FAX No. UE 03:07 In I COMMONWEALTH OF POLICE CRIMINAL COMPLAINT Viva ra??fjiEnnu" .. 51? COMMONWEALTH OF COUNTY VS. Magisteriai District mm: JOHN DURKIN DEFENDANT: .-- Address: 31 E. CLEVELAND AVENUE MORRISVILLE, PA 19067 Jul as?s?i?i? Fp?ipgmq r. ?In 2A. 51..-- 1- -FeIony Foil S-Felony Pond. [3 misdemeanorSuooundmg States Distance: 2~Folony Ltd. [3 eFelony Pend. Extradltton Determ. DMIsoemoanor No Extedition 3-Felony Surrounding States 13 A~Mtsdemeanor Fuil E1 E-Misdemoanor Pending 4-FeIony No Ext. [1 B- Misdemeanor Limited [3 Pending Extradition Determ. 'Roquoet LabSoances? I I - bate Filed . utn Number 02/26/2019 99- 2019 0170 13 YES ?0 DOB 06/14/1999 I ma metooa I 1 Icmtendanus) Name Middle Name Last Name Gen. 'Natwemwr? i. Ewan- .. . D?UnIInown w" 3 2:32; 35322122. TEE gig-2a . . E- . ?if? . magi ug??ki Egg: 33?.3? wh?iw Egghg?gg H5 gown? :Et?y??za End! ?E?rijl. k_ . ?Ei?f??yh?azieu} 3.1% 22322113243352? EVE WEI om (Btaok) ow {owe} I one {Btown} om {Gwen} El [3 m2 (Haze!) ?3 MAR(Maroon} no: {Pink} I3 MUL {Multicolored} Mm, YES No I DNA Locatlon e. WEE I Number gem? mew" Moe .2 - Sta/=6 ?mat Registration Comm'l Veh. School Sticker Ind. [3 Veh. VIN Year Make Model Style Color Cl Office of the attorney ?for the Commonwealth Approved 13 Disapproved because: DDA CHRISTOPHER REES (The attorney for the Commomveatth may require that the complaint arrest wan?ant af?davit or both be approved by the anemey for the Commonweaith offer to ?IIng. See Pa R. Crim. P. 507}. {Name oftho a?omey for me Commormoalth) (Signature of the aunt-nay for the Commonwealm) (Date) I I, CHIEF GEORGE DAVID come neo??jam 365585199 22221 "43% I. (Name of the Af?ani} Or}: Ml'hv MDwowuk Af?aot ID 229 of MORRISVILLE BORO COUNTY DET 222% 2'0 1009322 222;. - egg. ME 2 (Identify Department or Agency Represented and Political Subdivision) {Folios Agency URI Nam oer} M3- y: do hereby state: (check appropriate box) e512.)- E: 1. I accuse the above named defendant who lives at the address set forth above c? ?a I accuse the defendant whose name Is unknown to me but who Is described as E: 25" ~22: to (It [3 I accuse the defendant whose name and popuIar designation or nickname are unknown to me ano'whom I have therefore designated as John Doe or Jane Doe with violating the penal laws of the Commonweaim of at 499mm 0 200 WEST BRIDGE STREET WW MORRISVI LLE BOROUGH 510:1 in BUCKS County [091 on or about 02/23/2019 TO 02/25/2019 (County Code] (Offense Data) A0 9c 412A Rev. 07/13 5? Page 2 of -P.820 FAX N0. 03:08 Date Filed: Liv miner "Complaintilncident Nun?Ib'e'r . 19 mg 33am!- ?9932019 alime?nsi . Middle: Last: IQUE KIARAN 2. i ask that a warrant of arrest or a summons be issued and that the defendant be required to answer the charges i have -.made 3 i verify that the facts set forth In this complaint are true and correct to the best of my knowledge or information and belief This verification Is made subject to the penalties of Section 4904 of the Crimes Code (18 Pa O. 8. 4904) relating to unsworn faisilication to authorities. 4. This compiaint consists of the preceding page(s) numbered through 5 i certihr that this: ?iing complies with the proVisions of the Case Records Pubiic Access Poiioy of the Unified Judiciai System of that require tiling con?dentiai information and documents differently than nonuconfidentiai information and documents. The acts committed by the accused, as listed and hereafter, were against the peace and dignity of the Commonwealth of and were contrary to the Aorta) of the Assembly. or in violation of the statutes cited. [Before a warrant of arrest can be issued, an af?davit of probable cause must be completed sworn to before the Issuing authority, and attached isle (Date]v (Yea r) am An af?davit of probable cause must be completed before a warrant can be issued. Signature 0 act} 0 AND NOW, on this date i certify that the complaint has been properly compieted and veri?ed(Magisterial District Court No mber) (lee/elite Authority) p/ I . v.7. ?racism t" 6??1?3g . ?3 I. Hi}? 1.101.111- 412A w- Rem 07/18 Page of FAX N6. 201 03: U8 r?ta?E-V- . J-rg 3:33:72?; LF 5'45?" 3: ?gg?ggl; - my: Date Filed: OT i [1;ng 02f26g2019 F?a? E?gii?iEii-Ieli?fi??- 31": First: Middle: Last; DOMINIQUE KIARAN DEGREE POLICE CRIMINAL COM a re data. When there is more than one offense, each offense should be numbered chronologically. Number ofVic?ms age at} or Older 2 Attempt Solicitation Censpiracy 1390114. ?13 902A 18903 zit-"Eh#Eiil?8551g??d?i 535:3:111' . . . .. Wu 5-.- Grade 53 Code The acts committed by the accused are described below with each Act of Assembly or statute allegedly violated?le frag-1?; .. . shhsecnm PA same mun} counts Interstate [3 Safety Zone 1 . El Work Zone .. :15" . name of statute or ordinance): CRIMINAL HOMICIDE tinchoaie Ci Attempt i3 Solicitation El Conspiracy staggejjsfe?jte 13901 A 1890221 18903 ?rim-HH-qu-s? f'ifq4'u? 1?1 - if: Elihu? ?g Lia-1': ?E-h'tl'i? ?F?iFiil-E Subseciion PA Statute (Tilla- counis O'?'ensc Code UCRINIBRS Code ?ery" interstate Safety Zone [3 Work Zone dime the name of statute or ordinance): CONSPIRACY Number of Victims Age 60 or Older I 4 . .-.--..- .. .. _fnl1l1 I. ?:31-13 -: - 3" Lamaze? :e s?agwmgaue?w ?Lame?- igua- - "11351" iu? ,ayixgE??gciil 1 ?any-u; gif- 3A 1 "anti: 2? '3 Egg? 1530332?? I 8?33? racy Number of Victims Age 60 or Older ?Ezr?'riStatute ("Rial Counts Grade ~ch Offense a interstate I Safety Zone El Work Zone i name of statute or ordinance}: Set forth a briefsummary ofthe facts sumclentto advise the defendant of the centre of Ike offensats} charged. A citation to the statute(s) allegediy vioJateci, without more. is not suf?cient. In a summary ease, you must. cite the speci?c sectionfs) and subaec?onis} of the statutele) or ordinanceis} allegedly violated. Acts Of the accused: That the defendants Shana Decree and Dominique Dedee did conspire with another by planning or commisien of c?mlnai homicide in an attept or solicitation to commit criminal homidde, intentionally, knowingly, reddesety 0r negligently caused the death of ?ve human beings. acre 412a Rev. {37/13 Page or P. 022 FAX N0. 03: 08 Bucks County Detectives Of?ce of the Bucks County District Attorney . Case Numbcoi} 992019-01?? Af?davit of Probable Cause Probable Cause belief is based ugon the following facts and circumstances: Your Af?ant, Chief George McClay, Badge #316 of the Morrisville Borough Police Department, has been duly swomfappointcdiemployed as a police of?cer in the Commonwealth of Pemisylvaoia since 1986. Your Cona?iant, Detective Martin McDonough Badge #9916, of the Bucks County District Attorney?s of?ce, Bucks County, PA has been duly sworn/appointedfemployed as a police o?icer in the Commonwealth of since 1987. Your Co-Af?ant, Detective David Coyne, Badge #9926, of the Bucks County District Attorney?s Of?ce, Bucks County, PA, has been duly swomfappointed/employod as a police of?cer in the Commonwealth of since 1992. Your At?ants are certi?ed as a Police Of?cers in and are authorized to conduct eliminal investigations and make arrests in all criminal cases. On Monday, Febroaw 25, 2019, Bucks County Children and Youth representatives weepondcd to 200 West Bridget Street, Apamnent S7, Morrisville, Bucks County, PA 19067 for an unannounced visit at 1600. There was no response when Bucks County aseworker Valerie Egley knocked at the apartment door. Egley had an apamncot complex maintenance worker, Bud Miller, check the apochneot for a well- being check. Eight individuals, including multiple children were known to have lived in the apartment, according to Ms. Bgley. At 1616 hours Miller the maintmanoc worker, call Bucks County Emergency Communications. Miller reported two individuals in bed in Aparoncnt S7 seemed disoriented and the apartment was in disarray. Morrisville Police were dispatched to the scene. Morrisville Police Of?cer Bo Luna was the ?rst on scene at 1617 home. At 1623 Christopher requested to expedite two emergency squads for the disoriented iodieiduals. Those two females, later identi?ed as Shana Decree and Dominique Decree, were transported from the scene to the hospital. 0o Februaly 25, 2019 at 1740 hours, Monisvillc Police Chief George McClay, Of?cer Luna, Bucks County Detectives Martin McDonough, Dale chdie and David Coyne entered apartment 87. The aparttnent was in dismay, with ?xmimre armed over Page 1 of 3 FAX No. P.023 08 =33: 28] Bucks County Detectives Office of the Bucks County District Attorney Case Nmuber?? 99401941170 Af?davit of Probable Cause and with broken glass and clutter ?uengheut. Egley told law enforcement the apartment was not in dismay on February 5, 2019, when she was last inside. and head tewax? the feet of the bed. A ?fth bod a female, was later found under one of the bodies next to the bed. They were later identi?ed by Shane Decree as Nea?lmh Smith, age 23., age l3; Jamille Campbell, age 42; and- 21:16., nine~year?old twins Dominique Decree, who was in exam room #3 and had Visible iujmies to her neck, at ?rst denied knowing whai had ocmured. She advised she lived at her residence with her mother Shana Decree; her sister, Naa?Irah Smith; her brother, her aunt, Jemilla Campbell; and her aunt Jeanine Campbell ?3 twin daugl1teze,-. end- Dominque, after being advised she should not be afraid to name who committed the mime-s at the apartment, and after being told that her mother identi?ed who did it, told police a male named Seeree did it with two other black males. Page 2 of 3 024 FAX l?lo. 03:09 Bucks County netec?ves Of?ce of the Bucks County District Alton] 23; Case Number?! 99-2019-0170 Af?davit ot'ProlJ able Cause Shana later told police that everyone at the apartment, including the nioe~yeer~ olds and the thhteen?ycar?old, wanted to die. Shane advised that all, including the children, were talking about suicide. Shana advised she had killed -, that Iamile Oomph ell killed -., that Campbell killed Naa?lrah Smith, that she and Dominique Decree both killed-.; and that Dominque Decree killed Jamila Campbell. Domini quc Dem-es then told Kemmerer and McAteer that Shana Decree killed ., -., and aa?Irah Smith; that smile Campbell choked. to death; and that she choked Jamila Campbell to death. Your Af?ant certi?es that this ?ling complies with the provisions ofthe Case Records Public Access Policy of the Uni?ed Judicial System of that require ?ling confidential information and documents di??ereutly than non-con?dential- information and documents. Based on the statements and the other facts gleaned during this investigation, your af?ants respectfu?y request on most warrant be issued fer Dominique Decree charging her with the following mimcs: 1. 18 2501 Homicide (H) 2. 18 903 (3.) Conspiracy (H) Ail/? it ?3 A?ant Signature ?ts Af?ant Signature Date a mem?, 1/54? Issuing Autho?ty Signature Date Page 3 of 3