Page 1 or 2 Mariners 11/9/2018 Hospital Palienl Name Parker, Jeanneire iiPi'ls'r sdiru1fiznlbi Dam: REQUEST FOR PAYMENT Account Summary Pay online! It's fast, easy, and secure. Dale of Service' 9/22/2018 oi Service' Emergency Depanmenl WSA- so me var Place oi Service Manners Hospiral Scan one code lo pay wiln your smart phone Toial Charges 3 45,512 no insurance Paymenrs Adlusrmenrs 44,320 90 (C) Our aulomarerl system provides uprlordate inlorrnauon acoul your accoonl 24/7 ar PW 78675956507 or loll iree 31178004350065 AMOUNT YOU OWE 4,191.10 (R) See reverse side onnis slalemenl Vor irequenily asked ouesiions IMPORTANT MESSAGE We previously rimmed you me: the balance due is your responsibility Our records inoicaie lrral we have rroi received paymenl for me accounl balance We are requesung lnal you please pay me arnoum immedialely llwe do nor receive your payrnenrwilhrn 15 days we will consider your accoum pasr oue, Pay onlrne securely al: mlps'//bi11pay capiislneallnnel If you have any questions about your our-ol-pocker expense, please conraci your insurance provider so irrai iney can explain how your claim was processed, Your insurance provider de|ermines peneril coverage and any paiienllinancial responsibility Our Esprisl Heallh Cusromer Service Represenrarives do riol have access lo me tems or your insurance policy. S'uiemenloa Pay By Mail for Aczount Number Mariners . Amounr Due Due Dale Amour" Enclosed Hospital mm. 4,191.10 Upon Recelpt 3 Poioxasnaan Miami. Fl 13253 Parka! Jeannelle Mariners Hospital PO Box 198116 Allanta, GA 30384 8116 Baptist Health South Florida Mariner: [Inspilal 0 Btu 19am Atlnnu,GA 303848115 Mme leannene perm ecu: Allendmg thsicvan -- ENC: Manners Hosp smemm Number: Proudcr Tax ID Accaunl Number: um Date' 12/202013 Claim In: new fon-- Dave cu Descrinlian 9'1 Amoumgs) Charm 36603322 Immn acnlr. ea add vac: tax 1 CG 99/22/2012 49057547 Van: baostnx u.5 ml 1.1) 1 mm awn/2312: 493M205 37ng tau) 1 2,0c DS/Sz/zuu 35mm mm." acrm- me vacc hex m7 1 143,00 490:)2El Vacc Tables 2.5u 1 968 on 09/22/2018 49033673 Imn glob rabxes 2:11 In: 6 46,422,00 3560015? Level II 1 722,00 PIymulIx/Adjuumenls 10/19/2015 mgne Insurance Payme. czniy [Lo :5 meme :0 ofIFEt the opera: mu: e, were seem-med e, PpllEs, 'v The marge; .n r'us etwuonr a {stillcy foe. A CrsrEnds, 9/ aw Iaxy Se; memem, spear-u oars, recovery :0 and ether persc'me] staff mule, Lassa emu-hm ma em an): we pander: who rendered eemcee the paper]: may r: sepazalely A 115: cl sv- Guys v'azrs 25 aVaAla 19 5: mm mm "swam; nfiLzm'f 1, geg'xj": gee Please Conrad Um "Um "er 3: we regal/LAG any smuylg nn Cov ra ES - - Oul record 1ndlcalcthe following msuranc: plans Pleasecan muswun gagtggi F1?r1da mums) Miami FL 33253 235-0065. 11mm, Plan Name 1 Clgn3()pen Acww pm ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED JEANNETTE PARKER Guam-um Jcennenc Parka CW APWU eHeallhRecnrd PLUS Page 1 of2 M-- -- eHeaIthRecordPLus . . . dBazktu E'd1m searm Claim Deta1l:ClaIm ID Patient PARKER Addres; Me'nber Provider Narr'emPl) MAPINERS Addvess PO ATLANTA GA 303813 Network 1nd1CalD' Network Clavm Totals merges $481512 00 Not Covered $9,580 00 )4 117 Paid T0 MAWNERS 1 103W TN, . 3313"; flu P'rarv Jays 534451850 1 fl e'H Dedmbwes $3160 9434/ 7 Emmy 50100 [Drmfi'urantc $2,345 50 fl Other lnsuranre Pawd' Member Resp.: $4191 '10 Other Service REV ms Not Member Reason Date Code Charge Allowed Paid Covered Resp. Plan Paid Code 09/22/2018 0250 :30.00 09/22/2015 0450 $712 00 33/7 60 30 00 $144 40 $366 46 $211 14 09/22/2018 0636 $968 00 $774 40 $0 00 519160 $77 44 $696 96 09/22/2018 0636 $46,422 DC "/1137 60 SO 00 $9,284,410 33/13 76 $33,423 84 09/22/2018 0636 $112 Grand Total $48,512 00 $38,809 60 $0130 $9,680 0@34,618 SU APWU eHeaIthRecord PLUS Page 2 of2 Other Service REV Ins Not Member Reason Date Code Charge Allowed Paid Covered Resp. Plan Pard Code 09/22/2013 0771 '13 00 $11440 $0 $28 3H 44 $102 95: 09/22/2013 0771 $143 03 mama SO [70 $2861) 44 $107.96 Grand Total: $48,572 09 $38,809 $34615 '30 03 Back [0 L'dmv Sea'zh LE7 2C1 3 TMZEHO Ah fights reserved