CHILDHOOD LEAD EXPOSURE IN NEW JERSEY ANNUAL REPORT STATE FISCAL YEAR 2017 (July 1, 2016– June 30, 2017) New Jersey Department of Health Office of Local Public Health Childhood Lead Program P.O. Box 360 Trenton, NJ 08625-0360 (609) 633-2937 1 This page was intentionally left blank TABLE OF CONTENTS GLOSSARY OF TERMS AND ACRONYMS…………………………….………………………………………………………………...4 LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES …………………...........................................................................…….…………...………………..5-6 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY………….…………………………………………………………………………………………..…………....7 CHAPTER ONE: TESTING CHILDREN FOR ELEVATED BLOOD LEAD LEVELS…………………………………………………,..9 CHAPTER TWO: PROFILE OF BLOOD LEAD TESTS PERFORMED AND PREVALENCE OF ELEVATED BLOOD LEAD LEVELS IN CHILDREN .............................................................................................................................................................................. 12 CHAPTER THREE: SPOTLIGHT ON THE CITY OF NEWARK………………………………………………………………………...26 CHAPTER FOUR: ENVIRONMENTAL INVESTIGATIONS BY LOCAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT………………………………...31 CHAPTER FIVE: HEALTHY NEW JERSEY 2020 OBJECTIVE ADDRESSING ELEVATED BLOOD LEAD LEVELS IN NEW JERSEY'S CHILDREN………………………………………………………………………….………………...………………38-39 3 GLOSSARY OF TERMS AND ACRONYMS BLL: Blood lead level. Children: Refers to unduplicated individuals who are younger than 17 years of age, unless otherwise specified. In reference to data, each child is counted only once regardless of the number of tests that the child has had during the State Fiscal Year. Confirmed BLL: A blood lead level obtained from a venous blood sample. Department: Refers to the New Jersey Department of Health. EBLL: Elevated blood lead level (10 µg/dL or greater). Large Municipality(ies): Municipality(ies) with a population greater than 35,000 residents. Population Data: Census 2010 population data, unless otherwise specified. SFY: State Fiscal Year 2017 includes the period of July 1, 2016 to June 30, 2017. Thus, for any State Fiscal Year identified, it begins July 1 of the preceding year and ends June 30 of the identified year. µg/dL: Micrograms per deciliter of whole blood. Unknown Address: The addresses that could not be geocoded for any reason. 4 LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES Figure 1a………………………………………………………………………………………………. 10 Percentage of Children Who Turned Three (3) Years of Age During SFY 2017 and Had At least One Blood Lead Test in their Lifetime Figure 1b………………………………………………………………………………………..……....10 Percentage of Children Who Turned Six (6) Years of Age During SFY 2017 and Had At least One Blood Lead Test in their Lifetime Figure 2………………………………………………………………………………………………….11 Trend in Percentage of Children (six (6) to 26*/29 months of age) Tested by SFY Table 1……..……………………………………………………………………………………….…...13 SFY 2017: Number of Children (six (6) to 26 months of age) by BLL and County of Residence Table 2……………………………………………………………………………………………….14-15 SFY 2017: Number of Children (six (6) to 26 months of age) by BLL and Municipality of Residence Figure 3.………………………………………………………………..............……………..…………16 Trend in Percentage of Children (six (6) to 26 months of age) with BLLs ≥10 µg/dL by SFY Table 3.…………………………..…………………….…………………………………….……….….17 SFY 2017: Number of Children (<6 years of age) by BLL and County of Residence Table 4.…………………………..…………………….…………………………………….……….18-19 SFY 2017: Number of Children (<6 years of age) by BLL and Municipality of Residence Figure 4a….…………………………………………………………………………………….…...…...20 SFY 2017: Breakdown of Children by Years of Age with BLLs ≥10 µg/dL Figure 4b.…………………………………………………………………………………...…….….…..20 SFY 2017: Breakdown of Children by Years of Age with BLLs <10 µg/dL Figure 5….…………………………………………………………………………………….………....21 SFY 2017: Percentage of Children by BLL Table 5….……………………………………………………………………………….…….……........22 SFY 2017: Number of Children by BLL and County of Residence Figure 6a………………………………………………………….………………………………….......23 Number of Children with BLLs ≥10 μg/dL by SFY Figure 6b……………………………………………….…………………………………………….…..24 Trends for Children <6 Years of Age: Testing Rates and Percentages of Newly Reported BLL by SFY Table 6..…………………………………………………………………………………………..............25 Children 5 Years of Age and their EBLLs by Academic Year of Entering Kindergarten 5 Figure 7…………………………………………………………………………………………….……27 SFY 2017: Percentage of Children with BLL >10 μg/dL in the City of Newark Compared to the Rest of New Jersey State. Figure 8…………………………………………………………………………………………….……27 SFY 2017: Percentage of Children with BLL >10 μg/dL in the City of Newark Compared to Other Large Municipalities in New Jersey State. Figure 9 …………………………………………………………………………………………….…...28 SFY 2017: Top Five Large Municipalities (population of >35,000) with Highest Percentage of Children (<6 years of age) Reported with BLL >10 μg/dL Figure 10………………………………………………………………………………………………...29 SFY 2017: Local Health Departments with ≥20 New Environmental Cases Figure 11………………………………………………………………………………………….……..30 SFY 2017: Top Ten Local Health Departments Comprising the Highest Percentages of New Children with BLL >10 μg/dL Compared to All Other Local Health Departments Table 7…………………………………………………………………………………………….……..32 SFY 2017: Environmental Case Activity Status by County Table 8…………………………………………………………………………………………….……..33 SFY 2017: Local Health Departments with ≥20 New Environmental Cases Table 9........................................................................................................................................................34 Current Abatement Status of Cases by SFY: 1997-2017 Table 10.................................................................................................................................................35-37 SFY 2017: Environmental Case Activity by Local Health Department 6 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY N.J.A.C. §8:51A requires the protection of children less than 72 months of age from the toxic effects of lead exposure by requiring lead testing pursuant to N.J.S.A. §26:2-137.1 - 137.7. This Annual Report on Childhood Lead Exposure in New Jersey for State Fiscal Year (SFY) 2017 is submitted in compliance with N.J.S.A. §26:2-135, which requires the Commissioner of the Department of Health to issue an annual report to the Governor and the Legislature that includes a summary of blood lead testing and abatement program activities in the State during the preceding SFY. The number of children tested for lead in SFY 2017 was 203,832, which represents a decrease of 5.1% over the 214,741 children tested during SFY 2016. The Superstorm Sandy recovery project was in full-force in FY 2016, resulting in increased access to blood lead screenings in the nine most-impacted counties. This resulted in an uptick in screening during FY 2016. Funding for the temporary Superstorm Sandy screening initiative ended prior to FY 2017, and in FY 2017 screening numbers returned to levels observed prior to the initiative. The SFY 2017 number of children tested also includes 92,075 children, or 42.9% of all children 6 to 26 months of age, the ages at which all children must be tested under N.J.A.C. §8:51A. The Department witnessed an increase of traditional laboratories and point-of-care test users who electronically reported blood lead test results. A total of 99.8% of blood lead test results were reported electronically while the remainder were reported via facsimile or regular mail. While 202,811 (99.5%) children tested during SFY 2017 had blood lead levels (BLLs) below 10 μg/dL, 1,029 (0.50%) children had a test result at or above this threshold (10 μg/dL) and required public health action (case management and environmental investigation) by local health departments. The City of Newark continues to be a geographic focus in New Jersey’s efforts to eliminate elevated blood levels. It exceeds every other large municipality in the number of children less than 72 months of age with elevated blood lead levels (EBLLs). In SFY 2017, the City of Newark comprised 13% of the total number of children less than 72 months of age with EBLLs in the State. Further, it had the highest number of new cases (incidence) of EBLLs in children reported during SFY 2017. The SFY 2017 annual report will be the last to display figures and tables for blood lead screening results at or above 10 µg/dL. On September 18, 2017, two and half months after the close of SFY 2017, the Department amended N.J.A.C. §8:51 to require public health intervention by local health departments for blood lead screening results of 5 µg/dL or greater. The SFY 2018 annual report will reflect these changes and display figures and tables for blood lead screening results at or above 5 µg/dL. Throughout this report, population data obtained from the US Census 2010 is used as the denominator, unless otherwise indicated. Previous SFY annual reports can be found online at 7 This page was intentionally left blank CHAPTER ONE TESTING CHILDREN FOR ELEVATED BLOOD LEAD LEVELS In New Jersey, per N.J.A.C. §8:51A, all children are required to be tested at both 12 and 24 months of age. Children three (3) years of age or older must be tested at least once before their sixth birthday (if they had not been screened at age one (1) and two (2) years). Approximately 66% of children in New Jersey had at least one blood lead test by the age of 26 months and approximately 76% had at least one blood lead test prior to reaching three (3) years of age, along with 90% having at least one blood lead test prior to reaching six (6) years of age. This chapter describes and depicts the testing statistics and trends based on the reports of blood lead tests received by the Department from clinical laboratories. Analyses to create the figures and tables are based on individual children, counting only one test per child. The figures and tables highlighting children six (6) to 26 months of age closely represent the testing rates. However, the data displayed throughout these figures and tables also include children who were tested during SFY 2017 as their second test at two (2) years of age, while they may have been tested at one (1) year of age during SFY 2016. The Department uses the range six (6) to 26 months of age to also include data on tests that are performed earlier than 12 months or later than 24 months of age. Figures 1a and 1b represent the percentages of children who had a lead test performed prior to turning three (3) and six (6) years of age, respectively, during SFY 2017. One child is counted once, regardless of the number of tests the child has received. Figure 2 displays the trend in the percentage of children (1- and 2-years of age) tested by SFY. 9 Figure 1a Percentage of Children* Who Turned Three (3) Years of Age During SFY 2017 and Had at Least One Blood Lead Test in their Lifetime 24% 76% Screened Not Screened *Number of children born in New Jersey between July 1, 2013 and June 30, 2014 (102,975); Source: Birth Registry data. Figure 1b Percentage of Children* Who Turned Six (6) Years of Age During SFY 2017 and Had at Least One Blood Lead Test in their Lifetime 10% 90% Screened Not Screened *Number of children born in New Jersey between July 1, 2010 and June 30, 2011 (106,244); Source: Birth Registry data. 10 Figure 2 46% 47% 48% 44% 41% 42% 43% 44% 43% 2017*/ 92,075 2003/ 90,112 45% 2016*/ 94,909 2002/ 89,460 42% 45% 2015*/ 93,128 40% 46% 2014*/ 90,683 40% 44% 35% 2013*/ 95,261 2012/ 103,391 2011/ 101,035 2010/ 101,521 2009/ 100,479 2008/ 99,856 2007/ 91,249 2006/ 101,498 2005/ 98,076 2004/ 92,645 2001/ 78,550 30% 2000/ 67,594 Percentage of children Trend in Percentage of Children (six (6) to 26*/29 months of age) Tested by SFY (n=222,8371 and n=214,7272) Fiscal Year / Number of Children Tested 1 The denominator for SFY 2000 through SFY 2010 uses the number of children who were one (1) and two (2) years of age, based on US Census 2000 data. 2 The denominator for SFY 2011 to SFY 2017 uses the number of children who were one (1) and two (2) years of age, based on US Census 2010 data. * For SFY 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017 the data are for the age group six (6) to 26 months, because the screening regulations (N.J.A.C. §8:51A) specify the qualifying screening age ranges of six (6) to 17 months for the age of one (1) year and 18 to 26 months for the age of two (2) years. 11 CHAPTER TWO PROFILE OF BLOOD LEAD TESTS PERFORMED AND PREVALENCE OF ELEVATED BLOOD LEAD LEVELS IN CHILDREN In this chapter, the figures and tables identify the statistics of testing performed for various ages and the prevalence of various blood lead levels in children in SFY 2017. Tables 1 and 2 show the testing statistics by county and municipality, respectively, of residence for children six (6) to 26 months of age. The percentage screened, Table 2, ranges from 5.1% (Washington Twp., Gloucester County) to 83.5% (Lakewood, Ocean County), with a median screening rate of 37.1%. Figure 3 shows the prevalence of EBLLs among children six (6) to 26 months of age. The analyses behind the formulation of the tables are based on the number of children, reported during SFY 2017, which counts the highest BLL reported per child. The figures and tables in this chapter include children who were tested for a second time during SFY 2017 around 24 months of age as required by law. Tables 3 and 4 display the testing statistics and the prevalence of various blood lead levels in children who were tested at less than 72 months of age during SFY 2017. The Department maintains a database containing all blood lead tests reported on children. In order to exhibit the distribution of lead tests and the prevalence of EBLLs in children, Figures 4a, 4b, 5 and Table 5 focus on the entire population of children who were tested and reported during SFY 2017. Figures 6a and 6b depict the trend in the number of children reported with an EBLL by SFY. Table 6 depicts blood lead levels of children (<5 years of age) by academic year of entering kindergarten. The children in age groups of less than 72 months of age and younger than 17 years of age may have had one or more blood lead tests performed during their lifetime, either as routine lead testing or as a follow-up to an elevated blood lead test. However, the analyses of data for the tables for these age groups were based on the number of individual children reported during SFY 2017, counting the highest BLL reported per child. 12 Table 1 SFY 2017: Number of Children (six (6) to 26 months of age) by BLL and County of Residence BLL (µg/dL) EBLL (µg/dL) Total Children % Screened 6,521 35.0% 2,218 56 BERGEN 19,955 44.0% 8,650 BURLINGTON 10,166 30.3% CAMDEN 13,215 CAPE MAY CUMBERLAND County 15-19 20-44 4 3 1 102 14 3 3 20 0.2% 8,772 3,030 46 3 3 2 8 0.3% 3,084 32.8% 4,265 60 7 1 3 11 0.3% 4,336 1,822 38.9% 696 10 1 1 2 0.3% 708 4,368 36.1% 1,505 54 11 4 1 1 17 1.1% 1,576 21,569 49.5% 10,162 409 67 15 13 2 97 0.9% 10,668 6,862 24.6% 1,674 15 1 0.1% 1,690 17,288 51.1% 8,566 203 70 0.8% 8,839 HUNTERDON 2,316 47.1% 1,080 7 MERCER 8,591 42.3% 3,475 128 MIDDLESEX 19,965 37.5% 7,327 MONMOUTH 13,371 30.2% MORRIS 10,700 OCEAN PASSAIC ATLANTIC ESSEX GLOUCESTER HUDSON <5 5-9 10-14 ≥45 1 15 3 1 4 0.4% 1,091 13 7 8 28 0.8% 3,631 121 18 9 12 2 41 0.5% 7,489 3,966 64 7 3 2 1 13 0.3% 4,043 34.1% 3,600 44 4 2 3 9 0.2% 3,653 15,532 52.0% 8,005 56 7 2 2 1 12 0.1% 8,073 13,727 53.4% 7,073 219 23 10 9 1 43 0.6% 7,335 SALEM 1,549 35.9% 518 34 3 1 4 0.7% 556 SOMERSET 7,581 38.3% 2,863 25 13 3 18 0.6% 2,906 SUSSEX 3,099 21.3% 654 5 0 0.0% 659 UNION 14,148 53.0% 7,290 155 24 10 48 0.6% 7,493 2,382 33.3% 772 19 1 2 3 0.4% 794 N/A N/A 2,357 40 0 0.0% 2,397 214,727 42.9% 89,746 1,872 457 0.5% 92,075 Unknown Address Total 259 *Based on the number of children tested. 13 2 95 12 92 1 2,282 15 WARREN 39 % EBLL* 0.4% Total Tested Total EBLL 8 2 11 Table 2 SFY 2017: Number of Children (six (6) to 26 months of age) by BLL and Municipality* of Residence Municipality Total Children % Screened BLL (µg/dL) <5 EBLL (µg/dL) 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-44 2 1 1 4 0.8% 503 0 0.0% 424 0 0.0% 156 1 0.2% 599 0 0.0% 377 ≥ 45 % EBLL** 1.0% Total Tested Total EBLL 6 ATLANTIC CITY 1,249 47.9% 560 32 3 BAYONNE 1,528 32.9% 490 9 3 BELLEVILLE 869 48.8% 416 8 BERKELEY 509 30.6% 156 BLOOMFIELD 1,224 48.9% 591 7 BRICK 1,531 24.6% 376 1 978 41.2% 398 2 2 1 3 0.7% 403 CAMDEN 2,838 36.0% 998 19 2 2 4 0.4% 1,021 CHERRY HILL 1,449 33.3% 475 5 2 2 0.4% 482 CLIFTON EAST BRUNSWICK EAST ORANGE 2,123 50.3% 1,045 19 3 3 0.3% 1,067 860 30.7% 261 1 2 2 0.8% 264 1,916 42.8% 753 54 6 13 1.6% 820 EDISON 2,560 37.3% 922 28 2 4 0.4% 954 EGG HARBOR 1,038 39.0% 401 3 1 1 0.2% 405 ELIZABETH 3,943 55.5% 2,094 75 11 19 0.9% 2,188 EVESHAM 1,016 25.2% 254 2 0 0.0% 256 EWING 600 35.8% 210 4 1 0.5% 215 FORT LEE 725 34.3% 248 1 0.4% 249 FRANKLIN 1,759 37.5% 647 6 7 1.1% 660 FREEHOLD 652 48.3% 309 5 1 0.3% 315 GALLOWAY 724 24.7% 177 2 0 0.0% 179 GLOUCESTER 1,520 22.1% 332 4 0 0.0% 336 HACKENSACK 1,118 56.9% 624 11 1 0.2% 636 HAMILTON 1,814 20.1% 355 9 1 0.3% 365 866 37.0% 318 1 1 0.3% 320 HOBOKEN 1,467 42.2% 613 5 1 0.2% 619 HOWELL 1,125 18.7% 209 1 0 0.0% 210 IRVINGTON 1,692 55.3% 877 51 8 0.9% 936 JACKSON 1,100 28.0% 305 3 0 0.0% 308 JERSEY CITY 7,192 56.6% 3,898 125 27 50 1.2% 4,073 895 46.6% 408 7 2 2 0.5% 417 6,556 83.5% 5,424 41 4 7 0.1% 5,472 LINDEN 911 47.0% 425 3 0 0.0% 428 MANALAPAN 778 20.4% 158 1 0 0.0% 159 MANCHESTER 448 14.3% 62 1 1 1.6% 64 BRIDGEWATER HILLSBOROUGH KEARNY LAKEWOOD 1 4 3 1 3 1 5 1 1 14 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 2 10 2 1 12 1 1 1 598 Municipality Total Children** % Screened BLL (µg/dL) EBLL (µg/dL) 767 20.9% 159 1 1,444 21.4% 307 2 0 0.0% 309 898 27.4% 243 2 1 0.4% 246 655 34.0% 222 1 0 0.0% 223 869 35.4% 298 6 4 1.3% 308 886 33.9% 296 4 0 0.0% 300 1,573 59.5% 912 18 2 4 6 0.6% 936 8,382 56.6% 4,465 231 39 5 5 50 1.1% 4,746 NORTH BERGEN NORTH BRUNSWICK OLD BRIDGE PARSIPPANYTROY HILLS PASSAIC 1,498 49.8% 727 15 2 1 1 4 0.5% 746 1,220 33.6% 404 4 1 1 2 0.5% 410 1,478 18.1% 266 1 0 0.0% 267 1,207 27.4% 319 9 2 3 0.9% 331 2,767 61.9% 1,631 65 6 5 4 16 0.9% 1,712 PATERSON 4,632 63.0% 2,788 110 14 3 5 22 0.8% 2,920 845 32.4% 270 4 0 0.0% 274 PERTH AMBOY 1,584 49.3% 758 18 4 5 0.6% 781 PISCATAWAY 1,361 37.4% 501 6 2 2 0.4% 509 PLAINFIELD 1,628 77.8% 1,211 40 16 1.3% 1,267 SAYREVILLE SOUTH BRUNSWICK TEANECK 1,137 32.0% 359 5 0 0.0% 364 935 18.8% 173 3 1.7% 176 1,075 30.1% 318 6 0 0.0% 324 TOMS RIVER 1,816 37.1% 668 3 2 0.3% 673 TRENTON 2,786 61.2% 1,581 104 10 6 5 21 1.2% 1,706 UNION CITY 1,880 40.4% 743 12 2 2 1 5 0.7% 760 UNION 1,250 63.7% 783 11 1 1 2 0.3% 796 VINELAND WASHINGTON (Gloucester County) WAYNE WEST NEW YORK WEST ORANGE 1,729 35.0% 593 11 2 2 0.3% 606 900 5.1% 46 0 0.0% 46 995 44.2% 438 1 1 1 0.2% 440 1,523 55.8% 836 12 1 1 2 0.2% 850 1,263 38.0% 469 6 1 3 5 1.0% 480 WINSLOW 1,122 29.9% 331 4 0 0.0% 335 WOODBRIDGE 2,495 37.2% 901 18 8 0.9% 927 MARLBORO MIDDLETOWN MONROE (Gloucester County) MONROE (Middlesex County) MONTCLAIR MOUNT LAUREL NEW BRUNSWICK NEWARK PENNSAUKEN <5 5-9 10-14 15 20-44 ≥ 45 1 3 1 8 4 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 *Large Municipalities only. ** Based on the number of children tested. 15-19 1 1 2 1 % EBLL** 0.0% Total Tested Total EBLL 0 160 Figure 3 Trend in Percentage of Children (six (6) to 26 months of age*) with BLL ≥10 µg/dL by SFY 0.94% 0.63% 0.66% 0.53% 0.42% 90,683 93,128 2014/ 2015/ 0.52% 0.46% 2016/ 94,909 0.42% 2013/ 92,572 2012/ 103,380 2011/ 101,030 2010/ 101,521 2009/ 100,479 2008/ 99,856 0.49% 2017/ 92,075 Percentge of children 0.72% Fiscal Year / Number of Children Tested *Screening regulations (N.J.A.C. §8:51A) require that each child be screened for lead at the age of 12 months and again at 24 months of age. The regulations specify the qualifying screening age ranges of six (6) to 17 months for the age of one (1) year and 18 to 26 months for the age of two (2) years. 16 Table 3 SFY 2017: Number of Children (<6 years of age) by BLL and County of Residence County Total Children % Tested BLL (µg/dL) <5 EBLL (µg/dL) 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-44 >45 Total EBLL 13 % EBLL* 0.3% Total Tested 4,093 34 0.2% 14,468 ATLANTIC 19,909 20.6% 3,978 102 6 4 3 BERGEN 61,192 23.6% 14,268 166 22 8 3 BURLINGTON 31,546 14.0% 4,332 75 11 4 4 19 0.4% 4,426 CAMDEN 40,195 15.3% 6,000 113 15 3 5 23 0.4% 6,136 5,423 19.4% 1,035 14 1 1 2 0.2% 1,051 CUMBERLAND 12,963 23.5% 2,910 105 23 6 2 2 33 1.1% 3,048 ESSEX 64,591 40.5% 24,927 1,005 163 46 39 6 254 1.0% 26,186 GLOUCESTER 21,059 11.9% 2,464 30 5 2 2 9 0.4% 2,503 HUDSON 49,759 37.8% 18,278 412 72 31 31 136 0.7% 18,826 7,484 16.7% 1,238 8 1 3 2 6 0.5% 1,252 MERCER 26,052 23.9% 5,949 220 25 12 10 1 48 0.8% 6,217 MIDDLESEX 60,249 23.8% 14,015 239 40 13 21 2 76 0.5% 14,330 MONMOUTH 42,404 15.3% 6,379 109 10 4 4 1 19 0.3% 6,507 MORRIS 33,493 16.3% 5,368 65 7 3 5 15 0.3% 5,448 OCEAN 46,657 28.5% 13,192 88 11 2 3 1 17 0.1% 13,297 PASSAIC 41,179 37.2% 14,795 448 51 16 19 1 87 0.6% 15,330 4,625 17.6% 741 66 7 1 1 9 1.1% 816 23,622 18.5% 4,294 52 14 4 4 22 0.5% 4,368 SUSSEX 9,701 9.6% 929 6 1 0 1 0.1% 936 UNION 43,085 34.6% 14,491 345 41 14 27 84 0.6% 14,920 7,434 13.9% 1,002 29 2 3 1 6 0.6% 1,037 N/A N/A 4,019 86 0 0.0% 4,105 652,622 25.9% 164,604 3,783 914 0.5% 169,301 CAPE MAY HUNTERDON SALEM SOMERSET WARREN Unknown Address Total 529 *Based on the number of children tested. 17 179 187 1 2 2 19 Table 4 SFY 2017: Number of Children (<6 years of age) by BLL and Municipality* of Residence Municipality Total Children % Tested BLL (µg/dL) <5 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-44 3 2 EBLL (µg/dL) Total EBLL 10 >45 % EBLL** 0.9% Total Tested ATLANTIC CITY 3,677 31.5% 1,084 65 5 BAYONNE 4,576 28.2% 1,266 19 4 2 6 0.5% 1291 BELLEVILLE 2,601 36.8% 936 18 2 1 3 0.3% 957 BERKELEY 1,565 15.4% 239 2 0 0.0% 241 BLOOMFIELD 3,575 33.6% 1,180 16 4 5 0.4% 1201 BRICK 4,558 13.8% 626 3 1 1 0.2% 630 BRIDGEWATER 3,052 18.2% 550 3 2 1 3 0.5% 556 CAMDEN 8,525 20.0% 1,644 50 6 2 9 0.5% 1703 CHERRY HILL 4,588 13.6% 615 6 2 2 0.3% 623 CLIFTON EAST BRUNSWICK EAST ORANGE 6,187 32.2% 1,958 28 4 5 0.3% 1991 2,725 17.7% 479 2 2 2 0.4% 483 5,534 39.1% 2,013 120 17 7 6 1 31 1.4% 2164 EDISON 7,774 24.4% 1,833 45 7 1 6 1 15 0.8% 1893 EGG HARBOR 3,341 19.1% 632 5 1 1 0.2% 638 11,792 42.7% 4,853 159 14 27 0.5% 5039 EVESHAM 3,117 10.5% 326 2 0 0.0% 328 EWING 1,797 19.5% 343 6 1 0.3% 350 FORT LEE 2,171 20.7% 449 1 0.2% 450 FRANKLIN 5,182 19.8% 1,007 14 6 7 0.7% 1028 FREEHOLD 2,156 22.9% 483 8 1 2 0.4% 493 GALLOWAY 2,240 13.7% 304 3 0 0.0% 307 GLOUCESTER 4,647 9.3% 423 9 0 0.0% 432 HACKENSACK 3,223 39.5% 1,247 22 4 0.3% 1273 HAMILTON 5,480 11.6% 616 14 1 4 0.6% 634 HILLSBOROUGH 2,736 15.9% 434 1 1 1 0.2% 436 HOBOKEN 3,779 22.9% 858 6 2 0.2% 866 HOWELL 3,591 9.7% 348 2 0 0.0% 350 IRVINGTON 4,993 53.5% 2,468 149 35 54 2.0% 2671 JACKSON 3,649 14.7% 533 3 1 1 0.2% 537 20,393 43.1% 8,423 263 52 98 1.1% 8784 2,681 34.6% 915 11 2 2 0.2% 928 18,872 46.6% 8,728 65 6 1 9 0.1% 8802 LINDEN 2,726 34.7% 931 11 2 1 3 0.3% 945 MANALAPAN 2,541 9.8% 247 1 0 0.0% 248 ELIZABETH JERSEY CITY KEARNY LAKEWOOD 1 1 1 4 9 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 18 2 1 1 7 23 2 10 21 2 2 1159 Municipality Total Children % Tested BLL (µg/dL) <5 EBLL (µg/dL) 5-9 10-14 15-19 20–44 >45 % EBLL* 0.9% Total Tested 111 MANCHESTER 1,372 8.1% 108 2 MARLBORO 2,606 10.9% 284 1 0 0.0% 285 MIDDLETOWN MONROE (Gloucester County) MONROE (Middlesex County) MONTCLAIR MOUNT LAUREL NEW BRUNSWICK NEWARK 4,615 9.4% 430 2 0 0.0% 432 2,794 13.1% 362 2 1 0.3% 365 2,082 16.0% 329 4 0 0.0% 333 2,701 21.2% 550 15 4 7 1.2% 572 2,705 13.7% 365 4 1 1 0.3% 370 4,753 34.6% 1,601 31 6 5 1 12 0.7% 1,644 24,831 54.5% 12,827 590 81 23 12 119 0.9% 13,536 4,473 33.8% 1,486 22 2 1 1 4 0.3% 1,512 3,502 21.1% 731 6 1 1 2 0.3% 739 4,548 10.9% 491 4 0 0.0% 495 PARSIPPANYTROY HILLS 3,671 13.7% 484 13 5 6 1.2% 503 PASSAIC 8,226 51.2% 4,065 118 16 7 5 29 0.7% 4,212 13,987 47.6% 6,339 268 30 7 13 50 0.8% 6,657 PENNSAUKEN 2,696 16.1% 425 8 0 0.0% 433 PERTH AMBOY 4,756 43.3% 2,008 37 7 6 13 0.6% 2,058 PISCATAWAY 3,903 23.8% 911 12 1 1 2 4 0.4% 927 PLAINFIELD 4,961 62.3% 2,963 96 16 7 8 33 1.1% 3,092 SAYREVILLE SOUTH BRUNSWICK TEANECK 3,338 21.7% 713 11 0 0.0% 724 3,130 10.4% 315 7 4 1.2% 326 3,142 17.1% 528 8 0 0.0% 536 TOMS RIVER 5,617 23.4% 1,306 5 1 3 0.2% 1,314 TRENTON 7,998 43.5% 3,259 184 22 10 6 38 1.1% 3,481 UNION CITY 5,742 31.3% 1,753 32 5 4 5 14 0.8% 1,799 UNION 3,701 41.8% 1,516 26 4 2 6 0.4% 1,548 VINELAND 5,058 22.1% 1,094 21 3 1 5 0.4% 1,120 WASHINGTON 2,968 2.2% 65 0 0.0% 65 WAYNE WEST NEW YORK WEST ORANGE 3,105 19.9% 614 3 1 0.2% 618 4,258 45.9% 1,923 27 3 1 1 5 0.3% 1,955 3,635 25.4% 899 18 3 4 1 8 0.9% 925 WINSLOW 3,336 14.4% 472 6 2 1 3 0.6% 481 WOODBRIDGE 7,326 24.2% 1,727 37 4 2 9 0.5% 1,773 NORTH BERGEN NORTH BRUNSWICK OLD BRIDGE PATERSON 1 Total EBLL 1 1 2 1 2 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 * Large Municipalities only. ** Based on the number of children tested. 19 2 1 Figure 4a SFY 2017: Breakdown of Children by Years of Age with BLLs ≥10 µg/dL 200 180 160 Number of children 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 <1 Year 1 Year 2 Years 3 Years 4 Years 5 Years 6 to 16 Years Age of children (at the time of test) 10-14 ug/dL 15-19 ug/dL 20-44 ug/dL >/=45 ug/dL Figure 4b SFY 2017: Breakdown of Children by Years of Age with BLL <10 µg/dL 60000 Number of children 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 <1 Year 1 Year 2 Years 3 Years 4 Years Age of children (at the time of test) 20 5 Years 6 to 16 Years Figure 5 SFY 2017: Percentage of Children by BLL (n=203,832) 0.251% 111% 1'3- H.115 I 5-5 I 10-14 ugidL ugML I 211-44 LIQML 45 [1de 21 Table 5 SFY 2017: Number of Children by BLL and County of Residence BLL (µg/dL) County <5 ATLANTIC EBLL (µg/dL) 5-9 10-14 15-19 ≥45 20-44 Total Tested Total EBLL 14 % EBLL* 0.3% 39 0.2% 16,798 4,368 112 6 5 3 16,577 182 26 9 3 BURLINGTON 4,771 80 12 4 4 20 0.4% 4,871 CAMDEN 6,704 123 16 5 5 26 0.4% 6,853 CAPE MAY 1,124 16 1 1 1 3 0.3% 1,143 CUMBERLAND 3,527 118 25 6 2 2 35 1.0% 3,680 32,249 1,172 181 58 42 7 288 0.9% 33,709 2,644 32 5 2 2 9 0.3% 2,685 22,968 472 83 32 37 154 0.7% 23,594 HUNTERDON 1,316 9 1 3 2 6 0.5% 1,331 MERCER 7,555 240 27 15 10 1 53 0.7% 7,848 MIDDLESEX 17,631 277 47 17 22 2 88 0.5% 17,996 MONMOUTH 7,716 130 11 4 4 1 20 0.3% 7,866 MORRIS 6,072 72 7 4 5 16 0.3% 6,160 OCEAN 14,576 99 13 2 3 1 19 0.1% 14,694 PASSAIC 18,102 503 60 20 21 1 102 0.5% 18,707 777 68 8 1 1 10 1.2% 855 SOMERSET 5,034 61 18 5 4 27 0.5% 5,122 SUSSEX 1,088 6 2 0 2 0.2% 1,096 UNION 17,872 376 47 14 28 91 0.5% 18,339 1,072 31 2 3 1 6 0.5% 1,109 4,792 90 0 0.0% 4,882 198,535 4,269 1,028 0.5% 203,832 BERGEN ESSEX GLOUCESTER HUDSON SALEM WARREN Unknown Address Total 598 210 200 1 2 2 20 4,494 *Based on the number of children tested. For the EBLLs reported with addresses that cannot be verified, the program staff and local health department staff make all attempts to follow up with the ordering providers and the reporting laboratories to obtain the correct addresses. However, the selection criteria logic used for the purpose of statistical information published here picks the highest confirmed test result (or the lowest unconfirmed test result when there is no confirmed test result) among all tests reported for each child, while other test results for the same child may have been reported with correct address(es). 22 Figure 6a Number of Children with BLLs ≥10 μg/dL by SFY 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 <17 years old 23 <6 years old 2014 2015 2016 2017 Figure 6b Trends for Children <6 Years of Age: Testing Rates and Percentages of Newly Reported BLLs by SFY 60% 52% 50% 43% 40% 35% 30% 29% 26% 26% 26% 26% 26% 28% 26% 27% 26% 24% 26% 23% 26% 21% 20% 19% 18% 17% 12% 10% 10% 9% 5% 4% 4% 3% 2% 1.2% 0.8% 0.6% 0.5% 0.5% 0% 2007 2008 2009 % >/=10 ug/dL 2010 2011 % 5 to 9 ug/dL 0.4% 2012 0.4% 2013 % 3 to 4 ug/dL 2% 3% 0.3% 0.5% 1% 2014 2015 % Screened Over the past decade, while the screening percentage (purple double line) is generally remaining steady, the percentage of children with any blood lead level (blue, red dotted and green lines) is generally declining. 24 0.2% 2016 1% 0.2% 2017 Table 6 Children 5 Years of Age and their EBLLs by Academic Year of Entering Kindergarten Academic Year of Entering Kindergarten BLL (µg/dL) 10 to 14 15 to 19 20 to 44 Total # of Children with BLLs >10 µg/dL >45 % of Children with BLLs > 10 µg/dL Total # of Children Tested 2003-'04 1,454 423 415 40 2,332 2.41% 96,683 2004-'05 1,375 435 363 22 2,195 2.17% 101,091 2005-'06 1,301 468 357 34 2,160 2.03% 106,286 2006-'07 1,328 460 368 20 2,176 2.07% 105,294 2007-'08 1,209 417 308 27 1,961 1.80% 108,955 2008-'09 1,044 332 281 16 1,673 1.52% 109,913 2009-'10 824 266 254 15 1,359 1.24% 109,604 2010-'11 670 232 208 14 1,124 1.02% 110,420 2011-'12 541 187 167 24 919 0.83% 111,126 2012-'13 434 173 184 18 809 0.75% 107,183 2013-'14 419 139 170 15 743 0.72% 103,434 2014-'15 342 119 131 10 602 0.63% 95,864 2015-'16 319 116 127 10 572 0.62% 91,651 2016-‘17 318 120 109 12 559 0.62% 90,762 The above table depicts blood lead levels of children (<5 years of age) by academic year of entering kindergarten. It shows the decline in the percentage of children entering kindergarten with EBLL, indicating the effect of timely screening, case management and primary prevention. 25 CHAPTER THREE SPOTLIGHT ON THE CITY OF NEWARK The City of Newark has the greatest number of children with EBLLs compared to any other municipality in the State. This large municipality comprised 13% of the State’s children less than 72 months of age with an EBLL during SFY 2017, while only 3.8% of the entire State’s population of children in that age group reside in Newark. Additionally, in SFY 2017 it comprised 17% of the total number of children less than 72 months of age with an EBLL in all large municipalities. Newark addresses the issue of elevated blood lead levels in children through several means and has been allotted and continues to seek grants from governmental and non-governmental sources. In the past decade, Newark established and locally administers the State’s only Lead-Safe Houses, which are municipally-owned properties. The Lead-Safe Houses are used to relocate residents who have a child with an EBLL when the family has no other temporary lead-safe housing alternatives. This is a great accomplishment that other municipalities have expressed an interest in also achieving. Further, Newark provides a primary prevention focused, community-based presence through the Newark Partnership for Lead-Safe Children. This partnership provides outreach, education and professional development opportunities to parents, property owners, child care providers and health, social services and housing professionals. 26 Figure 7 SFY 2017: Percentage of Children with BLL >10 µg/dL in the City of Newark Compared to the Rest of NJ (n=914) 13% 87% City of Newark Rest of the NJ State Figure 8 SFY 2017: Percentage of Children with BLL >10 µg/dL in the City of Newark Compared to Other Large Municipalities in NJ (n=687) 17% 83% All other Large Municipalities City of Newark The data are based on the total number of individual children less than 72 months of age reported with a BLL of >10 µg/dL. Of the 119 children identified in the City of Newark during SFY 2017, only the highest venous (or lowest capillary, when there is no test with a venous sample for the child) blood lead test result per child is counted. 27 Figure 9 SFY 2017: Top Five Large Municipalities (population of >35,000) with Highest Percentage of Children (<6 years of age) Reported with BLL >10 µg/dL 2.5% 2.0% 1.5% 1.0% 0.5% 0.0% IRVINGTON JERSEY CITY TRENTON PLAINFIELD NEWARK The data are based on the percentage of children in large municipalities where the number of children tested for lead in SFY 2017 exceeds 40% of the total children. 28 Figure 10 SFY 2017: Local Health Departments with ≥20 New Environmental Cases 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 NEWARK JERSEY CITY TRENTON DEPT DEPARTMENT DEPT OF OF HEALTH & OF HEALTH AND HEALTH & HUMAN COMMUNITY HUMAN SVCS SERVICES WELLNESS PATERSON DIVISION OF HEALTH IRVINGTON MIDDLESEX PLAINFIELD PASSAIC (CITY) CUMBERLAND HEALTH DEPT COUNTY OFFICE HEALTH DIVISION OF COUNTY DEPT OF HEALTH DEPARTMENT HEALTH OF HEALTH SVCS The data are based on the total number of new environmental cases opened during SFY 2017. A new environmental case is opened based on a child’s BLL. Once a case is opened, the local health department is required to conduct an environmental investigation per N.J.A.C. §8:51-4.1. 29 Figure 11 SFY 2017: Top Ten Local Health Departments Comprising the Highest Percentages* of New Children Reported with BLL >10 µg/dL Compared to All Other Local Health Departments Newark Dept of Health & Community Wellness (14%) 14% Jersey City Department of Health & Human Svcs (10%) Middlesex County Office of Health Svcs (9%) 36% Paterson Division of Health (8%) 10% Irvington Health Dept (4%) Passiac (city) Division of Health (4%) East Orange Health Dept (4%) 9% Trenton Dept of Health & Human Svcs (4%) Cumberland County HD (3%) 5% 3% Somerset County HD (3%) 3% 5% Camden County Dept of Health & Human Svcs (3%) 3% 4% 4% 4% All Other Local Health Departments (36%) The data are based on the percentage of BLLs (>10 µg/dL) reported during SFY 2017. This figure does not rank local health departments by their total case load. The purpose is to highlight Newark proportion of newly identified children with elevated blood lead levels reported during a single fiscal year as compared to other local health departments. *Percent share of all new cases (cases opened at single confirmed BLL of >15 µg/dL or two consecutive confirmed BLLs between 10 µg/dL and 14 µg/dL one to four months apart, reported during SFY 2017 in the entire State). 30 CHAPTER FOUR ENVIRONMENTAL INVESTIGATIONS BY LOCAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT New Jersey law (N.J.S.A. § 24:14A-6) requires local health departments to investigate all reported cases of EBLLs (N.J.A.C. § 8:51) within their jurisdiction and to order the abatement of all lead hazards identified in the course of the investigation. The procedures for conducting environmental investigations in response to a child with an EBLL are specified in N.J.A.C. § 8:51. The local health department must conduct an inspection of the child’s primary residence and any secondary addresses, such as a child care center, the home of a relative or other caregiver, or wherever the child spends at least 10 hours per week. If the child has recently moved, the property where the child resided when the blood lead test was performed must be inspected. The environmental inspection includes a determination of the presence of lead-based paint and leaded dust; the identification of locations where that paint is in a hazardous condition, such as peeling, chipping, or flaking; and, as appropriate, the presence of lead on the dwelling’s exterior or soil. The licensed lead inspector/risk assessor, with a public health nurse case manager, speaks to the child’s parent/legal guardian and completes a questionnaire to help determine any other potential sources of exposure to lead including from water and consumer products. In addition, the local health department arranges for a home visit by a public health nurse case manager to educate the child’s parent/legal guardian about how to reduce EBLLs and the steps that he or she can take to protect the child from further exposure. The public health nurse case manager also provides ongoing assistance to the family, including but not limited to, follow-up testing, medical treatment, and social services that may be necessary to address the effects of the child’s exposure to lead. The data listed in Tables 7, 8, 9 and 10 reflect the frequency and results of environmental investigations as reported by local health departments. The data are accurate to the extent that local health departments make complete and timely reports through the electronic Childhood Lead Information Database (LeadTrax). It is possible that additional inspections and/or abatements may have been completed but not reported by the close of SFY 2017. In addition, open investigations/abatements may reflect the fact that it can take several years to complete the abatement process for a property where lead hazards are identified. The length of time between the initial report of an EBLL and the completion of the abatement process can be affected by factors such as difficulty in identifying and communicating with property owners; lengthy enforcement actions and court proceedings against recalcitrant property owners; delays in contracting with and/or scheduling work to be performed by State-certified lead abatement contractors; and inability of property owners to obtain financial assistance to pay for the cost of the required abatement. 31 Table 7 SFY 2017: Environmental Case Activity Status by County Cases Referred Investigation Required Investigation Completed ATLANTIC 11 5 5 % Investigation Completed 100% Abatement Required Abatement Completed 1 0 % Abatement Completed 0% BERGEN 19 9 9 100% 2 1 50% BURLINGTON 13 10 10 100% 5 3 60% CAMDEN 17 8 8 100% 0 0 N/A 2 1 1 100% 0 0 N/A 25 18 18 100% 11 9 82% 139 93 67 72% 58 15 26% 5 1 1 100% 1 0 0% 78 58 57 98% 13 12 92% 4 2 1 50% 0 0 N/A MERCER 42 26 25 96% 18 8 44% MIDDLESEX 49 25 20 80% 4 3 75% MONMOUTH 18 9 9 100% 9 4 44% MORRIS 16 9 9 100% 3 1 33% OCEAN 9 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A PASSAIC 54 38 38 100% 29 17 59% SALEM 11 5 5 100% 3 1 33% SOMERSET 16 6 4 67% 2 1 50% UNION 55 32 32 100% 29 16 55% 5 4 4 100% 4 0 0% 588 359 323 90% 192 91 47% County Name CAPE MAY CUMBERLAND ESSEX GLOUCESTER HUDSON HUNTERDON WARREN Total A new environmental case is generated and referred to the appropriate local health department when a child with an EBLL is reported who resides at an address that does not have an existing environmental case open. Reasons for investigation not required include property built after 1978 or property has lead-free certificate. The data for this table is based on case updates entered in LeadTrax as of August 21, 2017. Time frames may vary for the completion of abatements. 32 Table 8 SFY 2017: Local Health Departments with ≥20 New Environmental Cases Local Health Department Newark Department of Health and Community Wellness Jersey City Department of Health & Human Services Trenton Department of Health & Human Services Paterson Division of Health Irvington Health Department Middlesex County Office of Health Svcs Plainfield Health Dept Passaic (city) Division of health Cumberland County Health Dept Cases Referred Investigation Required Investigation Completed % Investigation Completed Abatement Required Abatement Completed % Abatement Completed 65 35 10 29% 8 0 0% 54 39 38 97% 6 6 100% 31 19 19 100% 15 5 33% 29 22 22 100% 15 6 40% 28 21 21 100% 12 2 17% 24 15 15 100% 4 3 75% 23 16 16 100% 16 8 50% 22 14 14 100% 12 10 83% 20 18 18 100% 10 18 80% See Table 10 for complete data on the status of all EBLL cases referred to local health departments during SFY 2017. A new environmental case is generated and referred to the appropriate local health department when a child with an EBLL is reported who resides at an address that does not have an existing environmental case open. Reasons for investigation not required include property built after 1978 or property has lead-free certificate. The data for this table is based on case updates entered in LeadTrax as of August 21, 2017. Time frames may vary for the completion of abatements. 33 Table 9 Current Abatement Status of Cases by SFY: 1997-2017 SFY Environmental Cases Opened Investigation Required Investigation Completed % Investigation Completed Investigation Pending Abatements Completed Abatements Pending % Abatements Completed 1997 2168 1499 1468 98% 31 767 12 98% 1998 2014 1455 1405 97% 50 725 13 98% 1999 1517 1044 952 91% 92 558 29 95% 2000 1144 815 705 87% 110 484 29 94% 2001 932 648 562 87% 86 374 12 97% 2002 867 601 546 91% 55 363 7 98% 2003 796 527 495 94% 32 288 21 93% 2004 748 526 471 90% 55 289 20 94% 2005 718 542 481 89% 61 277 24 92% 2006 688 494 494 100% 0 229 40 85% 2007 1008 728 728 100% 0 356 18 95% 2008 750 581 581 100% 0 260 18 94% 2009 583 500 500 100% 0 337 35 91% 2010 450 411 411 100% 0 245 70 78% 2011 573 554 554 100% 0 273 95 74% 2012 874 435 406 93% 29 186 84 69% 2013 502 354 353 99% 1 174 58 75% 2014 424 381 348 91% 33 117 54 68% 2015 483 303 301 99% 2 138 35 80% 2016 568 338 289 86% 2017 589 359 323 90% 49 36 71 91 114 99 38% 47% A new environmental case is generated and referred to the appropriate local health department when a child with an EBLL is reported who resides at an address that does not have an existing environmental case open. Reasons for investigation not required include property built after 1978 or property has lead-free certificate. The data for this table is based on case updates entered in LeadTrax as of August 21, 2017. Time frames may vary for the completion of abatements. 34 Table 10 SFY 2017: Environmental Case Activity by Local Health Department Cases Referred 5 Investigation Required 1 Investigation Completed 1 Abatement Required 1 Abatement Completed 0 ATLANTIC COUNTY HEALTH DEPT 6 4 3 0 0 BAYONNE DEPT OF HEALTH 4 3 3 1 1 BERGEN COUNTY DEPT OF HEALTH SVCS 5 2 2 0 0 BERNARDS TWP HEALTH DEPT 1 0 0 0 0 BLOOMFIELD DEPT OF HEALTH 2 0 0 0 0 BRIDGEWATER TWP DEPT OF HEALTH 3 0 0 0 0 BURLINGTON COUNTY HEALTH DEPT 13 10 10 3 3 CAMDEN COUNTY DEPT OF HEALTH 17 8 8 0 0 CAPE MAY COUNTY HEALTH DEPT 2 1 1 0 0 CLIFTON HEALTH DEPT 2 2 2 2 1 20 18 18 10 8 DOVER HEALTH DEPT 2 2 2 1 0 EAST HANOVER HEALTH DEPT 1 0 0 0 0 19 15 15 9 4 9 7 2 0 0 17 8 8 8 7 2 0 0 0 0 EWING TWP HEALTH DEPT 2 0 0 0 0 FORT LEE DEPT OF HEALTH 1 0 0 0 0 FRANKLIN TWP HEALTH DEPT 3 1 1 0 0 FREEHOLD AREA HEALTH DEPT 3 1 1 1 0 GLOUCESTER COUNTY DEPT OF HEALTH 5 1 1 1 0 HACKENSACK HEALTH DEPT 4 2 2 1 1 HAMILTON TWP DIVISION OF HEALTH 6 5 5 2 2 HARRISON BOARD OF HEALTH 1 1 1 0 0 HILLSBOROUGH TWP HEALTH DEPT 2 0 0 0 0 HOBOKEN HEALTH DEPT 4 1 1 0 0 HOPEWELL TWP HEALTH DEPT 1 0 0 0 0 HUNTERDON COUNTY DEPT OF HEALTH 4 2 1 0 0 28 21 21 12 2 Local Health Department ATLANTIC CITY HEALTH DEPT CUMBERLAND COUNTY HEALTH DEPT EAST ORANGE HEALTH DEPT EDISON DEPT OF HEALTH & HUMAN RESOURCES ELIZABETH DEPT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SVCS ENGLEWOOD HEALTH DEPT IRVINGTON DEPT OF HEALTH & WELFARE 35 Cases Referred 54 Investigation Required 39 Investigation Completed 38 Abatement Required 6 Abatement Completed 6 LINDEN BOARD OF HEALTH 3 0 0 0 0 LONG BRANCH DEPT OF HEALTH 1 1 1 1 1 MADISON BORO BOARD OF HEALTH 1 0 0 0 0 MAPLEWOOD HEALTH DEPT MID-BERGEN REGIONAL HEALTH COMMISSION MIDDLE-BROOK REGIONAL HEALTH COMMISSION MIDDLESEX COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH DEPT 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 0 0 3 2 0 0 0 24 15 15 4 3 11 7 7 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 6 5 5 4 4 MONTGMERY TWP HEALTH DEPT 1 1 1 0 0 MORRISTOWN DIVISION OF HEALTH N.W. BERGEN REGIONAL HEALTH COMMISSION NEWARK DEPT OF HEALTH & COMMUNITY WELLNESS NORTH BERGEN HEALTH DEPT OCEAN COUNTY HEALTH DEPT 2 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 65 35 10 8 0 13 9 12 0 12 0 5 0 4 0 PARAMUS BOARD OF HEALTH 2 2 2 0 0 PARSIPPANY HEALTH DEPT 3 2 2 0 0 PASSAIC (CITY) DIVISION OF HEALTH 22 14 14 12 10 PATERSON DIVISION OF HEALTH 29 22 22 15 6 PEQUANNOCK TWP BOARD OF HEALTH 2 1 1 0 0 PISCATAWAY TWP HEALTH DEPT 4 3 3 0 0 23 16 16 16 8 RAHWAY HEALTH DEPT 5 4 3 2 0 RANDOLPH TWP BOARD OF HEALTH 1 1 1 0 0 RIDGEFIELD HEALTH DEPT 1 1 1 1 0 ROSELLE HEALTH DEPT 1 0 0 0 0 ROXBURY TWP BOARD OF HEALTH 2 1 1 1 0 SALEM COUNTY DEPT OF HEALTH 11 5 5 3 1 SOMERSET COUNTY HEALTH DEPT 3 2 2 2 1 SOMERVILLE HEALTH DEPARTMENT 1 0 0 0 0 SOUTH BRUNSWICK HEALTH DEPT 3 0 0 0 0 SOUTH ORANGE HEALTH DEPT 1 1 1 1 0 TWP OF CRANFORD DEPT OF HEALTH 1 0 0 0 0 TWP OF HANOVER HEALTH DEPT 2 1 1 1 1 Local Health Department JERSEY CITY DIVISION OF HEALTH MONMOUTH COUNTY HEALTH DEPT MONMOUTH COUNTY REGIONAL HEALTH COMMISSION MONTCLAIR HEALTH DEPT PLAINFIELD HEALTH DEPT 36 Cases Referred 3 Investigation Required 3 Investigation Completed 3 Abatement Required 0 Abatement Completed 0 31 19 19 15 5 VINELAND DEPT OF HEALTH 5 0 2 1 1 WARREN COUNTY HEALTH DEPT 5 4 0 4 0 WEST CALDWELL HEALTH DEPT 1 1 1 0 0 WEST MILFORD TWP HEALTH DEPT 1 0 0 0 0 WEST NEW YORK HEALTH DEPT 2 2 2 1 1 15 13 12 11 3 WEST WINDSOR TWP HEALTH DEPT 2 2 1 1 1 WESTFIELD REGIONAL HEALTH DEPT 2 1 1 1 1 WESTWOOD HEALTH DEPT WOODBRIDGE TWP DEPT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SVCS 1 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 Local Health Department TWP OF UNION DEPT OF HEALTH TRENTON DEPT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SVCS WEST ORANGE HEALTH DEPT A new environmental case is generated and referred to the appropriate local health department when a child with an EBLL is reported who resides at an address that does not have an existing environmental case open. Reasons for investigation not required include property built after 1978 or property has lead-free certificate. The data for this table is based on case updates entered in LeadTrax as of August 21, 2017. Time frames may vary for the completion of abatements. 37 CHAPTER FIVE HEALTHY NEW JERSEY 2020 OBJECTIVE ADDRESSING ELEVATED BLOOD LEAD LEVELS IN NEW JERSEY’S CHILDREN Healthy People 2020: In October 2011, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services released Healthy People 2020 (HP2020) that established health objectives for the Nation for the next 10 years. The information below describes health objectives relative to childhood lead. Additional information about HP2020, can be found online at Environmental Health 8 (EH-8) Reduce blood lead levels in children. • Revised* Objective EH-8.1 Reduce blood lead levels in children aged 1–5 years. Baseline: 5.8 µg/dL—Concentration level of lead in blood samples at which 97.5% of the population aged 1-5 years is below the measured level in 2005–08. Target: 5.2 µg/dL of lead. Target-Setting Method: 10 percent improvement. Current Metric: 4.3 µg/dL of lead (2009-2012). Data Sources: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)/National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS). *Revision History: At launch, this objective was informational only. In 2014, the measure was changed from “elevated blood lead levels ≥10 micrograms/dL in children aged 1 to 5 years” to the “concentration of blood lead among children aged 1 to 5 years in the 97.5 percentile.” As a result, the original baseline was revised from 0.9 percent to 5.8 µg/dl. The target-setting method was changed from “not applicable” to “10 percent improvement” and a target of 5.2 µg/dl was established. • Revised* Objective EH-8.2: Reduce the mean BLLs in children. Baseline: 1.8 µg/dL—This was the average BLL in children aged 1-5 years in 2003–04. Target: 1.6 µg/dL average BLL. Target-Setting Method: 10 percent improvement. Current Metric: 1.0 µg/dL average BLL (2011-2012). Data Sources: NHANES, CDC/NHCS. *Revision History: In 2014, the original baseline was revised from 1.5 (2005-2008) to 1.8 (2003-2004) to align with other NHANES biomonitoring objectives. The target was adjusted from 1.4 to 1.6 to reflect the revised baseline using the original target-setting method. Periodicity was revised to biennial. 38 Healthy New Jersey 2020: Healthy New Jersey 2020 (HNJ2020) is the state's health improvement plan that establishes the health promotion and disease prevention agenda for New Jersey for the next 10 years. The information below describes health objectives relative to childhood lead. Additional information about HNJ2020 can be found online Maternal Child Health (MCH) Objectives • Revised* Objective MCH-11: Reduce blood lead levels in children aged 1-5 years to 4.5 µg/dL. Baseline: 8.0 µg/dL—This was the average BLL in children aged 1-5 years in 2005-08. Target: 4.5 µg/dL (U.S. target is 5.2 µg/dL). Target-Setting Method: 10 percent improvement. Definition of Metric: Concentration of blood lead in children aged 1 to 5 years in the 97.5 percentile. SFY2017: 5.0 µg/dL. Data Source: New Jersey Childhood Lead Information Database (LeadTrax). *Revision History: The original HNJ2020 objective was to reduce the proportion of children aged 1-5 years who have a blood lead level ≥ 10 µg/dL to 0.9%. The target was achieved early and maintained, so the objective was replaced. • Revised* Objective MCH-12: Reduce the mean blood lead levels in children aged 1-5 years to an average blood lead level of ≤ 1.5 µg/dL. Baseline: 3.2 µg/dL—This was the average BLL in children aged 1-5 years in 2005–08. Target: 1.5 µg/dL average BLL (U.S. target is 1.6 µg/dL average BLL). Target-Setting Method: 10 percent improvement. Definition of Metric: Mean (average) BLL in children aged 1 to 5 years. SFY2017: 1.5 µg/dL average BLL. Data Source: LeadTrax. *Revision History: The original HNJ2020 objective was to reduce the mean BLLs in children aged 1-5 years to an average of ≤ 2.9 µg/dL. 39