Declasifiedip Part - SanitizedCopy Approved for Reiea?e 2012/06/14 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/14 CIA-RDP99-00777R000301980002-2 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/14 CIA-RDP99-00777R000301980002-2 . . Look what we?re able to do in this country. Look what we?re able to do with a system such as ours, when finally the inconsistencies between the dreams contained in our founding documents and the reality come into direct con?ict. What other nation in the world can make this sort of adjustment and commit itself to a dream that says the only thing that should limit anyone is their own talent, their own ambition, their own dreams? That?s the blessing of this nation. That?s the blessing of this society in which we live." Lt. Gen. Colin L. Powell, Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, during his address at CIA Headquarters on 18 February 1988 in honor of Black History Month. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/14 CIA-RDP99-00777R000301980002-2 Declassified in Part $4 9. wit?: Lt. Gen. Colin L. Powell Assistant to the President for National Security Af- fairs Prior to his appointment as NSC adviser on 5 November 1987, Gen. Powell had served as deputy to then NSC head Frank Carlucci. He previously com- manded Corps in Frankfurt, West Germany..Among his military decora- tions Gen. Powell holds the Distin- guished Service Medal and the Bronze Star. our rn .1 may? -. National Security Adviser Colin Powell as he was depicted in the February 1988 Central Intelligence Agency Black History Month exhibit ?Blacks in the Military." Or: 18 February, Genera! Powell spoke before an audience composed of Agency employees and invited guests on the contributions of Black Americans to the defense of the United States. The ceremony and exhibit were presented by the Director of Equal Employment Opportunity and the O?ce of Information Resources. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/14 Judge William H. Webster, Director of Central Intelligence. introduces General Powell. During his remarks. Judge Webster said that he expected ?to see more minorities in [ClA?s] professional work force. as well as increases of both women and minorities in the middle and senior levels of management.? Judge Webster greets General Powell, whom he called a General Powell addresses the 18 February 1988 ceremony "personal friend of mine.? commemorating Black History Month. The President's National Security Adviser began his speech by thanking CIA employees for "all you have collectively done for me [since] I have been with the NSC Following his talk] he and Judge Webster visited the ?Blacks in the Military" display located in the Agency 's Exhibit Hall. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/14 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Rele 1t .J ase 2012/06/14 CIA-RDP99-00777R000301980002-2 i A Special guests invited to the STAT STAT Mr. Myles. Mr. Jeter. and Mr. Nalty view the case honoring a member of the all?Black air unit trained at Tuskegee Army Air Field. yisi Black History Month ceremony and display included (from left]: June C. Turner and Henry C. Turner. Sr. (parents of one Naval Academy graduate and three Military Academy graduates). Bernard C. Nalty [author of Strength/or the Fig/it: A History ofB/ack Americans in the Kenneth J. Myles (National President of the 369th Veterans' Association) and Melvin L. Jeter (Federal Bureau of Investigation Equal Employment Opportunity Of?cer]. u. if the Ol?ce of Logistics the display. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/14 CIA-RDP99-OO777R000301980002-2 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/14 CIA-RDP99-00777R000301980002-2 ?0 0 <2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/14 CIA-RDP99-00777R000301980002-2 Ded'a??itieia i'riP?aiiml 2012/06/14 CIA-RDP99-00777R000301980002-2 Shown here is a panel from the exhibits ?War of Independence? section featuring the replica of the ?Bucks of America" standard. This full size ?ag was reconstructed with information on composition and design provided by the Massachusetts Historical Society. History records little in the way ofspeei?es, yet John Hancock. the patriot with the prominent autograph, thought so highly ofthe all?Black Boston unit Called the "Bucks of America" that he presented its members with their own standard. it was, as the sketchy literature recalls, his ?tribute to their courage and devotion throughout the struggle. Like the declaration he had so conspicuously endorsed. Haneoek regarded this regiment to such an extent that he allowed his initials to be included on the banners scrolls Also added were the ?rst letters belonging to the name of another grateful revolutionary, George Washington. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/14 CIA-RDP99-OO777R000301980002-2 Display case with Company A. 9th US Colored Infantry. tunic and kept reproductions. One of160 all?Black regiments thalfought in the Civil War) [he 9th was organized at Camp Stanton, Md, on Not-ember 1863. These men saw action a: the ban/es of Deep Bottom, Chopin?s Farm. Darbyrown Road, and Fair Oaks. Each May 15. Virginia Institute honors the 10 VMJ cadets who died ?ghting for the Confederacy at the Bat- tte of New Market. Last year one 01 the tnstitute?s 43 btack cadets served on the squad that fired the customary rifle vot~ leys. ?You may be whatever you resolve to be.? Thomas J. ?Stonewall" Jackmn Virginia Military Institute Professor 1851-1861 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/14 CIA-RDP99-00777R000301980002-2 ?m -J. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approt/ed for Releasen??T?/OES/M Allah'xgt- \x 43 mt ?but: H'un'! ur. and 'tt-tt?nulxcw (twin-I . MILL. ?H?tLt? mu: 'ihfl'i?w knit: rt} .al ?rem :tnu?. mm - IJC \lt'l'L um In mw ?miner .J nip. it {rt-w. ?tiJlu'J ptuttg?n t' t: \1 It pait . it. leuu . \il ?ht?s Lin: intact. ?rm 3th and in ?anything" in: at it him an! plain L. ill: liK (,ml \1 tr. Hurt L'n' C. div: lulu wt? an And that: h' ltL?nLi. (Ak'v?l'gL? C'tli'Lttl' mu,? .a tummt. 3n hLM?k n. in?ict? tit . hutud Lu ictU'I: [m Lurk in; his- tun; lit?. I mum ll?vur Ll.1?k .. - my. mum tgm-y. ?14].le im. 9min": tam-yr: Mm \g ,I?rr mm?- ?ut (In; Um Ltzdiana q: i d. whim-d. 111:; tn. tattud ?own: making \mct?kn Fur the ?rst Lime :1 uul'y mmimmal .ntditivnalty they; turn .md \u . cusstara fun-gm mutant!)- In America g1 wrath.? Ul' ars. . . .t . x: Exhibit section describing some of the history associated with the LS Army?s 9th and 10th Cavalricsm-the "Buffalo Soldiers." During his speech, General Powell took note oft/1e Black troopers who were instrumental in settling the American West. ?These . . . regiments were [also/ in Cuba. he said. "They went up San Juan Hill. I never knew that until I was an adult. simply wasn?t taught; it wasn?t recognized. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/14 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/14 WORLD WAR . The story of the (IN-Black 369th Infantry Regiment?the "Men of told by the daisy/a}: During World War I. these men were forced to serve with French units. because, said General Powell. ?the French had a greater respect for the ?ghting ability of Black soldiers . He added. ?They never lost a foot of ground nor had a soldier captured? during the con?ict. Some of the artifacts loaned to the CIA exhibit by the 369th Veterans Association included German. American. and French helmets. as well as the Cro/x de Guerre awarded to the entire regiment by the French Government. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/14 i .. ?24, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/14 Many of the display"s photOgraphs depiCLing the Tuskegee airmen were from the National Air and Space Museum?s permanent exhibition ?Black Wings: The American Black in Aviation.? They were reproduced through the courtesy of the Smithsonian Institution and Mr. Louis R. Purnell. one of the STAT original Tuskegee pilots. i 5 I A I STAT STAT arded to Capt. Earl R. La w. .- an .. w-q it? man Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/14 'beclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/14 CIA-RDP99-00777R000301980002-2 To the feft in this case is the uniform belonging to Lt. Col. Thurston Er Jamison. who saw combat in World War II and Korea. STAT STAT IHI erved with the US Alr Force Korea and Vietnam. STAT STATV STAT STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for ReleaSe 2012/06/14 CIA-RDP99-00777R000301980002-2 .. .n 4 ?-9w .. .I?IA?r?uw Killed for Releag??Z?a?l?/OES/M CIA-RDP99-00777R000301980002-2 5% ?4 Shown here (from left) are the STS-8 Flight Cover orbited aboard Col. Guion S. Bluford?s ?Challenger? mission when he became the ?rst Black American in space, US Naval and Military Academies head gear worn by members of the Turner family (see next page). aild a collection Of miniature medalq awarded rmirnn? ("hip-F ?fnr Caramem : A 30_ycar veteran Of the US Air Force, STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/14 CIA-RDP99-OO777R000301980002-2 Deere-eei?ee in Part - oepy Approved for Release 2012/06/14 CIA-RDP99-OO777R000301980002-2 Photographs and memorabilia relating to the Annapolis and West Point careers of these four Family members were loaned through the courtesy of their parents? Dr? and Mrs. Henry C. Turner, of Bowie. Md. The Turner family was one of several subjects covered by the exhibit's ?Academies" section. Others included the ?rst Black West Point graduate and the role of Black women in the service academies. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/14 CIA-RDP99-OO777R000301980002-2 Declassified in Part PMS-anitiz ed Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/14 WAS A Harriet Tubman knew her way around the South. Prior to the Civil War, the ?Moses of her People? helped supervise the ?underground Railroad.? This tormer slave used that knowledge to scout and spy for the Union Army, mak- ing her ?the first recorded black woman to serve in the military. Thirty years alter service to the United States, she was awarded a pension of $20. Black women's contributions to the military were highlighted by a panel honoring the ?Moses of her People iltarriet Tubman. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/14 . The Black experience in Vietnam as depicted by the CIA exhibit. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/14 CIA-RDP99-OO777R000301980002-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/14 Marina Pic. Oscar Austin earned Hm Medal al Hon-2r when h: llmu?d lronl cl a fallen commune who was macaw la enomy nl'le ?rl. Plc. l. Olive was poselvumow awarded Ehe Medal af Honor by Presi- em Johnson ?ur valor in Vlamam ?lm: weeks my al ?Vii twanir'elh bum- day. Olive died when l: thuuw Illvo uwnada 111% ll exploded H19 action saved lhe ?ve? ul meal: on pet: ul )0 Luw mild" LONDW CMLAI MN he sw?llgl LZFA Pic. Oscar Ausi?n?i Mme carved ls l. Vietnam Valmnn? Memorial-11m (mm lop). Pholugmphad with Jal'lruy E. Shel as Pm. Millon Ofiwe't name sawed ln lha Vlolnam Veteran: Mamo?ar (Hm seven lrom lop}, Fl-cloqlanf?ad mm Jelfray Shela. Said the designer: was the hardest sec?rl'on to Said a visitor: "It was the hardest section to View." Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/14 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/14 I do not ask that Thou shall front the fray, And drive the warring foemen from my sight; I only ask, 0 Lord, by night, by day, Strength for the ?ght. Paul Laurence Dunbar, ?The Warrior?s Prayer," as quoted by Bernard C. Nalty in Strength for the Fight: A History of Biack Americans in the (1986). This brochure is dedicated to the memory of those Black Americans, both men and women, who have given their lives in the service of their country. Thee, ?rst in place and honoura?Lwe demand The grace and giory ofthy martial band. Fam 'dfor thy vaioar, for thy virtues more, Hear every tongue thy guardian aid impiore.? Phillis Wheatley, the ?rst Black and second woman to publish a book of poems in the United States (as excerpted from The Magazine, April 1776). i i l: i Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/14 CIA-RDP99-00777R000301980002-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/14 CIA-RDP99-00777R000301980002-2 -- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/14 CIA-RDP99-00777R000301980002-2