I {liqa I "7'5 comas or'mzs REPORT . . . I) an?? . I . f?x, :3 . Bureau . 4.71:" ifq??j?f f} edge? JFK geld Los Angeles 3+ iv . i? ,1 L3 5:33 A I I W, 4? ?it: - ?Lea?s Mw??t? a er ?1'in U. B. 78.537261 tamer 71512554 I PT ?Ef' Comm??vc?l 575425; 3114/5 A 124-272 applicant's associates. GALLION indicated that the'applicant had never been the subject of any disciplinary action and that his conduct while in the College of Architecture was exemplary. Mr. CALVIN STRAUB, Professor of Design at the College of Architecture, advised that he knew PHIL BASIL GEORGE, JR. quite well, having had him in a nurber of courses for the period of time that he was enrolled in the school. He indicated that while the applicant was at the University, that he lived by himself in a small bachelor apartment near the school and during the seconi year of his attendance was partially self-supporting, doing miscellaneous de- sign work for various independent architects. STRAUB could not recall the names of any of these architects. He advised that this practice was very common among architect. students. STRAUB described the applicant as an intelligent individual who-always participated in class-room discussions. STRAUB stated eved him to be reliable ar? trust-worthy. From his association with PHIL it was his opinion-that he had good morals and high standard and a good'code of ethics. He had never heard him say anything which uld in any way reflect upon his loyalty to this Government. STRAUB state that, as far as he knew, his associates were fellow-students and frat7t?nity brothers of his while he was studying at the University. mass Mrs. J. STEWART, 40th Place, Los Angeles, advised that she had resided at this address for a number of years and had formerly been the Wager of the BUNGALOW COURT at this address. She indicated that PHIL BASIL GEORGE, JR. had resided at 646-1/4, West 40th Place, from some time in the. summer of 1946 until June of 1948, when he left and his place was taken 'over by JACK DUNCAN, who was one of his closest friends. Mrs. STEWART stated that PHIL GEORGE was a good tenant, always paid the rent, minded his own business and, as far as she knew, never became involved in any trouble. She stated that his conduct was good while at this residence. She advised that she'believed him to be loyal and did not know anything derogatory concerning his associates. GILBERT BROWN, House Manager of the SIGMA. NU FRATERNITY and BOB KING, another SIGMA NU, advised that they were both personally acquainted with the applicant and that for a short period of time in?1946, he had resided at the SIGMA NU MATERNITY-HOUSE at 625- West 28th Street. They reconnended him highly as to character, -loya1ty and associations. REFERENCES JACK DUNCAN, 646-1/4 West 40th Place, advised that he had known 15139. ?gs?a?ra'azzsa?s? . Tolson . Clegg . Ghnun Ladd . ?ichuIB Roses Tra:y Egan If 51?3?: - uandy aa*aeyj?inawr Hill condmt mighbarhaod intuitigatian: in than Mimics when applicant has: ?bun 1mm in: raids ta dateminu the imity, character and reputation of the. 39;:an mt?rmine repnigaticn and. atanding in comm-by 0:6 immediate relatiws through such so an an: audit. agencies, law agencies, Momma, etc; ?3 ms: at. Loni: (125513; (mum? a San Diego (WED (Helena. mahing?kon mold ($313111 manager) (Inmamy?; i FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET l408846-0 Total Deleted Page(s) 2 3 Page 5 Duplicate; Page 6 Duplicate; Page 9 Duplicate; Deleted Page(s) No Duplication Fee For this Page ?11 7 it 1 b7C 6161:6606, 663?: I 10/2/63 1:3? m: 66 (ca) - 661mm 6.660661" art.- -- (1710326 or 61113111611. 6:616:6on -- . 6616;111va 66. USS-4.61959) - 6-9 . 'dexlne?rlet t6 thE'B?rcdug 7 21/56? captioned 6166661 Bureau letter I66 66 8/7 633, captionad 666361?. ?7916??Tz' 36616666 666~666 original 666 ?666_ (6) 669166 :?vibf6r: 666VBureau and 666 (.1) -66 166 636 6r 6 666 dated 666616666 6.6 66666. 666 1) Gap? 16 b?i?g furn1ahed I3_;g 66 660 16666666 .66 that affine 16. 6r131n in 666 6666 -- EXHIBITIOE COHMITTEE - 'f 1; ITO USSR, 1959 . I I Whe-Jur166166166 66 66666661611166 61 the . -I ??Bur6?u in the 1666r661. 6666616? P1616 Iwere 666161666 66 ?9630666 666 66 app66re? ?ampletely cooperative. '_Jf GEORGE stated 6666 66 .-6 -f 666 FBI 11 6666 66 16 666666666 r?Cinea 16f6r~ . . I-33436616n 61 66616666 by 366166 nationals. . . . ?g .In 6666r66n66 116 instructiona 666 forth in ng 6636166 Ncw'Ybrk's 69966666 to _666 made in. the 6'19-666666 61'66666616163 6661666'66 666 any 666616636 that . -ff~jm?mberg thIe American 66616661 Exhibition 6666 appronahed *36Iy 666 3661:66. a - . . - I.-, Ivy. I. . 7.663.611 - Bureau (666 F1616 . . - 366I1m6?< Iv,'h Z'f'j?'f I- b7E 511611527 - 31? I I 63 I ,3_b76 sow-106 . 653 Ram-No. 27 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum T0 5916', New York DATE: 8'7'63 ROM Director, FBI SUBJECT: PHILIP B. GEORGE, JR. 133' - 8t 7?25'630 Bufiles contain no identifiable derogatory informati on concerning subject. By letter dated 4-3-63 subject expressed thanks for the Bureau 's suggestions for possible FBI exhibit participation in the Uhited States Pavilion of the New York World '3 .Fhir. Zhat letter indicates subject is Assistant Commissioner, United States Commission, New York World ?3 Fair. In accordance with your request, authority is granted for you to interview subject. In view of his responsible position, your approach to him should be in the nature of determining whether he has any knowledge that members of the American National Exhibition were approached by the Soviets. Such an approach should enable you to ascertain whether Soviets attempted to compromise or recruit 2m. 1-m4:v a: SERIALIZEDELLEDTQ. p. . ta AUC 1953 YORK Wee;? W577 EIQH b7E TO FROM SUBJECT: 2-37 mm?) UNITED STATES (I VERNMENT Memorandum SAC, YORK DATE: 8/28/53 SA Burrell D. Lease #344 (P) PHILIP B. GEORGE, JR. (VISIT OF AMERICAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION COMMITTEE To USSR, 1959) IS ReBnreau letter to NY, 8/7/63 granting authority to interview subject. Telephonic inquiry at subject's Office on this date reflected that he is currently out of town but is expected to be in his office the week following 9/2/63. Further efforts to interview subject will be made upon his return. 136 b7C b3 b7E i36 b7C 1? 2 1? Date TO: CHIEF CLERK Subject \fi? PHILIP B. Jr. (subj) Aliases Address Birth Date RGCG 3'51?] . a 150 E. 50 7/22/2 3 San Bernadino 5mm . Exact Spelling Criminal Case Files Only SRestric?i to Locality of All References Criminal References Only Main Subversive Case Files only [Sh/lain Subversive (If no Main, list all Subversive References) Subversive References Only Main Criminal (If no Main, list all Criminal References) . File 6. Serial Number Remarks File 5. Serial Number Remarks 2; ?33 I. Mw/ P. 1:73 I I .. r. J/?gj/U . . /7o( ajaz 6 r/ - ,7/4/3 Haw-33M: .4, 1.: a .u amwi? . ., m?3%m Reques?f?e?ab-yyw?m Squad Fl I Burrell Lease- 3gb -eN :3 {Searched by 7'5? 2 a -a . . (date) by - v2 ta?, . vagina; Reviewed by File Review Symbols 1 Identical - NI - Not identical - .N- ?a 2-31: 'Lfml'" Not identifiable Unavailable reference .4. (date) xvi: .11 r-r i- .3 at .ToIlson Belmont Mohr Casper Callahan Conrad DeLoach ?m?g 1963 Sullivan Tove] Trotter Tele. Room Holmes Candy asGhees] ing- secwxmew rm 1 8-7-REG. if b7E Dz?fr/e?otor, i232 if!" k/ PHEIP B. GEORGE, JR. (fl/Mi?, IS . If some: pug-63. - Wiles contain no identifiable derogatory information concem?ing subject. By letter dated 4-3-w63 subject expressed thanks for the Bureau's suggestions for possible .252?! es?ibit participation in the United States Pavilion of the New York 'WorJd-'s fair. Wt letter indicates subject is Assistant Commissioner, ousted States Omission, New York Forici's mgr. In accordance with your request,.. authority is granted for you to interview subject. 1?s view of his rcsponsilgie posztzon,' your approach to him should be in the nature of detenszning whetaer he has any knowledge that members of the Amsrican Natzoizal Exhibition were approached by the Soviets. Such an approach shoalgi enable .. you to ascertain whether Soviets attempted to compromse or recruit him. - z-mr - b3 . b7E WGepdb - NOTE: Subject participated in the American National Exhibition, representing the George Nelson Company, New York City, an engineering firm. In view of information from Bureau sources that Soviets made extensive efforts to recruit members of this exhibition, subject should be interviewed. MAIL. ROOM TELETYPE UNIT Yeawashington Ski NEW York ?25 we b6 3? GSA can. 358.3102 25". 9 b7c 7c 2" UNITED STATES GO ERNMENT Memorandum DIRECTQR, FBI DATE: 7/25/63 0, NEW YORK gig PHILIP B. GEORGE, gs. (VISIT OF AMERICAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION commas T0 USSR, 1959NFC letter to enclosing list of individuals who had indicated their intention to travel to Moscow in 1959. Relet requested that individual cases be opened for preliminary investigation and recommendations concerning interview. Among the individuals listed waS? PHILIP B. GEORGE, JR. and NY indices do not reflect that he has been interviewed. 52'! GEORGE's date of birth was listed as 7/22/23,? his address as 150 East 50th Street, NYC, and his employment as George Nelson Company. DANIEL MITCHELL, corporate secretary, George Nelson Company, 25 East 22nd Street, NYC, on 7/8/63, advised SA BURREII.D. IEASE that PHILIP GEORGE left this company in march, 1962, and his address was 411 East 58th Street, NYC. my. MITCHELL said his 3 records show that business phone now is IE 1-6611. An anonymous phone call on 2/13/63, by SA LEASE to this number reflected that ET l~66ll is that of the united States Commission for the New York World's Fair, 60 west 49th Street, NYC. Miss LOIS COLLINS, receptionist, US Commission, NY World?s Fair, Room 909, 60 West 49th Street, NYC, on 1/12/63, advised SA LEASE that PHILIP GEORGE is an Assistant Commissioner who lives at 411 East 58th Street, NYC. EZIG PISANI MASSAMORILE, 430 East 58th Street, NYC, on SA LEASE that he is superintendent at #11 East 58th Street, NYC, and is aware that Mr. GEORGE lives at the latter address, although he is not acquainte with him. 2 Bureau (RM) <3 MOT 5 (Info me Q: ?a JUL 26 1953 10 if)? BBL:emv (4) In Reply, Please Refer to File No. STATES DEPARTMENT FEDERAL BUREAU or INVESTIGATION New York, New York October 2. 1963 Philip B. George, Jr. (Visit of American Nations Exhibition Committee to Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, 1959) Philip B. George, Jr., 411 East 58th Street, New York, New York, Assistant Commissioner, United States Commission, New York World?s Fair, 60 West 49th Street, New York, New York, advised Special Egent (SS) Robert VanderhOVen on September 18, 1963, that he was in charge of the crew of employees from the George Nelson Company of 25 East 22nd Street, New York, New York, who were sent by said company to work on the ?merican National Exhibition in Nose w, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), in 1959. Mr. George stated that he had never been approached by any Soviet national and he knew of no other employees of the?EKhibit of his acquaintance having been approached in such a manner which would indicate compromise on his or their part or of a nature which would not have been in the best interest of the United States. Mr. George stated that the only unusual incident was when a young male Russian, claiming to be a student architect, approached him and several of his colleagues on a Nbscow street. This unknown Russian tried to engage in conversation with them stating he knew they were architects. Mr. George advised that he never learned how this young Soviet knew that he and his colleagues were in fact architects, and he never saw nor heard of the young Russian again. This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed(ntside your agency. Rec?crds Bra 3979 cucu?u; uuicuu UL nr'tigutlon . 19?? Name Searching Unit - Room 6527 Service Unit - Room 6524 ,E?orward to File ev1ew EMention Return to [a 5 5 Supervisor oom Ext. WW Type of References Requested: Regular Request (Analytical Search) 1 References (Subversive 6: Nonsubversive) Subversive References Only Nonsubversive References Only Main References Only Type of Search Requested: Restricted to Locality of DExact Name Only (On the Nose) l:l Buildup E: Variations Subject 3PM 46 Birthdate Place Address 1 1. "k Localities 0h Searc er Date Initials Prod. TO SAC, NEW YORK 1 (RUG) SUBJECT: I r. SING-106 Egan? UNITED STATES ERNMENT eniomndum DIRECTOR, FBI PHILIP, JR. (VISIT OF AMERICAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION COMMITTEE TO USSR, 1959) ReNYlet to the Bureau, 7/25/63, captioned matter. Bureau letter to NY, 8/7/63, captioned matter. Enclosed are the original and four (4) copies for the Bureau and one (1) copy for WFO of a LHM dated and captioned as above. One (1) copy is being furnished to WFO inasmuch as that office is origin in the case entitled OF AMERICAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION COMMITTEE TO USSR, 1959." The jurisdiction and responsibility of the ?fiIZ} Bureau in the internal security field were explained to GEORGE and he appeared completely cooperative. GEORGE stated that he would immediately notify the FBI if ever he is contacted or receives infor- mation of contacts by Soviet ?ationals. In accordan?e with instructions set forth in reBulet, NeW?Ycrk's approach to GEORGE was made in the nature of determining whether he had any knowledge that members of the American National Exhibition were approached by the Soviets. 2 Bureau (Encls. 5) Washington Field (Encl. 1) (RM) 1 - New York b6 b7C b3 b7E E?gcg?Qd 5? RE RV:mfv C- 32 (4) 5" ?f ibsi? Mr 4 0074:. 1" b3 b7E Records of the Credit Bureau of Greater New York, as made available on 7/12/63, by Miss PAULINE DE FIOBE to 10 THOMAS D. MULLARKEY, reflect a satisfactory credit record for subject. Records of the Bureau-of Criminal Identification and of the Bureau of Special Services, as caused to be checked on 7/14/63, by SA AUGUST J. MICEK, reflect no information identi- fiable with the subject. Records of the New York State Department of Motor vehicles, NYC, as checked on 2/12/63, by 10 ANTHONY AMOROSO reflect no information concerning the subject. NY indices contain no pertinent information concerning the subject. Bureau permission is requested to interview the subject in accordance with instructions in relet. b3 b7E