ti: mat the Win ml car-Ironic?, Walkman walla-WW "Mml?hm? unnumbumm ?MIR-handout meme-l" mmdm?m ?'7!th IDNIIH Shemrdoah ValleyJwenile Center ShilohTrealmentCenter UM: reported he wasahused by the same stall member twice whileatshioh inlone 2014 In the Uncsaid thestall grabbed his hard and piled it towards his nidseclton while sitting, away. hutstail rnenbersqueered his hard andth it overht'scrotch lor abut to secords. Stall Lhenslapped the backol the UAC's head'..A lew ?ys later while UM: wassleeping, theslall' metnbersqteetedlhe Uhc's crotch areaover dado; um "w Ire-e Home. Ewan-d. WC 10116114 Antonio LTFC IE5 UACreportedth-at another UAthowas pmnotaly in LTFC statedthat in wasin a relatiomhipwitha Ill-rearold woman stall metnberatlES DmcolL UM: reported that the other UN: was placed inUltM in PA but lelt alter tSdayslo man had: to live withthewornan. ThisUMZbelieves thewornanstallis nolor'erwithlES pineal] memoir-Billie nun-h indie-I unm- 1tall memberwasmt namedand worked It a dillerent facility NM mint." Ya t'es Will? IE5 Drluoll NM IJNC reported that a Youthcare Worker at IS Dnscoll had been passir? him letters and mistalementslilte 'Shouldlregnto alorz?? or want to g?ve youa hlawjob [Roughly trandated lt?omh Care WorlrerQid to the UAC that hemould [we the 52m braceleL AnotherClildCare Worker slated truth-mount! Llama-tint L1 Meg-?Elam no ltd! one man. lull,? 11112114 Heartlard SCIV NIA UM: lemrted tin; rim" with h'p handgu- tl: Uhc's stomach Whitman-Henna to as men-amt rue-151ml Ilidnot returrt to work. leaped ?la Yes nil-W BEFS Harlir?en Two UNI: reported ?mm loss a all" TMUAC denied Mal-I I CPSIUceruirg' and no "at: lound. life-lent was umtm?atrd [mm Will Yes 12:05.19 MorrisonDowliown minimum: Dum?a lyomouttr?, the stall member and UN: had a lotol physical contact. includim touch"; hand to hand, startciruabnorrnally (lose to eachother,sittir? with than and shoulders louchir? and the UN: walln'ng up to the stall member andmalt?r? lrontcontacL other stallrnemhm had p'emudv npressedconcem about tte's sta?l tnerrtberhavtn' mappropiate the notir'that they touch eachotherina playftl way ?rm ME I: ll'ItKll asmssitle. ?(that was reputed to CPSIlicemr' hut-ta: ml imitated. Iecoinatecl 59'th Yes YES 121?15114 South-ml In Estrella UAC reported that a mum Care Worker amount-d turn are: ol'leredtle UAC stun exchange [or allowing lint to lordle the genitals. The JAE said no.arl:l ll?l stall member leit. tnc'llent was reported to CPSILicensing and law enlorcetnent hutwas not Wed {?uvial-1m In 12/19!? LssNew Hope UAC reported that amther UM: was involved in an inappropria?x I'emal?e slalfnserrtber, Liceruir?imestiatedandm delc'tetz?ls were loud. worn Yes 15 Morrison Secure BUS fhmnoatn UAEdoclosed tiathe lode romantic relatiorehipwitha stall rnetnhaathis pleviote dismal. not disclose them"! dem?lwr?lnht tumult-w boyfriend?whom UAC alleged oriereatlonle washolated in his roomand she would bringhis mealsand they would Es; UN: wotldnot rischse it he ard thestall' mowenudacowm khsirtbut he ddsay ti-y used protect-an UAC and the stall memberexclomedcontact?ommnw mum menu? liter hsrelease. Licemirg inmtigated and no lirdir? were made. The incident was reported to law enlorcementbutwasnot imrestrlated. lelruuted W15 Yes Y5 "ltd: at! I:l d:h Nan-h Childrens \nllaIe tun: reported that amther uac at children?s Village would pull his pants down and repose lam to otterUALs UAE reported th's occmedaller he hll. Lheother UAC in tin on one ocunons UAC disclosed that a stall member uotld show pomoyaphic Videos to DAG on her phone. Uncnated llatalterhe andother UACs I'atchedthe videos. they ?Janet: deitltt?ll'. Helm-Mlle" tapplherlesi?nu? tum -htte Nth-tum who pen-t. The incident was reported to CPS but they rid not investigate Law enlorcentent Muted but the claimwas mlou?d. ?In Reinstated IMitti'ts V6 DIME UAC disclosed to a clinician that a stallmernher entered his roomin ll?l rnorn?ngancl began touching his stomach He then left the room He later and touched the UACszenitalarea. litikntwas reported arrestedtltelu? nerd-u Wham 411.1115 Y5 ?trauma-urn NM UMreported titata stall memberhashehaved inappropriately. On oneoccasan, thestall trterltbertried to kiss heron the minim-.11. later in the eveniru, sheand the otherUAC were listenir? to music whenthe stall il ll-y wanted lodance The stall member thenstartedto 'grind.? The stall member then tool: pictures ol the Unis and they unhanad contact mlorrnalion. On another occaston, when It mluutlerettm trot-Id h'leAEJr-m hetero andashedherto squeeze inserectton. UNI: lell adeep on the sala and auolte lo ll??l tin stall mernberru?oim her one got upand went lo the laundry mum, but the stall Waits Yes YES 511/15 Mnrninn 9n.- NIA U?ireponed that stal'lrnemoersaw his buttoclsin the bathroom when the doorwas been lull Wunmteetmw late a mum of hm. Incident was reported toCPSard law enforcement The stallrnember was arrested, seatal abuse,an: unsecured. lTermi hated CPS investigated and determined the ire?ent was Inlamded Law invet?pledand ante-abuse 'les Emulate-d 051213115 Y6 Yr: reported that another UN: has a special lr'tendrhipwitha stall tnember.The stall Inernherspends tirnewtth the UM: away from the otherminors and tnuteshimto corn inside and onhis cell dune ITS and Licensing imesl?uated and the irn?eotwas unloaded. 'les lnr'r'lI'Ilrdt?UI mam Yes Yes Dom/1:. Marxism Past: Davtd It Marlaret UAEreported thatwil'le atDavid and Margaret, there was a ferrule stall men-her that had a relan'nmhipwith a UAL He reported tint he reverse-r them toudt, butch om outirc separated lront the group. UACalleud the mgem lound outabout the stall member's behaviorbrrev?tewirgvideo footage and translerred the stallmernlaer arel the trim_m. mwnurdmtanm tnl'orrnah'on was reported to local CPS who indcated theywould contact 075 den Mlh?ntem UACcoulcl not with name ol stall ember orotierUACimolved. win. WORM-5 Yes Yes 06/04/15 Belem TFC NJA UH. reported that herl?oster parent touchedhervagina and Mochan two separate occasions. In the days lollawirqherinilial report,UAE reported [let anotherUACin the Mme-e) naphtha taster mm. EPS?Jremina. investigated andno I'Indr?were made. Law enlorcement investigated and time was not enoud't to move forward NM NM IJ W15 Yes WHERE IE5 Hartman nun-n. to kits her. UM: IMMmtonopandMI-M lard law-thrill!? In handheld?aw. NIA Lindrunid'IMtul?l. NadllAl?rm19?? 332w <3 SEE 95132352 . Villain-all: Ali. Ei?u1E3i21E mn?giillmgi .3. Emaig?ngisgqc?igii .325! $5 <3 gum nix-liming sti?in- ieE-Ii an gi?iinI?ulil?grig?lliui-gsi 521.5 .3. .3. EH a? all. 43.3.33: =n Eil- i-EEnln?r?g?uig?gnli in: .531!? 555 58413 Eda-islan- 33E: 1? <3 gum 5 . fig; Han?m gisli?fiuu? . aunt?.37 manna-In .253. E. .3: gillil?n. ul- Inni- uu 51's.. Bun-F1.