I f+6L I I I I I I I I I Cl Act ' ffi62 -=...TtuartsrY'scovERNM{NT MrNrsrRY oF FOREST AND sorl, coNsERy{rr-gl PARKS AND wTLDLIFE CONSERVATION nnpnn'illnlqr on Nl'rtoNAL Anti-Poaching Activities in Royal Chitwan National Park fl992-1996') I I I I I t l I I Department of Natiotal Parks and wildlife Conservation Babarmahal WWF Nepal Program Lal Durbar' Kathmandu 1991 I I l I I I I I t I I t I t I I I I I I INTRODUCTION rhc Roya, chrnan Na:"p l.l"y:,:.1,H:1il1:iliii: fff.Htr.;f subt.opical iluler terai lo\\lanG ot-soutnen llltitag" Site area by IINESCO in the lrst ot wo'n rocogrition in tle World in 1984' the park :; $: has attained wider exclusirely managed as a huting 1950 ln 1963' the area south of in 1973. it became the first Nattonal Park forbiq eame aDd \Ias Tbe ChiNan Valle1 uas well kno\'fi ano tie-ir zue; urtil reserye for the Rana Prime Ministers ,-J,rury"-a RaDti was alemarcateal as u .t -o"".o. area' ofthe to presewe the unique eco-system house more than 43 speoies by tropical to sub-tropical for€st Tho Chitwan valley chaJacterized trger and the greater one-homed^rhinoceror *o-g"'"o thg inoluding ofmammals 'p"of,''fit" gaui. wrld elephanr. four homed antelope' ap.",., sharial The oLber secured lJ"ii nt"*-;;;t* -,rt a", p)4boD erc gangeric dolphin monitor hzard tpYl^dw;1r*r:areetv on tP hunan babitat and the offorts made to minimize the DroDer management of the w dlrre Park The successtul conservation of a National *d id'T"y ecosystem interferencc adrersely affecring rhe Park Nepal entered aIId Wildlif€ Conservation Act in-19?3' Wirh the enactment of National Parks stafl V";ttt] t C"ttt"i*t T'ug" prorisioD for(RNA) inlo the modem em oi conser\alon -"'ffit Roval \epalese Arml esLutttttted t'lutionaip'k -d th" amount of "r;t*lv ptot""t tt'" p't ln spite of the considerable were grven the responsiblLf 'o pou"'*g oi certain siecies of wildlife species includlng monetarv and human resources, *-a-g"i"a ap."'.t hut" nol come under complete control Hi"uJ#"i".i., The Doaching of rhitoceros and uger had srafled before lhe area \ as gazettei as a National "Gaidacasti" - tumed Units proted rhinoceros' The arm€d unit under a retfed of ex-servicemen patrolling the area to the othor at odce in chitwan with two posts, one at Tikauli ard area' and tho poachers \{€re active ill the ""r"""i-iJ-i"li""a Nawalpaiasi. The two posts w€re to cover the entlre as a National Park in-19?3 Nepal Army i *ill*Cri*- t"fr"v After the area was gazetted were ffi;;;;;;"";;endar€ered wildlife sp;cies' ard the "Gaida Gasti" of ex-arml'rnen ;;iT;";a* 1940, drc nana Ad;istration had formed reliev€d. a serious problem in all protect€d areas The poaching of rvild animals has alwavs renrained like. the rhin-iieros and the tigcr' i;JiJrvthi,':s i", ",rn"d posing freat to endang€r€d species market is one of the reasons for d the The rise in price of rhino hom and uger bones subsistence econom)' of certatn ttre and hunting of species. The tradinon ;;J'erselv afiected the populadon or wild admals in the ptote'cted areas' ; ;;il;;f';:" :;fi;';:;; ;;; ;o I I I I I ! I I I I I I I t t t t I t I Rhinoceros Mortality t992-l Date \!ell ds oulslce oi Bandarjhula 1994 13.10.1994 26.3.1995 l0 3 ,] 993 1'I bY Remtrk figer Derth Inside as 1992 Killed Poaching Naturrl I 3 area Ghatssi 1 I I Bhosdghal 8lea Dhruba Post areq r.5.1995 '7.6.1995 I 23.6.1995 t1 t995 22.2.1996 Khaseii Khola Near Gaida c8!l loud 1 i 29.'t.1196 Khoscndra Malli @uEEg b-v fiChl i 13.4.1996 4 t .1996 rn a der n"*ty to* t tY utn Budha Nagff Megnautr a*'o-tattv vuL tetL wounas oig4g- sustained in a light 14.12.1996 Table I the years 1992-199^6 The years 1:?:-1993 Table 1 shows the rhinoceros mortality between Some tigcr poache$ were a"*'il" ftfgft"u -"*"ftty both alue to natuml cause and poaching rvere also period. .There llii"u"a to"lu* .*t"f,ei to more lucrative rhino poaching during that period after the increase in poaching of rhinociros The transitional ;d". ;;t;;;;;;" in and outside the - posts positioned political change in the countly berng one i'tre Army pott' staff are not amed' fr;;;l ;.arli -" not oblized to patrol ertensively Atta theThe presence of army guard ,n" arrncd group of poachers on their own r;;;;i;;"; n.stsinsldetheDarkslsabenefpoachng.leterentthantheirlimitedpatoling'Thewolst igoilLsqr"^ ttti *estern side of the park' including the Bandarjhula island * ffiil;;; rhino young werc killod by the *here tiere aro insufficient army posts. In the year 1993, four poaching death Jg"rs. .Aff,". tSS: th" t"coral shows a gradual decrease in death in 1995 There werc seven wounds sustained in,fighrs with A"otf, in 1996 also Of the seven, 4 had died of b.d faflen off a cliff and died of injudcs' I was found in a decomposed Seven rhinoceros rvere recoriled il;;h;;; u Death caused bY rvomds 14.1l 1996 *irro"".o. io "ausea $ltained in a fight- 23.10.1996 8.11.1996 PP.a ditch lllade bY a bed to have met nafural I s[ale. and a baby rhino $as kilted by a tiger' - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I t 13..3.1996 The dead fernale tiger bore 2.12.1996 behind the buildins was brought to park offioe and buried The decomposecl oarcass of the tiger Man Kill€d/wounded by wild animals December 1996 Place Case Dato Attacked and killed by Dibyr wounded Meghauli by Killed 2 z naCar Ked by 26.t2.1996 Wouded bY ttre Nawal Pa-rasr I tourist for iurlgle rvalk collecting fuel wood JasatDur VDC I rhinocercs 29.t2.1996 Killcd br tiuer alomesticated €lephants were used to drie the tiger from clop field 1- bY 26.t2.1996 rhino while fishing illegallY liqer 4.11.1996 tY utta"L"O Reu River Attacked and Remarks Wou[ded a rhinocffos 23.1O.1996 Killed guide was attacti/ f.< \> x' D T\9 ,I <1 Iti z I t\( \- -..;, rL r- lao\ c € 3:\ a\.--'--, .. rt F to o{> z i t' g i/ t,' :.1 ],q t-. *\''. Q> a'- di ,' ;€ : 9\\ :.j'+'E \ ,r" a', I '\ t' '^/ i/ 3( A\:d\ 7; )'t'. a)\,....' 1,i ."P f( . z'.' , ) I t,' '' - ln .'r /'--l.. i'). i( \\ .\ \. i. \ = fi.. ( '. vl\ r-\\) .t, ) 'rlA @..1\-'1 l--r-Je;.-#-r\,r? l5-*3, 3J oq\ .il Z \\i \- \ >\ \ Pll\ li ]i \ J: /- -*