case No, 'fi 0/1) 013 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE Coun Geneial (2mm of Justice ORDER OF PROTECTION Disirict Court Division CONSENT ORDER County 'l'mq rq NORTH CAROLINA Gs FETITIONERIPLAINLIFF IDENTIFIERS :3 n? 39 We 31' 4 her, new ermine, And/or on behail 0' minor Iamtiy member(s) {Usl Name And DOE) other Prulemed Persons/EOEVERSUS IDENTIFIERS Cad 1 Am 0m Sex Race DOB HT WT ner rm. asl 1, Relationship to Petitioner @s/pouse [j lormer spouse 5 unmarried, or opposite sex, currenlly or lorrnerly living togelher Eyes Hair Scolal Security Number unmarried, have a child in common (MW 19;,me Dal opposite sex' currently or lormerly in daring relationship Drivers License No_ 5km Expiration Date onrrenr or lorrner household member A1 Doerent Darenaperent \jehrlo Doranochilo Respondem's/Deiendam's Address Features CAUTION: [3 Weapon lnvolyeo THE COURT HEREBY FINDS THAT: This mailer was heard by ihe riisirict calm judge' the court has jurisdlciion over ihe parties amt snhjeci marten and the hespondent/Delenoant has been provided with reasonable notice and upponunlly to be heard Additional findings at this order are set lorih on Page 2. THE OURT HEREBY ORDERS THAT: he above named Respondenunelendanl shall nol commri any further ems oldomestic Violence or make any threats ol domesllc lenoa 508-1). The above named Respondent/Delenclant shall have no contact With the Petitioner/Plaintirt No coniaei includes any contact. except through an attorney. diren or indirecl, by means such as (elephnne' personal contact, email, pager. or telelarsimile machine {as} Aomtionai terms ollhis alder are as set lonh on Pages a and A. The ierrns ordershall be eilecirye until 72 74) 4: go WARNINGS TO THE This ordershall be enrorced, eyen wiihoul registration, by the courts olany state, the Dislricl oi Columbia, and any us, Terriiory, and may be enforced by Tribal Lsnos (18 u.s.c. Section zzasi. Crossing state. (armorial, or meal boundaries to violate this oroernray resuli in federal imprisonment (1E u.s.c, Section Federal law makes li a crime luryou pussess. transport. ship Dr receive any llrearm or ammunition while this order is in effect even iltnis order does not prohihiryou lrunr possessing firearms. (13 u.s.c. Section 9221mm]. This urderwill be enforced anywhere in North Carolina. Only ihe Connesn change this order, The laintiff sannoi ive nu ermission to See warnings on Page 4. tare this order. 12/15 a 2015 Administrnilve Office or me Courts "in? Tittiesat'fi?iwf?ese . .. ADDITIONAL FINDINGS 1. Present at the hearing were: we plaintiff represented by Leaf-e. Qme defendant represented by 0?s! ear 2. As indicated by the check block under Respondent/Defendant's name on Page 1. the parties are or have been in a personal relationship. 3. On (date of most recent conduct} (4: . the defendant a. attempted to cause Intentionally caused bodily injury to l3 the plaintiff minor child(ren) in the custody of the plaintiff b. placed in fear of imminent serious bodily injury the plaintiff a member of the plaintiff?s family a member of the plaintiffs household Era placed in fear of continued harassment that rises to such a level as to in?ict substantial emotionat distress E?ihe plaintiff a member of plaintiff?s family a member of plaintiffs household d. committed an act de?ned in G.S. 14- [l 27.21 deg. rape) 27.22 (2nd deg. rape) 27.26 deg. sexual off.) 27.27 deg. sexual off.) 27. 33 (sexual battery) 27 31 (sexual activity by substitute parent) against the plaintiff child(ren) living with or in the custody of the plaintiff by (describe defendant's conduct) ?fe 5W Wore??1t per/5W7 )o/thrz/?/TWM elf?{m 7547/ 4. The defendant is in possession of. owns or has access to ?rearms, ammunition. and gun permits described below. {Describe att firearms, ammunition, gun permits and give identifying numbeds) if known, and indicate where defendant keeps ?rearms.) 5. The defendant a. [3 used threatened to use a deadly weapon against the plaintiff minor child(ren) residing with or in the custody of the plaintiff b. has a pattern of prior conduct involving the use threatened use of violence with a firearm against persons c. made threats to seriously injure or kill the plaintiff minor child(ren) residing with or in the custod of the t'ff am I d. made threats to commit suicide e. in?icted serious injuries upon the plaintiff minor child(ren) residing with or in the custody of the plaintiff in that (state facts) Ci 6. The defendant Ci plaintiff is presently in possession of the parties' residence at Ci 7. The defendant plaintiff is presently in possession of the parties' vehicles described betow: 8. Other: (specify) Page 2 of 4. Rev. 12115 (Over) 2015 Administrative Oftice of the Courts ,9 . Remy-Lg; 33f". :i'ggf?gi - . .- Base on these facts, the Court makes the following conclusions of law: 1. The defendant has committed acts of domestic violence against the plaintiff. A. .. have . 'w?i-u?rti?ki Ci 2. The defendant has committed acts of domestic violence against the minor child(ren) residing with or in the custody of the plaintiff. El 3. There is danger of serious and immediate injury to the El plaintiff. minor child(ren). 4. The defendant's conduct requires that he/she surrender all ?rearms, ammunition and gun permits. (GS. SOB-3.1) 5 The plaintiff has failed to prove grounds for issuance of a domestic violence protective order. .. .. at?? .. . ORDER [fr ?it? it IS ORDERED that: m? 1. the defendant shall not assault, threaten, abuse, follow, harass (by telephone, visiting the home or workplace, or other means), or interfere with the plaintiff. A law enforcement of?cer shall arrest the defendant if the of?cer has probable cause to believe the defendant has violated this provision. [01] 2. the defendant shall not assault, threaten, abuse, follow, harass (by telephone, visiting the home or workplace, or other means), or interfere with the minor child(ren) residing with or in the custody of the plaintiff. A law enforcement of?cer shall arrest the defendant if the of?cer has probable cause to believe the defendant has violated this provision. [01] 3. the defendant shall not threaten a member of the plaintiff's family or hdusehold. [02] 3a. the defendant shall not cruelly treat or abuse an animal owned, possessed, kept, or held as a pet by either party or minor child residing in the household. 4. the plaintiff is granted'possession of, and the defendant is excluded from, the parties' residence described above and all personal property located in the residence except for the defendant's personal clothing, toiletries and tools of trade. [03] 5. any law enforcement agency with jurisdiction shall evict the defendant from the residence and shall assist the plaintiff in returning to the residence. [08] 6. the plaintiff [08} defendant [08] is entitled to get personal clothing, toiletries, and tools of trade from the parties' residence. A law enforcement of?cer shall assist the CI plaintiff Ddefendant in returning to the residence to get these items. El 6a; the plaintiff is granted the care, custody, and control of any animal owned, possessed, kept, or held as a pet by either party or minor child residing in the household. m. the defendant shall stay away from the plaintiff?s residence or any place where the plaintiff receives temporary shelter. A law enforcement of?cer shall arrest the defendant if the of?cer has probable cause to believe the defendant has violated this provision. [04] 8. the defendant shall stay away from the following places: the place where the plaintiff works. [04] . any school(s) the child(ren) attend. [04] . [j the place where the child(ren) receive(s) day care. [04 the plaintiff?s school. [04] Other: (name Otherpiaces) [04] The sheriff must deliver a copy of this order to the principal or the principal's designee at the following school(s): (name schools) 9. the plaintiff is granted possession and use of the vehicle described in Block 7 on Page 2. [08] CI 10. the defendant is ordered to make payments to the plaintiff for support of the minor child(ren) as required by law. [08] 11. the defendant is prohibited from El or receiving [07] purchasing a ?rearm for the effective period of this Order [07] and the defendant?s concealed handgun permit is suspended for the effective period of this Order. [08] I: The defendant is a law enforcement of?cer/member of the armed services and may may not possess or use a ?rearm for of?cial use. - 12. the defendant surrender to the sheriff serving this order the ?rearms, ammunition, and gun permits described in block No.4 of the Findings on Page 2 of this Order and any other ?rearms and ammunition in the defendant's care, custody, possession, ownership or control. NOTE TO DEFENDANT: You must surrender these items at the time the sheriff serves this Order on you. If the weapons cannot be surrendered at that time, you must surrender them to the sheriff within 24 hours at the time and place specified by the sheriff. Failure to surrender the weapons and permits as ordered or possessing, purchasing, or receiving a firearm, ammunition or permits to purchase or carry concealed firearms after being ordered not to possess firearms, ammunition or permits, is a crime. See "Notice To Parties: To The Defendant" on Page 4 of this Order for information regarding the penalty for these crimes and instructions on how to request return of surrendered weapons. [j 13. the defendant shall attend and complete an abuser treatment program offered by the following agency, which is approved by the Domestic Violence Commission: [08] (Over) Page 3 of 4. Rev. 12/15 2015.Adrninistrative Of?ce of the Courts 14. Other: (spedfy) [08] 15. this action is dismissed and as of this date any ex parte order issued in this case is nuil and void. s?agm . ?75? ?iffwieswl TEMPORARY CUSTODY FOR CONSENT JUDGMENTS ONLY Each of enters into this Consent Order knowingly, freely. and voluntarily. The defendant understands that in consenting to this Order all of the consequences set out in the Notice to Parties and Warnings to Respondent/Defendant in this Order apply. Ci Each of us agrees that no ?ndings of fact and conclusions of few will be included in this consent protective order. Date Signature Of Plaintiff Date Signature or Defendant its"? SIGNATURE OF JUDGE a Date Name Of District Court dge (type or print) Court Ju Able/Dow par/22 Mater . NOTICE TO PARTIES TO THE DEFENDANT: 1. if this Order prohibits you from possessing, receiving or purchasing a ?rearm and you violate or attempt to violate that provision, you may be charged with a Class felony pursuant to North Carolina G.S. 14-2693 and may be imprisoned for up to 39 months. 2. if you have been ordered to surrender your ?rearms, ammunition, and gun permits and you fail to surrender them as required by this Order, or if you failed to disclose to the Court all information requested about possession of these items, or provided false information to the Court about any of these items, you may be charged with a Class felony and may be imprisoned for up to 39 months. if you surrendered your ?rearms, ammunition, and permits. you may ?le a motion for the return of weapons with the clerk of court in the county in which this Order was entered when the protective order is no longer in effect, except if at the time this Order expires, criminal Charges, in either state or federal court, are pending against you and are alleged to have been committed against the person who is protected by this Order, you may not ?le for return of the ?rearms until ?nal disposition of the criminal Charges. The form, "Motion For Return Of Weapons Surrendered Under Domestic Violence Protective Order" AOC-CV-319, is available from the Clerk of court's of?ce. The motion must be ?led not later than 90 days after the expiration of the Order that required you to surrender the ?rearms or if you have pending criminal charges alleged to have been committed against the person who is protected by the domestic violence protection order, the motion must be filed not later than 90 days after final disposition of the criminal charges. At the time you ?le the motion, the clerk will schedule a hearing before the district court for a judge to determine whether to return the surrendered weapons to you. The sheriff cannot return your weapons unless the Court orders the sheriff to do so. You must pay the sheriff?s storage fee before the sheriff returns your weapon. If you fail to ?le a motion for return of the weapons within 90 days after the expiration of this Order, or the ?nal disposition of criminal charges pending at the time this Order expired, or if you fail to pay the storage fees within 30 days after the Court enters an order to return your weapons, the sheriff may seek an order from the Court to dispose of your weapons. TO THE PLAINTIFF: 1. You should keep a copy of this protective order on you at all times and should make copies to give to your friends and family. if you move to another county or state. you may wish to give a copy to the law enforcement agency where you move. but you are not required to do so. 2. The court orjudge is the only one that can make changes to this order. If you wish to change any of the terms of this order, you must come back into court to have the judge modify the order. 3. If the defendant violates any provision of this order, you may call a law enforcement of?cer or go to a magistrate to charge the defendant with the crime of violating a protective order. You also may go to the clerk of court's of?ce in the county where the protective order was issued and ask to ?ll out form Motion For Order To Show Cause Domestic Violence Protective Order, to have an order issued for the defendant to appear before a district court judge to be held in contempt for violating the order. ?it CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE WHEN DEFENDANT NOT PRESENT AT HEARING ?es . . I certify that this Order and Notice to Parties has been served on the defendant named by depositing a copy in a post- addressed envelope in a post of?ce or of?cial depository under the exclusive care and custody of the United States Date Signature ya paid, properly ostal Service. [3 Deputy CSC - Assistant CSC Clerk 0! Superior Court Other AOC-CV-306, Page 4 of 4, Rev. 12/15 (Over) 2015 Administrative Of?ce of the Courts