a; sum-2V,? 1 . 111171 I I I . A I MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF LICEN3ING AND REGULATORY AFFAIRS CORPGRATIGNS SECURITIEE 8: COMMERCIAL LICENSING BUREAU Date Received 1 - . A 1r'on auneAu Use 50111.1) JAN 1 1 2m This dowmentiae?ectlveonthe dale tiled. untesse . atterrecered . . I - . 'Namjs' 1 . a omasTroyeli. - I - Eggs . 7 ADMINISTRATOR Oak Hills Drive . 7 - - 1 -. - CORP ORATIONS DIVISION I sme- 1.219 csd's - 9 MI 1 49230: EFFECTIVE DATE (I. Document will be returned to the trains and seems yen enter above. It Iain blank. document wIlI be new 19 1116 reglatered of?ce ARTICLES OF ORGANIZATION For use by Domestic Limited Liability Cempanres (PIease read information and Instructions on reverse sIde) Pulsuent to the provisions of Act 23, Public AcIs of 1993.1he undersigned executes the fellowing Articles: ARTICLE I The name of the limited nanny company Is: Whalesa?e Processing Systems. LLC ARTICLE II The purpose or purposes for Which the limited liability company Is termed Is to engage In any actIVIIy within the per-poses for which a Ilmlted liability cornpany may be tanned under the LIr'nIted Company Act of Michigan. Merchant Processing lnIbnnaIion Technology Company - ARTICLE The dureIIon otthe limited liability company if other then perpehIaI Is: -. .- 2 ARTICLE 1 The name of the resident agent at the registered o?ice Is: Thomas Trove? 2 The street address of the location of the registered once Is: 622 Oak Hills ours BrnokIyn I . Mimic?: 49230 1mm) . 11:11?? 1 @me, 3. The mailing address of the registered ethos if different than above: . .1 . .Michtganw 19.9. WNSMIW) - - 1 1mm - 1290019) IARTICLEV Insert an I 1 desiredadditlonal ?rovisIonauthorized the Act; mean additional :1 a esiif needed.) . 39' Sightseer 11 "day-or. 11"! I '__.J_anuary 7 20178 1 Thorh'as Tro or, John Turner John Ehnis . QT . . 1 mleIBis)oIOmenlmr(s)) 5T Emu-m: